Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 01, 1905, Image 3

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"(Xxutt, weigh and mtamrt every thing you
out. -i merit an uroixr.
are twins at the
...White House Grocery...
Our aim to give the best goods
and service for the least money con
sistent with business principles.
Hop yard supplies furnished to in
dividual buyers and attention given
to packing conveniences.
20 pounds Petite Proaea 60c
1 caD good Salmon lor
American Sardines ' , 055
No. 3 Royal Soda Crackers 2;c
I caii good Ashland Tomatoes 10c
1 cau good Corn ific
10 i)o u nds White Beans. . . . ' ' 4f,c
1 gallon good syrnp '.. oo
1 sack flour (10 lb. sack )...'!' " 80c
1 ponnd tea dost 15c
1 box 20 bars lanudry soap ' . 85c
i barn faucy toilet soap 26c
Two-Bit Coffee for 20c in Grant Pass
Sweet potatoes now iu market.
The celebrated Josephine county
CASABAS now coming iu market.
Tomatoes are cheaper 30 to 85 cents
per box this week.
Watermelons now at their best.
Peaches and Pears scarce aud in good
Another fresh lot of sweet aud sour
pickles and Queen Olives jnsl arrived.
White House Grocery.
Telephone 4111, answered promptly.
Ln in Mnirft. , v, .w - ff
We are offering our entire
stock of Crockery and
Glassware at prices that
are sure to make them
move -
High School Pupila
All pupils who will be in a ttend
ance in the Grants Pass High School,
the session of 1005-H, are requested
to meet with the superintendent aud
High School principal Friday after
noon, September Htn, iu the High
School room.
This request is made in order that
opportunity may be given to advise
pupils iu their selection of course (if
study and also to assist the teachers
in the organization of their different
rhisseg, ariiiugenieut of program, etc.
The Central buildiug will be oiu
Frinay afternoon, September 8th, be
tween the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock.
It. R. TURNER, Supt.
To the. boy 10 ye-ars of apo
or less who picks the most
hops in any one day ut any
of the yards in Josephine
county durinjr this picking
season, we will give the best
suit of clothes out of our stock
free of charpe, your own se
lection. Contests must be
, . i j j, ,,-
hlledout and signed by the
foreman Of the yard mdj
Of! Of
. - "v i 1 . i inaC
before October 1st, TJ05.
Hop pickers will hnl here
a complete line of working
clothes at the very lowest
prices. Overalls and jumpers (
fife. Shirts, the kind that
wear. 5( . Good warm Com
forts and Blaukets 90c. $1.25
and up. Canvas Gloves for
When in town we invite
you to take h look at our Fall ,
and Winter Clothing whether
you are ready to buy or not.
W'e would like to feel that
you have the right place lo
cated. Geo.S. Calhoun Co.
Outfitters to Boy and Man.
Items of Personal
J. M. Ward is visiting bis family at
Grants Pass this week.
Mn D. J. Lawtoo aud Miss Emma
Law ton left Thursday tor Portland.
Misses Winuie and Lida Fj field re
tained Tuesday from a visit to the
Lewis and Clark fair.
D. M. DePoy and family and Ira
Biuns returned Tuesday from camp at
Mrs. Wm. Cheshire will leave next
week for Dillard where she will make
an extended visit with her mother.
Mrs. Maggie Chiles Tait, of San
Pedro, is visiting with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chiles of this
Kred Smith of the Courier force is
on a hunt in the Waldo country and
will probably visit Ciescaut City be
fore returning.
Deputy Sheriff Ernest Lister aud
Mrs. Lister returned Thursday from
a two weeks outing spent at Sheriff
Lewis' home uear Holland.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. Guuniug and
children left Tuesday for Portlaod
where thoy will spend 10 days while
seeing the sights of the fair.
Ralph Stackpole, after a visit to his
mother at Leland, returned to San
Francisco Saturday to resume his
duties as artist on the Chiouicle.
Mrs. Herbert Sampsou returned
Thursday to San Francisco after
spending several weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mis. L. A. Lucas.
Miss Ida Westou is in Portland
whe'e she will spend two weeks iu
looking up the latest in millinery de
signs and ij selecting her stork of fall
W. 8. Bailey, his son Victor, and
Ralston Caris aud J. S. Jensen made
np a party of residents of Missouri
Flat who went to Portland, Saturday,
to spend a week seeing the sights of
the fair.
Hardware Co.
