Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 28, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
Na 18.
Se Kea ts atB $
Rent Houses
Negotiate Loans
You are invited to investi
gate my large lint of City and
Country property.
Ground Fioor, Courier Building. T
W. L. IRELAND, The Real Estate Man
; , JtZJ
three Big Pl&eer Mines in That
District and a Quartz Mill
la a. Rich Diatricl.
Month Mixth Wtreet, corner .1
S. C. NEAS, Proprietor
IIorMemlioeiinf done by one of the best shoers ever in Grants Pass.
Velilfle ltepalrtMl, Painted, Varnished and Trimmed and made
practically as serviceable and well appearing as new.
ltuller Tirol Ilttetl by the only machine for that purpose in
Grants Pass.
On Kpeclnl Orler vehicles of all kinds and for all purposes built and
which are Btronger and more durable than those made at factories.
Itixflit PrlccN given on all my work.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking busiueis.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound hanking principles.
(Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. FKASK WATSON. 1'res.
It. A. HOOT II, Vice-I'res
L. L. J EWEI.I., Cashier
Bert Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens'
Grants Pass Ore
Announcement by
G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company
We wish to announce to the public in General (rich or
poor) we can sell you a home at present, on terms to suit
you if you haven't cash by you to make full payment.
We can arrange it all satisfactory about that. II you are
rich, we can find you a good bargain for your cash. We
not only sell nice homes but have other speculations on
hand constantly, that a conservative man can sometimes
double his money in properties of all kinds, mines, timler,
ranches, houses and lots, stock of all kinds, wood, Hay
and grain etc.
We also buy and sell second hand goods and can outfit
all homes cheap.
call and let us get acquainted.
Our be?t bargains this week are 5 head of horses that we
bought at our price and will be sold at your price.
- Shi
Office and telephone removed to Golden Gate stable, opposite Hotel Jose
phine, for July and August while our new stable is being erected.
Sunrise Condensed Milk,
That is out U make a reptita- j
tion. Is made at a new condcn-1
wry on Cos Bay. the big dairy I
district of Oregon.
Proved to lie the Best !
by the agent who bought a can
of another brand and opened
it and one of his and proved his :
was the best.
Is Not Two-ihirds Sugar,
Water and Corn Starch j
But is pure cows milk and is
just as g'tod as cow's milk for
your coffee. Try it and be con
vinced. Introductory Price of 10c per Can
on single cant. Special raw on
lartf e order.
Made in Spokane from hard
wheal, which makes the best
cracker of any w heat. Try a
package at 26 cent.
Chiles' Grocery
Front st., near Fourth.
To save money on their outfits,
which they can do at
Dcpartmtnt and Furniture Store
(Kesterson Blk., on Front St.)
(iold Pans Picks
Park Saddles Shovels
Camp Stoves Axes
Mattrewes Coffee Pots
Cots Tin Cups
Comfort Granite Pans
Blankets Utiles
Kaki Suita Shot Guns
Overalls Revolver
Shirta Kuivee
Ad anything else wanted for the
camp at price that are right.
A. E. Frye came op from Mole
creek district last week where be baa
been for several weeks working on
a mine that he and Jacob Frye and
E. A. Rath are opening op on Rogue
river three mile below the mouth
of Mole creek. They have their
property sold to Philadelphia parties
aud Mr. Frye is spending the time
here with hi family until their re
tarn from the East, which will
be neit week, when he will accom
pany them to the mine and assist in
installing the bydraolio plant that
will be pot in.
This property consists of 330 acres
of travel land through which runs
three old channel of Rogue river.
The gravel deposit is from 20 to 40
feet deep and the thorough prospect'
ing that has been done bas proven it
all to be quite rich. The coudi
tioua are perfect for disposing of the
tailings for there is a dump of 40 feet
to Rogue river, which at this point
is narrow and has a current swift
enough to keep the damp clear.
