Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 14, 1905, Image 3

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yMy da you u- a ani!la
extras that Is not satmfa
t'ry whoa you can aiwayi
Burnett's Vanilla Eitract
by insisting upon it.
Joseph Burnett Co.,
Ji-.Mon, Mim
Vanilla Extract,
W'elhave a complete line in the
above flavoas. These Extracts
are of the highest known excellence
and are the standard for the U. S,
Used Jexclusicely by the United
States Government, Not so high
in price as a great many inferior
Like our
Hard to beat.
Canning season is now on We
have everything in
Economy Fruit Jars, pints,
quarts and 2 quarts,
Jelly Glasses,
Jar Rubbers, the wide, heavy
Round Rubbers for Vacuum
Remember the place
White House Grocery,
" Diamond
mako glad the heart of fjol
uscra. They arc slurp, roaJy
to use, hold th'-ir edtjo tind
make work a pleasure. Cost
no more than 'theothcrkind.
I.O.O F. Installation.
All Odd Fellows and families and
Itcbckahs and families are invited to
attend a jolut installation of Odd Fel
lows and Kcbekah's on Monday
night, July 17th.
By order of the Lodge.
$5000 Bnyj one of the best farms of
2so acres, iu Josephine Couuty.
About 100 aores am now in culti
vation and under water. Place is
well in.pioved, good fence, large
baru. flue house and more water tor
irriagtiou than can he used. This
is a snap that comes only occa
sionally. W. L. Ireland, The Keal
K-tate Mau, Ground Moor, Courier
A Short Stop
At OUT Store today dot-S tllO
... .
trick, that IS if yOU Wailt an)-;
.1,;..., tlm u'9v nf Ktimmor
Clothing, Xeili:ee or Golf
Shirts, White D.iek Pants,
Coats. Feat her ' L'ht
Straw Hats ami
i a t 11 1.11
Suits, don't for-ret them, this ; f.XlLlZr .
is just the weather for an jg';--casional
swim. We still have ; Mam w iug, trt work
. , : Ja Portrr, sjs cial police .
tjUltf an as-Ortmeilt Ol tllO:-e w Finch, meals blind man
two-piece suits for men at ' R?. .V. .
$5.00. They are ready and k t.n. urn, eto
iwvj . Pyter Jens, n, special police
willin" to walk, and the way'L b Law, special riiu
. . , I Williams Lios 1) & I. Co, stakes
they are going they wont last h a t ougi., collars home... .
long at this price. Better let ""rTor ...
US tit yOU OUt for the hot! .;; surveyor .
weather now. is Div, mr.r
Col V Jous' H, il'.g tag . .
S C Sean, hlai ksmitiiing . .
j K M Wirkmaii, cian
y- 1 VYm togg, int hose hoc so . .
I !eo. S. ( .a n oil n Lo. ;;r 0.
Outfitters tO Men and Boys,
iW III Install Hydraulic Plant.
S. 13. Gilpiu was in Grants Pa8
Wednesday and tlint evening lie left
for liis home in f orest Grove where
he will remain outil the lat of Sep
tember when le will return to
Missouri Flat, where lie onus a flue
placer claim on Miners creek. Mr.
Gilpin ground sluiced this past
season, bat this fa LI lie will install a
Riant. The prospect work lie lias
done proves Ins claim to be quite rich
and the returns will fall; justify
working by hydraulic process.'
Real Estate Transfer!.
John H." Williams, et al, to Krauk
Dormau, Lot 3 iu Block 60 R. K.
The above sale was made through
the Keal Estate Agency of JOSEPH
Coming Events.
July 22, Saturday Fruitgrower! meet
at the Courier office at 3 p. m. to
consider proposition of organizing a
fruitgrowers union for Josephine
July 24, Monday Special election in
Grants Pass to vote on issuance of
'sewer bonds to the amount ol
Sepieniber-J4, Thursday Annual re
union iu Grants Pass for rive days
of Southern Oregon Veterans.
The Diamond Curt.
The latest news from Paris, is, that
they have discovered a dianioud cure
for consumption. If you fear con
sumption or pheumoiiia, it will, how
ever, be best for yon to take that
great remedy mentioned by V. T.
McGee, of YiiiilSer, Tenn. "I had a
cough for 14 years. Nothing helped
me, until 1 took Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, which gve instant relief,
I and effected a permanent cure, for
I Throat mid Lung Troubles at all
druggists. Price 50c and l.00, gnar
' anteed. Trial bottle fire.
