Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 21, 1905, Image 3

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Items of Personal Interest.
A Brief Record of Local Events.
m its
That cool weather struck us, don't
you think so?
What have we good to eat did
you say? Well, how would nice
ripe Tomatoes suit you, price 7c
Peaches also comingin the market
at a more rasonable price.
Can your Blackberries now, 75c a
No. 1 sour pickles 15c per quatt
No. 1 sweet pickles 15c per quart
Ripe Olives in bulk, in glass or in
For coolrefreshing salads we have
the 6nest Olive Oil obtainable.
Nice mild full cream cheese, 18 to
Kdam and Pineapple cheese.
In canned lunch goods we have
imported Kippered Herring, Soused
Mackerel, Mackeral Tomato Souse
or in Mustard.
American Sardines 5c.
Deviled Ham 5c and 10c.
Van Camp's Pork Beans 2Zc to
Armour's sliced Bacon or Ham.
Summer Sausage and cold boiled
White House Grocery.
Headquarters finest Teas and
Mrs. Adelia Aberoathy went to
Portland last Friday to spend 10 days
with friends and lo ste the fair.
Mrs. W. T. Coburn aud her sister,
Mi si Cora Baldwin, left Thursday for
Po tlaud to spend a week eojoyiug tlie
eights at the Lewis aud Clutk lair.
Mrs. James Hedden and sou, James,
stopped off Friday, while on a trip to
California from their home at Drain,
and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Clements.
Q. B. Couuer, of San Francisco, is
spending the week in Grants Pass.
Mr. Couuer is a well known Califor
nia mining uian au1 Is lookiug over
the miuiug possibilities of Southern
Miss K. A. Deniuau is spending a
mouth ou a trip north, viewing the
sights at the fair and visitiug with
relatives iu Seattle. She. will letoru
to Grants Pass abont the middle of
Miss Francos E. Stewart Is iu the
city a guest of her sister, Mrs. F. D.
Strieker. Miss Stewart resides in
Chicago and is a teacher in the
Chicago Cooking school and is spend
ing her vacation on this coast.
Miss Emma Aggco spent last Mou
day iu Grauts Pass a guest of her for
mer pupil. Miss Kdim Disbtow. Miss
Aggce clost .1 a term of school last week
at Trail, ou upper Rogue river, mid
was ou her way to her home at Wilbur.
H. M. White is home from is mine
ou Thompsou cre ek, laid up from some
injuries received lust Saturday while
trying to stop a runaway team. Mr.
White is not seriously hurt aud ex
pects to he nhle lo return to his mlue
next Week.
Dr. aud Mrs. Jas. Asprayof Moscow,
Idaho, visietd at the Episcopal manse
this week. They left Thursday for
Lelaud to pt nd a few days with Rev.
and Mrs. Willian:s who are, spending
their vacation on a homestead. Dr.
Aapruy is with Dr. Gritmuu's hospi
tal at Moscow.
" Diamond
jj uscre.
B to us
glad the Lcr.-.-t c I t s
They rro roruly $
3, hold tlu-ir cilco :wl
make work a pleasure. Cost
no moro than " the other kind."
Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co.
City Treasurer's Report.
There are funds iu the City
Treasury to redeem all outstanding
warrants protested to February 2,
11)011. Interest on same will cease
after this date.
Dated at Gauls Pass, Ore., July 8th,
City Treasurer.
Miss Essie Hurl man returned Friday
from Portland, having bei u called
home ou account of the Illness of her
father, Johu lllartmau. Miss Hurt
inan hud planned on speuding several
more days iu Portland.
Noted Mothodest Divine Dies.
Judge J. O. Rotilh returned Wed
nesdiiv from The Dalles, to which
place lie was summoned lastFiiday
by the sudden death, from heart di
sease, of bin brother HeV. George M.
Booth. Kev. Booth at the time of his
death whs pusiiliiig cltlir fir The
Dalles distiiel, f t r the Method. st
Episcopal church, and the funeral
services , which were held Sunday
ill The Dulbs, was utteuid by n large
number of prominent ministers of
the diliominat ion. The Methodist
International Congress in sttsinu ill
Port laud lust w i ck met a delegation
lnadi d by Ill-hop Moore, to represent
the Congress lit the fuuetal, and
Eiihcp Mine uniile (lie of the ad-dre-scs.
