Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 26, 1905, Image 3

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Masonic Special
A special meeting will be held in
tne jiasonio nail lor (lie . C. degree
unsrnaay nigtit All meuibera re.
qaested to attend.
-B. w. Riggs. W. M.
People B. They Come and Go
Grants Pan Schools Close With
Appropriate Exercise. .
New Notes from the Business
Brief Notes o-nd Items of Interest
From Day to Day
Men to Renders.
and Importance.
"Where did you get those
fine Berries?"
"At the White House Gro
cery, of course."
"Home grown?'
"Yes; price is a little high
yet, but blame the blame
Summer is coming bye uud
New Potatoes and New
Onions now in stock and
Oregon Cabbage.
In Dried Fruits
We have some very fancy Petite
Prunes at 3c, and some extra nice
bleached Dried Apples at 10c per
pound. Peaches and Apricots at
7 to 12j4c.
Finest table Peaches or Pears
(Ashland) 20c.
Everything iu lunch goods.
Sardines, a very good kind at Sc.
Canned. Salmon at 10 and 20c.
Broiled Mackerel in souse, mus
tard or tomato sauce, 20 and 25c.
Pickles iu bulk, sour or sweet.
Finest Olives and Olive Oil in
the city.
White House Grocery.
Allen's Portland Cement
Roehe Harbor Lime
Wood Pulp Plaster
Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints,
Stains and Varnishes
Pioneer Lead, Strictly Pure Linseed
Oil, Glass and Putty
All kinds of Iiuilders Hardware
Locks, Hinges, Nails, etc.
Sells Drugs & Books
Dairymen can get row bells 5 rents
and up, wooden bowls 5 cents and up,
butter molds, milk pails, at Davis'
farmer supply house. An Acme bar
rell chnru almost new for $2.
Let 'em. Thoy :row strong
on it. Play is the exercise of
the boys, it makes strong
men of them.
Buy them strong, service
able Clothes and let them go
it. Every suit for boys in
our stock will staud the test
of time. We would like par
ticularly to show you the
6plendid variety that we have
at $2.95 to $1.50.
Next week we will receive
a largo shipment of Iioys i
Wash .Suits. The prices will
range from C5c to ?3.00.
Geo.S. Calhoun Co,
rase, Sunday. May 81, ltfOo, J. W
McCollum and Mrs. R. L. Fisher.
CRAWFORD At Grants Pass, Thurs
day. May 2.1, KH)5, Ward M. Craw
ford, age 31 years, 6 months 15
Funeral sermon will be held at the
Free Methodist chnrch, Saturday,
May 27.
CABANASS In Grants Pacs on
Saturday, May 20. 1905, Frank
The funeral services were held
Monday from L. B. Hall's undertak
ing chapel with interment in Granite
Hill cemetery. Mr. Cabanass was
only a receut resident of Grants Pas
coming here from' San Francisco,
where his brother Judge Goo. P.
Cabanass, is police judge of that city.
Consumption was the cause of his
DIXON-On Tuesday, May 23, 1U05,
Mrs. Mary N. Dixon.
Mrs. Dixon's death was most sud
den and a sad blow to her family.
Her son, Dr. II. C. Dixou of this
city, went to Newburg last Friday to
accompany his mother from her home
to this city for a visit with his
family and with her other son, Dr
E. P. Dixon When on their way
here and while the train had just pass
ed Junction City Mis. Disci) was
stricken with heart failure and died
within a few minutes. The body
was taken off the train at Eugene
and Dr. Dixou telephoned his brother
here, who left on the S o'clock
train to join him and assist in tak
ing their mother's remains to its last
resting place iu the family burial
lot iu Ihe cemetery at Newburg,
Mrs. Dixon was known to a number
in Grants Pass who f. uud her a niost
estimable lady and know that her
death is a heartfelt loss to her 'nmily,
The doctors Dixou aro expected to re
turn to Grants Pass Monday or Tues
Hardware Co.
A New Musical Organization.
This body of musicians has been
reorganized and is in actire rchwarsal
uudrr the direction of W. A.
Newell, an accomplished violinist and
musician lute of Portland. Mr.
