Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 02, 1905, Image 3

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Masonlo Temple, Rooms 2 and 4
Ueamu Ping,
'Phono 633. Obkooh.
Office: Hgnej'g residence, cor. 6th
and E streets.
Day and night phone No. 631.
Grants Pass, ' . . Okeqon
Office in Tuffs Building
Ilonrx: 9:30 to 12 and 2 to 5
Chants Pass, . Obeqon.
Diseases of Woman and Surgery a
Specialty. Hospital Accommodations.
Rooms 9 and 10 Tliorton Bldg.
Day or Night Phone 6B5.
Office bonrs 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 and
7 to 9 p. ru.
Grants Pass, .... Okkoon
Treats all Nervous and Spinal Dis
eases, Rheumatism and Stomach Trou
bles. -A speciulty made of Female Dis
eases. Office: Colonial Lodging House,
front room Grants Pass, Ore.
Steam Baths, Alcohol Kub. All dis
eases treated. Hospital caro given to
all who wish it. Rhoumatism cured in
its worst form. Advice free.
Coloniul House. Office hours 9 to 9.
Grants Pass, Okkoon
it costs you nothing to consult
Dk. Montgomery. He cures
Female comphiints, men's private dis
eases and all kinds of chronic troubles.
Also soils Chorokoo and other guaran
teed family medicines. P. O. liox 109.
Call at Free Methodist Parsonage.
Practice in all State and Federal Courts.
Office in Opera House Uuilding.
Grants Pass, - . . Ouegon
"r. C. HALE,
Office over First National Bunk,
Chants Pass, - . . Okeoon.
Practices in all State and Federal Courts
Office over Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Grants Pahs, - - Orkoom
Union Building
Palace Barber Shop
Shaving, Hair Cutting
Baths, Etc.
Everything neat end clean and a
work First-Class.
Agent Big Horn Basin Land Co.,
Wyoming. Anchor Wire. Fence.
II. I. Ilvynulit
I. J. Lawtiin
Reynolds & Lawton
Civil and Mining
Grants Pass
L. 13.JIALL,
Undertaker, Embalmer,
Funeral Director.
Full stock of Burial Robes and Under
takers Supplies.
North Sixth Street
Near Court Houbb.
Office, No. "51; Residence and Night
Phones. No. 717.
Front and 4th Sts. P. 0. Box 273.
Real Estate
Employment office. Houses rented
So. 7 125 acres, all fenced, bfc arre
river bottom, 7r cultivated, 10 to hop. 4
mite (rum railroad town, if1"! road.
m 'luol, etc. A bargain at f IA an aire. Hop
crop will pay purchase price in two vrarv
Smokist; in Powder Machine
Is courting death more suddenly bot
not more sorely than neglecting kid
ney disorders. Foley's Kidney Care
will core a slight disorder in a few
days and its contiued use will care
the most obstinate cases. It has cored
many people of Bright' disease and
diabetes who were thought to be in
curable. If you have kidney or blad
der trouble, commence taking Foley's
Kiduey Cure today, before it is too
late. For tale by H. K. Koter
junud. P. C. MATTOX, Manager,
Brief Notes e.nd Item of Interest
and Importance.
Eugrayed Cards Courier Building.
J. M. Ward has decided to remain
permanently iu Soothern Oregon as a
piano and organ salesman for Allen &
Gilbert-Raunker Co. Fnmily will
reisde in Grants Pass. Had intended
being away during the summer, bot
plans have been changed and he will
stay throughout the somuier withont
a break. See him for Information in
his line. Phone 713, Grants Pass. '
Eugene is to hare a gas plant for
light and power purposes, , and a
franchise for that porpose has been
granted F. W. Walters and associates
of Salem. The franchise la for 30
years and the gas cotnpnay is to pay
to the city one-half of one per cent
of its annual gross receipts. The
oity is to hare the right to regulate
charges, and all mains are to be laid
in alleys.
