ROGUE RIVER. COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. SEPTEMBER- 29, 1905. 3 Red Letter Days Sales Big' Reduction in Men's Hats $1.60. 2.oo, 2.60 and 3.oo Hals Red Letter Days, H.oo The famous M. A. Packard shoe for men, former price $3.50 3.00 Shoes in all leathers & stylet . . 2.50 2.00 The Excelsior shoes for boys 2.50 2,00 2.00 1.50 A California made shoe for boys 2.50 2.00 Misses' School shoes 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.75 1.50 C. P. Ford A G. M. Kutz shceB 3.50 3.00 All Ladies' shoes 2.50 , 2.00 Men's high cut shoes 6.00 ,. 5.25 6,00 4.25 ( l tt tf ' 4.00 3.25 3.50 3.00 Gentlemen's and Ladies' Umbrellas from 50c to $10.00 each. Dry goods. Men's, Ladies', and Children's underwear all at a big reduction for the 3 ItI3I IliTJLTriSJt IYJS Hept ember 2J. tmi ;j(. R. O. McCROSKEY Next Door to First .National Hank. Art You Engaged? - EofraKfld pnoiile should reumujtmr, that nflnr nmrrliiK1'. niauy qonrroli oau be avoided, by keeping their di RSitlom In good condition witli Eleotrio Bittern. S. A. Brown, of Bennettavtlle, S. O., nay: "For yean my wife nofToreri iutuuHuly from ilywpHl complicated with torpid liver until ilie 1oh( her utruiiRth mid vigor and became a mere wreok of Imr former mlf. Tbnn Mie tried Eleotrlo BitterH which helid her at ouch and Anally made her entirely well. She in now itroiiK and healthy." All drug giHta Dell aud garantee them at 6Uo a bottle. Like finding Money. Finding health in like finding money no think those who are nick. When yoo have a oongli, cold, wire throat, or client irritation, better act promptly like W. O. Burlier of Sand Level, Va. Ho Raya: "I had a ter rible cheat trouble, canacd by amoke and coal dnat on my lnnga; hot after flndlng no relief hi other remeiiea, waa cried by Dr. King'a New Din oovory for ('onauinption, Congha and Oolda. " Ureateat wile of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At all d'ugglsta; fifto and 11.00; goarau tecd. Trial bottle free. MISS BR00KINS ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The Doctrin of Mra. Eddy Ex pounded by Prominent Lady Lecturer. An appreciative audience waa in at tendance at the Opera Hooae laat Mon day evening to hear Miaa Miry Brook ina, O. 8. B., of Minneapolis, lecture on Chriatian Science, the aobject be ing "Chriatianity la Science and Demonstrable'.' The apeaker waa in troduced by Judge Booth, who aaid in part aa follows : "Ladles aud Gentlemen: We have with oa tonight a very distinguished lady in the person of Miss Mary Brookins, of Minneapolis. We have the opportunity and privilege of bear ing a noted lecturer, one of the eigh teen members constituting the board of lecturers for the United State, and if am correctly advised, one of the eighteen of the entire orld, clothed witli authority to lecture publicly up on the subject of Chriatian Hoi- uce. The public presa and many distin guished persons throughout the coun try have apoken , in highest terms of Miss Brookina. The honor 'of intro ducing a lady so distinguished lias been conferred upon me, who is not a member of the society, by the local memhers in authority. I, therefore, esteem It a privilege to be permitted to do as mncli, aud I now take great pleasure, ladies ana gentlemen, in pre senting to you at this time Miss Mary BrooUus, and ask you to give her a careful aud patient hcariug. " Miaa Brookina' address, in part, was a follows: Christ Jesus expounded and exempli fied Life that means power, authority, dominion over the Mesh, it was not after the storm had subsided, but in the very midst of its fury that He said : "Peace, be still," aud there waa u great calm. He did not wait for the ascension before declaring : "I have overcome the world." In view of these asNuraiicea of mau't dominion oer all material elements, illustrated by what has actually oc curred, it will never lie found in the mind of man to be content with any thing losa than the conscious posses sion and exeroise of life that is in per fect conxonauce with absolute good. Christian Science teaches that the two Chriatian oflioes of pieachiug the gospel aud healing the sick are so in- aeperable, ao equal in importance, and so identified in porpone and method that one's