Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 07, 1905, Image 2

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Published Every Friday.
Subscrlotton Rated
One Year, in advance, - Jl-SO
riix Montim, .... ,7f
Three Months, ... .40
Hingle Copies, - .W
Advertising Raa
Kurnixhed on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obitnarlei and rfMlution of con
dolence will I charged for at 6c per line;
card of thanke fioc.
Entered at the post ollice at (iranm i't-t.
Oregon, as neconu-nla mail mailer.
Fill DAY. JULY 7, 1U05
VValcr Supply Dlflcient-FIre De
PBrtmenl Service Could Be
Tim Urn of Monday wan oiiii more
jiroof, of a fact dinionid rated t each
and evor.v fire that befall thin city,
that Gi'HIiU l'ana i woefully lui kiny
ill lire lirotoetion and that thin town ir
in jeopardy of terrihlo Iocs everj
tiujit a lire hrcalm not. It in Ion
patent to bo controverted tlmt Omnli
l'aH need a larger water uply w ith
n HtmiiKcr iireiwurc. When it conn k
that a hone ci tii any can not K"1
water onto the roof of a hiiiiiII I wo.
otory hnlldliiK, anil cannot even drunk
the uIhhk in the windows of the
Kfcond itlory and have to break the
(thim with rook or lnlos before the
water ran enetratn to the Hie, it ir
pietty eonolimivo roof Ihal w ith it
liiK fire on about nil the n HidciitH of
Grant 1'hkii could do would bo to flee
to tlm liillH anil watch their town
bin ii.
This water nliortai(o could be
remedied by th Water Company ar
ranging that on nil ulnrm of lire to
pump direct into the iiiainn ami force
up the pru-Kui'c, or to put their reser
voir on n higher elevation than it
now oceupii H, fo that greater gravity
prehMire could be had. Hut that il
licit run lull for the high procure
would be coiiKiiiut ly breaHng water
ImckM to titovm ami it would ulto
cauKe tlio wahlngn of water to be
much linger thau under a low iren
Hire, 'i'hn niOHt feiiHihln plan would
l In lu' two liirgn maiiiH from the
pumping Mution, one up Fifth elrecl
and one up Hcveiilh iilrcct with
lateiiilH ruiiuing a block each way.
Tliemi, in 'i i ii h to have no connection
with (ho dniucMio water Hynti-ni null
to have diiect connection with the
piiniiH when Willi I In needed for tin
puriiiHi'H. With thine, two iiiiiIiih nil
tlm I'liMineHH i art of the city and
much of the reciileiiee district would
liuvti a vvuti r Hei'vicn able to cope
w ith any lire.
'I'lii- i II i c t of having the mipplv of
water both for dnuicHtio anil Hro come
from tiie Mime iiiiiIiih wiih deieoii
nl nit eel by the Urn of Moml'iv, for it
being a dry lime nearly every hydrant
ill loan w in open for irrlgii Ion iir
jiiisi with Hie liHllit Hint there wiih
not cvi r K or -Ml pouiidH preiMire in
the iiiiiiuh nod (lie big Ikim did not
thiow imuli mole water Ihiiu wool
a giiidt u hose under n good presort'.
If llni prcM iit water fvsten. Ih to
obtain it Khoiild be required tlmt oti
tliu Found of the fire iilariu tliut ell
us. in hhut olT their hy'lliiiits ro Ihal
the liiHe eiiiepaiiicK could liuve lit) tin
pichMirn that there in in the malim.
lint mm h a Mile would he liaid to i n
force fur when n big tire 1 on t.piirkr
ami II i i-hi ii ihIh urn living in every
din t lion mid the owner of nil tin
endiiiig. red hniiM H, and muue tlmt ale
not in ilangi i, will have their gulden
In mi cm mid be welting down li e
rooli of their biiildlng.i and the gra-i-1
it their yurilr. 'I I. iM uuh tlie ( line In
tile big lire of three yearn iign in tliit.
city Hint kwepl away the faeloiies
ami a large number of other build
lugx. (ll that fateful dav evi ivlioih
bad llieir hohe ruiiuing willi there
milt that I In tn wiin net I'Iii-mm
enough in the lire hone to throw villi I
over a hi'iihoiiMi wnli 1 1 1 1 remit Hint
the lite n ad t mil it 1 1 1 1 iii d out.
