PROFESSIONAL CARDS. M FINDLEV, M. D. I'ractloo limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, and fitting of glasses. Offloe hours P, to 1'' 5 In Tt uaA r-t an. poiutmeut. Telephones 2til and 77. ' U BANTS Pass, JRED'K D. STRICKRR, M. D. iioMhuiATiin; physician anii m:r;eon. MuBonlo Temple, Koouis 2 and 4 HUNTS 1'ai-S, 'Phono :;3. Ohkom.v. II. DOUGLASS, M. I). PHYSICIAN" AND M'K'iKnN Office: ligmy's residence, cor. (ith and K streets. Day and night phono N'o. (i.'ll. Ghauts Pass, . . (iiiniu. . D.JEWIiTT. M. I). physician and surgeon Diseases of Woman and Surgery u Specialty. Hospital AccoinnioiPit inns. ..VKoonis 1) and 10 Tlinrron Hldg. t Day or Night Phone i'.h.'i. Oflico hours 0 to 13 a. in., 3 to 5 ami 7 In U f. in. Okanth Pans, . Oltl.lPIN DWAKI) H. WIIITK DOCTOR OF DENT AL MEDICINE. Office: I rou in floor I'ltfnoy residence corner Sixth ami K streets. Hours: 8 to 12, 1 toll. GRANTS l'AM, - OlIlllloN. )R. F. M. I.ONGWI'XI, OSTEOPATH Treats ail Nervous and Spinal T iw -cases, Khciiiiinti.siu and Stomach Trou ble. A specialty ninth' of Ei-mulf Dis ease. ( Mtico: Coionial I. Olivine House, front room. Grants Pass, Ore. )r. s. j. skaton magnetic healer Strain Haths, Alcohol Hull. All tlis (awM treated. Hospital cure piven to all who wish it. Hheiintutisiu cured in its worrit form. Advice fno. Opposite Court 1 louse. lloiirH 'I to !l ( I II A VIM l'ANS, - )I HON 1AHEN til VEX CI' I1Y OTIIEU VV it costs you nothing to consult )li. MuNTIIOMMIV. Ho cm . h Female complaints, incus prhat.c lis. eases and all kind of chronic troubles Also sells t 'heinkoti and other c,iinniii. teed family tut-. 1 1 i m. h. 1'. (). liox Iiki, Call at Fno Methodist I'nrHoiiace. f I). NORTON, ATTdHNEY AT LAW, Practice ill allStntcand l'Vilcriil Com ts. Ulllco in Opt ra llonso I'liihline;. tilt A NTs Pass, - - - Oukiios )". C. HALE, ATTOKM'.V-ATI.AW Olliee over l''iit National Hank, (illANT.H I'ASft, . - f n I : ION. (Jt II CLEMENTS ATTOKNKY AT LAW AND AIINTH UT( 1'rnot.ico in Stall' and Federal Courts Oilier on nth ami (' stioet.s opposite Court I louse. I'll ) Intil. llll.l.VIH l'SS, - Out HON A. V. HOUGH, AT ItHiNKY-AI LAW, PraetleeH ill all State anil I'rilornl I imr Olllee over Hair Kiddie I lai ilw are 1 'o. Giian rs Pass, J. II. AUSTIN, t .ii OU.M A1TOUNEY-ATJ.A W I'niuii linililln Kkuiiy Palace Barber Shop HAT I S ,V WILLIAMS, 'i i. Shaving, Hair Cutting Haths, lk i i i I Lit r ii vm rk t i. til lirsl-l l.i J. E. PETERSON ll'li'M m:i rilit, LITE AM) AlXIDLM INM,i:U REAL ESTATE Aeciit II W 1 iilnil,;:. : I he Ancle lie ll. ,' II I. Ilejit. l.i. h i i i , Reynolds & Law too Civil ami Minii; ilr.r.iiin iii- MI'CIIAMCAI. MIA' ANU M' (iraiils 2i Ms.u v,': i; i-;vt 'U- - O.v N. I). .Mc(,UI. , I'liiM I'.U TRUCK anii MUX I I K11 rn it nre it mi I i , . 1, Moving: CAN I s, PASS. Oill ui The I U.n I , r Shi p Gel your t.'KM'. 1 .1 ,. k ,!.,u . IRA TOMPKINs' On Six lb S;i.ft Tliuc .It. - ll.llh Li.ii;i lit 11, hi,, , i.i.j, 1 he Or'ipiwl. Foley iV Co, (Tin ago, eiiginal. n llouey ami Tar as a il.ttrnt and I111 remedy, ami on aivtiint ol the merit and poulainy of I'clt s Honey and 'lur many ituit.ii ion-at e offered for the genuine Ask f,, Foley's Id ncy anil T,.r ami n liise am substitute often d as 110 other pi, pjia turn will give ti e same sat islm i n 1, It Is mi Pi Iv luxaiivc. li coiit.ili s iu opiates mid l a!i -i for ehil Ir, 1 an 1 dollcaue pcrmm. For sale by H A. Riitetinuiiti. A new line of ron r ,1 , view, two ti r 6 cents nl the Court. 1 building. PROVOLT CHRONICLES OF PUBLIC INTEREST Cattlemen Take Stork to Mountain Ranije Bridge Needed Over Williams Crick. M. Stitrs was at I'rovu't Wednin day wliiln i n rout i tu Mi-ouri Flat. . .ii. JOUlonl or Appli alii wan here vicitiiiK He war) aietjiupanied hy Inn ilannliter .Mi-B I'iomie. W. M. Soiihoii wail at Murphy Tni day with a lead if haenu fir J. tiilmnre, the Murjihy niireliant and povfinai-ter. Min Met! am Caroline Smith Kprnt the "veiiiiiK of lai-l Tuesday at the .Mii lii(!!in mine. Tin y report all en joyald" time. E. W. Smith, the merchant, and I o-tiii.i.