Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 01, 1905, Image 4

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Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
8ure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, herds, nl protects the
diseased membrane. It puns Catarrh ami
drives away a t'H in tli-i Hail juii-klv.
Bestori tfin Ren-en of Taito and Kmcll.
Easy to use. t' liit.iiii1 no injurious driig-t.
Applied into the n trili al sbitorlxid.
Larue Hize, F.d cents nt lrti'gits or by
mail: Trial Kit, I re :t 1 I y i mil.
fg C. FINDLEY, M. D.
I'ruetleo limited to
and fitting of glasses.
OfJIoo hours it to 12; 2 to S; and mi ap
pointment. Telephones lib! and 77.
Ukamth I'ash, - - Okkuoh
Office: I'lgnoy's residence, cor. 01b
and K Btreots.
Phones, Ollloo 631; Residence 1051.
Ghauts Pass, - Okkoon
Ofllce with Dr. O. II. Houglas.
Phones: Oflice HI) I; Ueslilcnoci 10)1.
Hours : ::tl to 11 A. M.
Uhanth I'ahh, - - Oiikuon
Treats all Nervous und Spinal Din
caws, ltheiimiiliHiu and .stomach Trim
bins. A specialty tniido u( I'Vmulii Dis
eases. Ollluo: Colonial Lodging House,
front room (irunts Puss, Oro.
Steam Huths, Alcohol Hill). All dis
eases treated. Hospital care given t"
all who wish It. Ithoiimiillsm cured In
Its worst form. Advice fnn.
Opposite Court Hoiiho. Hours to U
0 it ants Pass, Oiikuon
I'ractloo III nil Slate and I'oilonil Courts.
Olllco ill ()MTU IllMIHO lUlilllillg.
Uuantm I'ahh, Okkoon
. C. II ALU,
Olllco over First Niitloiml Hunk,
Chants Pass, . - Okkiion.
lYactioo lii State and Federal Courts
Olllcc on lith und C streets opposite
Court IIoumi. I'lioue lisil.
tiUANTH I'ahh, Onions
jt 0. HOUGH.
Practices III all Mate and Federal Court?
Olllco over Hair Kitlillit HardwareCo.
Chants I'ahh,
I'nion Itiilldlng
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
IJatlis, i:tc.
F.wi thing i ei I iiml clean anil a
work llrst-l liiHH
H'luM Mil
Agent Dig Horn llt-in Lund Co,
Wyoming. Anchor Wiin I'ciion
II I. I(i iioI.Im II. .1. I..wti
Reynolds & LawtOD
Civil and Mining
mechanical DRAUGHTS
N. i:. Mc(iUi:V,
Furniture and I iano
The I opular Bdrlnr Mn p
Git viiui tuii-oiiil wink done t
On Sixth Sltcct Time cli;n -
Pull) Itouiu in connection
Do Not Be Impaicd Fpon.
Foley Co., Chicago, originated
Houey ami ' jtt n a throat and lung
remedy, ai d on i ccount of the grist
no-lit Burt k ptilniilv of hi I y'slloiiev
auil Tar mauy iiitatioiis ure niter, d
for Ibe genuine. A.k f,r Foley's
Houey and 1 at- and n fu.e any sub
tilu'e olfer'-d us no oilier pnuirattou
will give tint am i iti.f o lion li m
unhlly luie it lomaiiis uo
opiaien and is safest for children ami
ri' Do ne ix-rsons For sale by II. A.
A Brief Record of
LOcal Events.
Canty Clerk Ortli of Jackson
county, has Jssoed nearly 500 hooters'
license! fur that county op to date.
at the rate of 1 each.
The Port Orford Tribune says that a
company of mining men are locating
all the beach between Koguo River
and Pistol River for mining purpon-s.
The company that his t ho lower
Evans creek and Wards creek country
bonded are prospecting the Bagly place
just east of Woodville, known by old
residents here as the Harper place,
says the (iold Hill News. They have
a s'eam drll for sinking to the pay
gravel. The drill is operated by
three men, and they put a hole down
to a depth of 30 or 40 feet au hour.
Wm. Mundenhall is circulating a
subscription list In our city in an
endeavor to raise money for the trail
to Mule ('reek, to bo expended at this
end of the the trail. At the other
end a largo force of men are doing
effective work in establishing the
trail on a firm basis. Mr. Menden
hall is meeting with success and in
dications point to the early comple
tiou of this important movement
Uleiidulu News.
