Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 21, 1905, Image 2

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Published Every Friday.
Subacrlotlon Raton
One Year, In advtnc;, - $1.50
riix Months, - . .76
Three Moulin, - .40
BlUKle Copies, - .06
AdvertlHins Racea
Furnished on appli :i in at the oflice, or
07 mail.
Ohitnarien and resolutluna of con'
dolenre aill he rliargecl for at 6c per line;
card of thank, ftoc.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propb.
Kn tared at tlie pout office at UranU
OreKon, as second-class mail matter.
FUIDA Y.JULY 21, 1806.
A M.lhod Not Approved by City
Auihoriilea-City Wanta Better
Water Service.
Tlio city council held llieir revolt r
limetiiiK Thursday ttveniiiK. Aftrr au
diting tliu usual grist of bills the
cnoiioil Mccojiti'd tliu resignation of
Judge Hale audi; attorney anrl Mayor
Good, having uoiuiiiuti'd A. C.
Hough, hit wax confirmed hy the couu
cil and at ouce entvrcd upon hit dutin.
The chief feature of the proceeding'
of tliu council was the discussion of
the wutor sorvlue supplied the city by
the Grunts 1'us Now Water, Light &
Power Company. The fact that the
Company did not maintain a protsure
dulTlcient to enahln the hone com
pan lid, when fighting a fire, to trunk
windows with the stream of water or
to run uli a fire on the roof of a small
two story building wan a uiatter of
ucli grave danger to the city that the
council and the mayor were a unit iu
demanding that the oity be given a
belter ncrvlcn. The oity attorney wan
authorized to examine the contract be
tween the Water Company and the city
am) report at the next meeting of the
council tliu legal rodreHH the city had
in enforcing the teriua of the contract
One Improvement that the city in dn
slrous that the wati'r company make in
a change in theli method of repairing
leaky maim. For aeveral year pan!
the water company ban emp'oyed a de
vice, new to hydraulic! engineer, iu
keeping their malm, . all the older
oncsot which Kro of thiuwrought Iron,
from becoming mere siuvus from the
runt liolns that form iu tlinin. Thin
original method in to drive iu a wood
eu plug. Hi) many of thoso plugs
have been uncd for cloning leaka that
suctions of pipe that could no longer
bo nerviceuhle ami were dug up were
found to bear on their iunide a ell I k
iug rcac iiihlauou to the concave mic
tion of tlio cylinder of a tlirenhlng ma
chiuo hy reanou of the iiuiniiriiiis pugs
that were to lnv men. Often thene
wooden ninn extend entirely aeronn the
Interior of the pipe, greatly retarding
the flow of walei, for they catch the
nniliment and hold it and thnn fill up
Hie pipu.
Thin rotti tiucnn of tlio principal
mainn and the hoyliUn way of patching
them iteeoiiuln lor the low prt'ssurn
that the company maiiilaiiin ou the
water system, for under a pnssurr
tiiilllcient to give adeiiiate lire protec
tlou to the oily tliu mainn would burnt
with the llmt dozen ntroken of the
Just what will be the ouleome of
thin ilenianil of tlio city forabelter
liieot of tin water service In hard to
tull. Tliu local company appearn to
ho making no ellnrt w hatever to I in
prove tiieir phtnt and nervicu. Two
other companion are waiting tlio turn
of evenln ami if the opportunity pre
neutn will iindertuku to supply
(irantn I'asn with an udi ipiiiln water
nerviee. A municipal owned water
work in iiImi hi iug eonnidereil and a
large iiuiuhi r of piopcrtv owner
favoi the city uHsiiiuiug control of the
water nerviee.
To Cut Hardwood Lrtmhci
W. II. Mi lveeii witti bin family left
Wedni -nday for Hugo, where they will
camp for a month. Mr. McKccn in in
(tailing a wood vnrd by ti e railroa l
Hack on 1,'nM F sunt mid bin trip to
Hugo is for the 1 or oxi of putting in
a rollway fur hurling wood on cam, he
having hunhl ii large quantity of tun
her iu that m et ion.
