Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 15, 1905, Image 4

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Many Quaatlona Asked and An
' awared Prof. Cordley Tells
How lo Kill Hop Lice
Beginning at Grants Pau last gator
day Dr. Jamea Withyoombe, director
of the Oregon Slate Agricultural
College, and Prof. A. B. Cor. liny, en
tomologist, and Prof. K. L. Kent,
dairy instructor at the college, are
holding thia week a an lea of fine
firmer! institutes in Rogue Kiver
Valley. The institute at Granta Paxi
was preaided over by Hod. A. 11. Car
ion with Charlea Meaerve aa secretary.
Mr. Carson briefly outlined the
work of 'he institute and then asked
that the farmers present any to ic
that they wished discussed. Stephen
Jewell stated the hop lice wire
leadily gaining year by year in the
yards of Southern Oregon and asked
bow best were they to be extermina
ted. Prof. Cordley in reply gave a
clear sketch of the habits of the Imp
lice and of the beat methods of soli
doing it. He said that early in the
spring the egga of the aphia, which
had been laid the prerioos full on
plom aud prone treei, hatched. Each
aud every egg produced a female.
These are known aa the atoiii-niotln r.
lu about a week these atein-mothcia
mature aud eanh gives birth to several
aphids of the second generation.
Theae are like the atem-niothers,
witiiout wings and of cob i so remain
upon the plnm. Ou reaching ma
turity, they like the atcm-motlicr
give birth to another generttiion of
aganiio females, the individuals of
which as they approach maturity, de
vclop wings aud migrate to the hop.
Thia migration occurs about June 1st
In the Kogue River Valley or possibly
during the hut half of May and alter
it la over, If all the lice in a yard
could be destroyed, there could be no
further Infection (luring the remain
der of the aeason. After once reach
lug the hop generation after genera
tion of wingless agauilo females are
produced until about the time thu
crop la being gathered when a geneia
tlon of winged agamic females is de
veloped and migrates bark to the
plum where birth ia given to sexual
w'nglesa females. A generation of
winged malts ia thro developed upon
the hop. These fly to the plnm, mate
with the females each of which then
deposits upon the plum twigs two or
three small oval eggs, which are at
first green but later become shining
black. All of the aphids, both aexos,
tlieu die, the apociea wintering only
lu the egg'atage and ouly upnu plum
or prune trees. Prof. Cordley reonm
mended spraying at fiequont interval
after the lice apjicared tin the hops
aud to be kept up until the lice were
killed. Were all wild plum trues to
be destroyed aud as few tame plums
and prnnoa aa possible, the lice would
have no place in which to breed
He recommeudu I the usual
apray of whale oil soap and quassia
The formula for thia and ull other
apiaya or the various punts Unit the
farmer ban to light are given
In bulletin No. 75 published by the
Agricultural Co'lego and are sent frei
to any addresa ou application.
(Colli illlled next week. )
Geo. Cramer Loses Barn
Ceo. P. Cramer lost hia barn and
wood shed br die Friday night ai
about U o'clock. How the lire origl
ualed la a mystery na no one ha I
been to the barn ilh a light of biii
kind. Mr. aud Mrs. Cramer were ai
borne all the evening and when tin
discovered the fire the barn was ii
flames. Au ahum waa turned iu and
the tlrcnit n rcapoudetl quick lv. Tin
Cramer home was saved only by th
prompt and coiitiunoiis ue of the gai
lieu hose. This, however, would hate
been unavailing had I here been uli
wind. The location of one of the lew
carts being iu the court house sqtiaic
was a great saving offline and it war
but a few minutes after the alaru
sounded before the hose was at tin
hydrant, the lire by this time had con
snined the barn and waa making head
ing ou the wisilhhed and cbickci
bouse, these buildings were deluged
with water aud saved. The luss will
foot up lo about f'.'.Mt as tliele w
cousidcrblii hay and a carriage in I be
bain Ceo. II. liiirham also lust sev
eral ailieles which were stored in a
shed uearhy.
