Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 01, 1905, Image 2

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f Hblishad
Every Friday.
One Year, in idrancc,
Six Month.
Tbra Months,
Hlngta Copies,
Rata i
- .76
Advertising Racaa
f arnlnhed on application at the office, oi
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con.
dolenre will be charged for at 6c per line;
oanlof than k 60c.
Oregon, as necond-clsst mail matter.
To be Topics of s.n Address
Grants Pasa Bualneaa Men
by an Expert.
K. C. firitikernorT, a prominent
bumuoKi man of KjvorHiclu, (Jul., wax
in Grant Pans over Sunday a gaiwt nl
his cousin. K. L. (Joe and Mini Mnrj
E. Con. Mr. Briukerlioff was on li it
way to the Lewii aud Clark fair being
aunt t libra by the coiuiunrcial bodies
of Riverside comity to represent
the Interests of that section of Call
fornia In mooring settlers and iu
RiverHidn was the flrt comity in
California to Due crude pntroleom
for a road dresHins, and so ninch of a
cents has it proven in the making ol
Kood roads that now all the main
thoroughfares as well as many of tin
streets of the various toffns in thitl
oonuty are oil-coated Oil roads Iimvi
proven so satisfactory in standing
heavy tralllo at all miusous of ttie
year as well as being dunltuss aim
uiudleaa that hundreds of miles ol
roads are being improved by Unit
method in California. Mr. Drinker
lioH being thoroughly posted on tie
method of constructing aud uiaiu
taiuiug oil roads, ac the request ol
Mr. Von, has consented to iUi in
Urauts Pass, when on his way lo hit
Iiouju, aud deliver an address to the
business uieii aud others lutrestd in
the cause of good rends. Mr. lirinker
hotf Is a talented speaker and uu ou
thusittst on good roads aud his ml
drvKS will be worth hearing by all who
favor teere modern methods of road
bulldiug than uow obtain in Jose
phiue county.
Mr. llriukerhofT, residing iu a sec
tion where iirigatlou is carried on h
every method from the canal large
enough to float 8 ' steamboat lo the
liorepower pump, is well tHibtud on
tout subject and ho will, at Mr.
Coo's wish, devote a purl of his ad
dress to that lopiu. Mo sentloii In
the world has secured greater benefits
aud has pruspered more from Irriga
tion thau has Hiver-idu county. That
uo couuty ou the lacille Coast would
be benefitted more by Irrigation than
Josophiuo is a fact plain to be hoi u
by all who have visited this county.
This subject is thus an important one
with the citizens of Kogue Klver
Valley aud the address by an eipeit
on irrigation, like Mi. ItriukerholT,
will be of great iuterest aud value.
Grants Pass has uuw attained that
sise that street tralllo deiiiHih s a
betterment of the streets of the city.
A coating of mud Iu the winter and
of stifling dust iu the summer is
hiTiily to be tolerated on the street
of a prngresiiive town. Hy what
method to improve the streets and
sidewalks of this city is a matter that
the citizens of the city are interested
ill. Persons familiar with oil
streets iu California claim that
Urauts Pans could have ideal streelp
at reasonable. expense. The method
suggested is to first remove the sur
face soil and then bring the
to the required grade and then mil n
with a heavy steam power roller.
Hit ii put on a layer of surface toil in
bring the street to the reiuiied
heighlh and then roll ami then llnMi
with a heavy coaling of gianlte pmiil
and oil. The experience of California
towns M that hi ml and oil solldiH
and make a coating alumni Hki
asphalt. It is al-o proponed to try i ll
uu a section of sidewalk slid givv il
a test, (irauta 1'iok Iiiih smut thiet
miles of giiiiiite Mtud sidewalk mill
while that ma erial makes a suieol Ii,
cleau walk, yet the iilare horn llo
glisicuihg sand In Ihn brigM suin-liine
limke it very Irving on pcrion's
eyes. The first thing that slrangi r
notice on visiting (iruts I'ass is the
glare frou. the Mi'Wnlk, hhli in
almost unbearable lo many people on
summer days ulmn the sun boils dnn
ou there gianite nidewalks 1 1 k on tin
desert Kuinlii, Slid iH'iiKh r anil Iiikm h
becmiie aa plent ful in UtaiilN l'asn nr.