Manager Enle.rgn Store and In
crease Stock.
More proof that Grunts Pass is
growiug aud that the merchants of
this city are progressive aud up-to-date
is shown iu the fact that so
uia' y stores are oeiug enlarged fur
the increased stocks that are beiug
put iu.
Mauaer frank Mashburu, of the
Golden Rule store, finding more room
a necessity to properly handle and
display the large stork of goods that
is now carried in that drygoods and
general merchandise store, has leased
tiie rear room iu the Tori's bluck iu
which his store is situated. He will
have the two rooms connected by au
arched doorway and ho will theo
have a store room iu the form of au
L, the main part faciug ou Sixth
street, uext doir to the Grants Pats
Baukiug & Trust Company, and the
annex faciug on II street, back of tin
bank. In the anrex will be the
millinery aud ladies suit good-.
With the opeuiug of this department
these lines of goods will be greatly in
creased to embrace as fine a scloctn u
as was evr biough' to Southern
Uregou. With the space that this
chauge will give iu the m. in store
the virions lilies, which really com
prise a department store, will also be
enlarged ai d the Goldeu Role will
of he biKff,8t Btor,., in
Rogue River Valley and a flue credit
'to Grants Pas and proof that this
I CUT 11 1MB 1-utuujriLiai luru.ijiuiiB VI
I city is the commercial metropolis of
Southern Oregon
Letcher's Jewelry Store
Lowest prices on Klgin and
Walt ham watches. Bring
your watches and jewelry
that need repairing to me.
All my work is warranted.1
C. C. Presley aud family returned
Wednesday frnni two or three weeks
stav at Portland, aud Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnes returned
Thursday from a mouth's trip to the
coast, which they spent at Bandou
aud Marshfild.
J. B. Paddock and family, W. B.
Paddock aud brother and E.B. Brown
aud wife returned Thursday from
their Crescent City trip reporting a
very enjoyable time.
Misses Snsie and Margaret Baunard
left this week, the former for Eugene
where she teaches, aud the latter for
Baker City whete she teaches iu
the pnblio schools.
C. D. Cra-ie, who until he resinged
two months ago was superintendent
at the Lucky Queen mine, will be
come a lesideut of Urants Pass and
will next week move bis family to
this city.
Mrs. A. C. Beats and three children
arrived Monday from Klamath Falls
to spend a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. Mrs.
Beals will visit Portland before re
turning home. t
Mrs. J. H. McGrew, mother cf
Patrohnau Lincoln McGrew and of
X. E. McGrew, the transfer man. is
very sick at her home on West Main
Btreet and her family have fears Unit
she may not recover.
W. E. Taylor left Thursday night
for Amity, Oregou, called there by
the illness of his little child. Mrs.
Taylor aud children have beeu visit
iug at Amity for the past week and
the child was taken quite seriously
Charles GUdden, of Califoruia,
general manager of the California
Pine Box & Lumber Co., is iu Grunts
Pass. Mr. Glidden is au old friend
of Foreman R. R. Cook, aud will
speud several days visiting with
him and Mrs. Cook.
J. S. York, who has a -10 acre funn
ou Missouri Flat, and who is also a
miner, was iu Grants Pass last Satur
day. Mr. York is plauuirg to try
mining in Alaska next yar aud will
probably go to that far-north gold
field early next spring.
Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. Coe aud Miss
Mary Coe have been eutertaiuing this
week Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hanua, who
are cousins of Mr. Coe aud Miss Cue.
Mr. and Mrs. Hauua reside at River
side, Cat., where Mr. Hauua, is en
K illed iu business and is one of the
big capitalists of that city.
Miss Elizabeth C. Gibson was iu
Grants Pass Saturday on the way to
her home at Central Point to spend a
mouth with her parents. Miss Gib
sou closed last Friday a term of school
at Holland aud such satisfaction did
she give iu her work that she has
beeueogagfd to teach the fall term
of school in that district, which will
begin the last of September.
J. G. Blackwell. who has been an
employe iu the box factory, will re
turn in a couple of weeks with his
family to their ioriner home in Hunts
v i Ho. Alabama. Mr. Bluckwell has
been a resideut of Grants Pasi for the
past year aud would probably become
a peruiaueut resident of the city but
he has property iu Alabama that
makes it more to his interest to
return to the South.
Edmund Lee, a prominent lawyer of
I.ockport, one of the cities of Western
New York, arrived in Grunts Pass
Friday aud reiuiiiued over nutil Mon
day ou a visit with his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Lee. Mr.
