Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 04, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
Not 19.
Sell Roal FstRtfi t
5 w
L. IRELAND, The Keal Estate Man
Rent Houses
Negotiate Loans
You are invited to investi
gate my large list of City and
Country property.
Ground Fioor, Courier Building. L&wa that Apply to South
ern Oregon Huntora Must License.
!oiitli KixtH Ktreot, coriifr .T
S. C NEAS, Proprietor
IIoi-mosiiiooIiii; done by one of the bed shoers ever in Grunts Puss
Volilts lteitiii'l. Painted, Varnished and Trimmed and made
practically as serviceable and well appearing as new.
Ifultttcr TlroM lllUMl by the only machine for that purpose in
Grants Pass.
On K'-inl Oifei vehicles of all kinds and for all purposes built and
which are stronger and more durable than those made at factories.
Ifijflit Trl'OH given on all my work.
Grants. Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
Hlstent with sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, l'res.
R. A. BOOTH, Vice-I'rea.
L. I. JEWELL, Cashier.
Bert Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens' Grants I'ass Ore
Announcement by
G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company
We wish to announce to the public in General (rich or
poor) we can sell you a home at present, on terms to suit
you if you haven't cash by you to make full payment.
We can arrange it all satisfactory about that. It you are
rich, we can find you a good bargain for your cash. We
not only sell nice homes but have other speculations on
hand constantly, that a conservative man can sometimes
dcuble his money in properties of all kinds, mines, timiier,
ranches, houses and lots, stock of all kinds, wood, Hay
and grain etc.
We also buy and sell second hand goods and can outfit
all homes cheap.
call and let us get acquainted.
Our best bargains this week are 5 head of horses that we
bought at our price and will be sold at your price.
The following ia a ayoopaia of the
Oregon game laws:
August lath the open season for the
killing of back deer coinuieueea, and
closes with Oct. 31st.
Sept. 1st the open season for killing
of doea begins, aud closes with Oct.
Neither can be killed during the
uiKht, extending from one hoar after
sunset to halt hour before sunrise.
No dogs cau be nsed and no more than
five deer cap be killed by one person
during the season .
Trout fishing opens on April 1 and
closes on November 1. Only hook
and line cau be nsed, and no fishing
cau be done at night, and no fish
under five inches cau be caught.
Elk cannot be killed until after
September 15, 1907.
Chiucse. Pheasants aud prairie
chickens can uot be killed un'il after
September 1, 1907.
Ruffled grouse can be killed be
twren August 1 aud December 1.
No game of any kind cau be sold
aud no more than 10 nplaud birds, nor
50 dncks, geeae or awau may be killed
by a hunter duriug one week.
Fishing for salmon In Rogue river
above tun mouth of the Illinois river
cannot be done, except by rod and line
from August 1st to December 31,
and from March 15 to April 15. Be
low the mouth of the Illinois river
the closed season is only from March
1 to April 1 and from Anguat 15 to
September 1.
lilacs: bass and anipe are not
protected by law.
No person can fish or hunt without
a license, aud when hunting or
fishing the person mnst have it with
him. The owner of land aud his im
mediate family may hunt or fish on
their own premises without a license.
All licenses must be obtained of a
county clerk and are good In any part
of the state. Residents; of Oregon
mnst pay $1.00 for a license, while
non-residents must pay 10. All
licenses expire on December 31 of
each year.
State of Ohio, Citr of Toledo, I (
Lncas Couuty
Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that
ho is senior tiartuor of the firm of F,
J. Cheney & Co., doing busiuese in
the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, aud that said firm
will pay the sum of OJh HUM
DKED DOLLARS for each and ever
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
f KAPin. J. uibju.
Sworn to before me aud subscribed
in my presence, this tit h day of De
cemher, A. D., lHHtl.
(Seal). A. W. GLEAKON,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
uallv, aud acts directly on the blood
and inucuous surfaces of the system,
Send for testimonials free.
Toledo, O.