Mr Mcliecn will ail Jit a new plan
to gel the mi M value out of the timber
he will handle. Ho will nhip in ,,o
cord wood lilt will have the timber
l)Uiii). 1. 1 lo 1 1 i h yard by team or ear in
long li'i'gihn. I he ch ar butt ndi
he will rut into hnanK pm-lt mill
lath. I lie oak he w ill cut to waon,
nxluinille ai il other ntuck. while the
niiilnine will li ,-ut to rurniluie luui
ber mid the II r iiud pine lo luiuhi t
and lath, II ih woimImiw In pracii
cillv a nmall miwuiiM and will naililv
cut Mnall log into lumber Mi Mr
Keen hah fully mvi t iiiti il the poi-si-bilitii-n
i f Inn plan utiil he In ipiin
ceriaiu that it will bring a llnaiieial
mih-cmi to Inn v oture.
To nave imiiuy on their oiilllts,
w hu h the) can do at
Drpartmcnt and Furniturt Store
( Kc-uisuii Itlk., mi l-'miit Si.)
tililll Pllllh
l'a. k Kaihllo
I'unip Sloven
Mai trei-,
I 'lanki-U
Kaki Suits
A on
t'olTi-- I'oli,
Tin Clips
iiauilo I'aiin
Bitot (iuna
And nnj thing (M! wuuUil for the
camp ut prlc-M that uro right.
To Be Erected by J T. Tuffs and
- Occupied By Black Horse
Livery Stable.
Grants Pass has never bad a build
ing boom loch as many Pacific Coast
towna has experience but each year
hat bad a ateady, aubntantial growth,
the number of new building! Increas
ing each year id about the same per
cent to the number of housei in the
town. This year la going to be oo
exception to the role and there will
be the usual number of new building
erected. For the time of year there
are more bnihlingn completed and
under course of couatructiou than
there waa laat year for the lame
period, and the outlook la very favor
able that the remainder of the year
will bring still greater activity iu
building operation!..
Cue of the uew buldiuga that la to
be begun within I lie next 10 daya ia a
brick block 100x100 .feet witli 80 foot
wallr, and will be erected by J. T.
TufTa on lota lie haa ou H afreet. Im
mediately back of the Oranta Pana
Banking & Trunt Company block, of
which ho ia the owner. Thin giound
ia occupied at prcneut by the old Ex
oelnior livery batu, which will be at
oncn 'torn down. Of lute thia barn
haa been occupied by T. Y. Deuu
and Chun. A. Dlcklnnn with their
Black Homo livery atable. Mennra.
Dean & Dicklxou moved their horaea
and vehicle! to other barnn, they
taking a part of their outfit to the
Golden Oate barn on K ntreel back of
the Hotel Jonrphiue. They will have
their office and telephone at thia barn
and with extra help lo annint them
will be able to give the name prompt
nerviee that haa heretofore been their
Of the uew brick blin k 70x100 of it
will be fitted up for an up-to-date,
livery stable, and the adjoining aeo
Hon of .10x100 feet will be fitted up
for warehouse purposes. Dean &
Dicklnon have taken a lung time
luane of the main aectiou of the block
and will have it arranged for their
npeoiul needn. The flrnt door will be
usud for vehicles ami for the office,
while the second floor will bo fitted
with alalia for the hornea and with
grain bins and hay section.
The contract for the brick and car
penter work will be let the llrnt of
next week, and hy the terms of the
lease to Mesnra. Dean & Dlcklnnn, tlie
building ia to be completed and ready
for their oceupaocy within (10 days.
With enlarged quartern, Dean &
Dickison will be able to carry out
their plan of inereaning their livery
equipment to meet the growing de
mands of their buniuenn. They now
have a linn of c(iilppagcn that ia the
equal of tiny drst-cliiss livery stable iu
Oregon and they can turn out a rig for
any purponn or any occasion. A
feature that they are making espe
cially strong ia In having good stock
iu their ntable. lnntead an ia the rule
with no many liverymen of having
their stalls filled w ith inferior horn s
Dean Dicklnon make it a point In
their purehunea to get only the bent
driving hornei, they neve" holding
hack ou the prlco If the team is well
matched and II rut -clans roadntera.
1'hey urn thus able lo supply their
patrons with teams that are good
travulera, gent In and of presentable
appearance. Careful drhern are sent
with riga when ih Hired, and their
prices aril so reasonable, that the
plcahuro of a trip into the country, or
an evening drive can he enjoyed hy
people who are not an fortuuate as
to be millionaires.
An Inappropriate Funeral.
