Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 15, 1905, Image 7

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j'-?r,""",fw'll 1! M.M A U . It...- I
I , v, Aivn awik. IMK U V n kVV L H L
are twins at the
...White House Grocery..,
Our aim to give the best good,
and service for the least money con
sisieru wun ousiness principles
Hop yard supplies furnished to in
dividual buyers and attention given
iu Pining conveniences.
Items of Personal
CO 1 . TV 1 ' . n
im cuuuub reme rrnnes coo
1 caa good Salmon Hir
""i"i'u oaraineg . njr
No. S Royal Soda Crackers ". 2"c
I can good Ashland Tomatoes Mc
1 cau good Corn 10c
inmilllB nolle CeanS 4j(.
1 gallon good syrup. . . . 0c
1 sack floor (10 lb. sack). 80c
1 pound tea dost loc
1 box 20 bars laondry soap skc
6 bars fancy toilet soap 2bc
Two-Bit Coffee for 20c in GranU Paw
Sweet potatoes now in market.
The celebrated Josephine conuty
CASABAS now coming in market
Tomatoes are cheaper 25 cents per
dox tins week.
Watermelons now at their best.
Peaches and Pears scarceud iu good
Another fresh lot of sweet and sour
pickles and Queen Olives Just arrived.
White House Grocery.
Telnplioue 4111, answoreU promptly.
Miss Ivan Gordon returned Sunday
alter a month 'i visit at Portland and
Oreg in City.
W. L. Ireland made a business trip
to f ortland the first of the week, re
tcrning borne Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Clise and son
Don left Wednesday morniug lor Port
ia ii I where they will remain a
Miss Carolyn TJmphlett left Ihuw
day morning for Fallon, Nevada,
where she has taken a position on a
Mr. Darby O'Toole and danohbar .
Mis Frances, of Phoenix, Ore., were
quests at Mr. Dounell's and at Mrs.
E. Ualvin's, a few days this week,
Elbert Veach and mother left
north Thursday morning, Mr.
Veach for a short stay in Portland
and his mother to visit her old home
at Cottage Grove.
Mm. Will Jackson and daughter,
Miss Kuih of Baker City are visiting
Mr. Jos. Moss. Dr. Jackson has
sold ont his busiuess In Baker City
and will locate in Portland.
Mrs. M. A. Owens of Oakland,
Cal., is visiting her brother, V. P.
Wright Although they have been
living a comparatively short distance
apart, they have not met before for
nearly 40 years.
J. N. Boyd came up from Ashland
Monday to tnrn over his photograph
tent to Mr. Bruch who will conduct
the buboes in the future. Mr. Boyd
is now engaged in the grocery busi
ness in Anhland.
F. L. Preston of Boulder, Colo.,
after spending a week or more visit
ing former ueighbors, Mr. Kuapp unci
Mr. Copps, left for the north Mon
day. Mr. Preston's trip will extend
over several mouths as he is visiting
the ui'...iug sections from Death's
Valley to British Columbia, he being
au exp rt mineralogist.
Miss A. M. Muzzy of New Tork.
after a visit of several weeks to Rev.
and Mrs. H. H. Brown, left for Cali
fornia points Wednesday.
Q. P. Jester visited his mother at
Halsey this week, returning home
Thursday. While there he bad a
visit .with his sister also, whose
borne is in Seattle.
Van Farmer, whose name does not
indicate his occupation at all for he
is a successful miner, returned Satur
day from Siskiyou county, where he
has been mining for several months
E. C. Dixon le t Monday night for
a visit to the fair. He will meet his
father, mother and sister iu Portland
and they will return with him to
Grants Pass for a visit of several
Miss Astella Qoodin, former pre
oeptress of the High schorl, has can
celled her engagement with the Salem
school and accepted a position in the
Prineville High school at a greatly
increased salary.
Carl McCroskey returned home
Wednesday uight from Newport where
has been olerk at the Monterey dur
ing the summer. There have been an
unusual number of visitors at New
port this season the number amount
ing to about 1100.
Arthur How land and W. H. Miller,
who sre driving a tunnel on the Mt.
Pitt mine on Jump-off-Joe came to
Grants Pass Saturday evening. Sun
day morning Mr. Miller left for Jack
sonville for a short visit with his
family, while Mr. Huwlnnd left
Monday evening for Portland, where
he will spend a week at the fair.
Mr. and Mrs... G. R. Ross of
Mechanirsburg, 111 ,and Jack Ross and
son I ester, of Robv, 111., left Grants
Pass Sunday on their trip home.