Newell is also n fine, clarionetist and
as a director will 811 a long felt
want. Tho orchestra plays only the
bist of music and does concert work
delusively. Koine of the numbcr
form a smaller body for dauce music,
etc., hut the entire orchestra is a con
cert organization. From time to
time it is hoped to cnhiigo the forces
as new musicians come on, particu
larly the strings. AH gcon, string
players will he welcome, also a few
wood wind.
Every town should have uud keep
up au orolicH.ra or a brats band.
Nothing spi-uk n well for the stand
ard of a place as a good musical organ
ization and in this articular Grants
Pass has bci n fortunate. Not another
town of its size iu Oregon can boast
of such a band, orchestra and "horal
union, to fay nothing of the individ
ual players, aod sinners. Then con
sider the iufluence on thn young
people for good as a community where
music is cultivated. Tne band
room is better than the slreet corners
Mid other questionable resorts for our
young men. Tim question of summer
concerts is not jet settled, but it is
uot ioipossil Ic that thwy may b re
Tired. We hoi they will, and that the
citizens will subscribe lilierally if
such steps are taken. All these yearn
a few cnthi -iai-ts have kept tin) lnusi
ca1 iiiterut alive aud have never
a-bed any 11i.uih.U1 help from the
city for musical intertainiuents, etc.
Let the good work go on so that our
voung and growing towu may still
hold itj lea l in music ani the arts.
Following is the roster of the or-
W. A Newell; 2d violins, Miss Clara!
Coortois, P.alph Dean; flute, K. W.
Clark: coronets, Waldo Green, Fr'd
Cheshire; clarinet, Jos. Wharton;
trombone, Arthur Fryer; bassoon,
F. W. Vau Dyke; piano, E. S. Van!
Dyke, la the mar future a 2d claii-j
let aud mora strings will be added. ,
Music Lover.
Bouveuir Pot Cards Courier
I Building.
A. U. Banuard left Monday for
Portland for the purpose of buying
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fry left Thurs
day for California tojRfend a month in
the loseniite Valley.
Mrs. A. S. Hammond returned Fri
day from a month'! visit with rela
tives and friends Id Portland.
T. P. Cramer made a bicycle trip to
the Waldo country last week and this
week he has visited the Applegate
Miss Lulu Conger went to Medford
Tuesday, where she will stay two
weeks to attend to tome business mat
ters and to visit with friends.
E. W. and Fred Britton of Newbnrg
and Q. C. La Rant of Grand Rapids,
Mich., arrived in Grants Pass Sun
day and will look over this country
with a view to locating.
Arthur Sampson returned Sunday
from attendance at the Stanford pre
paratory school He will spend the
summer vacation with his parents
and return to the school in the fall.
J. M. Payne, an extensive farmer of
Deer Inland, Columbia oounty, ar
rived in Grants Pass Sunday and
Tuesday he left for Holland, in which
district be is interested in a mining
Mrs. F. E. Willett returned Sunday
from Dunsmuir where she had been
for a week on a visit to her sister.
Her daughter, Loie, came home with
her, she having spent a month with
her auut and cousins.
Mrs. A. U. Banuard returned Satur
day from Portland where she spent
two weeks visiting friends. While
there she had the pleasure of listen
ing several times to Rev. B. F.
Meyer, the noted Loudon divine.
Willie and Ida Booth left last week
for Portland where they will be
joined this week by their mother,
Mrs Charles Booth and her daughter
Kathleen. Mrs. Booth, who will
hereafter reside in Portland, has sold
her home on Eighth street to John M.
Booth, who will occupy it as a resi
dence. G. A. Oobb has bought the house
and six lots on L street, between
Fourth aud Pine, that belonged to
C. G. Seaman and has moved with his
family to the house. Mr. Cobb will
build this summer two more houses
on the property, which he will rent.
Mr Seaman became sometime since
a resident of Woodville, where he in
company with A. O. Johnson put In
last month a large general merchan
dise store.
The press reports announce that L.
S. Cass has been made assistant mana
ger of the Chicago & Great Western
Railway, a company that operates
lilOO miles of railroad in Illinois,
Minnesota and Iowa. Mr. Cass' head
quarters will be in 8t Paul. Mr.
