Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 18, 1905, Image 2

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Published Evary Friday.
Subsorlotlon Ratoai
On Year, In adTancs,
(Sti Months, . . . .
Thro Months, ...
Single Copies,
Advertising Racaa
Fomlnhcd on application at the office, or
bj mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
oard of thanks fiOc.
A. E. VOORHIE8, Propb.
Entered at the post olhce at Uranu Ps-s,
Oregon, at second-class mail matter.
FRIDAY. AUGUST 18, 1905.
Valuation 1904. $2,034,093 and
(or 1903 Over $4 000.000
Rate to Be Lowered.
County Assessor W. II. Fallio lias
completed the field work of niak
iug op the asFcssn.ent roll of Josb
ptiiue county for lUOfl. While uu
tolali have been made Mr. tallln la
confident the roll will foot op or
t4.000.000. For 11104 the roll was
12,034,01)5. and thia year'! roll will
tlma be doable that of taut ynr. It
haa beoo the rule of County Assessor
Fallin to Hat all propel ty at Its actual
caah Talne or aa near aa can be ascer
tained. Under thia role the Ta'uatlou
on some property ha not boon changed
bat most property ban been doubled and
some trebled lu valuation. Farm
lands were rated according to their
value and timber laud entered as
such, is assessed at $7 an acre. Kail-
road land assessed laat year at f 1.50
and f2.n0 per acre, la valued this
year at f 3. 00 nud .1.00 an aore. The
oountT lutnudod to have had all
timber land, railroad and private,
uroiaed this aanimer ami given valua
tion accordion to ita worth. For
that purpoao C. M. St ilea of Williawa,
one of the moat expert cruisers in
Southern Oreuon was employed. Much
of the timber land Is up In the mount
ains and the hardships and exKsure
on tils trips caused Mr. utiles to be
sick for some time which so delayed
him lu lila work that he haa la-en
unable to complete the cruising of the
timber laud In time for Assessor
Fallin to make his valuations by it.
The oioialng will ne complete, in
ample time for next year's aaaeaament
and the vaat a tea rf timber land lu
Joaephino county will hereafter pay
taxes ou ita real valuatiou.
The Southern Pacific will now u
takes on 13,000 a mile on its 87 miles
of road In Joacphlue county, Instead
of ti000 a mill, the valuation last
year. The railroad coiniany put in
their rolling alock at 1 100 a mile, the
same as last year. In making their
valuations they put lu locomotives
at 12000 each, paaaenger cars at
11400, stock cats fUO, box oars 10ft
and flat cata at 70 each. As theso
valuations are leas tliau a fouith of
the worth of such rolling stock, As
siwor Fallin put ; lie coniiauy on the
roll for $1(MM a mile for ita tolliug
Tne Western Union Telegtaph Cum
paiiy was an-emtd laat year on its
lines and oftlce equipment in Jose
phine county at :ilf, while thia
yeai the Company will pay on $IO,Ui0.
The Paclflu Postal Telegraph dun
iauy paid cu IIH20 laat year, but
thia year will pay on (TV'iO. The
Pad Ho Hlalca Tclephoue ('ouiuny
was cn the loll Uct year for t-KwO
aud this year for IU,600.
Aaseaaor Fallin haa beeu careful in
fixing valuations and he expects to
have the assesiueut roll for
11MI.1 to be the moat equitable aa to
proarty ratinga of any yet made for
Josephine county. While Joacphlue
comity is one of the larger counties of
Oregon, both in sine aud value of prop
erty, yet Mr. Fallin haa completed
the field stork, both in taking the ecu
oua aud Hating the property with the
assistance of bat three deputies. (If
these aaaixtauta John Handle look the
census for Grants Pans aud Kx. Sheriff
J. G. lliatt of Sclina, uiaslii both the
veiiaus aud property roll for all that
trt of the county lying smith of
Hayes Hill, on Ihe Kerhy stupe rond.
I). K. Dutsou did tlm H-lil work for all
the north wrt of Hie county. Mr.
Iotaou is now aaitiug Assessor Kal
liu Ml the otllce ill making up the tax
roll from the Held hooka.