On Tuesday there were distributed
in the Omuls l'ann buniuenn housen,
mil Ices gotten up iu the conventional
funeral notice sty le and worded as fol
lows: a
O.itntn I'tini, and Josephine County
Kxhibit Knom
Aged il months, i davs, 8 hours ;
Horn April Uioft
Assassinated June Itnio
Hied July I'.Hi.i
Funeral will occur on Itailruad .
Grnuniln o ponlte depot,
Wednesday, July IP, at a :!I0 I'.M. .
All business bouses are
rtqurstril to clonj during funeral :
Tlmmi noticea were the cause of a
great amount of inquiry, nun h Indig
nation and some jests.
On Wednesday a few minutes before
the appointed hour W It. Sherman and
a workman in-lalleil iu the railroad
grouads a large In allien. I embellished
Willi hamiiiern and healing the loliow
ing ncuii-sci tptuiai woidn:
" They know lint
what thev
Allhough the quotation was a little
lame, the words conveyed and the sen
1 1 im lit expressi il by the tot ot ( tape
which draped the sign indicating the
site of the proposed exhibit building,
expressed the ft-, lings of Mr.Slu rmnu.
l'lils view, however, was not shared
by the business lit u and lesidcnts, w ho
w re Hi e lo i X) less tin ir condeiiiuu
turn ol the action I In-1 r ami indignation
at the way in which the sacred uieiun
ries.ieutered in the giav.n of departed
dear oues, had been outraged. Al
t'lough .Mr.Slicriiiau had no thought
of injoiiug the le. lilies of Huy person
he nevertheless chose ail uiifni (unuie
way of exposing Ins owu f. eliugsaud
his friends regie! that he in placid iu
this light.
l.ale in the afternoon at the request
of a number of prominent men, City Mctirew removed the grave
stone ami I, Dually disappeared from
This whole inattir has ariseu out ol
the project to erect a building ou the
railroad grounds lor the uiKe ol
making a mineral eihibit, readmit
room aud huadquattcrs fi r (he Miner.
Asaoclatiou. t he tdta as at lli.t pre
sauted met with the approval of a ma
jority of tiie business uieu whusigiud
a s mi. u to secure u permit lioin the
rallioad company for such a buildlug.
The Courier iu a recent issue
poiuled out some of the problems
which an enterprise baaed on tbe
plan outlined would have to solve
and toggested means which might be
employed to accomplish the same good
lo more aatiafactory manner. There
ia do doubt that a building ereoted and
conducted aa at flrrt outlined would
be of benefit to the city yet we oootend
that It la the province of the news
paper to auggeat waya for the better
ment of the town. Thia, however, ia
Dot the view held by a limited num
ber who can see no good way eioept
their own way.
Many of the bualneaa men have been
notified that the Courier proprietor
haa been working against the project
from the first and ia reapor.aible for Ita
failure. Thia, however, baa no foun
dation in faot, and the Courier haa al
waya been foremost in advocating any
thing for the betterment of the town.
Hexs Many Visitors to the Ex
hibit end All Ask for
Mr. aud Mrs. P. H. Harth arrived
home Friday evening from a month 'a
tirp north. They viewed the fair
aud Mr. Harth is of the opinion that
the Josephine county exhibit is not
accomplishing all the good possible
for the county. The exhibit ia
almost wholly mineral yet Is not in
the mineral exhibit building where
most of the minora congregate, but ia
iu the agricnltural building to be
viewed by farmers and others, who
know nothing of minus and have no
Interest Iu such Investment!. Mr.
Harth thinks that if the Josephine ex
hibit ia to continue aa a display of
orea then it mould be Id the mineral
exhibit, whore it will attract notice
from the miners, but aa it ia installed
he would prefer that it remain where
it ia aud be supplemented by a good
display of the other product! of the
county. Aa Josephine county can
make a good showing io grains,
graasea, fruira, timber aud manu
facture! Mr Harth advocates that a
strong effort he made by the citizeun
of ho county to complete tlie exhibit,
for there la too much money Invested
in the exhibit now to let it go but
half completed. Mr. Harth says he
waa asked many timea if Joiophlne
waa ouly a mining dlerict aud unable
to produce anything In the agricul
tural, stock or timber line. The lack
of descriptive matter of Josephine
county to give to visitors at the ei
hibit, Mr. Harth says, is woikiug a
great Ions to the comity. In'.the hurry
of the vinitora it ia impossible for the
person iu charge of the exhibit to tell
them u.uch regarding the resources of
thia section. Iu a great measure the
exhibit is thus a failure. Iu explana
tion the Courier will state that the
county court at the time the exhibit
waa installed at the opening of the
fair placed a contract with the Ob
server for the printing of a pamphlet
descriptive of the county, aud though
the fair ia now half over not a pam
phlet has been delivered.