Sold bv all Druggists. 76o. Tak
Hall's Family Pills for constipation
for planting. Good apple orchard land
can be bad for t?5 to $35 per acre. The
Helms orchard in Jackson county has
ao far proved to be the greatest money
earner of any of the orcharda in this
valley and is now about fifteen years
old : Per acre.
Laud ready for planting t?00 00
48 trees at 10 cents each 4 80
Digging holes and plautnng
trees at 6 rents eacn I so
Cultivating with spring tooth
harrow 3 times each way. fa NO
Cultivating with weed ex
terminator, twice eacn
way 1 40
Pruning 8 00
Hoeing about base of treea 1 oo
Resetting treea 60
Total for one yeat ... $7 70
Total for first four years. . 80 80
Plowing aud cultivating, sec
ond and third years 4 00
Hon. E L. Smith Makes e.n Estl
mate of Cost and Prob
able Income.
Value for Veneering e.rd Manu
facturing Purposes Not
The couifera of Oregon, Douglas
fir, red and white cedar, aprace,
augar pine, yellow plue, mountain
larch, hemlock, have
other merchantable
forests. But in many hardwood treea scattered
Grand total for five years
(interest and taxea must
be added to this) 12-43 48
Fifth year, enough to pay ex-
reuses aud yield small protlt.
Seventh year, profit per acre . .flOO 00
Tenth year onward, per acre.
$300 to 600 00
Per box.
Spitzouburgs 9 a 10
Newtown i'rpplua 1 io
brother Jonathan 1 ou
Baldwin 1 00
;ost of cutivatiou, pruning,
atiravius, picking, paokiug
and hauling to market 50
Iu Oregon, for the first time in
my experience, I have seen European
frnit buyers engaged in visiting or
chards and figuring on contracts for
the apple crop to be shipped abroad,"
id James M. Irvine, managing
editor of the Fruit Grower, St.
Joseph, Missouri, who ia In Port-
laud a few daya to aee the exposition
aud vlait hia friend, R. M. Hall, saya
the Journal.
Mr. Irvlue haa just visited Hood
River and will continue hia trip to
Rogue river aud other parts of the
state. He is making investigations
and collecting data for a seriea of
articles n the Fruit Grower. At
Hood River he met a number of buy
era who have crossed an ocean aud
coutiuent to purchase tlio Hood
River aud Rogue river apples though
the crops are yet on the trees.
'Thev have uot yet arrived at a
stage rjf the negotiations where prices
are aureed npou. The growers are
asking high prices, " said Mr. Irvine
'The apple crop is short marly all
ovr the country. In the states or
Missouri and Iowa there is reported
io be only 25 per cent of a crop. In
Michigan the crop is fair, but iu
New York the rod apple crop is
failure. The apple growers of Oregon
will get good prices this year fi
these reasons, as well as ou accoun
of the quality of their fruit. "
Reudera the bile more fluid and thus
helps the blond to flow; it affords
prompt relief from oil, outness, indi
gestion, sick and nervous headaches,
aud the over-iudnlgeuce iu food and
drink. Herbinn Bets quickly, a dose
after meals will bring the patient
iuto a good condition in a few days.
G. I j. Caldwell. Agt, M. K. and
T. It. R., Checotah, Ind. Tcr., writes,
April 18, 1903 : "I was aick for over
two yeara with enlargement of the
liver and apleen. The dectora did ms
no good, and I had given up all hoie
of being cured, when my druggist ad
vised me to use Herbine. It has made
me sound and well." 60 cents at
Roturmund's und Model Drug Store
Prof. A. B. Cord ley, the entomolo-
irlst at the Oreffon Aarlonltnral Col-
OF HARD WOODS lego, embraces several rules which if
followed will
cess. Special
mnst be taken
haa come from
If the seed is
it was grown
place it iu
with wheat to
the spores of
footed hill is found the vine should be
overshadowed pulled op, wrapped iu paper or some-
treea iu her thing to prevent the spores from being
and carried to a distant
be aura to bring sac-
care in securing seed
and none planted that
an Infected district.
