Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 22, 1905, Image 3

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PHUNES WANTED, highest cash
price paid. Address L. F. Tozier,
HOUSE and lots, or lots to bny oo
installment. Address C. E. H.,
care Courier.
lumber from Christie's mill ou
Deer creek. Address H. E.
Christie, Selma, or apply at milL
SINGLE MAN wants housekeeper.
Wage? $30 per month. Please give
age and if widow, how many child
ren. Address Mr. Sam Smith, P
O. Box 47, Portland, Ore.
Films C Drier Building.
FOR SALE x5 pony premo camera.
Iuijuire of Geo. P. Cramer. ,
GOOD milk cow for Bale cheap. In
quire Box 4S, Grants Pass, Ore.
REMINGTON Typewriter No. .6 for
i-u or lusiauuinets. see A. E.
CASKS -Four sugar pine cssks, 4 feet
iukii ana a, id diameter, for sale
cneap. -Moore's Second hand stores.
FOR SALE 2.1 Pnlnmhl.
phone and SO records. Will sell
ciieau or iraae lor wood. Address
m, sooner onice.
COW FOR SALE, Jersey-Dnrham,
soon fresh, quiet and fine milker.
John fanniroors, at S P. depot, or
ijoiuruco neaa or bixui street.
sARM KOK 8A1.K two miles from Mer
lin, Mi ai'res-ahout M) acres of good
bottom land, acres in cultivatim, Mnall
house ami l.arn and sIkiui i'jO acres under
fem e, balance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, OreKon.
200 ' Kd prune and
apple orchard, small fruits in
abundance; water for irjik-ation, besides
spring on everv 40 acres: center of a kHmI
range rountrv; two dwelling houses, tiig
ham, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good mining markets, one
half mile north of Tunnel tl, price ti,M)
Inquire at this oitue.
A SNAP A 4-ruoni new house in
(rood condition could finish up
stairs ami make two more rooms 3
blocks from Snagr Pine Store, north
side of track, 2 lots. Price $500.
$100 down, balance $10 a month.
Must he sold toon if at these terms.
W. L. Ireland, The Real Estate
FOUND A rifio ou the Grants Pass
and Uravo creek road. Owner ad
dress Eugene Wright, Pox No. 1,
Grants Pass, aud describe gun. jiav
advertising aud regain their
STRAYED On August 1H, near Dry
Diggings mine, small brown horn
with part double harness ou. f.'i
reward for information leading to
recover of horse. Leave word at
Deau & Dickison's stable.
FRANK BURN ETT-Upholsteriugi
mission furniture made to order.
Harmon Block, Upstairs
South Sixth Street
Suits Made to Order
Cleaning and Repairing
A Trial ii AiKtd and Price Are Right
3 Red Letter
Big Reduction
11.50, 2.oo, 2.50 and 3.00 Hats Red Letter Days, Ji.o
The famous M. A. Faekard shoe for
men, former price 3.50 3.00
Shoes in all leathers A- styloi . . 2.50 2.0o
The. Excelsior shoes for boys 2.50 2,0U
0 00 1 5"
A California made shoe for boys2. 50 2.00
Misses' School shoes 1.23 ,, 1.00
n it l.oO it ii it l.t-tj
if it ii 1.75 it I it l.oU
C. T. Ford & G. M. Kutz slices 3.50 3.0o
All Ladies' shoes 2.50 2.00
Men's high cut shoe s 0.00 tl I it v.-v
! it i i 5,00 ,i ii ,i 4.2j
- 4.00 3.25
3.50 3.00
GentlenienVand Ladies' Umbrellas from 50c to JlO.oO
each. Dry goods. Men's, Ladies', and Children's underwear
all at a big reduction for the
a red uirrTiiJt days
.September i". . d '-
Sext Door to First National Hunk.
Items of Personal
L. L. Jewell and wife left ou
Thutiday for a visit at Portland.