1'lie need ot a lire alarm nvktein i
bImi uigeiit now tlmt tin. city I
grown unlil it Ih a mile In either of
lie' I .ur illt. ctioim to the limits ..
t'e- Imiii, lively miiiiite of ilelav in
geltiiV wnt r on a lire iiicren tl..
pelei iiIhk ,. of liability In lei. at a
ti'oin. n Ions rate. An the tel. phoin
tcin in i.iite geneial all over tin
city it Would be I'Onnll.,. Ill ill 1 itlo
Willi the I e I. In me coin p in y to h i ml .
til.' Hie i.l ,1 n,- The Ihe tell eii.lil
h:ue an clc'ilie n t incline m fo: ring
ing II ii i -1 tie number of tap- to in
(lie. it ' tlie wal.l the lite w.m ill. Thin
alia. 'Imi. 'lit In be citnievie ! with (!.,
tel. 'I'll. ii ' tvnU it and an (he ivnt i il
In I,. i o. n day and night v ,
coubl l.'b'i lione in wbi'le the lit ' wu.
mi. I tl p. r. iter could 'ie.s il.c I,. v
thai woiil.l mal.e the c lilieel 1..11 and
give ti e proper tapn lor the waul on
the 111. bell
Il in lain that Hie ellieii iicy ,1
the Hie ib I'irtili.'' t eiuld be gn ally
improved til li. 'I a gl. at o eiise lo lb.
Cltv. .s in w ntialiid tlie li etiii'ii
haul t y I .in. I Ha ir curtn. li in a
( that 1- llg.lillnl a lire
hivi'i i ndiiiat.i e to run (bat most lir
occur in ii Ii : it dry lime ami fur a hall
do. 'il nun to take a heavy lie" eait
and luce ell' with it nnv w lure firm
a. iit.rel'a mile to a mile en n In I
da' in certain to i u t I li 'ir elli. ii ne
fortlie time being for Mieeen-fu 11 v
fighting ll Hie. In niont toivtin tliele
li good pay given to the team that
hat; In the citit to the tire and tb re li
ft Hcramble among the teainntem lor
the quickly ctirueil mntiev.
A tiiA'ii Ilin "Ize of tlranln l'u-n
ahould liuvn two neparate bone cum
pauiei', but both under one ( hi f.
Then in addition to the pay to I In
iudivliiual Ihe city nhould
give a lib nil reward to the compani
tlm got llrtt water on Hie lire. ui h
n r.valr.r would rtitnulatii the tiro
lin n to drill lucre ro tbey would be
able to unreel their bono without go'
ting it tangled or wrong end too and
to wake their coupling" without fum
bling in tlie operation. With two
good bone companion, of menibemhip
large enough to Innure men enough to
handle the cart and th bowi, and then
allow tb one who help get the cart to
the fire and thene laid full pay and
tliOBfl who arrive after tlie cart in at
the hydrant but half pay. and with a
team to runli the cart to It" domina
tion, and with the rivalry of the two
companies to accelerate their speed,
there would be a flro department far
.noro efficient than Grants Pbkh how
Grants Pans is no longer a village
and priinative methods will no longer
SDlIice to combat fires. With the city
now built so closely over more than a
milo f(uare thai a flro coubj spread
from bouse to hous'i it lias become
Imperative that a betterment be
had to Iho flro protection for pro rty.