-ti r if I'rovolt, wtiM at ; (irantx l'an Siturduy nu hiiniiiess and to net a load ol freight for li in More. Minn (iuthric, tl.o WilliauiH m hnol teacher, has accepted a posiliou at the home of J. T l.ii) ton and will work till f-eliuiil hfartH -thin fall on Siptcm her i.-t. W. Howl r v,ai alh d ; WilliauiH Sunday 1) (lie illin c of i m mot her, Mil. t 'Mat riirin. She in liohiKtcr. It in a ills' ai-e that irt KuiiiK around and haJ snfiie el tin symptoms of grippe. I tin c,ii t lecji ti ot the valley nre mailing arraiiK' ne ii'h to drivo their stock In tlin raiiye ahiiut (irayljHok iniitintain. 'J'iny La v. a iiiiinhei K.-itheri it up ami will i rive n hooii a povslldc. the In-ehall K:i'n" played in return to that of the Ei, mill resulted In a si ore in the hiine- ti am ol 4 to 1 I hiK I. am u :h ill f all i! '.I to HI the Ith ol July. Tin- (lend wan I ii I k " and iiij'i iil the pniie even if they ilid have to he in H. i' hot sun. Mr and Mrs. O. E liose accoinpan ieil hy Men (ihnl)s nut' at I'rovolt Ernl.iy on I iiniiifsw. Mr. Komi iiayn they are havmu, h.iiiii veiy warm wcatln r in 1 1 ii. t vicinity at present, and crnp.s are iowiiik rapidly wherr I le re is wilier In imitate with. Tin1 tticrnniaji'ler le re r-tin'tl rridavatll o'clock at Ih.'i, Saiurilav liid, and Sun day HI. D. U I ' t 1 1 'A in, the Wi I lianm hop grower, wan at (Jiaulx I'.ts Salurday to m ahmii 'ttiii(t a new lirid aclos- Willi ,tiii -i ci.'i 1. near the liimitll of I'owi II'h i n i l; at the llall raile. A hi ll.'" is much li. ' ded at that pi t tor the ciiiiwniciici' of the people and ol tint Williams valley tluriii the winter iiiiiiilhs It would also take away nil ii-spoosiliilii it s, which liavr to he risl.cil hy Hi" mail earlier of thin linn during liieh wat' lsol wiii 'or. W illiauiH creel, jj a v ry dan Kernim sin am w In a up ami drift wnnl rniiiiiiit. It ii. ay he shallnw tiidnv and at a Mood In 1 1 ow. This is the r,n al. taiilt i f mount, im streams. l'or Snlo I ( )w i ii tn moving I fiAtitivin ii the mine in the near t'uturi Home lust will M la-.s I'm II el a I ir(.,iln MMiri', nisi) out1 two Si III SM. Street t sal It y aiu II L, Sieve lillllll l'il-H. I lii;ht It am har ts, loll Seventh I on fti 1 1 S liirvn I!. I Li . I,, el I, K v., Mtvi : ot'-i-'i- m w ith mi painful, I.I not cat ' I, HiH else, I n'j Arnica ' J-or 'J.) ) c.i i s 1 i sine on iii v u I I'lut't lines, that ll I' I I- III'. All .1' vain ly 1 1 i me en 1 1 '1 It will I S ll ve " It s fit ,il in. I VM I U I ll- Al fur I'lltllH, cut :i ut storm. Hi-nt. i 1 1 1 k h In in t lii'iu lort In ' it, house, MM Iv, w til Allllress, '. No. n:::i, Cm M to I' III. ii i licli I- o I II i' ii Ml!, li I h . -t i. .Mil live iiiih K lainiil h, l iici tin III Ml t. 1 tl'l I : iiiG PtAri I'RC.I ID .' f D 3-' DUG UP t Cc 1,1; V iworntilo I .,1 I- I 1, I ( .1 ,, m i n V'nion Hit! Vi-n-h iiie farm i if II, v ii itrd iv. the Ion all. v. I'll ll 11,1 I h' m c p :-,' He s ll"V. 1,1, , ., .p chief 1 l. ! iu "i 1 .it .1 M'l, ,1 ' I in,: A. hi, ill jrrhiKA I I.M III t I t I ! .lrnt'gi-i. BUSINESS POINTERS. Dr. Flanagan, Phyniciau and Dentist Whips at Cramer Bros. M. Clement. Prnavriptioo Dmstriit. A IfMitlnman'i amoke the Stage Hue. W. L. IRELAND writea FIRE INSURANCE. Order aeala and rubber stamps of a. c v oorniei. Yon run gxt a good Steel Range for to.) ai uraiuer isroi. See Voorhle for Underwood Type writers and Typewriter supplies. And Mill I am iunoring and selling real estate at the old stand. J. E. Peterson. We sell 1'atton's Son Proof Paint aim it gives satiHractlon. Try a sample at Cramer bros. Winter's winds on face and hands produce the same results as an ax on the hark of a tree. KOHE AND Ct CUMUEK JELLY (CUROHA ( K h A M gently softens and soothes the chapped skill, removes redness and rnughnens, eradicates