'I lie Interment w as iu tin
old Methodist c im Icry lit Salem,
where is buried many of the noted
missionaries and ininMcrs prominent
iu the Mctlodi-it church iu pioneer
days. In this cemetery is tiie Booth
family lot an 1 H was in it that the
remains of ltcv. iioi th were laid to
Kev. Booth is survived by II broth
ers and sisters, mid bis death is ll
first of that noted family, that
embraces M ilc Senator It. A. iiooth,
of Eugene, Judgo J. O. Booth of
Grants Par-, Jmljiii W. A. Booth of
rrineville, ami .T. II. Booth, ex-receiver
of the Hum burg luud office.
Tim inollii r is di id, but the father of
this Ki csevell inn family is jet alive,
he being Kev. Kot.ert Booth leading
iu Salem. He uImi is a alethodist
minister, an Ort-gou pioneer of IH.V.'
ami ho is me of the ootid mi ll of this
Look Out for Punt Snalchers
r' i- I 1, is rn crti d tl. at Portland is the
Shirts, White D.ick Pants,
jMfcia Ut li-rw tuntclitTO, jack
VYnHior-A't i.'ht i Docket, an 'J tiifk tU'um of nil
A Short Stop
At our store today does thej
trick, that is if ou want any-i
thinL' in the way of Summer,
Clothiw:, -Ncjrlijreo or uoii
Alpaca Coats,
Straw Hats ami Bathing
Suits, d"n't forget tliem, this
is just the weather for an oc
casional swim. We still have
juit.' an as-ortment of those
two-i'iece suits for men at
$5.0i. They are ready and
williug to walk, and the way
they are poing they wont last
long at this price. Better let
us lit you out for the hot
weather now.
(ieo.S. Calhoun Co.
Outfitters to Men and Boys.
I k l,.,lii u tin uill fled f'tV (Iterating
ou the Ltwis : Clark fair visitors.
Evervcue who visits the fair should
guard againt any posa.hility of los
ing their lnimv, tiikels ami valu
albs iu this manner. A. K. Voor
hies bus a stock f ) cr and j wi I
bag for ladies which are abfoluttly
proof agaiust poise siiiitchcis. They
range in price from S.i ccuts to fJ.SO
aud evry lady who goes to Portland
this y ar tl i uld Lave etc. Siethun
at the Count r buibling.
K. P's Attention.
There wilL" be a meeting of the
rupu,bert of the Kuightl o' Pythias
this i Friday evening at the office
of C. E. Msybee, for the members lo
orgauin uniform rsuk. Col. . Will K.
I ipsoo of the Majnr-Gt neral Stall
will be in attiiid.uice to organize.
T. W. w I LI. I A M S,
Keeper of Kocord aud Seal.
H. C. Kinuey made a business trip
to Hilts Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. Walker went .to Port
laud Suuday to visit the fair.
Geo. Riddle on Thursday joined his
family at Ashland for a few days
Mrs. Graham aid her sister, Mrs.
Farra, of Corvallis, went to Chautau
qua Thursday.
Rev. D. T. Summerville was iu Ash
land last Friday aud Saturday attend
ing Chautauqua.
Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Holman weut to
Ashland Thursday to take in the clos
ing days of Chautauqua.
Ray Telford returned to bis home at
Klamath Falls Tuesday after a two
weeks visit with friends ai.d relatives
Miss Lane aud Miss Lyman, sister
aud niece cf Mis. Henry J. Baoher,
are in Grauts Pass from Chicago to
spend a month with Mrs. Baoher.
W. M. Hair went to Ashland Satur
day to attend the Chautauqua aud be
with his family who are camped in
the Chautauqua grove. He returned
Tom Fry aud Qeo. bacher returned
last week from their Portl ud trip.
Arthur Sampson, who went to Port
land with them Is now at Seaside
wi tn. h la mother.
Mrs. J. Jennings left Wednesday for
Newport for the summer. She was ao
compauied by Mr. aud Mrs. I. H.
Hathaway and Ruth who will have
rooms at the Jennings cottage.
Mrs. A. R. Killough of Hanover,
III., after a six-weeks visit with the
Misses Telford left Tuesday for Klam
ath Falls to visit the H. C. Telford
family, who were her neighbors in the
H. II. Oilfrey, who for 30 years
has been reading clerk of the United
Slates Seuate, aud whose home is at
Salem, spent Tuesday night in Grants
Pass a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Perkins. 'Mr. Gilfrev is a cousin of
Mrs. Perkins.