Calling Cards Courier Building.
Una Hloml I he Tent vt US Yearn.
The old, original GKUVK'S Tasteless
Chill Tonic. You know what you are
taking. It is iron and ipiinine in a taste
less form. No cure, no pay.
Hardware Co.
Grunts Pass Electors to Vote on
Sewer Bonds Monday,
July 24th.
Hull call at the council meetiuf
Thnrsday evening showed all present
but Councilman Hair, who was out
of the city.
Th'i leading question up for con
sideration was the proposed sewer
systems for Second stieet mid Seventh
street. City Kngineer Reynolds
had made the survey and estimates
! for both sewers and he J laced the cost
at approximately fill (kid. In the
.lisenssioii of the qui si inn it was
shown that the Second street and
Seventh strei t sictions of tlm city
were in great need of sewers to pre
clude the possihility ol a typhoid
fever (puli mic, for primitive water
clni-ets and slop pools were becoming
too numercjs tor health conditions to
long obtain. To ptorhle funds for the
construction of these prn ocd sewers
an ordinance was passed calling a
special city eh ctiou on Monay, Julr
H, for the purpose of voting bauds
to the amount of $1 '.1,000. The bonds
to b ar r pi r ci nt interest and to ro.i
fo- SO years, w ith right of redemp
tion after HI yeai".
Petition for a light on Second street
, north of A was referred to the light
a sidewalk was ordered placed on
the north si'l- of I) from Ninth
to ueoie 1 cidiiiicr s plaie.
The follow iug bills were allowed :
OPS W, LAP Co . 1
D J Hunvaid, hauling rock....
Geo llarlui.iii, street w oik
17 !l".
2'.i (m
3 Ki
17 K
.:) n
10 00
3 K'
7 isi
U mi
ID 4.',
14 (HI
11 01
41 i:
1 lo
8 (i
1 2.j
4 00
1 2..
I I,.... u;i... ... ..... u...L.
j v.iltrout. street woik . .
ft 60
H 4 '.
r.'j on
121 24
34 4-,
(PireUjen, two tires
j State Maps Conner Building.
40 (III
People cm They Come and Co
From Day to Day
Miss Cythia Weston is at Cheuey
creek where she will be lor a couple
of weeks with friends.
Miss Floience Barrett left for Pott
land Sunday evening. She will remain
thero about a month.
Dr. T. E. Beard, who is iu Portland
attending the meeting of the American
Medical Association, will return this
Saturday or Sunday.
Miss Mabel Croisant left Tuesday
for Sisson. where she will spend the
summer with ber brother Lee Crois
ant who is employed in one of the
big mills at that place.
Judge J. O. Booth went to Eugene
Saturday even kg to aocompany borne
his little granddaughter Alleue Dun
bar, who. had been on a visit to her
grandmother, Mrs. M. L. Dnnbar.
Mr. and Mia. H. C. Kinney and
Miss Majory and Master Panl re
turned Friday from Portland where
they had spent 10 days viewing the
attractions of the Lewis aud Clark
T. H. B. Taylor, who owns 160
acres on Evans creek, three miles
from Woodville, was in Grants Pass
Saturday. Mr. Taylor is engaged iu
dairying, aud is doing quite well in
the business.
Mr. aud Mrs, N. G. Bates spent
lust Sunday in Mudford, which was
their former borne, and where the
brothers of Mr. Bates conduct one of
the largest aud finest barber chops iu
Southern Oregon
Capt. J. M. Mclutyre manager of
the Mclutyie Transpoitation Com
pany, the largest freighting coucern
in Southern Oregon, went to Portland
Tuesday to spend a couple of days In
that city on business.
Mr. aud Mrs. MoClollan of Chicago,
singing evangelists from the Moody
church aud Bible Institute, will ling
aud speak at the Christian church
Sunday, July 16, at 11 a. m. aud 8 :!I0
p. in. All are invited.
Dr. W. F. Kremer and Mrs.
Krcnier left Sunday evening for Port
land to visit the fair and the Doctor
will attend the American Medical
Association that meets in that city
this week. Dr. and Mrs. Kremer
will return honie, next Monday.
Mr& Jesse B. Patrick and children
came up Wednesday from Kosebnrg to
spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. John
Patrick, parents of Jesso B. Patrick.