F. A. Clements, who has an inter
est in a store at Placer in com . any
with E. H. Wise, and who is also in
terested in farmiug and mining in
that section was in Grants Pass Mon
day. Mr. Clements stated that the
farmers were certain of big crops
and some had already begun to oat
their alfalfa hay. Thero was much
activity in mining and many pros-
pecTors wero iu the hills about Grave
creek, while many of those having
claims located were developing their
E. G. Borden returned Monday
from Portland, whero he had been
for two weeks on a big mining deal
he has in hand. Mr. Borden states
that ho found Soothern Oregon in
much frvor with the mining men of
Portland and ninny of them were
looking op properties here and would
likey invest. In fact he felt certain
that a large amount of Portland
capital would be invested in the
mines of this district. He visited the
Lewis and Cark fair and he thiuks
that Josephine conuty will have the
largest and most complete minerals
exhibit of any distriot cf the Coast
taking part in the fair.
J. E. Verdiu spent Monday in Jack
sonville in looking over some mining
propositions in that distriot. While
thero Mr. Verdin was at the Opp
mine and he states that the recent
strike was a big one, and while out
sido reports wero greatly exaggerated
yet thero was no doubt but what a
large amount of free gold and tellu
rido was taken ont, enough to swell
tho company's dividends by several
thousand of dollars for the month.
The general class of cue is all improv
ing as a greater depth is reached and
the proof is being fully established
that the Opp contains one of the larg
est ore bodies iu Southern Oregon.
Joseph A. Wharton, book keepor for
Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co., lias had a
cottage erected ou lots he bought
some time since ou the southeast
corner of First and A streets. This
structure-has three rooms and ia so
arranged that it can be enlarged,
which Mr. Wharton will have done
either this fall or next spring. The
carpenter work was donu by J. A.
Hubbard, M. C. II. Day and Arthur
Fitzgerald. This week these meu
began work cu the erection of a hand
some Ave room cottage for Walter
Harmon. Mr. Harmon's cottago is
to be on Fifth street and on the
fine block he has on the head of that
street aud extending across to Sixth
Dr. M. C. Find ley writes that he is
having a very profitable time in New
York City, whero he is tnking post
graduate work iu eye, ear, nose and
throat surgery. Last week he per
formed nil operation on the eye of a
patient for Piof. Herman Kuapp, one
of the most noted specialists of that
city, and was complimented on the
success of his work. Dr. Fiudley has
been present wheu most remarkable
and dillicnlt operations have been
performed by noted sp ciuliFts and lie
has been able to learn all the 'atest ill
his line of surgery. The Doctor ex
pects to return to Grunts Pass and re
sume his practice the latter part of
next week. Dr. F. It. Bowemox, of
Jacksonville, who is also in New
York City takit.g post graduate
work iu abdominal surgery, will re
turn with Dr. Findley.
Juit what Everyone Should Do.
Mr. J. T, Barber of Irwitiville,
Ga., always keeps a bottle of Chnm
berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy at hand ready for instaut use.
Attacks of folic, cholera inertias and
diarrhoea come on so suddenly that
there is no time to hunt a doctor or
go to the store for mediciue. Mr.
Barber says: "I have tried Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Uemedy which is one of the best
medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle
of It in my r oius as I have iiad
several attacks of colic and it lias
proved to be the hist inediiiuo I ever
used." Sold by all druggists.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pro-
trading Piles. Druggists refund
money if PAZO OINTMENT fails
to care any case, no matter of how
long standing iu fi to 14 days. First
application gives ease aud rest. -Vic.
If your druggist hasn't it send fic Iu.
stamps aud it will be forwarded post
paid by Paris Mediciue Co , St. Louis,
Do you know that you can make a
five days visit to the Exposition at j
Portland, including rai Irnad fare and '
all expenses for t-',": ten days
ii.'J5 full information run be secured I
ou application at this oflice.
G. P. Jester, Agt. I
or 11. M. rANCIIER. I All
An AppUgate Miner Pumps Water
' Prom Hia Mine to Irri
gate Hi Land.