Cuss is a brother of E. L. Cass, mana
ger of the Grants Pass Cold Storage
Company. He has been prominent
in railroad and eleotrio traction busi
ness in the East for a number of years
J. O. Kitto came to Grants Pass
Friday, from the Oregon Belle mine
where he has been employed sinoe
last fall, and remained in the city
until Monday on a visit with his sis
ter, Miss Jennie Kitto. Mr. Kitto
left Monday in company with William
Berry aud Arthur Donahue for Nome,
Alaska, whtre they expect to spend
the summer in mining. Walter Kit
to, also well known in this city, will
leave the Oreogn Belle next week foi
his former home at Idaho Springs,
F. S. JoLes, who with Frank Mash
burn are the local managers and
principal owners of the Golden Rule
store, returned Saturday from a
month's business trip to St. Louis
and to visit relatives near that city.
Mr. Jones reports the buisuess con
dition in that city and other towns
he was in as very, satisfactory and a
good trade year was expected. Mrs.
Jones, who had as yet not Joined her
husband in Oregon, returned with
Mr. Jones to take up her residence in
Grants Pass.
John Hall returned Friday from
Greenback where he had spent a
couple of days looking after mining
interests he has in that district. Mr.
Hall has two claims, both near the
Greeuhark and one of them, Rough
Nugget, he is having developed, Jack
Hnydeu being in charge of the work.
Tho vein is showing up well both In
width and values and Mr. Hall feels
so eucouraged that he will contiuuo
development for some time yet, or
until lie is able to decide on the per
muuent value of his property.
Mrs. Sarah V. Griffith was in
Grants Pass Monday from her home
near Wildorville. Mrs. Grl filth stated
that her husband is in a very critical
condition aud may not survive the
injury he recently received by being
thrown from a colt. He laid by the
roadsido seven hours before beiug
found when he was taken to the home
of Monroe Fcrrin, where he remained
until Sunday, when he was taken to
his own home. His lungs appear to
be hurt and he has other luternal
injuries that have developed serious
Joseph Mahler, as many another
miner has found, has decided that
Southern Oregon is a good mining
country and far better than many of
Ihe much advertised districts, to
which miners rush to only find that a
few big strikes is the extent of the
riches. Mr. Mahler left Grants Pass
three years ago for California, where
he spent a vear. He then went to
Arizona where for the last two years
he has prospected with varying suc
cess. He found some good districts
there but the weather was so Intol
erably hot that it was killing on s
man to work or to travel while pros
peetiug. Mr. Mahler is now satisteii
to stay in Southern Oregon and he
will in a few days start on a proscl
iog trip through the southern part of
the county.
The commencement exercises of the
Grants Pass publio schools were held
last Friday evening Id the opera house,
which was well filled with an
audience that greatly appreciated the
many excellent features of the pro
gram. The stage was handsomely
decorated with bunting in the school
oolors of red and white and the beau
tiful silk flag, recently woo by the
school in the merchants voting con
test, was draped above the stage and
made a handsome center piece.
Flowers were In profusion and there
were many beautiful boquets for the
graduates and others taking part in
the exercises.
The program opened by well given
chorus by the High School girls, with
the piano aocompainment by Prof.
M. W. Davenport Miss Margaret
Scovill, one of the graduates, then
read a paper having for her subject
"Silent Influences." Miss Scovill
handled her topic concisely and clearly
and her paper was a oredit to herself
and the school. A piano duet by Miss
Mabel Ryle and Miss Florence Lamar
was exceedingly well plaved. "The
True Purpose of Education" was the
toplo of the paper by Miss Ruth ScO'
vill, another of the graduates. There
was nothing impractical in the
thoughts expressed and withal It was
above the average of graduation essays
and showed that the young lady fully
comprehended the full bearing of her
subject. ,
A piano solo by Miss Ethet Riggs
was a pleasing feature of the musical
selections. City Superintendent R. R.
Turner then, in a short and well ex
pressed address, Introduced President
B. F. Mulkey, of the Southern Oregon
State Normal at Ashland, who made
the address to the graduates. It was
a school talk from introductory to
close and it is seldom that the work
aud results of the Amorcian schools
are set forth so clearly and so practi
cally as was done by President Mul
key. There was none of the pedantic,
impractical ideas so often heard from
college professors, hut the sentiments
were all practical aud proved that the
speaker was a practical man and held
that education should be praoticaL
President Mulkey held the olose at
tention of his audience aud he fre
quently was heartily applauded as he
made a point that met the hearty en
dorsement of the large number of bus
iness men and of mothers who were
present At the oloso of his address
President Mulkey was given an encore
that was highly expressive of the ap
preciation iu which he was held in
Grants Pass.