Mr. Patrick is a couductor ou the
through freight on the Koseburg
Ashland ran, and was enabled to get
a lay off at this time to visit the
home folks.
F, A. Clements, who is interested
iu the store at Placer and also in
mines in that section, spent Mouday
night iu Grants Pass, a guest at the
home of his son, Attorney O. II.
Clements, aud Mrs. Clements. Tues
day Mr. Clements went to Woodville
on a short business trip returning iu
the evening to his home in Planer.
Hugh PeArmond, who with his
father, E. C. DeArmond, have oue of
the large hop yards of Southern Ore
gon, left for Portlaud Sunday to
spend a w.'ek at the fair Dr. R.
DeArmond also weut by the same
train to Portland, to take up his
residence iu that city, where he will
engage iu the practice of bis profes
sion. II. C. Bob.icn returned home Tues
day after a two weeks stay at Port
laud and Seaside. Mrs. Bobzien and
the children will remain at the coast
for some time, as will also Mrs. Samp
son aud her sister. Mr. Bobzien is
very much pleased with the fair and
particularly so with the government
exhibit which receives praise on all
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benson stopped
off Thursday to ss'iida couple of days
iu Grants Pass aud are guests at the
home of County Clerk 8. F. Ches
hire. Mr. Benson is a son of Judge
II. L. lieuson of Khsjpith Falls, aud
w us a resident of Grauts Pass at the
time his parents resided here, Judge
lieuson at that time beiug principal of
the City High School.
Mrs. II. -L. Gilkey and sou Winflelil
left Tuesday for Portlaud, where a
stop will be made to view the fair
after which she goes to Iloquiain,
Wash., to sctirt a month witli her
parents. Mr Gilkey and Miss Wilna
will go to Hoqulaiu iu three weeks to
sp nil a week iu the refreshing sea
breeze at that seaport, after which
the entire family will return home.
Dr. V. E. Williams, manager fur
the Buckeye Mining Company that
has a Oue property ou the bead nl
Slate creek, left Sunday for his home
at Williuington, Ohio. 1 lie Doctor
will be goue about six weeks on busi
uess for bis company, which is made
up of Ohio capitalists. Ou his re
turn Dr. Williams will be accom
pauiert by his family and also by hit
father aud family, and all will be
come residents of Grant Pass.
Dr. M. C. Findley and Mrs. Findley
and children left for Portland Tuesday
evening. They will visit the lair and
Dr. Findley will attend the session of
the department of the American
Medical Associaton that i devoted to
considering topics pertaining to eye.
ear, nose and throat troubles. The
Doctor will return to Grants Pass
Saturday morning aud be in hi office
that day. Mrs. Fiudley will spend a
month north aud will vult relatives
ud friends in Portlaud, Astoria and
B. F. Ratcliff, county attorney for
Boone couuty, ludiana, sud a prnuii-
oeut lawyer of Lebanon .in that state
ha been in Grants Pass this week tak
ing a lock at Kogoe Kiver Valley. Mr.
KatclirT is in Southern Oregon with a
t.i of locating, tiie mild climate at
trading tiioi, as hi wife has had her
health somewhat impaired by the try
iug climate cf Indians aud must get
Ui a place where the weather is free
from heavy storms aud violent
eliauge. Mr. katcliff is not foi
h injself seeking so much a location
for a law cilice a he is a live town
and a prosperoos section in which to
make njmt luvsitmeuta. He is well
pleased with what be has seeo of
Gnnt Pkss and Kogoe Kiver Valley
ana may locals nere.
New Note From the Business
Men to Readers.
J. M. Ward, Tuner. Phone 713.
Violin, etc., strings Courier Build
W. B. Sherman Real Estate. Tele
phone 731.
Souvenir Pout Cards Courier
Souvenir Postal Cards Courier
Qive your friends Stage line the
good smoke.
Bicycle Bells and Lamp at a dis
count at Paddock's.
Two for 5 oents colored stereoscopic
views at the Courier building.
The best line of perfumes in the
city at the Model Drug Store.
INSURE your HOPS this year in
the SUN. W. L. Ireland, Agent.
Try Stransky Stoel Ware aud Lisk's
Anti-Rusting Tinware at Ciamer
W. B. Sherman Real Estiite aud
Timber, Rooms U 1 and 10 Masonio
Real Estate and Timber W. B.
Sherman, Rooms U and 10 Masonio
Portlaud beadnuarters for Grants
Pass people, McGregor Bros, barber
shop, 24U Yamhill street.