umbrella iu Taconni or Astoria
These granite siedwalkr nr like an
em ry wheel in liriliillliK oil ht'c nuli'p
and If the rolling partichx ifi.hui
sand cou'll be eelllillled together by ml
or rfolne olher substance ii ot:litsavel
a big expense and inii. li anii. v aue ti
the residents cf lhin city I' .ewlnte
concrete walks also have a glare from !
the suu that is trvm.: on the eves, j
This could be easilr avoided u j
some dark coloring matter put in .
cemel.t at Ihe time il I . . 1 1 .
prepared for use. It is little tn he ;
wind r.. I tliit such a liti i r ten i
of tuwu pen) 1 ', from ehiidn u up weal
glasses wilh the constant stiaiu li
their eyes from the impeilcc! h.l.t ol
schoo'rooms and olhr- slid llo- L.nv
slnided rooms ami the g!ate of ih.- sun
from Ihe granite and t . moot si e
winks. It is good fi r Ihe i . ulo-t-, but
toUk.ll Oil the rest ol the people.
Judge W. C. I in If. left 1
for YYcdileihuru Ihe county seat ol
Curry county In uitind circuit court
now iu sttsiou at that plate. Judttc
lisle is attorney for it H. Hume in a
big rhiiiinge t-uit il.ui Kolurt Hums
ud hi- wile have brought agitiu-t
Mr. lluu.u over proierty rights ou
lower Kogue tiv. r.
If you want lo lent a house or keep
posted Iu the b.irgxins lu all lines,
Farmera Taking a Live Intereat
in the Meetings to be Held
In Rogue Rivei Vally.
Reports from the various places.
where the five farmers institute are to
be held in Southern Oregon under the
so spites of the State Agricultural
College, Indicate that the furnicrs are
taking a lire iuterest iu the institutes
and will attend in considerable lie in
Iu the Eastern States aud in other
sections of Uregin where institutes
have .Ixcnme firmly established and
the farmers have folly learned their
values the sessions are attended by
almost the farm community. Farmers
institutes are new to Southern
Oregon but when the farmers Icaru
the bereSt they can secure from the
addresses aud demonstrations that are
made at these meetings then uo diffi
culty will be had in getting them to
attend. It is a fact tha so many of
the furmeis, as well as the business
men, knowing unthlng of the methods,
of a farmers institute, think it a place
where a show of book learning Is
made mid visionary farm theories are
put forth by colli go prof, snors.
When they have once attended uu in
stitute an I heard the practical tnlk
ou farm topics that are made by
practical agricultural college nu n anil
by practiced, successful farmers then
they can realize the beuefils that these
gatherings of farmers are to the com
tuunity. The business men, too, have
to-lonm that the farmers institute I
one of the greatest aids ill btiildlnii
up a community of educated, pro
gressive farmers, thereby adding t
the prosperity of the town for when
the farmers are making money the
business men are iu prosperous days.
Ihe institutes at (Irnnts 1'ass, Hop
tniuber U, E.igle I'nint, September 1 1,
Jacksonville, B-pteinher IH, I'lovolt
Spetemher 1 , and Kerhy, September
HI, are to eaidi be of three session,
forenoon, afternoon and evening
The evening session though at .lack
sonville will be .in fuetday evening
with day sessions Wednesday forenoon
aud afternoon.
Machinery for Gold Pick.
Oeorge Mathewson and W. M
Hunch, two Kerhy teamsters, l.-'i
Friday with last loads of miichiiicr
for the (lold i'ick mine on Hole,
creek, near Holland. The michincry.
of which there was a carload, ion
sisted of a three-stamp mill a 1'elto
wat r wheel a d othei uniterial foi
equipping the mine. The mill build
lug is completed us is also Ihe Muiim
aud ditch for bringing wilier foi
power purposes and Manager Frank
Fowler expects to have Hie mill in
operation within a month.