While the date la not olllcially act
yi't Atneaaor Fallin iSects that the
board of riiualiatiou will meet on the
first Monday 4n I Mola r.
It is not liu intention of Jude
llooth and I 'tiuituiitsimiers l.oveUce
and l.ogan to hare the aancuMiicnt roll
doubled with no cone (mmling reduc
tion iu the rate of tlict.ix I. vv tin )
do not anticipate thai the current 1 1
(lenses of the county lor licit year will
be any greater than for this year, un
ices Increaaed road Inn Id I ok is under
taken, aud W illi double the amount of
properly to uy taxes the rate can llius
Ue lowered one-half. Hi if big valua
tion aud low tax rale Kill Ih more con
ducive to limiiesi ekera and iim-ntum
locating iu Joaephine county than a
low valuation and a hitili tax letr; al
least that haa In eu the t-xrcricucc in
other couutiisol tlresou.
Map of School Dlstiliis.
The school supt rinttnili nt's olllce
ai the court house haa lit vi r had a
map of the county showing the school
districts of the county. Thesupiriu.
teuthnt as well as the ta t Ihiuii
dary board friqucutly have need of a
map ahowiug the relative limits i f
the districts for uae in learrauging
district boundaries and also in estab
lishing new district. To meet this
need the couuty court has employed
J. O. Lewis, an expert map naker, to
prepare a map of the enmity that will
show the school districts.
These maps will be ox? fret iu sisr
and a ill also show th location of all
school houses, public roads, towns
aud poslotlicet nud streams.
Bee Voorliles for Understood Tele
writers aud Typewriter supplies.
Postmaster Barlow of Galice is iu
bur town on business.
Mrs. D. W. Mitchell and daughter
Esther, went to Grants Paaa Wednes
Mrs. Alvie Hamna aud family has
gone to Crater Lake to spend a tew
Several of the Merlin girls and boys
have been packing peaches at Charley
Rev. Clark will preach at the M. E.
church in Merlin, Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
There is lota of peaches being
shipped from Merlin to Han Francisco
aud Portland.
Audrew Crow started for Portland
Monday evening where he will spend
a few days at the fair.
Mrs. Edith Yancey is vlsitirg her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Ida Garnutte, who
lives ou Quartz creek.
Go. Solomon and wife (formerly
Miss Arvilla Bryant) and Utile sou
left for Ccqoille laat week.
Miss Ida Reynolds end Miss Mali 1
Maasie have returned home from Will
Crow's, where they have beeu jacking
Mr. aud Mrs. Milton Reynolds and
son Will, drove over to Grunts Paa
Tuesday accomptuied by their friend
Fred Jones.
Fred and Arthur Jones have gone to
Saud a few days with their uncle, Al
fred Jones, who lives about four miles
trom Merlin.
Mrs. Maude island, who resides on
(Juartz creek about two miles from
Merlin, visited her mother, Mrs."F.
P. Jones, Monday.
E, D. Clanton, the new store keeper,
has hia line stock oiencd up and Iish
been ready for business for a week.
Mi 5. A, 3. Unieubauui Is acting a
clerk and bookkeeper.
The infant son of Mr. aud Mrs.
O'Brien died laat Monday, of cholera
infantum and was buried at Pleasant
Valley on Tuesday, David Hayes con
ducting the funeral Her vices.
Mrs. Martha W. Marks died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J.J Frier
three miles from Merlin ou Monday,
and was burled at Pleasant Valley
cemetery ou Tuesday, R- v. 1). T.
Huunmrviile, of Grants Pshk, conduct
ing the funeral services. Mrs. Marks
was born iu Kentucky, February 4,
INI 7. Her age at the time of her ileal h
being HH years, A mouths and 10 days.
Hlie moved from Kentucky in an early
day to Missouri aud from there to Or
egon In IH-'iM. Her husband, liliiford
Marks, died iu 1872. Him was the
mother of nine children, six of whom
are still living. Hh-i had l? giund
children and 411 gnat grandchildren.
Her six children are : J. P. Murks of
North Yakima, Wash; Mrs Klin.beth
Clark or Seattle, Wash; Alfred 11.