J. E. Swinden, who owns tract of
land near Murphy on which he car
ries on placer mining, fruit raising
and general farming, was in Grants
Past last Saturday to get a gasoline
engine aud a pomp, which he had
purchased of the Grants Pass Hard
ware Company. Mr. Swinden has
some rich placer ground on bis-place
and each winter he operates a giant.
But some of his best placer gronud
lies so low that be cannot secure a
damp for the giant and he hat been
unable to work it. He proposes to
try the cb jnie of drifting on the pay
channel and to keep down tne water
so he oan work in the drift he will
use the gasoline engine and pump.
Being of a practical turn of mind he
will not let the water from his mine
go to waste, but will nse it to irri
gate his orchard and farm land, ao
while be is digging gold out of the
gronud the water, from hia mine will
also be producing gold for him iu
the larger crops that hia land will
produce. -
It is bot 25 feet to the pay dirt
and it is so rich that Mr. Swluden
feels certain that can he make his
drifting work profitable and that it
will enable him to Irrigate his land
at no cost other than for the ditches.
Soothern Oregon is famous for the
number of farms it contains from
which a double yield of gold can be
had, one from the placer "and qoarti
mines aud the other from the grain,
grass, fruit and stock that can be
grown. Great is the country In
which the farmer can raise a orop of
gold during the summer months aud
dig a orop of gold daring the winter
A Prospector Who Make Money.
Alex Shannon name iu last Friday
from Holland, where he has been
prospecting in that vioinity aud on
south to Shelly creek for some months
past. Mr. Shannon, in company with
W. O. Cornwall located two fine
claims ou Shelly creek. These they
sold at a good prioe recently to some
new comers. They also located two
claims near Holland, that are promis
ing. Mr. Shannon sold his interests
iu these claims to Mr. Corn well and
he will now try bis lock prospct
ing in another district, possibly Wolf
Mr. Shannon reported that wheu
coming to Grants Pass he saw a
couple of men opening a prospect on
the timbered hill on the stage road a
mile beyond Wilderville. They were
only about 200 feet distant abovo the
road and the rock that rolled down
from their work looked well aud in
dicated that they had an encouraging
That Tired Feeling I
If yon are languid, depressed aud
incapable for work, it indicates that
your liver is ont of order. Herbine
will assist uature to throw off head
aches, rheumatism and ailments akin
to nervousness and restore the energies
aud vitality of sound aud perfect
health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple,
Texas, writes, March 22, 11)02: "I
have used Herbine for the past two
years. It has done me more good than
all the doctors. When I feel bad aud
have that tired feeling. I take a dose
of Hetbine It is the best medicine
ever made for chills and fevor. " 50c
a bottle, at Rotermund's and Model
Drug Store.
No Secret About It.
It is no secret, that for cuts, bums,
ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils,
etc., nothing is so effective as Buck
lei!' Arnica Salve. "It didn't take
long to core a bad sore I had, and it
is all O. It. for sore eyes," writes D.
L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 2uo at
all drug stores.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
INE Tablets. All druggists refund
the money of it fails to cure. E. W.
Grove's siguatarn is no each box. 25c.
We Have Just Received
Loaded With
Liijht Wagons. Busies and Carriages
A car of Heavy Farm Wagons haB aluo arrived.
Complete line of Alaska Kefrl sera tors from $10 to $27.
Farmers who are contemplating
will find it to their interest to call and get our figures on the Fairbanks OuHolino Kngip )
l'umpifig Plant and galvanized pijio. We can refer you to 12 or moro irrigating plan' i
now in successful operation in tho county.
Sawmill men will lind it to their advantage to call on us and get prices on supplio-.
Builders and carpenters lino of the celebrated Corbin I)oor Locks.
Grants Pass Hardware Company
JOB. WOLKE, Mgr., J. L. CALVERT. Tr.aa.
Tate Laxative Bromo Quinine Table. &(Vis
Seveo MUHoa bona toUlnsil3 nomas. Tfck Signature, yiCjCT
tnia Bmnsaa oy mh, touiiii.ia, i
house keetier or in office. Refer
ence. Address E, care Courier.