The mine has been extensively do
veloped mid a large body of higu
grade ore has bneii uiened up. Tin
present mill will be operated tins
winter mid If the ore yiolilitln valu. s
as it shows to have the mill wlli le
eiilmged and additional stamps put
COCK Kit LINK At Murphy, Siindiu,
August 27, 111","., tn Mr. and Mrs
K. M. Cockerliue. a sou.
M'TTKKL AI.MY-In (iranls I'uss
at the residence of II C. I'erklm
oil Tuesday, August '.'! Mill."., Mi
J. I. I.nttrell anil Mrs. V. .1. Mm v.
Hev I). T. Summerville oltii-iatiiig
Mrs I.nttrell w is a foi mer resi lenl
of Grants I'ass, but is now a resiih i t
of I. eland where she has kept one i f
the hoit hotels of the small towns i I
Southern Orego. . Mr. I.nttrell is
from California and lie and Mrs.
l.ullrell will reside at l.eland,
where they will continue in the
miiuagcmcnt of Ihe hotel at tint
llll.l'K I'll -At Grants 1'io.s, Or .,
T iiimI.iv, August ill, I nit ... Win
llihlreth, iigi d il.'i years.
Mr. Ilililieth was a yeleriiu of 1 1 e
Civil war en list lug in Co ' ,, ,.lth
Illinois Infill. trv, serving thiouithoi.t
the war. Hi' has been a r sldi-nl i f
ti anls I'ass nearly I.'. veins and h is
inanv warm friends. Cancel, fnun
whir, he has so dor. -d i:ieatlv, is lie
cause of his il.-il1. llo .1
leaves a wife anil one son, Claud, tin-
only other living i lor of the
lainily beluga I. no her in Ohio.
IIII.HK1IK AM) - In tl-is cm mi
Til, -s, lav. August J'.t. I'.l,i,'i. Mi.
Mary A. Hildehian.l, ,ited i, .' yens
The lu-dv was pn pur. .1 t.-r -1 i j .
iiieut by t'odi rlaker I.. II. II. ill in. I
as sent In Olymi in, ah , 'or ii.
t.iiiui-nl at that place. Mis Hil.l. -hianil
hail !-een an inv l.d ami v nh
Icr lui.liind was camping hi the hill,
near this city for the h, n. lit of I., i
health, n here she a I i'., n i .nl I nit
wor.. ami died soon alt. r I., i, g
brought In II, is cilv
va VsUv .iih1 Timlin
Cofvivht (. by
(mi.'. Iltulhtthtl to.
New Manager In Charge-Many
Stranger Visit Rooms.
The (Jrunts Pass . luors Asssoclation
has placed G. P. Atehiiison ill charge
of their iiiiin nil exhibit room and
reference library. Mr. Atehiiison is
proving himself to be the right man
lor the place for he has entirely reno
vated the room aud more systemati
cally arranged the exhibits and has
all in attractive shape. While not
a practical mi m r yet Mr. Atchinson
is suihcieiily posted lis to the intneial
wealth nf .loH.'phini, county to give n
mining mini, who is n stranger, an in
telligent idea of the possibilities ol
this district. Ou fruit, stock and
other lines of la in productions, Mr.
Alrhinson is thoroughly posted for
that was formerly his vocation until
advancing ago and a wound n ceivei
vvhih-a soldier iu the Civil War mad.
it Impossible fur Ii I in to longer look
after his rami. He Is a bright, bust
ling imiii and prospi ct ive settlers and
l ll v i I .1 s will be given reliable in
format 1. 1, i In regard tn South, ri
t Iregoii.