unknown as to where
it would be well to
eolation, as is done
kill the smut, to kill
the fungus. If an in-
Oregou has au asset of increasing place aud bnrned. Theu spray the
value, aaya the Oregouian. On both soil about the hill with a solution of
aidea of the Willamette Valley the oopper sulphate, one pound to 25 gal
foot hills are sprinkled over with oak, lona of water. Tnia spray, Prof.
in many casea of great age and aise, Cordley thinks, will kill all the aporea
stretching np the hills to mingle that may be In the ground. But the
with fiia on the lower rangea. UU important rule ia never to piaut
An expert hardwood merchant from melnna In successive yeara on the same
Illinois, not many niontha since, I land, the only safe way being to io
stood examining one of the guar led, tate with other crops. On land
twisted, knotty truuked oaks, proba- that is iufested with thla pest Prof.
bly five feet iu diameter, 13 feet from Cordley saya no melous should be
the ground, V. here the great branches I planted for at least three yeara ao aa
left the parent truuk. "Do you to insure the death of all the spores,
know what that tree would be worth for they have great vitality and will
to me if I had It iu my lumber yard wlthtsnnd heat, cold aud moisture In
in Illinois?" said he. "Not less
thau 350 to aaw Into quarter oak aud
veueers. ' '
Here in Oregon the owner would
probably get i worth of plauk out
of It, aud burn the rest. The tract
ou which this special tree stood had
abont 13 or 14 audi to the acre, and
stretched along the hillside for many
mi lea.
Iu Joa phiue couuty, aud in Jack
aon. are many niillioua of feet of
laurel or mad rone tlmlier. Thia tree,
too, ia found in many districts iu the
Valley counties, certainly as far aa
Beuton aud Polk ou the Weat Side.
The wood has a rich red color. Wh u
green it ia scarcely harder than fir,
but when seasoned It takes a polish aa
well aa walnnL Wotked iu furni
ture with maple. It niakoa a very
handsome coutrast, and ia aure to be
prized wherever it Is tested. Samples
of the maple, both curly aud twisted,
and also straight grained, are seen in
uiauy of the exhibits at the Fair.
notably iu the Forestry building, aud
attract deservedly much atteutiou for
pattern aud grain.
any ordiuary degree.
R.. D. Cole Haa a Tree lho.t Has
Been Bearing for Three
Teste In Colorado Prove
The.) the Problem Has
Been Solved.
Notice to Postofflce Patrons.
For the more accurate distribution
of the mail iu the Giauts Pass post
ofllce it is requested that box holders
have the number of their box Included
in the address. Thia is esjieuially im
portaut in the case of the members of
their families aud ol persona haviug
their mail iu care of a boxhnlder.
The clerical force of the postotiloe to figs,
aa a rule, have very good memories,
but as Grants Pass is a growing city
aud haa a population of something
near 4500, and at least 1000 more in
the district around, it la consequently
uo easy matter to remember all of
tlioui. Now if all the patrons of the
ofllce will carry out the above sug
gestion by having their mall addressed
to their box, R. F. D., or geneal de
livery, as the rase may be, it would
bo greatly appreciated.
If you are going away, even for
a short time, aud wish to have your
That figs oau be successfully grown
without irrigation ou the dry, granite
hills to the west of Grants Pass Is
proven by the fiuo growth that a flu
tree Iu K. D. Colo's yard In West
Grants Pass Is making. This tree la
bat seveu years old and for the last
three aeaaoua it haa borne figs, two
crops each season as la the rule for
figs here, but in warmer countries
three or ops a year. While the tree Is
very thrifty, though growing on
uuirrlgated granite laud, the most
remarkable thing abont it ia the
uuusual alii) of the fruit that it beara.
The figt are aa large aa the largest
plum aud persons who have aeeu figs
growing In Southern California aay
they never aaw larger or better
flavored figs thau those produced on
Mr. Cole's tree.