K. K Dunbar and K. W. Ku.vken
dall were in Crania I'ass Saturday le
site, id the farmers institute anil tiny
were greatly pleased with the meet
ings. Messrs Dunbar and Kuvkcu
dall owu some 8000 acres of land ou
which tin v are making a stuck farm
that Is certain to be one of the finest
ai well as uiost profitable ill Sou hern
(Ircgnu These gentlemen areglviug
careful i u vest i gall Hi to every phase
of their farming operation and it was
with this eud ill view t lint they made
the JO mile horseback tide lo Grants
Pass lo atteud the farmers institute
that they might gain additional in
formation fiom the addresses of the
Agricultural College professors ami
the discussions ttiat would follow- iu
which farmers would give their ex
periences. It is the progressive suc
cessful faru r v. bo has the time and
takes the time 10 at lend farmers in
stitutes ami it is such men oho t'.nd
farming profitable.
The uewest telphoue system has an
automatic connector which docs away
with the "hello girl "
Hobos are Passing Southward in
Great Numbers.
Few of the residents of Grants Pass
realize what the night marshal has
to cor tend with in the bands of hobos
and toughs that are making their an-
noal fall migration Sooth ward. The
number ia greatly swelled thia year
on account of the Lewis and Clark
fair aud until long after its close thia
shifting population will be steadily
moving southward. The general char
acter of these derelicts la much worse
than ever before aa the fair haa at
tracted great numbers of the worse
element of society. The marshal is
kept ever on the watch and all who
atop off here are advised to keep on
the move. It ia, however, Impossible
for one nightwatcli to keep an eye on
alj parta of the city or even the bosi
nesa part for the hobos travel In bands
and one or two of them can occupy the
marshal's attentioo in one part of town
while the rest of the gang are operat
ing in a different locality.
Honi3 of thi hoboa have been landed
In the city lockup at different times
and fed ou bread and water which
tends to give them a wholesome regard
for the anthoritira and a desire to
make their stay iu town as abort as
possible. A city rock pile would make
the tramps floe from Grauts Pass 11
from s pestilence.
Bills Audited by County Court
Hogue and Burke, mdse pant) ,1 4 fli!
Cramer Bros, mdse rda 4 2'i
J 11 Crnxtou, viewer Grave
Crk rd la 00
II C Perkins, surveyor Grave
Crk rd 18 00
E M Duncan, chain bearer
Grave Or rd 2 (X)
I W Light, flagman Giave
Crk rd 3 IK)
J K Htites, cruis timber lands . l)H 00
C ('older, axman Grave Crk rd 2 00
James Nee ey, wrk Grave Crk rd 12 00
C AI Htiles.cruia timber lands . 70 00
Cramer Bros, hdw rds 0 20
O H Brown, mdse paup . B 00
K C Churchill, mdse paup ... 5 (10
Mary F Gilmore, care paup 20 (X)
It L Bartlett, shoes prisoners... II 00
W A Klum, wrk on brdg 4 0.)
L M Michael, wrk on brdg 2 00
M Eades, wrk on brdg 7 00
W Kntnrford, wrk brdg 4 Oo
TJMackiu, mdse paup 1(17
L B Hall, coflliis paup 112 7
II M Meyers, Grave Crk rd 2 00
T J Mackin, hdw rds 8 All
L Ha' age, stamps, exp, etc U on
G Karg, sutler visor riist. 45... 2(1
J J Brown, wrk rds 23 fill
Jack Harpster, wrk ou brdg 2 00
II 8 Woodcock, liuhr rd dint
No. HI 4ft 20
J T Logan, Imbr ril dist. No. Ill 2H !U
K G Bums, care paup 24 00
A Morris, supervisor dist. No
Kl 22 SO
II H Woodcock, lnihr rds 1.1 41