Wood and coal were encountered at
a depth ot 20 feet by Will Barton and
O. T. Nail in the well they are sink
ing on the school grounds, says the
Olendale News. Souio of the wood-
evidently some hardwood is still in a
very fair state of preservation, while
part of it had been trans formed into
coal. The gravel and dirt beneath tin
the wood has the appearance of hav
ing been a river bed. lu the dim,
distant past, probably thousands ol
years ago, a landslide evidently bar
taken place which concealed aid
preseived this wood lo the present
Kev. J. W. McDougall, pastor of the
M. E. church at Albany, but formerly
pastor of Newman M. K church ol
this citv, has been In Grants Pass Ioi
the past 10 days while superintending
the construction of an addition to the
dwelling house he i wns on the north-
went coiner of D and West Second
street. The new part of the Iiouhi
will be one and a half stones, to
correspond with the main part, ami
will contain four rooms, hallway anil
pantry. This will give the eutin
bouse seven rooms and make it one ol
the best houses in that part of tie
citv. 'Ilia carpenter work in lioiup
done by Hubbard & Day.
A Cold Settled In 111 Kidntyt
A. J. Joiiiicsse, 11201 Butler St.,
Chicago, writes: " I am a sv, i t i-li niui
and am out in all kinds of ol
weather. 1 took a cold which set
tied ill my kidneys and I was ill had
shape I tried several advertised
remedies with no beuellt, until 1
was recommended lo Iry Foley's Kid
ii"y Cure. Two-thirdi of a bottb
cured Hie. " For sale hy II. A. Holer
in i) ml
Henry W aller buys til ken at
the Oregon.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician ami Dent ist.
Kodaks Courier liu lid I ng.
l . Clemenf Crest-nol ion Dnu'tf'Hi
A Gentleman
smoke the Stugt
Souvenir Postal
Curds Coiiriel
Fruit Cans and
Cramer llroH.
Wax Strings at
Order seals und ruhlior
A. K. Yoothies
stamps of
For a c'eaii bed ami
try (lie Western Hotel.
good mi ill
Hie llnest stock ot nickle plated
ware in town at I miner tiros
President lioosevelt in colorn will
large mat, UK' at the Munic Stoic.
And still I am
real estate at tl
HiMiriug and selling
ie old stand. .1 I:
III von have invest ,guli il . I.
I inly II few of the coloied sleienpt I
con views left at the music slnrc-;','i
in Ills per doen while theV hint.
Goto t'oroii (or I'lniiihinu.
Calling Cards--t 'mirier Building
Paper Napkins -Courier Building.
splendid Hue, 'I H il HI I'hnn I
Kanes si ( 'oiolt 'l
I iidiiiig Tiicklc-jio.1 the kind that
you in i d - al 'iiutier I'i-oh.
lit ul Estate and limher -W. I!
Shi m ail, Kooiuh tl and 10 M.i.rnn
A iiuieher ol (it li ill I't U'SES Fni;
KEN I' by W 1. IKE1.AND, tlie lieal
Estate man Gtoiind tloor iVuinr
Asl. your dealer for Hogue U.v, r
Ciea ry But ter made at Medlord i-
now ,'i(l c, ins 1 1. r l0'iound, siuan
lull ui ighl.
A I trge UsMirtllli lit of ieh red
plctilles moiill It'll nudv for I anoint
It UK' lo '.UV, a illseount ot '.'.' lo ill
per CI lit - MllMC Stole
Dairy i cm get cow hells .'. e, nl-
.llld up. o,hil tiort Is .', eelits .Hid up.
Iiuiter molds, milk puis, at llm
fanner supply house. An Acme t'.u
rell i almost m w f, r i!.
CuitiH ,t Co. foi Wat
(odd Kings anil Jewell I
hes. flocks,
tine w.ltel
repairing, eoglavltig
itooiU sold al
Hue llld see us
li asolialde prices I
I. tl. F. Building, t
l Iregnu.
A si w tl.g leui hue ell
suits I'll It Is Vi ills I
woik as a i.' uiaelilii
stauihi'il make machines
Come and see Iheui at
si com! hand More.
tl III I. It It
'-' ell to s
Ike Dais
A-ihlanil Commriclal College.
V high ili glee of intelligence and ct
special preparation is no tie nan,!, d j
III the busi;iiss world. I he I c si ne. '
mall must he tducalcl and I. a in, I, a
thorouglilv as a Imier era (Iivm I
cillll. Villi call SI curt this special!
preparation at the Ashlund Coin !
Illcrt'lal College, where yen hive'
every a luint ige at the h ast epi n,-. i
The fall term begins S, pten.ti, t 11,1, j
I'residt nt Kilner was in n,r en
tor a ft- A ilain list we k and lie si I
favorable al 1 illgi nit nt. call he
made for a rrinw tu thmwoiiliv in
stitution. I'lueiraiid iuaru locHtnui unties,
mine deeds, lenses, etc , al II, e
Courier olllce.
To the ht)oehold tmt
how ahoiit the mother?
Ha she bt-n iuvful
during tuo iu and
month prwwling tho
T'ttt rruinit mot hem
find it a tim of fearful
anxli'ty U-raiiw of the
knowh'dKB thtit thejr
arc " not In (rood health.