Kodaks Courier Building.
FOR SALE 150 head of Angora goats.
L. A. Maraters, Merlin, Oregon.
FOR SALE at a bargain a 10 H. P.
hoisting euigne in good repair and
working order. Ia now at the
Grant mine on Wagner creek near
Asniana. Address U. is. Grant,
Ashland, Ore.
UAKM FOR SALE two miles from Mer
lin. 100 acres about 50 acres of good
bottom land, its acres in cultivation, small
boose and barn and about 50 acres under
fence, balance oWlaml suitable lor orchard
or pasture, for lurtlier particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
200 ACRE ranch, good prune and
11 ' , omail IIUIM- HI
abundance; water for irrigation, besides
springs on every 40 acres t center of a good
range country; two dwslling houses, big
barn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good mining markets, nne
half mile north of Tunnel 9. price i'2,500.
Inquire at this ottlce.
Films Ocnrler Building.
FOR RENT Room in private
family. J. D. Drake, at 7th Street.
Sixth Straet opposite conrt house.
Mrs. B. E. Brown.
bouse keeping rooms for rent to
man and wife. Inquire 202 2d and
E street.
FOR RENT A dwelling on Eighth
and B streets. Has 8 rooms and
closets.electrlo light, oity aud well
water, good yard and fine location.
Addrss Mrs. 0. Brandt.
FRANK BURNETT-Upholstering,
mission furniture made to order.
PROF.J. A. SIBBETS. practical in
structions in instrumental niuslo.
Sprained Ankle, Still Neck, Lams Shoulder.
These are three" common ailments
for which Chamborlaiu'a Pain Balm
ia especially valuable. If promptly
applied it will save yon time, money
and suffering when troubled with any
one of these ailmeuts. For sale by all
Thoroughbred, white Plvruouth
Rock eggs, 15 for (1.00 Moore's
second hand store.
aud more of thom
Jl Jl iJ whon you want
them. Single
Comb White Leghorns, tho business
fowl of America. Yards beaded by
cockerels from a pen with a record of
227 eggs per year per hon. Eggs $1.50
for If.; 3.50 for 30. GRAMTK El!
gor, Prop , Ashland, Oregon,
Front Street, west Palace hotel
and Hops
I own and will sell two cot
tages, new, close in; one 4
rooms, box; one h-room frame,
besides buttery, bath and large
closets; Porch 8x28; up-to-date
house. Terms to suit. Will
take some good property as
part pay.
Wagon and team for sale.
Phone 484. Grants Pass, Ore.
tho Celebrated John Deero factory
consisting of a full assortment of
To Cure a Cold in Ons Day
i to
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
A Gentleman'! smoke the Stage
line. .
When yon don't know where to go,
go to People's market.
If yon need a steel Range, see the
bargain we have to offer Cramer
And still I am insuring and selling
real estate at the old stand. J. K.
Yon will need garden Hose. Try
some of that 10 cent guaranteed hose
at Cramer. Bros.
Timber claims. Homesteads. W
B. Sherman, Rooms 10 and 13 Masonic
Temple, Grants Pass Ore.
A perfect skin food ROSE AND
wrinkles, makes the akin healthy,
firm and soft.
Goto Co run for Plumbing.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges atCoron'i
Onr telephone number is 615, regu
lar delivery. People's market.
White Mountain and Arotio Ice
cream Freeaers from two quarts np at
Cramer Bros.
Ask your dealer for Rogoe River
Creamery Batter made at Medford is
now 50 cents per two-pound, square
foil weight.
A sewing machine on trial, if it
suits yon it is yours. Does as good
work as a lao machine. Have 13
standatd make machines, 160 to VS.
Come and see them at Ike Davis'
second hand store.
ACHE CURE relieves from suffering
instantly, aud checks long continued
tendencies to headache. Down goes
the cure, away goes the headache, up
go your spirits. Every druggist.