Arthur llussey, haul Imbr rds . H (
I) M Shaffer, sup dist. No. Ill . . -PI
I) H HhatTur, nail brdg it Ho
M A Conger, Imbr brdg 41 ill
J I) Booth, atmps 4 fn)
W II Khiuagiiu, inquest Oil
Chas Gentnui, sun Dist. No. 10 114 US
II a Woodcock, Imbr brdg 2!l lit
Dean it Dickisou, team hire paup ft Oil
Mrs C M llolnici, care punp . . . 1ft mi
K S Kills, burial paup 2 fto
M II Golf burial paup 2 fto
L L Field, burial paup 2 ftu
Albert Stephenson, burial paup 2 fto
J It letter, board paucra ... 2011 hi'
II S Woodcock, Imbr brdg H m;
J H letter, burial paup I ft M
J K Yelter, tobacco paup 4 00
K S Kills, burial paupers ft (Hi
M II Guff, burial piiujers .. ft Oil
A Slephensiin, burial paupers . ft 00
Henry Miller, care pauKr . . H 00
Lueus & Hon repairing jail cots ft 40
II K Christie, Imbr brdg 117 ll.'i
Barlow Bros, mdse paupers . .. Ill 00
Cellling il Cock, iron for Indg ftft on
I' H Proctor, print L it C Kx 4SKI on
I) P Love, sec'y bril health .. Ill Oil
T B Cornell, mdse paup 20
Oregon Observer, priming II 00
Annie lictiors, wrk rd 2 00
Geo I) Bannard A Co.. supplies 2(1 tic
Gen tlchcrs.haul Imbr brdgs
I 02
Geo Getters, wrk on brdgs
F A Robinson, w rk on brdgs .
.1 II JohiiMiii, wrk un hrdgs
II C Churchill, mdse paups
Geo Gebers, wrk brdgs
Then Parks w rk brdgs . ..
A Morns, wood Court house
Geo I' Furiuaii, ex insane . .
Harlow Bros , indse pimp
Geo Gcttcri-, haul Imbr brdgs
K W Light, wrk ou bulgs .
M Clemens, supplies
3 10
13 II..
12 II..
7 fid
II 117
8 00
133 fto
ft (HI
III 01'
."ill 20
3 00
17 ('.'.
2? Ml
20 IHI
S F Cheshire, simps, exp, tel etc
W M Cheshire, salary janitors
J C Lewis, making map
D P Love, incd her vice prisoner 111 On
Geo W Lew is, slms, tel, etc . 4 CO
Gen W Lew is, board prisoners Ho ini
J C Smith, nnlse paups 12 hft
D I' Love, examine insane ft (Hi
C W Taylor, col orei L iVC Kx lift HO
W C Smith, indue paups ... 7 l!2
M T I'tlev, wik ou brdg 1 (Hi
J P Mi Council, teacher's exam 13 (Hi
G A Savage, teachers' exam 12 IH
Model Drug store, mitse paupes 87 fto
Hair -Kiddle Hdw. Co., hdw.rds 10 92
Kogue River Courier, pruning 8S fc"i
Win tlroiid. wit state vs Ingrain 9 IHi
G L Wo blu.lge, guard insane 2 ,"P
Kitlliev tV Truax, mdse piup S lit)
Hair Kiddle Hdw Co. hdw rds
ia ;.s
It 1,1
.las Tumble, hlcksmitliiug ids
II S I'icsioti, li, ran wrk, L
A: C Kx
10 10
4 IH
Fred Knox, col ores I, C Kx
J C Ctu.pbell, salary and ex
pense I. A" C K.
1110 3A
Hair Kiddle Hdw Co, mdse L
A. C Kx I c
I'rain r Un s uid-e 1. C Kx 8 Jc
Lisa I'rudlinii.c, supplies 4 21
Gi o. S Calhouii, Co, iiiiImi
prisoner 3 2ft
D Ciane, sup Dist 43 s
C F Lovelace, cnin s:il . :I0 20
T Logan, com sal :I9 20
Hal low - Smith.
Carl lt.irlow aud Miss Olive Smith
ere united in marriage by the Rev.
is. 11. Travis at the llaptisl parson
age iu Grant l'as ou Tuei-day hist.
Neither Mr. Barlow or M n-s Smith
need any iiitroducl ion to die residents
of Gnlice, Mr. P;irlov bi tug engaged
iu the uierc.tiili le tiimiuc aud hold
iug llie oltice of postma.stcr, while
Mis- Sin it I', daughter of D. 1. Smith,
is one of
ies cted
l.:lice s most mpular and j
young Indies. The happy
couple departed on Wednesday for a
mouth's visit ill Belliuiham, Wash,,
after which thy will be at home to
their fnein's at their new residence
ill Galice. A bos' of g.sid wishes
accompany Mr. and Mrs. B?irlow and
Galice awaits anxiously :o welcome
tbeiu on their return.
