vol: xxi. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1WS. No. 10 TO SELL TIMBER KINDS AND QUALITY GALICE TO HAVE Store News ON FOREST RESERVES OF STRAWBERRIES A FINE WAGON ROAD J r V i BIG RED SHOP Woutli Sixth Street, corner J S. C. NEAS, Proprietor I Iorsealioeluif done by one of the best shoers ever in Grants Pass. Vehicle Ilepalred, Painted, Varnished and Trimmed and madej practically as serviceable and veil appearing as new. ltiilter Tlreas Fitted by the only machine for that purposo in Grants Pass. On Hpecial Onler vehicles of all kinds and for all purposes built and which are stronger and more durable than those made at factories. Jti-flit l?i-ieej given on all my work. ' CLEMENS Sells Drugs L Books GRANTS PASS, ORE. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK HUrt.OOO OO. Transacts a general banking business. Receives deposits suliject to check or on demand certificates. Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con sistent with sound banking principles. Safety depot it boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON. Pres. it. A. HOOTII, Viie-Pres. L. 1. JEWELL, Cashier. Bert Barnes, Reliable Watchmaker At Clemens' Grants lass, Ore. G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company Sells Real Estate and Personal Property of every de scription. Such as improved or unimprovptl farms, vacant Government to Sell Mature Trees, Protect Young Growth and Replant Waste Section. lots from $25 tip, or anything you have to sell will handle on commission. Wo also make a specialty of buying and selling horses. VVe also buv and sell junk and second-hand goods. Houses to rent. Collections made. If von want to sell or buv anything see us first. On Front street in large brick. Information comet from Washington that the mature timber on tbe Nation al forest reserves ii to be offered for sale. This announcement is in liue with the declared purpose of the De partment of Agriculture to develop the National forest reserves by nse. The restriction formerly laid npon the export of timber from the states la which the forest reserves were located has been removed, and the law now placet no limitation on the shipment of timber grown ou any forest reserve except those in the state of Idaho and the Black Hills Reserve in South Dakota. The effect of this change in the law and the declared policy of the Department of Agriculture, it that the timber ou the reserves may now be cut and disposed of to the highest bidder. Un many of the reserves there are great qnantitiet of mature timber, and on some of them the facilities for getting It out at a rea sonable uost are excellent. The Forest Servicel which has charge of the administration of the reserves, it anxious to begin t lie catting of this mature timber as soon as possible, and it is prepared to consider offers from lumbermen who wish to under take such operations. It 1h perhaps well to call attention to the fact that this announcement does not mean that the forest reserves are going to be devastated under authority of the Government. On the contrary, the distinct and definite purpose of the Forest Service is to improve tnn reserves by utilizing the material that is now fit for lumber. In doing so, it will also provide for the reproduction of the forest and the restocking of those areas open which forest conditions are defective. Work of this kind has been successfully carried ou for some years in the Blaci Hills Forest Reserve, and hat been begun with the greatest promise of success on the lands of the Chippewa Indians, in northern Minnesota, from which it is proposed to oreate another National reserve. The pnblio in general, and lumber men in particular, will, be interested to know that in ihis last case the re strictions imposed by the Forester have in no way hampered the lumber ing operations. Timber sold at pub lic sale, with full kuowledge of these restrictions, brought higher pi ices than were ever obtained for white aud Norway pine in the same region, aud the slash has been burned aud got out of the way at a cost of about 12 ceuts per thousand feet board measure. The supervisor of each forest re serve is authorized to receive applica tious for the right to cut timber; in tending purchasers should comma nicate with him, not with the De iwrtiuent at Washintgou. t t t t t t BIG SPECIAL OFFER! Pants to Give Away! With every suit purchased from us, ranging in price from $10.00 up, wo will give FKEK OF CIIAIIGK One Pair of Pants extra, for Carnival week only. This does not alter the greatly reduced prices we are making on all our goods. Get in lino while the pants last. : : : : : The Hub Clothing Store S. Garlinkle, Proprietor South Sixth Street, - next to