Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 02, 1905, Image 6

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    . ""...',' . ''.-'
ROGUE RIVER COTIRTPB nuiHisi -js?-- : " n-
Another stupendous Halo of short lengths in
1'l'illlH, illi-lMlllM 11111 JIIWHH
5000 yards Calicos in Turkey Iteds, Indigo Hltics and Crays Op per
as long as this amount lasts XJJ yard
Just at the season when you want these niie cool airy Lawns they come
in lengths from 2 to 10 yards; in this lot we have 4 bales per
of 'HM yards, as long; as they last xO yard
This lot of 2 to 10 yard pieces are of the finest Sheer Organdie, Qp Per
elegant patterns sold from 20 to 25c, get what you want at. yard
20 pieces A. lf C. Gingham, all bright, new patterns 8c per yard
5 Bolts Cotton Voile Suitings, regular price 12j4c, in this Ier
sale ' 2'-' yard
1 J,ot Hook fold Percales, regular price H'ic in this sale. . . . 6c per yard
1000 yards nice fine Itrown Muslin, worth in a regular way tf, per
T,c, in this sale yard
1 Lot Illeached Turkish Towels, the 10c size 6c each
1 Iot Black Mercerized Petticoats, would be cheap at J1.25, r)K
in this sale at I Uj
1 lot Shirt Waists made of a Nice Lawn, black ground with OKe
white polka dot, value 48c, in this sale fZjtJVj
1 lot same as above only white ground with black dot, front O On
piped with black, go in this sale at QOw
The Biggest Values ever offered in White India Linen Shirt Waists 98c
We have 50 of these waists. They are made from a dainty Sheer
India Linen, front trimmed with Embroidery and Medallions,
Mutton Lg Sleeve, would lie cheap at (1.50, in this sale QQp
or as long as they last tJJJ
Another lot of 25 waists that sell anywhere at $2 00, go in this sale at
$1.25. Front trimmed with dainty Lace Insertion aud Twelve Rows
Cluster Tucks down the back, seven tucks on each Q"! OK
sleeve; they go in this sale at CpX.rWCl
Sample lot of
Bought at 50c on the dollar, in this sale at about 4 regular price.
We offer in this sale a line of Sample Vests at about one-half regu-
,M Pl Lot 8c kind go at .... 4c 1 Lot 20c kind go at .... 1 3c
o 1 " 22c " " .. ..14c
1 ' 15c " " ....10c 1 '
1 Lot 3Sc kind go at .
One lot Ladies Shoes, Vici Kid, Light Sole, Pat. Tip, double Qgn
stitch, sizes 24 to 7, value $1.50, go in this sale at
1 Lot Infants Shoes. Button and Lace, sizes 1 to 5, value 50c; QQp
in this sale KJKJj
Try a pair of our
"Good-for-13ad-Boy Shoe'
We guarantee 2 . pair to last as
long as 3 pair of any other shoe.
Our Motto: "Cash Buys Cheater Than Credit.'
A Stranger Sees This Handicap
and Suggests a Romedv for
This Retarding Condition.
KiliUir Courier: A constant reader
if your excellent paper. I have found
great pleasure lu your uiany lino urtl
clea on civio anil urlmn improvements.
These have the true progressive ring
mid evldenties a Jealous cure for nil
nttoctlng tli public weal. I trust
limy have Ih'oii oircfully read and
duly considered. Tim opinions 1 i t
fnrtll concerning liond rnailB have been
lorouful, clear and show a wide
kiinwloge of tho subject and may
justly claim attention. Their 'h i-uil
merit lies In tin' fact of being l'M--llcal
undi'l cniitlllinua hero.
I linvtt ufteii wondered If the people
of Giants Puss fully realized tho gn at
advantages oH'U to ll'ii locality
fioui soils, climate, Iih mountains
stocked Willi precious metals and
possibilities lor water power second
lo mum. Does one crave llie beauti
ful ill nature? Micro in an ample
s plead of mountain, meadow. Intent
aud mreain to satisfy tlie eyes, educate
the taMte, cultivate and briaihnthi
iiiiud. Natuio has Indicd la en
lavish lu her gifts ami only auk ua to
take and enjoy tlieiu, Init Im Ih On
question for tin each mid all.