Mr. aud Mrs. L. A. Lucas are re
ceiving visits from their daughters.
Mrs. Herbert O. Sampsou, who arrived
Suuday from California to spend the
suuimsr aud Mrs. R. W. Oakes of
Southern Idaho, who arrived Friday to
spend two weeks.
A. Mercer from Alpena, South
Dakota, arrived in Grauts Pass last
Saturday to look over this section
with a view of locating. He is a
farmer aud is desirous of getting to a
country where there is more eu
couragement to a farmer than in
J. E. Curtis, oue of the leading
jewelers of Grants Pass, was stricken
last Thursday eveuiug with a light
stroke of paralysis. The attack is
rapidly subsiding and Mr. Curtis is
now able to be about his room aud
he expects to resume his work in a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolke and
children will go to Portland Friday.
Mr. Wolke will remain but a week
to see the fair aud to attend to some
business for bis firm, the Grants Pass
Hardware Company, but Mrs. Wolke
and children will stay a month iu
Portland ou a visit with friends.
J. W. Soverus came op Tuesday
f.oin Portland to spend ihe week huro
to attend to some business iu con
nectlou with a farm that he owus
five miles southeast of this city
located iu the Green mountain pass
to Applegate. Mr. Soverus will re
turn to Portland Saturday where he is
a uioti rinau ou an electrio car.
Thomas Fry aud William Fiy re
turned Monday from their vacation,
which Miry spent In Portland enjoy
ing the interesting features of the
fair. Tuesday the young men re
sumed their respective duties,
Thomas as bookkeeper iu the First
National Punk and William as clerk
in Dr. J. E. Smith's drog store.
Mrs. C. E. Wickstroin, whose has
band is a well known miner and log
ger of Evans creek, left Friday with
her children to spend a mouth near
St. Helens, at their former home ou
the Columbia river, with relatives.
Mr. Wickstroin will be unable to go
north this summer, owing to his busi
uess interests here, but he expects to
umke a trip to St. Helena this fall
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Calvert returned
Thurnlav from Phoouix, wher" ther
had been attending the previous day
the funeral services for Mrs. Cal
veil's father, John R. Coleman,
whose death took place at the family
horn in I'hoeuix on Monday from
narulvsis. Mr. Coleman was oue of
the pioueeis of Rogue River valley
aud one of the best knuwn and highly
resiected citizens ol Jackson county
Mr. and Mis. A. L. Swayne, their
daughter, Miss bertha, and their sou
in-iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Cha. Potter, returned Friday from a
III days trip to Portland. Mr. and Vrs.
Cotter had intended to locate in Port
land hot they found that city so over
done iu eve'y business that they d
cided that Grants Pass had more op
tHirtunities to offer to a new comer
ttiau its big neighbor, so they
back lo permanently locate here.
Dr. W. F. Kremer aud Mrs. Kremer
returned Monday from Portland whine
they bad beeu for the previous wrek
visitiug the fair. While In Portland
Dr. Kremer attended the sessions of
the American Medical Association, of
which he Is a member. The sessions
continued over three days and were di
vided into sections to take op special
topics of medical aud surgical science.
Dr. Kremer attended the sections de
voted to general practice and lo sur
Mr. aud Mrs. Chaa V. Hall aud
daughter, Roweua, arrived in Grauts
Cats Wtdner'ay to sprud a few days
with Dr aud Mrs. P. D. Strieker.
Mrs. Strieker is a niece o Mr aud
Mrs. Hall, who reside in Los Angeles,
aud they are on a tonr of the United
States and Cauada. They go first to
Port laud lo see the fair aud from
there they visit the Canadian cities
aud thence to Boston aud return loo
their home by way of New York,
Washington, and New Orleans.
Miss M. A. Barrett, Publio Stenog
rapher. Courier Building, 1st floor.
Clemens, the druggist, ever alert to
keesp in the procession of progress,
has had his drng store renovated and
its attractiveness greatly improved,
making it both in appearance and con
venience equaled by bnt few drug
stores In Southern Oregon.
Henry Walters has purchased the
restaurant oouduoted by Mr. and Mrs.
W . P. Chapman and will operate it
iu connection with the restaurant be
has in the adjoining building. Mr.