From Portland Mr. aud Mm. Harth
enjoyed the gland ride up the Colum
bia to Tlio Dalles, where they visited
at the home ol Mr. Harth'a brother,
Ouorge Harth, who has a big farm
near that city. From The Dilles
they returned to Portland where they
took tlio steamer fur Coos bay, aud
enjoyed a mom delightful aea voyage,
for the ocean waa iu ita beat mood.
Ibey spent aeveral days at Myrtle
i'olut with Mrs. E. A. Adams,
sinter of Mr. Harth'a. The trip from
Coos bay to Itoseburg waa made by
stage and aa the day waa cool aud
damp there waa little dust to annoy
them and they greatly enjoyed the
ride across the Coast mountains.
Aug. ir Opeu Season for Pucks.
Typewriter supplies, ribbons, paper,
etc., at the Courier olllce.
For whipping his wife, Walter Eant
mau wan fined ) ami costs iu Justice
Fnrinau'a court, Thursday.
Oscar Bunch and his airier, Minn
Orace, returned Tuesday morning
from their trip Kant, where they went
tw o months ago to visit their mother's
old home. They riqairt a very enjoy
ahtu time.
Kev. Clark Hrower of Albany will
conduct services Suuday morning and
evening ut the Christian church
Kev. Bro ver in one of the bright pul
pit siieakern of the nlate and those
attending Inn services will Iiud them
instructive and interesting.
It. 1 lamias on Monday fll from a
step ladder ami received Injuries
which have kept him in his room
aiu.'o. Ho was sitting on the top of
the laddei wlieu tlio ladder spread aud
Mr. Thomas bad no means ol aaviug
himself inn breaking the fall. Ills
hack was Hurt and IniKclen strained
hut it In hoH'd that he soon will be
able to attend to huniucss.
That's what Grants Pass is noing to be in
fact, it is netting to be year by year.
The laboring man is receiving every advant
age, and by the use of proper diligence and good
judgement, he is soon able to live in tis own home.
"Man Must Make His Opportunity"
Start Now, I'll Show You How.
What 1 have done for others 1 can do for you.
Make Immediate application for complete inform.-..
tion as to how every man
Joseph Moss,
. The Real Estate Man
Grants Pass, Ore.
A Red Tag Sale
It means that all goods marked
with red tags are being sold at reduc
tion prices at the Red Star Store.
We have put these goods at a
very low price in order to close them
out, and make room for Fall stock.
It is good for the buyers.
W. E. DEAN & CO.'
Young Man Arreeted For Thelfi.
J. L. Maddox.a 19 year old boy la In
win euuiiiy jail awaiting trial in tnh
circuit court on a charge
of robbery.
xuungMaddox waa porter at the Pal
ace hotel, and Win. Britbwaith a le
mented prospector from Holland was
boaroed for a few days at the Palace
hotel by the authorities, in tlie hope
that he would recover his mind, un
balanced by exposure while being lost
Iu the monutaiua, and ho had aome
f 10 in money on his person. He slept
abnormally heavy and youug Maddox
took advantage of this, it is claimed,
to rirtle his pockets.
Sunday it waa decided to send Breth
waitli to Die asylum and ou his being
searched bin money wan found missing.
Young Maddox waa auspicinued and it
waa fooud that though he previously
had no money he waa then spending
freely, aud In bought a ticket to Port
laud ror himself and for Arthur Mur
phy, auotlier young man. On a rue,
nage the police of Albany took Mad
dox and Murhpy off the train and held
them aud Tuesday Couatnble Handle
weut dowu aud brought them back.
Their examination waa hold by Jus
tice Furmau Thursday. Not enough
evidence waa found against Murphy tu
warrant holding him anil he waa dis
charged, but Maddox waa held and
waa put under f-'.'.O bondn for his ap-
fiearace In circuit court, which so ar
le has been unable to give.