Iusure your property in Oregou's
Great Mutual. Nearly seven million
dollars written during HHVi. It has
iusurauoe in force. It is safe and
saves yon money. Address Secretary
O. K. R. A.. McMiuuvillo, Ore.
H. B. Heudrick, agent. Grants Pass,
Acute Rheumatism.
Deep tearing or wreuuhlug pains,
occasioned by getting wet through ;
worse when at rest, or on first mov
ing the limbs and in cold or damp
weather, is onred quickly by Bal
laid's Snow Liniment Oscar Oleson,
Gibson Oity, Illinois, writes, Feb.
In, 1U02: "A year ago I was troubled
with a pain iu m, back. It soou got
so bad I could not beud over. One
bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment
oared me." 2fo, 50a, $1.00 at Model
Drag Store and at Hoturiuuud'a.
Advertised Letters.
Following Is the list of hitters re
maining unclaimed In the post oflloe
at Grant Pass for the week ending
May 27, 1905. Persons calling for
them will please give the date adver
tised: Butterbaagh, 0, Day. Rev, J F,
fryer, T 8, Furman, K H,
Fell, E H, Grtfllth, Henry,
Gritlith, James (3), Gray, Luther (3)
Green way, John, Gritlith, J,
Brauian, K M, Hedges U Ij, (3)
Hill, J B, Harrison, Myron,
Hagberg, Ernest, (3)Hayton, Mabel,
Harrel, Bert, Johauson, O A,
Johauson, Johan L, Kelley, Thomas,
Ixoderback, 11, K, Lattiu, Geo,
MoClung, C. B, McCloud, Nell,
Moore, Mrs. Belle, Mooro. Mis. A.
Perry, Mrs Tempie, Ramero. Miss Y.h,
Kossillu, Seymour, Ridley, Oeorge,(2)
Rowley. William. Russell. J. B.
Stoddard, William, Stephens, Mrs, J,
Solomon, Mrs G, Smith, Mrs Nelia,
Tnrpin, J T, Thomas, Dick,
Viuoent, Miss A, Vltlau, J D.
White.Mrs Estella, Wright. Clande,
Wilson, Rev M D,
Muse Taik.
It was a huge task, to nndertake
the care of saoh a bad case of kidney
I disease, as that of O. F. Collier, of
, Cherokee, la., but EUctrio Bitters
I did it. He writes: ''My kidneys
' were so far gone, I could not sit on a
chair without a cushion ; and suffer
ed from dreadful backache, and de
I pression. In Electrio Bitters, how
: ever, I fonud a euro, aud by them
j was restored to isirfoot health I
1 recommend this great tonic modiciue
j to all with weak kiduevs, liver or
, stomach. Guaranteed by all druggists;
, prioe 6O0. "
j Has Hioutl the Test of iiri Years.
I The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless
Chill Tonic. You know what yon are
taking. It is iron and quinine In a taste-
I less form. No cute, no pay.
Can Crip
In Two Day.
or. every
box. 23c.
urn iu. uim, u o, ap-1
Curad Old Sorts.
Westmoreland, Kans., May 6, 1903.
Ballard Snow Liniment Co: Your
Snow Liniment cured an old sore on
the side ot my chin that was supposed
to be a oancer. The sore was stub
born and would not yield to treat
ment, until I tried Snow Liniment,
which did the work in short order.
My sister, Mrs. Sophia J. Carsou,
Alleusville, Mifllu Co.. Pa., has a
sore aud mistrusts that, it is a cancer.
Please send her Alio bottle. For
sale by Hotermoud and Model Drug
N. E. McGItEW,
Furniture and l'lano
Sunrise Condensed Milk
. That is out to make a reputa
tion. Is made at a new conden
se ry on Coos Hay, the big dairy
distriut of Oreg"n.
Proved to lie iha Best
by tho a gunt who bought a can
of another brand nuil opened
it lind one of liis and proved his
wus the bout.
Is Not Two-thirds Sugar,
Water and Corn Starch
Hut is pure cows milk and is
just us good as cow's milk for
j our coffee. Try it and bo con
vinced. Introductory Price of 10c per Can
on hIii'Io onus. !e.'iul rates on
lui't'o orders.
