Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 02, 1905, Image 2

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Publlahad Every Friday.
Subsorlotlon Rataai
On Year, in advance,
Hi I Montha..
Three Montha,
Magic Copies,
Advartlalng Race
Knrnlahad on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituariea and reaolutlona of con
dolence will be charKed for at 5c per line;
card of tlienlt50c.
RnUredattbepot office at Oranta !'-.
Oregon, aa aacond-c.laaa mail matter.
FrFdAY. JUNE 2, 1U05.
Mvnv lrritfating Pumpi Installed
LarHe Areaa to Be Irrigated.
The time ia not illstant when the
liaulii nf Fount- river will bo lined
with pumping planta for lrriiatiim
Durpoaoe, ruiiKinK in !' "
moimtcr water power pumps of the
Golden Drift Company to the It ct I
xaanllne tower pump that can only
.nm,l water for a Harden imirii.
uo.nrl,io water for Irrigation hy
oririf .vati-ma haa been carried on auc
niiHHfuIlT ainee white men bewail to
onliivnlii Ifinil In thin vallev. hut it
hail only been in tho laat few yearn
that the Installation or pnmpinu
ulanta oil bi'nuii Ho auereaarul hikI
profltBliln haa thin method (if Irriga
tion proven that there aro now fully a
i,nn trni! of theae nuniiia in operation
Hniua River Vallev. Mont of
them ar on the bauka of Rone river,
but tnauy are on the atiiailor arreania,
while many aro uaod for pumpiii((
water from we I la.
Heretofore irrigation by water
from pumping plant ha been only
eiimloved in a aiuall way, five and t. n
ai-rea boiinr Bliout an largo tracta Hit
waa attempted, lint thfa year mueh
larger plimta are hclhg IiihIbiicii anil
largo flolda will lio watered from
poiupn. One of tha lariat pump
ing planta that ia buing put In
ia that now being initialled by
Jchn Ranan, the big hnpgrnwer
at hia farm on Rogue river aix mi lea
weat of Ulanta I'aaa. Mr. haa
purnhaaeil, through tho Urania I'aaa
Hardware Conimny, a 12 II. 1'. gaao
liue engine and a pump having a
raianity of 1.0. 0 gallnua per miiinle.
With tlila nntllt he exieeta to fully
Irrigate hie hop field of 1(H) Heron and
do it at a coMt that will miike tlm In
veatineut a profitable one. With
water on hia hopyard Mr. Kimmi i -peota
to Inereaao tho yield fully Id
per cent and aeoure a larger anil
higher grade of hope. Irrigation of
hops was begun in a small way hint
year by aoiuii of the growers and an
protllahlti did it prove that eventually
all the yarila in the Valley will he
placed under irrigation.
The coat of Irrigating per aero by
pemp averages about t lift aaiue aa bv
ditch. Most of the il lichen are f rt tin
one to eight miles lung and the conl
of building and maintaining them
fully equals the cont of limtuliiiig ami
oHirntiiig a pumping plant. W ith the
Immeuae volume of water that Itngur
river, flows during tho aummir
montha, ita flow being maintained
during the dry aeaaon by the melting
snow of the mountain In which it
riaea, it will be poaalhlo hy meiina of
pumping plant! to Irrigate every acre
of laud in the valley and miikti of
Kogue Kiver Valley ouw of tho garden
siota of the world.
Big Hater Suit on Trial.
Au adjourned term of circuit court
wua convened this Friday iifernoon hy
Judge 1j. T. llama, tf Eugene. The
only ease that Judge llurria will
hear la tl at of the Deep 'travel Min
ing Coiuttauy and tho SiiniuniiM, ( atii
eron A Logan Mining t ' 'in ;i n y ovi r
a. water rifcht at their placer mini a
near Waldo. Judge 1 limit will only
hear the opening arguments in the
case hy the attorney thia I'rnlav wlit n
hit will mljourii court anil with 1 1
parties and their attorneys will go
to Waldo Saturday and fuliy familial
Uu liiuiMtlf Willi the delinla of tint
oano by liiKitccting the ditchi a in
volved ill I ho Mlil. '1 In. v, will It
turn Moiiilay uml mi 'I ucmIiiv I
will cull vi mt cnuit anil hear Hit
cloning nigiimeulM of tint atlnriii'.