Marks of Drewsey, Harney county,
Ore. ; Benjamin Mark aud Mrs. Klia
Wilson of Imnaha, Wallowa comity,
(Ire. ; and Mrs. Mary A. Frier of
Grants Pass, Ore. Mrs. 'Murks win a
member of the M. E church for 711
years, having Joined that church when
18 years of ags.
Granite Hill t
Granite Hill, ou
creek, eight miles
where is located
. Poat Office.
the head of l.nusc
from Grants Pass,
the Granite Hill
mine, now has u po-tollleo, and iu til
deliveries to it began this Friday.
The service will he daily, except
Sunday and will be carried from
Giants Paaa to Granite I. ill by the
stake that makes round trips daily,
arriving at Grants Pass at I0;!i0n. m.
and leaving for Granite Hill at 3::i(l p.
m. L. B. Wlckcraham, maniucr of
the Grauite Hill mine, is postmaster,
but the olllc e w ill be in charge of l.i e
Kill, whu conducts store at the
Grauite Hill, which two years lino
consisted of hut a prosp etor'a cabin,
now Is a thriving villa. e of Kill peo
ple and the need of a postollice had
bee nun a necessity and its cstuldish
mciit is not only of ml Vilnius''1 to I lie
residents of the villain1, hut to toe
settlers of tin- adjacent dislrict as
Grauite Hill ia Ihe twenty liflh in
Josephine county, the other other
Is'liig :
Grants 1'ar.s, Merlin, 1. eland, lingo,
Wolf Creek, Placer, Grave, ( in eiilmek.
Ooidt-n. tialice, Will i it in-., i'rovolt.
Davidson, Murphv, W ihlert ille,
Wonder, Seluia, Divdeii, Aitlioii-e.
Hohaiid, llrovt utovt n, Kcihy, Wiliin,
Deei ing.
A Family Union
Mr and Mrs. John K. l'eteiou re
turned Friday from Portland where
tin y viewed Ihe fair. Tin? also at
tended n reunion of the Peterson
family, which was held at I'urot
(rove at tie home of Mr. and Mrs
I. ouis i-iionri ii, Mrs. Slietiu In
tine of the sisli tf. At this ii uuii u
Mr I'eli rsou met his sisiir-. Mis.
Pauline Shcri-ii of Fore.t Uiote.
Mis lloilelisc Hill of l.o- Angt lis.
and Mrs. l.i.m Hill of l.oa Augcli-,
and his brothels O car l'i ti rsuu, rt
Si Paul, Minn., N. G Pelt roii. id
Telluridt, Colo., and Adol Ii F.
Peterson of Port html.
Of the seteii brothers and ,i-tii
some had not nut f i :i; tuns uu l it a mo! h'l'pv reunion Ail it 1 1
in Ihe vigor of life and not a dt alb
has broken the family i uele in tin
pr.'ftetit g- lie i ill Itiii '1'wo olio rj
liroilieis woio uttahto to unit wuli
(lie taut i ly , thet being riuudoie F.
I'etiMMiti, of lurniigo, Celo , and
Victor F. I'e e:son.
Tills iulersting family wtr rinsed
ou a farm l iar St. 1'iiul, Muni. The
father and two sons served in a Wis
cousin reiiiuieut during Ihe Ci il
War. The father l.eiuu killed in tlie
last year of the war, while the two
sous, of ahoiu ia John K. Peterson,
one ol Grants Pass' rus'liug roil i t
ttle dealt rs, vtcie in the lert let until
tlit ir regiuieiil was (lislstudid at tin
clote of ihe war
Bwrbvr Shop Ke-Opened.
The Hotel Josephine Ktrls r shop haa
tM-eii re-opeiit-d aud two tirst tl. Im
hers are iu atlentlauce. ..,(li
rooms iu couuectit u.
Thomas Lewman made Grants Pats
a visit Tuesday.
Mrs. Alex Watts made Granta Pass
a business trip Monday.
K. Fielda visited relativea and
friends at Granta Paas Wednesday.
I. O. Rolierts of Missouri Flat was
in our vicinity Sunday on business.
L. ('. Hyde made Grant Pass a
business trip Monday returning Tues
day. ' illio Farris of Applegate spent
Saturday here visiting relatives, J.