Walters is having the annex thoroughly
refitted aud furnished and will make
it one of the best restaurants in the
Dr. George J. Bacher, who
graduated high in his class this
spring from the Portlaud Dental
College, has opened an office in
Rosebnrg for the practice of bis
profession. Dr. Bacher is a Grants
Pass yonng man and has many friends
here who wish him success in bis new
H. J. Bacher, while at Walters'
restauraut Saturday making au es
timate ou the interior deooratiug,
stepped behind a counter and into an
opeu trap door. He fell luto tne
basement striking on his side and re
ceiving several bruises. Fortunately
no bones were broken and Mr.
Bacher is now able to do light work.
Chaa. Gresham, of Placer was mak
ing purchases in Grants Pass Tues
day. Mr. Giesham is a placer miner,
and he stated that the Grave creek
placers have all made their clean-ops
tor this season and have secured less
gold than for auy season for several
years past, owing to the scarcity of
water duriug last winter aud this
Alfred Anderson was in Grants
Pass Saturday conferring with parties
with regard to the sale of a promts
ing quartz claim he is developing on
Paul creek, a tribntay of Wllliann
creek. Mr. Anderson has ovet 100
feet of tuuuel work done and he has
opened op a 4 foot vein of ore that
carries gOJd values and which is
largely free milling.
L. T. Jones, a millwright who had
charge of the construction work on
the new Lucky Queen 10-atamp mill,
but who for the past six weeks has
beeu prospectiug on Jump. off-Joe,
is spending the week iu Grauts Pass
while uuder medical treatment.
Through overwork aud exposure In
the hot sun while climbing hills he
used himself np so he is compelled to
take a layoff.
It is reported that Joseph York,
whose home is ou Appeagte about 13
miles south of Grauts Pass, has been
seriously injured iu eastern Oregon
where he had gone to work in the hay
fields. Tho report in that his arm
has been cut off by a mowing ma
chine, either in a runaway or by the
team starting np while he was clean
ing the sickle. He was working some
45 miles beyond Lakeview aud had to
be brought to that town by team be
fore anything could be done toward
oaring for the injury. If his condi
tion permits he will probaby be
brought home Immediate!).
Frod Meusch left on Thursday for
Douglas county to complete the sur
vey of publio lauds under his con
tract. He was accoiunuled by Mel-
in Andrew and Johu Colvig who
will assist him in the survey. The
remaiuder of the crew will be secured
on the grouud. The laud to be sur
veyed consists of five sections in
township 2U south, range 6 west,
lying south of Dillard ; six sections
in township 30 and 13 sections in
township 2U south, range 1 west
Tins tract lies near the headwaters of
the South Uinpqua river some 40
miles above Canyouvile. It wil
probably require four or five weeks
work to complete the survey.
The Hotel Josephine barbershop was
reopened this week with George
Kneedson, of 8t Paul and Tina Shep
pard of Seattle in charge. Both are
first class barbers and will give a ser
vice that will be the equal of the best
barbershop in Sonthern Oregon. The
oath room is in order and patrons of
Hotel Josephine barber shop will Bud
everythng to their liking be it a shave,
bath or a shine.
Clark Nickerson was In Grants
Pass Tuesday from Deer oreek where
be baa resided since early in the
spring he having rented the farm of
William Turner. Mr. NicUioon will
move back to Grsiuts Pass this fall as
bis wife is yet rather feeble as the re
sult of a fall this summer from a
wagon, aud will occupy the dwelliug
bouse he owns on South Sixth street
near the meotiug house of the Church
of God. Mr. Nickerson also owus
other property in this city.
Dr. Beard returned Suuday from
attendance at the American Medical
Association mooting at Portland and
oau now be found at his office. Mrs.
Beard who was with the ooctor at
Portland has goue to Seattle to s)iend
two weeks with her mother and sis
ter. There were nearly 8000 physi
cians iu attendance at the meetiugs
and with the wives and daughters it
made nearly 8500 people. They were
given receptions and entertainments,
street car aud boat rides aud alto
gether made a full week for the
medical profession
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. White aud
Mr. aud. Mrs. J. M. Hiestaud ar
rived in Grants Pass Thursday and
are looking over the city with a
view of locating. They are from
Syracuse, Nebraska, aud are friends
of W. M. and J. E. Hair, they being
neighbors when the Hair brothers re
sided in Nebraska. Mr. White is a
real estate dealer and he Is so well
pleased with the prosperous, hustling
appearauoe of Grants 1'ass mac ne
may locate here. Mr. Hiestaud is a
farmer and he too is well pleased
with the appearance: of this seotiou
and may locate here.