The equipment ia to be two Na 4
giants, and eaoh will have bead of
310 feet to the pipe, which will give a
terrific pressure and be heavy enoogh
to make the gravel fly like chaff in a
Kansas tornado. The water for the
giant will be brought in 26-lnoh
teel pipe from Tom East creek, where
an ample supply, by the aid of
large reseivoir which will be pot in,
can be had for the foil 12 month of
the year. This pipe will be V4' miles
long. No flame or ditch conld be
osed as the country ia so rough as to
be too exDensve to put iu a flume
aud too rockv for a ditch. The
pipe line will be carried around
mouutain side aud over spars. Water
for bywash can be had from nearby
streams at small expense.
Messrs. Frye & Rath closed their
work at the mine the first of July.
Jacob Frye returned to his home at
Big Bend, eight miles below, while
Mr. Rnth and his wife remain at the
mine aud Mr Roth will won for
the new company. They erected
dwelling boose this spring 22x36 feet,
splitting the lumber oat of logs.
So soon as the new owners arrive
they will pat a force of men at
work to install the pipe line and get
the mine teady for piping this win
The Mole criek d strict I con
nected with the outside world by a
trail to West Fork ou the Southern
Pacific, a distauoe of 32 mile and
to Gold Beach, on the ooast, 48 miles
distaut A tri-weekly mail, by horse
back, passe over this route, the
postofflce for this district being
Marial located at the month of Mole
creek. All light freight Is packed
iu from West Fork, but heavy freight
is brought from Wedderburn at the
month of Rogne river, up that stream
by gasoline launches to the month
of the Illiuoi nver. From there
to Mule creek the river ia too
swift and shoal In place for launches
and the freight is brought op that IA
mile section on small boats that are
lowed over the rapids by men 00 the
bank aud by others in the boat push
ing with poles. The trade of this
district is becoming quite large and
to secure it the business men of
Glendale have joined with the miners
to build a wagon road from Ulendale
to Mole creek. The road is now
opened to a point beyond Mt. Ken-
ben aud Gleudale ha a force of men
at work on it and will complete the
toad to Dutch Henry's corrall, on
Little Meadow. From that point
the miners will extend it 00 to Mole
creek, a distance of 24 mile, while
it i 14 mile from Little Meadow to
Glendale. The route from Little
Meadow to Mole creek will be on
the divide between Rogoe river aud
west fork of Cow creek, and being
through the open woods and no can-
von or stream to cross will be
easily opened and at small expense.
la com pored witn otner ooutnern
Oregon roads. The larger part of the
expense for opining this road will
be borne by Mendeuhall & Company,
of Gold Hill, who are developing a
quarts mine 00 Mole creek.
The Mendeuhall mine is located 011
the west fork of Male creek 2
miles from Rogae river. The Com
tnny has a force of men at work and
have 300 feet of tunneling that ha
opened op a foor foot vein of rich
rock. The machinery for a sawmill
ia now being taken by pack train
from West Fork and will be put at
the mine aud cpeiated by a turbine
wheel with water from .Mule creek.
A soon a lumber can be cot the
boilding for a stamp mill will be
erected. Owing to the difficulty of
transportation it is probable that
only a three stamp mill will be pot
in now. The work ia io charge of
Thomas Billings and he expects to
hare the mill iu operation within the
next three months.
At Big Bend a company of Min
neapolis aud BL Paol capitalist
have bought 230 acre of rich placer
ground and for some time past have
bad from 10 to 15 men at work pre
paring for the installation of a big
bydraolio plant The water will be
brought a distance of foor miles
from Foster creek, two of which
will he by flame and two br ditch.
The stream will be 18 inches deep
and foor feet w ide and the water
will go to two No. 4 giant coder a
bead of 300 feet. The
piping will be brought op the river
in launches aud row boats, but the
supplies and light freight will be
packed io from West Fork and Glen
dale. A small sawmill is being
ereoted to cot the lumber for the
flume and for buildings.
The old Mark placer, located at
the month of Mole creek, and which
baa been one of the big gold producer
of Lowes- Rogoe river. Is now the
property of H. J. Mattoon, former
merchant of Riddle. This mine is
equipped with two giants and get
water from Mule creek by a ditch
i mile long. Mr. Mattoon
since be made his clean-op this
spiing baa been at work blasting a race
through the rimrook to give a dump In
Rogue river from the old back ohannel
that he will work this next season.