wrinkles, de stroys hlacklieads. It is not stieky. Iry it. bold by ail droggintH, 35 cents. n fin to for Plnmbing. Hay Tools at Cramer Bros. I'a a' r Napkins Conrier Polldiug. A aplemlid line of Koyal Charter Oak Rariuei at Coron'i I lime Keiniiants coupled in lengths irnm HJ to W feet at Ciamer tiros. Our telephone non her is CIS, regu lar delivery, i'eople's market. Are yon going camping? Out your Hammocks, Camp stove aud Hporting (ioods at Cramer Pros. Auk yonr dealer for Jingoe River Creamery Rntter made at Medford is now AO cents per two-ioand, Mjoare lull weight. RESIDENCE LOTS in most any part of the City at right prices and on easy terms. W. L. Ireland, The Real Estate Man, Ground Moor, Courier Jiuilding. A sewing machine on trial, if it suits you it is years. Does s good work as a t-'a machine. Have 13 slamlaid make machines, $2. fill to ft. Come and see them at Ike Davis second hand store. Indigestion, insomnia, overwork, may he tiie imnKihlo cause of your licatlacliP, tint WKIUHT'H r AH A (iON IIEADAIICE CURB Is as cer tain as the sun rise. No scientific truth mora wonderful than the iiiiiuuiit of IKisitive relief coiitalni'd in one small wafer or tablet. Down goes the cure, away goes the head ache, up go yonr spirits. That is the process. The most desirable feature of this medicine is in Its immediate antioe, as It will generally relieve the uiiint levere pain ill five minutes, while at the mime time it is harmless, tasteless, will not purge or disturb the stomach, and has no unpleasant after effects. Wright's Paragou Headache Cure ma) be relied upon as being enirely free from anyhing of an injurious nature, and is absolutely without a rival. Croup Is u violent inflaiiiiuatiou of the mucous membniiie of the wind pipe, winch sometimes extends to the larynx and hronchial tubes; and is oiiii of the most dangerous diseases of children. It altuoit. always oomei on in the night. (Jive frequent small ill, sen of Pollard's llnreliound Syrnp and apply lliillnrd's Snow Liniment externally lo tho throat. 2."io, f0c, tl IK) at Roteruiuiid'a ami Model Drug Si nre. New Law to Attach Salary. The llrst casu under the new Oregon law, that allows an attachment to he placed on 50 per cent of a persons wages or salary lo secure paymeut for goods, merchandise, or wares that were purchased fur family needs at a period within six months of the date of suit, has been brough t in Grants Pass ami it was decided ill favor ct the plaintlirs. The suit was brought in Justice Kurman's court, by Kinney iv Iraax, who were represented by ('. II. Clements, nuainst W. I.. I'aggart, an emplovo of tiled. P. N. W., E. it J'. Co.. and who was renre. uted by (ieo. W. Colvig. This law was passed in the interest of merchants to enable them to col-1 lect store bills from iiersona who have no property that can Ihi atliiched, yet who are earning wages, or a salary. I'lith r the old law a peison's salary could nut he attached and dishonest prusons were enabled to avoid Pay ne lit for goods that they had bought on at il i t. Now all salaried nelsons w ill have tn pay their debts the same as pinperty owners have to do. A Surpriic Party. j A pleasant surprise imrtv mv he ' k'ivell to Vonr slniitui'lt uti.l 1... t ik iiik a uieilicine which will relieve ' Ho 11 pain and discomfort, vi,: Dr. 1 Ring's New Life Tills. They ureal must wonderful remedy, ailording ; sine relief and cure, for Inailaclie, j diziness and constipation. 3,'ic nt nil j drun sinrcs. I Farmers ill lin.l it lo tlu'ir intoivst to I'umi'itiv; I hi nt ainl jjalvanizod now in successful (ineintinn in SilRieATIOF. Sawmill men will tind it to their advantage to call on .s and .