Cashier II. L. Gilkoy, of the
First National Bank, left Thursday
for Hoquiam, Wash., where he will
eujoy for a couple of weeks the re
freshing ocean air of that seaport.
Mrs. Gilkey aud sou, Winflnld, have
been at Hoquiam for the past two
weeks with her parents and Mr
Gilkey will join her. Miss Wilna
will remain iu Grauts Pass. During
Mr. Gilkey's absence the office work
of the bank will be in charge of Roy
Hackett, the assistant cashier, and
Thomas Fry, the bookkeeper. J. D.
Fry, formerly cashier of the bank, and
oue of the stockholders will, assist (he
young men in attending to auy iu
tricate financial matter that may
Off For Vacation!
Wherever it is you'ro going, the chances are your
warbrobo would be better for a little replen
ishing. Not only that, but you'll probably enjoy yourself
more if you know your clothes are neat and in
good style, as well as comfortable.
lit nat nwoMiiry to i)nd any grtal amount of monr,y, or futt around
rith hiilort lo be ture of lliit. If you'll tet ut, we'U npply a wit or two and alt
thr olhtr jumiinv uimWiiiiga ynu nrrd at a rery mall ft gun.
Suits, full of style and comfort, can be
had as low as $(.00, while the very best
the market affords cost but $16.50.
are even more dressy and the price is but
slightly more.
SCIILOSS BROS. & CO., of Baltimore, Md.
lltxiilrt Ihit wt tiiiitd it a point lo wry tht lutetttlxinot in Mrn't Uabtr
luhrry Stnm Unit, Shirlt, IMti, Tim, Miy Jlou and tki uniitnttar
all at nunlfiute prim.
.'.nn m thiny in lUjht-vtijU mill arrjutt in. H's inrit you lo look
at them Inlay.
Just consiilcr this store hendqunrters for Vacation outfits of every sort. We're sure to
please you, whatever your taste or your pocketboolc demands.
IF. 131. HARTH &C SOTST, (Incorporated)
J. R. Rush was In Grants Pass
Saturday from the Lucky Queen mine
on Jnmp-off-Joe. Mr. Rnsh with his
father, Benjamin Rnsh, aud II. A
Corliss are the owners of the Lucky
Queen miues, and which they bonded
last year to Spolaue parties. These
parties put np a fine 10 stamp mill
bnt before they got it ready for
operation this spring a disagreement
aiuoug the stockholders (luancittlly
embarrassed the company ami all
work was shut down at the mine
Mr Rush stated that it was the ml
derstaudiiiK that a meeting would
soon be held at which the stock
holders would decide as to what
would be their future plana In regard
to operating the mill or to sell It.
A. L. Hwayne has his brlok busi
ness block ou North Sixth street com
iileted aud ready for occupancy. The
work of putting in the shelving anil
counters was completed last week by
E. R. Cole and iu arrangement and
nrkmaushin the furnishing of the
rooms is rery handsome and complete.
Mr. Hwayne may rent the buildng
but if not he will open in it a firs)
class grocery store. Mr. Hwayne
w as in that business in Tulsa, I. T.
prior to bis coning to Oregon lat
winter and he has shown himself to
be an energetic, thorough hnsiuess
man. Mr. Swayne is so well pleased
with Grants Pans that be recently
sold all his. holdings iu Tulsa ami
will lnrest in pron rty in Ibis city
as he considers Grants Pass real es
tate a first class investment.
News Notoa From the Business
Men to Readers.
Tuner, Phono 7 III.
strings Courier iiuild-
and CANS
GUNS and
Call on
Cramer Bros.
Dr. Cora B. Imou, of Port laud, Is
iu Grauts Pass to ss ud a month with
friends. Dr. l.emou roiu'b)tud this
spring a four year course In medicine
and' graduated witli high honors fioin
the Portland Medical College. After
taking a brief rest Dl. Lemon will
leave the first of rie;teinbiT for the
East where she will take spi cial work
in a branch that shu will make a e
oialty iu her practice. Hh will re
turn to Oregon iu the spring and lo
cate In Grauts Pass. Dr. Lemon, with
her irents. was a former resident of
this city, and was a successful aud pop
ular teacher for two years in the city
schools and she has many friends heie
who are pleased with her success in
her new location aud who wculd give
her a hearty welcome should she decide
to locate in Grants Pass.