R. Thomas, president of the Grants
Pass school board, then presented the
diplomas to the gradoates aud to the
members of the eighth grade class.
Mr. Tnomas made a short address to
the boys and girls in which he gave
thorn some helpful, practical advice.
He made no predictions that some of
the boys might be a governor or a
president and the girls women of re
nown, but told them with a good,
common school education, and with
honesty, industry, morality aud per
severance that they could hope to at
tain success in tho'walks of life that
they should take up. A chorus by the
school closed the program aftor whioh
Superintendent Turner expressed the
appreciation of the teachers and schol
ars to President Mulkey and the oth
ers who had assisted iu the uveuing's
exeroises and lo those attending for
their helpful appreciation of the work
of the school.
Prof. Turner left Sunday for Napo
leon, Ohio, where he taught bofore
coming to Grants Pass, where he will
spend a week, after which he will go
to his home in Stanton, Vs., where
he will spend the summer. He will
return to Portland the last of August
to attend national educational con
gress that will be held in that city,
after which he will return to Grants
Pass to be in readiness when school
opens the first Monday in September.
Prof. M. W. Davenport and wife will
return to Connecticut to his former
home. Miss Goodlu will leave next
Monday to spend tho summer with rel
atives in Portland and Washington
county. She has been elected to a
position iu the high schools of both
Salem aud Priueville, the latter
town offering her t'JO a mouth if she
will take the position. As a taken of
their esteem the schoolars of her room
in the High School presented her with
an ehgant chaffing dish, aud her class
In the Methodist Sunday school gave
her a fine china dish. Miss MacBishop
goes to Baker City where she has been
giveu a position iu the schools of that
city. Miss Alia Schneider has a posi
tion iu the Eugenu schools and will
jiend thn summer at her houie iu that
city. Miss MuWilliams returned to
her home in Ashland and will teach
iu tho schools of that city next year.
Miss Inez Kitchen returned to her
home iu Ashland.
Woman Club Elects Officers
At the regular meeting of the
Woman's Club, held Saturday after
noon, May , trie following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
President, Mrs. Sarah Clevenger;
vice-president, Mrs. Mary Hildrelh ;
secretary, Mrs. Jennie Davis; treasur
er, Miss Edna Parker; Superinten
dent of Music Departmcut, Mrs.
Maud W'shatt; Superintendent of
Literary Department, Mrs. K. M.
Durham; Superintendent Parliament
ary Department, Mis. II. 1. Calvert;
Suix-rintendeut Needle Work Depart
ment, Mrs. Mary Cornell ; Superin
tendent Home and Household
Economics Department, Mrs. D. M.
Van Dyke; director, Mrs Kale Kin
ney; reporter, Miss Gertrude Coron.
A speclsl program on Clvio Im
provement will be arranged for the
Juue meetiug, and a full attendance
is desired. Mary E. Day. Hec'v.
Cleared lor Actios.
When the body Is cleared for action.
by Dr. Kiug'a New Life Pills, you!
can tell it by the bloom of health 1
on the cheeks; the brightness of the
ejes, me nrniuess or me neon and
in o Mies: the buoyancy of mind,
mem. At au aroggisu 26 cents.
J. M. Ward, Toner, Phone 713.
State Maps Courier Building.
Violin, etc., strings Courier Build
Souvenir Postal Cards Courier
Give your friends a Stage line the
good smoke.
Lawn Mowers and Lawn Sprinklers
at Cramer Bros.
Bioycle Bells and Lamps at a dis
oount at Paddock's.
We want your property to sell.
SHtKMAIi A little AIVD.
Two for 5 cents colored stereoscopic
views at tne courier ouuaing.
Hammocks, the latest styles and
oolors just in, at Cramer Bros.
A new line of colored stereoscopic
views, two for 6 cents at the Courier
Guitars, mandolins, banjos, organs.
all good instruments at your own
price at ike Davis , dealer in every
thing. Sooth Sixth street.
Curtis & Co. for Watches, Clocks,
Gold Riugs and Jewelry, fine watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come aud. see us.
I. O. O. F. Building, Grouts Pass,
ACHE CURE is the only safe aud
sure remedy for any kind of a head
ache. It keeps the brain clean aud
active aud the head free from paiu.
All druggists. Try it.