The vistots lo the exhih t room this
summer have been greater in numbers
than inanv who have not noted tin
register h ok would suppose. While
not nil register, who visit the exhibit
room, yet Ihe roster -hows (hat from
live to '.Ml persons daily call at
the mom ami leave their address,
rheso vi i t in h are Iron, nearly every
tale in the t'liion and quite a feu
are from foreign countries. These
visitors are not tourists to or from
Ihe Por lulu fun, who alight from
the train j. ml take a hurried glance nt
the enlnhitri for p;i-lniw as is the cum
of towns that have all exhibit lit H i
depot, bi t t 111 soi persons lire those
who have stopped otf and an
thoroughly invest ig iting the resource
and ndvantagt s id this county. Ti
such ivrsous Ihe Grants Pas. exhibit
is of much value, I r they ran tak
their time ami not be jostled by sij'bl
seeing tourists iitiil by the idle crowd
that is by all .h ols, their cars evil
aleit for things that are not of their
The cr. tillable exhibit ef Ihe Grauts
I'ass Miners Assooial ion is doing a
good wctk in ndvi itising the vast
mill. nil vvialtli of Southern Oregon
ami il is certain to prove one of tl
best advertising in 1 1 1 1 ii i ti h that wi s
ever iiiiih tt:ikeii for Grains Pass an. 1
.los.-pliii-e eoiiutv. With the return ot
ihe i xl.iltils at the Lewis aiulClaik
I n- Unit are in Ihe .Insep bine county
siot ion, Ihe Mini ts Association w ill
have one of the timsl mineral exhil.i s
i on Hi I'li. ilic Coast. With a lilt le
ji lVoit the agricultural anil timber ex-
I II, Its could he llcl.le lis complete.
Wli.le Ihe localioli of the exhibit
loom is a ll tie f ir up town, yd ii
I is I.. It. r locate. I t,i enable visitors lo
uniuolest, d look over the exhibits tha'
jif.-lt the depot, whole it would le
iTtnvili-i! Willi Idle si Jitseels. ll
would Ii - I., tt. r though if the ex
Inhiis icultl ho placed in a room more
ci-titialiv Incite) eitlnr in llieiiiiilli
on the si uih business district This
jiinlltir i Ivmg 0. by those
-iippi 1 1 tog ihe a..d a nun1
Cut nil Incut n in iv be sccuri'tl.
Ciu'lvS Man
in mining
i't a it r, H :i
mid vv t
'W.ltlt pnsltlel
cocks IS. lv
i :ini
I.o.ildtng hou-e.
fl it" if i unirr in mil
Our First Showing of the
New creation in Street
and Tailored Hats, show
ing a full line of the
GAGE BROS, Tailored
Hats. For extreme and
distinct style this line
needs no comment.
Large Works Started Near Grants
Pass for Burning Lime.
John E. Cbappell, secretary and
treasurer, and Almond Baler, presi
dent of the Grants Pass Marble &
Lime Company, were iu Grants
Pass the greater part of this week on
business connected with their com
pany. Poth gentlemiu are resid' lit-
of Gohlendale, Wash., where Mr.
Cbappell Is manager of the Klickitat
Wheat Compauy, the largest wheat
dealer iii that section of the great
wheat belt of Washiutgon. He Is
also extensively Migaged in the mer
cantile business, and holds several
thousand acres of fine timber land lu
Washington in Josephine, Douglas
and Lake couuties iu this slate. Mr.
linker is als'j a weallhy man aud is
engaged in the mercantile busiuess.
They both have the greatost confi
dence iu the financial success of their
new venture in the marble aud lime
business that their company is de
veloping ou Cheuey creek, 13 miles
from this city. They propose to put
iu sulliclent capital to enable their
company to become one of the biggesi
uiiiuufaf tnrors of lime ou the Pacific
Associated with Messrs. Chappell
and linker 111 this lime business is J
h. Veidin, of this city, and tnn
Hull of Wilderville,
the original owners of the Black
Marble mountain noted as one of the
biggest deposits of marble in the
West. Thursday Messrs. ChappeD
and linker iu com; any with Manager
erdin and Mr. Bull visited their
lime works at the quarry. This was
Mr. linker's first trip to the property
ami riot 1 1 lie ana Air. I happen were
well pleat sd with the work uow
underway and th y arranged for a
larger (quipon'iit of the plant. Dut
nig this winter a KM) ton draw kiln
w ill be constructed nt the quarry and
preparations completed for engaging
extensively next spring iu the manu
factum of lime. A force of II) men
are now employed iu quarrying mar
hie, cutting wood and in burning
lime. Delivery of lime was beguu
two weeks ago and Manager Verdin
baa orders already for over 4(K1 barrels
of lime. This lime is couceded by
plasterers aud masons tn be the
strongest, and the whitest of any sold
ou this Coast. This marble calniii
so perfectly that when the lime is
slacked that It is entirely free from
hard lumps and is as soft and flue as
Mir (be present barrels will be I m
polled but next year it is the plan ti
put in a barrel factory, the Company
owiinugan extensive liodv of timl or
adjoining their works. There i
every reason to expect that this uu
nertaking w ill develop into one of tin
big ministries of Southern Oregon
and that it will become one of the
leading factors in the prosperity of
Grants Pass.