Lewniau and family.
We are glad to say that Miss May
Smith who haa been ou the sick list
ia able to be out again.
Miss Alice Lewniau made Williams
a visit Friday, returning home Mon
day. She reports a most pleasant
time when there.
Ned Dublap, who haa beeu gone for
the past three months, has returned
home ou a short visit heforo leaving
for California, where be will spend
the winter.
Miss Jessie Layton was at Murphy
Saturday to attend the given by
the Michigan Mining Co. The other
nieuibeia of the family were also prea-
cut aud uu enjoyable time was bad.
Dr. J. A. Lewmuu was presented
on hia 721 birthday with a beautiful
present by Mra. K. Fielda. Mr.
I.ewmau ia an old pioneer, he coming
tn Oregon ill 1HM, when It waa settled
with Indians.
Mra. Joseph Shirley and family left
Tuesday for Fall Valley, Trxaa, where
they will meet relativea. Mr. Shirley
will remain iu Rogue River Valley
until later, when he will leave aud
join hia family. They will make
Texas their future home.
At, Hist Rehbopf of Applegate passed
here Monday eu route to Jrauts
Pass where he will make arrangements
for hop pickers. !!e will begiu pick
ing September Ith. Think of the fuu
that call be had iu the hop fields of
the Applegate valley. Put iu your
iniiiies at once and be sure of a job be
fore too late.
Mrs. .1. Hackett of Grants Paas wa
at Provolt Tuesday whole she visited
fi ienda mid her liusliand, John Hac
kett, who ia a partner iu the Powell
Creek I.iiinlii r Company of this place.
I. A. Viuyard of Williams waa at
Grants Pass Tuesduy with a load of
line caldmge, which was raised at
that place. Mr. Vinvard haa one of
the largest cabbage He Ids in Southern
Josephine county.
Milling is our present excitement
and many farmers are bending their
laud. I lie til 1 1 Is will i-oon con.
melice. Tiny have two steam power
drills lit Giants Puss which aoou will
be put to work here. If the ground
prospects well they will ship four
more drills and a thorough investiga
lion will he made, when if the
grounds are found siitllcieutly rich
dredgers will be laced at work.
Appli-giito valley lies iu the gold
belt nud its tributaries have carried
gold iu ptying quantities These are
I'ooriiiiins, l'aliii'ir. Sterling, Little
Applegate, Slt amhoat ami I hempson
creeks, and Fains and Whiskey
gulches ami these have yielded im
mfii.e treasures and are yet rich,
Ills.' Applegate eon lined In a nairow
c limine! nud spmoU out at liridg
I'oint and at I'rovolt and has many
bars on which gold is deposited dur
iug Hie high waters of Ion winter,
ami ou these a peraou call make
from (l.t'O to fl.'.Vi by rocking.
Harvesting is over and threshing
has begun III the Applegate valley
I lie grain crops this season are large
and the iiualitv is tlrst-class. The
farmers of thia section hav
almost iihainloiieil raising grai
and are raising b y instead. The
thri shing run this season will
cied'.'il day, which ia hut one-half
the days put n 10 or I 'J years ago.
Hop Held now o.'cupy Ihe sandy
loams ct' the river bottoms which
le-M us the Kiaiii urea. On Ihe high
lands, the crops are shoit because of
so much dry w vat her.
t nr Iuiviiik quilt cool wtntlitr
for AnnM
Mr. unit Mrn Curt mailt IiunUiohk
trip to ( iniuts l'i." Tui'SiliiT df thin
K.'V. t'Urk (m at IumI h tlio cliurrh ilit I. ih tit 1 1, uImi at tl in the
Tim litv nii hK up Slutt orrek
tuiriit tl vvt tul t nrtU vt Httvc wut'il for
W. It (ttl
A!frtl P.iviiltion vf Jewell rounty,
K it'Mis. i h viMiin ht imitltr, Mm
Jitimt Hoi lout:, Ciu'lf Fulli r
II mm mhihI i tn Ym vi U.t Yrar
1'iit oi.l, t hhhihI .K K'S I ! U-H
('ill l TtM 'r. "ii k o wlutt Mill itrt
uk 'in.'. If i- 1 1 1 it ii' 1 inni nr in ii tH-ii
ifii Infill. Nit i M't', tin " .