Mr. Fry stated that there were
many prospectors in tue mute creex
district and some promising claims
are being developed. He thinks it
will become one of the biggest min
ing district of Southern Oregon.
This district will eventually become
tributary to Grants Paa by the
electric railroad that Is certain to be
boilt down Rogoe river fro-n this
city. With this railroad in operation
large trade will oonie to Grants
Pass from Mole creek, as well ai
from Galice and Piokett creek dia
tricts, through which the road woold
Henry Booth Make Money From
His Orchard-Thinks Walnut
Good Fruit Plant.
Mining Interests Them Enfoved
Ride Through Hell Gate Gorge
on Rogue River.
Henry E. Booth, the owner of a
large tract of land on Rogue river 12
miles below this city on which he 1
both froit raising and mining suo
oessfully, was iu Granta Pass Mon
day. Mr. Booth has 36 acres to
fruit trees, 17 acre of which aretoap
pie and the remainder is to peaches,
prunes, cherries, pears, almonds and
walnuts. Most of his apple trees are
too young to bear but such as are
old enongh have a good crop. He
bas a flue yield of peaches aud will
begin next week to pick bis Early
Ciawfords, of which lie will have
1600 boxes. His late peaches are all
Salwavs aud of them he will have
fully 1800 boxes. Mr. Booth hi
few alnioud and flg trees that are
loaded, but he ha only a few tree of
each for home use. He has some 20
Euglish walnnts. The trees are but
eight yeaia old yet each is bearing a
number of nnts aud in a couple of
years more he expects that they will
yield a good supply of not. Mr.
Booth thinks that walnuta are more
profitable thau froit trees for they
are the most hardy, tltrilty tree he
has in his orchard and tbev require
no prnning, or thiuuing of nuts a
froit has to be thinred, aud there is
not a pest that bothers them so there
is no big expense of sprsyiug, and
they will grow on laud that is not
good froit laud. The pickiug of the
nuts is a simple matter a compared
to picking trait of there is 110 liabil
ity to bruising and there ia no
kolentiUo packing to be dons, to pick
op the nnts after they have been
shaken to the ground aud sacking
them is the extent cf the work aud of
harvesting the orop.
Mr. Booth is a strong advocate of
the formation for the proposed Jose
phine Coonty Froitrgowers Union,
and will Joiu it aud will induce his
neighbors to joiu at the meeting that
is to be held in Grants Pass on Satur
day, August 6. He is of the opinion
that the Uniou will be the meais of
making fruit growing oue of the big
industries of Josephine county, for it
will force the growers to grow and
pack their froit iu flrstclaaa shape
and will enable them to get a better
price than they now receive throogb
having a better quality of fioitand
of belug able to market their fruit in
car load lots in the big Eastern
Manager A. B. Cousin has been
entertaining a party of Philadelphia
and Trenton, N. J., people at the
Galioe Consolidated mines. At this
season of the year and a dry one at
that, placer mines a a role are not
very interesting and it is only those
most favorably situated that are doing
any work at all.
The party, composed of O. Wood-
worth, W. T. Wyokoff, Mrs. Wyckotf
and three sons, certainly had a good
time, saw some mining going on aud
participated in mining themselves
with good results as each had some
gold to show that their initial ex
perience in placer mining was
Dr. Wyokoff ia vine-president of the
Ualioe Consolidated Mine Company
aud a large stock holder. He is
well pleased with the advancement
made in faollitlea for operating the
property at Galioe, aud bith he aud
Mr. Woodwoith were enthusiastic
over the prospect for the future.
After spending a few days at the
nilue the return trip was oue of ex
ceeding interest to tliem. Mr,
Cousin brought them up as far as
Taylor creek in the Company's hack
and then by boat through Taylor
gorge which la a trip ouequaled in
grandeur in Southern Oreogn. The
hack was sent over the hill aud picked
op ths party at the upper end of the
gorge. Crossing Rogne river at the
ferry, the next point of interest
visited was Hull Gate, where every
one of the party took a trip iu a bas
ket suspended from a cable 1A0 feet
above the water, orosslng by meaus
of a hand windlass attached to the
hell Gate is a narrow gorge about
ix miles below Merlin aud is three
Quarters of a mile long, the bloffs
rising almost porpendioolar to
height of six or seven huudred feet.