Church of God Catnpmeetlng
Ou Thursday of next week the
Church of Ood people will begin a
campinoeting it. tlie grove at the foot
of Seventh street tiue block eant of
the. Church of Ood nieotiug house.
Prominent ministers from Northern
Oregon and from California will be
present, bnt just who la not known
for it ia u"ot the rule of thiajioiiomi
natiou to have regualr pastors to be
assigned to churches, or to be sent to
anaiat in evangelistic work.
The ministers of the Church of Ood
are such of the members an have the
ability ti speak iu public and feeling
that they are called of the Lord to do
his bidding, tako up preaching with
out being ordained as alo those of
denominations having a form of
government. Iu cany ing on their
ministerial work these Chruch of Ood
people go wherever they feel that
they have been called by tlio Lord,
aud to where the congregation fm la
that the Lord has called upon lliem to
accept the minister that has been seut
them. Aa the waya of the Lord are
mysterious It might puzzle au nut
aider to kuow how this Divine cull is
manifested aud how a minister and a
congregation are to kuow when a call I
ia mutual to them. But it is a matter
of no uncertainty to thoe good people
of the Church of Ood faith, for wheu
a preacher feels that he would like to
preach for a certain congregation aud
me congregation feels that he Is ac
coptuhlo he takes up the woik with
out any contract, or understanding
the salary ia also lift to be junt
what the members feel that they cau
give ineir minister.
. In terminating the relations be
tween pastor and a congregation the
same reliance on the Divine w ill is
tlio governing power aud wheio
preacher feels that there in a coolness
toward l.iin on the hart of his flock
ha propmtly takea himself to anew
Held, aud there la nor usually the
friction that snini times obtains when
a cl'ange of pastors is made in some
r the other chiiihen. The t'hur
of tiod iu its simplicity and absence
of church government in quite similar
to i nt) vainer
At the services at their n Ilim the
general public is cordially invited to
attend. 1 he grounds, which in
beautiful oak grove, will be will
lighted for th.i evening service.
hvi ry convenience will be afforded lo
those who wish to camp.
UfclifcHM At tho family residence
near Urants runs, Saturday, July !.",
hum, me i-iuontlin old sou of Mr
and Mia. Oeo. liebcrs.
may own his own home.
516 E Street!
Davidson Items.
I We are having aome very
weather at present
Tlio (Ires
making it
iu the. mountains
qoi'e smoky aloug
W. 8. Bailey, the Davidson mer
chant, brought out a load of freight
for bin store Tuesday from Grunts
There will be a ball game at the
Michigan Cily grounds Suuday be
tween Willania Creek aud. the Michi
gan Cily teams.
The second crop of alfalfa ia ready
to cut on most of the farms and it
will be a large yield as the warm
weather and plenty of water in what
it needs.
The ball game at Michigan City be
tween the Michigan miners and he
Michigan City ball team was a very
lively game the tally standing 8 to 10
In favor of tlio Michigan City team.
Tlie Michigan mine near Murphy ia
running ateadily now. They are
working a double shift iu the shaft
aud are making good headway.
They are also digging a well for the
boarding house as it ia op so high
from the river that the spring goes
dry during the Hummer.
Mf. and Mrs. Louis Adams and Mm.
Adams sinter, Misn Chase, of Oregon
Cily arrived iu Grants Puss Friday
to npcud a few days with Arthur and
Oeo. Howlaud. They will spend
sometime rusticating at Three Piui s.
Mr. Adams is a prominent merchant
Oregou City.
State Maps Courier Building.
m. L.
UAe Pacific Logger
5000 YARDS of FINE
Persian Domits,
Dress Denims,
Wciccd Hack Ktinrncs
M e r c e r i e d 1 1 e n r i e 1 1 a s
The regular price of these goods is from 5c to 25c per yard
Sale Price 3c to 12c per yard
1oiiI tail lo .iiio moiiio of iIiomo lun-MiiiM. You
lo per .vii ill on ovory yn jou ,y
An Up-to-Date Fruit Store.
Orants Pass now has an up-to-date,
model city fruit and vegetable mar
ket, and the stock is as varied and of
as fine quality as can be found in Port
land or Sao Francisco. This new
venture is conducted by Frank Lee, a
former Grants Pass young man, but
for several years paat haa been in Cali
fornia, where he was engaged in tin
fruit and vegetable buniuenn. Mr.