Letcher's Jewelry Store
l.owost nift's on 1 Ifjin ami
Wiiltliam watt'lics. Hri iijr
your Wittilit's mitl jewelry
i lint licttl repairing to nu.
All in v work is warranted.
jjv 1 1-1 i: it v 1 1. 1, i:
Wood Jeter paid Grants Pasa a visit
The weather haa been warmer than
usual thia week.
Cvrua Wilder paid Grants Paaa
visit Sunday returning Monday.
Mrs. Davidson and Mra McFadden
were visitors at this place Sunday.
The party at Darnel IP a Wednesday
night was a grand suocesa aud every
one reports a pleasant time.
Part ol the crew are laid off at the
mine aa new mill aud an air com
pressor are to be Installed. They
will start this week to get the founda
tion ready for it
Ira Ball, Cyrna Wilder, and Mr.
Sowers aud George Meek took a trip
op thrjugb Jackson county last Moo
day. They went np there to visit
some of the machines.
The dance at thia place Saturday
night. August 12th, was a grand suc
cess and everybody nan a une time.
Quite a number of young folks came
out from Grants Paas
There will be a social dance at the
Michigan City Hall Saturday night.
August 21th. Everybody ia luvltea
to ccnie and enjoy themselves.
Music will be furnished by Mr.
Howell and Mr. W i Hiatus of Grants
Messrs. Oaborn & Perry are doing
some development worn on tueir
quartz claim, situated near tne
famous placer mines on Oscar crecs.
They have struck a fine vein of ore
in the new crosscut that waa ron
from the bottom of the shaft and not
have ore enough blocked out tn last
them for quite awhile when they get
their new mill ruuniug.
Monty's Brother.
Coming Events.
Aog. 15 Open Season for Bucks.
Seotember 14, Thursday Annual re
union in urauts rasa lor ova aaya
of Southern Oregon veterans.
September II, Weduesday f all term
or couuty court convenes.
September 9, Saturday farmers in
stitui and fruit growers meeting
at Grants Paas. ocuduoted by pro
feasors from State Agricultural
Septnbtner II, Monday Grants Paaa
schools begin work.
Sept. mher 14, Thursday Farmers in
stitule aud fruitgrowers meeting at
September 14, Thursday Reunion of
Southern Oregon soldiers aud sailors
at Grants Pass, for nve days.
September 111, Saturday Farmers
institute and fruitgrowers meeting
at Kerhy.
Sentember 2.1, Monday Circuit court
for Josephine connty convenes.
Placer and quartz location notices.
mine deeds, leases, etc., at the
Coorier office.
ll-room modem cottage with bath,
excelleut letatiou 15 CO
7-room bouse, good barn and
li ii kt 11 houte 8 00
a room rottape, 4 blocks from
depot 12 00
,i rmiin t'ottagd with bat!', S
block! from depot 10 00
i store rooms.
V. L. lit land, the Keal Estate Man,
Courier building.
V AM KH Ijtrue and small tracts of
I'll K Al' laud near the river. W. L.
Ireland, The Heal K.-tate Man.
HOH I'll'KKHS wauted September 1,
at Ittymers' yard four miles below
Urauts I'a-H. Address It. A. N.
Keyiners, tlrauta Pass.
HOP I'H'KKKS-KiO Hop I'.ckers
wanted for September 1st. Apply
or address Mrs. M. Kautao, six
miles dowu Kngue River.
FIFTY 1101' I'U'KKKS wauled at
Wi'Kton's yard, ot S3 acres, three
miles from Urauts i'ass, fur Septem
ber I. Address V. I. Weston,
(irauts IVk.
KK.HTY HOI' 1'll'KKKS wanted at
the J. W. Yors hop yards. FickiuK
will commence about September 1st.
fall at yard or address J. W. York,
Kuhli. Uri'ipm
PAKTXKK WANTKD iu one oi all
three of livery stable, lumber yard
and hlat'kiiuiith shop at llorubrook,
I'al Will require iuvettmeiit of
1:1,(10 to fi.nui, part on time, if tie.