That the present totally defective
water supply but places Grants Pans
in coiintant (langie- of a big conflagra
tion tlmt would destroy bund. ids of
IhouwindH of dollars woith of property
and give the city a si t-bac'i from
which It would take live years to re
cover is mailer that Is too plain to
he controverted. !t is possible- under
pr nt conditions for tlm lens fiom
mm fire to fully (iiial the cost of an
entire new water syntciii for thu my.
Even though by good luck the city
may escape a big conflagration yet a
few object lessons like that given last
Monday in the complete relianco on
Insurance policies to protect properly
will so arouse the Insurance com
panies that they will put on a higher
rating and add to that alreti ly henvv
hur en on Grunts Puss property
owners, ll is now up to ( .rants I'ass
to secure a bittir water service nod
lire protection or have the certainly
of higher insurance rates anil the
ilniont equal certainty ol devastating
tire laving wante thousands of
dollars worth of property.
Lime find Mtrb1o Works tn Be
F.eitnbl.bhttd on Chancy Creek.'
'I 1 1 it lit Kinuiiitf li"H Im i ii iiuwltt tl
wliat in ft-1 tutu hi Ix-coini oiii- of tin
m imliihtrii'H of JuHi'i'hiiic rminty
rtinl to bi) tliH iiK'fWiM of iiddiiiK itinilln i
piyrnll mill morn wialtli to the
county. Tli in new industry in that of
tlm nmutifiM'turo of Hni on ti hir'c
C'llo mid of tlm hliii'iiiiiLi of mitilil
for Imi Id in mid h.oiiuiim pur
punt h. Tli id (If)poNit of ma ill If tlmt
Ih to tut opened up lit-N on Clicnt-v
irrcidi, I mi Ii h dit-tant from A p
pl'iUu riviT mid 11 milt-H from
(JnmtH 1'iiHH.
TliiH property wiih rnvnlly Huld ly
IikIK'' 11. K. Mmina, of JucKHOiivilli',
and K. 1 , W. M., mid Mish l.izii
Hull, of Wildi rvillr, ,1. lv Vrrdir
of thin oily Hud h:n u -m n-i u f o, wlm
un wi'iilttiy nun of t i-tlilt'jniiilr,
Wfihli. '1'ltcy lutvo oranitd acorn
luiny of fiO.Ooo 1'itpitiil of wlii li the
priiii-ipal htoclilioldt'iH mo J. t'lni) I 1 1
in (1 Almond linker tsso o the luul
iii imrthuillH of (iolilt'inlnlr. iiim)
.IoIiii AlkiiiHou, liiu wlit at jinmt'i
of Klickitat county, Mr, Ycrdin vill
lie tl.o local 1 1 u il 1 1 1 r and have cliiM:e
of opening' up the pit n 1 1 v.
Tlm land ciiihiacrd in tl.'- imii:i-i'
eillhrilCCH 1MI HilM hlid It (iVelntlir
liillill Iedm i t one ( f the hi'i r-t
uinrhle di pi hi t h in Hotiiht tu it pu.
The Ii dye Iiiih it fai n of fn m 'Jo to
KH) fi t t 111 heiuht and I'Mbinln alony
!' o hill lor a ill.-nt.tnco ol nmn' thuii
hull ii milo mid how far Lo k into th
hill Iiiih nol lain an 1 1 a i in (I. So
cxteiihivn Ih the depumt (hat not in a
ceiilury could It he woikrd t ut and m
peifi i t in the lrd. that hlock! ot
in.v hi e ( an he iiiai i led. I h i
inaihle h variealetl, ih uli it h rn Ii
Ida I. color mitl it tak n vi i.v I ih
polirdi.and end u r i s tin- w i a 1 1, or i ii . I
to the In l Vciui(nt or it. th .tl u aihli
Tor tlm pi' M iit tl.i cpi-. .nil value
that can ho loot limn tins o.aihle i
the iuit that ( all hi' it .n.i t.ictui d
I'.oni il. '1 he liiilliliiui lute of lli;e
Inn hi t n ( an trd (Hi in a miim 1 1 w ,i
I or Year.-t ut t mmu I h i-. mai 1-le anl
the lime has u t Ii lo ti.' of 1 1 Ver
I quality and m. lito in uto-t t
the ii.iti'iii lime. th.iw i.iln with
a capacity ol . to ho lMi i - . i da
Will he rltttiil ll. w i.til M;ilinil
ertliu put ti ui m n
t he h tl1' t h trl, I
Hi nirtimi . f ih,' .