Mrs. Miles M. Mee ha sold her res
tauraut to Mrs. II. E. IlruAii, and
moved lo the Rogers bouse ou west r
street. Mrs. Mee, though having a
prosperous business, diciih d to give up
the restaurant as Mr. Me had title
away all the of the lime, he b iug !n
charm of the sawmill and of Ihe cm -
slructiou work of puttiur In the lie v.
peustotk at the Gohleu Drift (.'on
nanr's dum. Mrs. l!rovu has bei n
couductiuK a small dry goods ai.d no
tion store on North Hixth slreit bui
she has place! that In charge of In I
dasghter, Mrs. E. E. Waughtal. Mrs.
Brown will devote her entire time t
tiie restaurant Aid being hi r elf an ei
perl cook she will be able to tee ll'sl
the service given is flist d iss and i.a
g od meals served as to be bad Iu
Grants Pass. Mrs. Waughtal will mid
millinery to Ihe stock of goods in H eir
GOOD rAHTUKtiAE for cows r
horeM, joining the towu limits.
for particulars call at lleuk fc Hays
J. M. Ward
Violin, etc.
W. B. Shuruiau Ileal Estate,
phone Till.
Souvenir Post Curds Courier
Give your friends a Htago line the
good smoke.
Underwood Tvisiwriter agent. A.
E. Voorhies.
Bicyole Bells and Lamps at a dis
count ut Paddock's.
A nic" assortment, of tooth brushes
at the Model Drug store.
Two for 5 cents colored stereoscopic
views al thn Courier building.
INSURE your HOPS this year In
the BUN. W. L. Ireland. Agent.
A Duhlio typewriter cull be found
at the Courier Building at. all times.
W. B. Hherman Heiil Esteto and
Timber, Rooms u mid 10 Miisonic
Real Esliilo and Timber W. R,
Sherman, Humus II and 10 Masonic
Port hind heaihUiirterH for Grants
Push people, McGregor Bros, barber
shop, 'ii'J Yamhill street.
Guitars, iiiiindolins, Imnjns, organs,
all good instruments at your own
price at Ike Dvls', di aler in every
thing, South Sixth street.
n:i acres of line river bottom soil
with a house and bum and other im
provement theieiiii anil only SUM HI.
8ee W. L. Ireland, Ihe REAL EH
ground lloor.
Engraved Cards Courier Building
Try a tube of our Ih u.iilyptus Tooth
Paste. Model Drug store.
Typewriting and Stenography
ground lloor, Courier building.
W. B. Sherman Real Estate and
Timber, Room 11 mid 10, Masiiiilc
Go to the Grunts Push Grocery for
the Golden Cheddar lint ml of Tilla
mook cheese.
Timber claims. Ilnmi stends. W.
I!. Sheriniin, Rooms Kliiiid I J Maso lc
Temple, Grunts Puss Ore.
Curtis & Co. foi Watches, Clocks,
Gold Rings nnil ,ii wi lrr, fine watch
repairing, euriivlug. (minis sold at
reasonable prices. Cnmo nd sen us.
I. O. O. P. Building, Grunts Pass,
I biivii two i hoife re Ith ncii hns for
Kiln in llni, loi'Mtloll. I "1 1 1 ll $100
each. $l'i i!i'n ii'ol $1 pi r iiioiiHi.
W. I,. IRELAND. Till. REM, E.S
TATE MAN, Ground Moor, Cmiiiit
Suiid.iv Julv "n, ill be Ciithcliii
l);iy ut the l.t wis ami Chirk exposition
mid it is rxprrt' d there will he a
large iitti-iiihinrn ffoui all I Hints ou
Oregon Iiiii h Round trip rate of fine
and oni -tlinil from all points
First National Bank of Southern Oregon
R. A. SOOTH, Pres. J. U. CtM PlIKLL, Vtce-l'ms. H. L. UILKKY. t ashier.
Surplus and I ihIIviiVvI Prod's
Ilerelv fleposlls subject to chef, or on rerlilliale payable on demand.
Nflis Oralis on New York, Chlcaiio, lsn Francisco, Porllanu ami belittle
. Sm lal ut ilities or making colieclluua through numerous correspondents.
It. A.
IUjoth, II. C
J . T.Turtm,
KlXNIY, t..