Christian life la incomplete if eiher one is omitted. In a system wherein science and religion are one, the theology must be curativn. Christian Scientists have been called a prayerlesa people, but like many of the atatementa'concerning them, thia one is quite the opposite of the fact. Indeed, it ia only through the teach ings of thia Science that we have found it possible to obey the acriptural in junction: "Pray without ceasing" While no ooe can be continually in the attitude of prayer, nor forever re peating ita words or formulae, one can always be in silent spiritual commun ion with hia God. Through the peculiar method of our church aervice, in which the entire congregation is privileged to partici pate, our people are turned to closer and more general study of the Holy Scriptures. It would be impossible to find any class of people more devoted to the study of the Bible than the Christian Scientists are, for they have learued to regard it, not so much a history of the past nor a prophecy of the futrue as a revelation of eternal Truth, which ia "the same yesterday, today and forever," and which conse quently applies with, full force to the needs of the present time. Ho this Science that is religions be cause it is of God, and this religion that is scientific because it is foumied upon eternal fai t, instead of fancy or blind faith, aud are welded into one sound and demonstrable doctrine, whose verity is attested by "sigua fol lowing. " Though not given much to Btatisiicr, we can say without exagger ation that manv hundreds of thous ands of so-called incurable cases of disease have been healed through Christian Science. Notwithstanding this astounding statement its work is by no means confine! to the euro of physical ills rather is this incidental to the vastly greater mission of heal ing siu and leading iu all matters of genuine reform. It reclaims the sin ner, not through fear of punishment nor anticipation of reward, but by the supremacy of Mind that is good, dis pelling the illusion of his love of sin, and by so uplifting his sense of good aud enlarging his atfectlon for it, that he ceases to find satisfaction ill aught but the way of holiness. Hosts of people have been and are being healed of the appetite for intoxicants, tobacco ami opium through this sort of teui periinco work proving it to be a prohibition Iliac actually doea prohibit the sin itfdf instead ot spending its energies in the fruitless attempt to prevent the consequences of siu. And here let oh m tc, as we have seeu before, that there is that native quality of aspiration, inherent in humanity, that will never, in its hope, and expectancy, and eager pursuit, stop short of tliu absolute, the iufiuite, the everlasting Truth itself. Tli is being the case, there must be an exact ami unmistakable way to this acme of achievement, this long for goal, this "tne desired of all na tion!, "and'we believe inch a way to . - . .1 I k MIT have been revealea to uin , s Revered Leader and Teacber, Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, in what baa been named by her, "Christian Science." We also believe that the teacliioga of thia Science, once thoroughly under atood and rightly practiced, are folly adequate to the accomplishment of even ao infinite an end. I am well aware tbat thia ia a mighty assertion and that it may aeem to many a prepostsroni claim. But anyone who, having ears will bear, or having eyea will read what we bave to say, will find that we are ready to give many a reasonable reason tor tbe hope that ia in ua, and, that it ia aim ply and wholly out of deep intereat In humanity's weal, aud in loving aolici tnde for ita woe that we ever offer onr doctrine for your contemplation. Spraint. S. A. Read. Ciaco, Texaa, writea, March 11th, 1901: "My wrist waa sprained ao badly by a fall that it waa useless; and after using several remedies that failed to give relief, used Ballard's Snow Liniment, aud wat cured. I earnestly recommend it to any one suffering from sprains." 2.1c, 50c, $1.00 at Rotermund'a and Model Drug Store. Cured ol Bright'! Diftuc. 