Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 25, 1905, Image 4

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Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy la a 8peciflc,
Sura to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cure Catarrh rind
drive away a Cold In tint Head quickly.
Restores tlio Reuses of 'i'asto and hmclL
Easy tu uie. Contains no injurious drug.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Uirge Size, 0 cents at Druggists or by
mail: Trial (Size, Id ce its by muil.
ELY BROTHERS. 68 i"-.r':n ri.. New York.
Practice limited to
and fitting uf glasses.
Offloe hours 9 to 12; 2 to fi; and on ap
pointmeut. Telephones 201 and 77.
lisAMTH Pass. - - Owmoa
Oifloo: I'lgnoy's residence, cor. Cth
and E streets.
Phones; Ollloe 6,'il; Residence 1051.
Ghauts Tabs. Okkoon
Office with Dr. G. II. Douglas.
Phonos: Office Hill; Residence 1051
Hours: D:30 to 11 A. M.
(1 HANTS Pass. - - OhKUON
Treats all Nervous and Rplnal DIs
east's, Klioiinuitisin and Stomach Trim
1jUs. A specialty made of Femalo Dis
Ollloo: Colonial IjmI jflnif Hoiiho,
front room. (Jranta Pass, Ore,
KL..utn Hatha Alcohol Huh. All dis
eases treated. HuHpltitl caro given to
all who wish It. Khoiiiualtsm cured in
its worst form, Advloofroe,,
Opposite Court House. Hours 0 to II.
l'ruetloe in all Htuteand Federal Courts.
Office in Oporu Hoiiho Ittilltl ittf.
Chants Pahs Okkuon
y. C. HALF,,
Office over First National Hank,
ChANTM PaSH, - - OliKdON,
Practice In State und Federal Courts.
Ollli'e on llth and C ntwU opposite
I oin t IIoiism. 1 hollo lllnl.
Grants Pass, Okmidn
Practices in all Stale and Federal Courts
Office over Hair Ktildln HunlwiiraCo.
Chants Pass,
Union ItuililliiK
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair (Aittinu
Haths, i:tc.
K vci tiling in t iiinl i li aii anil a
win k r list-, lima.
Agent 1 1 1 Af Horn llusin Land Co.,
W yomlllg. Allrllur ire I'rnro.
II I. t(
II. .1 I an I' ll
Reynolds S Lawloo
Civil and Mining
M EC H A N I C A 1 . 1 1 K A V I , 1 1 TS
(I rants I 'ass
N. li. Mc(IUi:V.
Furniture and I
Tho Popular Barber Shop
Get your ton.soi ial wmk done I
On Sixth Stteet Tlnce clui s
Rath ItiHiiu in i oiiiuH lion
When aiiii er irnlalinii i vlsl on
auy iarl of the body. Hie application
of Ballard's Know Lliilineni givtt
prompt ri lief. K. W. Sullivan, Prop.
Sullivan House Kl It, on, O. 1' .writes
June, 8 11X11: "1 take pltaoure iu
reoouiineudlng Ballard's Simw Liul
Uiiut to all who are atHictcd with
rheumatism. It is (be ouly remedy 1
have found that gives iiuiiiediaie re
lief." S.'o. 60o, 00 l Model Drag
Btore and Roterniuud'a.
A Brief Record of
L-ocal Events.
R. A. Jones a basiness wan of
Olendale, who has farming as J
side line, has added goat raising to
bis stock ventures and he has placed
350 goats on one of his farms.
Mr. Ferland, the popular young
operator of the Postal Telegraph, left
for Astoria Wednesday morning
to take charge of the night work in
the office at that place, Astoria being
bis home city. Miss Frances O-borne
of Ashland takes Mr. Ferland s place
at Grants Pass.
Mrs. T. P. Criteser and little son,
of Columbia, Josephine county, are
the gnosts of her husband's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Criteser, of this
city. Mr. and Mrs. Criteser recently
suffered the loss of their home at
Columbia, together with all of their
household goods, by fire. Rom-burg
A speoiai corrnspoudeut of the
Mining and Scientific Prims nl Kan
Francisco, writes to that paper from
Monumental that the report is cur
rent that Colonel i. Wain-Morgan
Draper and associates, owners of the
mine, plan to soon begin th) con
struction of a 500 ton concentrati!)
plant at that mine. The ore is cop
per and gold bearing, carrying high
values, and it is the plan to concen
trate 25 tons to one of matte, which
will be shipped to a reflm ry.
Jol.u Putrick, a well known U A.