After a good rest at Mr. Cousin's
fioose in Merlin the party left for
Portland aud they were loud in their
praise of Son them Oregon mines.
soenery aud hospitality.
The Galioe Consolidated is pushing
work on the big bedrock flume which
will be completed and ready to operate
by the time the fall rains set in. It
is the largest placer Improvement In
Southern Oregon boilt this summer
and will be of gieat benefit to the
property providing as it does a grand
alnioe wav solidly anchored to bed
rock in the very bottom of Galic
Creek, aud into which cau be dumped
acres of rich grouud with no fear of
the dump belug filled up.
valuable, are beiug carefully croised
aud will add to the roll a haudsome
amount at a valuation that will sur
prise the natives.
It I in evidence already that in
place of a doubling of the total
assessed valuation the valuation will
be two and a half times greater than
that of the last few years aud that it
will be a record breaker. The
county court has promised that
the tax levy will be reduced and that
the taxpayer will not be touched to
the extent which he feared at the
beginning aud that the antes-incut
will prove satisfactory in the end.
The bcist results are not to be expected
from the tirst year's assessment. The
next meeting of the county equaliza
tion board will be au interesting
sesaiou. Ashlaud Record.
Bolen Creek Property Being De
veloped Has Fine Showing
for Big Dividends
HE little prices will captivate you,
and Honest Quality will do the rest.
r New Iron Beds vJ53
$2.25 to $39.00
All the between prices.
The $10.50 Couch went for $ 4.30.
Still a few Carpet Remnants left, J price.
a fine New Homo Sowing Machine
Elegant machine, Agonts usually ask $G5
to $75 on time, for the same class machine
our prio SS2'7.50
Water Sets, G5c up to $3.50. Jolly Glasso?.
Fruit Bowls.
Screen Doors all complete $1.10
Thomas (Q. O'Neill
t5ha HousefurnisHers
Asaessor Applegexte More The.n
Double Valuations Court
to Lower Tax Levy-
The assessed valoatiou of projairty
iu Jackson comity this year will
reach a point far beyond the expecta
tions of the people. Assessor Apple
gate and the court first announced
that the valuations would be about
doubled, but It seems that a large
amoont of uew lnoiierlv has beet)
ditoovered and in place of doubling
many heavy property owuers they
have in several instances more than
trebled them and in other cases the
ohauges In the valuation of heavy
taxpayers have simply been revolu
tionary. The railroad will come iu for a
heavy assessment, aud it will be
something like $20,000 or more per
mile ou their road bed. The titnlier
lauds holdings, mucli of which are
held by absentee landlords, and very
W. E. Smith was iu Gran's Pass
Tuesday and Wednesday form Boleu
creek, aud Wednesday evening he left
for his home iu Eugene, where be
will siend a mouth with his family.
Mr. Smith is a member of the
Bolen Junction Mining Company, the
other members being A. W. Gilbert,
U. K. Platts, ami the hitter's sons,
Edward aud William Platts. They
aro all Koguue meu and are develop
ing five claims located ou Boleu
creek at its junction with Sucker
creek. The vein they are working on
is oue of the largest iu Southern Ore
gon, as well as one of the most prom
ising ill that district. It has beeu
traced for a distance of more thau six
miles across tho country, ami shows
a width 01 from ;hk to wo reet. it 1
gold aud copper proposition aud
assays made from samples taken from
different places ou the Boleu Junctiou
olaims give an average assay of (21
in gold and 1'J per cent iu onpor.
