Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 29, 1905, Image 4

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Will You Endorse This Treaty
We to g'ive you Satisfaction,
You to g'ive us Trade!
We are tempting you with tlic best value at the lowest prices. Wc (onlailly invite you to look through our stock
it is worth something to you to keep posted, even it you don't want to buy, but a dollar saved now is a dollar earned..
We have only space to mention a few We have lots of others.
Extension Tables, 1 1-4 sawed oak,
piano polish, pedestal legs,
round top, handsome goc's,
cheap at $22 00. djOK
Sale price pCU
Extension Tables, square, 1-4
sawed oak, piano polish, 6 inch
legs, cheap at $24. 6lQ
Sale price CpiO
Wardrobe Couches, patent spring
top, cheap at $12. dtry rr
Sale price P VJ
Couches, well made, choice velour
coverings, have been selling
for JH.50. llCK QO
Sale price tftP.OU
Turkish Arm Chair, genuine leath
er, full hair and tow stuffed,
magnificent goods, would be
reasonable at (SoQ QA
$50, sale price .pOVVJ
Sale Price
Iron Beds, usually $.VS0 $ 2 25
Jron Beds, usually 15.0(1 ll.VS
Brass Beds " 45.00 32.5
We give you only asampleof
what we are doing.
Baby Carriag's
Baby Carriages, usually
Sale price . ,
Oo-Carts, usually Qf
$4.50, sale price. CpO.OU
Lots more between prices.
Sale Price
5x 7, cheap at $ 3 75 2 W
8x10 " ..6 00 4 05
10x12 " .. ( 75 5 45
10x14 " ..7 SO fi 25
12x14 " .. 8 75 7 35
Wagon Covers.
10x14 cheap at.. 2 75 2 40
Up to 11x17 3 W 3 35
Other sizes.
Screen Doors.
These prices are for the door all
complete, spring hinges, screws
and everything, all doors are
painted full 2 and 3 coats, good
work and well finiHhed; the better
doors are hard oil finish, with
handsome turned work panels.
Sale Price
Doors well worth .... 2 50 2 00
.... 1 J5 1 25
....1 35 1 00
Twelve styles to select from.
Door Mats.
Rubber Door Mats, usually 2 So,
sale price 1 5o
Cork Bath Mats, 3 oo value,
sale price 2 45
Lanterns, regular 1 25 d1 ff
Sale price pi..JJ
Dash Lanterns, regular value
Sale price. .
in liii; 1 mi1 I tulle Ria
Boilers, good value (KCo
75c, sale pi ice "wU
Carpets, Lace
A lot of Sample Rugs, regardless
of cost.
Art Squares, 5x9, cheap at
Sale price. .
Others too numerous to mention.
Carpets Sale Price
Easily worth ')7'i H2'2
1 27 1 o7
Wilton Velvet Stair Carpet
Kasily worth 1 35 1 V)
About fo patterns to select from,
some as low as 1-2 off. Bring the
exact measure of the rooms with
Lace Curtains, were big values at
Regular price 1 85 now 1 45
5 50 now 3 55
Irish Point Curtains
Regular price. . .4 50 now 2 5
About 25 other patterns to select
from at 3Bc to 5. 00 per pair.
Leather Hope Portieres, regular
8.00 value for 5.95
Portieres, fine goods, excel
lent values at 8 85 for. . . ,(.'o
Excellent value at 4,oo. . .3.1o
Big line same discount.
Towel Hollers, nicely var- "l fr
Wall Papers.
A few numbers in high grade goods
the choicest of the new decor
ations in very rich effects but
too high priced for the average
house. Its our loss but your
gain. Gooee that sell in the
cities for 75c and l.oo O''l
sale price 2
45c goods for 3oc
3oc goods for 2oc
Others too numerous to mention:
about loo patterns to select from;
closing out some patterns at 5c and
Stoves, Ranges
$11.75 goods for 9.25
7. So goods for S.f5
Camp stoves 1.9o " .95
5.oo " 2.9o
Cast Cook lo.oo " 7.95
Steel Range 28.oo " 25. 00
We only name a few of the hot
baigains in this department.
