Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 15, 1905, Image 8

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Big Bargains Mil Be Offered During the Red Letter
Practice limited to
snd fitting of glasses.
Office hour 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and on ap
pointment. Telephones 201 and 77.
lilANT Paha, - - OBKaow
Offloe: I'lenev's residence, cor. Otb
and K streets,
'hones; Office 631; Residence 1001,
Ubamti Pans, Okeoon
Office with Dr. G. 11. Douglas.
Phones: Office 0.11; Keddenoe
Hours: 8:30 to 11 A. M.
Uiants Pahs, - - Ohkuon
Treats all Nervous and Spinal Dis
eases, Kheumatlsin and Momurn i rem
bles. A specialty made of Forualo Dis
eases. Office: Colonial Lodging Houito,
front room. Grunts runs, Ore.
Btuam Baths. Alcohol Hub. All dis
eases-treated. Hospital care given to
all who wish It. Kheiimallsm cured In
Its worst form. Advluufreo.
Opposite Court House. Hours 0 to 0,
ii rants Pass, Ohkoon
Practice In all State and Poderul Courts.
Olllce In Opera House llulhllng.
Usakts Pahh, Ohkoon
Oniceover First Natlonul Hunk,
Obants Pahs, Ohkoon.
I'ractlce In State and Federal Courts.
Office on Uth and C streets ojipoHlle
Court Mouse, i'hono low.
Uhamts Pass, Ohkuon
Practluea in all Statu and Federal (Courts
Office over llair-Rlddle Hardware Co.
Gmants Pahs, Ohkoon
Union llulhllng
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Hat lis, Etc.
Everything licit und oloun and a
work r Irst-Clas.
Agent Dig Horn Kaslu Lund Co.,
Wyoming. Anchor Wire Fence.
II. I. Ku.,
l. .1. I.SWliMI
Reynolds & Lawtoo
Civil and Mining
Grants 1'ass
N. 1'. McC.Ul'W,
Furniture and I'luno
The 1'oaular Barber Shop
Get vour tonsorial woik done
On Sixth Sheet Three chni
Until Hihiiii In connection
Do Nut Bl linpoitd Upon.
Foley vt IV, Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat aud lung
remedy, and on account of the grist
merit and ipularltT of Foley's Honey
and Tar many fi liations are olTercd
for the sen n inc. Ask for Foley's
lliiuey and Tar and refuse any sub.
atilute offered as no oilier preiamtloti
will give the same satisfaction It is
wildly Islalive It i-ontaius no
opiates and Is safest fur children and
ib licate Hirsons For sale by II A.
. f A?
Take laxauve DromO limine Tablets.
Sevwi Millioo svoxe tola la yaA 13 months. This Signature,
44 Please Smile
Look Pleasant."
When a woman nays "I am racki-d with
pain," the word "racked" recalls the da; s
when thy stretched the tender budli-s of
women on the rack with roue and pulley
until the very joints cracked.
Fancy an attendant savins; to the tor
tun! woman, "Please smile and look
And yet the woman "racked with pain."
Is expected to smile through her skoiijt
and to make home hapiy. She can't
do It. It Is against Nature, (ienerullr
speaking, the racking pains of lll-himllh
such as headache, backache and "liear
Ingdown pains "are related to deraic'w
menu or disorders of the organs dis
tinclly feminine. When this condition
Is removed the general health l nuton-d,
and with heullh comes back the smile of
Any woman may regain her health at
homo without offensive questionings or
examinations by the ue of Dr. Pierre's
Favorite Proscription. Sick women may
consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free of
charge. Such letter are treati as
sacredly conlidentiul.
"It sironU me pleasure to ndste the won
derful nmrtu t your great medicine espe
cially lour 'PaTorlt TroM-rlutlon.'" nl
Mr. J. Wesley lthlii.of Wuudlmry. H. Jersey.
L. Hot . " My wife h been using II for
soma lime past, having sulTernd severely
with iarln-lown palna, aching- In hack,
snd many ulnar complaint peculiar to
women. Hits very weak, could not do
any heavy work or wsahlns but csn uu all
kinds of work now. Mis l snun to Isa-unw a
mollisr but we do not fesr I lie result lu
heretofore!, all due to your wouder-workur.