Almost every yard iu Rogue River
Valley has growing in it from one to
a dozen fig treea and that 11 KS of flue
flavor and large aise can be pro
duced haa long since been proven
Northern people do not take readily
like they do to oranges or
lemoua. the peculiar sweetness of
the fruit giving It a flavor that wr
sous used to eating acid fruits do not
relish, bnt like bananas aud similar
aweet fruits, a taste oan be acquired
for It and wheu once a person learns
to cat figs they enjoy them quite as
much as the familiar northern fruits.
Figs are more healthful than niosl
fruits, their laxative quality being es
pocially beuefloial to peraoua lead in
a ledeutary life.
While it is possible to grow figs I
Southern Oregou that are of the bes
...n uli f. . nur.l Quality yet Ilieir pronuoiiou win
is made for that i.urnose aud aive ou be a commercial possibility fi
it the full particulars, and wheu yoo " " t""1"' they will uo
vi.lnrn. mil fnr vnnr card and destroy staud
E E I)
Office and telephone removed to Golden
phlne. for July and August while our net
Gate stable, opposite Hotel
staiile is beinj.' erected.
Sunrise Condensed Milk
That is out to make a reputa
tion. Is made at a new conden
scry on (' Bay. the big dairy
d istrict of Oregon.
Proved to lie the licst
bv the agent who bought a can
of another brand and owned
it and one of his and proved his
was the best.
Is Not Two-ihirds Sugar,
Water and Corn Starch
But is pure cows milk and is
just as g'Mjd as cow's milk for
your coffee. Try it and becon
vimd. Introductory Price of 10c per Can
on single cans. Special ratee on
large orders.
Made in Spokane from hard
wheat, which makes the best
cracker of any wheat. Try a
package at cents.
Chiles' Grocery
Front St., near Fourth.
To save money on their outfits,
which they can do si
Dcpartmtnt ind Furniture Store
(Kesterson Blk., ou Front St.)
Gold Pans Picks
Pack Saddles Shovels
Camp Stoves Axes
Maltres-s Coffee Pots
Cots Tin Cups
Comfort Granite 1'ans
Blankets Kifles
Kaki Suits Shot Guns
Overalls Revolvers
Shirts Knives
And anything else anted for the
camp at prices that are right.
According to E. L. Smith, the well
known Hood river horticulturist aud
president of the State Board of Ho
ticulture, 7-year-old orchards easily
make from I00 to 1S0 au acre every
yeir and 10-year olu fiw. A man
near my place," said he, " wi th five
acres, makes $100 to f 1 50 a year.
Another man with 2iiU trees, cleared
up (2:M) last year. I had an orcharl
whose protita amounted to $150 an
acre. from fa a) to r yearly
protita to the acre are quite com men
aud iu several unusual cases th"
profits have been $1000 an acre."
He tells the Oregouiau that these
big profits come from a liht coat of
production aud heavy demand for
the fruit. Cost of cultivation and
spraying aud picklug and packing
and hauling to the railroad, etc., he
said docs uot come to more than fiO
cents a box, aud the glower sold the
fruit last year at fi. 10 a box for
Spitzeuburgs and fl.TS a box for
Yellow Nowtowns.
"Aud crop failurea dou't occur,"
said Mr. Smith, "for the couutry haa
plenty of water from the reservoir
suowa of Mount Hood aud there are uo
damaging fruits.
"Iu five years," he exclaimed, "jou
will see Hood River producing half a
Aze.Ha. Circle Installs Officers.
The Women of Woodcraft held
their installation of otlicers ou
Friday evening at Woodman hall.
The olllceis installed are as follows:
O. N. Mrs. E. L. Riggs.
P. (. N. Mrs. Calvert.
Adviser Mrs. Jennie Cheshire.
Magician Mrs. Reynolds.
Capt. Guards Mrs. Kinney.
Atteudent Mrs. Willett.
Inner Beutlucl Mrs. Ahlf.
Outer Sentinel H. V. Meade.
