Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 06, 1905, Image 1

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No. 27
I Can Show You :
S 3.50
14 00
Male Money Mate Money
per month and get back
$)23 In advance will return
650 .
$ 700 In 10 years
2100 "
2800 "
$ 500 in 6 yeara
- 1000 " "
Compound Interest Does It !
No Risk! No Speculation! J
Your money back, if you want it, any time after on year.
W. L. IRELAND, "The Real Estate Man." J
Ground Floor Courier Hldg. Grants Pass, Ore.
County Assessor W. H. Falliu lias
completed the making op of the an
sessinineut roll for Josephine comity
for the year 11)05. By the subjoined
itemized statement it will be seen that
the total ralnation of all property for
11)05 is $4, 202,880, while for 1904 it was
2,250,C.tO, a gain of $2,250,UH).
While this increase is largely due to
the raisi in valuations which Assessor
Fallin has made, yet a comparison of
the roll for this year with that of last
year discloses tin fart that the wealth
of the county has made a must sub
stantial increase, quite us large pro
por'.ionately as the most prosperous
conuties of eht lute.
The totals for the various items on
the assessment roll for 11)05 and 1004
are as follows :
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking business.
Receives deposits subject to cheek or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent wiiu miunu ituiiKing principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
R. A. IiOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, t'ashier.
Bert Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens'
Grants Pass, Ore.
G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company
Is in a position to give bargains in Real Estate, in farm aud city
property, vacant or improved lots, mines (placer or quartz).
Timlier lands for sale.
Grants Pass is enjoying good times, and times are getting
better. Never in the history ol Josephine county has there
been a better and more profitable opportunity offered to the
investor than cau be found right here at the present time.
While property is cheap is the time to buy. People should
wake tip and look around and see what is being sold every day
around them. Come and see us we can tell you something.
G (Front) street, Grants Pass, Oregon
OflW and telephone removed to Golden Gut stable, opposite Hotel Jowt-
phine, for July and August while our new stable is being erected.
The Pioneer Grocer
osephine County Valuation Now About
$4,000 000 Rate to Be Lower
le of February. All taxes on the roll
for 1904 that were not paid prior to
the Brst Monday in October of this
year are now deilnqnent aud Sheriff
Lewis will soou begin to prepare the
delinquent roll, aud after which it
will be advertised aud if not paid the
property will be sold at publio sale
by the county to cover the auiouut of
taxes dun ou it.
The taxpayers of (Josephine county
will be interested in the following
from the Ash land Tidings of Monday,
in tegurd to the valuations of property
in Jackson conuty:
"The Jackson conuty board of
equalization consisting of Connty
Judge Q. W. Dnun, County Clerk
John S. Orth aud Connty Assessor
Peter Applegate, convened this morn
I'.HW. 1904,
No. acres of tillable laud 19.48(1 19,0:!
Value of tillable land IT0,9I5 1219,7 0
No. acres noutilalble land H43.104 8N5.B90
Valueof nou-tillahle laud m.?5 t41.446
Value of improvements on deeded or patcuted land 21 SI, 2:15 1 1 1 . 4 6
Value cf all Lots 80U.4'.5 10(1,145
Value of improvements on town lots 42."i,28"i 190, (SCO
Value of improvements ou land not deeded l:2, 4115 118,705
Value railroad bed, telephone, telegraph lines, oto 47H,74.r 1D7.0N5
Value of rolling stuck 8(1,920 14,705
alueof steamboats, sailboats, statiuary eugiucg and
manufacturing uiarhiuery 29:1, 105 103, 1 76
Value ol nierchauidse and slock in trade 201,1110 119,225
Farmiug implemeuts, wagons, carriuges, etc 81,480 20,286
Money 17,890 6,0.r,
Notes and accounts HI ,4 ill 411,790
No. shares of stock 8,449 3,HSfl
Value I 4,500 f 1,780
Household furniture, watches, jewelry, etc 44,530 43,145
No. of horses aud mules 1,093 1,488
Value 1 47,120 33,6(16
No. of cattle 4,445 4,711
Value 71,50 33.265
No. of sheep aud goats 1,417 1,812
Value .1 8,716 f 2.H20
No. of swine 943 r,44
Value 8,580 1,875
Gross value of all property 4,284, 1H3 2,034,095
exemptions a,42ft Nona
Total value taxable propertv,4, 203, 3811.