'Favorite Prescription.'
"Vour 'Pleasant Pellets' are alo worth
many times llieir price. I bsvo used tliein
for biliousness and stomach trouble, ami
have found them to Im all that you claim.
They are my constaut companions once
uku. always sepv.--
Olven away. The People's
Common Sense Medical Ad-?
Is went frse on ns-elpt
of Htanips to pay expense of
malllns '"ill- The lk con
tains 1UUS pnses. over 700 Illus
trations snd several culored
platea. Hcnll 21 one-celil
sump for the pa pur-bound
bonk, or Bl stamps for the
cloth lund. Address Hr.
K. V. I'lurc. Buffalo, N. V.
Plenty of dust, no rain.
Work is still progressing at Hie
Monumental mine.
W. J. Smith, of Sulma, made a
hnsiness trip to onr town Thursday,
Frank Hngue is qnite sick this
week. We hope to see him up again
Mr. Burke, of the Ann of Hoguo &
Burke, la making regular trips to
So I in a of lute. Why?
Jack Folk, of the Rrigts strike,
tuado a business trip to Mudford tin1
lust of the week.
Geo Mower, a prominent, citizen of
Knrby, is building a duo two Kory
residence on Main street
Harry Carter, 1.111 of W. H. I'nrter
of this plaon, left for Seattle, wbeie
ho will attend school this winter.
Miss Lncio Ueorgo left Weduesday
for Urnuts Pass, where she Iihh a
iositiou us tenolier lu the public
schools of that place.
O. O. Phillips, of Taklltna, and J.
II. Keal, of Ashland, are on a pros
pecting trip to 1'reston Peak. They
are looking after their copper inter
ests there.
Mrs. Anna Ada of Waitln, met
with a serious accident Wednesday.
Shu was thrown from Iter horse and
her head was badly out and until arms
badly spraitntl. Dr. II r own was null
ed to attend her.
A rich strike of copper ore has
lately Iwcn made at the Ouecn of
llionze nt Takilma. The ore is of the
highest grade that bus ever been dis
covered lu this section. Tho smelter
will uot bo olosed down until the
rams set In.
Pruf. l Payne, T. J. Oilhnin und
Uliff Hicks, of Ashland, returned
liome the first of the week from a
prossc,ting trip on the head or
niolco. They brought 111 some fine
samples of copper ore. Hicks and
(iilhuiu intend returning soon to oneu
tip their ledge.
Win. Hogue, the livery stable 11 1 it 11.
returned Inst week from I'rescent
Olty, where be went after a nine 11.
P. gasoline engine fur pumping
water. He intends pumping water
from the Illinois river to irrigate his
JO acre tract of laud just below town.
Home of the hiuil he will put lute
orchard and the rest Into alfalfa.
Delia llrown bus "gone lo attend the
Arc You En,itd ?
Engaged icople should remember,
that after marriage, many quarrels
can bo avoided, by keeping their di
gestions In gotid condition with
Electric Hitters S. A. llrown, of
lietiiicttsvtlle, S. I'., says: "Fur
years my wife Millercd intensely from
lysH-psia complicated with a torpid
liver until she lost her strength and
Viktor and liecatne a mere wreck of her
foi liter self. Then she tried Electric
Unlets which bcl cd her at once and
tlimllv made her entirely well She is
now strung and healthy." All drug
gists sell and garautee them at ,'xlc
a bottle.
tiot Oil Chop. j
He may well think he lias got otf
cheap who afier having contracted
constipation or liidiitesl 1011 is still
able to peifectlv lestnre his health.
Minimis will do this but Dr. King's
New Life Pills. A quick pleasant
and certain cure for headache, con
tliatiiiii, etc. .'.'10 at nil drug siores;
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Pictured by One Who Visited
There As a Delightful Plate
In Which to Live.