There niinit Ihi an avenue to tiansinit
any good whether material r spirit
ual. No man of intelligence an
I i averse this section on any of the
roads loading from our city and lull
toaoelhat the one thing needful is
improv. incut ill the linos of con.iiiu
incation to put ill lor., r touch the
twn and outlying districts The
inoducla of the farm, the mine ami
forest can only hu got en to u under
KicHt ihtllcultir and i'ih'im'. We
nont a. ce't the hroad fact that th. n
iirodut'U irnint reach u in (tieal. i
Vidiime or the roth of our city Hill
lo and decay teulu- Now for tin
remedy. Let the cllucn of ,lee
ihiuu county unite In a n titicn to
the llouoial'le Court for a (ii ucrmis
mil to he eipended each year under
- win,, kuu rviniou for hetler ru:ol,
l iiiiaueiil and U to dale Mi ni tun I
that will make available the traction
engine, automobile, Ireiht Wiipn
ami farmer' team lo move thco ro
ll In vital that we have then.
the eoutilrr about ua ban an
abundance for all our needs, but we
in .tat reach out for them.
Do our aoile uudeitnd that farm
iioduela would be increased ten fold,
that the caiwcity of the mine would
how far Kieiiler cam. became i I
the larjtely iucteaaed force needed to
-,,rk ihem. could their output be
liaudlutl more to advautage. U there I
any iiroblem ho dillleult of aolutinu
to the farmer as the moving- of ti la
eropa to market 'I It in only during
Hie dry inniithn these can bo liaud
leil aud to ureal diNiiilvatiige. With
a nyntein of ynod roads the hauling
uiiaoiiy of lii team would lie Dearly
doubled, and what all imjictua
would he Kivell our tiuaiueaa inter
ewi h (jenerally from these bettered
conditioiiH. tlur tine water lxiwcr
would be tillli.ed, ameltera and
faetoriea would be built, a steady pay
roll established, the real backbone of
any town. ' Ih it au unrenaiiiiiiiK
optimism that sees in all this a
future Grants I'iihs doubled in aiz.e,
a city of of beautiful liomea, churches,
linopub'io aud himiucprt bha-ks, widl
kept n reels, every industry and
liusiiieMn vitalii d, a cultured content
ed and rnaicrtiiis ptHide.
Two Popular Teacher to Leave
Grants Paaa.
Miss lllsliop and Miss liondiu re
turned Saturday evening from a four
days trip to M isa Illshop'a homnstead
on upier Itof-in river, near Trail.
The youiiK riuliea had all enjoyable
trip, and came back delighted with
their brief outing and havliiK an ap
petite that would do credit to true
woodsman, aud to r.ccnnut for which
their friends have not lully decided
uhclhcr It was the appell.iiiK rook
i 1 1 of th 'se popular teachers, or the
stteuuous cxcrciie and shoitae of
e nables that c tuscd them to uearlv
bankrupt their respective boarding
houses for the llrsi few days after
their return home.
Miss ltishop will spend the sum
mer in Southern Oregon, most of the
time at her homestead. The last of
August she will yo to 1'ortUinl to visit
the fair aud to attend the National
l-Mucationiil Association that is to be
held in that city, after which she
w ill tin to linker City, where she has
a Kood position in the M-boola of that
city. Miss GoihIiii left Thursday
for Albany, where she w ill ciid a
veek with friends, aftsr which she
Mill visit friends and relatives ill
S.iletn ami oilier Valler towns for a
uenith; She w ill ss'iid lunch of the
summer at her old home ill WaahiuK
toll county and with her brothers lu
Portland and Astoria, ciosum her
simmer s itinerary by Attenilird the
National Koucatioul Association in
IN itl.iinl. She will theu tio to Salem,
where she will asMime the duties of
II 1st nsisiaut in the his-h scIuhi) of
that city
ihtM I'hMi. uni Irtattd Mim without Sacccu.
V. 1.. Vancy, I'aducah, Ky.,
writes " I had a severe case of kid
nev disease and three id tile U'st
.hvii'iaiis in Iveiiincky treated ine
wuhout success. 1 lieu took Foley's
litduev Cute The lirst bottle itave
luiuiediate relief, and time Nittlea
ruled me perninneiillv, 1 K'a.ily
ncoiuiueiid this wonderful remedy."
l-'or aale by li. A. Holermuud.