Josephine County Sued.
A suit has been beguu by Judge W
O Hale to enjoin Assessor V. II,
bslliii, Comity Judge J. O, Booih
and, Clerk S. K. Cheshire, as uieiii
hers of the board of tqiiHluallcn for
Josephine county, from allow iug the
f ind household exemption to properly
of n m is lu making up the assessment
roll for I'.Hi.'i. Tuesday Assessor
ialliu went to Jacksonville to have
the milder ilicided by Judge II. K
llaiina. A. S Hammond also went as
attorney tor Judge dale, the latter
hi log at Wedib rhuru attending court
there. Disirict Attorney A. K.
litanies appeared for Josephine
As Judge llauna has a very foil
dockttat the present session of cir
cuit court it was agioed to uot bring
u, the case until Ihe Judge couveuea
court iu Grants Pass ou the i.'ith of
September, when he w ill pass on the
case. The board of equalisation will
net intet until the first Mouday in
There is a question among lawyers
as to wheiher the change iu the law
restoring to householders the :W x.
eni tiou went into effect thisspilug
i:i time lo be applied ou the assess
ment Tor this year or uot, and it is
to test tins niiut of lav that Judge
Hale has beguu his suit.
Joseph Kaueh is hav ug his mi
dline, located ou Kast Kogue River
aveuue enlarged aud made mors cou
venient. An additiou Is being built
bat will lie used for a kitchen aud a
p.inlry. A large porch it also being
jbuilr The carpenter work u being
I "'"" vj vonu .aiaxowxi ami tteu'T
Merchants Enlarge Stores Cal
houn in the Procession.
Oeorge C. Calhoun demonstrated
several years ago that he could sell
groceries, he conducting one of the
largest grocery stores in Oranti Pass,
and now he is proving that he
can sell clothing. Last fall Mr.
Calhoun put iu s small, but well
selected stock of men's goods in the
corner of the Howard block. To this
jtock be has steadily added nntil the
shelving would no longer hold the
goods sod this week be has had car
penters at work putting in additional
shelving. In the main store the
shelving is being extended to the
ceiling, and he is also having shelves
placed in his wareroom for holding
surplus goods.
With the increased capacity of his
store, Mr. Calhoun will be able to
carry folly more goods.
This increase to his stock indicates
that Mr. Calhoun has confidence in
the growth rf Grauts Pass and i
steady improvement in trade condi
lions that will afford ample business
to himself and the two other large
exclusive clothing stores, and to the
six other firms in the city that carry
men's goods in connection with other
lines. And all this proves that
Grants Pass is growing and larger
stocks of goods are required to enable
the merchants to fully cter to their
During the past week the geuial
hospitality of Mr. aud Mrs. Lavid
Briggs was much enjoyed by Mr. and
Mrs. Hobert P. Sage, of Seattle, and
their daughters, Miss Alexa and Ber
nice who have been spending the past
two mouths in the mount" Ins. An
enjoyable trip was made to the
Takilma smelter ou Monday aud much
iuterest was shown by different mem
bers of the party iu the smelting of
tho ore. Miss Alexa, who will re
turn to Aquinas Academy iu a few
days il delighted with a number of
euoruioos piue cones, which she has
obtained aud is takiug to college with
The young folks are making the
most of the reniainiug few merry
days left before returning to school
Roy and Kay Briggs are leaving home
shortly to attend Ashland normal,
their jo'ly presence will bo missed
during the winter season of gaiety,
especially at the holiday season, when
they do not expect to return home.
This Is the boys' first year at college,
and may every success attend them.
St. L.
You Will Save From 25 to
500 yards Colored Silks
5c (juality, at. ,
2000 yards Dc.-t quality
Hctter gtt'eni quick;
1500 yards Liylit and Dark Cclortd Outing Flannels
25 dozen Pillow Cases
1000 yards Apron Cluck
dO dozen Children's
reduced to
12 -,c
Shoe Specials-
Pinprcc's Gloria $;V50
20 different styles, Tan, Black, High Cut
R. L. COE . CO.
W. Swartsfager was at Applegate
Weduesday. I
J. Grubb and daughter, Miss Edith, ;
were Medford visitors Saturday.