Mr. Editor Jacksonville la one of
the older towns of Oregon and the
county seat for Jackeon connly, also
the site of the first mining camp in
Oregon, gold having been discovered
there by Pool aud Cluggue, two
Yreka packers, December, I80I.
It was our good fortune lo visit this
fine old town a short time since by
invitation of kind friends and memort
of all that came to ns through their
delightful hospitality will mark a
bright spot in our lives.
Our host aud liosl-ss were of Its
substantial citizens aud in 1 1 1 j i r
pleasant, well ordered home we were
truly entertained, leaving them seem
ed like parting from long time
The townsite is admirable, having
a diversified, rolling surface, so de
sirable for a residence town. There
is open to view a broad valley covered
with farms rich in fields of grain,
orchards loaded with luscious fruit,
with fine herds of cattle grazing here
and there, while from a slight emi
nence a little buck of the town the
picture is enlarged to an expanse II
to 20 miles wide, reaching nctoss
Kogue River Valley at great distance
to the foot hills. To the east end
south is presented in grand outline
the Cascade and Siskiyou mountains,
50 to 15 miles away. This gives a
wouderfbl peismctivo to a pictnre of
striking beanty and great proportions
Happy the art that could tioly por
tray it. The town Itself is pleasing,
a place of beautiful homes, fine shade
trees and well kept lawuK, adorned
with nature's matchless beautiller,
flowers, giving evidence of culture and
flue taste.
The private grounds about the
home of Mr. Britt, three acres in ex
tent, is really a botanical garden for it
uuutnins a collection of semi-tropical
trees mid plants rarely seen in this
lutitudu, together with ft collection of
plants, shrubs and trees native to the
United Htatcs. It is justly famed
throughout Oregou.
There are many other estates hero,
among them the home of Mr. Nniiau,
a large brick siructnre of beautiful
desigu with ample grounds. Judge
Haiiua, one of Oregon's able mid
highly honored jurists, hits a home
here to be noted and admired.
Jacksonville has a postoHice in
which it limy have a just pride none
butter can be fuuud in Oregon. The
place is in alness itself, a nice ar
rangement of boxes, floors kept scru-
puously clean and varnished, with u
lino display of plants and flowers.
All Ibis united to all excellent service
Ins gri-at merit. We hope Uncie Sam
appreciates it as we do.
It is said Hie cemeten' gives a true
index of the town. Win re we find a
common resting place for Its dead,
irrespective of cieed or religion, It
argues much for a spirit of tolerance
and neighborly accord .Mining the
living. The convulse is equally true.
The little unkept enchisiiri s loo often
round here and there near towns, ex
pressive of creed, sect or religion of
the once living, show a tendency to
discord and strife, everywhere anil
always a restraint to moral or mater
ial growth. At Jacksonville we
found a beautiful aud well kept
cemetery oil a line site ucar the tov.11,
couiuiaudiug n view of the gteal
valley bnyoud ; the enclosure m at I j
fmced and of uiiiphi propot tions with
carefully kept rouds and walks nil
uliotit cry beautiful shade trees
and Dowers there were on every hand.
Its dead rest here in a coiuuiou em
brace awaiting the giiat summons.
Nothing was there suggestive ot un
rest, but better the sweet ciifnldiiiciii
of children in the 11, other's arms.
Leaving this heatitt'ul place place ot
united repose and sweet bird songs,
we said, tied grant this gives a true
type of a grand day w hen all biinh lis
shall be removed, th" storms spent
aud the clouds rolhd away w ith the
Eternal Light shining 111 all mind,
mid the Eternal Love giving rest audi
gladi'ess lo every heart. !
We found iu the life of this litth !
town as it was rest titcd to us, much
Unit was chin miiig. There w s a'
tine commingling of all, hoih old and:
young ; such an iib.-eiici of the sham I
and pretense that mats all lit, as to !
be observed and commend, d. Many j
people of culture ami rclim mem an :
to be found in this lutle town, who1
pteft r its quiit und the grand order-1
ing of nature all absent to the exact- 1
lug life ef the city. !