-oh-tih I thlc tliut l i i
i it ( liat it in 1 1 v and ;i '
he lit ct il to niaiM. I o t a
i ' Ull d fi t I i.iMiii;
the tiai I v. lit hilt- I'.i
nliipi Hi t lot
maihle inilioti v mi. I
w at ii i r.ul r r i I e i
w 1 1 h i n hi n y j.m oi -
umk nt
a IV lei
I I -
I il. .1 an. I
nil ,llll
" IuiiiIm i'
I lv Ib.
.Mi' Mil
i :oi 1 1 ai ih i 1 1. mo t
It I I
I ik i liua co j , r di-t i :, i;, v
V I I h It hi .kilt ll Up A it ; ,1 1 i
I Hi I.. d,;e dlMt .,1, All ,
tl. i li i 1 1 v mid w i I :i'. !! i
'I 1 1 an-i ui I;it . mi 1 1 il ! I . i
ami in r Mi t i i.i h I,, t
Prospectors jj
I'.I MVt' I'lHl , rll !!i ,1 ... i
w M. !i th. : ;i .i! K
Ucpartnunt Jiul li.rnitini- Merc I
' Kl '-U 1 M'M H'.k , 1 S!. ' L
iieM r.u- i' . k,
I'uk s.ei.ii, .si-,,, ,
.'.imp St.,,. . ,
M..I-IV.,, IM
'1.1. 1 p.
I 'lilllflM'll. ' , ill:.'.' P.
I l ink. N l; 'i, .
K.iki M.i. s!...t ; .
.im!U I;..,,.;
Slur!. Kti.v. ,
Anil iiii, I li:ii el-.,' i .inr, , (hi i !,,.
ciiinp .it Ui il nee Kulit
pogue River Growers to Meet in
Grants Paa This Saturday
Full Attendance Assured.
A meeting, attended by 16 of the
leading hopgrowers of Rogne Hirer
Valley, was held at the Conrier office
last Hatarday afternoon for the pnr
poso of discnssiuK lb" advisability of
organizing a anion of the hopgrowers
of Southern Oregon and of joining the
proposed state Association of Oregon
hopgrowers. Conrad Krebs, of Salem,
and one of the largest Willamette
Valley hopgrowers, was present and
oiitlinrd the method by which it was
proposed to org '0 ize a slate nrtion of
lioigrowos. Mr. Krebi advocated
an incorporated body on the plan
similar to that of the frnit growers
Dillons, that lias proven to saccciHfnl
in Oregon, California and other
states. He said a systematic effort
was being made to orgs o Ize the hop
growers in every district in the
I'niteil Htntes, and lie felt confident
tliut not a district woo 111 be nnor by the time picking season
opei.ed this fall. And so heartily are
the liopuicu taking hold in the move
ment that there is every certainty
that with few exceptions, all the
growers iu the stuto would bo in
Mr. Krebs quoted statist ica to
prove that the world'a demand for
hops for use in beer mat. ing and for
yeast and medicinal purposes was in
rreiuiiitf faster than was the product
ion of hops. 1 lie natural result of
this condition by the law of supply
and ilemaiiil was that the price of hops
at least remains stationary and not
diereasu as has been the fact for the
last six mouths in the hop markets of
the I'nited Slates. This decrease nt
nearly 10 cents a pound that has
been hrooglit about within the last
few mouths is the result of a system
atic elfort on tlie part of tlie dealers
to break thu ' market and get this
year's crop us well as that of next
year at their own price, hut quoting
theii own pi Ice to tlio brewers, which
won hi be high enough to allow them
ii profit of KH) to 2(H) per cent on their
investment, it was now np to the
hop growers to oragnizo unions do
their own selling direct to the
brewers, and eliminate the middlemen's
prolltri, and not to bi made victims
of the dealers combine and he allow
ed bare expenses on their investment.