-el p, ices on suppli I'uildors and carpenters lino of the oeleLrated Corluu Door Lucks. Comiiloto lino r Alaska Kcrriscrators from $10 to $27. Grants Pass Hardware Company . JOS- WOI.KK. Mgr.. J. U CALVERT. Tre... aciAduveDromoymnineTaMcts.0?y f, or.avepv oevrn rruuion Doies toM in 1 3 , - ROQUB RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS. OREGON, JULY 14, THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS Brief Note &nd Items of Interest and Importance. Mining blanks of all kinds at the Courier office. A party made op of Claude E. Williams, Fred Cook. Elmer Wertz and Ralph Dean left Tuesday for Portland to spend two weeks in viewing the attractions at the fair. Dr. U. II. Douglass left for Port land Saturday evening to accompany Mrs. Stark who went to hare a sur gical operation performed. Dr. Douglass will remain north two or thieu weeks. A. E. Kellog and A. P. Eastabrook of Gold Hill, were in Grauts Pass Tuesday forenoon ou business in connection with the big log rolling that the Modern Woodmen will bold In Gold Hill on Friday and Saturday of next week. Mr. Kellogg while here paid a brief visit to his father Capt. E. Kellogg Mr. Easta brook was also formerly a resident of Grauts Pass and was with Dr. Kremer in the drug business. He is at pres ent out of business having some time since sold bis drug store in Gold Hill to Fred Colvig, another Grants Pass young man. Mr. Kellogg conducts the only furniture tud undertaking establishment iu Gold Hill. The busluess meu of Medford have secured a vinegar factory for that town It would be a profitable invest ment to the business men of Grants Pass if they would secure the establish ment of a vinegar factory in this city. There are large quantities of second grade apples and pears that cannot be shipped yet would make vinegar. These could be had at so low a price that the manufacture of vinegar could be carried on profitably in Grants Pass and another iudustry and auother jiayroll would bo given to the city, and the farmers could have a market for a product that is now largely wasted and thus another profit woold be given to their farm invest ment. Master Fish Warden Visit Grants Pass. H. U. Van Duseu, of Astoria, mas ter fish wan'en for Oregon, was in Grauts Pass Monday to confer with the managers of the Golden Drift Mining Company In regard to the Company putting iu a fish way at their dam across Rogue 'river. Mr. Van Dusen stated that the state was now operating eight hatcheries, one ou Sandy river, ou tho McKenzie, on the Snake, on the Wallowa, South Coos river, North Utnpi(UH, Siuslaw and Yaquina rivers. The govern ment is operating three, two on the Clackamas rivor and oue on upper Rogue river. Warden Van Dusen stated that all was in readiness at the state hatcheries of a big output this year. Racks are now iu place at all the receiving points ou the streams and salmon are being im pounded and held until the females have their eggs fully developed and ready to spawn, when they will be taken and placed iu the hatching troughs at the hatcheries. If the run of salmon is good Warden Van Duseu expects that the hatcheries will ex ceed any previous year in their out put. One Dollsr Saved Rcprtitnti Ten Dollan Earned. The average man does not savo to exceed 10 per cent of his earnings. Hi) must spend nine dnllurs iu living expenses for every dollar saved. Very often a few cents properly invested. like buying seeds for bis garden, will savo several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in bnying Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhea Remedy. It costs but a few cents. and a bottle of it in the house nfien saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by all druggists IF YOU STASlflER WE CAN CURE YOU T', T.'lt I'll" ' Ixslltlllt' -mil sVlinel f". tlMltl,l,., It,,, IMSITIVK. AHSOI.I'TK 1;HE (1UAIIANTIE1I V, , it. si ,- f,,r ..u tu si ,rN... 1,-rt.m t . u tt.. ., I lx. II... .., ,. s.i.l ti.l .,, .1,1 1,,,..,., t. ,., I...!,,.,,. I 'il I .'"ii "ii r . I.1II1 I I ,0 ,4,..,- ,.,l 1 ( OUSIIisi,,! I li'sOi.t'.il i.l Mnli,i,i, i lutf oftliarui'. A.l.lrr. WIl.MAM T I.PUI4'i, K,'i'ivfi,t.ilivo A... int. PrlnrliMU 8 W C -r I Hlti mt I K t!,.t.