$1250 takes three acres just out
side the city limits, with good Ave
room house, good barn, small orchard.
with windmill and au abundance of
water. Must be sold soon. See
Jospeh Moss, THE Real Estate
AGENT. (No. 420).
Fishing Tackle that Is stroug and
catches nsh at Cramer tiros.
Look Out (or Purse Snatchers
It is reported that Portland is the
Meoca for purse suatchers, pick
pockets, and sneak thieves of all
kinds who will And essy operating
on the Lewis & Clark fair visitors.
Everyone who visits the fair should
guard against auy possibility of los
ing their money, tickets and valu
ables in this manner. A. E. Voor
hies has a stock of purses and jewel
bags for ladies which are absolutely
proof against purse suatchers. They
range in prioe from 85 cents to $
and every lady who goes to Portland
this year should have one. See them
at the Courier building.
To Portland for $7.50.
G. P. Jester, Southern Pacific agent
for Grants Pass, has received a oopy
of a circular, that has boon sent out by
G. P. A. W. E. Conian, that gives the
rates and instructions govornlng the
special excursion train that will be
run from Southern Oregon stations on
Thursday, June 8th, for Southern
Oregou day which will bo on Friday,
June 9. This train will be due iu
Grants Pass about 7 a. tu. and arrive
iu Portland at 7 p. m. I.uuch cau be
had at Rosebnrg where a stop will be
made lor that purpose, aud no other
stop will be made between that place
and Portlaud.
The Exposition hat assigned oertain
datosas special days for various points
in Oregon, aud special ooach excur-
lions at greatly reduced rates will be
run by this Company for such dys.
Friday, June Uth, has been made the
Ashland, Grauts Pass, Medford and
Jacksonville Day, aud a eiooial train
will leave Ashland at 6:30 a. in.,
Thursday, Jone Bth, picking up pas
sengers at all points south of Rose
burg. Information as to time of ar
rival at each station will be furnished
later. Trains will arrive at Kosehurg
about 11 :30 a. m. aud stop there for
lunch. After leaving Itusehurg, no
stops will be made for passengers, and
train will arrive at Portland about
7:00 p. m. Tickets for this train, with
limit to Juno lfith. Inclusive, good go
ing and returning only In coaches, will
be sold at the following rates:
Ashland WOO Merlin . , . f 7 25
Gold Hill.... 8 60 Uland tl HO
Woodville. .. 7 76 Wolf Creek. . fl 115
Grauts Pass. . 7 60
Z. Russell and wife of Klamath
Falls visited Grauts Pass this week
aud are looking over thn country.
Mr. Russell has been a cattlo buyer
in thn Klamath country but is not
suited with the climate of that sec
ItH u hard luck story to
toll of "tho big fellow
that got away." Hut tho
btory might liavo been ,
dilTeroiit if he had bought
better tackle. And no !
when you aro going fisli- I
ing come and make your
(selections from our stock 1
which is direct from the j
factory and is tho bant ;
that wo ciui get. : : : I
Cramer Bros. !
Engraved Cards Courier Building.
Au adjourned term of circuit court
will be convened next Thursday by
Judge H. K. Hanmi in this city. The
trial of Dodsoti aud Iugram, alleged
murderers of William Dunlap will be
hold. Dodson is uow held in jail here
lurgam at Jacksonville. There is
likely to be no other crimiual cases
aud thero w ill bo but few civil cases.
The temporary organization of the
Y. M. C. A. has charge of the meet
iugs for men held every Sunday after
noon at 8 o'clock at Hall's Chapel,
The meeting next Suuday afternoon
will be lead by H. C. Kinney. On
the Sunday following, June 4th, it is
expected Preston W. Search, the
lecturer, will give an address at the
Tu assist her iu celebrating her
eighth birthday Ruth Fetzner iuvited
a number of her little friends to the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Fetzuur on North Eighth
street, to spend Tuesday afternoon
with her. Guinea were played, ice
cream aud strawberries wero eaten
aud altogether a most delightful time
was had by the little folks.
J. M. ward has decided to remain
peruiaucutly in Southern Oicgon as a
piano aud organ salesman for Alleu &
Oilbcrt-Kiuuakcr Co. Family will
reisde iu Grunts Pass. Had intended
being away during the summer, but
plans have bieu changed and ho will
stay throughout tho summer without
a bre.'ik. Seo him for informal inn iu
his line. Pliuuo 711), Grants Puss.