Lavton Hotel An Oregon Grower Telle What Are the Beat Varieties and Hew to Raise Them. t . Strawberries are among the most easily grown of all small fruits aud not a farm home need be, or should be, without this delicious, healthful fruit. With the varieties of straw berries now to be had it it possible, especially here in Southern Oregon whore irrigation can be had, to have ripe berries from May until October of each season. At a farmers lnstitote held last Saturday at Milwaukee, Clackamas county, C. W. Swallow, one of the leading growers of that section of fruit for the Portland market, and who is recognized at an authority on strawberrey culture, delivered an ad dress in which he named all the varieties that do well in Oregon and the quality of their berries and dates for their ripening. The information he gave it of such value to all straw berry growers that the Courier here with gives the leading points of his address: "It is very easy for the good man to say that he hat not time to bother with the strawberry bed, aud that he will buy all that be wants, but how does it turn out? He buys one, or perhaps two orates, when they get very ripe, aud lie has fresh atrawborriet for the table for two or three timet daring the season. Now, what cau one do if he has a few hundred plants well taken care of They should be able to have fresh strawberies fom the vines fo at least 60 dayt and porhaps will be able to pick ripe strawberries in October. With favorable months aud conditions he cau produce quite a crop in the fall. Now, then if ,'you have deoidod to have a strawberry bed, select a warm soil with some sand in it, if possible. If the toil it poor, en rich it. Have it properly prepared and thoroughly cultivated. If you have plenty of land and can use a hand cultivator have the rows as long as possible and about three feet and three inches apart, plant the large growlug plants three feet apart. The smaller vines may be set closer to gether. Some prefer setting out the plants in the fall, some in the spring, and others always waut to set out the vines in May or June. I say set them out when you have the ground in good condition. For the home garden I would have several kinds so as to prolong the fruiting seasou. Have a few of the real early varieties, as the Micbels Early, Climax, Texas, or Ex celsior. "Then for the main orop have some good canning variety so as to put up some for the Winter and make the strawberry season last 8t!5 days in the year. The Wartield, Oregon, Clarks Seedling, Rough Reds aud Magoou are all good canniug berries. The Warfield is the very best, I think For big fellows have a few Glen Mary or Vicka, aud for late plants the Michigan, Oaudy, Lerman, Midnight or Rough Rider. For 2 plauts I would select about as follows: Michael's Early 40, 80 Warded, 40 Miohigan, 20 Glen Mary aud 30 for trial of new kinds. I have grown the following' Rio, Excelsior, Michel's Early, Glen Marr, Vicks, Glendalo, Haverland, Nick Ohuer, Wilson, Brandywiue, Ideal, Magoon, Oregon, Sherlybel, Mrt. Hansen, Gaudy, Rough Rider aud Michigan. Select the best plants for best results. Laud must be in good first-class condition Lecturer Reed said that in selectiug plant! for propagation Mr. Swallow goes through a patch aud whenever he sees a particularly fine thrifty vine a good producer he marked that vine by driving a stick alongside it. Then when he is ready to plant new vines he takes the new shoots from these thrifty vines with the result that bet ter and more thrifty plauts are se cured. "It was" said Mr. Reed "the survival of the fittest." Something New In Granle Paae. Dr. F. A. Cllee & Hon have opened an office aud grinding rooms in l Courier building. The Doctor has had over SO years experience in fit ting glasses and his son is a practical I lense grinder Grinding lenses is mastered by comparatively few opti clans, lie I n g manufacturers, we can give you just what you ueed. We guarantee every pair or glasses we make to fit the eyes. Eye strain causes more headaches than all other causes combined. We positively cure Head ache. Granulated Eyelids, IufUmed Eyes, Muscular IusnfTiulency, etc, with proper lenses. THE CL13E OPTICAL CO., Courier Building, Grants Pass. Ore. Phone 903. Office hours, afteruoous and evenings. Sleeping Accommodations. As an accommodation to vititort to the Exposition, aud others a lfl-sectioo tourist sleeis-r will be placed in ser vice between Ashland, and Portland ou trains 15 and 11 commencing May Mth. Sections II, 10, 11, and 13 are re served for this station aud can be se cared at the depot. O. P. Jester, Agl Will Be Constructed in a Perma nent Manner and by Mod ern Methods. The mining men of Southern Oregon have