Thfv liavft uIIowh
Wraknf"rW', palnx and drains to acriimu-IhU-
till tlif health Is ciiiijilcU-ly undir-mim-d
and th-y an M more than dlwour
hstit.n and nil U'CHiim they have n
n.i"advH'd hy wll - miantnt( frinda or
nut I treated hy an liiefhcient dortir.
To all fiich hrre in tiw. newn ttuit there
in n reiimtu that will heal and nut hurt.
It wan dinrovered forty years atfo hy
Dr. I'ene who -arched Snturr'n laitr
ntoruthv corfh, for the remedial amenta
Sfi lilM'r:t!ly pnivldid therein. Ho took
I.ady'M Slipwr rMt. Itlack Ojlmh roit,
I'lilrorn nutt. Itltio Cdih rrnit, (iolden
Seal root, and hy fjitractind, coiiihining
and prewrviinr. without the of alror
hoi, thi- iclyreric extract- of tin natural
rerijeflien ho haa i vcn to the world
Dit. Pn urKa Favoi' k Var.m kiiiion.
w hich h;iH to tin credit the enviable and
uniiaratlelHl record of mom than a htttf
miiUun itf rumt In tho last forty yeara.
"Only tli'm who hare given Ir. Plerrp'a
Favorite frewrtiiilon a trial can appreciate
what it iNMrti It Is to njttVrintr W'trnfii,'' wrlttn
MIhm Vtnna HeaninP. of H3 Kirn St., Toronto.
Ont "for two ytar I .utT-rel Inteimi'lr
fntni rem a It- wi-alcneH-t tin t f I life wa a burden
tome. I bad fliiireHHlnir. ricHrinir-ilowii palnn
ho I could scarcely ntand up. Had hot
tlaohm. wa very desiond-iit. weak, and ut
terly wreicbwj My iih siclan irave nie treat
mnttt hul without MicceKa, I trlel several
ri'uifdles but obtained no relief mill) I Ik
vnu to tnke tr. fien-f M l-'avurlie I'rencrlf
tlon. I betfari ItnTiteOiately u lniin,-e. and
In four tnoniha' tlmel wan a well and tronff
ait pver."
Ciiit!patlon rured by DocUtr Fierce'a
Flt;aAaii. Heih.-U.
C. Weston Mined Here in '56
Finds But Few Nanus of
Comrades Mentioned.
Clinton, Iowa, A eg. 1(1, lu(),r
Editor I miner. Deur Sir: 1 am
much interested in the items 111 yonr
paper, showing the great changes in
Josephine county fince I resided then
from INM to lHiKl, especially those
in regurd to mines and mining, in
which I was engaged during that
period, at Sailor Diggings, now
known as Waldo, being manager and
and afterwards proprietor of the main
ditches there.
At that time little attention was
given to ciiari. milling and hut little
Muuit. was known In exist in veins
and was so seldom lound in snrfaci
diggings that a small specimen with
gold found in a clean up In Aliens
(iiilch, was preserved hy me and I
still luive it and also the largest nug
gets of gold brought to my licit lei
while there weighed about three
It it a strange thing that no gold
was foued in the upper Illinois
river, when many rich gulches nod
ravines were contiguous to it, and
has suggested to me the existence of a
former and ancient channel "rich be
yond tho dreams of avarice." Now
iuurlz ami copper mining are the rom-
Incut features.
Win ii I h it (hegnu, no railroad
existed there and Itrunts Puss bad not
been dn amed of, Kerhy being the
chief town and county seat. 'Hit
only familiar names I notice in the
Courier are Alex Watts, and Judge
II. K 1 1 it n i in Both were miners al
Sailer Digg'ngs us uis also P. J.
Muni-, ul hi ward expressman tc
( reset lit City and now n lulllionairi
in 1 ' 1 1 1 1 : i n 1 .
Votiis respectfully,
Chainhtrlsin'i Cuuitti RtintUy Aidi Nature
Medicines Unit aid nature are
always must effectual. Chamber-
Iain's Cough Ki uieily acts on this
pl"ti. It allays the cough, relieves
the Inns, aids expectoration, opens
the secret ions and aids nature in re
storiiis the system to a heuli hy con
Hit to. 1. It is lauious for its cures
ovi r u huge put of the civili.ed
world I lions., mil have test Hied to
its superior excellence. It counter
arlH .my tenth m y to a cold to result
in pneumonia l or sale bv all drug
Circuit Court for Jackson
I'liiuil court for Jackson count!
Will he e, lUelled llV .llldgC l. K.
llaiui.i at .1 o I.miiiv i Ie on .Monday,
Sept, ml'ei I. Monday, September;!')
ouil I
I l.iiin.'i
will convene
r .1
bine ,'oiiniy at
t . -1 t
i' folll.'W nig are the jurors drawn
ie .!:u k on enmity term of court .
nh ,lai ksonv 1 1 Ie - Henry Maury.
