Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 15, 1905, Image 3

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Honest Goods at Honest Prices
lias been the motto upon which wo have built up our present eubstancial business.
Our customers nlways rest assured that the price niarkjs a giiarantco of quality, in other
words, that no goods are marked to sell for more than they are really worth.
It is upon this basis that we ask the patronage of the many new people who have
not had an opportunity to become acquainted with us, and our methods of doing business.
To these we will say that they will find only the most dependable goods on our
shelves, and at prices which defy competition.
'.' V'.' j
We sell the famous "King Quality" Shoe for Men,
than which there is no better shoe made to retail at the
popular price of $3.50 and 84.00; all the leading styles and
If you have never worn a perfectly satisfactory shoe,
for style, 6t and durability, try this shoe.
Between "CLOTHING" and '.'DRESSING" there's
a difference DEEP as a well and WIDE as a church door.
In ordinary Trousers you feel "CLOTHED." in
"SWFETORR" Union Made Trousers you feel
Got the idea? That the kind you find on our tables,
and at popular prices, too.
We have sonic special bargains to offer our customers at this time, which our
facilities for buying direct from the factory only render possible.
"NO NAME" Hats, which sell the world over at $3 for a limited time only, $2.50.
"MONARCH" Shirts, unqnestionably the most durable and best fitting Shirts on
the market to-day. Regular price $1.25, special price $1.
We have also some special bargains in Men's and Hoys' Clothing, which it will
pay you to investigave. Does your boy need a School Suit ? We can save you money.
You will also find us headquarters for the best lines of Working Clothes in the
market. We invite your especial attention to look is to buy.
Also Rubber Hoots and Oiled Clothing.
Will Be G
ffered During the Red Letter Days
In olden Mini's barbers alsG practiced j Wood $1.25.
surgery, and were called burlier ear-1 Cook stove and heater wood for
gcons. ISarbcrs worn la wn in ! sale at 1 1. 2." a tier delivered. Harry
(ireece in the lifth century and at j Smith's sawmill. Leave orders at
Koine in the third century. Sugar Pine Store.
L. A MARSTERS, Merlin, Ore.
Breeder end Dealer in
Heal Estate and Timber
Enrollment on Opening Day
Larger Than Any Pre
vious Year.
The Grants Pbb schools oiieued
Mondaj with as promising uu outlook
for a successful school year as has
ever been had. The enrollment the
Hrst day was UVJ for the three school
building, which is an increase of
Si over the enrollment for I ho first
day for last year. Many children are
yet picking hops, but that work will
close this week and they w ill be able
to enter school next wei k A large
number of fumilies are yet at the
aawniilU, mines and farms, where
thoy have been for the summer where
the nieu and boys were employed.
These families will soon move back to
town and add fully I IX) child eu to the
school roll. There are also many
families who will temporarily move
to Grants Pass or who will seud their
children to school here The Grants
Pass high school is free to all pupils
in Josephine county, the county con
tributing to its maintenance. The
attendance of the high school has
been gaining each year and this year
there will be a larger number of pu
pils than ever bi'foro in attendance,
both from the city and the enmity.
The assignment of teachers for this
year is as follows :
City superintendent, K. H. Tur
oer. High school Priucii a, A. E. Har
rison; first assistant. Miss Nora S.
Bridge; second assistant. Mies A 'a K.
Central School Kightli grade,
Miss Sadie U. Aguew ; seventh grade,
Miss Minnie L. Tuffs; seventh grade,
Miss Nellie M. Ames; sixth grade,
Misa Ernine Kathbun; tifth grade,
Miss Alice M. Pool ; fourth grade, Miss
Lilian Peck
East School Sixth grade, J. A.
Bish; fifth grade, Miss iilanche
Crane ; fourth grade, Hits Elizabeth
Holgate; third grade, Miss Adelia C.
Malkey; second grade, Miss Amy L.
Cherry; first grade, Miss Calla
Soutli School Third grade, Misa
Lucie George; second grade, Misa
Winuifred Guthrie; first grade, Miss
Lillian Ilogan.
uranta Pass being a district of the
first class has the right to fix the
qualifications that are required for
teachers in its schools, ''his rule
has never been put in force before but
it was decided to provide an examin
ing board for the purpose and at the
meeting of district board last week
City Superintendent K. It. Turner,
County Superintendent Lincoln
Savage and K W. Clark were ap
pointed members of the board
To be in readiuoss for the oicniug
of school the board lias had the build
ings put iu perfect order. At the
High School the old unsightly bicycle
shed has been torn cowu and a place
provided iu the alcove by the base
ment entrance in which scholars may
leave their bicycle. The alcove,
which is hound by three walls of the
main building was covered with a
roof and racks placed on each side to
hold the wheels. A large reading
table, with a rack through its center
has b en planed ill the libraiy room.
During the vacation a number of fine
refereuce books were received for the
school library that had beeu ordered
iu the spring by City Superintendent
Turner. In order to Inoc ulate habits
of reading and to euatile the scholars
and teachers to keep posted on the
events of the day Supt. Turner has
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
Zndoted with every bottle b a Ten Cent, package of Creve't Black Root. Uver Pill.