The party had been to the Lewis and
Clark fair and had stopped off here to
ray Mr and Mrs. A. T. Martin a visit.
Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Q. R. Ross are
sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Martin be
News Note from th Business
Men to R.edera.
! fore coming to Oregon
I sided in Illinois.
last year re-
Thursday. Friday Sept. 28, 29, 30
and Saturday "
Copyrignt 1905 by
Hrt Schaffner 6 Marx
School supplies at Clemens'.
Violin, etc., strings Courier Build
ing. W. B. Sherman Real Estate. Tele
phone 731.
Souvenir Post "Cards Courier
Give your frieuds a Stage line the
good smoke.
If yon want a biovcie chean. call at
Cramer Bros.
Clothes mended. Mrs. L. 8. Holt,
118 Moss Street
W. L. Ireland, the Real Estate Man.
negotiates loans.
Or. M. C. Findlev testa eves and
lurnisues glasses.
Bicycle Bells and Lamps at a dis
count at ranuock s.
Pure Malt Pickling Vinegar.
White House Grocery.
School Books and School supplies at
me oioaei utng store.
Rifles and Carbines in 80-30 aud 25
35 Calibers at Cramer Bros
Maps of Oregon Wash in ton and
California at the Musio Store.
Pop Pickers will find camp Stoves
ana camp outfits at Uramer Bros.
ton will a!was fiud matter if in
terest In our classified ad column.
A publio typewriter can be found
at the Courier Building at all times.
aims ireiaua is a resident piano
saiisiar.y ana guarantees satisfaction
Caps for Masous Jars 16 cents
dozen, two dozen for 25 cents. Hair
Riddle Hardware Co.
Call at the Musio Store, Front
street and see the handsome pianos-
Miss Iceland cau sell you any of the
standard makes.
Eves carefully fisted and glasses
ntten to correct any defect of vision
hy vr. vt. t. Kreuier, Courier build
ing. Prices reasonable.
The Western, a first-class fiimilv
hotel, vuint location, yet convenient
to depot and near court house. (jood
meals and cleau beds aud prices
Miss Minnie Ireland now has the
Allen & Gilbret-lianibker Co. piano
aud orgau agency for Josephine county
and she cau always be found at the
Musio Ilnufe. Instruniei.ts sold
ou easy payments aud old ones taken
111 exchange
Engraved Cards Courier Building.
The best assortment of tablets at
PeiiciU and Tablets, at the Model
Drug store.
Colored Post Cards 3 for S cents
Musio store.
Puib Malt Pickling Vinegar White
'1 ouse urocery.
Putton's Sun Proof Paiuts are sold
only by Cramer Bros.
Post Cards Tablets 2 cards
tablet, fic Musio i-tore.
What they were and what they are A Difference
Wo might emphasize the importance of comparison hy going hack
to primitive days were it necessary, or perhaps not so far hack.
HART SCHAFFNER t MARX clothes have the "car-marks" of today,
their method for making modern clothes is not necessarily unlike that of
others, but enough of that difference exists to make their clothes distinctive
In the long run, excellence and worth are the only things that count.
When a customer of ours trys on a suit and realizes that it (its perfect
ly and looks fine, ami we give him an unqualified guarantee of its ju;dity,
he will go away pleased with him self and with us.
Whi'ti he finds it wears and retains its shape and continues to give him
service, he becomes another of our faithful patrons so long as he gets the
same satisfaction.
Corporation books, stock certificates
and mils at the Courier oflice.
Typewriting and Stenography-
ground noor, uouncr building.
See Voorliies for Underwood Type-
wrirers aud .typewriter supplies.
W. B. Sherman Real Estate aud
Timber, Room V and 10, Masonic
Go to the Grants Pass Grocery for
tuts uoweu Cheddar braud of Tilla
mook cheese.
Timber claims. Homesteads. W
H, Sherman, Rooms 10 and 12 Masonic
letnple, Grants Pass Ore.
Protect yonr goats and sheep from
depredations of coyotos, cougats,
wildcats and other wild animals by
using fllarsters l oyote r.itermlimtor.
Warranted to killvarmiuts every tune
and to hold Its strength for a year. Is
a prepared paste that the smell of it
will attract a coyote for a long dis
tance. Pull directions with each can,
for sale at Rotermund's drugstore,
urants rtvi.
Chickens wanted by Henry
W alters at the Oregon.
It is this kind of clothing that we sell, merchandise that fulfills
modern clothes educated public demand for the best that's made.
You can't make a mistake by placing us on your calling list when you
ate ready for a Fall or Winter Suit.
Outfitters to Boy and Man.