Kitchen Meat Saws, regular value
4oc 9fP
sale price
Clothes Pins, -t p
per dozen
each Avi
Tablespoons, Q
We carry everything for the House or Camp, so if you value
money and the immense Bargains we offer, DO IT NOW !
Grants Pass,
Ired letter days
And what They Mean to our Store
Hartford llicyclcs, now - - -Garland
Steel Ranges, now - - . $;?;?.
and all the following Hues at a
Stransky Steelware, Lisk's Anti-Rusting Tinware,
Pocket Knives, Silverware, Clauss Shears.
Fishing Tackle
In other words, during these three days we shall oiler lor cash the
pick of our high grade lines at a sweeping ::::::
keuemhek, this is at
Odd Fellows' Block.
Hr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist.
Kodaks Courier Building.
Fruit Paper Courier office.
M. Clemens, Prescription DruKist.
A Ocutlenian'i moke the Stase
Hue. B
Souvenir Pnatal r i ,
. ., . - v tit un courier
Fruit ram mwl di.i
C ramer Jiros.
Order seals aud rubber stamps of
, r ft.1.r',," lod and a good meal
emeru Hotel.
The fluent stock of Dickie plated
ware in town at Cramer Bros.
Kepariug clothing for men, women
! iiuiiireu. us moss street
President Rooserelt in colors Willi
large mat, 10c at the Music Store.
Second hand cook stoves and heaters
cheap. Moore ' second hand store.
Aud still I am insuring and selling
real estate at the old stand. J. E.
I Apple and Pear paper for sale hy
thepouuri. bundle or ton at the
Courier otllce.
j Caps for Masons Jars IS cents
dozen, two for 25 ceuts. Hair
, Kiddle Hardware Co.
Unto Con.n Inr Plntnhini.
School Books at Clemeus'.
Calling Cardk Courier Buildiug.
Paper Napkins Courier Buildiug.
Order your fruit rpe now
Courier office.
A Hidendid line ol Koval Charter Oak
Kaniies at Cornn'i
fishing Tackle jnst the kind that
you nted at Cramer Bros.
Real Estate aud Timber W. B.
Shermau, Kooms aud 10 Masonic
Ask your dealer for Rogoe River
Creamery Butter made at Medford is
now B5 cents per two-pound, square
lull weight.
A large assortment of colored
pictnies mounted ready for banging
at 10c to 2(V. a discount of 28 to 70
per cent. Music Store.
Curtis A Cn. fnt Wth.. rM.L.
Gold Rings and jewelry, fine watch
nmiruiK, engraving, uooos sold at
reasonable prices. Come and see us.
I. O. U. F. Buildiug, Gran 14 Pass.
(Too late for laBt week.)
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. .Bailey paid
Grants Pass a visit Wednesday.
We are having beautiful weather,
the rains having put all the flras out.
Cbas. Borkhalter, who owns a large
grain farm nearKubli, went to Grants
Pass Wednesday on DUBiness.
Hay baling is progressing nicely and
the farmers are all . glad, as they are
somewhat afraid of the rains.
Hoppicking is about through around
bere only one yard remaining unfln.
ished and they will get through this
Will Wright, who has been out in
Eastern Oregon for the last three
months, has returned to his home near
The third crop of alfalfa is ready to
cut and is a larger orop than was ex
pected, as the smoky weather did not
seem to hurt it much.
Mrs. Lonis Faulkenetein, who .has
been visiting her mother, Mr'. Alouzo
Hyde, for the last month, returned to
her home at North Bend, Ore., Wed
nesday. H. L. Reed brought the dredger com
pany's pipes and other fixtures out to
the Henry York ranch Wednesday aud
the Keystone drill is expected here in
about two or three days.