L. B. CIibho and S. M. Rhodes, of
Ashland who have been at work for the
past year developing a vein, on Can
trail gulch, a tributary of Jackson
creek, two miles west.of Jacksonville,
have opened tip a body of ore curry
ing values sufficient to justify ship
ment, and they now aro gelling a car
load sacked nod will ship it to a
smelter next week. They havo a tun
nel in some 400 feet and at the present
there is a clear-cut vein between the
walls of nearly four feet in width.
Quarterly meetings commenced
Wednesday eveniug ut the Free
Methodist church and services will
he held each evening of this week np
to aud including Sunday evening.
Thero will also bo services Saturday
afternoon and Sunday forenoon. Key.
W. E. Ooodti of Medford, presiding
elder for this district, will b present
and conduct tho services assisted by
the pastor, Rev. E. I. Han ington. A
cordial invitation is extended to tne
public! to attend these meetings.
S. 1). Green while on a recent trip
to Mt. lialdy found an eagle's nest, in
tall tree on that hiitte. Lust Sun
day he went to trio place and cut the
tree down to gel the young eagles
that were in the nest. The fall was
so great that one was killed but lie
secured thu other ami brought it
home with him. The little follow
Is tukiug kindly to his new life and
bids fair to becoino u Jbird of eight or
nine feet spread of w ing and ahln to
carry iu his talons a pig or lamb as
easily as a hawk carries a chicken.
Dr. M. C. Findloy, who is iu the
East faking post, graduate work In
eyo, ear, nose and throat diseases,
finished last week a thorough omit He
in the New York Eye and Ear In Ur
inary and he is now at the Manhattan
Eye, Ear anil Throat Inllrmiiry wheie
he will complete his special study in
tho lines of his practice. There in
stitutions are recognized as the njual
of any in the world and student
thero can leu in of thu latest ami li.M
methods for treating diseases of the
eye, ear, nose and l linnet. Dr. Find
ley will resume this practice in
Grants l'u-s about li.ld-sMniner.
On Juno 5, IS, and 7, the people of
Grants I'uss w ill have the chain n ol
hearing a well-known lec turer, 1'iof.
l'restou W. Search, Ilia series of three
lectures, entitled "Music in The
Fatherland, " A Winter in
hind," "A Hamhle with Sir Waller
Scott". Prof. S ar ' h has hetureil
in all purls of the United Slate s where
he has given cut he sat isfai t inn, anil
comes here u ml. r the nusiif:es id'
Bethany I'n sl.j lei iun chinch. All
those who are interfiled iu nrusie, all
who enjoy traveling in l.imls aciux
the hia, will i-iijoy tlnse Iretun -on
Europe hy an eye witi.o-s, l inf.
Search having i pent y sm in variciin
pails of lmrii, e. Ticket:, fir the
series of three hi tur, s fl.ini. Single
tickets 50 cents.
Him Grants l'u-s Wninaus Club hue
undertaken an uiiujuc an t Mi,r.-cfu
method of ndwrli
slid Hie mini Jul v
Oieton. The i!,,i
hove ado ft d i
sou vi ii ir I mi,i .-.
circular In f. r:r ,
meter ' In tie e- ir
piece of gnl J h a i i
of a ha hint I'i ii
of the ha Ig mi Hi
the words "(ii.i'i;
Jo.Hiiliini, i 'uiiiiiy, ' ' vu
quartz K inn II 1 1,
H'lntl. " 'I In ..rlh'
that it in-1 v ti- v. ii ii
if desired. Tl v v iu I
at Lew is mid i 'i k fa
SOUS W llll tl,.. V Vlei I Gill!.
1 l,n i ,.r lanun
('cut nil I'MM, w h i, ale I, ,i.g I ,
this cur Mill an i i, in
uud v.Tl he I,,,:,- . ', ,- ,
eliasl c r is oi,e
sept on the i:.:!n.i,l
States by Am. i can
lion fcS'ieiitie. II,.
makes annual I,
Const state". K,,r ih,.,,, :,
charge of h.-v K. Il
his Wife, Colli Hie II.,!, :
and tony will hold aft-i-n en i ,,,
evening meetings in the car, whiihi
will seat nhout M:i ., r-Yhi,-here
Hey. J. j. Train of th !',:.,, i
church will a-nist in tl. 1 . j i , ,.i
services, anil Ihe oile r hci mim-nr.
will be inviled to i ,ke .,i!! in tin
Meeting, Ihe work cairu'd on lieiug
uon-sectariau. A cordial iuvli.itUni
is extended to the pohic to visit ihe
car and lo attend the meetings.
i:ig ' i ai.l s l'a s !