It. man and commander of General
Logan Post of this city, hits been
couflued to bis home for the l uil two
weeks by a severe iiifliiinatiou to one
of his legs. Mr. Patrick suffered an
Injury In the army and some time
since while putting in wood at Ik
High school building of which he is
janitor, he overheated himself with
the r suit that t aggravated bi
trouble and made it necesi-ary for
hi in to keep to bis room for sunn1
days. 1 1 it is now able to get about
the house by the aid of crutjhe and
he expects aoou to be so he cuu get
down town.
The annual reunion of Southern
Oregon pioneers will be held tins
year at Ashland on Thursday,
September 7. It is expected to have
a big gathering of the pioneer men
and women of Southern Oregon and a
Ann program for the day's exercises is
being arranged by the people of
Ashland. A flue dinner will hi
served to the pioneers and everything
done possible lo make the day one of
enjoyment to those attending. A
gelieral committee lias been appointed
to have charge of all arriingi iuentK,
those on this committee being Win
M. Matlbes, A. I). Ilelmiin and Jus.
A Touching Story.
Is the saving from dialh of the
baby girl of Geo. A. Eylcr, Cumber
laud. Md. He writes: "Atlheagi
of 11 months, our little girl was de
riming In health, with serious throat
trouble, and two physicians gave her
up. We were iiliiiimt iu ilcxpair,
whin we resolved lo try Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. The lirst botlh
gave relief; after taking four bolt Ich
she was cured and Is now iu perfect
health." Never fails to relieve ami
cure a rough or cold. Al all drug
stores. 5lic and fl.OO, guaranteed.
Trial botlle free.
Henry Wallers buys rhlt kertx nl
the Oregon.
Dr. Flanagnii,
Physician anil Dentist.
Kodaks Courier Huihling.
Till Fruit Calm at Cramer Unix
M. Clemen. t'rescriitiou llruvirist
A Gentleman's suiolie the Stagt
Souvenir Postal Cards Courier
Order seals and rubber ntiiuip of
A. r,. ihii hies.
Nickle l'lali'd Challug Di-dui. jui-t
in al i miner urns
President Roosevelt iu coIoin w ill
large mat, HV at the Music Store.
I arlnil'c and Shot Gi.u Sin Ih and
shooting routs at ('mini r llros.
And still 1 am insuring titul srlltiig
real estate at the old simiil. ,1. I-.
I Inly a few of the coh I ste . 1 1
coil views It'll al lltn iiitiMr slorr
out per doill while thev hist.
iloie Coroii lor I'liiinhini
Calling Cards Cornier lliiihling
Mason Fruit Jars at C aim r Dies
l'ii'r Napkins Coiitnr Kiiililiu
-loleiiilnl line i.l It.o hi I 'I. a i
Kauri's al Comn'i
A number ot liiinll IMU SI'S I nK
REN I' bv W. I. IRELAND, the Real
Estate iiiiiii Gunnel Hour Courier
vour driller for Rogue liivi r
Oi ui'iei v lluitrr iiuiili' m Mi iitoid is
now .hi r. um n r two I'omnl, siii.iu
lull wi lulil
A large iis-nitun nl of enlolid
plrtuns nioiilili'd rraclv for banging
.11 10,' to '.'Or, a ilisrount of ,. o ,n
In i n ot Music Sioie.
I 'ill! villi u r'lll g, row bi lls .. cents
led u', woo, ten liov. Is 5 ri ills :unl li',
I'll 1 1 r MH'I.I .. milk nils, nt I m is'
fiiuuii supply house. An Aeiueb.ii
lell rln.iii alniost new f, r '.'.
funis Co foi Watches, CI, ks.
Iiolil Ulngs u 1 1 I .leweln. line uitrli
ii'I'.iii ing, englavitlg. i.iooils sold ;il
leilwuiablr prices. Conn' 4lnl see u
' o. u. V. Huililing, t, nuns IV-..
I hrgoll
A siwn.g uiachiue eii linil. it it
suits Jou II IS VI Ills Dors -is goo, I
weik as a (.'5 murium Have r.'
stiimlti'il make ilnirliines, ,' .'.n ,, .s
Come anil see Hu m at Ike D.ivis'
si roml baud store.
Public ll AreuicU.
The public is aroused to a know
ledge of the curative menu ol
grsat iiieduioiil tome, Ehrincliil
lets, for sn k stomach, liver ami ki.l
iieys. Maiy H Waters, of 5lii St.
I'lair Ave, Columbus, O., writes
"For sevi ral uiiuillis, I wnsgivi n up
to die. I could uol sleep, and m
toiuaeh was so weak, ftnm uselos
iliH'lors' d.ugs, thai 1 eo'd net eat
Simhi alter h. ginning ip tak,, Eln tri.