Editor Couklin and family returned
Monday from a two weeks stay at
Mi Edith Bannard returned Sat
urday frorn Portland, where she has
been spending ( several weeks with
Misses Peail and Laura Braniau
returned on Wednesday after several
weeks spent in visiting friends at
Orsgon City aud in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Hanna of Griu
nelL la., arrived Saturday to visit
the A. CJ. Bannard family, who
were old friends and neighbors in
Reuben Steelquist left for Portland
Mouday to speud several days at the
fair. He will then go to Eugene to
enter the State University for a four
years course.
W. M. Hefliug came op from Ash
land Tuesday to spend the day. Mr.
Hefting ir, in the wood business there
but says he is closing out his stock
aud will quit the business.
Miles Mclutrye. of Canvonville.
Ore., inventor of the Mclutyre spring
fork for bicycles, was in Grants Pass
the first cf the week on business and
also to visit his brother who is a resi
dent of this place.
Phone 44
Bet Mill and Mots tU, wrst of Gilbert creek
The Model Drug Store
Has Just What You Want
" Our Celebrated Electric
Holt. Nature's Vitalizor, .to
build up and strengthen
the whole body and for
the cure of Rheumatism, Par
alysis, Liver, Kidney, Lame
Hack, Constipation and all
Nervous Diseases.
The effect of Electricity on
the nervt'S U that of a power
ful nerve tonic. It generates
new life and enerp-y and
tones up the relaxed, weak
ened and shaky nerves and
gives them vigorous energy.
T For the next 30 days, price
$10.00. Regular price $20.00.
Write or call at onco.
Days Sales
in Men's Hats
Miss May. Smith visited the fair
last week returuuiit home Tuesday.
Mis Mttie MrKlmtuins is now
bookkeeper ud cashier at R. L. Coe j
& Co. 's store. I
i , I
I Miss Augusta Parker and Myrtle!
Ireland left Wednesday evening for a i
week or 10 days at Portland. I
James Gibson, who has been head of
the grocery department of the Sugar
Pine Store for seine time, is i:ow
clerking at the White House Utocery.
Floyd Patrick, after a year's ab
sence in California traveling for thej
fetalonia incubator Company, will
visit his parents and
friends here next week"
Misses Mamie aud Maudo Barnes
stopped off in this city Thursday to
spend a few days visiting with their
brother, Bert Barnes. The Misses
Barues are returning to their home iu
Ashland after some time speut at
Newport aud the fair.
Miss Oeyth Croxtou returued to
Portland Monday after speudiug a
week or more visiting friends aud
overseeing the repair work being done ,I,B Model Drug Store,
on the Croxtou home on North A Rides and Carbines in :!0-,W and 25
street. H. J. Isaacs has leased the i :r t'alibers at Cmuier Bros
house for the coming year. I Maps of Oregon Washiutou aud
Mrs. Mary McClutg has leased
Mrs. Brandt's rettauruut on K street,
between Fifth and Sixth, aud will
hereafter conduct tho place. Mrs.
McCluug says shj will serve only
first-class meals and everytlii' g will
bo satisfactory and up-to-date.
Stewart Disbrow returned from
Khwnath Kails Saturday nicM. Mr.
Disbrow lias spent the snirnn r at the
Falls on account of his health and e
feels that the change bus dene him
good, although he says he does nut
cart, to make that place his home.
N. Dt I.uinatti r and wife moved to
Orants Pass tins w- 1; and have taken
the J. W. How :ml house do l'1 i.r(li
street, where they will kei p roomer.-.
Mr. and Mrs. PcLiuimtii r me old tiu.t'
Josephine county n-.-idi ut, moving
from hero to Olod Hill m v, nil jvats
Jess Xr ithamiucr, of Kvans Creek,
aud Mrs. .Shi-bun mid Andy Hh I mi
left Sunday for Portland In take in
the fair. While there Mr. Ncaili.un
mer will iu-pict the line slock on ex
hibition and will lumbarc
several animals, as lie is on tie- mar
ket for hloodtd cattle aud P .land
China hog4.
Melviii Andrews, T. B. anil J. II.