One thing should be seen by all !
visitors, the Helm collection ot j
curios. It contains in great numb r j
and variety, sptcinieus from the '
mineral, aniinal and Vt getahlc k itig
dou:, with mauy floats among them. I
also Indian relics, wcsioub of war, j
mo., used iu the fierce Indian wars ol !
Oregou An interesting feature is the
skull of a prehistoric ex exhumed
rt nil mi ujiuum-i1 .
or. ivery
'yrwxf box. 25c.
Dr. O. C. Ore (rive alert personal atttntlofl
to hi great humanitarian contract,
Jin our Almanac for many years past wt
have given unusual advice to those afflic
ted with coughs, colds, throat or lung
troubles or consumption. We have told
them if they did not receive any special
bent-fit after the nse of one 75-ceut size
Isitlle of German Syrup, to consult their
doctor. JVe did not ask them or urge
them to ue a large numlier of bottles, as
is the case in the advertising of many
other remedies. Our confidence in Ger
man Syrup makes it possible for us to
give such advice. tJWe know by the ex-ix-ricnce
of over 35 years that one 75-cent
tiotlle of German Syrup will speedily re
lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds,
bronchial or lung troubles and that,
even in bad cases of consumption, one
larjje bottle of German Syrup will work
wonders. tJNew trial liottles, 25c; reg
ular size, 75c. At all druggists.
or Hnle hy lr. .1. C. 8111I1I1.
from a p'neer mine. This skull is
from a third to onc-hulf larger thiiii
that of the ox of the present ti uie.
This exhibit is now vnluod at many
thousand dollars. The Smithoiiiiiti
Iuetitnto has made overtures for it
but it is not for sale.
Many flue drives are about the
town and suburbs. A good livery is
kept with service for day or night.
Wv found Jucksotii illo a town of
marked beauty and flue cliamtic con
ditions, quite exempt from fogs, mak
ing it the ideal place for the health
seeker and the lover of nature. Verily
Southern Oregou i-i the "Italy of
America," the land of fair skies,
health. giving climate, fruits aud
flowers, well shown in this fine old
town. We hope to see it and the good
pcoi lo there again. L.
Cured ol Lime Rack After 15 Ycari of
"I had been troubled with lame
back for 15 yeuis and I found a com
plete recovery iu the use of (.'hiinihei
lain's Pain Halm" suys John O.
Uisher, Oillinui, Ind. This liniment
is also without an equal for sprains
ami bruises. It is for sale by all
Henry Whipple bus started a cross
cut tunnel 011 the Angelica claim,
vhich he located last year.
I h hills are full of prospecto s
doing development work and some
good show ings buve heeu made
Oscar Boer is driving a 100-foot
crosscut tunnel oti a group t f claims
owned by hiinsj'lf mid Mr. Wicker
sham, of the Granite Hill mine.
There lias hi en a new placer ex
citement on the head of Sucker creek
and the whole creek above ilcnson's
hydraulic mine has been located.
Mr, Sage has completed his hsscsb
ineut work 011 the (iri.zly Cub and 21
claims, and he and his family have
returned to their home in Seattle.
W. P. Dob-oti has a crosscut iu SO
feet on the Tobacco group and expects
to strike the vein iu the next 20 feet,
when he will run drifts each way on
the vein. ;
Work 011 the crosscut at the Priggs
mine is going steadily ahead with
two shifts, mid is now iu l.'iO feet, j
Mort Gates, the pucker, is taking iu !
a car and track for the mine.
Prospirtor. j
D:autiful Women.
Plump checks. Hushed with tbe
solt glow of health and 11 pure com
plexion, make all women beautiful,
lake n small dose of lleibine afo r
each meal, it will tin vent consti
pation ami Inlp digest what you have
eaten. ,'iOc. Mrs. Win. M. Stroud,
Midlothian, Texas, writes, May ill.
i."'i : e nave used lierhine 111 our
lan.ily for i ight years, and found it
the b. st medicine we ever used for
constipation, bilious fever and
malaria." For sale by HoK rinunil
ind Vodcl Drun Store.