Tlie evidence wan all tutttn muic
time since lielore F. M. ('alkuih, the
court reporter, who waa nptointeil
rcfitrico f, r the piirpitno hy Judge
Tlila caito ia one oT the luiinl import
nut ever 111 the omnia of Oregon, n-.
many lino lmi.Ua of law are luvnlveil,
uml the conn fiiinlB inn two of the
tugged uiiiilug companies In Southern
Oregon Hinl tho water rights involvi tl
am worth tully .. mt. A. S. Hani
liiontl ami Judge V. I'. Hale are the
Hltltrileta fur the Simmon, Cninelon
A: Logan t'liinpaiiy, Hinl litani,' ,V
lieamea id ,liu krioiivilh , ant tor iiie
Lei p liiavel I ninpaiiy.
Jutlge llauna w u uiiiil'le to lour
thlacai.e, aa a recent allHrl; of !Mi'
delactl him in cloning ihe tt-iin ui
.Itielmiinville lie will ciiinph to hi
work there early le t wei I, uu.l I !uu,
i:ay lie will convene court in tiiauit.
1W, when the Hinl will lake placi
of IioiImhi and lugiaiii on the cliaii;.
of murdering William li:nl.ii.
I '
- E - J
4 ---f'svt-
1 l.iv' h HV Uu- f;mtU: I'll'
$1". in i h Hi.- i:, ,
A-k l"i
J Dry (ioodi
The Blalock Mine on Grave Creek
Hai Richea Like Cripple Creek.
Reports woro current during the
fl r Mt of thia week among the miulug
men of thia city that a big itiike of
tellurium had been made on Grave
creek. As thia ia tho 11 rut tellurium
fouud iu thia diatrict the discovery
aroused considerable interest In
mining circle! ot this city. Thurs
day J. II. Iilalock, who with his sou,
H. iilalock are the discoverers and
owners of the property, was iu Grant!
Pans and gave for the Courier the
exact particulars of the extent and
value of the find.
Mr. Iilalock in company with his
brother, O. W. Blalock, has for several
yeara operated with a giant a planer
mine on KHitmau gulch juat above
where it cm, ties iuto Urate creek.
fonr miles east of Placer. Thev
found good valuea aa long aa they
wonted below what they called a
alatit dyke, but on going above it they
could baldly find a color. This bed
J. II. lilnlock investigated and hia
brother not believing that the slate
appearing luck was of value declined
to go ill on the uptime, of locating it
as a (limit, claim. Mr. Blalock then
rook in Ills sou it H Blalock, and they
look up the claim and sent samples
i t the oru to asunyi rs in Urauts Pass
and iu Portland. Both aaaaya
showed almoat aimilar values and
that tho orn ran up into thousands of
dollars per ton. From the surface
show ings there appears to be an im
meiiro ioantity of the ore for the
vein is fullv 100 feet wide, but not
of solid tellurldu, this mineral being
in stringers from very narrow up to
several inches In thickness. If
these alringers extend to anv depth
tho l'lulnt kH hare a fortune at their
command. They have begun work on
a shaft and will sink to a depth of 60
feitto.- more when they will drift eacli
way on tlm vein and ascertain Ita
extent and value. They have been
ahlu to trace the aurface showing for
seve I hundred feet and have found
Hint it his an east and west strike
and crosses both Eastman gulch and
(Jravo creek, at the oppnaitn aidea of
each atreani it (littapK'iirlng iu the
hillside. Several flattering olTers for
tiio property have been received by
Mr Iilalock and hia aou, but they
protoan to make no aitlo nutil they
have more fully developed their claim
and are able to show a purchaser juat
what lit) la buying.
The Other Side.
To the Editor Courier :
Kindly pnhliih tlit following
statement in regard to the coutro
vi rxv over the recent flag contest.
With all duo reanect to the organ i
.atiiiii known aa the order of Eagles
we cniiilemn and denounce the reao
liitious regarding the action taken by
the merchants hi awarding the flag,
feeling that those meiuliers that are
hiiiifht and ainceio iu their regard for
the honor of the order have Itttcu mis.