Mr. Smith aud his partners have
done considerable development work
ou their claims and have put In a
sawmill and an uriatro. Their saw
mill is driven by a Peltou wheel do
veloplng 2(1 II. P. aud lias one main
saw of 4a Inches illiuueter. llie
mill was completed in May and lum
ber for their buildings was cut. The
arrastru ia operated by the same
power. While their ore contains con
siderable free guld, yet it contains
so much concentrates that it is not
profitable to handle it 111 an nrnistro
and they will no longer use that pro
cess. Development work will be con
tinued. A crosscut ia now being
driven that will strike the vein at
the 1&0 foot level and opcu up a vast
amount of oro. Tho Platts, father
aud sous, and Mr. Gilbert are at the
mine and working on the new cross
cut aud expect to have it completed
within the uext two mouth.
As to their fuluru plans nothing
has been decided, but if they do not
sell the property they will ar
range 10 have a company take it anil
put ou a smelter. A smelter ou
that property would be so centrally
located that it would handle ore from
a unnihor of mini's in that vicinity.
Mr. Smith slated that llarkers it
Cobb, who In vii a placer claim ou
upper Helen creek, am putting iu
the summer drilling ou their claim and
are taking nut com-nlerahle couth gnlil.
Ho ru b is the gravel that they are
making good wage, even by the
low process of drill minion.
Pass to Add Two Milea
Sewers to lis Sewer
S v t e m .
Has an Immense Body of High
Grade Ore Hav e. Fine
Water Power
The special election held Monday
to vote on the proposition for the city
of Grauts Pass to Issue 110.000 In
bond with which to raise funds to
put in sewers on Seoond street and
ou Seventh street, resulted iu a
victory for the sower supj.orter, the
vote standing 71 for aud 2U agaiust
the bonds. The light vote was 00
casioned largely by the little oppo
sltion there was to the sewers being
built,, aud the fact that the property
qualification restricted the vote and
then so many business men who are
voters were out of the city ou their
summer vacatiou.
Each sewer will bo about a milo Iu
length aud will empty direct iuto
Rogue river. As the pumping plant
of the Grauts Pass New Water, Light
it Power Compauy is located below
where will be the outlet to the
Seveuth atreet sewer that Compauy
will exteud the iutnka pio to their
pumps np Rogue river to a point
above Seveuth street.
The ordinance authorizing the
issuance of the bonds will doubtless
he passed at the next meeting of the
council, which will be oil August 8.
Grants Pass not being heavily iu debt
and the bouds drawlug fi per cout iu
terust and to run for 20 years, with
the option of paymsnt after 10 years,
will cause them to sell well, and it
ia likely that a good price can be had
for them.
Ho soon sa the bonds ae disposed
of the council will let the contract
fur the construction of the sewers,
as there I argent uecessity that they
be iu at a early a ditto as possible.
JI0O Reward, JI00.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there I at
least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure in all its stages,
snd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive core now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional di
sease, reqoiea a const iiutlonl treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken j
Internally, actiug directly upon the!
blood aud mucous surfaces of the,
svstem, thereby destroying the,
foundation of the disease, aud giving 1
the patient strength by boilding up
the constitution aud assisting if in
doing its work. The proprietors have 1
so much faith iu its curative powers I
that they offer Oue Hondred Dollars
for any rase that it fail to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Ad-!
dress K. J. CHKNKY & GO., Toledo, I
O. Sold by all DroggisU. 7.'. Take j
Hall's Family Pil.s tor constipation.
Lewie and Clark Exposition.
During ths Lewis aud Clark Expo
sition the Southern Pad lie Comny
will sell round trip tickets to Port
laud, limit. 10 dayt, at one aud one
third far for the round trip. For
parties of ten or more traveling ou
one ticket, one fare for the round
trip. For organised part ies of 100 or
more, individual ticket, at oue fare
for the round trip.
Stop-over of 10 days will be given
at Portland on all one way tickets
reading through that point dorlng
ths exposition. Tickets moat bo de
posited with Joint Agent at Portland
and charge of 60 eenta will be made
for extension of time.
Knows siioiikIi U carry an umbrella
when It ralliH, hut the wine one l he
who carries oue when It Is only t-lmiilv.