To Be Observed by
chants Sept.
The Grants Pasa merchants have
decided to set aside the last Muee
days of September, the 281 Ii, 2Jlh and
80th, which shall be known as Red
Letter daya, and it ia proposed to
make these events an annual occur
rence. These days will mean much
to every person living within SO
miles of the city as great induce
ments will be offered to all buyers of
merchandise. The local merchants
propose to make sweeping reductions
ou muny articles In their stock lor
these three days and these daya ouly.
On the following Monday the former
prices will be resumed. Thia re
duction applies to all lines of busi
ness dry goods, clothing, hardware.
groceries. This will be the time for
every farmer or miuer to lay in his
winter's supply of goods. Watch
the next week papers for pricea and
tell your neighbors about it.
There will also be especially en
Provisional Program
Thursday, Sept 28th.
Hose Race.
Hose Race wi t bat.
Baseball Business vs. Professional men.
Tug of War.
10 :80 A M
11:00 A M
3 :80 P M
4 :(K) P M
9:00 AM Field spotta and rices under direction of American
Athletic Club.
2:30 P M Baacball- A. A.C. vs.
Saturday. Sept. 50th
10:00 A M Burlei(ne parade.
11:00 AM Juvenile sporta.
12:.'I0-1 :80 P M W. M. Barbecue Feast free.
1 :!I0 P M Drilling Contest- Purse I00.
3:80 PM Football.
All aports and games w ill he held in Railroad Park Every
thing free and everyone Invit. d.
Prizes will ho offered for nil the games and races and also for
the following :
Oldest Josephine County Settler who ci un ft to Grants Pasa
during the Red Letter Daya.
The couple w ho have I ecu married the longest.
The person bringing iu thn largest load of people.
The largest family that comes to tho city. will also be given for the biggest fruits.
Read later announcements.
Louie Smith, Age 60, Succombs
to He&rt Failure.
Tuesday morning Louis Kinitli, liv
ing wi'ti his family ou a ranch about
eight miles down the river, was at
tacked with heart failure while out
hunting cows. Hia body was disov
ered near the roadside by Ben Si in ti
ll ins who was driving to Griuts Pass.
Cormier i luuagau was lint i lied and
imiiii di iti ly left for Merlin and held
an inquest, the verdict rendcrou tieiug
that death was caused by heart failure.
The (li censed was a mail about 10 ycari.
of age and leavi s a wife and' several
Tho ancient Babylonians and As
syrians worked a most tutistaclor.v
system of matrimony, asMmliliiig al.
llie marriageable girls before tin
temple twee a year and auctioning
them off to bidders. The haii.Uoin.
gins, who wete sold Hist, brought
the highest prices, which were tunnel
over to tun homely ilainseis as a
counter attraction, so that every maid
won a husband.
Stale Maps Courier Building
HAKTl.KTl'-lilSlUH'-At Hie homi
of Mi. aud Mrs. T. F. Crnxtou nl
Pint laud. Monday, Sett II, P.Hi.'i,
R. 1.. Part It tt and Mli-s Mai
Blidiop, Rev. Chas. Hays olliciating.
Both parties are well known here,
Mr Partlelt being a prominent mer
chant here and has sirvtd thit
couiity ucceitably for six yiais m
clerk. Tim bri 'e has tiiughi school
here for the past two j ears. Hull
the bride aud groom are hlghh
thought of and have a w ide circle ol
friends to whom the news of then
marriage came as a -great surprise a
the brnlv was eugiged to ttach al
linker City for the coming year. Mr.
ami Mrs Bartlett hit WcducsdM
night for Sail rancis o, pauu
through here ou the local Thursday
night, instead of going by steamer a
their fronds bad been told. The)
w ill ho at hoti.e to their friends afiei
October li'th.