An invitation had beeu extiuded
to the Ashland Circle to ha present at
the installation exercises, and several
of them caiue down ou the evening
train. A short program was rendered
and after the installation all re-
it or have the clerk do io. Also,
when addressing your mail, write
plainly and add the box or street
uumher to the address aud put your
iiaina and address ou the upper left
hand corner, liy so doing you will n"re fig treea should
have the thanks and hearty co oiier tl' fruit makea a good
atlou cf the poatotllce force
Cutworms. Will end Diy Wtalher
Shorten Rogue River Crop
One Half
Itepo' ts from the different growers
paired to the banquet room where i Indicate that there will be folly
they were served with ice rream aud ( IHlf a crop of water melons iu Rogue
cake, and every enjoyable tvcnlng I River Valley this seasou. Tim new
was speut by all. Those who at- disease, which Prof. Cordley lead! ly
tended from Ashland were : Identified aa the melon wilt, aa It is
Meadaines Millsap, C. H I-ong, j known in the Southern States, lias
Shntts, lirowo, Hale,
filalock. Myer, W. K.
ker aud Miss I uner.
Cole, Iooinis,
Smith, llao.a
Pains or irritatiou
When pains or irritatiou exist ou
any part or the bony, the application
of i'.allard's Snow Liniment gives
prompt r lief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop.
Sullivan House hi K no, . T. , writes
June, 11 I'.Sii: "1 take pleasure iu
j recommending liallarrt s Snow Lini
ment to all who are afflicted witii
I rheumatism. It is the only remedy I
j have found that gives immediate re.
i !;.. n rjL. Si Oil t M.wlul llrni.
million boxes of Spitzeuburgs aud Yel-1 8l()r() KoU,r'IIlan,rt
low Newtowns. Many new orchards :
have beeu started. The Spitzenburgs j
aud the Newtowns, aa we grow them,
are the beat apples iu the world and
cauuot be excelled for hardiness aud
flavor and beauty. Rogue River ap
plea yoo say? My dear tir, Rogue
River cau turn out fine apples, hut we
cau beat 'em. We have a valley as big
as a pocket handkerchief, so to sneak,
but we seud out more fruit than the
whole of Jackson county."
The right sized apple farm, in Mr.
Smith's opioiou, is 20 acres, and 40
acrea ia "big enough for auy niau; iu
fact, too big." The owner cannot
well manage a larger farm, owing to
the unreliability of hired labor.
Mr. Smith givea the following esti
mate of the acre cost of apple growing
and of the returns after five years lor
the Hood River Valley, which la prac
tically applicable to the Kpgoe Kiverinr . a. L. Sowers,
, Valley except as to the valoa of laud Street, Grant Pass.
Lewie and Clark Exposition.
Duriug the Lewis and Clark Eiki
sitlon the Southern Pacific Company .
will sell round trip t if acts to Port
laud, limit 30 dayt, at one and one
third far for the round trip. For
parties of ten or more traveling on
one ticket, one fare for the round
trip. For organized parties of ll or
more, individual tickets, at one fare
for the round trip.
HUip-over of 10 days wlllbe givnu
at Port laud ou all one way tickets
readiug through that point during
the expomtiou. Tickets must be de
posited with Joint Agnut at Portland
and charge of 60 cents will be made
for extension of time.
For bale svt sv Be.rge.ln.
Owing to moving to the mine in the
near future, will sell at a bargain
some first -class furniture, also one
two seal surrey au light team liar-
40V Heventli
ctuscd the greater damage to the
crop. The unusual dry weather has
retarded the growth of the vines and
will shorten the crop considerably Io
all sections of the Valley. In Jack
son county the cut worms have beeu
qute as destructive to the melous as
the wilt haa iu this couuty. Tina
pest did their work early Iu the
spring aud In many fields were to
destructive that the patches had to
be replanted two aud three limes be
fore a stand of plants could Ui se
cured. I These three haudiiapa Io melon
growing in Rogue River Valley will
eventually lie overcome, and aa the
oil and climate are esscially favor
able thia section will yet become the
big melon district of Oregon, and in
stead of 2M) cars, which will probably
be the shipment thia season from thia
Valley, there will be 1 000 or mote
cars sent north each summer. Irriga
tion will solve the water problem for
the fields, and starting the seed iu
cans, as explained in the Courier last
spring, will get the plants so largs
that the cotwonna will uot attack
them, aud aa the cutworma disappear
ao soon aa the ground gets warm that
pest would be gone when the plants
were placed In the field.