Ley Down a. Code of R.ilea
Guaranteed to Keep Peace
in the Fo-mlly.
Tear Kttitnr: I have ynost recep-
tinned der followlug letter rich ex
planations Itself :
Vol! Crook, lltliii.
My Tear Hclinelder: I have do
risioued dot I shall become married
init right avay; bow shall we con
duction ourselves dot we live init
happily? I'-
I dinks me ilea letter vas from mine
friend Ul.seubauill. Fuirnt you shall
make oup your uiindta veil you 6xht
efery day dot yon dou't will let your
names get into dor court ratlock init
in der vs. cluinu for dot vas meaint
dot vimiiien auea. Yon shall Imik a
little ouid for der drummers uf der
tuyfel ; veil they talk you shall put
der whole bale uf cotton in your
ears; lint Ten they action you shall
open your eyes init widely. Veil she
tbs cnKiigenicntcd to you vy nod you
tint herr into der tuck uf Tar uut
found ouid how strotiK she vas; ven
you vas married lo herr alreadty out
she vip you, unt she found ,it ouid,
veil then alio vip you efery day, unt
ihem vas no vii pints post mit in front
ur nerr. i ou snail uou vip vour vuei
for there vas der Tippled isist nut in
before you. Veil your frau vas ou
der var path uut look across heir
nose like der lifer you shall lie iu der
KiMit h u mors alreaty; uut veil yon vas
mad your vife shall look der odor vay
by der unerstaudiiieiit. If yon shall
moot der right kind uf iter start
trouble w ill ito der house nver.
ler vay vich Kalriua uut luineself
started ouid is er vay vich I shall ad
visement dot yon shall start init
your vlfo ouid. Veu Katriua tbs in
dititiatioued it sometimes most alvaya
hapault dot I vas in der best uf
humors; uut veu I vas mad mit her
self yooat isaiplo Katriua vas sinuii;
"Hoc der Kaiser." Dor day uf der
vet l Inn t dlt liefer forgotten; Ten der
praydeeuor aait to herr "Yon do
promise dot you shall put your handt
ou your heart unt luf uut obey ilea
danger sickuell Ticli vaa hobliiiK Tour
han.ll, Yea uut Katriua replication
ed"Yaw," 1 diuks uie uow Is der
time; uut I break avay uut valk
arouudt Katriua mit rapidly unt veu
I come arouudt mit in before herr I
lap herr ou der breast nut delaratiou
uut loudly ' Katriua uiy name vas
Yaw-cup Schneider," uut aroundl herr
1 vent some more, uut veu I rotue
arouudt de second time twice I slap
ped Iterreslf ou der breast uut sail
mil Tccheuicutly "Katriua I vas
uroault, " unt arouudt I veut dea
time three timet nut veu I alap berr-
self ou der same place uut say "biuie
dnuder Tetter Katriua, I vaa bona. "
Veil Katriua yooat grit lierr teet mit
consviitmeutH, unt der next day I
foundt iu der Toot abet Ton nf
Katrina'a silk stockings mit lu vich
vaa dor bologna sausage vich Levy
bringa down mit iu der dolifury
wagon; dor stocking vaa tied mit on
der, end uf dor pole mit der piece uf
bet cordt der other end ou for der
haunt lioldt. For try days I diuka
me nf uoddiuga in der Hue nf bitz
uesa uf so much importances as dot
stocking vas, unt der balogim sausage
1 so lunch like it. Yun day mil utfer
Titrdts very soon, Ten Katriua vas
mad in 1 1 herraelf all over, I Talked
oup to herr uut suit mit softly
"Katriua, der duf uiic der olif branch
vas here arleadty ; unt from dot day
to dea there dit notd so much happen
edot ou look't crook't at each other.
You shall nod marry der girl vich
vaa extraragautiieaa mit herrself ; ven
she coateu you so much as soon as she
vaa engagements! to yna, she oosten
yon more veu she vas married to you
alreadty. Yell both uf you dont will
get light In der upper story at der
same times yon will live mil happily.