Increase on roll of1904, 2,250,(190.
Routes for Which Mail Contracts
Are Wanud bv Postoffcc
Monday the Josephine county board
of equalization, consisting of County
Jndgo J. O. Booth, Assessor V. II.
Faliln and County Clerk F.S Cheshire,
met as provided by law for the ad
justment of any inequalities of assess
ment that may have been made. So
thonroghly and so equally hurt Assessor
Fallin done his work that there is no
serious couiplniut uiado at all by a
single taxpayer on the roll and the
roll will Hand as he has made it up.
It will now be turned over to the
conn'y clerk, who will make a sum
mary of it to 1 filed with the secre
tary of taie at Salem, and he will
also make a full copy for the use of
the sheriff in collecting taxes. The
rate for taxes for state and county pur
poses will be fixed by the state lKiard
aud by the county court during the
coming January aud the roll will be
ready for Sheriff Lewisabnnt the mill
ing, to examine the assessment roll
and hear any objections of taxpayers
"The roll as presented to the board
shows a total assessed valantion of
approximately 13,000,000 in the
connty, an Increase of three fold over
last year, when the total valuations
returned by Assessor Jones was fonr
aud a half millions of dollars. Assess
or Applegate has deviated from the
practices of previous assessors and
doubled and trebled previous assess
ment values generally. The total
assessment levied against the rail
road company upon its lands, roadbed,
rolling stock, etc., aggregates 3,500,
000. The roadbed is assessed at
30,000 per mile.
Little objection to the assessments
as made are anticipated. At noon
today not a single formal objection
had been entered."
Proceedings ol the Fortieth Ses
sion, Held In Grants Pass
Latl Week.
A Specialty Tliia Week
Fresh Fruits of All Kinds
Tomatoes for canning.
Fruit jars, tops and rubbers
New Piices for
beginning August 1st,
prices for Caskets wil tie as
follows :
All $25 Caskets reduced to $15
AU$.10 " " $20
$35 & $40 " " $25
Black Cloth Caskets reduced
50 per cent.
Hearst and service in proportion.
These prices are for cash only.
A. U. Bannard
DIG Furniture Store
North 6th St..
The fortieth session of the Columbia
Annual Coi ference M. K. church,
South, met in tills city Thursday,
Sept. 2H, Bishop II. C. Morrison, of
New Orleans, La., presiding.
All of tl e pastors, except two, aud
all of the lay delegates were present,
and also quite a number of visitors
from various sections of the district.
The sessions of the conference were
very largely attended by the local
membership not only of the Sonth
Methodist church but 1 y members of
other communions as well.
There seems never to havo been a
more harmonious and hopeful church
gathering iu our city. Kvery preacher
and every layman seemed to lie well
pleased with himsslf aud with every
body else aud especially with tirants
Pass and her generous hospitality.
Kev. O. II. Gibbs, of Milton, Ore.,
financial agent of Columbia college,
by address aud sermon stirred the con
ference into greater enthusiasm aud
larger hope for the success of the most
excellent school which he represents.
Kev. Wiley Phillips, of Los Antieles,
Cal., editor of the California Voice,
addressed the conference ou Katurdiy
evening on the "Twin KviU, the
Saloon aud the liiothel aud What Is
Being Due to Get Kid of Ihem. " He
if a force'ul, clear speaker whose
word pictures are tainted with the
skill of a powerful artist.
Kev. W. K. Vaughn, editor of the
Pacific Methodist Advocate, looked iu
00 the con ferine with his beaming
counteuauce on Friday evening aud
remained over Sunday. His address
oo "Missions" Sunday evening Inns
the marks of the profound student
ipeakiug from deep conviction.
The statistics of the conference show
the work to have made very consider
able advancement along all lines. The
total amount of money raised is esiw-
cially noticeable, being something over
f iIhhi more than last year.
I he bisliop endeared himself more
closely than ever to each member of
the conference. Ho showd himself
at all times to be not simply the
mighty master of assemblies by bis
strong, lirm, accurate ruling in the
business sessions, tiut the symiiatlictic
brother and friend at all times. His
sermon at 1 1 a. in. Sunday from the
text, " Kxcepl a Corn of When! Fall
Into the Ground and Die It Ahideth
Alone, " John 12:24, was a clear, mas
terful presentation of the law of "I, iff
(Jut of Death. " The bishop stands in
toe i root rank or pulpit orators and he
was Inllr up to his best on tlm occa
sioti. A Imost the whoh congregation
went away with exclamatious of de
light upon their lips.