Any nmn VMM
send for a doctor
w h e 11 tie if e I it
Is-d-faul, hut the
wlm-r one Is he
who a d 11 i t
ttve and eiiriillve
uifaniiri'H w lien
nr-t aiicur the
Ills whu-h. K mi-clici-kivt
and iiu
cunt, grow Into
serious llllie-.
llllpMlrill dltef
tlun and nuirl
tlon an- ueneritlly
the (ori-ruiiiierM
of a nervous of functional break -down.
Xattire hiia itnivittrtl remrtlien ni't
abundantly for all surti condition In our
native fiicdh-luai plants. With the n
of chemically pur glycerine, of inH-r
strength snd at a proT sustained temp
erature, Iir. Pierce extracts from f.idden
Heat risit. (Juwn's root. Stone root, Itlsrk
Charryhark, Hioudroot and Maudrsk
rout, medicinal principles whU-li, when
eomhluetl In Just the right proMtrtl"ii.
enri4lllut hi widely tamed "iVoMcfi .Wei
Irait IHMnery." It renUirns the Ume of
Ike nUimacb. the activity ot the liver
arid the steadiness of the nervee. pouring
vitality Inn, the blood till the onie oh-k
and dnblllutwt one is so renewed In
health, streuslh and power that he ran
resume his work, whatever ft is, with
vigor area elasticity.
All medical authorities, of whatever
school, agnw that Hydrastis, or doldcn
Hoai one of the essential root In the
make-up of Dr. Plxrce's tedden Medical
Disrovary Is of very great value an a
pure Uioln, and a an aluiratlve valuaMe
In chronic atrecllona ul the atumacn
ror Sale e.
ing to moving to the mine in the
near foture, will sell at a bargain
some first -class furniture, also one
two seat sorrsy and light team har
ness. K. L. Sowers. 40V Seventh
giant and j Street, Grant Pass.
Teachers Examination.
Notice IS hereby given tout the
county suiariuteiideiit of Josephine
County will hold I he regular exami
nation of applicunls for state ai d
county papers nt (Iruiits Pass as
follows :
For Htule Papers.
Commencing Wcdnenliiv, Augunt tl,
at 9 o'clock A. M , and continuing
until Saturday, August 12, tit 4
o'clock, P. M.
ednesday l'cii iiiiiuxli i p. history,
spelling, ulgehra, rcitdii.g, school law
Thursday Wrllieu arithmetic,
theory of teaching, yramuiar, book
keeping, physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, ge.igiuphy,
mental arithmetic, i (imposition,
physical geography.
Salurdav- Jlotanv, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
For County Pajs rs.
Commi ncing Wednesday, August U,
at tf o'clock A. M , and continuing
uulilrridav August II, at 4 o'clock
P. M.
First, Second and Third (irade
I 'crt illeates.
Wednesday l'eiimaiotliip. history,
oiihottruphy, reading
Thuraday Wrilleu arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar, physiology.
I riday--jeogra by, m utal arllh
melic, school law, civil government.
Primary Yrtlflcatca.
Wi dnesday 1'eiimaiii.hip, orthog
ra hy, arithmetic, reading
'IburMlay Art of iiuent lotiing,
theory of teaching, .livsmlogv.
t oiintv Sup't.
Eureka Cadets Reach Portland.
Tho Eureka Cadet atfer their MO
mile march have arrived at the Port
land KxiKisitlnu and ou Tuesday they
were presented with a beautiful silk
banner by President W. II. Goode
of the Exoositiou. The emblem was
received by Earl Hodsaon, the
smallest of the lads, a 10-year old
who "hiked every step of the way. "
The Cadets left their California
home ou June 12, and on June 2ft
and 27 they were iu Grants Pas.
Ihls has been a long and tedious
trip for the boys hut a thoroughly
enjoyable oue from atart to linish
with uot an accident to mar its
pleasures. Many of the boy had uot
been outside their own town aud had
not seen a IcM'omotlve, except those
ou logging trains, until they reached
drums Pass. The necessary I u lid"
for the trip were laised incstly by
the boys themselves by giving con
certs along the route.