Tailored Hats
Ready-to-Wear Hats
In Latest Styles and
Tine Assortment at
Miss Weston's
Millinery Parlors
East G Ht six doors from Front Htnvt
Ladies, call and tnccl my st-k rnd
you will note the fact that the prices
are very reasonable, and that the work- W.
manship and the variety of shaped aro Timber, Itooins 0
all thdt the most exacting could desire. Temple.
subscribed for all the hailing maga
zines and periodicals. Through the
efforts ot the teachers and scholars
over t'JDO was raised last term to add
to the library fund. This with what
the board has appropriated has en
abled Sup'. Turner to make such ad
ditions to the library as will make it
of much value In the school and a
credit to Grants Pass.
This being the second year for City
Superintendent Turner In the schools
of this city he is able to better organize
the work ami while the schools
did good work lant year, there is
overy promise of better work being
d"ii(i this year. A p'irt of the
teachers have never taught in Grants
Piss, but they come with such strong
nd'irsements of their work In other
schools I hat it may he illumed that
they will give gold sal infliction here.
The teachers heretofore III the
schools have beeu so successful 111
their work that they will hn certain
to do their full part to keep up the
high standard of the Gruutx pans
si hnols and to mak'i them the eiual of
the best in the state.
Political Pot Simmering.
Hon. S. II. Huston arrivid In Grants
P.iss Scdncsay from his home at Hills
buro and remained ovi r until Thurs
day when he left for Jackson count V.
Mr. Huston is a candidate fur (no
li rem for this district and he Is out
li nking over the situation to see what
his political prosK cts lire iu South,
eru Oregon.
Mr. Huston has vi-iti l most of the
counties iu the Frst district and tin
states that his chance for winning
the nomiuatoii in the primary election
is most encouragug. The contcht
though for congri sman w ill be a
lively one for th' re w ill be six or
eight candidates after the position.
The other candidates beside Mr.
Huston, will include 1 1 mi V. I.
Vawter of Ucdfnrd, Kx Governor T.
T. Geer of Salem, H'Mi. C. II. Moure
of Uregou Cily, Congressman liiuger
Hermann of itoaeburg, Hon. Claude
Catch of Salem.
So lar the only man whose candi
dacy has assumed any strength fur the
Ileiuocrai ic uomiiutinu is Hon li. G,
Smith of Gr mts pa's and it now
looks as if Mr. Smith w ill h ive the
co test all to hiuielf in the IVmn-
cra'ic p.iriy.
B Sherman Heal Est. le and
Items of Personal
Hnbt. Morris left Sunday for a stay
at Portland of a week or morn.
M. E. Moote and wile spent a week
at the fair, retumlcg home Sunday.
W. A. Paddock and Miss Stella Pad
dock returned Saturday from Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K. Howhind
went to I'orland Tuesday to visit Mrs.
Hnwland'a mother and sister.
Mist Osylii Croxtnn came fro ti
Portland la.t week to spend a few
days with friends iu Grants Pass.
E. E. Savage and wife arrived
Saturday from Wauiion, Wis., to
sh iii1 a few weeks with G. A. Savage,
his Inother.
Kalph Llttlelleld of Omaha, spent a
wuek with is cousin, Howard Mitchell
and relatives. Mr. Llttlelleld left
Tuesday for Pint laud
Arthur I low land walked iu from
the Ml, Pitt mine Sunday and on
Monday night left north for a visit at
Oregon City anil Portland.
Miss Helen Willis of Porlaud is
i ii. iw in Grants Phhs tor the purpose of
giving Instruction in nm-io. Miss
Willis comes well recommended as a
teacher of ability.
A. N. Hulhert and Lmu Gaul of
Hams Valley were In Grant Pass
Saturday, returning home from the
Keoster Chapman and his sister,
Miss Zena, left Sunday for Corvallls
to enter the agricultural college at
that place,
Mrs. J. M. Hunter arrived Friday
from Eugene to siend a week with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. George
Howley and her alstr, Mra. Lncy
Flreiua'i K. L. Mi Grow, who has
been running out of Grants Pass, la
now working out of this place. He
will move I. la family
Kn.eliurg Plaludealer.
Misa Hilda McCurdy departed
Satunlay morning for Greenback,
where she will wield the rod of In
siructiou. Her school opened ou
Monday. Gleiidale Newa.
L. A. Martin, who baa a flue farm
rented near Murpy, waa In Grants
Pasa Monday. Mr Martin la a be
liever In diversified fanning and la
raising stock, bay and fruit on his
place and Is making money.
and 10 Ma.onic
That's what U ranis I'iihh is Ko'ug to bo
inflict, it is retting tti lo your by year,
'l'lio lutioriiiir man is receiving overy ml
vantage, ait' I liy the ue of proper (lilion;o
ami joril judgment is soon nlilo to live in
liin own home. : : : : :
"Man Must Make His Opportunity"
Start Now, I'll Show You How.
What I have, done for others I can do for
you. Make immediate application for
complete information us to how every
man may own his own home. : :
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
Grants Pass, Ore. 516 E Street
opiate and la aateat tor children and
delicate pereooa. For sale by H. A.
wbteh be did, witn
immediate relief wai
sale by all druggist.
of grounds for a publlo park will also 1 of tne city ana iw uemueMiiip . . i '
be uoderukeo. A civic improvement ttoadily lucreaaing. The oi la free milling and If the de- drug store.
I r