The Newman M. F. church olcssi-d its
doors ou Sunday lo give their people
an opportunity to hear the bislinv, and
otlier puplits of th'i town were filled
bv the me'tiliers of the conference and
visitors as folbws: Free Methodist
II. C. Allen, II at. in. ; A. J. Ktarmer
7 :30 p in. Newman M K. church, C.
L. McCaiislaiiri, 7 :!it p m ; liaplist
churc h, Kev. G. II. Gitibs, 7 :S0 p . m.
The preachers are stationed for the
ensuing year as follows:
Willamette district C . L. Met 'ana
Inud, presiding elder, Portland. K.
H Mowre and J. W. Craig superuum
Kuvanaugh K A. Keaivan.
Lebanon and iirwousville II. N
Cor vs. I is J. A. F.llisou.
TaiiKeut and Albany E. ii. Jones.
Ilarrishurg C. A Kexroad.
Junction City and Lewisvllle P. I)
feoria and Mcrarlann J o be sup
Kosebrog H C. Brown.
Coqollle H M lirauliaro.
Mvrtle Point To be supplied. W.
B. Sin t til superrumerary.
Calaxiia aud Ieer Creek H. It,
Mvrtle Creek To be supplied.
Grants Pass W. T. Goulder.
Williams A. J. Htarmer.
Medfrod To tie supplied.
Transferred John Keeves to Fast
Columbia conference and stationed at
Davton, Wash. ; K. K. Wright to Urn
Angeles couferccne.
The postollice department is adver
tising for bids for canying the mail
on the star, steamboat aud wagon
routes in the western and southern
territories. These contracts are to ruu
from July 1, 1006, to Juue 80, 11)10, a
period of four years. Bids w-ill be re
ceived by the second assistant post
master general until 4:30 p. ui. of De
cember, 1905. Information as to the
contracts to be let cau be had of the
secoud'assistaut postmaster general, at
Washington, D. C, or of C. K. Har
mon, postmaster at urauts rase, re
garding the routes in Josephiuo county.
The following are the routes iu Jose
phine connty, together with the ser
vice required aud the pay under the
preseut contract :
711,255 From Grants Pass, by Wil-
derville, Wonder, Selnia, Kerby, Waldo,
Ore., aud Monumental, to Crescent
City, Cal., W.i'iO milts aud back, seven
times a week.
April Id to November 15.
Leave Grants Pass daily at 7 a m ;
Arrive at Crt scout City iu 24 hours;
Leave Cresceut City daily at 5 p m ;
Arrive at Grants Pass in 24 hours.
November 1(1 to April 15.
Leave Grants Pass dally at 7 .00 a m ;
Arrive at Waldo in 10 hours;
Leave Waldo daily at J a m ;
Arrive at Cresceut City in 14 hours.
Leave descent City daily at 1 a m ;
Arrive at Waldo in 14 hours;
Leave Waldo daily at 7 a m;
Arrive at Grants Pass iu 10 hours.
Bond required with bid, $11,000.
Present contract pay, $0800 per year.
78, 2.ri From Deering to Waldo, S
miles and back, three times a week.
Leave Deering Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 a m ;
Arrive at Waldo by Dam;
Leave Waldo Tuesday, Thursday aud
Saturday at 10 a in ;
Arrive at Deering by 12 m.
Bond required with bid, $"i00. Pros
ent coutratct pay, $200.
711,257 From Takilina to Waldo, I
miles and back, six times a week.
Leavo Takilina daily, excopt Snuday,
at 4 p iu;
Arrive at Waldo by 4 :45 p in ;
Leave Waldo dally, except Sunday, on
receipt of mall from Grants Pass,
but not later than 7pm;
Arrive at Takilma iu 45 minutes.
Bond required with bid, $500. Frel-
out contract pay, $'.'25.
'3,858 From Kerby, by Althouse mid
Holland, to Browutown, 14.14 miles
aud back, six times a week between
Kerby and Holland (10.14 miles), aud
three times a week tho residue.