No vunder there vas so much
troublesome in der vorldt, veu der
Tito livortlue valk abunid mit so
much conspicuously, uut der gitty
ilium mit der bet full uf vanities fall
III luf mit himself uut veu der trouble
comes after herr declaration dot it vas
der case uf luf at fairst sight nut dot
she can nix guf him up to his vife,
veil it vaa noddinga but der cheapness
kiudt uf uipliotism by iter whole
titout. Dime duuder Tetter if mine
vife cuts up dot vay mit another mans
vife I Taiae der tuyfel up mit herr if
he vaa mine owu fadder.
Yawcup Schneider.
Mew Hope Items
The dance given by Win. McCallister
waa almost a failure ou account of
the rain.
Work ia rapidly progressing at the
Jewell A Hurrow hop yard. They are
working a force of 10 men.
The rain last Saturday did consid
erable good in this locality, having
thoroughly aoaked the ground and
greatly Invigorated eropa of all kiuda.
Geo. U. Walter will return from
Idaho about Auguat 15. Mr. Walter
is au industrious, wide awake xouug
mail aud we are glad to welcome him
home onco more. He is au expert
timber framer and works at the
IVwey mine at Koosovelt, Idaho.
A Bad Start
Some day yon will get a had scare,
lieu you feel a iiii in your bowels,
and fear appendicitis. Safety lies tu
Dr. King a New Life Villa, a anre
cure, for all bowel aud atoinach di
seases, audi aa hea.iathe, btliouaueaa;
costiveuesa, etc. Guaranteed at all
drug atorea. ouly i-c Try tham.
Children's Day to Be Obeerved
A Farm Sold A Horse
Is Drowned.
Will Wilcox aud wife are here on
a visit from Uleudale.
Mrs. O. C. Presley of Grants Pass,
oame up Tuesday morning to Tiait her
former home.
Tho roceut heavy rains were greatly
bruutlcial to this locality. Crops all
looking finely.
Au interesting program is being
prepared by the Sunday School for
Children's Day.
Miss Jessie Boyd has been very IU
with pneumonia, but is better now.
Dr. Douglass of Grauta Pass was in
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beck, and Mr.
aud Mrs. Will Beck attended the
Holiness camp meeting at Ashland
last week.
Sherman Kstell lias three baby
cooua, caught before they were nine
days old. They are growing fast, aud
ho luteuds to raise them for pets.
Mr. Cochran arrived Friday from
Koseburg to Tiait his son J. D.
Coliruu. He Is wall pleased with
our country, aud will Tiait Ilia sou iu
Medford before returning home.
Mr. aud Mrs. Byron Moore went to
Jacksonville last Friday on buaiuesa,
having sold their farm on Fielder
Creek to a party whose name we did
uot learn. Mr. aud Mrs. Moore have
not decided whether they will re
main here or remove to new
Their friends here will be pleased
to learu of the birth of a son to Mr.
aud Mrs. II. C. Stevens, In Grauta
Pass, May 2, 1905. They are former
residents of this plaoe, aud will soon
agaiu make their home near here on
the Levi Shertman place, after a resi
dence of several years at the Green
bank mine.
Mr. High waa unfortunate in loaiug
a valuable hone laat Sunday. He and
his family stalled to drive to a neigh
bors, and when nearly there, the
horse appeared to be sick, so they
finished their jouruey ou foot, leaving
It unhitched by the buggy. On re
turning later 'the boras had dlaap
poarcd. Ill the mean lime, U. F.
Wright had seen au object com lug
down the river, which proved to be
the missing annual. It bad waudered
to the edge of the high bank aud
talleu off. Assisted by other. Mr.
Wright succeeded iu drawing it to
shore, where it died soon after. The
los is a heavy oue to Mr. Higlu
Calling Card Courier Building. j
Nature's Great Invention
Dn tie tanks ob de Amnion, far swiiy. far awav,
Whar lir. (irct-n yits August Flmvt-rs to (lis il.iy ;
Ah pirkrtlrtosc flower iti Ati,ust in ole Hr.ut!
An' iljo' 1 tc a Voikre, h luut lu be dar hliU.
QAugust Flower is the only medicine
(tree from alcoholic .stimulants) that has
lieeu successful in keeping the entire
thirty-two feet of digestive apparatus in a
normal condition, and assisting nature's
processes ot digestion, separation and ab
sorption for building- and re-building
by preventing iu im-gular or unnatural
cauaea which interrupt healthy and per
fect natural processes and result in intes
tinal indigestion, catarrhal affections
(causing apjietidicitia stoppage of the
?;all duct), fermentation of unhealthy
uoda, nervous dyarcpsia, headache, con
stipation and other complaints, such as
colic, biliousness, jaundice, etc. t
sfAuguat Flower is nature's intended reg
ulator. Two sicrs, i5c, ?!tc All druggists.
Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. S. soldiers who served iu Cuba
during the Spanish war kt:ow what
this disease is, and that ordinary
remedies have little more effect than
so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is
almost aa severe aud dangerous as a
mild attack of cholera. There is one
remedy, however, that can always be
depeuded upon as will be seen by the
following certificate from Mrs. Min
nie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: I lure
by certify that Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured
my husband ot a seTere attack of
Ouhau diarrhoea which he brought
home from Cuba. We had several
doctors but they did him uo goo-l.
Oue bottle of this remedy cured biui,
as our ueigbbora will testify. I
thank God for so valuable a medicine.
For sale by all druggists.
thereto aro hereby notified to file their
objections or exceptions at or before the
date of each hearing.
Dated this 81st day of May, A. D ,
J. H. COLBY, Administrator.
H. D. Norton, attorney for estate.
Notice is hereby given that tho
undersigned sheriff of Josephine
County, Oregon, will sell at puhlio
auction to the highest bidder for cah
at the County Court House iu Grants
Pass, Oregon, beginning at 10 o'clock
a. m. on Wednesday, July IS, lUOfl,
all property to which the said couutv
has acquired title by virtue of sale
for taxes. Said sale will be adjourn
ed from day to Oav until completed.
Sheriff of Jopi phine Couuty, Oregon.
Dated May 211, 1906.
Iu The County Court For Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the)
Estate, of John
Every, Deceased. J
NOTICE IS 1IRRPRV fsivirv i...
John Devciiy, the administrator of the
aoovo entitled estnto has filed iu said
court and cause his tiual accouut,
and by order of the Hon. J. O. Booth,
Judge of said court, Monday, June IP.
A. I). lilOo, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. at the court lionse at Grants
Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, has
beeu fixed as the time aud place for
the bearing nud Bottling of said
him! account and nil Dnrtif in a i turndt.
ed iu said estate are hereby notified
in niTear ar, mat time ana place, then
and there to present any objections
which thoy may have to said final
Dated this 1'Jth day of May, A. V.
H. D. Norton, Administrator.
Attorney for Estate,
Iu The Couuty Court for Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the i
Estate of Will- I
lam Doulap, t
Deceased. J
Notice ia hereby given that J. H.
t-oloy, the aduuuia:rator of the above
eutitled estate, has tiled his final ac
count in said court and cause, and
the Hou. J. O. Rooth, County Judge
for Josephine County. Oregon, has
fixed Monday. Jaly 3. n, t,"
court house iu Grants Pass. Josephine
0!U l VT0U- ' "'8 hour of HI
o clock A. M as the time and place
for settling, said final accouut, aud all
jwrsoua rieainug to eicept or object
In tho County Court for Josephine
Couuty. Orecon.
Iu tho Matter of the)
hstatu of Eliza- I
both F. Neely,
Deceased. J
NOTICE TS tTEBpriv iiiri'V
that bv nrdep nf ti,a un. t i
Booth, Jndge of the County Court
for Josephine County, Oregon, that
Saturday. June 10. A. D.. IWOo, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the
Court Hoase at Grauta Pass, Jose
phine Couuty, Oregon, is hereby fixed
as the time and place for tho hearing
ou the final accouut of James Neelv
as executor of the last will and of the
estate of Elizabeth F. Neelc, deceased,
which has been filed in said cause, and
all persons interested in said ealate are
hereby notified to appear at that time
and present to the court auT objections
they may have to said final accouut.
Dated this 12th day of May, A. D
J51 NEELY, Executor.
The TiartiiMrsliin r n, r p purk,.t
and Dr. S. Lonc'iridire. bavitiff been
terminated March 10, I0l.-, notice is
nereny given that all parties indebted
to the late film are kindly requested
to settle their accounts.
Grants Pass, Ore., May 15, 1W06.
JOS. WOLKK. Mgr., J. L. CALVERT, Trvaa,
"""SrS:"-"- , signature, v.. pox.25c B
X. I
1 1
; 1
i -.