The melon wilt ia an imported jest
from the East aud It cau readily be
eradicated It the growers take the
proper measures. The method to kill
out thia deadly pest, as stated by
even one day s shipment
their natural state. To dry them
by artificial heat ia too expeusiv
to coin Is to with the hut couutric
w here they dry figs by the auu'a hea
In the yard ol every home nun
bn growu for
addition to tl
variety of fruit growu here, and It
both palatable and healthful.
Teachers Examination.
Notice ia hereby giveu tnat tl
county auperiutelident or Josephine
Couuty will hold the regular examl
nation of applicants for state a
county pajs-rs at Grama Pass
follows :
For State Papers.
Comincm leu Wednesday, August U,
at W o'clock A. M , and continuiii
until Saturday, August 12, at
o'clock. P. M
SS eduesdav Penmanship, hlstor
spelling, algebra, reading, school law
Thursday Written arithmetic
theory of teachlug, grammar, hook
keeping, physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, gnjgraph
mental arithmetic, coiiiKisitioo,
physical geography.
Saturday ilolauy, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
For Couuty Pa rs.
Commencing Weduesday, Aogust tl,
at V o'clock A. M , and continuing
until Friday August II, at 4 o'clock
P. M.
First, Second aud Third Grade
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday NSrltteti arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, phyai
ology. Friday Geography, mental arilh
niello, school law, civil government.
Primary Certificates.
Wi duesday Peiiuianship, orthog
raphy, arithmetic, reading
Thursday Art of oueatiouiiig,
theory of teachlug, phtslulngy.
County Sup't.
Seasonable Items at Prices worthy of Your
ain, the best made, a big recipe book with each
freezer. We want to close out the 6 and 8
quart sizes, hero's the figures that will do it
quickly (i quart $3.25 each, all complete
8 " 4.25
TENTS $3.00 to $11.50.
here hard to heat.
We show you values
They are going
HAMMOCKS 75c to $2.50.
duced nearly i $3.50 to $17.50. All the be
tween prices.
Jelly Glasses Tumblers Water Sets.
Thomas (Si O'Neill
U)Q Housefurnishers
Californlans Say Oregon People
Do Not Appreciate Min
eral Possessions.
Cheap milling for heavy sulphide
ores Is of immense Importance to
Northern Colorado aud other milling
regioua wlnre conditions are similar.
Iu the aulphido belt, which extends
through Clear Creek, Gilpin and
Boulder Counties, there are large de
posits of low-grade ore in which the
gold, ooustltutlug the greater part of
the value, occurs included iu iron
pyrites. Owing to the sharp relief of
mouutaina and canyons, the re
gion ia admirably adapted to exten
ivn development and cheap mining
by means of runnels. The problem Is
oheap treatment for the ore after it
a mined.
Tests made at the old Sau Is las
miue near Waid, Colorado, apparently
prove that the problem has beeu
solved. The ore is first reduced by
crushers aud rolls to a fluenesa of
twenty-mesh. It ia theu roasted to
drive olf the aulphur, aud finally It
a leached iu tauka with cyanide
anlution in the ordinary umunur.
More than 90 per ceut of the gold
values in the ore is recovered.
Iu the whole process there ia ouly
one danger to be guarded agaiuat. It
Is a question of delicate roasting.
There must be Jutt heat enough to
eiH)l the sulphur without changing
the oro from a granular state to a
matte. A single stick of wood too
much might fuse the mass and pro.
duoe a matte that could uot be treated
with cyanide.
The experiments already made with
the process have beeu ou a commer
cial scale, and loams to bo conclusive.