Mr. Krebs could seo no possible
reason for the present decline iu tlie
price of hop ether than the pressure
finni the dealers, for the yield was
not very ' promising and tin crop wiis
almost certain to be less than that of
I m -1 year. The consumption of hops
in the I'nited States would bo fnlly
Hi.lMiO bales this year and the best
estimates diil not place the yield for
this year lit not over 215,000 or 2."0,0(K)
haliH. Ah the average importation
by Kiiglainl of American hops amount
ed to -10, 000 bales each year tl ere is
every likelihood of there beiug a
shortage iu the American hip crop.
The growers, Mr. Krebs declared,
wire really as b.ul ail enemy to
themselves lis the dealers, for they
would get excited at the first bad re
polls lliat appeared in tlie newspapers
ami dump their hops on the market
ngarilless of condition'. And then
It is so ililliciilt to seen e c i-operatiirn
among liopgrowcrs, for many farmers
are so distrustful ol each other and
will go into on union least they may
get swindled, prefering to stay out
Willi the certainty of being robbed by
the dealers combine
After a general discussion of the
vaiioiis phases of the proposed re
union, it was decided to meet again
tli is S.itiirilay at the Courier oiliee at
I p,. m. when a permanent orgimia
linn w mi I.l hn i'tTcrto'1 and the signa
tures of all the growers secured to the
I rope-! il combine of thu hop crop of
i iregon.
Siuh is the interest that tlie lead
nig grow, is of this district are taking
the organialiiin of the proposed
iiiiinii that it is now a certainty that
in the uniting of Saiurilay wil. bring
about the formation of the Southern
Cngeii llogroeis union, and the
further assuranee is certain that it
w ill embrace, wiih possibly cue or
two exceptions, every grower iu
lo-i liine ami Jackson counties.
Tin r will be inaitv advantages tlmt
tins union will bring to the growers,
l b, ebb f w ill be the elimination of
iti'- oii.blb in. n's profits, that fre
,uent!v exceed the price realied by
.he grower, and Hie peril die derres-
:(''! i'( the hop market that the bears
j .iieong the .h ah rs bring about.
Tbrounh the union the Southern
ni.'gon growers would have adirictor
Jin i!.e Mate union tn take part ill the
; i..,a-iging of tlje sales by the unions.
I'l l' local union could bnv at whole
baling cloth, sulphur and oilier
! -o 1 lb used by the hnpmeii mid si II
; i- ibeiii ni ci st. The Insurance ti nt
ii, w e sis the growers from f0 to.'iH)
e h voir, could be assumed by the
- .! ii 1 1 1. mi at a mueh lower rate. A
b w ii. lioi;.' emit I tie maiitaliu d at
h- riiirotd. obviating the in i d if
. i b grower ti) provide for storige
should lb.' hops be held. Inuring the
b ii. -.1 ibe w ar. bens., w as not used it
e.'iibl Im n lite. I for other purposes,
it Ua-i lor enough to keep up the in-
ii lin e and ri pans in on it. The
inn. hi would at range for pickers and
. i n liii't a general Information bureau
'oi tli,' b"ii. lit of its members. The
div for unions bis eoine, anil the
e.lrors. lawyers, bankers brewers,
riilroals magnates, mechanics and
steel and oil kings h,,ve their unions
viiil trusts niet the farmers w ill have
lo in s- on e to prelect their various
iii'lustt ii s, as the trtiitmeu are now so
s ', i . i . s s f u 1 1 y doing, or they will Ih
crowded down all that Hie t'atlic will
i ,r bv the various combine' that
tl ev are forced to deal w ith.