Meade left on Thursday fir h few
days hunting trip in the Kvans eii ok
country. Mr. Andrews ha just r.--
tu'lied from a two mouths sum ylng
trip on which he was not entirely
deerless, but thinks (hat a hi.ui 1111:
trip unadiilterati il is ruium-d to com
plete a satisfactory summer's pro
gram. Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of the Palace
hotel, left Saturday night for a two
months' eastern trip. They will
visit Mr. Woods' relatives in Ham
urton, K. J., aud Philadelphia. nnd,olllv liy rri,'lu,r tr,w.
will sjieud some time lit Inn old hum
iu New Hampshire. Ihiriui; Mr.
Woods' absence tho hotel will he
under the management of Hobt. W.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Strong of
Myrtle Point are visiting lien, a few
days this week at the home of Mrs.
Strong's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. P. Ci.
Burns. Both Mr. and Mrs. Strong
were residents of Josephine county in
their childhood days, Mr. Strong's
father, Lewis Strong, having operated
a (lour mill at Murphy in anti-railroad
days. At present Mr. and Mrs.
Strong are managing a dairy ranch
near Myrtle Point where they have
the rare of some four dozen cows
This is Mr. .Strong's first aoal ion in '
focr years. j
Fred Meusrh returned ou Saturday
efeuiug after couileting the ov, rn
ment survey contract on which he
has tieen at work during most of the
summer. Mclvin Andrews, in charge
of the team al d (amp outlit, iiiiiti i
ou the follow ing day. The coutit
emhrui-cd i rtions or fnii nn uts of
tlvi, dTl'eriilt IOWIIshis, Wl'lelv
sej aratt d, one i , re 1 u.-.h Tul,.
lake in KIbiijiiiIi (luuty mid mh, th. r
about l.'i miles fiom Bos-hurg. ' r I . . -greater
poition of the work w iaen
the Smith Cinpiua river some :,i
mill s a! " e t 'any i n i !
Mr and Mrs V. S. tin
W 111. M 1. Il , who have In
i f I.:
I., I'
f .11
some time iis'tltig
of Mr. 'in its In la r, i o ' .to,
of this city,
evi uii.g on il ,
Mr. and Mm
pleased with
t'a-V have i. i i
th. ir lican ),
el. us. d A pier
d on V.. di . - I ,
r, 1 1: r u lo V ii i.i,' ii
:!ed to
III . fl 1 t
of l.o. :
r;i (!.
It 'It
'I. o,
Savage fai t iu th. .. ri!.. ,,s.t ,,r
! tow u ou who 1 1 a vi r y j i. I M r- :o
I is ii.. t,. 1 1,- . r. co i 'r, ;i id M
CiloUt W ) T S - I.d - lie . I .
I iludw in snd Pitt oid i v
i to return to Giants P-- ah. i.t Nov.
I Alfred Ilarr!- ai d f.ic::v, h
I been ri s. h nts of (Wants I' a s f i r s, M..
y. ars pat, i .- t to d. u t ... n,. t .n,
' iu t !i" nx t fi w w . I.., f. i .- , : li e
'cfuiity, Mis-o..ri. to t 1 i:. ii.
rn. nt of a ftim I - inn, (.. In-moihi-r.
Mr Harris la- ,.,.. h;-
home on North lUii sir. - lo I, is
jneihber, K. B f'argill, and i arr ,ng
ini, for bis depirtrire Mr, Mains,
having t-i-n a r. sid. nt of s.aiil,. rn
I ( iregou for s-vf ral y. nrs, ronf. -.. s a
j ns rural ri-luctam e n li t Lining to 1 1..
least and fa ing the stortnn and otto r
I uuleasAUt climatic conditions if
! which be lstaius ijnile a vivid un-m-ory
and admit, that he rnav y t
jios-ibly think l etf. r of the u. t'er
aud r. malu In the west.
Cook tove and hi-ii.r wood for
sale at ( a ta-r d. luer, ,1. Hrry
Samti's sawmill. l.ave or.!. at
j Sugar Plue Store.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Renders.
I School supplies at Clemens'.
I Violin, etc., strings Courier Puild
i '"(?
! W1. B. Shermau Kcal Estate. Tt le
I phoue 131. -
i Son veu ir Post Cards Courier
Give your friends a Stage line the
gmui smoke.