Lee's store Is located on west O street.
He will AH orders received by telephone
and has free delivery to all parts of the
oity. He also does jobbing trade and
auppliea orders for conntry merchants
and others. The first car load of
watermelons for Grants Puns will ar
rive this Saturday morning for Mr.
Lee. He also lias daily shipments of
all kinds of tropical and California
fruits. His assortment of home grown
fruits, berries aod vegetables is com
plete and fresh for he buys each day
direct from the farmers. Cleanliness,
attractiveness and completeness of
stock, together with prices that are
reasonable, are the features that Mr.
Lee relies upon to increase his trade,
which is already much larger than lie
M. W. Espy spent Tuesday in
Grantd Pubs while on hia way to hie
home In Klamath Falls. Mr. Espy
had been sauitnoned as a juror in the
United States district court lo Port
laud in the land fraud caie against
Congressman Williamson, but owing
to the long distance he had to travel
he was late in arriving in Portland
and the jury had been selected so he
was excused.
Mr. Espy formerly resided at Le
aud, where he operated the stage be
tween that place and Greenback.
II j moved to Klamath Falls last
March and is now conducting a soda
works. He is well pleased with
Klamath Falls aud expects it will
become the big town of that part of
Music Just In.
Sacajawea Lulliby.
Ou The Trail.
Up and Dowu The Trail.
Lewis and Clark Waltz.
Lewis aud Clark Centennial March.
She's Sleeping Neath Oregon's Tall
My Old Oregon Home.
Where Rolls the Oregou.
A tittle Boy Called Taps.
At the Grants Pass Music House.
Placer aud quartz location notices,
mine, deeds, leases, etc., at the
Coorier office.
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
H0 ecord.of ment aPPeal to y f
Enclosed with every bottle Is a Tert Cent, package of Grove's
- Yr i " r i I'fijTsf j
Saturday, July
L. COE & C2'S
U. BANNARD invites your examination of
his new stock of Furniture just opened.- It
is conceded by all to be the finest in quality
and style ever shown in Grants Pass, and
prices are quite below Portland or San Francisco.
All goods marked in plain figures. We never quote
largo prices and so much reduction; do not have too.
Come and see for yourself.
' Goods sold on the installment plan and no extra
price charged nor interest when paid as agreed.
Big Store North Side, Gih Street, Grants Pass
Child Not Expecttd to Live From One Hour to
Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Ruth, the little daughter of E. N.
Dewey of Aguewville, Va., was
seriously ill of choleia infantum last
summer. "We gave her up and did
uot expect her to live from one boor
to another," he fays. "I happened to
think of Chamberlain a Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a
bottle of it from the store. Iu five
hours I Biw a change for the better.
We kept on giving it mid before she
had taken the half of one small bottle
she waa well " Thin remedy in for
sale by all drnggist.. ,
QUARTZ MILL Ono S-stamp qoartz
mill complete with two 0-foot con
centrators, 1 dodd. slime table, rock
breaker, belting mid ovirvthing
pertaining to tho mill, nil for f J.'iHO
cash. One big Sullivan steam air
compressor, ?2MH). This compressor
will easily run 10 drills. One fric
tion hoist t45t). Two 50- H. P.
tubular boilers f:i7fl each. Call at
or address Hotel Lay ton, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
Collr. Cholera snd
liarrhorn kt-metlv.
Never fails. Buy it now. li may save life.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
Lowest prices on Elgin ami
Walt ham watches. Bring
your watches and jewelry
(hat need repairing to inc.
All my work is warranted.
Do yon know that yon can make a
five days vinit to the Kxponitiou at
Portland, including railroad fare and
all expenses for fJii.U.-,; roil dins
i"(ii.'J5 full information can bo secured
ou application at this ollice.
O. P. Jenter, Am.
Han Hlooil l he Tent of 25 Yearn.
The old, original fi ROVK'S Tantelei
Chill Tonic. You know what 5011 nie
'nkinu. It is iron and quinine in a tame
less form. Nil cine, no pny.
over One and a Half Million
No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
Black Root. Liver Pills.
Art Denims,
Cotton Eiderdowns
Shirting Denims,
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Heavy Mercerized Uasket
vill Nim. Ii
oiil i