Kind. Only a man who is a butt
ler anil can give good references
taken. Addrens I.. II. Newton,
Hnriihrook, Cal.
to exchange!
TO F.Xl'H ASliK A itord resilince
lot (or weed A small trai l of laud
in the eilite of town (or lmtilu resi
lience. See W. U Ireland, The
Hi al Kslale Man.
l'i urn r lluildinii.
Fi I in r
Folt SAI.K 4x.'t pony premo camera.
Inquire of (It o I', t'ramer.
FoH SAIK-.Vi folumbia (jraplia
phone and Ml itH-ortls. Mill ell
cheap nr Iraile fot wotal. Address
M, t'ourier olllce.
J.'AIIM Knit t.l K-tn niilen (mm Mer-
Imttoni lanii. '.'.i s're in t'tiltivauon, Mtiall j
hntiM- stnl t'Srn suit aUml .'tU st-rei. untler i
leli e. he lain e ol Istnl miilalle for urthanl
nr psltire. Ktir ttirlher rtli-ulsrs ad
.le'' W". M. I'm. Merlin, Oregon. j
At'KK raitt-h, Ktnitl prune and
Hl'lile oirhrtt. ituiall trtiit.-. in I
Ht'liniiani-e . vtsler ltr irjlk'stlon, lMilen ,
sprntk". tnt every 40 si-re.t: t-enler ot a kihmI j
rmi):f iitiuirv; two ilntsiluift htiur, li)r t
I'srn. every linns complete; well teltrrpd
(loin lrn.-t., k! niiuins insrketH. one-1
Intll mile north ol I'unurl II, pru-e f.t. '
ln.inrr at tlux oltn-e. 1
yi'.Mil'i! MILL One .Vsiamp tuarts
mill coiuplt'te with two it-foot cou
ctntrators. 1 llodd. slime table, rH-k
breakt-r, bellitin and eferTthiiiR
IvrtaiuiiiK to the mill, all for t'.'.HM
cah. tine tn k Sulhvau aieaiu air
toinpietstir, This couiprx'ssor I
will esmly run 10 drills. One (ric
titui lioinl l.Hl. aud tiue boilei. I
fall at or anilrtaa Hotel Laylou, !
Urauts I 'aim, Orroo.
heustt keeping
mail and wile.
K street.
looms Itr real to
luquirs sttiS 'id aud
fkank mKNKrr-Vpiioi.teriuii. 1
miasiou furniture made to order.
Wanted Instructions on bow to pray
for rain.
J. M. Chandler reported a wildcat
ia camp Sunday.
Mr. Haven of Merlin, visited bia
daughter, Mra. Wroten, at the Argo
mine last week.
Ed Caasidy reports tl e Argo mine
progressing nicely and work will soon
start on the stamp mill to be erected
this falL
II. O. Steele, prominent in financial
circlea in Watertown, N. Y., has been
inspecting the mines of this section
the past week.
D. L. Smith and wife have returned
from a abort visit to Portland and tbe
Sound country. Mra. Smith's sister,
Mrs. Welch, returned with them.
Mrs. T. K. Anderson, her daughter
Urace and son Chauncy, have returned
to their winter home in Oakland, Cal.
Mr. Anderson remains here preparing
for tbe comiug placer season.
Mrs. L. A. Drew, a.ter spending a
fortnight in Galice the guest of Mr.
Raybe'l, has returned to her home in
Frisco. Mra. Drew ia an able expo
nent of pyachnlogy, theosophy and the
occult sciences and during her visit
delivered several lectures that we'e
eelighteniog in su balance and pleasing
in manner.
Carl Barlow is in the Pass thia week
and with hia return to Galice expects
to hi a foil fledged notary public. Carl
already enjoys the distinction of post
master and store keeper and while he
is iu the title acquiring disposition
might as well anuex J. P. and D. D.
Of coarse Galice ia spiritually heal
thy, aa well as law abiding, but there
are other functions for a parson to per
form besides preaching, and among
the younger generation there is a cry
ing need for a "splicer, " besides who
can enjoy fried chicken dinner on Sun
day without the preacher as guest?