IRELAND, the Real Estate mau.
Ground floor Courier buildiug.
If yon want your property sold, list
it with W. L IRELAND, the REAL
ING, ground floor.
Guitars, mandolins, banjos, organs.
all good instruments at your own
price at Ike Ovls , dealer in every
thing. South Sixth street.
If yon want to sell yonr property,
list it with W. L. IRELAND, THE
floor, Courier Buildiug.
63 acres of flue river bottom soil
with a house aud barn and other im
provement thereon and only S1200.
See W. L Ireland, the REAL ES
ground floor.
Try oue Ioe Cream Soda. Model
Drug Store.
W. B. Shermau Real Estate aud
Timber, Room U and 10, Masouic
Go to the Grants Pass Grocery for
the Golden Cheddar brand of Tilla
mook cheese.
Timber claimi. Homesteads W.
B. Sherman, Rooms 10 and 12 Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass Ore.
Dairymen can sot cow bells 5 cents
and up, wooden bowls 6 oents and up.
butter molds, milk pails, at Davis
farmer supply house. An Aome bar
rel! chnrn almost new for 2.
Curtis & Co. for Watches, Clocks,
Gold Rings aud Jewelry, flue watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and see us.
I. O. O. F. Building, Grauts Pass,
I have two choice residence lo's for
sale in fine location. Price $100
each. SIS down and $5 per mouth.
TATE MAN, Ground floor, Coorier
No Circuit Court Until September.
This last Monday would have been
the regular time for convening the
July term of circuit court, had there
been bnsiuess enough to justify a
term, but Judge Hanna at the ad
journed term in June so cleared the
docket that there was uo imperative
cases demanding attention. As July
is a busy time with fanners aud other
men that they cannot well leave their
work to do jury duties aud Judge
Hanna's plau to let oonrt matters
go over until the regular term, the
fourth Monday in September, meets
with their approval.
Judge Hanna, not having taken a
vacation from his official duties for
more than a year, Is now off on a
short rest. He left his home at Jack
sonville last Sunday, acconipauied by
Mrs. Hanna, and sous Herbsit aud
Leau, for Portland, where they will
spend a few days to view the fair aud
visit friends, after which they will go
to the coast for a few days.
Do yon know that you can make a
five days visit to the KxKisition at
Portlaud, including railroad fare and
all clauses for -!tl.U.V, teu days
:W.U5 full information can lie secured
on application at this office.
O. P. Jester. Agt.
Ili'h Closet ami lleservoir
for only $:.()().
Stransky Steel Ware
Guaranteed for live years.
Patton'sSan Proof Paint
A pure paint ami a paint
that wears, at no mure
cost than ethers.
Garden Hose Remnants
In short lengths with
coupling at 8 and 10
cents er foot.
'All these and more at
Cramer Bros.
Brief Note and) Item of Interest
and Importance.
G. Tyson arrived iu Grants Pass
Saturday and will spend some time
looking over Southern Oregon. Mr.
Tyson, who with J. R. Ford, who
bas beeu in Grants Pas for the last
month, were in the grocery bnsiuess
at Falls City, in Polk county, but
they have sold their store aud will,
so soon as they find a satisfactory
location, again enter business.
The death occurred last Friday of
the 16 months old child of Mr, and
Mrs. J. H. Bagley, of Woodville.
The baby was suddenly takeu sick
and Dr. Beard of this city waa sum
moned, tut the little uue was dyiug
when he reached the house. It bad
been in perfect health aud its death
was caused by Its having swallowed
some dangerous substance. It was
their only child aud the loss of their
baby is a ornsbiug blow to the
E. T. Fumes, who was formerly
bookkeeper and storekeeper at the
Greenback mine, but who U now
conducting a gents furuishing and
shoe store at Jacksonville, waa iu
Grants Pass over Monday. Mr. Fer
ness stated that trade was good iu
Jacksonville aud that there was much
activity iu the mluing district adja
cent to that place. The Opp mine
with its 10-stamps is keeping np its
usual large output of gold, and the
10-stamp mill at the Oregon Belle
will soon be ready to ruu. A largo
number of promising properties are
beiug developed aud there Is every
likelihood of there being more mines
in operatiou In that district by an
other year.