There seems to be lots of nice fish in
the Applegate this year and most of
them are smart enough to stay there
aa wnn lUffl, BMA KIIV of tllfl nVhemiCU
going borne with a very large string of
A social danoe was given at Kobli's
hall last Saturday night for the beue
fit of John Barrow. There was a large
attendance aud everyone reported a
very nioe time. They took in some
thing over fas lor nun. miartoA at Tinuntirt Vint Atntl.
day with an attendance of twenty
..... n I
pupils, Wlin iuiHB Alien j-uraa as
teacher. The school house has been
,Anaiiuf1 a now rnnf hairiiy tint nn ttliri
also twenty new patent desks were
The ball game at Provolt between
Provolt aud Michigan City was tint as
good as expected as the Provolt boy
could not g"t all their nine together,
some of them being out in the mount
ains on a hunt. The score ttood 1 5 lo
7 in favor of Michigan City. Urcy
will play again at Misarnri Flat Sun
day. Montmorency.
Mr. Luttrell of the Hotel Leland is
an all-around hustler and nsefnl man.
Some of our people, went to Grants
Pass to hear the woman lecture on
Christian Science.
Warm, dry weather; rair wonld be
very beneficial for the range then jtock
would fare betert although it la hold
ing its own.
The stage line from Leland to Green
back is doiug a good .business. Mr.
Phillips the manager is very courteous
to iiis patrons.
There are some inquiries from par
ties at a distance regardiug farms in
this vicinity. So far there have betn
no sales made.
As the weather has been warm and
dry so long oue wonld think there
would be some sickness in or near Le
land, but we lravu't a caBe of sickness
to report.
Some of our people have gone to the
Lewis and Clark fair. According to
onr population we have sent as many
people to the fair as any town on the
liue. That shows people have money
to travel ou.
We inai-t repeat that times are good
bere. To see tne teams ou Froat
street all loading with goods for the
different mines looks -good. Some
come from a long distance because our
merchants sell cheap. They ship in a
large auiouut of vegetables, fruit and
potatoes, as our farmers cannot raise
enough to supply the demand from the
di(Terert mines, as each mine is quite
a town.
Rome families are coming from Cal
ifornia, but aie of the laboring class.
We waut people of sr me mone to help
bui'd np i he couutry, as? as a good
deal of our feet ion is iu its j rirueval
state yet. We know of some men who
have good hapi y lionies, who settled
in the thick brush aud dugont a home.
It is Ktich men we are looking for aud
not men who will stand around the
street corner and cry bard times.
Wide Awake.
Got Oil Cheap.
He may well think he has got off
cheap who having contracted
conciliation or indigestion is still
able to perfectly restore his health.
Nothing will do this hot Dr. King's
New Lite Pills. A quick pleasant
and cert n in cure for headache, con
stipation, etc. 2o at all drug stores;
"Count, weigh and mtaturr ntrythintj you buy." American (Jiorer.
From THURSDAY Morning, Sept. 28th,
to SATURDAY, 8 r. m., Stpt. 30th.
in your grocery bill on tho
that you can save money on if you call at the White
House Grocery.
Prices mado on those days will positively bo good only
on tho days mentioned and subject to withdrawal on items
exhausted or sold.
When wo s;iy Bargains, we mean BAIMJAINS, Quanti
ty, Quality and Trice (iuaranteed. Here arc some of our
everyday prices:
5 pounds of Good Blend Roast Coffee, in a one gallon milk pail, better
than the average 30c kind, for $1 20
5 pounds of the best 20c Coffee in Grants Pass for 1 00
1 pound of Tea Dust j5c
20 pounds Petite Prunes 50c
3 packages Energy (like Grape Nuts) 25c
3 packages Columbia Oats ot Wheat and prize. fdO
1 bottle Heinz l'05 Catsup 20c
1 bottle Red Rose Catsup, large size 20c
1 bottle each of Blueing and Amonia 25c
50-pound sack of Stock Salt 45c