I.i 1ST Cm the lSrve creek road be
tween Fryer's much and Ors.nn
I'.i-s. a silehi I containing Indies
weiirnig upland, one pair glasses,
tiiimhle and other articles and
about tltl iu money. Anyone find,
inn Ihe smite picas" leave at the
Courier ollice jiid receive reward.
A Red Tag Sale
, It means that all goods marked
with red tags are being sold at reduc
tion prices at the Red Star Store.
We have put these goods at a
very low price in order to close them
out, and make room for Fall stock.
It is good for the buyers.
W. E. DEAN & CO.
One of the Largest and Moat
Complete on the Pacific
The Grants Pass Cold Storage is an
other industry and other pay roll that
is to be hereafter a leading factor iu
the prosperity of Grants Pass. The
inauguration of this iudustry began
Monday, when everything being iu
readiness, steam was gotten up and the
ice and refrigerator plants put iu oper
ation to be operated steadily hereafter
da; and night.
The Grants Pass Cold Storage is tin
property of Eugene Cass, the well
known capitalist of this cliy, and au
inspection of the plant will convince
oue that Mr. Cass spent money freely
to making every detail of it as com
plete as it to be found iu the cold stor
age establishments of the big cities.
The outside of the large building is
handsomely painted, while hit the in
terior walls and paititions aro fin
ished in oil. All tlio hinges, clasps
and nails used about the various com
partments are galvanized und rust
The cold storage space is arrang
ed iu six compartments, one each for
meat, fruit, beer, eggs, fish, and ice.
Thu temperature of these compart
incuts can be regulated aiid held at
required degree. The ieeriiom has a
storage capacity for ill tons of ice,
while tlio meat room has space for 120
carcases. Tlio meat room is fitted
with overhead tracks. The carcases
are receivd on a trolly and by means
of swithces can be run to any part of
thu meat room. A track extends from
the ice storage room to a platform
where refrigerator cars can be iced, or
wagons loaded for city delivery.
The ice niacin no has a capacity of
1T'V tons per 24 hours and cakes can
be made to as large us 400 pounds, the
ammonia compres or though is of 20
tons capacity. The motive power is a
SO ll. P. boiler and a ll.'i if. P. engine,
both new and of the best make. All
the water used iu tlie ice plant is
boiled and thoroughly filtered. Tlie
water first passes through a St. Louis
filter, then to Ihe boiling tank, then to
the skimmer, then through a charcoal
filter, thu ii cooled and passing
through a sponge tiller goes to the cans
from which it conies out tlio clearest
of ice, and absolutely free from impuri
ties or disease germs.
The entire establishment is lighted
with electricity und the ollice in its
handsome appearance and completeness
of furnishings would do credit, to au
ollice in a city office bnilding. Mr.
Cass w ill be manager aiid general util
ity man, giving his full attention to
the business management. K. K.
Frederick w 11 liavo charge of the
books and be the general superintend
cut of the establishment. The engine
room will be in charge of Walter
Smith and George Wcrtz, tlie former
having of tlie day shift and the latter
tl ight shift. T. r Knight will
have charge of ice machine and refrig
erator rooms. So perfect was the con
struction of the plant that only a thort
trial run was necessary last went to
test the working parts, and it run this
week without halt, or mishap and
proves that It is absolutely H'rfoct ill
every detail
Calling Cards Courier liullding.
In the mutter of the petition to take
all that pail of School District No.
Ilii located in Sections lit snd 17,
township .'lit South, Range S West
from District No. IIT and imiiex the
siiiiie to District No H. There being
uo r iiionstrsjiice such action,
the petition w ns iiiinniinnuslv allowed.
Sec'y Hoard.
That's what Grants Pass is going to he in
tact, it is getting to he year hv year.
The lahoring man is receiving every advant
age, and by the use of proper diligence and good
judgement, he is soon able to live in tis own home.
''Man Must Make His Opportunity"
Start Now, I'll Show You, How.