Sheriff George Lewis and Deputy
Ernest Lister will leave Sunday for
a 10 days onting. They will first go
to Sheriff Lewis' ranch on Sucker
creek near Holland, where they will
spend a day outfitting after which
they will go to Tlnan lake in the
Grayback mountains district where
they will camp aud enjoy the fishing
that Is to be bad in that lake aud in
the streams about the mountain
Mrs. Lister will accompany Mr.
Listor to the Lewis home, where she
will be a guest of Mrs. Lewis, while
her husband Is on his mouuiain trip.
Mrs. Lewis, with her children, bas
been at their rauch for a month and
wiR spend the summer there to enjoy
the fresh, cool air, and the free,
Invigorating life on the farm.
Citizens Form Association to
Promote the Welfare of
Grants P&aa.
At meeting of a uumber of the
leading citizens of Grauts Pass Mon
day eveuiug at the parlors of
the Baptist church the organi
zation waa effected of the Citizens
Municipal League Some 30 members
were secured aud Hie interest taken
makes it rertaiu that the league will
soon gain a large member
ship. The League is not religious in
its methods, uor a radical reformer in
its work, but will stand for all that
will advauce the moral aud financial
Interest of Grants Pas.
The object of the Iague Is clearly
set forth in the first three sections of
Its constitution which are as
Sec. 1. The Citizens Municipal
League shall be the name of tli is or
ganization, and shall represent every
citizen of Grauts Pasa, who stands for
it industrial and moral welfare, aud
so shall represent the working mau,
the man with small Income, and the
Hoc 2. It object shall be to use all
elfort to bring capital to our oily for
the estahliilimeiit of Industries, that
will give employment to our laniile,
thereby increasing the income of
those already here and Inducing
others to come, which should largely
increase the popualiou of our oily. We
realize the great posibilities of our
country, and feel that an organization
of this kiud will lu a power for good
Iu a sectlnu, the isissilitlltii of
w hich are as yet hardly understood.
Sea. M. Itshall not claim iiatronage
fro n officeholders, but shall exercise
beneficial influence in the adminis
tration ot the Municipal goterii ueiil
of the city of Grants Pass, by hold
ing public officer' to strict nciouiit-
aliilHV for the diti barge of their re.
pective duties, and by all lawful
means re-Ira In limn Iroui acts '1i In
menial to the iiunlio welfare; si e
that the laws are justly aud llioioiighly
executed; secure the passage of good
law and ordinances; and prevent the
ejnif tuieiit of all such as may be a I-
Viirsu to the public Interest, soiely
Willi an Intention and des're to
promote the best llitenst anil welfare
of Grant Pass, regardless of Slate
aud National lailitics or Federal
The officer of the League are Rev
J. li. Travis, president; II. L. Gil
key, vice presideut ; Eugene Pearson,
secretary; L. L, Jewell, treasurer.
The meetings ot the league will be
held ou the Second Monday In each
mouth, yet while not strictly a secret
organization the meetings are closed
to the general public aud only inein
bnr are admitted
Bent tier Double.
"I knew no oue, for four weeks
when I was sick with typhoid and
kidney trouble," writes Mm. Annie
lluuter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and
when I got better, although I had one
of the bet doctor I could get, I was
bent double, and had to rest my bauds
on my knee when I walked. From
thi terrible affliction I was rescued
by Electric Bitter, which restored
my lit I tli aud strength, and now 1
can walk a straight a ever.
Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and
kidney disorder, at all drug store ;
price 50c.
City Treasurer's Report.
There are fuuds in the City
Treasury lo redeem all outstanding
warrant profited to February a,
11 3. luterest ou ame will cease
after thi date.
iJaled at GaoU Pasa, Ore., July Hth,
City Treasurer.
Off For Vacation!
Wherever it is you'ro going,- the chances are your
warbrobe would be better for a little replen
ishing. Not only that, but you'll probably enjoy yourself
more if you know your clothes are neat and in
good stylo, as well as comfortable.
Jtt an luremtry lo ( usy great amount of money, or fiut around
vitk tuilors to he fure of thi. If you'll let w, w'U lupphf a tvit or two and all
fhe other summer fuvnUhtng you nrrrf at a very tmalt figure,
Suits, full of style and comfort, can be
had as low as $(i.00, while the very best
the market affords cost but $16.50.
are even more dressy and the price is but
slightly more.
SCIILOSS 1JROS. & CO., of Baltimore, Md.