'It, ml II. I l.umsil, ii, F. Huh
lieo ii
Limlley, II. F. Adkins,
! ioi, n
I ri.
u i
oil Chv,
( lV ens.
J Hart lev.
an l (
old Hill'liir .
holder, W
lain, i W
I, .1. M. Cllselli cr.
, Anderson.
,'i, Clias. (iruh,
B. (illllll, Win.
- J ( li ii Marsh, C.
Clngcade, J. W
ii s.
1 1 v Foster
S Welch, Hei.
N D I'.i, h
As Man, I .1.
IV II lie, d
Mi r. li I euii ton
SlUlt II ,1 1 1' k SO ill
S 1'iiil.lin
Dlgie I , ml I).
I il ov. r, I ' i-'. lu I Ie
Ann, ch I'. 'lot !',
(' lit 1 1 I I 'elllt M
: I'eall
I I llloil - W. W t
atiit rou
B : u 1 1 1 u t w Dimn
llt'i kS, tlllsilC
f luallli mill
..'ft glet
I Moll,
take a
W llll
pure com.
ke all
til ties
ioincn he.iutitul
ot lit l lone aftt r
each nu tl .
p tl icu and I
e.itell ,",iV
I'.MI : "We
t in: 1 1 v for t
the I'. t nit
it w
l. ill,
Tt is,
II I rt vci.t toiisti
est w I, it yt u have
VW. M. Strcud,
wiites, May III.
Il ii ut d llel I'iutt in our
ight yi-ats, and feiiutl il
die, lie we rvt r vsed for
const 1 1 ii o
, u,
Silt tu
ft vi r and
Koii rtuuiid ia " l'o -and
Vtalel Ping
1o tor e n nis tolort d sti reosct'i ic
views at the Courier building.
Items of Personal
O. L. Mangom returned Monday
from a trip W Canyonville where be
went on miuiug business.
H. D. Norton waa in Ashland
Monday a counsel for the defendant
in a "blind pig" ease that waa be
fore the Ashland municipal court.
Mr. and Mr. C. Nicterson, who
have been residing since test spring
on their farm on Deer creek, have
moved back to their residence on
South Siith street.
Prof. O. A. SchoU of Pekin, 111,
has been elected Driuclnal of the
Med ford schools. Prof. Berry, of
North Yakama, Wash., waa elected
to the position but resigned recently.
The Medford schools open Septem
ber 11.
A. C. Hough was Id Jacksonville
Monday to attend to some legal mat
ters pertaining to some important
cases lie repieseuts in the term of
circuit court that will be held by
Judge Hanna in Jacksonville next
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hale, who
have beeu spending a week in Grants
Pass, with Mr. Hate's parents, Judge
and Mrs. W. C. Hale, returned to
Jacksonville, Tuesday, where Mr.
Hale is employed as one of the
amalgamators in the Opp mine.
George H. Durham was in Jack
sonville Monday in consultation
with his law partner, Wm. Colvig,
of that place in preparing a numhr
of important cases they have in the
Jackson county circuit court, which
convents in Jacksonville next Mon
day. Mrs. F. II. Gitchell accom
panied by Mrs. J. W. Hunt, both
of Cresceut City, left Sunday for
I'ortltud and the fair, after spending
several days lu Grants Pa's. Mrs.
Uitcliell formerly resided lu this
city and spent the time calling on her
Henry Dox, one of the prominent
men of Jacksonville, was in Grants
Pats over Sunday taking a short va
cation and visiting with friends.
Mr. Dox is cashier of C. C. Buek
mau's hank aud be is also town re
corder, justice of the peace aud
Wells, F'argo & Company's agent for
Like Finding Money.
Finding health is like finding money
so think those who are sick.
When yon have a cough, cold, sore
throat, or chest irritation, better act
promptly like W. 0. Barber of Sand
Level, Va. Ho says: "I had a ter
rible chest trouble, caused by smoke
ami coal dust on my lungs; but after
llmling no relief in other reme ies,
was cried by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds." Greatest sale of any cough
or lung medicine in the world. At
all druggists; 50a and fl.00; guaran
teed. Trial bottle free.
Mining Promoters Disagree Over
Division of Proceeds of
Mine Je.lo
1 he Oregoiiian of Aug. 23 had the
following news item about a Jose
inline county untie which will no
doubt be of iut-rest to our readers
Suit bits beeu commenced in the
State Circuit Court by the Southern
Oregon Mining & Developnien' Com
puny ugainsl Cliurles Klchtin, P.