Sleeping Accommodations
As au accommodation to visitors to
the EiiMistlioti, aud others a Ill-section
tourist sleesir will be placed ill ser
vice between Ashlaud, and Portland,
ou trains Ifi aud III commencing May
i'.uh. Sections U, 10, II, aud U are re
served for this station and can he se
cured at tho depot. G.P.Jester. Agt
Matiager Frauk Fowler, of the
Gold Pick mine, located on Bolen
creek, was iu Grant Pas Satnrday
to arrange for the hauling oat to hi
mine of a three-stamp mill and a
Peltou wheel, which are to arrive
tlii week from Sau Francisco.
Manager Fowler ha had IU men at
work for several month doing de
velopment work and iu preparing for
installing the mill aud power. A
ditch three-fourth of a milo long ha
been completed that will briug 250
iucha of water from East Boleu
creek aud deliver it to the whet I ou-
der a head of 22u feet. This will fur
nish ample powei for a large mill aud
Boleu creek being fed from the
mountains the water supply will con
tinue during the summer months.
Lumber for the mill and for other
purposes was hauled from the saw
mills near Selma to Sucker creek aud
then pecked In over the trail. A uew
tunnel is belug put in that will
strike the vein on a lower level than
the previoua development work and
as there Is but 80 feet to complete the
ore body will be resobed by the time
the mill is completed. The mill
will be located on the creek at tho
foot oi the hill aud ore will be
brought from the mine by tram car.
The track will be about 1000 feet
long and the cars will be operated hy
gravity, the loaded cars raising the
empty oars.
The Gold Pick group of olaims
cover a remarkable body of ore, both
for size of deposit and high grade.
The vein has been fonud to be folly
1100 feet wide, and just how long it
is has uot beeu ascertained, but It ex
tends for several miles acrosa the
Dodson Will Not Han..
Ksley Dodstn, who wa convicted
at the Juno term of circuit court of
murder iu the first degree iu the
killiug of William Do lap, an aged
Loose creek miner, aud who wa ion-
teucidby Judge II. K. Ilauiia to be
hung bas had his sentence commuted
by Governor Chamberlain to life Imprisonment.
Dodsous' commutation was granted
upon the recommendation oi lriai
Judge II. K. Ilauiia aud Prosecuting
Attorney A. E. Ueames. who told
Governor Chamberlain that Audrew
Ingram planned the murder and lu-'
duced Dodson to commit it. Iiigtam
arranged to prove au alibi lu order
to save himself, but shared iu tiie
money stolen from the murdered man.
Dodsnn plead guilty and aided lu
securing the conviction of Ingram,
who was found guilty of murder In
the second degree and sentenced to
life imprisonment.
1KKI.AM), the Real Estate mull.
Ground floor Courier botlriiug.
teatluea and bladder
wt haHat
Nnt only ths Orljtnal hot the
Beat Utlis Uw Pi 114. Sral nil
p vr s ymn ago, by ohl
Jit K V Vtnr, litrn
hut sqitaWS, ss tti"U
DUNliriJiaJ prlre lpis. eitrsclea from tli
r,,Hj uf Amnen pltnla. Is, WA frlt.
un or two tor utmfik curn..:Uvs, Uirsa nr
tunr lu caUiasUa
New Hope Items.
Mr. ami Mis. J. It. GiIimiii hit
Thursday for California to visit
John McCallisli r nod family will
leave Tuesday lor a two weeks out
ing at the Soda Springs.
Mr. aud Mrs. Fred MiumIi wire
visting Mrs. Meiisch's sister, .Mis.
Will Messenger, last Sunday,
C. C. Wynaut who went over in
Klamath County to work a month
ago will tie home i n or Blxiut Septem
ber first.
Mr. aud Mrs D. II. VWincr of
Helma, were at 'ew llo Tuesday.
We are serry to hear of ths death of
their son, Aaron.
We are having some v ry warm
weather iu this vclliliy and crops
are growing rapidly where there la
water to irrigate with.
Talking Machines
taken in part payment
for new ones
...Paddock's Bicycle Den...
. I'