HOl'i'K At the familv resideiw, iu
Grants Pass, Frnlav, September la,
l'.Ki.', Perl liouck, aged 2ii.
The ihivased had becu coutiiied ti
his bed for alHuit one week with bKmii
poiiiing causid from scratching n
pimple on bis face. The funeral will
be held at the Presbvleriau church
Suudav afteriiiHiu at 3 o'clock,
m.vv ... c .
Septeiulwr 9,". Mrs Chrlstisna
Dunn aged S9 years.
The deceased has beeu making ln i
home with her daughter, Mrs. Chas
Mitchell, on Ninth strict, coining here
three loan ago with another daughter,
Mrs. Mar. on Seavey.
Grants Pass Mer
28, 29. 30.
tertaining featorea for all games,
races, baseball, foothall. horse race,
aud a big rock drilling contest iu
which the crack drillers will partici
pate. The purse for this coutest will
be 100 plus the entrance fees col
kcted. All games will be held oil
the railroad grounds and it costa not
a cent to see them all.
A good baud will also be present
and furnish music. Thia will be a
regular three days celebration with
the esnecial merchandising feature
The program haa Dot aa yet been
fully decided upon but will include
the events mentioned in another
colnmu. Be sure aud remember the
da'ei and arrange to come to town
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sep
tember 2S, 29 Bud 80, Special events
for every day. See the Courier and
otner Grants Pasa papera next week
for merchants announcements.
Sept. 29th.
Flames Destroy Three Dwellings,
Store end Barn.
Selma has beeu visited by three
lin s during the past month, the first
one occurring a few weeka ago being
the residence of G. F. Lowe, on
Deer Creek, both the dwelling and
commits being destroyed.
On Saturday afleruooii last the
dwelling of H. C. Chunhill was dis
covered on tire in the roof but the
fire had gained such headway that the
building and conteuts were consumed
the Humes spreading rapidly ti the
store winch was also burned togetln r
w ith iis contents excepting about $200
worth of dry goods. The post ollice
was hicat. il in the store. This brings
a considerable hih on Mr. Churchill
as them was less than IOOO insurance.
On Men, lay afternoon H. K.
Christie's dwelling and contents were
destroyed, the flames originating in
the attic. There was nil insnruiict,
on the property. Fortuuately the
saw mill was located at such a dis
tance that it was not iu danger.
Booth Mine Sold.
Word was reciivnl from Merlin Fri
day that a deal has bet n coiiHUiuuiati d
for the stle of Henry Booth's copper
property on Pickett creek. The pur
chaser is Mr Havelin.of Tolulo,Chio,
and the piiee paid runs up into six
Peerless Klecirlc Piano.
llcury valters, who is ever on the
alert to profit by the hi st of evt ry
tbing for bis patrons, a ter thoroughly
re.irianging aud attractively tilting
up with furn gshing of the most up
to date kii d, has provided one of the
woudiiful Pcerliss. self-nlavinu
l n In si rclle electric pianos. The
kind that rccoiv d the highest awards
at BiilValo mid also at Sr. Louis, at
bo h of which cilie , as wi ll as at tin
Lewis mid (Turk fair, these iustro
mints hive received the warmest
praise aud tins inted admiration from
everyone having any love at all for
good music.
Sold only by KII.KKS' PIANO
IIOI SK. who are having asc'al
s le for a week at D M DePuy's,
Grants Pass, Ore.
A Wall Street banker is nuoted as
saying:. "Gold is about the cheapest
thing iu the market at prcsout.
Statistics show that the pi ice for com
modities is advancing but this ad
, vauce r'ally means that the pur
chasing jKiwer of gold is decreasing.
The wealth of the country is increas
ing rapiillv. tiold i-abundant every-
1 where and all gold
producing !
countries snow remarkaole increase
over the last few vears. If this thing
: keeps up 1 guess the man with the
i small income will have to get out and
dig "
SEPTEMBER 15, 1905.
Not the Hand You Hold But the
Way You Play It That
Takea the Pot.
Life ia but a poker game. It ia
not the haud you bold but tne mun
you put up that wina the pot.