We sell whut we advertise
and we advertiac what we sell
jand our customers lind that
the goods are what we claim
tli. hi to be.
i Here is a lirt of hoiiio of
"our best" lines anil every
one is guaranteed:
j (iarland Stoves
Stransky Steel ware
Anti - Rusting Tinware
Hartford Bicycles
Tat ton's Sun l'roof
Oliver l'lows.
There is solid satisfaction
in all of them. Tuv Them.
Fall Goods
New Supply.
Boys' & Men's
HATS - Snappy and Up-to-Date
SHOES -See Those Sketos
Shirts and Ties that are smashers
See Windows
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
Cramer Bros.
A ledum on Christian Science hy
Miss Jlary Brook ins, O. 8. B., of
Minneapolis, will be fliven In the
Opera House Monday evening, Sept.
2,'th, under the auspices of the First
Christiau Science Association, of
Orauts Pass, Ore. Th association
extends a cordial invitation to the
The Amity paper reports a farmer iu
that section raised this leasoti eight
tous of vetch hay from 1 34 acres of
laud. Many farms hero have had
quite as good success with vetch. It
should bo sown not later than this
nioutn to get the largest growth for
It is a winter growing plant, nud it
will yield the second nml third crop
when Irrigated.
The Willamette Development
League will hold its third convention
at Eugene, September 2'.Uh aud 80th.
with three very interesting programs
oil which the most prominent men of
the statu discuss methods for the de
velopment of Western Oregon. This
will be one of the most important
conventions ever held, 11 ml (irituts
Pass is Invited.
Persons desiring sti nogruphio aud
typewriting done correctly, as to
grammar, spelling and punctuation,
aud neatly can have their wink done
hy Miss M. A. Barrett, at the Courier
lllce. Business correspondence and
paH'r strictly coulldintliil. Mirs
Barrett fully understands all classes
f commercial aud legal wolk and her
prices are reasonable.
Earl V. IiiK'iIls has rented the room
in the olil Axtell building formerly
occupied by Judd Taylor and will
opeu au assay oflice. Mr. and Mrs
Ingals arrivd July 1st Irom Boulder,
olo., but for Hie past month
Iiiivh been at the (ireeulmeL mine
Mr. 1 11 Kit 1 1 h is a grmluatc ol liruUi
I Diversity of I Irs Miiiiie., Inwu, nml
hits had a practical exiirienie n.
rarer and 1 hcmiM.
The Koseburg Pluinili 11 ! r Ins tins
say of our Kohert, "Jjm hli.e
uith," aud of his ni gtehioiiiil in.
piimions: "Knleit 1,1m Mnith tin
ell known Demociiit 11: ti e iiuerif
(inints Pass w ho is hi oininu himself
for Congress to ruciieil lien. Hinui 1
Hermann has be n in this 1 ii v iiuiii,
this week on his why to Pi rtlnml '
h aving for that place Tnctndy inglit.
Mr. Kmith I ns sold ,ir pir, tin-
Grunts Pass Herald, to Henry Hmitl,
ho w ill attempt the ul.liriitii 11 i t u
liily paper at Oisiits Piisn "
That Hug cm H:ver Valiev ir Un
natural li'Miin of the grille is 1 roieii
by the vigorous urowth and hen thy
vine of both the w Id ami the tame
grapes that are to he found iu thi
Valley. A rnuiple ol a t,rn vine
showing the wonderful growth that1
has been made this year is on dis
play at Jos. Muw' real e-tate olllce
This vine is 21 feet long, a'l of this
year's growth but hie I It been allowed
to grow for the remainder of the
season, would have added another fisit
or more in length. It is from a vine
In John Patrick's yard, who reside
on North Eighth street. The vine
grew In the drsiryard without cultiva
tion, irrigation or special care.
First National Bank of Southern Oregon
It. A. IIOOTII, Pres. J. 0. C'A M I'BKI.I., Vice -Pres. II. 1.. (ill.KKY. Lsshier.
Hurplus ami Undivided I'rutl'a
Ite.elye deposits subject to check or on certltlcale psvsHe on (I menu. I.
helis ilriids on New Vurk, Chicago, ban Francisco, Portland and Heallle
r-pecial facilities for making collections thruiigli numerous currespouilenta
It. A.
Mootii, 1
J. T. Terrs,
J. ('. CilMPIIIti.1.,
II Haitii,
Joiisj I). Fky,
Don't Forget - -
The Host Assortment
School Books and Supplies
Ruler ami Hlottir free for the asking.
tift All
tsg 0
r Z
II. Ill.lif., sill, hi., . ..-,. M I'nm. tr..tfon