JitniiJm thi m ma If it a point to tarry the fateM ting in Mrn'$ Jabtr
tluthfiy Utraw Jfat$, ShirUt Jitlt, lt, lmr4i 7um and thin undrrvtttr
at mtxfr-rifc priets.
Some new thing in tiyht-uriyht uit art ju$t in. 't invite yo to look
at than today.
Just consider this store headquarters for Vacation outfits of every sort. We're sure to
please you, whatever your taste or your pocketbook demands.
IP. 'HC. HAHTH SC SOTST, (Incorporated)
City Team Creates General Dis
turbance in the Street Com
missioner's Department.
The big team of browes owned by
the city are natririnna of the bluest
blood and do not iiropose to associate
with such a ilrhitm Hiiimul as a burro
and Tuesday afternoon they bolted
from the . ircsuoii of one of these
ugly, meek, loud-voiced travestie on
tlio noble horse, and in the turmoil
tln'T skilled their driver, Ilariy
Coiigle, off the wagon and sprained his
knee quilu severely.
The team was at work with a num
ber of other team on A street, haul
ing earth from the Kiliuey hill to
Uilhert creek to miiku the fill over
the new concrete bridge, that Street
OommiHSloner (illfllliin has put iu
across that stream, when a burro
pursed ridden by a boy. The burro
plodded klong at the fnur hour a mile
guit, as is tlieir wont, intending no
diiturbimeo to the pence of uiiiid to
his proud cousins, hut the big
bays felt their dignity hurt bv the
presence of their unsightly poor tela
tive, and having a steep down grade
and a heavy loud of earth on the
wagon to give them a start, they
made a dash to get from the sight of
thn detested long-eared iiiiiinal. Ti e
dirt rolled olT the iignn in every
direction i.nd with It the dnver,
who was unable to keep bin feet and
tocheck the home In their frantic
fright. Mr. Cnuglc, weut olT just as
the team leached the bridge, and
despite the efforts of (.'otuiiiissioiier
Oilllllnu and his men to stop the
if, mi they cout iuurd their run on A
street, but before limy reached
Huth, down which thty turned, they
hml lowered their speed to a gallop
mid finally whin caught by by.
stand rs sunn iifler they had crossed
the railroad I rack, tney had roiiin lo
a slow trot. The linrsi s hud not hurl
Iniwii!."! vi h, nor diiiu ri d the wiiguu,
mid sii carefully hud li.i'y coimi
the street that tin' li:i mi plunk, us d
to hold tliu liuiil i f eurlli, vwm in
place oil the wagon.
bystiiudi r drove the l:ivi luck to
their work, the l,nv mid hutroco''.
Illiui d ll.i ir liMMirtt janiit, nnd ('mil
iiiisnimii r Oillill.iu n run ii a uiriugi
nnd tix.k. Mr. dingle In his liiiini
nud m in tin ni il u doctor to attend to
the injured kmc. Mr. f'out.!c had
this knee bully injiind sniuii yiius
ugo mid this injury will quite llkel)
lay. him up fur snine time. He is
niri-ful ill ivi-r and link gi. oil care ol
the city's leaiii, wl.nli he luisjiad
charged of since tlm the hotses wi n
purchtiM'd laht s.riug. Th. hnrc
are so large ami so iiili t that I'n v
were considered perfectly safe, mid
as the star'ed Willi tui li u auddcii
iiess they caught Mr. ('ntigln una-
wales ami he being on the lond ol
Inure eurili, mid II I- wagon mi a ati e
grade, wit unable to stay on tin
wagnli, much h-M In slop the team.
Hit. K. I. Ilarriiigtnu 'viil hold
services this Saturday evening at
Murphy and Sunday morning and
evening at Mipmiuri
Music Just In.
Hacajawea Lullihy.
(Ill The Trail.
Up and Down The Trail.
Icwiaitud t'latk Walt.
Lewis ami Clark (Yiiliiiutul March.
Hhe's Sleeping Niatli tin gun's Tall
My Old Op'gnii Home.
Where Hulls the Oregon.
A l ittle lioy Called Tap.
At the (irants I'uas Music House.
Placer and tiuart. location notices,
mine deeds, leas', etc, at the
Courier otllce.
l!KOWNINU-In Urunt
Hautrday, Ju y 1, li 5,
L. iirowulug, a sou.
I'aa, on
to Mi. U.
First National Bank
It. A. HOOT II, Pre. J. C. CAM fllKI.L, Vlce-l're. H. L. OILKKY, Cashier.