It'll as to the facts bearing on this
l'irnt, not one of tho merchant!
were iiihtigalora or promotera of the
ailveitisiug scheme as alleged.
Second, It is absolutely falso that
anyone but the merchants interested
was present when llual action was
Thlril, It is absolutely false that
anv tntliieitcit waa tised to change a
member's views, but on the contrary
it waa the unanimous verdict of all
the memliers present that to insure
n Miuare dial to all concerned they
could not allow so palpable a fraud
to be worked on the public much less
on our school children and their
pan -II t ft.
At a previous meeting a committee
appointed for that purHise after
carefully investigating certain charges
of Irautl made in connection Willi the
voting contest found them substantial
and of Ihe most gtaiing kind. In fact
if the Mime met hods would be used
to get votes at any of our municipal
eki'l iiiiih, it would land the parties
in the iK'intentlary ; after the fraudu
lent roles were thrown out, the school
had the 'nicest Vote, nil the contestants
had a "Huatn deal," and that ia
what the men hauls have stood for
ainl w ill stand by for we have a clear
ctmM'it'iicn iu the mill ter and know we
have done what is right; we are wil
iling'now to leave the verdict with
;all liom-ft nun. A number of the
! order opcnlv bo.isieil that they were
: receiving coupons up ami down the
I line, from Hottetturg to AhIiIiioiI.
A GubI Crush.
In fore iu Ihe history
Pass have such a crowd
nil, its gathered together
iiuiler unit loof as ar.iemhled vcMcnlav
morning to ntli nil the opening of It.
I,, t ee Co s Hig Sain under ill
I oil I mi of tl. W. Groves tV Co i the
world's gnatitt bargain givers
Sixth Min i in froi t of the Hig Store
litol the aii-aritiice of a circus day
whin it letaintt iiimorcd that gooiln
wrie iting given awav. Goods w
i an ltd awav hi aiinslul and the rapid
ay n w hich people made their
as well as the inaiiv expressions
"I t-.u ll,n l ion on all Mitt s proves tie
vt.ntl a doubt that they tounil every
llnlig exactly lis advertised.
If von want vur piopi rty sold, list
it with Vv 1, 1KKI.ASD, the UK A I
i s r. 1 1: m x, I'Gi'uiEit iirn.D
I . 1 i, gii'iintl lloor.
h"'hooit with
h i i rv f."i.iKI
-ll I'LllvtlilM'S
ipor,-, ,Ui nil
r urnlirtintt
Smelter Aeeured and Power Plant
.and Electric Road Protected.
The past week haa added more :
proof that Grant! Pasi ii to hare a
imelter, and that thejeompaoy under-1
taking thia venture meani buainesa
and ii not a stock jobbing combina
tion. The botinea! like mauuer in 1
which the men, intereeted in the
imelter and aubaiderary undertakings,
hare taken op the matter hai con
vino d local mining men thut there
ii every reason to expect that within
a few months, they can have their
ore treated here instead of shipping
it, at heavy expense, to Han Francisco
or Tacoma, to the ameltora there and
which are in the smelter trust and
consequently have high rates.
Permaneut organization of the
company haa been made since the
article! incorporating the Rogue
River Mining, Smelting & Power
Company, were filed last week, and
oflioers have been elected as follows:
President, D. C. Weatlake, Grants
Pasa; Heerttary, Dr. W. E. Williams,
Willmingtnn, Ohio; Treasurer, First
National Bank, Grants Pasa The
directors are D. C. W'eatlake, Dr. W.
E. Williami, H A. CorLsa. W. I.
Fleck. II. A. Williams, Carl N. Jones
and D. V. Hnowgooae. Carl N. Jones,
of Portland, an experienced man in
smelter construction, will have charge
of the building of the smeller. W. I.
Fleck, of Granta Pass, will be con
sulting engineer. Mr. Piece the
enigneer for the Golden Drift Com
pany In the construction of their dam
in Rogue river above thl city, and
he ia consulting engineer for aeveral
mining companies of thia district
H. A. Corliss will be ini erintendenl
and will have charge of the work on
the smelter bnilding and the dam.