Lee hud been to the fair and was ou
his way home on the southern mute.
He was well pleased with the ap
pearance of Grants Pass and of this
section of Rogue River Valley.
R. Vinton Feall was 111 Grants
Pass for several days the first of li e
week a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Wharton, Mrs. Wharton beiug acousiu
to Mr. H. nil. Mr. Beall resides
uear Central Point, his parents, Mr
and Mrs. Robert Beall, beiug among
the pioneers of Jack sou couiiry. Mr
Heull conducts a photograph gallery,
aud lie is credited with beiug one of
the best photographers iu Southern
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. ('art, have de
cided to return to the r old home in
Kansas and have leased I heir place
on Slate creek to Mr. ("Brt's son, A
T. Cart. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. (Nit
came to Grants Pass and went to
Medford, whcie they will visit a lew
lavs with Mrs. ('art's sou Arthur
Wells, after which they will start on
their journey for the Sunflower slu'e
to try life ou tlie rolling plains w here
slumps, rorks and mudholes are un
known, hut where the cyclone, the
hailstorm and the grasshoppers aie
found iu all I heir glory.
R. Thomas returned Saturday from
a week's vacation, which lie scut at
Cinnabar Springs in the Siskiyou
mount tin- sooth of Jacksouvill' .
Mr. Thomas was greatly benefitted
even by his short stay at the Cinnabar
Springs aud had his business beeu so
lie could
have remained away hi
would have st,nd there for a mouth or
,orH. H , tllB ml
Ciuuabar Springs is the best health
r, tl... Pun H.. ('.... un.l t ....
I I tin water m:rl the mud will rnrn nine
- -
of the diseases that do not readily
i yield to medical treatment by the
usoal metl oils.
Miss May Sutton arrived in Grants
Pass Saturday from Newjor', where
she bad been for some time injoylng
the pleasure of that popular tcnsiih
n sort. Wednesday Miss Sullnti left
for Medford, where she will visit fot
a fi'W days w ith her sister, M rs. Geo.
F. King, after which she will go to
ber home at Ashland. Miss Sutton
baa beeu one of the popular teachers
iu th. Grants Pan schools and To s-
day afternoon Mrs. W. L. Ireland
formerly also a teacher Iu the city
school, gave a reception in honor of
Miss Sutton, which was attended by t
large number of her friends. Games
ided to the merriment of the event
while conversation aud ligbt re
freshnieut made the time pas all too
'i"1' ''r t0 " l""t"M ""'
20 more hop pick
ers wanted at the
John Raniau yards.
News Note From the Business
Men to Ken ders.
Violin, etc., strings Conner Build
W. B. Sheruiau Real Estate. Tele
phone 731.
Souveuir Post Cards Coorier
Give your friends a Stage Hue the
good smoke.
It you want a bloyc.e cheap, call at
Cramer Bros.
W. L. Ireland, the Real Estate Man,
negotiates loaus.
I'r. M. C. Flndley tests eyes aud
furnishes glasses.
Bicvcle Bells aud Lamps at a dis
count at Paddock's.
Rifles aud Carbines iu 30-30 aud 2."-
35 Calibers at Ciaiuer Bros
Maps of Oregou Washiutou and
Califoruia at the Music Store.
Pop Pickers will find ramp Stoves
aud camp outfits at Cramer Bros.
You will alwavs find matter of iu
terest in our classified ad column.
A public typewriter can be found
at the Courier Buildiug at all times.
Miss Ireland is a resident piano
saleslady and guarantees satisfactiou.
W. B. Sherman Real Ksti.te and
Timber, Rooms U aud 10 Masouic
INSURE vour HOPS this year iu
Ireland, Agtut.
Cups for Masons Jars 15 rents, two dozen for 25 cents. Hair
Riddle Hardware, Co.
Portland headquarters for Grunts
Pass people, McGregor Bros, barber
shop, 210 Yamhill street.
Call at the Music Store, Front
street aud see the handsome pianos
Miss I'ehiiid call sell yon any of the
standard makes.
Eyes carefully ttstod and glasses
fitted, to correct any defect of visiou
by Dr. W. F. Kreiner, Courier build'
ing. Prices reasonable.
Guitars, mandolins, banjos, organs,
all good instruments at your own
price at Ike Dvis', dealer in every
thing, Smith Sixtli street.