L. Mi Kenzi. and James Bunigardner,
to recover flfl.Ol.O, the prts'eetls of au
alleged sale o milling properties be
longing to the compai y It is alleged
that in January, 11HM, when the South
ern Oregon Company was incorpor
atnil, tlie defetidaiit, Charles Kiclitou
was an incorporator aud promoter,
and as such represeuted to the com
puny (hit he could procnr" the Strong
Letlge milling claim, and Ibe com
puny authorized aud directed him to
take an option on the same at the
best terms obtainable, for the benefit
uf the company.
Afterwards, s i it is averred, Kioh
ton procured from the owner of the
properly au option to purchase, tak
ing the same in In owu name, and by
rciiseu of the fact that Klchton was
directed to procure the property for
the company while he was a promoter
and incorporator, ami rect ived from
the company 'J,.'HH) shares of ill
capital stock in payment for his ser
vices in securing the properly, that
Uichloii ther 'hy became a trustee
and took the property lu trum fi r iln
pliiintitr. Ihereuftr, it is averred,
I tiarles Kiehton was elected score
l.iry, I'. L Mckenzie, presitlt nt and
James Huinnurtlncr a director, ami
liil they held these ollices the!
fraudulently conspiied together Ic
sell tint property ai tl appropriate the
proceeds to their owu use ; that 1'iev
ei'ieted into a couiract with ih.
Mic. igan Mining , Milling Com
puny for the sale of the Stroug Lc.lg:
property for IKi.tlOO, suit h ve re
ivetl on tint sale f lll.lHH), leaving a
balance of fiOca.) to Nt piitl January
I, liu-..
The tleed for the p;oivrty has beet,
placed with the Merchants' Natioual
H.iuk iu esc.iw, aud the bank and the
Michigan Miuiug Milling Compauy
have heeu made parties to the suit for
the purpose of having the baUnce of
Ibe purchase price paid to the plaiu
HIT instead of to the defendants. H.
K. Surgeut, us attorney of the plain
HIT. asks that the dcleudsnts, Kicli
tou, XlcKeuile ai d Pnn gadiit r, ac
count for all moneys receivid by
tin in uiHUi any sale made of the com
paut 's ptoierty.
Cured ol Ume Bsck After 15 Yesn of
"I bad been troubled with lame
hack for IS yeais and I found a com
plete recovery In the use of Chaiubei
Iain's Pain Palm" savs John U.
Hisher, Gilliam. Ind. This liuimeut
is aim w ithout an ritual for spraius
ami bruises. It is for h. .n
"And to think that tf n month! iro I looked like
this I I owe il lo German Syrup.
tJThe time-worn injunction, "Never put
off 'til to-morrow what you can do to
day " is now generally presented in this
form : " Do it to-day !" That is the terse
stlvice we want to give you about that
hacking cough or demoralizing cold witU
which you have been struggling for sev
eral days, perhaps weeks. IJTake some
r,lial,l remedy for it TO-DAY and let
that remedy be Dr. Boschee's German
Syrup, which has been in use for over
thirty-five years. A few doses of It will
undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold,
an.i it. -r,nt'iniifd use for a few davs will
cure you completely. JN'o matter how
couch, even if dread
pnnumintion has attacked your lungs,
Oennan Svmp will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless cases of lung trouble.
q.Ncw trial nouies, 25c; icjjui.
75c. At all druggists.
For Hale by Or. J. C. Hmllli.
XU. C. Z. "U. Column
All matter for tins column is supplied
hy the Grants Pass Woman's Cliri.-tian
Temperance I'nion.
The annual meeting for the election
of officers of the Grants Pass W. C.
T. U. will be held iu the Newman
M. E. church ou F'riday, September
8th, beiguniug at 2:30 sharp. Firsts
short business meeting followed by
auuual reports of officers and superin
tendents of departments, after which
officers will be elected for the com
ing year and delegates chosen to at
tend the state convention to be held
at The Dalles, October 3 to 6, and
one na e from Josephine county will
be sent in as delegate to the National
al Los Angeles
We especially request every officer
and superintendent of each of the
departments to be present with a
written report of tho work in which
you have beeu interested. Let every
member feel it her individual duty
to be prescut and jnte'est berse'.f iu
preparations for the work of the com
iug year.
The subject under consideration for
the regular meeting of tho W. C.
T. V., August 25, was "How- to
Train Boys and Girls to Habits of
Purity," The meeting was held at
the residence of Mrs. C. V. Ileukle
and quite a number of members aud
friends were present.
The paper on the subject by Mrs.
Gilkey was full of interesting
thougbtH and was followsd by a lively
One tiling especially waB brought
nut, the fact of so many boys and
girls being ou the streets late at
night, aud the dangers lurking for
uuwary feet. If parents ouly knew
the whereabouts of their children,
now mucn wrong-doing and crime
might be avoided.