While the game ia going on, is
not at all a bad idea to pin a blanket
over the transom, lock tne aoor anu
plug the keybole full of cotton bat
ting. Cotton latting la guarannea
to keep out all microbes Thia ia all
the theory ti at you are not on
good teruia with the Ulilel oi rouue
and the Mayor of the town, xou
nnfnrtnnatM in suDixirting the
other ticket it the last election.
Poker ia a peculiar game ao ia life.
It ia also called the great American
game. A bullet-beaded man with a
i-Muimnnii of hralui mixed with a
dincerfol of bluff can eit down to
table aud with two trays and a jack of
cluba lead the man opposite him to
believe that he has got a royal Beugal
flush. And the man opposite may
have three kings! But bluff wina and
rakes in the money.
We may divide mankind into three
classes. Men who never get any de-
ceut cards dealt them; meu who can
not play good cards even if they g t
rliein-. and men who can play ttio
game with only a tray spot.
Here is a man with only a auiall
amount of ability, but what he has,
he keera right up in the flout part of
the shep, plate glass windowa aud au
electric sign out in front impressing
the public with the idea to keep
their eyes ou him. The newspapers
chronicle all hia comings aud goings
whether it ia catching trout in Sucker
Creek, digging clams at Newport or
slnmminir iu th North Eud. This
ia what is called puttiug on a magui
ficeut "front. "
The general public ia rather auper
flcinl and thia blare of trunipeta hits
it where it ia weak. It looks at the
electric sign, peera through the plate
ulasa window and saya: "Jonea ia a
mighty smart man. Guesa I'll dt
business with Jones." Jouea makes
the bluff work aud rakea iu the pot.
And yet if they would get back of
that plate glasa window, they would
Bud ouly a few gunny sacks, broken
crcckery and empty barrols. Fate did
uot deal JoucB much of a hand but
he playa hia cards for all they are
Just across the street ia Brown
who has a regular department store
Btock of ability. What he don't know
Isn't worth kuowiug. But he keeps
it in the basement or up in the third
story with no elevators running,
His windows are 10x111 aud lighted
by kerosene.
When the public comes in to hay,
he has to go down into the basemeut
and spend half an hour prying off the
cover of aoiuo box where hia goods
are stored. It ia only the discerning
publio that can stand thia but they
are well repaid fur their inconven
ienoe. Brown's cotTera are alwayB
liuht. His name never gets iu the
papera until he dies and then it aim-
ply reads: "John Brown died yester
dav. Aged 97. The body will be
shipped to Tacouia, Monday for
burial, as most of the relatives ot the
deceased live there. Seattle papers
please copy "
When Jones shuttles off, he gets
a column of obituary w ith hia picture
at the top. The business houses close
fur two hours iu the aftcrn on as u
mark of respect and die Chamber of
Commerce pass, a a few " w hereaMs"
and "be it resolveds. "
Fale dealt Brown a four-ace hand
but he threw away hia card There
are very few places iu which bluff
does not g. t in its deadly work.
A Chinese di loiimt or a trave lug
evangelist finds it bandy to draw ou
the stock.
We wear imitation diamonds, use
triple-plate silver kuivea and forks,
and have an Kugllsh butler, all for
We put up buildings with staff
fronts and slab backs. We build
libraries and endow chairt of applied
sciei ce but we always have to
stick i ur uamea to them. So we have
the Anderson Library and the Peter
Peterson Chair of Physiis.
We Ikvb Greeuleaf on Evideuce;
Jamison, Faucett, Brown's Commen
taries ou Hie four gospels. Why cau'l
we have Jitu Ham Lewis ou Bluff
with all the ancient authorities dili
geutly couipated, revised aud brought
down to date?
The subject and the author would
make the book worth a dollar and
fifty cents ef anybody's money. Mar
cus' W. Kobbius in Suuday Ongouiau
When the committees of the Untied
Stat, s Senate are bi-ii g reorganized
next December, a fight is to be made
to wrest the chairmanship of the
Isthmian Committee from Sena
tor Mitchell of Oregon. Because of
the prominence which canal legisla
tion is likely to attain at the coming
session, it is desirable that the Senate
committee should be in the bauds of
some good strong mau, fully compe
tent to coudoct hearings direct the
work of the committee, aud assume
charge of whatever caual legislation
may be reported to the Senate. It is
recognized that Senator Mitchell can
do uoue of these things. Therefore
there ia a gcoeral desire that a new
chairmau be selected.