probably done more trail aud road building than have any other lass of business men of this sectiou. Many of the principal roads of Rogue River Valley were originally trails opened by prospectors aud later built into roads by minlug companies or settlers. Some of the best roads in Josephine connty have been construct ed in whole, or the greater part by mining companies. Que of these mining road undertak ings is that of a road that is being built from Galioe to Lelaud. The greater part of the money it contri buted by the Almeda Miniug Com pany, though the Rand Miniug Com pauy it contributing as well as some of the other miniug companies of Galioe. Tbe work it ouder the super vision of H. B. Perks, superintend ent of the Almeda niiue aud he has a force of tueu constantly employed on the road. A mile aud a quarter out from the Almeda mine has been com pleted and it it expected to have the entire road opened by early iu the fall, by which time the Almeda Com pany will be ready to have tne ma chinery hauled iu for the big smelter they are intending to erect ou their fain ions big vein, that is over 100 feet in width and one of the best low grade propositions in Southern Oregon. A feature that it especially com mendable in this new (ialioe-Lelaud road it the skillful engineering work that lias been done iu layiug out the grade. Iu no place does the road go down a hill merely to go up another hill, and from the point where the road leaves Rogue river, at the Almeda mine, to the top of the di vide to where the road deaoenda into Grave creek valley it has a steady grade up, at no place exoeeding 6 per cent, aud on that section from the summit down to Lelaud a less grade will be had. Iu locating the road Snperiutondeut Perks by taking ad vantage of the topography of the oountry held the road to au even ascent aud descent. When canyons were nuoountered the grade was either carried around the head of the ravine or across on a bridge. Equal care Is boiug given to the ooustruction of the road bed and when this road is opeued to travel it will be uo effort for a span of horses to draw a load over it of a ton to a ton and a half. And ho solidly it the road being built that it will require but little repairs each seasou to keep it up iu good condition. The Galioe district is one of the largest aud richest miniug seotlous of Joselphine county and this road will make it accessible from the railroad aud bring transportation charges to a minimum. With machinery and supplies easily and cheaply gotten in the score or more of fluu mining prop erties iu that district will at uo dis tant time be developed aud made into Investments that will bring in a lurge amouut of wealth aud taxable prop erty to the county. While a mining district in the main yet there is consid erable laud iu the Galioe section that would be suitable for stock aud fruit raising and for garden purposes. The big mining camps will make a profit able market aud this new road will bring iu a cousiderbln number of farmers aud stock raisers. The recent euumertiou shows that there are 87 children of school age iu the Galice district aud a school house is to be erected this summer and a public school will take the place of the private one conducted there, this past year, two largo general merchant dise stores are now located in this district, one at Galice proper, where the postoflice by that name, of which C. L. Harlow is postmaster, aud he I so conducts the store there. The other store is located at the Hand mine 2'' miles below Galice post ollice. This store is conducted by Glen Barlow, a brother of O. L. Barlow aud the brothers own these two stores In partnership. It is more than likely that before the close of this year other business as well as professioual lines will be represented at Galice aud another town will have beeu placed on the map of Southern Oregon. Coiiuov- tiou is now had by telephoue with the outside world aud it Is certain that before five years will have 'lsed that Galioe will be connected with Grants Pass br an electrio railroad s p E C I A L R E D U C T I O N S Mtr Note terms at the bottom of this ad. Now Uound Extension Tables Very reasonable prices. New priees on Iron Heda New Kitchen Cabinets llammocka reduced Tents reduced CARPET SALE STILL GOES ON A few Rom- nants left; bring tho measure of your room and buy a Carpet for it at one-third off. Go-Carts reduced N"D BrinR this ait with you; on any of "the above named reduced goods its worth from 10 to 20 per cent to you. Thomas . O'Neill Ue Housefurnishers PROMINENT CAPITALISTS VISIT GRANTS PASS Officer of Ihe Calumet ftl Oregon Mining Co. Come to Inspect Work at the Golden Eagle. Manager J. F. Hopkins of the Calumet & Oregon Mining Company, came iu from tho Golden Kaglu inino Thursday to meet some of the olllcers of his company, who arrived Sunday. The gentlemen were A. (!. Luiiil of Bostou, president of the Aim ricnu Securities Couiiauy, aud also presi dent of the Lund Investment Com pany; Judge Chas. II. Aldrich, of Chicago, formerly of the superior oourt aud oue of the hailing lawyers of that city, aud ('apt. 0. 