T P. Lee, tho watermelon man,
piss.ul through this ciiy Friday
with a carload of melons for Port
land. His lileiality with the rail
road ho v assures him of a wide circle
of friends among lliein, says tliu Hose
burg I'lalnd. aier
like Finding Money
Finding health is like find i ug moie t
j so think those who are sick.
When you have a cough, cold, sore
j throat, or chest irritation, belter ai t
j premi tly like W. C liarbcr 1 f Sand
j Level, Va. He says: "I had 11 tcr
I r 1 til" chest ttouble, cans, d I y sumcr
, and coal dust on my lungs; but after
' niuling no rein f in other reme ics,
I water nd It Dr. Kings New Dis !
1 fovery for Consumption, Coughs and
''olds " Crcaicst s-tle of any cough
of lung medicine in the world. Ai
ill d'uggists; .Vv end $1 I 0; guarun
ie, d. Trial bottle free.
' Satle Main Courier Building. I
Southern Oregon Paying Mines
All Owned by Outside
The Oregonian has several times
of late cal'ed attention to the mauner
iu which Portland moneyed men
neglect the opportunities for profit
able investments in Southern Oregon
that are being so rapidly tukeu up,
tiny being content to leave their
money lu banks to receive hut three
to four por cout interest. There is
capital Invested iu Southern Oregon
mill's from nearly every money center
iu the United States, except Port
land. Th re is not a working mine
iu till Southern Oregon that has a dol
lar of of Portland capital invisti d iu
it, the nearest that Portland Is doing
in this distrlcl is a few nu n of that
oily are developing some claims in a
small way aud working at some
small placers. The big mines are ail
owued by either Washington, Califor
uia or Eastern capitalists, and most
of the big development work now
going on here is being done by other
than Oregon men.
Of this neglect of one of the most
promising fields for investments on
the Pacific Coast by Portland cap
italists the Oregoniau gave the follow
ing editorial comment which is true
us to the facts but iticorrei t ns to the
location of the mine and place of
business of the broker', fur the Opp
mine Ib one mile from Jiickhouvi lie
and the parties who negotiated the
sale are Grants Pass and not Seattle
residents :
"The Opp mine, located one mile
from Grants Pa-s, has le eti sold by a
firm of Scuttle brokers to Eastern
parties for jl.'0,000 The mine was
purchased fro,u the discoverer by
Spukuuo parties and has piovcd one
of the most promising strikes iu
Southern Oregon. Spokane, scuttle,
Denver und other outside capital
seems quick to recognize the merit of
the mine-i in Southern Oregon, but a
Portlamler in that rich field for ex
ploitation is a ruro bird."
A Cold Settled in His Kidneys
A. J. Jonm'ste, Mill i'.utler St.,
Chicago, writes: " I am a sw itclnuan
aud am out in nil kinds: of of
weather. I took u cold which set
tled iu my kidneys und I w is in bad
shape I tried setrrul advertised
remedies with 110 hem lit, until 1
was recommcudeil to try Foley's Kid
ney Cure. Two-thirds of 11 hottl
cured me." For snie by II. A. Koler
m 11 nil.
Of Cholera Morbus Kith One Small Bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Mr. G. V. Fouler of Ifightuwcr,
Ala , relates ail experience he had
while serving on u petit jury iu a
murder case at Eilwardsville, county
suit of Chlourne county, Alabama.
He says: "While there I ale some
fresh meat and some souse meat and
it gave me c boli ta morbus in a very
severe form. I was never more sick
in my life mid sent to the drug slore
for a certain cholera mixture I ut the
druggist sent me a bottle . f Chamber
lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrho-a
licnicdy instead saying that he had
what I sent for but that this midieine
was so iiim-h better he would rati. er
send it to me iu iho fix I was in. I
took one dose of it and was bitter iu
live minutes. The second dosecurnl
me entirely. Two fellow jurors were
alllicted iu the same 111:1001 r and one
2.1 ci ut buttle cured the three of us. "
For sale by all druggists.