J. cVahfrkli,,
H. Hastii,
John D. Far,
Heal Estate and Timber
Coming1 I. vents.
.luly 21. Saturday r f ti iturowers meet
at th" (.miner ullir.i at 2 p. in. lo
ton ni 1 1 i-r pmioslili ii ut oiuiiui.iiiK a
fruitgrowers union lor Josephine
July ill, Monday Special ehctimi ill
(.rants rile In Vole mi irsiiaiice of
seir bouils to the amount ol
If 1 11, 1 KM I.
August U. Wi-iIim f lav Kx mill nl ion
lor ti-achi m for ,Joi-i Itiue c,unty
at Grants Pass.
Hepteiuber II, Thur-iilav Annual re
union iu (, rants l'a-4 for live days
of Southern Oregon eter ins.
Change of Management.
A change in management of the
Garmau Ilnuieuway Department
store took place this week. . A.
Iiemiiiiway retiring to be sucuetilid
by his father, James llemeiiw ay. Mr.
Jiimes Henieliway is sillier member
of thn firm of Garmau-Heiiieiiwuy
Company conducting large department
stimir ill Grunts 1 utr, Cottage Grove
mil Hilverlon. Mr llemeliwav bus
resided ut Cottage. Grove until lil
pi ing when be went to Kllvcrlnll In I
take charge of their store at that
place. I lo Is a progressive n ail and
of largu ciierii uce III thn mari'sutile I
l...ut..uu. 1... u,lll I... .. ,...n.l ...I. II
iiumiirDH n,i, , nil ,,n ,, fjgiii a, mi
1 1 (ill to the ((rants Pass business
community. Mr. W. A. IIciucLWay
goes to Silverton lo assume tho
management of their store at that
place and he and Mrs. llemenway
left Thursday for their new home.
Mr. Ileiniueiiway has proved hiiusrlf
lo he a progressive, thorough busi
ness mail and his departuro frem
Grants Pass is regretted by llillir 1st
wlio wish hi in well In his uew ven
ture. Mrs. Ilniui'cway has toeu
president of the Grauts Pass Viohsubh
Club for the past and ska hs
Ik-ill proiuiueut ill literary autl
r.iligious interests She is a woman
ol high u 1 1 h i n im uts and biivultu is
fi r i until c in lecuring her as a ffiilmt
lor she Hill Im if gust uiHiKluiie.ii in
11 i ovein 'ills for the i. I llietiuil
a il meriii we I 'are of tint luwii.
Real Estate Transfers.
John II. Williaus, et ul. In .' .
It i loud, Li t i, P.I. ik u,, (irigl,.-.l
lonuiiie. Also In Col. JoIiumiii,
L'-ts 21 and 2-1, Block 1
l hn above sales were made Huong''
Joseph moss.
Corporation Books, stock cert Ideates
sml sells at the CourUr plllce.
Absolutely Pure
Pilius Ci urier Building.
Ml NS'lN ADAMS At Ki lings,
Ore , Tuesday, Julr 4, ID A. Mark
I' Mui son snd t ll n nee M Adams,
Ui v. Ci hss K. Clspp Delimiting
The groom Is s joung man i f abil
ity uud high qualities, and lias nianv
f e nds In Southern Oregon where hp
hat bihorid in the ill'irosts of, I he
Congregational Sunday schools.
H'Ar, hath nut fmunril .
k'hile fVmifi's jtrnitire ein
Aka from nu A-,ii I
the lifriMttre if a liyh "
lk-mity in a shoe, ns far as stylo
ami shape is concerned, may lie di
covered at a glance, but quality
cannot always lie judged in ad
vance unless you tire an expert.
Keen observation avails yon mull
ing. That is exactly why you
should come to us when you want
the kind of sinus that will :nr fi.r
a long; time and jivc you sali-bu
tion while they do wear. All ou
have to make certain nf when you
buy lieu- is that the shoe fits you
comfortably. Our John H. Cn:s
shoe fur ladies, manufactured r.t
Lynn, Mass., insures both style,
wearing qualities and fit, none bet
ter. LADIKS with tender feet. DOEH
COMFORT in a shoe mean an
thinic to you? If so step into a pa:r
of GROVKR'S Soft Shoes for tor.
der feet, strictly hand made.
Each dollar purchase entitlis yea to
a chance ou the piiino.
Grants Psts, Oregon.
Sole agent for Cross aud Grove t
shoes la Joeephiue County.