If vou waut a bicycio cheap, call at
; Cramer Bros.
Clothes mended. Mrs. L. S. Holt,
US Moss Street.
W. 1. Irebiud, the Heal Estate Mau,
negotiates loans.
It. M. C. Findley tests eyes and
furnishes glasses.
Bicycle Bells and Lamps at a dis
count at Paddock's.
Pure Malt Pickling Vinegar.
White House Grocery.
School Looks and School snpplics at
i California at the Music Storu.
Pop Pickers will tiud camp Stoves
and camp outlits at Cramer Bros.
You will alwavs find matter of iu
terost in our i lassihcd ail column.
! A public typewriter can bo found
at the Courier Building t all times.
I Miss Ireland is a roideut piano
I saleslady and gu'itanlcis sat istact ion.
: SV. B. Sherman Kcal l'.st to and
: Timber, Booms i and 10 Masonic
; Temple.
I Call at the Mus'c Store. Front
'street and see the handsome pianos
! Miss Poland c in sell you any of the
siamiaid makes.
l-'ves cult fully t' stod and glares
: littod to correct any defect, of vision
by t. . 1'. Krcmer, Courier build
' ing, Pi ict s ri iisonuhUi.
The Wi-stirn, a tirst-olass family
hotel, ','uiet location, yet t venicut
to d- pot ami Hi ar o nit house. Hood
iiuais mm clean hrds and pricis
ri a.-enaMi'.
Mi-s Miniiiu Iieland now has ti e
'All, n i i Ibret - liuioiiker Co. piano
an t oigau agency for Jo-o Line county
and sin, can always he found at the
Mu-ic House. ln.-t niiiioi ts sold
on easy l avnicnls and old ones taken
i in oxoliaiig"
Pull intern at ion us to the cost of a, shiirili.ini r academic
i dm at n 11 is given in th" handsomely
illusiialed catalog of the Holmes
Business College. VSrile for one.
V. M C. A. Building, Port
laud, Ur.
iiik-at Model llrug Store.
Kngraved Cards Courier Building.
The Is st asst rtiueiit of tablets ut
t 'h m.'lis'.
P, noils and Tablets at tin, Model
Urug htore.
' Colored 1'ost Cards J for a cents
Music Store.
i Pine Malt Pickling Vliiegar While
1 louse (irocery.
t s:.,.. i r eini. ,lr., t,,l,t
Post Cards Tablets;! cards on
lalili t, oc Music stole.
Corporation Imoks, stock eertitieatcs
and sotls at the Courier otlice.
Type'w ril ing and Stenograpliy
ground tioor, Courier building.
Sen Voorhies for Underwood Type
writers and Typewriter supplies.
W. B. Sherman Beal K.stato and
Timber, Boom t and lo, Masomc
Teni pie.
Go to tin. Grants Pass Grocery for
the tiolileu Cheddar brand of Tilla
mook cheese.
'Timber claims. Hono steads. W.
B. Sin rman, Kooms lOand 1J Masonic
Temido, liiants Pars tiro.
A young
M-ninii can earn h'-r hv-
111 l',,i I ti.iid IA tl lie st inlv-
. , L Holmes Business Cdlee
- or part n u hits, addn the l'rini ial.
ins: i i .
lloiuiiH I'u-iin s IiIU-kc. l.
M C. A. Building,
l'o! t ...II ',
ts and sin
( in
l'r..ti-. v
ei f i rn I
do; lodat n.ns of i ,...te
Wllib-nts and other wli.l
IIsIIIk' Mal-t'Ts l'..T,te 1.
, C.,le;i
lei in : i
SNarlanted to kil
and I.. le.'d it" !
a ri j an d 1 a-t.i
.1' llllll' ev, TV I
ut t ii f r a v , ar.
tlotl H e smell I
i'l'i f it
ug d . - -
h an.
will at! . ic t a
t.l.e .- Pull ill!, t n-
I . r sale at Boti i mo i
iral Is l'a.
loto f, .i- a I
w lib . :
d's ding st'-n-
Chicken!, wnntid by
W i llci -. nt tlx- On a,, n.