What I have done for others 1 can do for vou.
Make Immediate application for complete informa
tion as to how every man may own his own home.
Joseph Moss,
The Real Estate Man
Grants Pass, Ore. 516 E Street
Casey McWilliams Property
Shows Vp Four Fine
P. 8. Casey of Jacksonville, was in
Grauts Pass on mining bosiuess. Mr.
Casey in partnership with F. G. and
II. h. McWilliams, of Ashland, owns
the Goldeu Standard mine on Jacksou
creek ltj miles west of Jacksonville.
This property adjoins the Opp mine,
that is paying such big dividends
since it was equipped with a 10 stamp
mill last year, and it is developing as
favorable as that of its celebrated
neighbors. There aro four veius on
the laud, of which there are 80 acres
iu the tract, and they rnu from 18
Inches to 17 feet in width and the as
says show very satisfactory values
through the entire width of each of
the ledges.
Considerable development work
was done on this property several
years ago, some extensive tunneling
beiug done, and then the works wore
abandoned until the success of the
Opp mine gave new Interest in
Jackson creek mines. Two mouths
ago Messrs. Casey & McWilliams
again took up the development ot
their mine with the determination to
stay by it until they had it fully
opened up and the value and extent of
tlio veins demonstrated. Mr. Casey
is in charge of this work and has a
crew of four men driving tlie main
tunnel at a greater depth. As to
their future plans it has not been de
cided, but Mr. Casey exi ressed the
opinion tlir.t they would likely this
winter install a mill on the property.
In the matter of consolidation of
Districts Nos. 8 and W'., the votes cast
were carefully tallied and it wat
round in Dotli districts a unanimous
vote cast for consolidation "yes
Tlie district Boundary board declared
said consolidation aud district No. :
being the larger, the consolidated
district will hereafter be' Known as
the Kerby District No. 3
The oillcerB elected in District No.
M at the annual school meeting June
10, HKi.1 will be the officers forth
new district and all property and
funds belonging to District No. !iii
is to be turned over to the school
board of the new district, to become
the pioierty of the new district thus
formed by the consolidation.
Done ut Grants Pass, Oregon, this
Otli day of Julv, l'.i."i.
Seo'y of Board.
The underhigued having filed hi
final account of the administration of
the estate of Agnes K. Sawyer, de
ceased, ill the Countv Court for Jose
phine Couutv, Oregon, notice is here
by given lo all liersous eoiicerne I thai
hearing of said account has been set
bv said court, for liiesdav, August 1,
I '.Mo, at 10 o'clock n. ui at the County
Court room in I lie Con it House in
Grams Puss, Oregon, and all persons
interested are not tied to tile their
objections thereto, if any there be, on
or before said oate. Published in
the Rogue River Courier by order of
lion. .1. O. lioolh. County Judge.
Made June 20, 1 '.-,.
Kxcctitor of Miid i ttute.
The undersigned h-.tviug filed his
tiiril account of the iidtiiinistratiou of
the estate of Mariu S. Mngoou, de
ceased, ill the Conuty Court fur Jose
phine County, t iregou, notice is here
by given to all person concerned that
heariug of suid account has beeu set
by s,ud Court for Tuesday, August 1,
liSA!, at 10 o'clock a. 111. ut the
County Court rci in iu tlie Court
House at limits Pass, Ongou, sud
all persons uiti recti d are notiliid to
tile their objections thereto, if any
there be, on or In fore Slid date. Pub
lishid in the Rogue Hiver Courier by
order of Hon. J. O Booth, County
Judge Mm ile June '.".I, l'.HVi.
Kxei utor of said estate.
Burning Grass Sets w
ings on Fire.