Mr. Corliss whs foreman for the
Golden Drift Couiphut and had
charge of the work on the Company's
dam, which was completed last fall
Mr. Corliss haa had a previous ex
periencn of 30 J ears in dam building
and has constructed dams, - somo ot
them quite large, on atreanii iu
Northern Clregon, and in Washington
and also back in Maine, his native
atnte. Cheater L. Prochstol will be
assayer and clismist for the smelter.
Mr. Proebstnl Is from Portland, anil
ia a graduate of the Oregon Agricul
tnral College and of the Htate Uuiver
aity of California, he finishing the
courao in chemistry and metallurgy iu
both Institution.-!.
Tho aite for the smelter haa been
aelected at Savage Rapids, on Rogue
river, live mi lea eaat of Granta Pasa,
Over filbCO hai already been expen
ded iu the purchase of laud, the
Company buying UIO aorta of Clark
Savage, 108 acres of Mrs. S Randie,
2H acres ot J. C. Baird, aud 18 acres
of Rouhou Pierce. The deal is
practically elokcd for some additional
laud that will give the Cmuimuv ex
elusive control of a full mile cu each
bank of Rogue river Preaident
W est lake la uow in Sau Francisco ar
ranging for aiding facilities and
freight ratea
Smelting ia not tho only hnsiiiPhs
to be undertaken by the Company for
a dam ia to be put in Rogue river aud
water will he supplied for power and
for irrigation purposes. The river at
the smelter alte is In a rix-k lion nil
canyon, and a dam can be renriily
put iu that will give a head or till feet
and develop fully -iri.tXMI Ii. P. It ia
the plan of tho Company's engineer,
W. I. Fleck, and of 11. A. Corliss, the
superiuti udent, both of whom are ex-
periouoed dam builders, to construct
the dam of the alag from the smelter.
Sectional bulkheads will be put In to
dry the river bed and the niel'ed alag
wi'l be run in, making a dam aa
though of solid rock and whn h will
endure as long aa the granite ted of
the river shall stand. Hie coat of
building tho dam of alag will only be
for bulkhead! and will uot equal 20
iter cent ot the cost of a dam con
structed of cement or atone. The
proHtacd dam would give slack water
iu Kogue river to fully as far as
W'oodvillo, aud make a vast storage
reaervoit for imwer aud irrigation
pnrpoaes, and also make it pons i tile to
operate scows to bring ore and tinjber
from the mines and foreata near
Wood villo. Thia gnat lake would
atforil a perfect I lace to boom logs,
should mills bo put up on the river
and logging railroads built up
hvans and roota creek to the timber
tracts iu each of thosu valleys.
Really the greatest gain that will
come to Rogue River Valley by rea
son of tie building of this great
smelter mid power plant will be the
ysteui of electric railroads that it
will call into being and the develop
incut of the vast mineral wealth of
this district. Of the electric lines
that are certaiu to bo eventually
built will be one from the smelter by
whv of Grants Pass to the Takilma
copiter district and on to Crescent
City At the point where this road
would cross Applegatn a branch line
would hit run to the Blue Ledge cop
per district, ami another branch
would be run down Rogue river to
the big Galice mining district. A
fourth linn would be from the s.ntlter
up Kogno river on the south aide
skiitiug the foothills to Jacksonville,
while n tiflli line would branch on" at
Woodvitlc, from the Jacksonville
line, ami up Evans on ok to 0k'H up
the coal uml gold deposits on that
valley anil the timber nud gold of
l'pi"r Jump ntl Joe.
Work Bcgina on the Buckeye
I v 1 1 1 1 ' i lie 1 1 r work H being Mcad
ily cairinl on at- the Puckeye group
and a double chill of miners are open
ing up what gives promise of being
cue of the best minis in Southern
Oregon. Malinger W. K. Williams
was Iu Grams this week ami the
state that a tl.e e ns are 0 eiit-d up
thev are Increasing in width and he
values are grow nig better ss greater
ib I th is it-ached.