, of ..-M:
l.-r i 'I.i i-
I V ' 1 1 ! I . g
Mod. in
Vlll be-
I I. .
.i t!
w i 1
r -i. i.,
Ait.iik.ii bv
.no! I,, ai. ii iii .i i .1 . r r , - 1 i,ni ,
c- . : i I w.:h a ('.i,...-, : - i t
i ar . lo lor a) I ! I. 1 .','. I n -
A i : a .-.. ! , ah 1 V, o s, , , i - i, I , , u I
w , 1 "I It Hi o V I. no 1 V '
Wl.t - li -I. I. h if I i.. I i a
V. i ., ,u. -t y:t-'t.
'i ,t f r , i,l- o o ' 1. 1 1 ' o '. ;.
1 I ,ivi' pi ,-. .1 ii : o y u, cm, I- , tl,,.
hulls .f J II A u -l in al B ' r y.
A'l Jor-' lis own. n. are a-k- . to
da;l on t.lllj at I nil- and make settle-
no nt.
S I i'.VLNS--A (iraiit. Pa-.. Hregon,
Monday. M t.-inl,. r I.', I.i ',, in Mr.
and Mrs. B It. .'-leviTis, a daiigh
ti r
N I . A i 1 1 A M M Kit A t t o- la no- i i'
i u r Vans ( re- k, j t- u l, i 1, 1 . ",,
to Mr uud His. Jes. , alloiiiiu., r
an IP. pound boy
A Brief Record of
Uocal Events.
The M. E. church at Albauy has
liassed a resolution to be presented at
the conference now in session in that
city, asking that their pastor. Rev.
J. W. McDougall, bo returned for
another year.
W. A. lleury, an old time musician
who has taught musio oo this coast
for many ye-irs, arived in Grants Pass
Wednesday to locate. Mr. Henry
makes a specialty of violin and or
chestra work.
K. F. Meissner of Kerby has the
thaaks (If the Courier force for a bas
ket of ch.iico grapes. The grapes
grown by Mr. Meissner are of super
ior Haver aud are among the best
brought to ttie Grants Pass market
Pont' fail to hear the lecture on
Christian Science by Miss Brookius
at the 0)h ra House, Monday evening,
September 2.rith. The press speaks
very highly of Miss Brookius and the
association of drains Pass rejoices in
being able to extend a cordial invi
tation to the public The subject
w ill be "Christiautity is Science and
Dcmoiiitrata'hle. "
The recent rains, the first after an
exceptionally dry summer, were re
freshing and beneficial in many ways,
one of the particularly pleasant
features being the queuchiug of the
many forest tires throughout Southern
Origon and ( b aring the atmosphere of
smoke. 1'ireB weto unusually plenti
ful this trar iu the mountain dis
tricts. Some valuable timber was
distroycd iu places where the ground
I had hi on burned over for many years
hut iu most eases tho lires were really
beneficial ill clearing out the uuder
loAthaiul fallrn timber aud other
debris and pi eventing a heavy ac
t u in u 'ation which would result in the
destruction of all the standing timber
in case of lire.
Ore Is Variety Known as Black
Oxide. Full of Stringer and
Kihhona of Native Copper.
A niagnlllci nt strike in copper ore
was made recently at the Queen of
I ron.',, uniie near Takiluia which
seems to have eclipsed any similar
discovery yet innde iu the Southern
tin eon distiict. The Queen of
Broni, is the Individual property
of ('. I.. Tint, who has been at the
mine since the l .lh of the present
month and who has boon directing
prospecting operations In oomjiaiiy
with Manager George Carrer, for
merly assaycr for tho Takilma Smelt
ing Co. 'The discoveiy was made iu
an old tunnel, known as the "old
south tunnel" a test of an exposed ore
stringer showing a high per cent of
copper. Au upraise of 15 feet was
made from tin, tunnel and au enor
mous body of verr high grade ore has
li eu uncovered. The tunnel has a
de Hi of -.'Hi feet and from the chain
her made by the upraise, the uiiuers
have drifted ill all directions dis
tances of III to tiO feet as yet finding
no walls in any direction.