'Jeo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawreuce Co., N. Y., writea: "I had kidney disease for many years aud had been treated by physicians for 13 years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recommended but got no relief until I began using Foley's Kidney Cure. Tne first half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cored me of thia terrible disease. Be fore I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every 15 minutes, day aud night, and passed brick-dust substance, and sometimes slimy substance. I believe I would have died if I had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure." tor sale by rJ. A Kotermuud. Chamberlain Cough Remedy. Tbii ii a medicine of great worth and merit Try it when yon have . cougb or cold and y. n are certain to be pleased with tbe quick relief wliicn it frnrria. It ia Dleasaot to take and ran slwava be derjended upon. For sale by all druggists. STREET HATS Tailored Hats Ready-to-Wear Hats In Latest Styles and Fine Assortment at Miss Weston's Millinery Parlors Kust G St. six doors from Front Street Ladies, call and inspect my steck rnd you will note the fact that the prices are very reasonable, and that the work manship and the variety of shapes are all that the most exacting could desire. Cattle Ranch For Rent. 820 aorea on Seven-Mile creek about five mile southwest from Fort Klamath, Oregon. All fenced, house, large barn, ample water supply, Wjn cut about 80 tons wild hay. Address, with references, P. O. Box No. 933, Taconia, Washington. W. B. SHERMAN Real Estate and Timber ROOMS 10 A. 12, MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 731 "Our doubti are traitors, And make us lote the good we oft might win By flaring to attempt." iftl "DON'T WORRY" CLUB DON'T WORRY About the future of Grants Pass, About your position, About your business. Or the coming State Election. Think of "your loved ones at home," your family. Are you "donating to a landlord?" Then "cut it out" and buy THIS place for a home, A two story, 7-room house, lot 75x100, on north side of the railroad, with city water and sewer connection. The house alone is worth the money. YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR $800.00. If that don't suit, I can give you a lot in almost any portion of the City by paying $10 00 down and $5.00 per month. Joseph Moss, The Real Estate Man 516 E Street Grants Pass, Ore. L. A. LUCUS & SON WEST SIDE, CORNER OF SIXTH AND I STREETS POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SHIPPERS OF WAGONS AND BUGGIES, AND ALSO THE MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF HARNESS AND SADDLERY GOODS IN SOUTHERN OREGON Our Spring' Vehicles we will close out At Cost DURING THE RED LETTER DAYS, SEPT. 28th, 29th and 30th Farm Machinery The fanners Syracuse line of Stool & Chilled plows. Disc A: l'eg tooth harrows, ,r A l l tooth Cultivators; Kxtras for Syracuse, Oliver, Hissoll A (inle How; Kv ory thin- in farm machinery. These o. .Is are to U- sol, lower tha before during the UKD I.HTTKI5 PAYS. an eer Vnlli for iik in t lie V Hardware Cookingutensils of every deseription;Tin and Grtinite-ware. Wash tubs, wash boards, wysh boilers. Lanterns of all kindi including the inexpensive but effective bull's eye dash-lights.1 Axes, Picks, Shovels, Crosscut & Handsaws. Why, we will sell.jduring this sale a first class rotary wash ing machine at $4.90. ) C.h;n1c d""B thc '"K an J """'iner. sold an immense number of vehicles, and ' stl,df -oinpanv has instructed us to close out at cost, the few remaining jobs we now have left. THE LAST PART OF OUR STOCK MU.ST GO and if you need a spring vehicle or farm truck certainly you can not afford lo overlook this opportunity to suppIv 'vour .VC "!"' t,IC,'c,on- takt advantage of the Rl I) LETTER DAYS to accomplish this! wants durina this sale. Every rm we offer is a t udebaker and evervnn. u m ,w guarantee. No Ilumbugery No Fake-Rut for 3 days an honest sale of goods at lowest Prices on record. c ... inereiorc. take advantage of the RED LETTER DAYS to accomplish this! wants during 1 oukr and are consequently offering the remaining stock, consisting of low wheel faring bomtidc nu trucks, one seated hacks, surreys, at th. actual litres it cost to lav then! bonahdu dou n in (.rants Pass in car load lots ! honest goods a L. A. LU CUS & SON.