The Western, a first-class family
hotel. Ouiet locution, yet convenient
to depot and uear court house. Good
uicnls aim clean beds and prices
Miss Minnie Ireland now has the
Allen & Gilhrct-Kiimalcr Co. piano
and organ agency for Josephine county
and she ran always be found at the
Music House. Instruments sold
011 easy payments and old cues taken
iu exchange
Engraved Curds Courier Building
Colored Post Curds for 5 cents
Music Store.
Pulton's Sun Proof Paints are soi l
only by Cramer Bros.
Corporation hooks, stock certificates
and soils ut the Courier ollico.
Typewriting and Stenography
ground floor, (Vuriir building.
See Voorhicx for Underwood Type
writers and Typewriter supplies.
W. II. Sherman Real Estate and
T i r, Ho( 111 0 and 10, Masonic
Gn to the Grunts Puss Grocery for
the Golden Cheddar brand of Tilla
mook cheese.
Timber claims. Home sti nils. W.
H. Sherman, Rooms 10 and 12 Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass Ore.
LOST Belt, Sunday, Aug. 13.
between the telephone olllceaud Hotel
Josephine, Indus white belt with gold
buckle. Fiuder please leave lit Courier
Coining F.venls.
September It, Wednesday Fall term
of county couit convenes.
September 7, Thursday Annual re
union ill Ashland of Southern Ure
gou Pioneers.
September 11, Saturday Farmers in
stilus and fruit growers meeting
at Grants Pass, ci nducted by pro
fessors from Slate Agricultural
Septohmer 11, Monday Grants Pass
schools begin work.
September 14, Thui sday Farnn rs in
stitute mid fruitgrowers inci ting at
September 14, Thursday Annual re
union ill Grants Pass for live days
nf Southern On g( n Veteians.
Si member in, Saturday Farmers
institute and fruitgrowers meeting
at Kerhy.
Sentetnher J5, Monday Circuit court
for Josephine county convenes.
W'e sell we advertise
and we advortiso what we sell
and our customers liml tit
the L'oods are what we claim
t It-in to be.
Here is u lir-i of some i.l
our bent" lilies and every
one is .'uarantei'd:
Garland Stoves
Stranky Steel ware
Anti - H listing Tinware
Hartford Bicycles
Pat ton's Sun Proof
Oliver Plows.
There is soliil satisfaction
in all of them. Thy Thkm.
Cramer Bros.
A Brief Record of
LOcal Events.
The youug people of Granite Hill
had a very sooial dance last Saturday
The regular Christian nrvices
will commence next Sunday, Septem
ber 3, by Kev. Clark Bower. The
morning subject will be "Laborers
Together With God." The evening
subject is "The Two-Fold Miuistery
of Christ."
the regular services, morning and
evening, will be resumed this Sab
bath at the Episcopal church by the
rector, Rev. Frederick C. Williams.
At the eveuing service this Sunday a
special musical program will be rend
ered, selections by the choir aud solos
by talented singers. Tha publio is
cordially invited tj attend these ser
I. Skinner and his family are
among the late arrivals in uraois
Pass, comiug here from Los Angeles
last week. Mr. Skinner sometime
since purchased the Daniels place of
2t)0 acres iu the New Hope district
aud be expects to move to his farm
uext spring. Mr. Skiuner Is a car
pctiter and will for the present work
at his trade,.
Mrs. W. W. Webb, who formerly re
sided in this city, but who uow lives
iu Los Angeles, left for her home iu
Califoruia Weduesday, after spending
month with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, I. S. Spencer. Mrs. Webb was
accompauled by her sou, llieo. Huuu-
ford, who had teen ou a trip to Port
land, and made a brief stop here with
his grandparents.
Clark Uower, wife aud two children
of Albany, Uro., arrived iu Grauts
Pass Tuesday evening to take chargt
of the work at the Christian church.
The people of the church are fortu
nate iu securing the seivices of Kev.
Bower, as he is a mau of over 10
years experience iu the work of
Christ, having spent the last three
years at Albany. Rev. Bower will
occupy the Hemeuway house one
block south of the church.
A campmeetiug was begun 1 liursday
in the grove uear South Sixth street
by (lie Free Methodists, which is to
continue for 10 days. Presiding Elder
W. K. Goode, of Medord, it iu charge
and will be the principal shaker.
Ho will be assisted by Kev. E. I.
Harrington, pastor of the Free Metho
dist church iu this city, and by other
ministers of their denomination.