Hitlers, I ot lalued leln t, and III i
short time 1 was unirtlv rund."
Guaranteed al all drugstores; price
Not very many years ago alcohol was
for lighting In comoinniion Willi
other fluids under
the name of "Cain-
..1. ...... n It ui.f.
'i i jf' fered ' banishment
Iscaiise it was too
Alcohol Is gener
ally harmful when
taken In the form
of miillrine. eMv
iCrlU sCy"'.',mU' " d"",'',U'
Jfr. IHme'a tU-me-ri
hnlhlrio am!
fvnrtbm-Mlmittthmhui filtin o trttdmettt
Is following afu-r .Ynfure's plmi.
lie uses inii ural remeilles. that is native
tinilii-liial psits. prepanil by prisesses
wrought out by the exs ndlture of much
time and inniiev. w ithout the use of alco
hol, ami by skillful combination In the
most evact proportions.
Esrd as one of the active InirredlenlB
l)f Dr. Pi'Tce's lioldell Meillcill Discnvery,
III. ai K ( HKiinviiAKK siscially exerts Its
Irillui'iice in eiises of lung ant nmiieinai
troubles, and this "mw -ovkkv is. there
fore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis
laryngitis, chronic coughs, catarrh and
kiii'lrisi iiiliiiriiis.
Tin: mines "I the meillt uittl Uuiranrnu
of this world-fniiioiia remiily are: (ioliien
Seal nsit. Oueeii's nsit. Stone risit,
Illack ( berry burk, llhsslnsit and Jian-
drake rsit.
"I hsve hsd such wonderful experience
with iir. I'iin e s (iolili n Mi ill. si lls. ovi-rj
trial I do nol liesila'e li n mriieiel II. Iift-
llevlng II lo Is- a wonderful rm illrlne lo Imlld
1111 Hill tissues of lite M'sleln." wrlles Miss
llessle lliown. St-creinry Eu.ersoii I. Henry
AsstM-liitlon. 4:il heniiHii Avenue, Ailelon,
Wis. "Soi,i mill nervous I roul'les hail foiii
pli iely run iliiwn n,r le-sltli nil lreiiglhs
liuil no nis-'lle. slept liailly. ami was In a
stale of nervous rnllnuse. I I'sik twelve
Isillles III all. and. each week, knew that I
Wttsg.-llliig Is-tier ami stronger, until (inallv
I kii. as well anil strong as I had ever Iss-n.
I liave Die utmost faith and coiilltli lu-e hi
your yiedirliie. ami wish lo thank you for n.y
gotsl health, which ! a hlesslng to anyone.1
For '1 one-cent stamps to cover cost of
mulling, von elm get a free copy of the
"Common Sense Med lea I Adviser," iaHif
tovers : or cloth-hound for .'II stumps.
Address Iir. II. V. Pierce, Hui'iilo, N. Y.
Ill' Pli ire's Pleasant Pellets should bo
ne, m,i;. liohlen Mtslieal Discovery
Whenever a laxative Is rcipnroo.
Mrs. Wolford, of Keatfl", Is hero
this week visiting relatives and
Mrs. Davis and sou of San Fran
cisco were neru last week, (lie guests
of the Winters.
Mrs. Grime.', of the Monumental,
passed through Waldo Monday ou her
w iy to visit bur pare its lit Williams
Miss Lulu Klngel who has been
working at the Kurly hotel for the
pust several mouths is home for a few
weeks visit.
Mrs. Shelly of Elk Valley with her
two cli lilreii left Just week for a two
months visit to her old home in
Forest fires in Ibis vicinity have
been continuing for the past two
weeks or unite, and have gMeu our
valley u gloomy appearance.
W'ulter Spencer ennui iu fr in tie
Monuiiii ntal last wees, and left i tn
mediiitely lor his home at Deuver to
visit his sister, who Is reported
seriouslv ill-
lleriiiin llorgmaii and Ed Strong,
two of W nidi's energetic young
miners, rclii'liril last win k from the
Monumental where they have been
employed for the past live mouths.
Johnnie Eggers left Monday for
Oroville, ('nl. , where he lias uecured
work with a surveying party, Johnnie
is planning lo lake u course iu college
ill the near future and wo widl him
Geo. ('rear, who has I u filling
the position of n-saver at the Smelter
for the past two siasous, has hull up
pointi d general manager for the
lakiliua i ouipany. Mr. I rear is a
thorough, painstaking young man and
well deserves the position to which
he has been promoted.
Mr. Frost, who has been manager
for the Siniiii Dull Company for the
past live or six mouths, accompanied
by bis vtlfe and daughter, left this
week for San Priinnsrc. Mr. and
Mrs. Frost have made many friends
in Ibis i i in i ii 1 1 y wlio regret their
departure very much.