-h streata 1-OHl l.ANU. OKKUUN Not. NO III'IU .S', l l,,l At ',.tm,J .f.r sr. u. j who are Contemplating BY PIPING cull ami pipo. j:ot our hVuros on the We can rofcr vou to tlii .oumi.- T - rr"?? 1 1 1 i,Bi',BiBa,,M 1 o vure a oia in une Ti:. . re J uiai aivnanrra xa a - - INDIGESTION'S RECORJ3 il8 "Tfcf ht rrtnfilT I can preKcHht for yonr In ' digestion, madam, ia Green 'aAuKtiat Flower. I know of aeveral other physicians who pre scribe it regularly." fP'in'igest.iori is making an awful record as a cause of sudden deaths. It is beat ing heart-failure in its ghastly harvest. You read in the papers daily of appar ently healthy and even robust men being suddenly attacked with acute indigestion after enjoying a hearty meal, and of theii dying in manv case before a physician could be called in. QThis should lie a warning to you who suffer with regular or periodical attacki of indigestion. If these unfortunate vic tims of acute indigestion had taken a small dose of Green's August Flower be fore or after their meals they would not have fallen a prey to such sudden seizure. ((August Flower prevent indigestion by creating good digestion. It also regulates the liver, purifies the blood and tones up the entire system in a natural way. t tJTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggist. l-'or Hale hy Dr. J. C. fsnillh. CELEBRATED FOURTH ON MOUNTAIN TOP Merry Party Have Outing and Visit the Wonderful Ore gon Caves. A merry, but tired and exhausted, pleasure seeking party reached the top of Horse Mountain on the third of July, on their way to explore the Oregon cav-s. A hasty but com fortable camp was established near Cold Springs and all enjoyed a hearty repast and while seated around the roaring campflre, Mr. Briggs told a number of humorous stories much to the delight of the entire party. On the morning of the Fourth every available fire-arm was used to cele brate the great day, making the tnonutaliis echo and re-echo with a merry din. It took bnt a short time to reach the caves, and their dark and damp mysteries were explored with great satisfaction by the mem bers of the party. Late iu the after noon before leaving, a number of specimens were secured, much to the delight of the ladies, who had never been in the mountains before. Those constituting the patty were: Mr. aud Mrs. David Briggs, H ty Briggs, Roy Briggs, Wallace Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Sage of Seattle aud their daughters, Misses Alexa aud Beruice. The Misses Sage recently came from Aquinas Academy to spend their vacation in the mountains. Indigestion. With its companions, heart burn, flatuleuoe, torpidity of the liver, cou stipatioii, palpitation of the In art, poor blood, headache aud other ner vous symptoms, sallow skin, foul ton gue, offensive broath and a legion of other ailments, is at once the most widespread. and destructive malady among the American people. The Herhine treatment will cure all theso troubles, ol) cents bottle at Rotor moud's and Model Drug Store. Lewis and Clark Exposition. During the Lewis and Clark Expo sition the Southern Pucifio Company will sell round trip tickets to Port hind, limit HO days, at one aud one. third far for the round trip. F'or parties of ten or more traveling 00 0110 ticket, ouo fare for the round trip. F'or organized parties of I(X) or more, individual tickets, at one fare for the round trip. Stop-over of 10 days will be given at Portland ou all one way tickets reading through that poiut duriug me exposition. Tickets must be de posited w ith Joint Agent nt Portland and charge of M cents will he made or extension of time. Cheerfu'ly Recommended for Rheumatiim. O. G. Higbee, Danville, Ills. wnics, nee. I'.mi ; "About two years ago I was laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment; I cau cheerfully tecoimni nil it to all suffer ing from like alllic tioii. " 2,,c :. tl.00 at Riiterinund's and Model Drug 1 Store. PLANT l airdanks (iasolino Knir !' or mntu in.;.,t;.. .1... . jsuiiuv; ('i.lll Dav f s ar. j jisaaw , rwa -ja:. I s aVs 1905. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED WANTED A live hustler for a household necessity that sell on it merit. Address K., care Courier. FOR. SALE. Kodaks Courier Building. GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE Union Restaurant for sale, two years lease Inquire Restaurant. TYPEWRITER A Blickinsderfer Typewriter in good condition for sale. Inquire of A. E. Yoor tries. FOR SALE Five acre mile from bridge, good house barn and stable, henhouse, good well at bouse and in field, 80 hogs aud shoats, team, wagon and harness, slop route in cluded. Inquire I. W. Holme. l.'AK.M FOR 8ALE-twomiles from Mer lin. 100 acres about 60 acres of good bolUim land, 35 acres in cultivation, small house and barn and about 50 acres under fence, balance of land suitable for orchard or pasture. For further particulars ad dress W. ii. Crow, Merlin, Oregon. 2()() ACRE ranch, good prune and apple orchard, small fruits in abundance; water for Irrigation, besides springs on every 40 acres; center of a good range countrv; two dwelling bouses, big harn, every thing complete; well sheltered from frosts, good mining markets, one half mile north ol Tunnel 9, price $3,500. Inquire at this orhce. BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale hav ing a good run of work in a town of 1000 population. Two story build ing in good repair, blacksmith and wagon shop on first floor, living rooms 00 second. In best location in town. Tools and household effects go with building an. I lot Owner crippled reason for selling. A bargain given. Address Black smith, care Courier. FOR. RENT. tOR RENT Room in private lamiiy. j. jj. urake, at 7th Street. DESK ROOM for rent on ground floor and second floor, Conrier building See A. E. Voorbies. THREE NICELY FURNISHED aiouse keeping rooms for reut to man aud wife. Inquire 302 2d aud c street. ROOMS to rent during Exposition 75 cents Jor one or 11.00 for two people 5 ceut car fare to grounds. Address C. R. Voorbies, 1507 Bel mont Ave, Portland, or A. E. V 001 hies, Courier ofline.Grauts Pass. LOST LOST On the Grave creek road be tween Fryer' ranch and Grants Pass, a satchel containing ladies wearing apparel, one pair glasses, thimble and other articles and about 113 is nionev. Anyone find ing the same pleasn leave at the Courier office aud receive reward. MISCELLANEOUS FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering, mission furniture made to order. Machinery For Sale. A 15 H. P. Ruiscll engine, a No. 4 centrifugal pump, 200 feet 6-inch, double riveted pipe, 60 feet 5-inch pipe, 11)0 feet 6-iiich belting, making a complete irrigating, or pumping plant. Also a turbine waterwheel. pulley aud gears. All at a bargain. All kinds of machinery bought, sold aud listed. Grants Pass Irou & Steel Works. House Moving If you have a building that you want moved, raised or levelled up, call on or address A. E. Holloway. Residence 2 miles west of city north side of rivor. Sunrise Condensed Milk That is out to make a reputa tion. I mudo at a new condenser)- on Coos Hay, the big dairy district of Oregon. Proved to lie the Uest by tho agent who bought a can of another brand and oaned it and one of his and proved his fc was the best. Is Not Two-ihirds Sugar, ' Water and Corn Starch But is pure cows milk and is just as good as cow's milk for your coffee. Try it and be con vinced. Introductory Price of tOc per Can on single cans. Sieoiiil rates on lar'e orders. INLAND CRACKERS Made in Spokane from hard wheat, which makes the best cracker of any wheat, package at i'i cents. Try a Chiles' Grocery I rout st., near Fourth. WHY PAY KENT? Own Vonr Own Home i I have a modern "-room house including pantry and bath, on sewer line, close in, porch Kx:$; small pavment in cash or property. Also 4 room box house, same terms, Sixth and L streets. Team and wagen for