The Title, Trust and Guarantee Ca :
believes in providing a safe place for
their records, as they have just re
ceived a fine new safe which stands
nearly six feet high and 83x50 inches
square. This safe weight 4100 poauda. j
A Brief Record of
Local Events.
Typewriter auppliee, ribbona, pap"-
etc, at the uourier onioe.
Herman Horning ia at Toledo, die-
Ma old home, called there by the Ill
ness of hia aister.
Mr. and Mra. T. P. Cramer returned
from Portland Wednesday after a 10-
days atay with frienda.
Geo. Wilson of Checto aud bride
came from Portland Friday and atop-
ped off here with friends.
If yoo want to keep posted iu a
commetcial way, dou't :a:i to roan
our classified ad colnmu.
R. S. Wilson aud Will Gagnon vis
ited the Waldo country thiB week, re
turning home Friday night.
Mra. C. F. Duford and Mrs. O. .
Thre hei came from Jacksonville tne
last of the week to attend the fuueral
of Perl Hoock.
Mra. C. L. Mangom and daughter,
LaCosta have returned from a two
mouths visit among relatives and
frienda in TexaB.
J. R. and Mrs. Harvey and Gysbirt
came in iroin uance n"i"j.
Gysbert leaves Friday night for Port
laud where he will euter the Portland
The chicken pie supper given by the
Eastorn Star at Masonio banquet rooms
was well attended as their sappers al-
waya are. The proceedB amounted to
over $44.
Mra.F. W. Van Dyke and Miss Mar
jorie Kinney left for Portland Friday
night, the former to visit friends and
the fair, the latter to re enter the
Port'aud Academy.
Last Saturday a party of 10 arrived
from Crescent City, en mate to the
fair aud the following day several
more Califoniiaus reached hire billed
to the satne destination.
Ike Davis went to Portlland Wed
nesday to meet hia sister, Mrs. R.
Johnson who ia iu Portland for few
daya from the east. Mr. Davis has
not aeeu his sister since 1HA7.
The Keystone drills which have beeu
prospecting dredger ground in various
parta ot thia county are now being
shipped to Dredge, Cal., the prospect
ing having been finished here.
John Wells and daughter, Mrs. Lin
ton, who with hi r children have been
spending several weeks ou the home
place, went to Central Point, for a
short visit. From there they go to
Portland for a short stay.
Noah was the first mau to advertise
He advertised the flood, and it came
all right. The fellows who laughi d
at tho advertising got drowned, aud
it aerved their, right, fcver aiuce
Noah's time the advertiser has been
prosperous while the other fellows
have been swallowed up iu the floods
of disaster.
Clarence Burke had a collision
Thursday uoon with two other wheels
in frout of Coe'a store, which result
ed in a general spill and iu which the
lad'a wheel came out considerably
the worse, the frout rim being
smashed. Clarence was somewhat
bruised but not seriously injured.
John Galviu, city editor of the Yal
leju Dailv News, is visiting his mother,
Mrs. J. T. Galviu, and old frends here
this week. Next week they will go In
Portland for a thri stay. Johnnie's
journalistic career started on the School
News, the amateur sheet of wheh le
was port owner, but we exect ton'
him occupying a high piic d tie k i n
one of the larger city dailies lefote
many years.
The Eugene Guard of last Friday
snvs: " F. G Osgood, the Seattle ca) -italist
who is interifted in an ill clric
lailway proposition for Eugene aud
vicinity, arrived hero again h-t
night, accompanied l.y F. H. Mills, i,f
Boston, who repieaeuts large Eastern
capital The gentlemen left this
mottling by private conveyance up the
McKenzie valley to view the couutr.i
and gain a knowledge of its re
sources. "
The goutlemen of the M. E. church
South gave au elaborate supper at
me parsonage ihursdny evening.