During the past few weeks eight
or 10 t'liiiiamrii have been imported
and lidded In our population. These
lillle Vrllow mm till lint tilt et with
iiiurli l.nor at the hands of our
rnioiis who fit ! that there are plenty
of white ii c i to supply the demand
lor labor Verily, this is it type of
the "yellow pi nl. "
Nolwithst.iti ingthe warm weather,
I he al teml.iiicc at school has been re
mai kaldv gooil, the average being Si5
per rent. lie two schools, Waldo
nml 1 1 1 1 1, Urn n, have rnusoliibiteil for
the teiiii ami il is graiitying to know .
lo rlllv
I lit) II 11
n voting I ovs and girls are
alive to their school oppor
Argus. t uhi anil liurrluira - A K'iriidy That ii
Prompt and Plfstant
The roiupt results produced by
Cli.iiul'i i huu's Colic, Cheh'ia anil
I 'i.iri hoi :i lit mi-dy trgithcr with its
pleas nl lasie have won lor II a place
in manv hole i holds Mr W. T.
I'.ivlor, a it haul of Wiuslow, Ala,
wrtos: "1 have usiil Chamberlain's
Colic. Choi, la ami I Mni rhora Remedy
m self ami also with men ru uiv place
lor dial t hoi a iiml colic mni it au lays
gives ii'liet piomptlv in I pleasantly.'"
I' or sale I", all tlreggisis I
dial's wlial (.rants Pass is noinn to bcin
fa ci, ii i-s iMtinu to be car by year.
The l.ilxu inn man is receiving every advant
age. a nil by the use of proper diligence and good
judgement, lie is soon able to live in tis own home.
"Man Must Make His Opportunity"
Start Now, I'll Show You How.
NVhat I have done for others I can do for you.
Make Immediate application for complete in forma
tion as to how every man may own his own home.
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
Grants Pass. Ore. 516 Street
Mr. Irvin, the stage driver, is do
ing a good business.
There is plenty of work here for
those who are willing to work.
Ed Jordan, of Grants Pass, is the
guest of Mrs. A! my, of Lnland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Irvine, of Leland,
pent the past week in Grants Pass.
Elias Light, of Choiago, 111., is
the guest of his brother. Ed Light of
Postmaster L. B. Pettingill of
Grave inane Grants Pass a visit on
Frldav last
The miners are getting ready for
the season's run as the signs indicate
au early winter.
Mrs. A. T. Vedder. of Snmpter, is
visiting friends and relatives of
Grave and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Krebbs, of Iowa,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Pcrter last week.
Miss Ruby Light, of Grants Pass,
atn'iieea tne nance at Leland on
Saturday evening last.
There was preaching in the Grsve
school boose on Sunday, Aug. 13th, by
Rev. McDavis of Golden.
Dr. W. II. Flanagan of Grants Pass,
was called to see Frank Fosa, of
Placer, who is very sick.
Miss Ethel Davis, of Portland, Is
visiting her graudmother, Mrs. L
L. Johnstone, of this city.
(yuail is more plentiful here this
year than oomtnoi and when the sea
sou opens banters will have flue
Work on the dltcb being dug for
Col. Rlae-dcll is progressing. The
colonel has ground that warrants the
expense of a long ditch.
worn has beon resumed at the
Yullowhorn mine at Placer, and
the mine is rich it is expected they
win soon be shipping bullion.
frauic Johns of John's, Ore., is a
frequnut visitor to Grave. We wonder
woy. remaps the telephone line is
out of order on every Saturday night.
There is talk of a dredger being
put iu on Grave creek. The bot
torn of the creek has never been
worked aud a dredge ought to make
big money.
The ladles oi the Maccabees gave
a dance at Leland opera housa on
Saturday evening last. Ice cream
and cake were served. All report
very enjoyable time.
Geo. W. Porter has erected a fine
new frame house on his ranch on
the north side of Grave Creek. We
think George must be contemplating
matrimony. Success to you George,
Placer and Greenback present
lively scene these days. There is
plenty of money in circulation and
everyone is busy. The Leland mr-
chants are doing a good rash business.
Miss hva Unckman, stenographer
for Isoil J, Sorensou Co., promoters
of tho Highland Gold Miuiug Co.
of Suinptur. is making! lit r grand
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. E. M. Light,
a visit. Miss Brockman is one uf
r astern Oregon's most talented aud
popular yruug ladies, and we all ex
tend her a hearty welcome.
To Preserve Goal Skins.