The meeting will be afternoon aud
eveuing mid everybody is invited to
Wilbur Garrow, who for the greater
part of the time for the past six years
has been with one of the big lumber
companies at MuCloud, has taken a
position with the California Pino Box
X Lumber Company aud will lie lum
ber inspector iu the Compauy's yard
in this city. Mr. Garrow has
worked about sawmills since his bur
hood days, his father being one of the
leading mill men of the Columbia
river section and he is thoroughly
posted ou uli that pertains to the lum
ber business.
Next Monday in conformity to a
statu law and to a proclamation by
the governor tho puoplo of Oregon
w ill observe Labor Day. That is all
public otiiccs and banks will be cloved
while thn lahonug uieu and the rest
of the community will work ou as
though a d.iy had not been set apart
by politicians and labor leaders as au
alleged holiday. So uext Monday
in Grants Pass the bunks, the court
house, the city hall, and the pout
ollico will be closed. The postolllce
though will be opened for au hour
after each mail is received, but the
register and money order departments
will not be open.
Knv. M. ('. Wire, presiding elder
for this district, spent last week
holding nunrtcrlv conferenet s at the
M. K. churches iu Jacksonville,
Medlord and Central Point and at
Wilderville, where he was ou last
Friday. Mrs Wire accompanied
Klder Wire to lit t ml lo ber otllclal
duties him being pr aid -nt of the
northwestern branch of the Womeiis
Foreign Missionary Society of the
Methodist KpUcnpal church. F.ldcr
and Mts. Wiin were ill Grants Pass
over Friday ' ight guests ot Judge
and Mis J. II. Booth ut the Western
hotel aud Saturday they left for
Itosehiirg and other points between
In re aud Kugene which is their home,
to attend to their church work.
CharliM Hans ii, one of the leading
funnels nf Illinois Valley and who
resides in Kerhy, was iu Grants Puss
Tuesday. Mr. Hansen is a farmer of
progressiva ideas, ami fully realizing
lint hcncliU that will come to the
agricultural interests of bis section,
Im is giv ug every encouragement
pos-ihle for the success nf the farmers
institute that is lo be held al Kerhv
ou Saturday, September Hi, by Ilr.
Jus. Wiihvcoinbe aud other members
of the faculty of the State Agricul
tural College. This i ill be the first
farmers insttute ever held ill the
1 liunls Valler yet the farmers of the
Valley and the business men nf Kerhy
are ta' iug such an in it that
in the opinion of Mr. Hansen it will
he well attended and a flue success.
Absolutely Pure
- Fall Goods -
New Supply.
CLOTHING Boys' and Men's
HATS - Snappy and Up-to-Date
SHOES - See Those Sketos
Shirts and Ties that
Mrs. Dr. Walker aud Miss Kthel
Johnson entertained a number of
friemlH at Mrs. Walker's) Home Wed
nesday evening in honor of Mrs. Her
bert Sampson. The eveuing wa
pleasantly spent with games and
music. Elaborate refreshments were
served, adding to the pleasure of the
J. L. Myers anil Mart Luckett have
proved that tliey are as good hunters
as barbers ami as handy with the guu
as with the razor for they brought
home a generous quantity of venison
Saturday to prove tho correctness of
their hunting stories. Messrs Myers
and Luckett spent last week in com
pany with II. G. Kice In the mount
ains to the west of West Fork. On
two of the days K. W. Chaus-ee was
with them. Tho party aucceeded in
letting eight, of which Mr. Myers i
snot three and Mr. Lockelt one.
This was Mr. Luckett's first hum ing
exierieuce aud the deer he shot was
the first one he ever saw wild iu the
w oods.
Another Store for Grants
Colonel Johnson ami his mother.
Mrs. Mary Johnson, have purchased
a lot on the northeast corner of
Fourth anil F streets) and nave begun
the erection of a building that ihey
will use both for store and residence
purposes. The building is frame,
2 1 aV0 feet, oue-story. The trout
section facing the depot ground will
he used for their store, the room to be
iUx'H feet. Hack of the store will he
seven living rooms and a pantry.