A soloby Mrs. Ameut was in line
with the subject and was greatly
uur meetings are so helpful to
mothers, and we wish that more of
them would become iuterested iu the
work of the W. C. T. U. , for no one,
either young or old, can help being
aade. better bv engaging in such a
good work. We hope that iu the
future more homes will be blossed
by tho weekly visits of the Union
Sigual, and that the "Young
Crusader" may help form in the
ujiuds of the children a love for the
beautiful and the good. We wish to
seud a club for both about the middle
of September aud Mrs Wade or Mrs.
Hood will be glad to take sabscrip
lions. A new temperance society. The
Daguhters of Temperance, came iuto
existence last week among the
Catholic women of Chicago. It lias
for Its special object the abolitiou of
Intoxicating drink from all social
functions the rising of a standard
which shall bur from social recogui
lion the woman who serves liqnor to
her guests or keeps it upon her side
board for family consumption.
No recent actiou is 11 ore siiruificant
of th treud of the ti lies iu rt lat inn
to the drink habit. Catholic wotiitiij
have been doing niaguiflceut temper-
auce work for tears as memers of the !
Catbolio Total Abstinence I'nion r i
America, which is almost entirely
offlcerej by meti. The organization of 1
this new society is evidence of their
recognition of a ueed for social I
work fo- women by women. The '
Woman's Christian Temperance j
Uuiou Ins been for !!() years crusailiug
sguinsi me social glass, aud wtl
comes bearti v this new ullr t h...
battle for the purity anil sobriety of
the home.
W. IL Harrison. Cleveland, Mis,
writes, Aug. 15, lima : ! WBllt ,0
say a word of praise for Ballard's
Snow Liuiuitut. I Stent), d ni, u.l
which caused the cords in my leg to
cou tract aud au abeess to rise lu my
kuee and ibe doctor told i 11,.. "1
woo Id have a stiff leg. so one day I
went to J. F. Lord's" drug store
I w ho is now in Deuver, Col He
recommended a bottle of Suow liut-uu-ut:
I got a 50c size, aud it cured
my leg. It is the best liuiment iu
Ibe world. "
APCESSES, with few exceptions, :
are indicative of cousti patiou or
debilit. They may however renli
from blows or from foreigu bodies in
troduced iuto the skin or flesh such as
splinters, thorns, etc. For sale h.
Kotermuud aud Model Drug Store.
Chamberlain 1 Coujh Remedy
This is a mediciue of ur.t
and merit. Try it when . h... .
rough or rold and n ..J .
1 . . . .- ' iroaio IO
be pleased with the quick relief which
It affords. It is lilrasant I., 1.1. j
can always be depended nporj. For
sale by all druggists.
6-room modern cottage with bath,
excellent location io
7-room bouse, good barn and
chicken house. "
5 room cottage, 4 blocks from
depot law
5-room cottage and barn on Front
street for w
store rooms.
W. L. Ireland, the Real Estate Man,
Courier building.
HOP PICKERS wanted September 1,
at Reymers' yard four miles below
(irauts Pass. Address R. A. N.
Reymers, Grants Pass.
HOP PICKERS 150 Hop P.ckers
wanted for September 1st Apply
or address Mrs. M. Rauzao, six
miles down Rogne River.
lumber from Christie s mill on
Deer creek. Address H. E
Christie, Selma, or apply at mill.
Films Ccnrier Building.
FOR SALE 4x5 pony premo camera.
Inquire of Geo. P. Cramer.
REMINGTON Typewriter No. .0 for
fit) cash or nstallmuets. See A. E.
FOR SALE 25 Columbia grapho
phone and !!() records. Will fell
cheaD or trade for wood. Address
M, Conner oflice.
(' A li M FOR BALE two miles from Mer
1 lin, 1UI acres-aiiout 50 acres of gootl
Ixittoiu lurid, 25 acres in cultivation, small
bouse and harn and aitoul 50 acres under
fence, hslance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
ryut ACKK ranch, good prune and
y ,yJ apple orchard, small fruits in
abundance; water for irrigation, besides
springs on every 40 acres ; center of a good
range country; two dwelling bouses, hig
harn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good miuinir markets, fine
half mile north of Tunnel 9, price 1,M.
Inquire at this olhce.
QUARTZ MILL Oue 5-stump quartz
mill complete with two (S-foot con
centrators, 1 Dodd, slime table, rock
breaker, bolting and everything
pertaining lo the mill, nil for f.'.'itio
cash. One big Sullivan steam air
compressor, ,'WX). This compressor
will easily run 10 drills. Oue fric
tion hoist fl.'iil. aud one boilei.
Call at or address Hotel Laytou,
Grunts Pass, Oregon.
house keeping rooms for nut to
111HU and wife. Inquire 202 2d aud
E street.
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
01 Cholera Morbus With One Small Bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Mr. G. W. Fowler of Hightower,
Ala , relates au experience he hud
while serviug ou a petit jury in a
murder case at Fdwardsville, county
seat of Clehourue couuty, Alabama.