Canada lias twice as much standing
tiinl er as the I'liilcd States.
aticiw.. .s; f. M ,;ft,f -yy 1
House Moving
I! you have a ImiMini;
thai you want iimvcl,
r.ii.seil or lwcllcil tiji,
call on or address
A. E. Holloway.
KesidcUeo 2 miles u.-st of city
north snie of fiver.
I have a modern '' room
house including pantry and
batii, on sewer line, elnse in,
lou-h S2: sm.dl pa r.Kiit in
cash or !nK:rly. Also 4
roimi Uix house, same tcnis.
Sixth ami I. sttcets.
Team mid '.vagen fur sale.
riioue .1S4 Grants Pass, Ore.
Milling Hanks of all kinds at the
L'ouricr oflice.
Own Vour Own lliis
Elvs Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give satniacimu.
It cleanses, snothca. heals, and pioteeta the
diseased membrane. It cures O'tarrh and
drives away a Cold in th" Head .piii kly.
llestnrea the 8enes of Taste Mid. Smell.
Easy to mo. Contains no in jurious) drugs.
Applied into the nostiil.i and absorbed.
Large Kiz", R0 cents at Pnu'idds cr by
mail: Trial Ruse, Id eo-fi by i.udL
ELY BROrHEIiS. G8 iVw ' St.. Mew York.
Cured ol Bright1! Disease,
jco. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red
Mills, Lawrence Co., N. V., writes:
"I hud kidney disease for many years
and had heeu treated by physicians
for 13 yearn: had taken a well known
kidney medicine and other remedies
that were recommended but got no
relief until I began using Foley's
Kidney Cure. Tne first half bottle
relieved me und four bottles have
cured uie tf this terrible disease. Be
fore I began Hiking Fohy's Kidney
Cure I Inn) to make water Bbout every
la minutes, day aud night, and passed
brk'k-du.-t substance, and sometimes
slimy substance. I believe I would
have died if I bad not taken Fo ey's
Kidney Cure." For sale by II. A.
Machinery For Sale.
A 15 II. P. Ruisell engine, a No.
4 centrifugal pump, 200 feel fi-iucb,
doublo riveted pipe, of) feet 5-ilich
pipe, mo feet ll-inch belting, making
a complete irrigation, or pumping
plant. Also a turbine water heel,
pulley and gears. All at a bargain.
All kinds of machinery bought,
sold and listed.
Urunts Pass Irou & Steil Works.
, Neglected Colds
Kvery part ot the mucous membrane
of the nose, throat, ears, head and
lungs, elc, aro subjected to disease and
blight from neglected colds. Pal
lard's linn hound Syrup is a pleasant
anil effective remedy. 2.V ode $1.00.
ff. Akemlrick, Vulley Mills, Texas,
writes: "I have used I'allanl's
Ilorelionnd Syrup for roughs mid
throat troubles; it is a pleasant mid
most effective remedy." For sal by
Holermund and Model Drug Store.
Has Stood Hie Test of i!5 Years.
The old, original GKOYP.'S Tasteles
Cinll Tonic. You know what ) 011 Hre
inking. It is iron and quinine in .1 taste
less form. N'l c-me, no psy.
Piiderwood Typewriter aeut. A.
K. Yoorhics.
J. K. KF.lil.KY, I'noi-K.
Last stable south on Sixth street.
Iluom under cover for I, Ml noises 11: i
40 wagons. pox stalls. Corral) I o
loose stock.
(inly the best hay, clean grain a-i.'
alfalfa fed. Hull, il barley mid oti .t
No diseased horses ullottisl. i'i
running water, u:ul trough clear
every day.
Uniting room und toilet room white
ladies can leave wraps and niTac".
their toilets.
I'riees reasonable anil best care gn 1
sti ick.
Charles Costain
I Wood Workina; Shop.