11. Keltou, of Tucson, a prominent mining man of ArUoua. Judge Aldrich is presi dent of the Calumet & Oregon Mining Company, and Mr. Lund is thu Com pany's treasurer. Capt. Kulton is unt connected with the Company, but comes as the guest of Mr. Lund, aud to look over tho mining iiossi- billties of Southern Oregon. Tuesday Manager Hopkins with his three guests left for Solma where they will take saddle horsss and ride tho II miles to the mine, w hich is h eated ou the divide between Illinois rivor and Kancherin ori ek. Manager Hopklus Btated that de velopment work was progressing very satisfactory at the Goldeii Fnglo. The main tunnel was in 4H0 feut and had pouetrated tho big vein !)l feet. This vein has a surface measurement of llfl feet aud is a big low grade proposition that assays go id average values. At the jioint where the crosscut has cut into it the ore is in a solid body and the values run con siderable higher thiin on the surface, thus proving that us depth is nSiched this mine will sl.iuiily as hits olhei Southern Oregon mines do, gain iu values. Development will he con tinued ou the tunnel now being run until the vein is cut across, when a uew tunnel will lie dtovu in on a lower level, which will prnnahly lie on the KHNI or !:.')() foot level as the mine is on a High divide having steep sides that give very fuvr.riihlo condi tions for tunnel work to crnscut the in at a greater depth than is possi ble at tho avurugu mine. It is your own fault. If money is worth saving, its worth walking to i'eopln's market. Whooping Cough Hi Jamaica Mr. J. Hi ley Bennett, a chemist of Brown'l Towu, Jamaica, West India Islands, writes: "I caunot siwak too highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has proved itself to be the best remedy for whooping cough, which is prevaleut on this end of the globe. It has never failed to relieve in any case where I have recommend ed it; and grateful mothers, after using it, are daily thanking me for advising them." This remedy Is for sale by all druggists. WOMANS CLUB HONORS PIONEERS OF OREGON A Custom Carried on by Oregon City Club Worthy of Adoption by the G re. Ms Pass Club. The Womans Club of Oregon City have for several years past observed a pioneer's eveuing at. which pioneers were the guests of houor and a pro gram was given suitable to the occa sion. The Indies of Oregon City en tci tailed tho pioueort o! Clackamas county on Wednesday evening of this week at the Club. The principal address of tho eveulug was bv Ex- Governor T. T. Oeer. Other speakers spoko on local historical topics and with musical features the event was niiido a very great pleasure to tho pioneer men and women present and very interesting to the general aud ience. To observe a pioneer and historical day for Josephine conuty would be a commendable move ou thu art of the unints Pass Womans Club. The pioneers of this county nrn now too few iu number aud too aged to be able to maintain for themselves a pioneers association, jot they would greatly appreciate an annual reunion at an evening on which they should be the guests of honor and bo nnteralned by it program that would bear ou the days and stirriug events when they were enduring tho hardships and the dangers 111 fonudlug homes in Itoguo itiver Valley. It is well that we of today show theso aged men aud women thu honor that is their due and It is also to our advantage to learn more of the early history of our county and ot our towu. Lewie and Clark Exposition. Ihirlng the Lewis and Clark Expo sition the Southern 1'aeifio Company will sell round trip tickets to Port land, limit .'10 dayt, at ono aud oue third far.) for the round trip. For parties nf ten or more traveling ou one ticket, ono fare for thu round trip. For organized patties of NX) or more, individual tickets, at one fare for the round trip. Stop over of 10 days will bo given at i'nrl luml ou all one way tickets reading through that point during the exposition. Tickets must bo de posited with Joint Agent at Portland and charge of 50 cents will be made for extension of time. State Maps Courier iluilding. s Some People Sell Cheap i to part 01 tue people all of the time and to all the people part of the time, but PADDOC SELLS CHEAP to all the people all the time K ...Paddock's Bicycle Den... pi m u ri f p si ( : H'S'V t