Martin Pernoll " and sister, Miss
Maud, were in Medford, Saturday.
Clarence Winetrout and bis sister.
Miss Marie, visited Grants Pass last ,
week. I
John PernoU, the prosperous mer-
chant, made Grants Pass a business ,
trip Monday. J
L. Rose and daughter, Gladys, lefc
for the hills Wednesday to look after
cattle on the range.
Mrs. J. Hickey, who has been
visiting relatives here for some time,
left lor California Saturday.
J. J. Gayetty and C. A. Winetrout,
U. 8. i eological surveyors, left Ap
plegate for Kerby Saturday.
Mies Florence Mee of Thompson,
who has been attending camp meeting
at Provolt, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Dorothy Day, who hai been
visiting friends in Steamboat, return
ed to her home at Murphy last Thurs
day. John Herriott and Fred Wright,
who have been in Eastorn Oregon for
the past three mouths, returned home
Soveral of the young folks of Ap
plegate attended the dance at Murphy
Saturday evening. They tell of the
jolly time t ey had.
Ed Bolt of Gold Hill arrived at
Applegate Wednesday where he will
spend a few days visiting friends aud
Mrs Gayetty returned to Grants
Pass last week spending several
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Winetrout of Applegate. Si.
Persons desiring stenographic and
typewriting done correctly, as to
grammar, spelling aud punctuation,
and neatly can have their work done
by Miss M. A. Barrett, at the Courier
office. Busiuess correspondence aud
papers strictly confidential. Miss
Barrett fully understands all classes
of commercial aud legal work and her
prices are reasonable.
State Maps Courier Building.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record
Enclosed with every
coe a
for Shirt Woiht Suits,
Simpson Prints
null bargains don't last long
15c or $1.5() pCr doCll
Gingham, good quality,
Heavy Ril.bed Hose,
Wo aro now repeiviti our Fall Stock
of tho following well-known linos of tho
best ni'ikes of Shoes in America:
Our Leader
Hamilton & Unmn's Gcnuint Vici Kid
Warranted All Solid Leather
$1 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75
BANNARD invites your examination of
his new stock of Furniture just opened. It
is conceded by all to be the finest in quality
and style ever shown in Grants Pass, and
prices ar quite below Portland or San Francisco.
All goods marked in plain figures. We never quote
large prices and so much reduction; do not have too.
Come and see for yourself.
Goods sold on the installment phm and no extra
price charged nor interest when paid as agreed.
liia Store North Side, Cih Street, Grants Pass
That's what Grants Pass is going to be
in fact, it is getting to be year by year.
Tho laboring man is receiving every ad
vantage, and by the use of proper diligence
and gocd judgmeut is soon ablo to live in
his own home. : : : : :
"Man Must Make His Opportunity"
Start Now, 111 Show You How.
What I have done for others I can do for
you. Make immediate application for
complete information as to how every
man may own his own home. : :
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
Grants Pass, Ore. 510 Street
Grove's Tasteless Chill
of merit appeal to you ?
bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's
40 per cent by
1200 yards Nubbtd and Plain Cecilians, all colors, extra
good value at isc, we
lot on sale today at
1500 yards F.iderdown French Flannels, regular 20c and 25c
grades, nil new Persian and French Patterns, elegant
styles and qualities, entire lot new on sale
2000 yards Dark Colored Duck,
on sale at
Eoys Kxtra Heavy Ribbtd Cotlon Hose,
should not buy until you see them;
sale at
Just in 25 dcztn Iilpnktts ai.d All Pine Coltcn Com
lorteis. No shoddy.
: -Mais.
sVGATuoetc rati.
Douglas Shocs-$2.50 and $3 50 New Fall Stock
over One and a Half Million
No Cure. No Pay. 50c.
Black Root. Liver Pills.
lfiftjt0 t
Buying Now
aie placing ihe entire
12Jc grades, now
25c grades;
now on
hand made and Water Proof.
titu tUU STfiRR I