' West of (lour mill, near R. R. track
Turning. .Scroll Work. Stair Work, I
Snnig,l aUnct Work, Wood I'liiln-, .
t-diiifuwl gumming, Hrpiiinng ail kinds
Trues ruin j
Front Street, west Palace hotel
J. II. I'.tDIKK K. I'lopn.ior.
.( M?ll,or';T,a,l,,!e.'lr''''',' K""","1 " 'Vmetery work in any kind
.b.,,"';;:;,;!;';;:,:;;;: ;xri;:rr,:;,,:::r;u u in
M irble" ""ni!"' 'Wk in S,"",," " Am'Tiean Stani.e or an, kind of
"exl to lire-ne's l.unslio,,.
i ..v i nx, 1 isM 1:m ,,,,
Dr. Stlimlcr's Altorallvp A. Npusiinmih ( hits
All Female Disorders, no matter if given up by your
physician. Fur sale hy
Given Up to Die.
B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St,
Evaniville, Ind., writes: "For over
five years I was troubled with klduey
and bladder affections which caused
me mu li pain and worry. I 0kt
flesh aud wag all run down, and 1
year ago had to abandon work en
tirely. I had three of the beBt physi.
clans who did me no good ami I wai
practically given np to die. Foley'i
Kidney Cure wag recommended and
the first bottlo gave me great relief
and after taking the second bottle I
was eutiroly cored." For sale by
H. A. Kotormund.
Cattle Ranch For Rent.
1120 acres on Seven-Mile creek about
five niilea soufrfwest from Fort
Klamath, Oregou. All fenced, liouBe,
large burn, ample water Bupply, will
cnt uhout 80 tons wild bay. Address
with references, P. O. Box No. 3,
Taconin, Washington.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
INE Tubluts. All druggists refund
the money of it fuils to cure. E. W.
Grove's signature is no each bcx. 2,")c,
The Bonrd of Equalization for Jose
phine County, Oregon, will meet at
the oflice of the County Clerk, Mom
day, October 2, HH).r), at 1) o'clock A.
JL, mid will remain iu session each
successive day for one week. All
parties interested are requested to ap.
pear and examine their assessments fur
the year I '.104 and have all errors
corrected if any there be, as uo cor
nel ions can bd made after the ad
journment of said board.
Assessor of Josephine Conury, Ore.
Grants Pass, Ore., Sept. 5, 1!HI5.
Notice is hereby giveu, that the
County Court will accept scaled bids
for the election of a Counly juil
building, according to specifications
on file in tliu County Clerk's oflice,
said bids to be filed with the County
Clerk on or before the ilth day of
October, l!0."i, at I) o'clock A. M.
of said day, said bids to be opened at
10 'clock of riitd llth (lay of 0( tober,
llloo, at the lace of meeting of the
County Court.
'1 he County Court rrsetves the
right to reject any and all bids and
he successful bidder will be requiied
to make and exeente to the County
Court a bond in li e sum of $."i( 0 for
the successful couiph lion of his work.
Comity Clerk.
In the Comity Court of the State cf
Oregon, for the Oounty of
Ill the matter of the )
fate of William .
Seifert, Deceased. J
To the unknown heirs of nnd all
persons interested iu the estate of
William Seifert, deceased, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited und required to
appear in tie County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Josephine, at the Court room thereof,
at Grants Puss in the County of
Josephine, on Moudav, the ninth day
of Octohe-, 1 ().-,, at 10 o'clock ill
the forenoon ol that day then aud
there to show cause, If any, why an
orib r should tot. he jrinuteJ to Jose
X. Nelson, the administrator of the
estate of William Sciieit, deceased,
to sell the real (state of the saiil
deceased, at private sale, consisting
of the north half of lots numbered
Five (01 ami Six (II) in Block num
bered Thirty-thne CIH) of the Origi
nal Town ot Grants Puss, Josehpiuo
Cfiiinly, Slate of Oregon.
Witin ss, the Hon. J. O. Booth,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County tf
Josephine with the seal of taid Court
allixed, this otb day of Sept., A. I).,
1 '.HI.",.
Attest: S. F CHESHIRE,
We will pay One Hundred
Dollnts reward for information
leading to the arrest and ron
victiuii ol any person breaking,
shooting or throwing at the
Insulators on our Electric
Transmission Line.
I Condor Water & Power
' C. mpany.
llOTKKMI'M), DnitftflMf.