Now that a smelter is assurtd at
Giants l'as ami the ptopesed e!i" tric
tin In ad down Kogue river from the
smeller will tas willnn easy. hauling
diMaucti fioiu the Huckeye "mine il
will iitable ore from that properly
to be delivered at the smeller at a
vt-rv low cost aud make t'ssible the
devt lnpnii ut of the lUl, kevu on a big
scale anil iu a manner that will insure
good dividends to its owners.
The It&piiat Church.
At tlie llaptist church Suuday, The
Rev. K. M Ilermiston and hia wife
are to be presi nt add lake trt. They
are both speakers ami aingers aud
have had such varied experiences as
make them intensely interesting
Mi. Id rinistou will preach both iu
tlie morning at III . '10 ami iu the even
ing at X im. Let everybody come.
I In re will be no meetings Iu the
Chapel car on Sunday. In connec
tion with the morning service, the
ordinance of tint Lord s Supper will
be oliM-rved
Very pretty Summer Dress
Goods are being Bold at'thd
Red Star Store.
Ree.rra.ngea Stre.t Light Civic
Improvement Idee. Dominant.
A regular meeting of the council
waa held thia Thursday evening. The
report of the committee on lights,
signed by uouucilinen Randie and
Caai waa read and the recommenda
tion aa to change! in light! were
adopted.. The committee waa ordered
to confer with the Southern Pacific iu
regard to the Company installing an
aro light at the depot to replace tho
preaeut incaudeaci ut, which the city
will remove The report of the com
mittee herewith published givea tho
number of aro and incandescent atreet
light! uow iu use and the number
and location of the new light! that
are to be installed :
Committee Inspected the new aro
system on the night of Hay 20, 11)0.5
and found nine aro light! located at the
intersection of the following atreets,
viz: Sixth and A, Sixth aud C, Sixth
and E, Sixth and II, Sixth and J, Sixth
and L, Fourth and O, O aud Maine,
Fifth and alley between G aud H.
Said nine light! aro installed accord
ing to contract aud were giving
satisfactory service. Th aro lights
take tlm ll lace of the 'ollowlng ID
,12 c. p iueaudeacenta which can Is)
taken out, viz: Situated on Sixth
and A, Sixth and B, Sixth and C,
Sixth and I), Sixth and K, Sixth and
F, Sixth and O, Sixth aud H, Sixth
and I, Sixth and J, Sixth and L, Fiftli
and C, Fifth and K, Fifth and G.
Fifth and II, Seventh and E, Fourth
and O, Third aud O, and G aud Main
and N. Main. There are now TH
:i2o. p lampa In aervice. The removal
of IU leaves nil. In addition lo these
"ill now In aervioa, fonr new S2i
have been ordered ou Iowa Ave. and
two ou North Fifth atreet and two
have been petitioned for on Ninth
We recommend that R3 o. p. Incan
descent light! be installed at the fol
lowing places, viz: Fiftli aud J,
Fifth and B, Fifth and V, Seventh
and F, Fourth and E, Tenth and M,
Ninth and 1, and. Ninth and J, and
Ninth and M, Ninth and I, aud Ninth
and J. These eight light! with the
511 uow iu Mtrvice and tlie aix order
ed tint not installed, will make 73
38 o. p. Incandeaceuta. We further
recommend that tlie nine aro lights
be accepted.
Wo also recommend that the lncan
dosoent at Seventh and J bo trans,
ferred to Seven'h and I and that the
one at Fourth and F, be transferred
to Fiftli aud F.
The matter of the two area to !
maintained by tlie Southern Pacitlc
liatlroad Company abonld now 1m
urged as tho need of more lights
about tho depot ia very apparent.
The ordinance prohibiting the leav
ing of bicycles on sidewalks md ill
balls and "stairwaya waa defeated on
ita lart reading.
Ordinances were passed providing
for a granite sidewalk cu the east
side of Eighth street from E to
Meade street and on both sides of 11
street, iu Kailroad additiou from
Eighth to W'eat B atreet.