He says: While there I ate some
fresh meat aud some sonsu meat aud
it gave me cholera morbus iu a very
severe form. I was never more sick
iu my lift) aud sunt to tho drug store
for a certaiu cholera mixture but the
druggist scut 1110 a bottle if Cliumbcr-
laiu's CnLo Cholera aud Diarrhoea
Remedy instead saying that he had
what I scut for but that this mediciue
was so much better he wou Id rather
scud it to me iu the fix I was in. I
took one dose of it anil was better iu
fivj minutes. The second dose cured
mo entirely. Two fellow jurors were
alllicted ill the same munuer aud one
25 cent bottle cured the three of us."
F'ur sale by all druggists.
Are You Engaged ?
Eugaged people should remember,
that after marriage, ninuy quarrels
can be avoided, by keeping their di
gestions lu good condition with
Electric Hitters. S. A. Brown, of
lieuiiettsville, S. C, says: " F'or
years my wife suffered intensely from
dyspepsia complicated with a torpid
liver until she lost her strength ami
vinor and became a mere wreck of her
former self. Then she tried F.lertric
Bitters which helped her at o and
finally made her entirely well She is
now strong and healthy." All drug
gists sell and garanteu' them at 5Uc
a bottle.
Has Hlootl ihe Test or 2.1 Years.
The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless
Chill Tonic. You know what you are
taking. It is iron and iiiiinint-in a taste
less form. N,i cine, no pay.
House Moving
If you have a building;
that you want moved,
raided or levelled up,
call on or address
A. E. Holloway.
Hesiilcnce 2 miles west of citv
north side of river.
Own Votir Owe Home
I have a modern '(-room
house including panlrv and
bath, on sewer line, close in,
porch SjOS; small payment in
cash or property. Also 4
room box house, same terms.
Sixth and L streets.
Team and wagen for sale.
Phone 4S4. Grants Pass, Ore.
Mining blanks
Courier oflice.
of all kinds at the
Sevm Miffioa oxt aoM in aast 1 J
No Stomach Dosing. Just Breathe
Hyomei Stops Sneezing
and Smarting.
Rotermund is recommending to iiii
customers as a cure tor nay xever,
It ia claimed for this rainedy that
it stops the spasmodic paroxysms, the
sneezing, the smaiting and running
of the eyes and nose, and other acute
symptoms of this disease.
Manv persons have been cored or
hay fever by Hyomei, aud the dis
coverer of the remedy professes to be
able to prevent both the occurrence of
the anuoal attack aud to stop me
nroeress of the disease, even in the
most chronio forms.
A. Hamlin, of Westford, Mass.,
writes "Hyomei cured me of hay
fever in oue week's time. I consider
it a duty to tell others who suffer
from this disease."
This endorsement is ouly oue of
huudreds that have beeu received by
the proprietors of Hyomei, and Rnter
niuud offers to refund the money if
Hyomei does not do all that is
claimed for it, is the strongest proof
that can be given as to the confidence
he has in Ilyomei's power to cure hay
fever. The o mploto outfit costs but
tl.00, while extra bottles can be
procured for fiO cents.
Cured of Bright Disease,
jeo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red
Mills, Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes:
"1 had kidney disease for many years
aud had been treated by physicians
for 12 years; had taken a well known
kidney medicine aud other remedies
that were recommended but got no
relief until I began using Foley's
Kiduey Cure. The first half bottle
relieved me and four bottles have
cured me cf this terrible disease. Be
fore I began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure I had to make water abont every
15 minutes, day aud night, and passed
brick-dn.-t substance, and sometimes
slimy substance. I believe I wonld
have died if I Ind not taken Foley's
Kidney Cure." For sale by H. A.
Machinery For Sale.
A 15 II. P. Kut-Bcll engine, a No.
4 centrifugal pnnip, 200 feet fi-inch,
double riveled pipe, 50 feet 0-inch
pipe, lliO feet H-lucli Melting, making
a complete irrigating, or pumping
plant. Also a turbiue wuterwheel,
pulley and gears. All at a bargain.
All kinds of machine) y bought,
sold and listed.
Grants Pass Iron & Steel Works.
Neglected Colds
Every part ol the mucous membrane
of the nose, throat, ears, head aud
lungs, etc., are subjected fo disease aud
blight from neglected colds. Bal
lard's Hnrehouiid Syrup is a pleasant
and effective remedy. 25c 50c fl.(K).
W. Akeudrick, Valley Mills, Texas,
writes: "I have used Ba Hard's
Horehouud Syrup for coughs and
throat troubles; it is a pleasant aud
most effective remedy." For salt fy
Rotermund aud Model Drag Store.
E. Voorhies.
Typewriter agent. A.
Front and 4th Sts. P. 0, Box 273.