Two fire, occurred Monday. In the
afternoo.. the bare of -L .U
located in the western luburb. of he
destroyed, the fire
,f .omagra-patch which wm b.m ,
'burned off. In the evening R. L. W
,er. agent for the Singer Ma
chine Company and H.E. Brown who
coudncuadrygoodsttorem h'
ing on North Sixth street, attempted,
,o born off the grass in the yard be-,
tween the Brown building and tlie;
building ocenpied by Mr. Porter and j
owned by L. B. Hall, with the result ,
.. . .. k- firfl and i
that the Hall Dnimiug iau... - -was
almost destroyed before the Are
I department oould extinguish the blaze.
ti, inner story of the building had
' formerly been occupied by a carpenter j
i shop and the shavings naa oeeu
down between the studding. The
; blaze from the grass penetrated the
loracks in the siding and in a flash the
fire took up through the dry shavings
and soon the npper part was all iu
The upper story was unoccupied, but
the lower story was used by the Sew
ing Machine Company. Mr. Porter got
his stock ;of machiues out. bnt lobt
about $-.0 on other effects. The build
ing was insured for $1000
The Van Dora copper property,
located on the banks of Rogue river
jurt above the mouth of Big Pickett
cieek, has been bonded for oue year
by Portland and Klamath Falls
larties, operating under the title of
the Golda Mining Company. De
velopment work was begun last week
and an open cut of 12 feet depth has
been mado and this week the work
of driving a tunnel begun. The open
inn nf this tunnel is directly in the
bank of Rogue river and extreme high
water will cover it. Tlie object of
this is to cut the vein as low as kis
Bible. The mouth of the tunnel is
sufficiently high above the bed of the
river to give an ample dump and the
river is so swift at this point that
tlie floods will keep the dump clear.
Kodaks Courier Building.
State Maps Courier Building.
I keep a
Cockier IIi.ih;.
has stoo theVesyL8 Chill ToniC
bottles. tL i5J5f bS "T ff"1 Sate over One and a HalfMinjofl
, iJSVZl! aPJl to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c
MWllli''' CXv'. Black t.00t,,uvq. PfflC
BANNARD invites
his new stock of Furniture just opened
is conceded by all to be the finest in quai;.
and style ever shown
prices are quite below Portland or San Francis
All poods marked in plain figures. We never qDot
large prices and 60 much reduction; do not liave too
Come and seo for yourself.
Goods sold on the installment phtn and no extt!
j,ricc charged nor interest when paid as agreed.
Hig Store North Side, 61 h Street, Grants Pass
Don't Neglect Your Eyes.
Choose your Eye Socialist -Dr. F.
A. Clise and son refer you to the
following persons whom they have
done work for in and around (Jrnuts
Pass: R. O. Smith, W. A. Carson,
Mrs. H. K. Pigney, S. Humiiitd, Mrs.
II. C. Kinney, Mrs. II. W. Kinney,
Mis. Josephine Thornton, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Peterson, Mrs. McKenzie,
Ralph Davis, O. U. Seward, Rubeu
Steelquist, Dr. and Mrs. Jennings,
0. L. Williams, Mrs. . P..Mcliols.
E. W. Gordon, Dr. Longwell, . u.
Cole. Miss Corliss, IIiob. Hurvey,
Mrs. A. E. Yoorhn-s, Win. Riggs,
D. L. Roberts and daughter, C. A.
Ryle, D. 0. West lake and many
Courier Building.
Placer and iinarlz locution notices,
mine deeds, leases, etc., at the
Courier ollice.
Vacation Pictures
A Year-Round Pleasure
You should take a KODAK
Mountains or the Seaside:
with yoft to the
lhtn your vacation
will extend throughout the year
lirownio '2'2
Hrownic '2x
Folding Itrmvnic -
Folding Camera -
Kodak, Rapid Rec. Lens,
Folding Kodak
fll sltk of everything needed in
A. E. Voorhies,
Koda.R Headquarters
your examination m
in Grants PaS8, J
Letcher's Jewelry 5te
Lowest prices on Klfrini;!
Walt ham watches. Br:;
your watches and jew!-;
that need repairing to n'
All my work is warrant..:
Fair, the
AT ,.
in 1