Wo give two methods of preserving
Angora goat skins for rugs, suys
Farm and Ranch. Flesh with dull
knife; rub with freshly killed an i -mal's
brains to soften; use one tea
spooiitil of alum and saltpetre, pulver
ize, mix and sprinkle on flesh side;
ruh in and brush off. Soaking six
hours iu lard or oil will softeu if
brains are not available. The second
method is as follows: Remove all
flesh fiom fresh hide: rub wild pul
verized alum, then with pulverized
chalk nut it dry. Fold fleuh sides
together and repeat the treatment
next day. Heiieat the third day. On
the fourth day stretch and let dry iu
the shade.
0 B. Ttititlti Alter four tctn
G. I!. Hurhaus, of Carlisle Center,
N. Y . writes: "About four years
ago I wrote yon stating that 1 had
been entirely cured of a severe kid
ney trouble by taking less than two
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It
eiiliiely stopped the brick dust sedi
ment, and m 111 and symptoms of kid
ney disease ilisapS'arud. I am glad
to say that I have never ha 1 a return
of uuy of those symptoms during the
four years that have elapsed and I am
evidently cured to slay cured, and
heartily rcconnui nil Foley's Kidney
Cure to anyone suffering from Sidney
or bladder double." For sale by H.
A Roteruiund.
Do you know that you can make a
five davs visit to the Exposition at
Portland, including railroad fare and
all expenses for .1i.ll,"i; ten davs
flti '.15 full information can be secured
nil application at this office.
G. P. Jester, Agl.
Notare's Great Invention
s.,J Im.mll far IWIT. IBf IWUT,
Whar Dr. Green gits August Floweri to dia day ;
Ah plcktd doa flowers In Auj-ust in ole Bra .
An' aldo' I'm YankK, ah longs to be oar atUL
aTAncmst Flower is the only medicine
(free from alcoholic stimulants) that has
been successful in keeping the entire
thirty-two feet of digestive apparatus in a
normal condition, ana usibuuk """
processes of digestion, separation and ab
sorptionfor building and re-building
by preventing tu irregular or unnatural
cause I which interrupt healthy and per
fect natural processes and result in intes
tinal indigestion, catarrhal sfTections
(causing appendicitis stoppage oi ine
Ball duct), fermentation of unhealthy
foods nervous dvineosia. headache, con
stination snd other complaints, such as
colic, biliousness, jaundice, etc.
q August f lower is nature s lnicnum ins
ulator. Two sizes, 25c, 75c. All druggists,
fr'or Bale by Ir. J. C. Bmlih.
Items of Personal
Wm. Riggs weut to Portland Tues
day evening.
Matt Chapman spent the week's
end at Grants Pass, visiting friends.
C. D. Drain a well known bosiuess
mau of Drain was in Grants Pans
Grant Orme and son left Monday
morning for a 15 day camping trip to
Preston Peak.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I . Clevenger left
Fiiday for Portland to epend a week
while seeing the fair.
Andrew C'jlvin, superintendent of
tbe planiug mill and box factory in
this city of the 0. P. B. & L Co.,
pent Sunday iu Medford.
Miss Bishop loft Wednesday
nesday morning for Baker City,
where her school duties will begin in
September. Miss Bishop will spend
the intervening time in Portland.
Dr. aud Mrs A. P. Harth returned
Saturday from a tlnee week- vacation
which they spent at Crescent City,
Eureka and other points along the
coast. They bad a most enjoyable
outing trip.
Mrs. Bertha Goettsche oi Grants
Pass, passed through Canyonville
Saturday on her way to Days Creek
to visit her sister, Mrs. T. Beats,
returning to her home Tuesday even
ing. Canyonville Echo.
Mrs. B. W. Person left Wedtiesday
for her home near Greeley, Colorado,
after spending five weeks with her
sister, Mra. K. H. Giltlllaii. Mrs.
Person was one of the early residents
of Grants Pass aud she has many
frieuds among the pioneers of tin
city, who have been glad to meet her
Mrs Eugene ('ass had with her
until Monday, when they left for
their borne in Los Angeles, her
mother, Mrs. F. X. Ireland aud her
sister, Mrs. Viola Welter. Before
oomiug to Grants Pass Mrs. Ireland
aud Mrs. Weller b id speut two weeks
in Portland viewing the fair aud
visiting relatives and friends.
w'u Waiting Away.
"I had been troubled with kiduey
disease for the last five years," writes
Robert K. Watts, of Salem, Mo "I
lost flesh Hud never felt well and
doctored with leading physicians and
tried all remedies suggested without
relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kid
uey Cure and less that two bottles
completely cured mo aud I am uow
sound and well." During the sum
mer kidney irregularities are often
caused by excessive drinking or being
overheated. Attend to the kidneys
at once by osing Foley's Kidney
Cure. For sale by II. A. Hotermuud.