Councilman William! called atten
tion to the fact that garbage was
being dumped into creeks that How
through the city, and also being
dumped on vacaut property. As
there is an ordinance against the
dumping of garbage in atreams, anil
on streets and vacant property the
marshal and street commissioner were
ordered to lai ou th" lookout for viola
tore if the ordinance and to linve
them arrested. Each of ihe council
men volunteered to report any viola
tion that came to their notice, so
there is a likelihood of the ordinance
being inlorccd and the city treasury
enriched by several dollars.
Our ftoek still enlarging" by the
daily arrival of New timsls We
I'arry no remnants but have a
nieo line of
New Carpets
Art Squares
Oil Cloths
Window Shades
Lace Curtains
You ill flnil a niiv line anil
we take plea-uire in allowing
vou that all aro wolooino.
(.Kestersiin Blk , oil Front St.)
man Fetach,- the cit treasury watch
dog, remouatrated agaiuat the great
expenae the carnival waa costing the
city, aa it occaaioned the employment
nf three extra policemen, buj to on
set this expenae only paid license o!
10 for the entire week. Other
councilmen being also of the opinion
that the city waa out of pocket on
carnival business a motion waa pass
ed that the city attorney prepare an
ordinance requiring carnival! to pay
a higher license.
Councilman Williami laid he con
aidered the preaeut license of (25 a
day too high on patent medicine men,
who gave a show in connection with
their business. A motion was passed
that the oity attorney draw up a new
ordinance covering patent me.iiciui
men and similar show! providing foi
a lower license aud requiring that all
audi shows be kept off the atreet and
held onlv in halls.
Cooncilmau Hall, who is the leader
of the civic improvement forces iu
the council, called attention to tin
unsightly appearance of the electric
light aud telephone poles on the
streets. He thought that aa an effort
was being made to clean up and
beantifv the city it would add greatly
to the appearance of the atreets if tlie
light and telephoue poles were neatly
painted aud all ligua and posters
prohibited being plaoed upon them,
as was the rule in all progressive
cities. The idea took with the
council and the oity attorney was
authorized to prepare au ordinance
covering thit matter. .
Councilman Hair, auother civio Im
provement advocate, waa of the
opinion that both au injustice aud au
obstruction to the sidewalks waa
caused by the eltctlio aigna on the
streets. The light in them was so
feeble that they accomplished noth
ing toward lighting the streets, and
the pusts obstructed tlie sidewalks
quite aa much lis did those of the
uulighted aigna, which had been
ordered removed from the atreets.
Aa these signs were not removed dur
ing the davtinie their owners were
given au advertising advantage that
was denied thu other buaiuesa men.
Aa the other councilmen and the
mayor agreed with Mr. Hair on thia
proposition, all electric aigua were
ordered removed. Councilman Fetach,
favoring electric aigna, made a
motion, which waa adopted, that the
city attorney draw op an ordiuanco
fixing regulations for permitting
electric aigna on atreets.
W, H. Sherman aaked that a per
mit be granted to erect a brick
building lor exhibit purposes on Sixth
atreet on railroad property. On
motion Mr. Sherman was granted tho
A. Lenipke appeared before tlie
council and made a strong appeal to
have the license on female doga re
duced, he considering to aa extortion
ate, and prohibitive of people keeping
such dogs. Mr. Lenipke, knowing
Mayor Goode'a liking for flue dogs,
made a porsounl ap'ul to the Mayor
to use his great influence with the
council 10 have the tyrannical license
made less rigorous, but hia Honor
allowed motives of expediency to
overcome hia kindness lor the luck,
less canines and he declined to in
terfere, and the councilmeu thinking
that the dog population of Grants
I'usa was about as large as the peace
of the city would warraut also re
fused to accede to Mr. Lenipke's ap
peal and thu dog catcher waa ordered
to strictly enforce tlie ordinance.
The following billa were allowed :
J. Sliatka, extia police, (7.
J. Shaska, helper on street sur
vey, fl
Frank Greenwood, helper on street
survey, $7. AO.
George Snow, saddle bono,
.1. C. Handle, extia police, t'3.
F. M. Wick man, oats for city team,
1). W'illroot, street work, .'i.