Messrs. Lister, J. D. Fry and C. C
Presley made such excellent waiters,
with the aid of oc asional tips, that
we should thiuk they might be much
in demand hereafter. The supper
was given to raise money to pay for a
new range for the parson age, and was
a necinen success both ga tronotni
cally aud financially.
10 Discount
Cook Stoves
and ianaes
To reduce our
are offerinf: a Special Discount of
10 Ier Cent for CASH
011 all
Cook Stoves Ranges
A complete line-45 different
kinds, toucan find what you want.
Hair-lliddlc Hardwire Co.
A Brute.1 Spectacle.
The fiuish of the Britt-Nelsou fight
held at Colma, California, last Satur,
day waa a harrowing and brut
spectacle. It was a scene which Hie
large audience, numberiug among its
apectatora over a hundred women
were not prepared for. aud the awfn'l
finale will live in the memory of that
throng as a h deoua nightmare. For
a downright agonizing sight, it ia,
never been equaled in the prize ring.
A bull fight is a comedy in compari.
son. What ia said legardiug the feel
iua of those who viewed the deplor
able scene? Do we learn that the
women who are alwayt affected by
any nnnsual incident, collapsed, does
the word come that they were asham
ed of being preBent? The dlspatchea
are silent. How long will California
tolerate such exhibitions? It is tree
no coutest iu California haa snded in
such a terrible manner,' but any finish
fight is liable to prodnce the sauie
distressing results. A-i evi' ence of.
the barbarous natuie of the coutest
one has but to read the follow iug re
port to be convinced that a comma
uity is better off wilitout bucIi specta
cles :
"Nelson with hia head down, end
denly cat loose. Ho waited until
Jimmy waa tyruig aud shot a left to
the pit of the stomach and as Jimmy
beut over, he shot a smashing tight
that caught Britt .flush ou llie point
of thu chin. Britt half In rued around
from the terririo force of the blow
and as he was sinking to the canvas,
Nelson brought his left deep down ou
tho hip.
" Britt 's month was opi n. The
blood was spnrtii g out in a stream
and when Nelson's clinched gl; ve
came in contact with the limp and
open jaw it toundid as if some one
had hit the head of a drum. Britt
feil to his hands and knees, slowly
sliding into u fitting position. Hia
eyes were Bet aa if in the agonies of
death, and as ha tried to rise he half
turned around aa though to get on hia
"The blow ou the chin had shat
tered Britt's senses aud his tongue,
swollen to twice its natutal size was
protruding cat of his mouth. It was
a horriblo sUlit and it waa pitiful to
see hia half-dying efforta to get hia
tongue tack into his month.
"It was net nrciftary for Eddie
Craney to count him out. It was all
too plainly evident that he was done
for. His Pghting murage made him
struggle and half diag himself into
the center of the ring, where he top.
pled over nnd flattened out. When
hia seconds picked him up hia face
bore a frightful agonzed expression
and he waa gasping for breath."
Eugene Register.
Guy Jeter made a businasa trip to
Grants Pass Sunday.
Ira Ball aud Fred Traugi-r were
visitors to tho Pass Wednesday.
We are glad to say that James
Yoknm, who has boon verv sick, is
There w ill be a dance at the hall
Saturday evening, September 2:ld.
Evi rbyody invited.
There is not much doing at the
mine at present, but think thing
will socii he running iu full blest.
Kodaks Com ii r Building.
The Mt Drug Store
Nas Just What You Want
Our Colclnatoil Klcctric
Holt, Nature's, to
build up nnil Ktroiiirtlien
(lie wlioln lmily aid I'it
tho euro of Hliciiimitism, I'm
alysis, Liver, Kidney, Lame
Hack. Constipation and all
1 Nervous Diseases.
j The ( fleet of Electricity on
jtlie nerves is that of a power
: ful nerve tonic. It generates
i new life and cnerpy and
tones up the relaxed, weak-
ene i and shaky nerves and
pives them vigorous energy.
For tho next 30 days, price
S10.00.. Repular price $20.00.
Write or call at once.
larjie stock we are
1 t I ' If 1 ii tv hi 'rvl