A Prolific Plum Tree.
That Josephine county is an ideal
fruit distr.ct is proveu by the pro
ilurti veue-s and the fine quality of
fruit that is borne by trees where
they have favorable conditions. A
proof of this fact is a plum twig ou
display at Hobzien's grocery store.
This twig is eight niches long aud
containing 14 plums that weigh 27
ounces. The twig Is from a Satsuma
or Blood plum tree and the entire
tree is so heavily loaded with fruit
its limbs hav i to be held up by
This plum trie is growing in the
orchard ot J. T. Morrison on his farm
two units nor lb of Grants Pas.
Mr. Morrison's orchard is at au eleva-
tlou of too feet above Rogue rivr on
land that is considered by manv as
uullt for fruit trees but by deep,
thorougii cultivation and a little ir
rigation be is able to grow trees as
thrifty as those on the river bottom
aud far more certaiu ot a crop for i
his land is iu the therma. be't in
which frost seldom iujurea fruit blos
soms iu the spriug.
Nothing on th Mtrkft Equal lo Chamberlain's
Colk, Cholera and Diarrtvn Rcnvtdy.
This fact is well kuown to drug-
gists everywhere, aud nine out of ten
will give thett customers this
preparation when the best la asked
for. Mr. Obe Witmer, a prominent
druggist of Jopliu, Mo., in a circular
to bis customers, says: "Tbere is
nothiug on the market in the way of
patent medicine which equals Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-rhot-a
Remedy for bowel complaint.
We sll aud recommend this prepara
tion. " For sale by ail druggsita
is ofteu caused by sores, a leers and
cancers, thai ral awav your skis.
Wm. Bedvll. of Flat hock, Mich.,
says: "I have osed Pucklen's Arnica
Sulve for nlrers, soies aud cancers.
Il is the btwc healing dreasing I ever
fouud. " Soothe aud heals cut, hum.
aud scald. xM .11 dril llorn,.
All matter for this column Is supplied
by tbe Urania rass vtomans lurisuau
Temperance Union.
On Friday afternoon, August 4,
tbe W. O. T. U. met at the home of
Mrs. Howard on East I street, the
subectfor consideration being "on-
Alcoliolio Medication." Sapeiin
tendent of tbis department Miss
Program consisted of select reading
from the works of Rev. N. D. Hillis,
singing, and an excellent paper on
the subject by Miss Lomas. An in
teresting discussion followed and
many instructive fao's were brought
ont. New members are always gladly
welcomed and we say as did Moses to
his father-in-law, "Come with us
and we will do thee good."
Mr. Berry, formerly public ex
ecationer. was Questioned as to the
connection of intemperance aud
serious crimes. He is reported to
have replied: "Yoo ask rue if in
toxicants have much to do with
feeding the gallows. 1 tell yon I
have never hanged a teetotaler, nor
remember one ever being banged; md
in all the 600 executions I have been
connected with, 19 out of 20 have
been through drink. " Euglaud Lon
don Times.
The leading article iu Muusey's for
August (vacation number) is "The
Story of Temperance." A wouder
ful story, says the writer, Herbert N.
Casson, is that of tins "great politi
cal and social movement which began
almost a century ago one of the most
interesting and important chapters of
American history." The article
touches npou "its causes aud results,
its famous leaders, and the prominent
part American women have played
iu it durlns the last 30 years. It
gives a temperance map of the United
States aud many familiar portraits,
among them those of Miss Willard
and Neal Dow.
When a reader of Muusey a 'earns
or is reminded that at the time the
Declaration of Independence was
Bigned the average amount of liquor
drank in one year thioughont the
colouies was SO quarts per family;
that 30 years later it bad increased to
150 quarts for every home; that
social life among all clashes was on a
liquor basis; that liquor was thought
to be as iudispeui-uble as bread ; that
a century ago such an arid waste as a
home without a bottle could scarcely
be imagined when, we say, his at
tention is directed to these facts ani'.
as a parallel picture, the now side of
the case is brought before his mental
vision, he will hardly venture to suy
again that temperance reformers are
visionaries and fituntics, nor will he
have much difficulty in forecasting
the future of the drink traffic.