G"t wise Curl.
m. L
You Will Save From 25 to 40 per cent by Buying' Now
5(MI yards Colored Silks
75c quality, at.
2000 yards Best quality Simpson Prints
Hctter get'em quick;
1500 yards Light and Dark Colored Outing Flannels
25 dozen Pillow Ca-;es
1000 yards Apron Check
fit) dozen Children's 12J
reduced to
Ever on the alert to offer attractive merchandise (and lots of it) to their customers, have just
received a few wagon loads of Early Fall Cottons that can't help but appeal to every economical
buyer as GENUINE HAKGAINS. You may not need anything in the many bargains listed above
just at this moment, but you will need them badly before many days. You can get them now
and welcome. Hut Keal Uargains have more buyers than sellers, which fact was fully demon
strated by our recent H:g Mill End Sale. :::::::::
Shoe Specials-
Our Leader
Hamilton & llrown's Genuine Yici Kid
Warranted All Solid Leather
$1.50 $2.00
Fingrce's Gloria $;V50
20 different styles. Tan, Black, High Cut
JOHNSON On Saturday. August 12,
to Mr. nd Mra unria jonnson, a
HIKES FROST At the M. E. par
sonage. Grants Pass, August 16, 1905,
B. A Hinea and Miss Delia Frost,
botb of Merlin, Josephine county.
Oregon, D. T. Summerville officiat
residence of Judge W. C. Hale in
Grants Pass. Oregon, on Sunday,
August 13, 1905, H. E. F'oster aud
Mrs. Jessie Farnsworth, Rev. F. C.
William, officiating.
Tbe wedding waa a quiet one only
the immediate relativea of the bride
being present, and after an elegant
wedding supper served by Mrs. W. C.
Hale, a sister of the bride, Mr. and
Mra. Foster left by the evening train
for Jacksonville and to their home for
the present at the Oregon Belle mine,
of which Mr. ioster is manager. Mr.
Foster ia a member o' Foster & Gun
nell. the well known mining engi' eers
and mine experts of Grants Pass aud
he is a successful young business man
and bas a high standing in the com
munity. His bride is the daughter of
one of the prominent pioneer familif a
of Jackson county, and she is a bright
polished lady. Mr. and Mra. Foster
have many frienda In Josephine and
Jackson county, who wish them hap
piness, prosperity and a long life.
O'BRIEN At the family borne two
miles west of Merlin, Monday.
August 14, 1905. Orland. the 3
months old son of T. S. O'Brien.
Interment at Fleasant Valley ceme
tery. State Maps Courier Building.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
Inclosed with every
for Shirt Waist Suits, Kftn
such bargains don't last long.
15c or $1.50 per doCIl
Gingham, good quality,
;C Heavy Ribbed Hose,
We are now receiving our Fall Stock
of the following well-known lines tf the
best nrikcs of Shoes in America:
$1 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2
BARNARD invites your examination of
his new stock of Furniture just opened. It
is conceded by all to be the finest in quality
and style ever shown in Grarits Pass, and
prices arts quite below Portland or San Francisco.
All goods marked in plain figures. We never quote
large prices and so much reduction; do not have too.
Come and see for yourself.
Goods sold on the installment plan and no extra
price charged nor interest when paid as agreed.
Big Store North Side,; 6ih Street, Grauls Pass
Sells Drugs & Books
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
bottle Is a Ten tent, pacnuge 01 urow
1200 yards Nubbtd and Plain Cecilians, all colors, extra
good value at 75c, we ate placing the entire PCn
lot on sale today at
1500 yards Eiderdown French Flannels, regular 20c and 25c
grades, all new Persian and French Patterns, elegant
styles and qualities, entire lot new on sale jC
2000 yards Dark Colored Duck, 2l-c grades, now Qn
on sale at -
Boys Extra Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, 25c grades; you
should not buy until you see them; now on "1
sale at X I J
Just in 25 dozen Blirkets and All Pure Cotton Com
lorters. No shoddy.
Douglas Shoes $2.50
oyer One and a Half Million
Tin Ijijiiter.
Strictlv hand made and Water Proof.
and $3.50 New Fall Stock