Hurplus and Undivided
Iteceive deposits subject to cheek or on eertllliate payable on demand.
Kelis drafts on New York, t'lilcngu, Man Francisco, Portland and Seattle
hpecial facilities for making collecliuns through numerous correspondents.
It. A. IIootii, H. C. Kinney, P. II. Hasth, John D. Ksy,
J.T. Turrs, J. 0. Ctarssu., - II. I,. Uilkst.
Jlciil Es.alo and Timber
Woodmen Carnival and Logrolling
The Modern Woodmen of America,
the largest fraternal order of t lit
world, will give Its First Annual
District Logrolling; ami Carnival at
(Inld Hill on July IhI and 12.
Jnind preparation have been made
lo make ibis a suco as Fourteen
camps of Jin ksnn, Douglas, Jose
phine and K In m it I It counties have
donated liberally to the fund and wil.
i an ist Iu promoting and initiating
Tli" program will consist of a free
tmrlircuc, aliai a hall game but wecu
the Kosebnrg and Jacksonville teams
iu the 2lnt, and a game between the
(ir, nils 1'ass and Medford nine ou the
.'.'il, ulsn a grand parade of Una I a and
teams. SV'ooiliiniii cumpa on both
davit. Tug of war betwien Ashlaud
mid Urania I'us. The Knai'hurg Kegi
n.ilital Hand, the (fold Ililitiirls'
Hand and the Meuford autl Jackson
ville Hands have been secon d.
There will be a drill contest be
twnn llie different camps for a silk
banner, also a mining drill coulot
for a prize. llier amusement lo
conniat ot wood sawing, wood aplit
iug, foot mi-lug ami horse lacing will
he free for all. The lintel Neighbor
w 111 have a null driving conical for a
prize. Clink's eastern allows will be
i u the g-ouuds. In aides a bowery and
riy gu rniinils. At night there
will he a grand eleiliical dlaplay
I mm Mr. ltnv' Klecti lo Power Co.
Him. II F. Mulkey, president ol the
Aihlaiid Normal, aud J. Vi. Klmmons
Statu Deputy of M. W. A. , will do
liver orations. Hon. J. ('. Millir,
Stale Lecturer, and Rev. W. T.
(ioulder along with oilier apeukers,
will HddreiiB the publio ill issue rela
tive to Woodcraft.
All necessarv arrangeineust havt
bi-i ii made to acrouuuodate the
nubile . Meals will lie 2b cent aud
lodging 2.'i cell's You ran dung a
ium Ii basket and provisions, kIho
your tent and blankets, or ran relit
the same from the Kl. Com. and
cauiier. There will be uo grafting
or gambling ou the grouu Is. The i
Com. of the M. W. A. will take
Hria! pains aud care for the cnmlort
of all. The traveling i xp, use of all
lew candidate who take the obliga
tion at the Logrolling will lie paid by
the hi Com. A gold watch will be
given to the Neighbor (deputies not
included) who secure the largi i
number cf benefit Ini'll liers for the
logrolling. Due and ouu-tliird fure
for the round trip all along the line.
A hearty iuvitatiou i hereby exten
ded to oue and all by the M. W. A. of
Houthern Oregon.
of Southern Oregon
Corporation bonks, stock certificates
aud setls at the Courier olllce,
" IIVii. hnlh hoi
while bfUuty't ttttHfe rift
Ankttfrwn hi heml
the jtlnuuit if a niijh "
Ilcaitty in a .shoe, in far as style
and shape is concerned, may be dis.
coveted at a glance, but quality
cannot always be judged in ad
vance unless you are an expert.
Keen observation avails you noth
ing. That is exactly why you
should come to in when you want
the kind of shoes that wil! wear for
a long; time and jjive you satisfac
tion while they do wear. All you
have to make certain of when you
buy hete is that the shoe fits you
comfortably. Our John II. Cross
shoe for ladies, manufactured at
Lynn, Mass., insures both style,
wearing qualities and fit, none liet
ter. LADIES with tender feet. DOES
COMFORT in a shoe mean an
thinif to you? If so step into a pair
of GROVKR'S Soft Shoes for ten
der feet, strictly hand made.
Each dollar purcha"e eutitles jou to
a chance ou the piauo.
Grant Psss, Oregon.
Sole agent for Cross and tlrovet
boss in Joseph iue Couuty.
a? U rfV