Mr. Casson points out that we are
still under the head of "unfinished
business" as regards the liquor ques
tion; that our drink bill for one year
would build three Panama canals
but that druukeuness as a national
American vice has become a thing of
the past; that the hahitual drinker is
barred from employment on railroads
and in stores aud offices; that it is
now a busiuess necessity to be sober,
Further, he shows that in every state
and teiritory except 10, partial or
total prohibition prevails, and that in
one the Iu iiiin Territory the sale of
liquor is prohibited by federal
Three organizations the t'ood
Templars, the Catholic Total Absti
nence Union and the W. C. T. U.
Mr Casson designates as the regu
lar .soldiers of the vast temperance
army. The militia, he says, has not
been counted. Muusey's readers,
however, should be correctly in
formed as to the white ribbon forces.
He credits us wilh a membership of
150,000. Including W's aud Y's it is
double that number.
We have called attention to this
"Story of Temperance" first, because
it preseuts tile then and uow of the
movement from the standpoint of
history, uot sentiment; secoud, be
cause the article is iu ilselt an en
eonragiug sign of the times. The
magazine in which it appears reaches
thousands of people whom temperuure
literature as such never reaches, and
who would not read it if it did raced
them As time goes ou we shall fiud
more magazitiis thus helping along
the work of lemieraui-e.
House Moving
If you have a building
that you want moved,
raised or levelled up,
call on or address
A. E. Holloway.
Residence 2 miles west of city
north side of river.
It I
Own Your Own Home
I have a modern V-room
house including pantry and
bath, on sewer line, close in,
porch Sx2S; small payment in
cash or property. Also 4-rr-om
box house, same terms,
Sixth and L streets.
Team and wagen for sale.
Phone 484. Grants Pass, Ore.
Mining blanks
Courier office.
of all kinds at the
.a iwtuduvu oromo Quinine Tablets. 0y
sMaiit1oMfaHi3onti,. This smatare-va 7rj?r
Well Known New England Woman
Cured of Hay Fever Cure
Wsi Lasting.
Tbe thousands of discouraged peo
ple who dread tbe approach of sum
mer because they have hay fever aud
cannot find any relief from it, will
read with interest and gratitude the
following statement from Helen S.
Williams of Mansfield, Mass.
"For 27 years, from the month of
August until heavy frost, I have been
afflicted with hay fever, growing
worse and worse each year, until of
late years I was nnable to attend to
my work during that period.
"Last summer I fortunately gave
Hyoniei a
trial, and I am happy to
say that it entirely cured me, and I
have had no occurrence of the dis
ease since. "
This letter is only one of many
that have coma to the proprietors
of Hyomei, and the results following
this treatment have been so remark
able that it is proposed at the annual
convention of hay fever sufferers to
recommend Hyomei.
By breathing the germ-killiug and
healing bilsauis of Hyomei, anyone
an have at any moment of the day,
either id their borne or ottlce, a
climate like that of the White Mono
The complete outfit costs but l,
extra bottles 50 cents. Roteruiund
agrees to refund th i money to any
hay fever sufferer who uses Hyomei
without benefit.
Machinery For Sale.
A 15 II. P. Rat-sell engine, a No.'
centrifugal pump, 200 feet 6-inch,
donble riveted pipe, 60 feet 5-inch
pipe, ino feet 6-inch heltiug, making
complete irrigating, or pumping
plant. Also a turbine waterwheel,
pulley aud gears. All at a bargain.
All kinds of machinery bought,
sold aud listed.
Grants Pass Iron & Steel Works.
A Warning to Mothers.
Too much care cannot be nsed
with small children during the
hot weather of the summer
mouths to guard against bowel
troubles. As a rule it is ouly neces
sary to give the child a dose of castor
oil to correct any disorder of the
bowels. Do not use any substitute,
but give the oldfashioued castor oil,
and see that is fresh, as ruueid oil
nacseates aud has a tnleucy to
grippe. If this does uot 0'ieck the
bowels give Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
then a dose of castor oil, and the
disease mav be checked in its iu
oiiiency and all danger avoided.
The castor oil aud this remedy should
be procured at once aud kept ready
for in st hi. t use as soon as the first in
dication of auy bowel trouble appears.
This is the moBt successful treatment
kuown aud may be relied upon with
implicit confidence even in cases of
cholera infantum. For sale by all
E. Voorhies.
Typewriter agent. A.
Front and 4th Sts. P. 0. Box 273.
Real Estate
Employment office. Houses reuted
No. 7.1125 acres, all fenced, 1J acres
nvei bottom, 7;"i cultivated, 10 to hops, 4
miles from railroad town, good roads,
school, etc. A bargain at li) an acre. Hop
ciop will pay purchase price in two years.
J. E. KERI.EY, Pkoi'R.
Lust stable south on Sixth street.
Room under cover for 150 horses urn
40 wagons, iiox stalls. Corral) 1 it
loose stock.