Real Estate
Employment office. Houses rented
No. 7n 125 acres, all fenced, 1U0 acres
river bottom, 75 cultivated, lu to bops, 4
miles from railroutl town, good roads,
school, etc. A bargain al 115 an acre. Hop
ciop will pay purchase price iu two years.
Last stable south on Sixth street.
Hooin under cover for 150 horses bm'
40 wagons, ilox stalls. Corrull I 11
loose slock.
Only the best hay, clean grain a-C
alfulfa fed. Rolled bailey aud otl r
No diseased horses uUowcd. I'i 1
running wuter, und trough clour- r"
every duy,
W ailing room uud toilet room wht 1 1
Indies can have wraps and urrac 1
their toilets.
Priii-s reimonuhkt und best euro gi 1
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
TiimiiiK. t-Ynill Work, Stair Work, Hand
aii,g.tahii,et Work, Wood Pullers Saw
Jilmganil gumming. Repairing all kinds
I rices nelit .
Front Street, west Palace hotel
J- H. I'AKIlOCK, I'roprlelor.
I MaibI,orP.Vr.'!,iIe.'Urni"h npl,,n in ,he ' Cemetery work iu any Mri
h.i 1"":; $tzi tXr;;' b' warMnu ,,,v
Marble" '"rni"1' rk Sl'otch' Swed ' American 'iranite or auv kind ol
Front Mieel,
nextto Oreene's liunshop.
1 - v 1 1 1 t 1 1 : m 1 2 : 1 11 1 1
Dr. Scliuelor's Alterative k Neosaiuruis Cure
All Female Disorders, do matter if given, up by your
physician, For sale by
To Cure a Cold in One Day
mine Tablets.
This signature,
We are having flue weather, althorM S
very dry, but as all crop, are tt
the dry weather is doing no dam.
Stock is doiog well and beef cut I
are taking on fat This is sn ,de
locality for those who wish to
gage in me sioci ousiness. Lar
cheap and there is plenty of rt,aai
water. Frnit of all kinds doe! ti
here. Poultry also does well 1 1
brines a uood nrice. tl,..,.,, 1. . i
oitciiDiji, ujoikta iur 1(.
Given Up to Dit.
Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia Rt
1 " ' For o. f
five years X was troubled with i
and bladder affections which e.!'
, ".ill li
me mo 11 pain ana worry, J
flesh aud was all run down, tan
year ago had to abandon work ..
I had thrfe of the best nh,.!
claus who did me no good and 1
practically given op to die. Folej',
Kiduey Core was iecommotitled aaj
the first bottle gave me great relief,
and after taking the second bottle I
was eutirely cured." For kale br
H. A. Rotermuud.
Cattle R&nch For Rent.
320 acres on Seven-Mile creek tbcti
five mileu sou til west fim
Klamath, Oregon. All fenced, hotn,,
large barn, ample water supply, vni
cut about 80 tons' wild bay. Addret f'
with references, P. O. Box No. 9a, t
Taooma, Washington.
To Cure a Cold In One af
INE Tablets. All druggists refoiill
the money ot it fails to cure. E J
Grove's signature is no each bcx. j
Iu the Conuty Court of the Stated'
Oregon, for the County of
Josephine. j
In the matter of the 1
Estate of William
Selfert, Deceased. J
To the unknown heirs of and tl: i
persous interested in tho estate d :
William Seifert, deceased, greeting
Iu the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are litireby cited uud required to '
appear in ti e County Court of tin ;
State of Oregon, for the Count; c! i
Josephiuo, at tlie Court room thereof, it
at Grants Pass iu the ( ouuty ci '
Josephine, oa Monday, the tourtli dit i
of Septembe- lUOo, ut 10 o'clwkiul
, tlie forenoon
ol that duy then Mi
cause, if auv. win u?
, there to show
order should not, bo grunte.i lo Jo '
X. Nelson, the administrator ot Hi.
estute of William Seifeit, ileciand,
to sell the real estuto of the said i
deceased, at private nle, censirtiiij
of the north half of lots numbeini '
Five (5) and Six () iu Week uom- r
bered Thirty-three (!!!)) ot the Origi '
nal Town ot Grunts Pass, JosehpiM t
Comity, State of Oregon. j
Witness, the Hon. J. (). Booth,
Jodge of the County Court of tl ;
State of Oregon for the Cctnuyilr
Josephine w ith the scul of said L'otn
affixed, this 24th day of July, A. D., .
1005. " I
Attest: S. F CHESHIRE, t
I'liri I
Phone 434
Bet Mill and Moss sis, west of Gilbert end
We will pay One Hundred
Dollars reward for information
leading to the arrest an 1 con
viction ol any person breaking,
shooting or throwing at the
Insulators ou our Electric
Transmission Line.
Condor Water & Power
"OTKHMI'M), )rii;KiHt.
Core Grip
ka Two Day.
frmrt boxi 25c