Leave Kerby Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 7 :45 a m ;
Arrive at Holland by 10:45 a in;
Leave Holland Monday, Weduesday
aud Friday at 1 1 :45 a in ;
Arrive at Kerby by 2:45 p in;
Laeve Kerby Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 :I5 a m ;
Arrive at Browutown by 12 ni;
Leave Browutown Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at I p in ;
Arrive at Kerby b 5:15 p m.
Bond required with bid, $1400. Pres
ent contract pay, $121.02.
73,2511 From Dryden to Helinu, 5.50
miles and back, three times a week.
Leave Dryden Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 1 1 a ui ;
Arrive at Solum by I p in ;
Leavo Helma Tuesday, Thursday and
Katurduy ou receipt of mail from
Grunts Pass, but not Inter than 3 p m ;
Arrive at Dryden in 2 hours.
Bond required with bid, $500. Pres
ent contract pay, $1 10.40
73.2C.O Fr iin William by Provolf and
Murphy, to Grunts Pass, 20.37 miles
aud hack, six times a week.
I e.tve Williams daily, except Sunday,
at 7 a in ;
Arrive at Grants Pass by 1 p m ;
Leave Grants Pass daily, except Hun
day, at 1 30 p m ;
Arrive at Williams by 7 :30 p in.
Bond required with bid, $2000. Pres
ent contract pay, $120.
73,201 F'rom Merlin to Galice, II
miles and back, six times a week.
Laeve Merlin dally, ex opt Sunday, at
7 a in ;
Arrive at Gali'-e by 12 m ;
Leave Galice daily, except Sunday, at
1 p I" ;
Arrive at Merlin by II p in.
lioud niuir d with bid, $I.VJ0. Pres
ent contract pav, T.i'.i.
7.1,202 From Wolf Cru-k by Golden,
to (ireeuback, 7.14 miles and back, six
times a week.
Iav Wolf Creek d -lly, except Hun
day, on roccipt of mail from funis
due at 0:27 a m and H :32 a in, but nut
later than 10 a in ;
Arrive at Greeuback in 2 hours;
Lento (ireeuback daily, except Sun
dav, at 12 3d p in ;
Arrive at Wolf Creuk by 2 30 p m.
Bond required it Is bid $:ssi. Pres
ent contract pay, $131.711
73,203 From Iceland, by Grave, to
Placer, 11.50 miles and back, six times
a week
Leave Lelsud dally, except Hunday,
in receipt of mall from trains duo at
0:07 a in and 8:5.1 a m, but not later
than 10 :3 a m ;
Arrive at Placer in 3 hours.
Leave Placer dally, except Sunday, al
X p m ;
Arrive at Inland by r p in.
Bond required with bid, $1200. Pres
ent contract pay, $145.40.
And with it comes suggestions regarding your
Winter necessities. We are well prepared to
, cater to your wants. This immense store is full
of the necessary comforts of life all the new
and latest and more coming every day; the
HEATERS and RANGES $4.50 to $50 10 year guarantee.
BLANKETS, Comforts and Spreads, 90c to $7.50.
PILLOWS 65c to $2.50.
INDIAN ROBES $4.90 up.
PORTIERES $3.50 to $10.
CARPETS Closisg out some numbers 20- off.
RUGS Sample Rugs $2.25 and $2.50, reduced to $1.90.
I''URNITlTRE New Dressers, new shapes, new prices.
Gentlemen's Shaving Stand and Collarette.
NEW LINOLEUMS, best makes, 60 to 85c yard.
NEW PICTURE MOULDINGS, beautiful effects.
A visit to our 10c Bargain Coutiter of Dishes will be a pleas
ing and profitable surprise to you.
Thomas & O'Neill
HoHset'urnisluTS ot Souliern Oregon
Oregonlan Gives Complimentary
Wrlteup of Josephine County
to Advertise Its Resources.
The OrcKonlaii of Sunday last aave a
duo cut of the Josephine county ex
hibit at the Lewis aud Clark fair aud
a complimentary wrlte up of the coun
ty. With the groat circulation that
the OreKoutiin has all over the Coast
as well as iu the Eastern Htates this
mention of our county will lie read by
thousands of persons aud will be a big
factor In calling the attention of In
vestors and linmesoekers to a section
of Oiegon that is destined to soon be
come one of the most productive and
wealthy parts of the state.