Only tho best hay, cleun grain a-i
alfalfa fed. Rolled barley and otl r
No diseased horses allowed. IVi
running water, oud trough cleup r.
every day.
W ailing room and toilet room whi it
ladies can leave wraps and arrucj.
their toilets.
Prices reasonable and best
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turning, Scroll Work. HtairWork, Rand
Sawing.l abinet Work, Wood I'ullevs Saw
riling and gumming, Repairing all kinds
Trices, right.
Front Street, west Palace hotel
J. It. PAIUK.CK, Proprietor.
.f Ma?b!ePoT Gr;ni!;.'Urni8h 'ny,hing Hne ' C" "' ki"'
-nsc.!. in1,:6 b,,9ine a
1. an inrnish work in Scotch,
.tint oir.
Front meet.
next to Greene's Gnnahnp.
Dr. Sdiuolor's Alterative & Neosnnsiiis Cures
All Female Disorders, do matter if given up by your
physician. For sale by
HOTKUMUPID, lru4r4rlt.
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
Th. Lawla Phono-Htrlc inatltul. anil ftrhtKii f r of Unroll. Mlrhluaa. Ksl.ll.l.eii rl.rn
,n. H. curl IhousamU. Ool.l Mt.ul asartl-d
World'. Fair. St Leoli. IPX. Htn,nieii,lw t,, t,l,,Mr.
Una. .duralor.. clergy m.n. ami irrsilu.irs svrvslir.
ThL Inilltiitlun haa a Bram-h at I'urtlainl w,ih'
a vary lanr. rlu of putilU In allenriatH-a- mm and
woman. Birl.aitri boya allaw. ten tu.lity Mmiy ha,.
bsn cored IB thrto welt., but Itv. to li week. I. th.
Uoi. oullyriOlnpd. Wlllcloscin I'linlaiiileiux-i,,!,.
Itth. Will acrciil pupil, until Hj.teinlr l.t a
Wrllatoncfiirsirtlciilaniandlernia. II y,.u nieiocn
tbta paper and send 6 cent In .Unipn.Ui n.i.r .i...
I will .end yts. our cli'tli Isiuml. an pairs be.,k ri.o
Origin and Tpsalnient of BlamnierluaV' free of charge
Wastarn Baproaantatlva Aaaocint.) Principal
W.Cor lBtn and Raleigh Strveuj
Ota Ko pnpUa accepted at Portland after Sept. ltt.
Cattle Ranch For Rent.
U.90 acres on
Seven-Mile creek about
southwest from Fort
five miles
Klamath, Oregon. All fenced, house,
large barn, ample water supply, will
cut about 80 tons wild hay. Address,
with references. P. O. Box No. UU3,
Tacoma, Washington.
War Ajinrt Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to
check the ravages of consumption,
the "white plague" that claims so
many victims each year. Foley's
Honey and Tar cures coughs aud
colds perfectly and yon are iu no
danger of consumption. Do not risk
your health by taking some unknown
preparation when Foley's Houey and
Tar is safe and certain in results.
Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar aud
iuslst npou having it. For sale bv
H. A. Roteruiund.
To Cure a Cold In One llay
INE Tablets. All druggists refund
the money oi it fails to cure. E. W.
Grove's signature is no each btx. 25c.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of
Iu the matter of the I
Estate of William
Seifert, Deceased. J
To the unknown heirs of and all
persons interested iu the estate of
William Seifert, deceased, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear iu ti e County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Josephine, at the Court room thereof,
. at
Grants Pass in the County of
Josephine, oh Monday, the fourth day
of Septembe' l'JUo, at 10 o'clock in
j (he
forenoon ot that day then aud
there to show cause, if any, why an
order should not be gruutci to Juse
X. Nelson, the administrator of the
estate of William Seifert, deceased,
to sell the real estate of the said
deceased, at private sale, consisting
of the north half of lotB numbered
Five (6) and Six (A) in Block num
bered Thirty-three (Ii!)) ot the Origi
nal Towu ot Grants Pass, Jon I, pine
County, Stute of Oregon.
Witness, the Hon. J. O. Boolh,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the Ccouty if
Josephine with the seal of caid Court
affixed, this 24th day of July, A. IX,
Attest: S. F. CHESHIRE,
Phone 454
Bet Mill and Moss its, west of Gilbert creek
We will pay One Hundred
Dollars reward for information
leading to the arrest and con
viction ot any person breaking,
shooting or throwing at the
Insulators on our Electric
Transmission Line.
Condor Water & Power
or American Granite or any kind of
Cww Crip
ks Two Dsyt.
rrvtnm box. 25c.