Is it the
that makes
Try on a Schloss and See.
M C"HiSSTt wm '
; Look for This Label.
I .
Grants Pass, Oregon
Kmitli Mix tit SHtroot, oornor J
S. C NEAS, Proprietor
I Ioi'm'mIio-I njf dono by one of
VchlclcN I tiili-cl. Painted, Varnished and Trimmed and mado
practically as serviceable uud well appearing as now.
1(iiIIm-i- 'I'liM-M l''lt-l by tho only machlno for that purpose In
Grunts Pass,
On N"'liil Order vehicles of
which are stronger uud moro
Kilit lrlcM given on all my
Meeting of the Y's
The Grunts Puss Y's will meet at
the homo of Mrs. C. V. Henklo on
Friday night, June 2, at H o'clock lo
hold their regular business meeting.
The Superintendent of the flower
missions has charge of the program.
The address of the evening will he
given hy itev. Williams. A very in
ter: sting program will ho rendered.
All young people are cordially in
vited to attend.
Zciiu Chapman, Press Supt.
The Ruhnt Min In the World.
'I he richest liinu in thu world can
not have his kidneys replaced our
live without them, so it is important
nut lo neglect these organs. If
I'n ley's Kidney ('urn is taken at the
first sign or danger, the symptoms
will disappear and your health will
he riNtoreil, us it strengthens and
builds up thso organs as nothing else
will. Oscar llowiuan, I'hanon, Ky.,
wrilen: "I h.ivo nsed Foley's Kidney
Cure aud lake great pleasure in stat
ing 1 1 cured me permanent ly of li id
le v ilisea-e, which ciitainly would
have cost iiii! my life." For sale hy
II. A. Itolerinuii'l.
Maps of Oregon, Washington mid
.. i . i. .... i .. ... . i . .. ..... .i .... i.-.. ..
,r , , , M PI I'!1! ,11
' ' , "! U; W ! Ill ft, .W!
1 " Hi ! Hi fi ' i f. I
w.,d. -'go,,!! II wMIWim
'V ;! i'i wl
::v;v.,i Wmmm
s ii. cuitcd 1 fs Jfs ml SiQ
! F&m m 1
-,f ,i I,:,,,,! Vln;ixM 5
niti.,,1 wzxv-vmjr,r 9
lis k xi:''i.. -'
the Man?
the host shoors ever In Grants Pass.
all kinds and for all purposes hulltand
durable than thosu made at factories.
The Baptist Church.
No service in the uioruing as this
church joins in the '.Uniou Memorial
service ut the Presbyterian Church.
Bible school at 1 a o'clock, or per
haps a few miuutoit late,
Iu the evening at 8 o'clock the usual
service with sermon by the Pastor.
Theme "Three Times Iuvited."
The Ciiupol Car a chutoh ou
wheels, is ei)ieoled to be here Tues
day, in which services will be held
daily for several days. All are cor
dially invited.
Juggling With DynimiU
Is no moro dangerous tliau to ueglect
kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure
corrects irregulnrites and has cured
many severo cases nfter other treat
ment has failed. It builds up thn
and vigor. "I was troubled with kid
1 ney complaint for about two years, "
writes A. II. Davis of Mt. Steillng,
I Iowa, "but two bottles of Foley's
Kidney Cure etTected a permanent
'enre" For sale by Kotermuud and
Thu Model Drug Store.
Calling Cards Courier Building.
That hosts of men do not
enjoy, genuine shoe com
fort. They're dead to It, simply
because they've never
$3,50 SHOES
They imagine they've en
joyed it in other makes,
whereas in reality it was
only acounterfiet.
All Americas are most
comfortable because
they're most accurately
moulded to the lines of
the human foot
At the same time, they're
the acme of correct style.
It will pay you to get bet
ter acquainted with All
America Shoes.
lin h uoll ar I'tiiiha-n entitles jou to a
a chum o wi the piauo.