The me is of the variety known as
black oxide and full of stringers and
ribbon of native copper, uearly the
pure nn lal. The ore being oiydi.od
mi blasling is p quired and it is takeu
out with picks at the rate of 7a tons
per day. I he rock Is so rich in cop
per that it cannot be smelted by it
si If but the percentage bus to be re
dun d by mixing it with au inferior
uide. 1 or Tins purpose a surface
mi. running about 111 per cent is used.
ii i ... rr p.. i W.
,y ; ncni me grounii inio i-ina aiu in mix
ii .r. ! oil in the proper ratio ill the ore bins
vi' i I ) . I hi, r letter on,
i ' '" ""' ""' body "breaks"
1 ahoi.t li j -r cent, that is the whole
! I . dv as it is iiiined out will average
Ih il peiei i.tago though streaks aud
! -t r ,oy i- of tho ore body carry inuidt
1 1, 1 I . i r values.
! pew pnopli, of the county have
iiuv id, a of lh" extent of the iudus
iiy ',n , ir- 1,,-ing carried on by the
lal. no, a Sue Iting to. rmui July
jl to N ,t, nil, er 1, two months, the
1 ,- m; my rhipi'i d '''. cars of matte and
;, , ,i in that lime soi'uii III) cars of
. ,.i. n.-sid -I ijiiaiilit j.-. of lime rook,
l.,i nam' d commii.lity being se-
- in. . I in I he if ii ity of the mine.
Sptiiivl Uoumnii Club Meeting
l!,i,- will t,o a called mooing of
il,, , oi. in- i lob on 1 riday, Septeru
I r s p. in. at the A I). P.
V, . I ll. I he meeting . i ailed for
1 1.,- j i.i j i i if dieting delegates lo
th, -'ate f, di lal Ion of Wot' tan's club,
kiol to trails.,, t any other hu, iness
t i.i,i ii. ay i olio- 1 1 fore the meeting.
A ,.i i !-raiti has hi en arranged ami
a i 1 1 loli if I he af to i iii Hill Will be do -'
I'll I-. so ml ii joy inelit.
I.'.,rr lo-luber of the club In
.,i, o i, -p, .stnl lo be pros,. ut and
I.i luif any rrn mis w ho
I v
h the work of the
. I
in. I o
ill r
i f the club will be
r si. lent.,
s. c, I,. Clevengf-r
,f ll,
Card of 1 ha nke.
'Ae wish to thank tin. many frl-nds
land n-'Kl.l or. liml Him Wood
! ii,, ii of America who lo so may
1 ll.i ivi.lful wav. b-ljs '1 u. thtoUMli
i tl,e sn km ss and death of our beloved
s. n ami brother.
i Mr. and Mrs A. I). Honek aud
C'timinl r.venls.
-ni. ml, -r Monday ('iri uit court
for J,,s, j him- county (onvi-m-i.
: pi, iiil.-r Tlitirniay Auiioal c.u
f.t..o,e f-r ( iregon of the M. L.
(hureb houtb iu Grants Pas.
First National Bank. of Southern Oregon
K. A. BOOTH, Pres. J. 0. CAM i'BELL. Vtre-lW II. L. GILKKY, Cashier.
Surplus and Undivided
Hecelve depoits subject to check or on certificate pavable on dnieand.
telis drafts on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.
Sjiecial facilities for making collections through numerous correspondents
K. A. Booth, H. C. Kissir, P. II. Habtii, Johb D. Fav,
J . T. Terrs, J. C. Caht bill, H. L. Oiliiv.
The Rest
School Books
4T Clemensjn
Rttlcr and lilotter free for the asking.
Granite and Steel Enameled
Kitchen Ware.
10 Discount
- -
Cook Stoves
Ileal Estate and Timber
:fs-i':. Ufj
IIoiii-l lllilif., ltl Kt., - rin(M 1'hmm. Oretfou
S 3 ,000.00.
As - sortmcnt
and Supplies
on - -
and Ranges
llanhvaro Co.