A rotary furnace of proved etlluieucy
ia uow being constructed under the
direction of Richard Morrison, the
mill auieriuteudnut, aud it will he
iu ieratlon at the initio within a
few weeka. Mr. Morrison deserves
credit for the bolduess of his plan Iu
attacking the problem, as well as for
its successful execution. The process
promises to be one of great value in
the sulphide belt. Daily Mining
Curci Sciatica.
Rev. W. I.. Riley, L. L. D. , Cuba,
New York, writes: "After IA days of
excruciating paiu from sciatic rheu
mat ism, under various treatments,
was iuduccd to try linl lard's Snow
Liniment ; the first applicatlnn giving
my first relief aid the second entire
relief. 1 call give it uiiqualilled
recommendation." '''""'i fl-M
at Model Drug Store anil at Roter
muud's. Sleeping Accommodations.
As au accommodation to visitors to
the Kxsisitioii, and oile rs a HI section
tourist sle sir will Im placed ill ser
vice between Ashland, ami Portland,
on trains IA and HI commencing May
21)1 h. Sections tl, 1(1, II, ami I.' are re
served for this station and cau tie su
cured at the depit. G.P.Jester, Agt.
" N our Oregon people do uot ap
preciate their own miueral posses
sions. If they speut one-half the
money at home which they send to
such distant districts aa Alaska and
Nevada( their returus would be mauy
timea surer and I may say that the
winning when it was made would
be aa great. "
So apoke A. Van derNailen, Jr., of
the Van der Naileu engineering school
of San Francisco, to a Journal re
porter while iu Portland recently.
He was warmly seconded by his en
gineer, R. Arthur Grigshy, E. M.
They are on au annual tour of the
coast country. They have had little
opportunity to study mineral forma
tions save at tome of the more promi
nent points aud the collection which
Is on exhibit at the fair. The latter
charmed them. Taking this aggrega
tion of ores and studying the map
iu connect iou therewith they have
concluded that the niiuoral area of
the state has luitueuae proportions.
"I never realized before that gold,
silver aud copper were being mined
over such a vast region in your
statu," said Mr. Grigidiy. "Yon
speak of districts, but the frequeuoy
with which mineral ia miued aeema
to Indicate that there la a general oc
currence, with ouly plaoca where
crnppiugs or favorable conditions
have facilitated milling. Miueral no
doubt exlsta iu a large area whole it
has not been proved, owing to depth
of thu overburdened aud heavy
growths of verdure. From a casual
study of the state, I feel safe iu the
prophecy that the area will be vastly
Municipal Ownership for Eugene.
The Eugene City Council has en
gaged Frank O. Kelsay to make esti
mate on the cost of construction of
electric light and water plants for
the city. Ho it to report September
I, and it la thought that it will uot
be long afterward that construction
will begin. About a year ago last
April thu people of Eugene voted in
favor of municipal ownership of light
and water plants and the city author
ities have bt quietly working on
the matter ever since. They have
tileil on the waters of McKeuxia River
for power purpose, and have made
preliminary surveys for the canals,
etc. The municipal ownership idea
ia a popular one in Kugeno, und a
majority of citizens are anxious to
see an early consumption of Iho
pinna to control the two public utili
ties. The county ourt of furry couuty,
has issued au order nrthoriziug thu
clerk to advertise for bids for opeiat
lug a free couuty ferry at the t'ooley
place on Chctco rivi r.
Slate Maps Courier Building.
Slop T hst Ceujh
When a oobgh, a tickling or au ir
ritatiou iu the throat makes yoo feel
uucomfortahle, take iiallard's Ilore
hound Hyrop. Dou't wail until the
disease has gone beyond ooutrol. Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, SM West
6th Bt., Halt Lake City, Utah,
writes: "We think Iiallard's Ilore
hound Syrup the best medicine for
cougha and colds. We have used It
for several yeara; It alwaya glvea Im
mediate relief, ia very pleasaut aud
gives perfect satisfaction." JVc. 60o,
l.00 at Model Urug Store and at
Talking' Machines
fi - -
taken in part payment
for new ones
: at
LPaddock's Bicycle Den...