B. W. Fobs, atreet work, I7.
Geo. Snow, street work, .'ll
Geo. Hartmau, street work, tiy. 20.
Geo. Congle, atreet work, 27.
J Wilson, atreet work, 7
Walter Kaleigh, atreet work, $.
I. A Palmer, atreet work, fj.
II James, street work, $S
V. T. Woodson, street work, IIS.
L). J Buuyard, street work, $ lit fit).
Saturday, Juno a, 7:30 P. M.. ojieu air aervice; 8 P. M., imlonr Bervice bv lit v I II Tr. u n . .- i
Saturday. June 8, 00 P. M.. demona.ration ; 10 P. i,i(1l,t of ,.,aver hV i ',, e,l r r mL '
I 10:) A.M., open air aervice; 11 A.M., i. d. lloli,s me'etini- ' l i P v lr m .... i i. i i
Snnday, June 4. 90 P. M.. open arr ae.vice; 3 P. SI., indoor aervice bv 1! ,'v' J H Tiiivis r f 1H !t " ? i i
( 7:30 P. M open air aervice; 8 P. SI., indoor erviee bv Mr- ' ,' !l J.l , , C',Urd'
Moii.lav, .Tone 5, 7 :30 P. St.. opeu air aervice; 8 P. SI., indoor ,ri.'- I, u'l . U' , '! .
Tuesdav. June tl. 7:30 P. SI., oia.ii air
Weilneftiav. June 7. 7:30 P. M one,.
e. .1... .... u u if
. . uu . jj., o u air
rutin., uui , i .ott i . .., ui;u mr
c. .... i.... i in ? .,. u vr
''""'"".'i uuu ft. i ufvu
I 10:31
11, :3(
( 7:31.
in. no x r ...
Sunday Juuo
30 P. SI., open
:30 P. M.. open
Monthly. Juno 13. 7:30 P. SI., own air
Tueatiay. June 13, 7:80 P. M open air aervice; 8 P. M indoor a-rv el I v iV V u ('U"r of s- M- flmrcli
We.lue.rlay. June M. 7:80 P. M.. open air aervice; 8 P. M.. indoor", rvi e bv I'e'l M u"".; ?f M' K' HlQrrh-
Thuraday. June 15, 7:30 P. SI., open air aervice; 8 P. M , in, loo rvice l X V m H" B,0WD phy. church.
Kridav. June lrt. 7:30 P. M . open air aervice: 8 P M i, ,1,, Z rl. ll 7 K'T Mf- Harrincfon of F. M. church.
..ttir.tiiv .lititd 17 ? ''Ill P f
Satunlay, Juue 17, U 30 P.M., demoiiflratiou ; 10 P. M , half niirht nf ., J7. i t- ' 1,1"rri"K,ou- F- Sl- church.
( 10:30 A.M.. o,eu air aervice; 11 A.M. Id UouJ wlZl'? t .T,thV,lU
Sunday, Juue IS, a :30 P. St., open air aervice; 3 P.M indc or 1 v H I u 'J'- M,','tiu a"d Blble chxki
t 7:30P.M., open airaervioe: vl. SI , indoor aervic,, ii V ,. 1I l in'). Vv
YOU ARE INVITED TO ALL THESh MEETINil?! TH E Or Fb ERS Vx f llHi"' "v'-' . ,
JT''.tLV JZ1
i -11-
At the Big Furniture and House Furnishing
Store, North Side, is now receiving his
New Spring Carpets; Rugs, Art
Squares and Linoleums
all bought before advance of price. You
can't afford to pass them by. Large and
complete stock of Furniture and Furnishing
Big Store North Side, 6ih Street, Grants Pass
Why I Can Sell the Best Millinery
at Low Prices.
I own mv bnilding, to buve no big rent to par. Am of the main
business atreet so do not have many of tne expenses such as hig rent,
high insurance and taxes, atreet sprinkling and a numbtrof oilier bills
that force other stores to keep their prices up.
One JIIox-1 lOiiSit of .Tos'lilie Hotel
ii the location of my store, when can be found aa large aud complete
a stock of Millinery Goods as evi r brought to Grants Pass, nnd qual
ity tne beat, iu atyle the latest, and in variety of shapes and effects so
full that all may tlnd what they want. Call nud look over my goods
and learn my pricea, whetner you wikIi to buy or not.
