Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 02, 1905, Image 4

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    of R. I. C0E & C0.S $45,000 STOCK
under the direction of G. W. GROVES a CO., the World's Greatest Bargain Givers, is. now at its height.
Throngs of economical people are availing themselves of the wonderful opportunites in this great event, boldly
demonstrating the fact that what they read in our advertisements, the people of Grants Pass and vicinity KNOW IS
1 HE TRUTH. He as smart as your neighbor and come tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock sharp, when the doors will
be thrown open for the great crowd. The rush will surely be the greatest ever seen in Grants Pass. :::::::
Prices Like These Must Appeal Irresistably to People of Sound Judgment
Dry Goods
One big lot Mohair Suitings, ele
gant patterns, worth 75c to
$1.00 pQp
Sale Price &VKj
One big lot Fine Worsted Suitings,
good variety of shades and
patterns. Regularly sold for
5Uc yd. -I Qp
Sale Price J.170
One lot 3f(-inch Granite Suitings,
worth 40 to 50 per yd 1Q,
Sale Price l7t
2000 yards Sheer Finish India
Linens and Persian Lawns,
regular price 10c to 35c per
Sale Price 4c to 19c
A big line of black Silk Finish
Egyptian Lawns, regular
price 25c & 35c per yd. 1
Sale Price i-OU
One lot fine mercerized 3o-inch
Sateens, always sold for 40e
to 50c. QQa
Sale Price "wOU
One big lot VVuist Silks in short
lengths, worth 75c to $1 00
per yard. Aftr
Sale Price Ol
A. F. C.'s Dress Ginghams. nr,
Sale Price X
One lot fine Satin Table Damask,
pure Linen, 72 inches wide.
Regular price $t 00 and $1 25
' Per yrd. JOn
Sale Price t
All Linen Russian Crash Toweling,
regular price 10c per yd. Cl
Sale Price "JU
Honeycomb Cotton Towels, yard
lengths, IS inches wide, worth
12,'j to 15c. Q
Sale Price OU
One big lot Hleaulied Tmkish Tow-
els fin
Sale Price
Over 2000 yds Remnants in Voilles,.
Ginghams, Persian, Coloied
Lawns, Percales, Glass Cloth
Linings, etc , etc. Regular
price fiom lOc to 25c per
Sale Price "Lr
One big lot. Indies' $1.00 and 1.25
cot sets AQn
S,i! Price. .
So if you
At it ! au ii I INK Trtl'l.'tn. All .IniiM r. fun 1 1
-J- ' I
Ladies' Gar
ments Your choice of entire stock of
ladies' dress skirts, regular val
ues up to $8.50. djQ OQ
Sale Price CpO.tJO
-A big line of ladies' shirt
Sale Price., . 39C
One lot ladies' light weight Kersey
Jackets, regular price $S00
to $10. d1 ryn
Sale Price p. f O
One big lot Ladies' Light House
Wrappers, worth $1.00 to
Sale Price... 69C
Another lot regular $1.50 to $2.00
wrappers. nO,
Sale Price jOj
10 Dozen ladies black mercerized
Underskirts, reg. price $1 to $5.
F?&. 69C tO $2.89
One big lot men's sock's. Q
Sale Price OL
One big lot children's regular 1 2 'Ac
and 15c hosiery. n
Sale Price t
A big lot of Ladies' Fast Black
Hose worth 25c. 1 ry n
Sale Price li v
Another big lot of ladies' regular
25c to 35c hosiery In.