sale. J. D. DRAKE. rhone 484. Grants Pass, Ore. EGGS and more of them when you want 1. . em. Single t ortib u htte U-ghornvs the business fowl of America. Yards headed by jvkrvls from a pen with record of r in, j .t,. Ior 30, URAMTK Ktl ger, Irop . Ashland. Onwon as I 10 Care a Cold la On Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN INE Tablet. All druggists refund the money of it fails to cure. K. W Grove's signalers is 00 each bcx. c! N0WISTHETIMEF0RHY0MEI Easier to Cure Cata Than Any Other ! Now is the time to nse Hyomei, when the ear'y summer days make it so easy to cure catarrhal troubles. The Hyomei treatment, breathed for a few minute three or four times day in May or June, will do good twice as quickly a it did in January, and nearly everyone knows that nsed faithfully then, it completely rids the system of catarrh. Hyomei is a pnrely vegetable preparation whose active curative properties are given off when it is breathed by the aid of the pocket in haler that comes with every outfit. It destroys all germ life in the air passages, purifies the blood by sup plying additional ozone, and its heal ing volatile, antiseptic fragrance reaches every corner of the respifory tract an no medicine taken through the stomach can possibly do. Tha complete Hyomei outfit costs but oue dollar, aud consists of a neat inhaler that can be carried in the purse or vest-pocket and will last a lifetime, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. Extra bottles of Hyomei can be procured, if desired for 60 cents. At this season of the year when catarrhal troubles cau be so quickly and readily cured the merits of the Hyomei treatment should be carefully investigated hy everyone pud a com plete outfit should be in every home. Rotermuud giv, s his personal guar rantee with every Dyomei outfit he sells to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. There is no risk whatever to the purchaser of nyomei. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. itcniug, uunrj, Weeding or pro truding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing In B to 14 days. F'irst application gives ease and rest 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send nOo in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid hy 1'aris Medicine Co., at. Louis, Mo. B. A. WILLIAMS Front and 4th Sts. P. 0. Box 273. Real Estate Employment office. Houses rented No. 7a 125 acres, all fenced, PCi acres river bottom, "ft cultivated, 10 lo Imps, 4 miles from railroad town, good roads, sc'jool, etc. A bargain at !T an acre. Hop crop will pay purchase price in two years. FARMERS FEED STABLl J. E. KERLEY, 1'boik. Last stable south on Sixth street. Room under cover for 150 horses an"' 40 wagons. Box stalls. CoituU I 11 loose stock. Only the best hay, clean grain a-i' alfalfa fed. Kolled barley und otl r grain. No diseased horses allowed. I i : running water, and trough clear -.' every day. Waiting room and toilet room whi : . ludies can leave wraps and arran their toilets. I'rious ruaBonable and best earo giv ;i stock. Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track Turning, Scroll Work. Stair Work, Hand Sawing.C'aliinet Work, Wood 1'ullevs, Saw riling and gumming, Repairing all kinds i'ricea riailit. E. A. WADE DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, Etc. Front Street, west Falace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. VII011 & Gilbert-K a maker Co. Pianos and Organs J. M Ward, Agent, - Over twenty different I'cai witii a permanent local man. can t buy any cheaper elsewhere and you pay more. Easv terms. I O. Box .T.14, Phone tuninir. BLACK and SALE STABLES DEAN 4. DICHISON, PROPRIETORS. H St. bet. ,-)th mid (tlr, G HANTS PASS, OIJKtiOX. MAR ISLE AND GRAXITEVTOIs - J. B. lDIOCK, iToprielor. ol M.ible or Grsriitr. ' kh.tLlH?7. "t:: m:.hi "iupu iu i lie verv ri Marhlt" 'Urni'h WOtk Svotcb' SwrJ Front street, next to Greene's (,,.n.lsn HSS a aatatatavav.. L-v