Cor. Seventh and E Sta. Mrs M P. ANDERSON.
Grants Pass Optical Works,
Dr. F A. Clise, late Professor of
the Clise Optical institute of San
Francisco, Cal., leading eye special
ist of the Northwest, ia now located
at Grant! Pasa. The Doctor has his
son with him who ia an expert lens
grinder. Then lore we examine the
eyea and grind glassea to tit.
are Manufacturing and Scientific
Opticiaua, using the latest and most
scientilin methods Wrong glasses
will ruiu the strongest eyea. GRIND
ING LENSES ia mastered by com
paratively few opticiaus. Beinc
manufacturers we can give you JUST
WHAT YOU NEED. We guarantee
every pair of glasses we make to lit
the eyes. Eye strain causea more
headachea than all other causes com
bined. We poaitively cure lleiinnche,
Granulated E.telids, Inflamed Eyes,
Muscular Inaufhcieucy, Cross Eyes,
Etc., with proper lenses.
Children's Eyes should not b.'
neglected and allow temporary errors
to grow into peimanent defects.
Complicated cases a specialty.
Courier Building, Grants Puss,
Ore., Phono
By mutual consent, the paitnersbip
heretofore existing between W. B.
Sherman and W. L. Ireland, under
the firm name of Sherman & Ire
land, s hereby dissolved.
Dated at Granta Pass, Oregon, June
1, IDOo.
Allen & GilbiTt-Itamakcr Co.
Pianos and Organs - l'ortlaiul, Oregon
J. M. Ward, Agent, - Grunts Pass, Oregon
Over twenty different makes of ianus to select
from. Deal with a jm i nianent local man. You
can't buy any cheaper elsewhere and you may
pay more. Easy terms.
P. 0. Box o'.)4. Phone 713. Leave orders for
II St. bet. ."it It uml Ctli. (J HANTS PASS, OKIKJON.
aervice- S P M ; i.
ir .rl,.... 8 P M V .'
"V-"i T "vice; l.y
inntf , o r. 31., innoor service by Hi v.
aervice; o r. M., lutloor serv ce bv Kt v
t : . o i, t..n ,ut.
an service; o r. .n . llHl.tor aervice tir
. . ,, i t, , .. .. -
air aervice; 3:1. P. M . imlonr ..rri..l i :
air aervice: 8P.M. , ..w, ...t " ' :.
aervice: HP. M . i.,,1.. ,j
.i. it . . ' ? lv
' 1
Grove's Tasteless riiiii
. ' -r-Fu IW VOU
jgiBamm "vr 1
Coming Events.
June fi, H, 7 Lectures by Prof. Pris-
ton W. Search
June (i, Thursday Grants Pass day
at tho Lcwia and Clark fair.
Juue 11), Monday Annual school 1
meeting for Josephine - county
school districts.
Real Estuto and Timber W. B.
Sherman, Kocms U aud 10 Masonic
DESK KOOM for rent ou -groend
ticor and second Moor, Courier
building See A. E. Voorhiea.
Two large rooms, f 1.00 per day
each. BrcitkfiiBt privileges. Ad
dress Mrs. J. W. Heiny, 815 E,
Stark, Portlai d, Oregon.
Sheet Muisc Conner Building.
House Moving;
If yau have a building
that you want moued,
raised or levelled up,
call on or address
A. E. Holloway.
F E E I)
or f. M. churrh.
'"nerviile of SI. E.
H. II. Brown nf Priori nl.nrr-1)
Harrinpton of F. M. rlinri-h.
I'. I THVIK Of RHIit isf rlinrMi
i .
siiiniu.-rvilir of M. E. church.
, . ,V M:' Jr "''ehi:n nnd Bibloclnaa
"A'" ."''""Won or SI. church.
11 ' .UruKUMili.
- J- tt.
MN '"'"i MI'.S I.nriSPRrc.MAN.
.- d . Half Million
NO ClTPO fits Da KC
B" K-nof. I K. Pin.