Made In Spokane from hard
wheat, which makes the best
cracker ot tiny wheat. Try a
package at i'i cents.
Front st., near Fourth.
E St. bet. 5th and 6th
liOAlt uixl J.OlHJIINti
Tho house has been thoroughly reno
vutod. Mus. T. M. ItKNsllAW.
J. A. S11J1JETS,
Teacher of Musio
Practical Instruction In Violin, Mali1",
Guitar, Clarinet ituilA'orni't. Most cut
fill attention given to beginners. U'f m
orders at .Music Store.
The Popular Barber Shop
Oct your totisorial work done M
On Sixth Street Three chaivs
Iluth liuoin in connection
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turning, Scroll Work, Stair Wt.rk, HhihI
SnwiiiK,l'ulint Work, Wood Pulltvn, t-HW
Kilinanil KUiiiiiiiii, Ki'imiriiiK 'l ktml.t
Prices rirflit
t.vv sr-t v
i navs naa occauon to uic ynur
Hlitk-Drjuvht Slink and Poultry Mdl
line anu Jim pics.-u 10 lay nut I nevrr A
uud anything fnrliiik tlutav hl ai
Mi,ti, I h....:' M
nana it to all ownen of itutk.
x.Mti.y rviwni.
J. B. bLLSMI K, St. Unit, Mo
Hick itwk or isinllrv should m.t
eat cheap ntock food any innro than
mu pern. nil nIioii)i ojtpii't to bo
curcil IjV too.i. hen vimr slurs'
nil poultry are lo.-k "ive tln-in ui"d-
lelne. Hon t rhitj tin in with worth
less Stixk foO'll. I'll! . , I tl, I,,,, vi-la
I and sl.r up the torpid hwr ami tlm
annus! will he i ni' J, if il I,,. ,.,r i
hle to ruin it. I; i k linmulit htoi k
and Tonllry .Vi ' hio unload tin
uwel and etui no ihe torni.l liv.-r
It cum ei'Tv noiliulv i f :.-k if
I taken in tim-. Hinire a ,,t nn
of Hlw-k-li,i. i..lif So.-k and l'..ultrv
Medicine mM !t y. ill p.iv tor il .r,I li n
tnneyovcr. Ilor 1. 1 v i.rt : Uit'iT. I'yw.i
give more mil)., f p.,,,, ,;i,.
And In n lav iiotc It ., ,lv..
nrolili-in ut milkier ni nr. , ii l.loJ,
hV.ih ami eneur, i, .,, out of
tile atnali'-nl ai n,t ol t,A con-
I nii.inl. Jiuyacuiit!
if v
J. It. I'AllllDl k, I'lopilelor.
I nn prepared in furnish anything in tha line ol Cemetery work In any kind
ol Maible or I iraime.
Nearly thirty rein-ol eiperience in the Marble, business warrants my saying
th..t 1 can fill your nrlers in die very hcrt manner.
Can furnish work in Knjlch, SiU'le or American Granite or any kind of
Kruul street, next to I neene's t iunsl,o.,
Dr. St IhmIci 's A Item
All Female Disorders.
ihyMcidii, Imjv s;i'e ly
- ,'"""."
Ely's Cream Calm
Thia Ramady la a Specific,
ture to Clva katiafaotlon.
It cleaiwes, soothm, henls, and protects ths
diseased membrane. It cures Ontarrh and
drives away a Cold in tho Head qniekly.
Restores tho Senses of Taste and Hraeil.
Easy to n. Contains no injurious dniip.
Applied into tha nostrils and absorbed.
Larire 8i, K0 ents at Prninrists or by
nwil t Trial Sue, 10 muj by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 68 V-i fc- y-t
Fatm for S&le.