O. K. McMnnus and M. A. , Walker
are doing the crs liter work
t'olonel Johnson some time since
sold his store on West Main and Pine
streets and so soou as Ins new build
ing is flu I hit it he will again ongage
ill the uiercaiitilx business anil will
put ill a full slock of notions, books,
stationery and grooeries. The loca
tion of his new slum is rather outside
of the present business! dlsliict, but as
the city is growiug rapidly towaid
the northwest there will be many
people pass on West F street aud
t'olonel Johnson will soon build up a
.ood trade, for be and and his mother
have many friends, who will trade
with iliein. Colonel Join son is oily
treasurer aud he is uow serving bis
eighth term Iu thai otllce.
School Soon to Begin
Oily Suierinteudent It. II. Turner
relumed this Friday from his u tu
rner's vacation, which he s nt at his
home iu Stanton, Va , and at Na
Icon, Ohio, where he taught befme
coining to Grants Pass. Prof. I'jrni r
stopped for a reek in Portland where
he attended the sessions of the
National F.ducatlnual Assoc alon and
visited the fair
Prof. Turner was accompanied from
the Fast as far as Pol I land b six of
the teachers who have positions in I lie
Grants Pass scliools. ()i these Miss
Nona S. liridge of Fremont, Neh.,
and Miss Ada K. Walker, of Moulton,
la , arrived in Grants Pass w ith Piof.
Turner. Prof. A. K. Harrison of
Fairfield, la , Miss F.luabeh Ilnlgate,
and Miss Anna L Cherry, both of
Ohcrliu, ()., will arrive this Satur
day, while Miss f-adie S Agnew, of
Independence, la, will ariive Iu
Grants Pass III It Wrdneiday.
The assignment of tent hen lo their
various vradi s baa not la-en made but
will be done licit week by the board.
School will begin week from neit
Mouday, ou September llth.
If you wniit lo keep posted In a
commercial way, don't fa:! lo read
our classified ad colnmn.
See Windows
Do yon kuow that yon can make a
five days visit to the Exposition at
Portland, including railroad fare and
all expenses for ('Jit.Un: ten days
:ill.Un full information can be scoured
ou application at this office.
U. P. Jester, Agf.
Chickeiia wanted by
W'&ltera at the Oregon.
First National Bank
It. A. IIOOTII, I res. J. V. CAM I'ltKI.L, Vlre-l'res. II. I GI I.KKY, Cashier.
Hurplua and titMllviiled
deceive deposits subject In check or on rertllleale payable on dnieand.
helis ilriifls on New York, i'hicai;o, han Francisco, Portland fliid heatlle
Special lai ililies for making eolleetiona through numerous corre.'-puiuienla
It. A. IUiotii, II C Kinkky, P. II Hastii. Jons !). Far,
J. T. Terrs, J. I'. t'Axrsau., U. I. (Iilkxy.
L. A MARSTERS, Merlin. Ore.
Dreader end Dealer In
Sells Drugs & Books
To olitiiin iiiiino tit kets,
cvcniii''. St iil t mU r 1st,
will ln L'ivcn iiwity Snttinliix in or n i n r. St'tit'Hl'T 2,
nt 10 o'floi k a. m. School con indices the st coml
Moinlay in Sc tcinlicr, Imy t-hocs for the j;irls nntl
Iiojk now n ml olitain your tickets. Some one of
Mm will have a line new Kinslmry iiano and it
costs you not hi ti.
Carry in stuck fur IJnvs
Washington Slttl Hutu in Shoe. Hilly Hus.ti.-f line.
Rice nml llnU'l'tn-, Hard Kmnks.
Meliiitint'i c Si ;iinii chi.ih.t ii
Itu) s llin'1 Top - In .i s, in bnth l;in ami
For Girls
Malimey Hms Mi, . s. . f Ri iln-sl. r. N Y , in Vat Kil,
Vici ninl Ilox Imtt ti and lace: one ot the finest lines of
shoe that come lo the Coast.
I'lllstinty Shoe, the sin e they talk about, nil honest
shoe without cut-off vamps.
Itnv i be o iik ninl liovs
j n .
will lie given out uftei Sejilen
6 Howard Building
are smashers
Got Olf Cheap.
He may well think he has got off
cheap who having contracted
constipation or indigestion is still
able to perfectly restore his health.
Nothing will do this hut Ur. King's
New Life Pills. A quick pleasant
and certain cure for headache, con
stipation, etc a.'io at ail drug stores;
of Southern Oregon
'J 'J, (MM) OX).
us ll.p onlt'st t lost
ns Friday &
lit sin no
. .... i ... f i
t 7 r. M ., 11 it I tl
Ki'.hhiI Shoes now.
No tickets
U r 1st.
Sixth Street )