Sale Price IV Kj
Hats and Caps
A big lot men's fancy Felt QQrt
Hats. Sale Price... OVVj
One big lot wen's Soft Hats, in
latest shapes and all colors,
regular $1 50 grade QQ
Sale Price COU
One big lot men's Stiff Hats, nearly
all shapes and shades, values
pu to $2.50 7Qn
Sale Price OL
One big lot boys' Straw Hats, are
worth 25c 1 1 -
Sale Price Ill
One lot men's straw hats, 25c val-
fiolng at
One lot men's summer caps, a big
bargain - ryn
Going at 1. 1 J
value money DON'T HESITATE, DON'T DELAY, but come at once and get the best selections of the
many tremendous bargains now. being offered in this great sale. Look for
uiuiiiu i uuu nuiuiruiu uuiiiuuni
Men's Colored Working Shirts,
regular values, worth 50c to
Sale Price . . . 39C
Men's Soft Bosom Dress Shirts
with and without collars, regu
lar price 65c to 75c. lQ
Sale Price Ot
One big lot men's neckwear, bows,
tecks and string ties, regular
valus up to 25c. f n
Sale Price UL
One big lot men's Hmcd collars. 1 n
Sale Price -V
One big lot men's and boys' sus
penders worth 25c. Ort
Sale Price t W
A big lot men's handkerchiefs,
plain white and fancy colors and
borders, well worth 10c An
Sale Price
One big lot men's all-wool flan
nel Summer Suits, in latest cut
and pattern, with fancy vest,
worth $7 to $S 50. d A OQ
Sale Price Cfft.0
One lot men's regular f S 50 to
$10.50 Suits. (Ktf QQ
Sale Price .... pU.OJ7
One big lot men's Linen Pants,
worth 11.25. KQ
Sale Price UVKj
One lot men's fine Dress Trousers,
worth $4 to $.50 (Q QQ
Sale Trice ipiC.OV
One big lot men's Pants, regular
$1.50 to $2.50 value. QKft
Sale Price OU
One big lot boys two piece Short
Pants Suits, always sold for
$150 to $2 00. QQ
Sale Price COU
One lot Youths' Suits, ages 10 to
15 years. Values $5.00 to
$'..50. ho QQ
Sale Price pO.OO
One lot Boy's Cotton Covert Long
PantsSuits.age 5 to 13 f)Qn
Sale Price - IOKj
MAY 12 190S.
Ribbons, Laces,
John Coats Spool Cotton. "1 n
Sale Price V
"Queen Bess" Steel Pins large
papers. Op
Sale Price
Big lot Safety Pins -A n
Sale Price
Curling Irons H n
Sale Price
Big lot Buckskin Purses, worth
25c to 50c -J A
Sale Price J.U
most given away.
One lot Hamburg Edging and Em
broideries, regular value 5c to
8c per yard. Qn
Sale Price &v
One lot Embroideries worth 10c,
12c to 15c. nn
Sale Price
One big lot of Silk and Satin Taff
etas No. 5, regular price
sc per yard Q5
Sale Price.
One big lot of Changeable Taffeta
Ribbons, No. 60 and 80, regu
lar price 25c to 35c 1Qn
Sale Price.
One big lot Children's Hand Turn
Dress shoes, regular $1.00
Sale Price 59C
One big lot Children's Patent
Leather Dress Shoes, spring
heels, were SI. 25. An
Sale Price UOU
Another big lot Children's Patent
Leather dress shoes, regular
$1 50 value. Qrn
Sale Price OC
A large assortment of Children's
box calf school shoes, alwavs
sold at $1.00.
Sale Price 09"
Regular $1.25 grade Children's
box calf school shoes Ci n
Sale Price. OfC
Misses' Vici Kid, Box Calf and
Patent Leather shoes, regular
price $1.50 to $1.75. rQn
Sale Price )OG
the Uig Ulue Signs. :
1 1 Muau vi vino ViUUiiuc lawets. t? rj
Ladies' Fine Kid Dress shoes,
former price was $1.50 to
Sale Price p.X
One big lot ladies' patent leather
and vici kid, turn and welt,
dress shoes. A tremenduous
bargain. djl 'v'Q
Sale Price pl.fl
One big lot ladies' latest style
Oxford Ties in Black or
Sale Price.. .... $1.19
One big lot ladies' "hand turned
strap sandals in vici kid and
patent kid. oQr
Sale Price yOU
Ladies' fine dress shoes in Vici
Kid, Patent Kid, Patent Colt
and Tan Russia Calf welt or
turned soles. d1 r0
Sale Price pl.yO
Pingree's Celebrated Gloria and
Vogue Dress shoe for ladies'
wear in all the newest styles
and leathers black and
tan. At)
Sale Price... p..0
One big lot men's satin calf dress
shoes. (Si 1 Q
Sale Price pl.l
One big lot ladies' patent leather
and vici kid, turn and welt,
dress shoes. A tremenduous
bargain. (h rQ
Sale Price pl.f V
Oue big lot men's fine dress shoes,
the celebrated Hamilton
Brown make. 1
Sale Price JL.U7
Men's strong work shoes, alwavs
sold for $1 50 (irt
Sale Price tOU
A big lot of men's fine Enameled
dress shoes, worth $3 to
Sale Price . . .... $1.98
A big lot of men's fine dress shoes
in vici kid-velour call, patent
colt, and tan Russian calf.
High or low cut. P(
Sale Price p.-.UJ
One big lot W. L. Douglass Cele
brated men's dress shoes $3.00
and 3 50 grades. (Si f0
Sale Price p l.JO
One big lot boy's celebrated-White
Oak shoes, woith $2. to
Sale Price. . .... $1.48
Trunks Bags, Suit Cases, Um
brellas, etc., etc. At less
than Manufacturer's prices.