The following is the Uregonliiu's ar
ticle in full :
Coutunt with the fact that the world
knows of its wonder'ul production of
fruits, grains and grasses, Josephine
county, Orcgnu, at the Lewis and
Clark exposition, bus Installed in the
Agricultural building and in the Minna
building, one of the most interesting
exhibits of minerals at the fair.
Iu its booth in tho former structure,
a tall pyramid of ores, and two Im
mense banks of minerals on either
side, together with cases and cabinets
of rmelted ores, attract aud hold the
attention of visitors. But few people,
except those familiar with milling
realize the value of the gold ore (lis
piny oil "1 n a glass case on one side of
the booth.
Gold in nuggets, gold in flakes, pla
cer gold and bar gold, to the inexperi
enced eye looking like so much brass,
is placed in a glass case and la esti
mated to be worth $10,000. This small
fortune was dug out of mines located
near Grants Pass and is hut a very
small part of the wealth yearly ex
tracted from the earth in that famed
Mining is the foremost in the long
list of industries Iu the county. Jose
phiue county is termed the pioneer
mining county of Oregon. Gold was
(list discovered ill the county iu April
of the year I Sol. It Is stated that at
la st four llfihs of the atea of the
county is rich in mineral wealth. Hide
by side with fields of alfalfa and or-
uuariis, vineyards anil hnpllclils, are
mines of go'd, nipper, iron ami otlier
Placer mines iu the county yield
from $211,000 to t7ri,(SKI aniiu.'lly, and
bemuse of the fact that the rivers are
onuitvigable, this form of ml mug is
carried ou iu tlis coonty with oo re
striction. Ground in the placer ohan
uels carries from 8 to SO cents a yard
Iu free gold, aud gravel ii frequently
found beariug from 80 cents to $1
Josephine conuty claims to have
some of the richest and best produolng
quarti uiiues oo the Paclflo Coast, al
though this phase of mining Is still iu
Its infancy in the oouuty. More than
luO mlues are oow being operated and
developed In the oounty, and the oat-
pot runs very near the million mark
annually. Last year a boy found a
chunk of pure gold valued at $30,000
iu the famous Bunker Creek district,
aud similar fluds are recorded very
The largest aud richest copper reiu
in Oregon, it is claimed, 'la located iu
the famous Waldo district, in the
southern part of the connty. This belt
is 25 miles wide and 50 tulles long,
aud exteuds fat into California. Enor
mous smelters are already lo operation.
Id this oounty, aud more are promised
within the ooxt few mouths.
Borne of the finest marble iu the
United Htates Is found In tbis county,
the most plentiful being the blaok and
gray. Several speoimens, beautifully
polished, are on exhibition at the exposition.
Hut not alone iu minerals is Jose
phine rich, but Jin the kind of gold
that grows iu trees, is it especially
blessed. The timlier resources aud the
lumber industry inns the mining In
dustry a close secoud iu the oounty,
Josephine has 1,186,040 acres, nearly
one-half of which is covered with a
dense growth of timber.
8 ugar pine, red aud whits cedar
and oak are extremely plentiful, as is
laurel wood. More than 9,804, 8110,000
feet of laurel aud oak are uow stand
ing in the county.
"The Country That God lieoiem
hered" la the grateful cry of the peo
ple of the county, and a glimpse of its
orchards aud fields gives sulliolent rea
son for the glad slogan of its people,
W. II. Ilarrisou, Cleveland, Miss.,
writes, Ang. 15, 1WKJ: "1 want to
say a word of praise for Ilallard'a
Know Liniment. I stepped ou a nail
which caused the cords in my leg to
ooulruct aud an ahoess tn rise Iu my
knee and the doctor told ma that I
would have a stiff leg, so oue day 1
went to J. F. Lord's drug store
( who Is now iu Denver, Col ) He
recommended a bottle of rtunw Uni
on nt; 1 got a 50n sixe, aud it cored
my leg. It Is the best liulmest iu
the world. "
AliCKSSKS, with few exceptions,
are indicative of coustlatlon nr
debilit). They may however result
from blows or from foreigu bodies in
troduced into the skin or tlesli such as
splinters, thorns, etc. For sale by
Kotermuud and Model Drug Hture.
. Paddock's Bicycltj Den.
i i i lit