1(10 acres, C.O acres of flue sub-lrri.
ted bottom laud under fence and
CQltitnlion, 2,000,000 feet of flue
Pine timber, hundreds of cords of
hard wood, near town aud all down
grade on fine road. Good two-story
dwelling with L. Well of splendid
water at tho door. Fine big born and
out buildinps. Lots of frnit and
berries of all kinds. Conuty road
and daily mail at tho door. A splen
did place for health and a pleasant
home. Address Box 117, Wood vl lie,
Dying of famine
is, iu its torments, like dyiug of con
sumption. Tho progress of consump
tion, from tho boginuing to. the very
end, is a long tortuie, both to victim
aud friends. "Wheu I had consump
tion iu its first stage," writes Wm,
Myers, of OarfoRS, lid, ."after trying
difTereut tncdioiues and a good doctor,
in tain, I at last took Dr. Kiug'i
New Discovery, which quickly, aud
perfectly cured nie. " Prompt rolief
and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore
throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively
prevents pneumonia. Quaiautecd at
n'l drug stores. Trice f0c and fl.00 a
bottlo. Trial bottle free.
Look Out for Puns Snatchara.
It Is reported that Portland is the
Mecca for purse snatehors, pick
pockets, aud sneak thieves of all.
kinds who will find eusy operating
on tho Lewis & (Hark fair visitors.
Kveryuue who visits the fulr should
guard nuaiust any possibility ol los
ing their money, tickets aud valu
ables iu this manner. A, E. Toor
hies has a stock of purses aud Jewel
bags for ladles which are absolutely
proof against parse siiatohers. They
range in prioe from 85 cents to (3.&0
and every lady who goes to Portland
this year should have one. Heo'ihoiu
at the Courier building.
Aithma iulfcrtra Should Kasw This.
Foley's Honey aud Tar has cured
UMiny casus of asthma thst'vritrn eon.
sldered hopeless Mrs. Adnlph Duel
ing, 701 West 'Third St., Davenport,
fllUL-lt U'Pifnd- I' A ....I.I -
tnieted l'J ."years ngo was neglected
nuil it nnaiiy grew into asthma.
Th l best mcillcal skill available could
not uivn mn morn tlmn ii-miu,Mn
liel. Foley's Honey and Tar was
ifriiiimieiiucu ami one on cent bottle
entirely enrnit mn nf nuil.. u.i.i..i.
had been growing on mo for 13 years,
and if I had taken it at the start I
IH'Onlll lotVM kuil ana.,.! .
- ,' miMM jvnim in
siilferiug." Forsnlo by II. A. Koter.
Machinery For Sala.
9 A IA II. I', ltui-sell engine, a No.
i centrifugal pump, 200 feet (1-Inch,
double riveted pli, B0 feet o-inch
iie, 100 feet 0-Inch helling, making
a complete irrigating, or pumping
plant. Also a tnrbiun waturwlif nl,
pulley and guars. All at a bnrgalu.
All kinds of machinery bought,
soli and listed.
tlraiits Puss Iron & Hteel Works.
Cattle Ranch For Rent,
H.'O acres on Heveii-Milo creek about
live tu i lo i southwest from Fort
I.' I ..... i I. II ,, All I 1. .
maiiiniii, v'irioii. ail inin-u, iii'UKi,
large barn, ample water supply, 'will
cut about hi) tons wild buy. Address,
wiin reierences, r. u, uox ivo. van,
laciuna, Washington.
J. K. K Kit LEY, I'Hora.
I list stable smith on Sixth street.
Itoom uuiier cover fur KiO horse ai ii
lo wiiioitc; I'ox stalls. Con-all I it
loose Htoek.
I inly tho best hay, clean grain ard
air illit led. Holleii bailey aud otl or
i4 rii ii.
No ilU-asml hnrscs lllluwisl. I'l ,
rniiniiif; natcr, ami trough clcal'id
every day.
v a i .in lt room ami toilet room while
lailinH cull leave win lis and arrarua
tlii-ir toilets.
Triers reasonable and best caro giteu
tho .Ncosaiiuis Cures
w matter if iven up !y your
I CHM l!.M. Dl-llrfirlMt.
, nillllll.n II