i 1 1 2x, w 1 ; 1 1 33 illicit Dr. Stliuelor's Alterative k Nt-osanguls ( res All Female Disorder, no matter if given up by your physician. For sale by v y y ur CATARRH SSBaSaBIinaBSSeaVns Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It clerujKea, soothes, herds, and protects tho diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh ntnl drives away a Cold iu the Head ipiiekh . ltestores the Senses of Taste and Sin. 11. Eusy to use. Contains no injurious drills. Applied into the nostrils' and rd.sorlietl. Large Hize, r.l) cents ut Pru't;isis or Ly mail: Trial Size, 10 cn it? 1 y ELY BROTHERS, EG if'., r.'cw York. SUMMONS In Tie Justice Court. For Grants Pass Justice District, Josephine County, Oregon. IT. P Cran er aud 1 George P. Cramer, Partuersas Cramer Bros., Plaintiffs, vs. J. A. Stover, Defendant. To J. A. Stover, ('efendiiiit : Iu the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the abrtvn entitled action within six weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summons, which first dato of pnlili. cation is July 14, A. D , 1005,. aud the last date of publication thereof and the last date for your answer or ap pearance is August 25, A. D., 1005, and you fail to so answer for want thereof the plaintiffs will take judgment against you iu the sum of $:i.'t. 20 and for their corts and disbursements of action, aud will at the same time up. ply to the court for an order for tint sale of any aud all property attached in said action, or in case of the at tachment of money therein, that the same be applied to tho paymeut and satisfaction of said jodgmeut, princi pal aud cost.J. Dated July 14, A. l, 1005. T. P. CRAMER and GEORGE P. CRAMER, Partners ns Cramer Bros, Plaint ill's, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. " Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of William Gebhardt, deceased, by order of lie County Court of Josephino Comity, Oregon, by its order therefore datid May 20th, 1905. All persons having claims against said estate must p (sent the saint) duly verified and with proper vouchers, lo the undersigned, at the oflice of Colvig & Durham, At torneys for said estate, in Grants Puss, Oregon, within six mouths from this date. Grants Pass, Ore., JureSth, 100.V JT. K. ANDERSON, Atliniiiistrntor. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. " The uiidertigued having film his mini account of the administration of the estate of Agnrff K. Sawyer, de ceased, iu the County Court for Jose phine County, Oregon, notice is here by given to all persons concerne I that hearing of said iiccount has been n t by said ennrt, for Tuesday, August I, 1005, at 10 o'clork a. ui at the County Court room in the Court House in Grants Pass, Oregon, and all persons interested nre untitled to file their objections thereto, if nny there be, 011 or before said nate. Published iu tho Rogue River Courier by order of Hon. J. O. Booth, County JuiIkc. Made June 29, 1005. F. W. SAWYER, Executor of said estiue. NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNT. " The undersigned having filed his final account of the administration of the estato of Maria S. Mugoou, de. censed, in the County Court for Jose phine Comity, Oregon, notico is here by giveu to all persons concerned that hearing of said account has been set by said Court for Tuesday, August 1, 1005, at 10 o'clock a. in. at the County Conrt room in the Court House at Grunts Puts, Oregon, mid all persons intcrestid are notified to file their objections thereto, if any there be, on or before said date. Pub lished in the Rogue Kiver Courier I V order of Hon. J. O. Booth, County Judge. Made June 20, IOCS. F. W. SAWYER, Executor of said estate Portland, Oietion Grunts Pnss. Orenon makes of pianos to select You may 713. Leave orders for HORSE F E E I) " len,el"y in any kin,! warrants my ing mant.- or American 9 ranite or anv kind of ". JWTKHMCSD, lirufftflwt. ' M..nmiii()tw,W()()