ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS tAsS, OREGON," MAY 19, 1905 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J7"RED'K D. STRICKER. M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN amo SURGEON. Masonlo Temple, Rooms 2 and 4 Giants Pass, 'I'hono 633. Okeoon. Qt H. DOUGLASS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND HLU'JKON Offlooi I'ignoy's residence, cor. tith and K streets. Day and night phone No. 631. Giunts Takc, - Okkoo JJ, P. LOVE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oftlce in Williams Ilros.' Mock, over Grants Pass Grocery. Rcsideniw Phono 414. Offlra Phone 141. (illANTI Pass, - ORglinK JVAX B. PARKER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Tuffs Building Hours: l):3i) in 12 mid 2 to 5 Chants Pass, Okkuok, yu D.JEWKTT, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diaenaoa nf Woman and Ha r Kerr a Specialty. Hospital Accommodations Rooms 0 mid 10 Tlinrtoii lildg. TW nr Niuht Plume fllli. " Ollioe hnura U to 12 a. tu., 2 to 6 and 7 to U ii. m. G HANTS PASS, - OlIKOOH J)R. F. M. LONG WELL OSTEOPATH Treats ull Nervous und Rplmil Din cases, Rheumatism and Stomach Trnu bios. A specialty made of Female lis Ollloo: Colnnlul Lodging House, front room Grants Pass, Ore )R. S. J. SEATON MAGNETIC HEALER Steam Huths, Alcohol Hub. All dis eases treated. Hospital ear.) given to all who wish 11. Rheumatism cured In It worst form. Advice free. Colonial House. Office hour 0 to It. (iHANT l'ABH, - OliKUON WHEN GIVEN UP UY OTHERS H costs you nothing to commit 1)K. MoNTOIlMKKY. He euros Female complaints, men's private (lis- oases und ull Kinds ol enroll"! .roiioios. Also sella Cherokee unit other guanin- tvd family medicines. P.O. Box 1011 Call at Free Methodist Punmnago. I, I). NORTON, ATTOHNF.YAT LAW, Practice In all State anil Fudoiul Courts, Ollleo in Opera House Hullillug. i HANTS l'AHH, - OuKlillN , C. HALE, ATTORN KY-AT-LAW Ollloo over First National Bank, GkANTH PASS, - OllKdllN C HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT LAW, l'lactlces ill ull Slate and Kederal Courts (Mllce over Hair ltlddlu Hard ware Co, Chants Pass. OhKoim J. H. AUSTIN, ATTORNEYATLAW Union Building Kkkiiv OltKOON Palace Barber Shop HATES & WILLIAMS, Propta Shaving, Hair Cutting 1 laths, l )c. E v.iythliig nest mid clean mid n worn I imt-i luss. J. E. PETERSON (I'lONK, ll) FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE A (.tiiI Hig Hern Basin Land Co. Wyoming. Anehor Wire Fence. II. I. It.-) Holds II. J. I SM l,lll Reynolds S Lawton Civil and Mining Engineers. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS MEN AND SURVEYORS. (i rants I'ass Oregon L IUIALU lIiuL'i laker, l'mbaliner, Funeral Direetor. Full itork of Huriiil ltolx s ami I n. lee taker Supplier. North Sixth Street Near Court Hpiim'. PHONES: OlIl.H', No. llesidclice und NikIiI Pinnies, So. .17. 6. A. WILLIAMS Front and 4th Sis. P, 0. b :3. Real Estate Eiliiiloyiiuilt '"Ilia-. HmiMs Ktltnl No. LV Hell", all teneet. i' rr,' riVel hotline, 7 ' I IlilUllttil. 1' In lie).,, I iinie I nun ruilr-'ie! Iiian, h-kh! ri'.ni-, seStHil, etc. A entrain al tl.'t an a re. Hep clop will pav purJ.Msf prup in t4 pari A Creeping l)lh Blood poison lei n up tew aids Hie heart, causing death. J. E. Sienrns, Pelle Plitiue, Minn, riles that a friend dreadfully injtireil lua hnml, which awellel up like blood poiseu iug Buckleu's Arnica Salve drew oul til" poisi n. Ileal, il the wound, mid saved his life. l!ct in I tu world for burns sod sores. i:t atalldiug gista. A sewing iiiai lnue on tiial, if it sells you it ia ycurs. Dues as good woik as a l-'i uiachlue. Have I.' Simula'. d make niacliinea, ti.M to $1 Come and see them at Iko Davis' second band store. THE BUSINESS POINTERS News Note from the Business Men to Kesvders. Order seals and robber stamns of A. E. Voorhies. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist M. Clement, Prescription Drug-gist. A Ocutleinau's smoko tho Stage Hue. Bicycles repaired and cleaned at Cruuier Bros. W. L. IRELAND writes FIKE INSURANCE. LOTS nn the installment plan. SEE JOSEPH MOSS. Lawn Moweis sharpened and pat In order at Cramer Bros. When you dou't know where to go, go to i'eoplo's market. Orange Gardci Hnse, the latest thing out for sale by Cramer Pros. And still I am insuring and selling real estate at tho old stuud. J. E. Peterson. Timber claims. Homesteads. W. H. Sherman, Kooms in and 13 Masonic temple, Grants Pass Ore. Ooto Corun for Plumbing Houses for rent by SIIEUMAN & IKELAND. High grade oio in small lots bougiit. -W. O. Wright. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Kanges at Coron'i Iniiierial liicycles only ;'5 for this year s wheel at Cramer Iiros. Our telephone number is Mr,, regu lur delivery. People's market. Ask your dealer for Rogue Kiver Creamery lint tor made at Medford is now 70 cents per two-siuud, square ioll weight. Insure your property in Oregon's Great Mutual. Nearly seven million dollars written during I '.(. It has now TWENTY MILLION DOLL A IIS insurance in force. It is safe and saves von money. Address Secretary O. K. It. A.. McMiiiiivillo. tire. II. IS. Heiidrick, ngeut, Giants Pass, Ore. The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, in addition to containing Paul De Limey's new serial story, " l'be Hlieep herder," la issncd twice a week and is brim full of the c renin of the news of the world. It has decidedly the best market reports of any paper on the Paoiflo Const. For the rlllzeu whose isistoMlce facilities do lint Juxtify a daily paper, tho Semi. Weekly journal is the lii'st investment in reading matter that can be made. For climbing rates see tliu editor of this paper. Inillgn-tloi), Insomnia, overwork, may no the Hssllilc cause of your hendache, hut WKIOKT'S PAH A GON HEADACHE CUKE is as cer tain as the sun rise. No scientific truth more wonderful than the amount of jiosltive relief contained In one small wafer or tablet, Down goes the core, away goes the headache, up go yonr spirits. That is the process. The most desirable feature of this medicine Is ill its immediate action, as It will generally relieve tiie most severe pain in five minutes, while at the same time it la harmless, tuntc less, will not purge or distuih the stomach, and has no implcm-ant after ell'eets. Wright's Paragon Headache Cure may bo relied upon as being entirely free from nuytliliig of mi Injurious nature, ami is absolutely without a rival. Why Sullcr From Rh-unutiim? Why suffer from rheumutisiil when one application of Cliamlierlaiii'a Pain Halm will relieve the pain The quick relief which this liniment adonis makes rest nnd sleep possible, and that alone is worth manv times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from sulTcring have been happily surprised to lilid that after awhile the relief became per manent. Mrs. Y. II. I.envett of Yum Yum, Tennessee, V. S. A , writes "lam a great sufferer from rheuma tism, all over from head to foot, and t'lianihnrhilu's Pain Halm ia the only thing that will relieve tint pain." For aale tiy all druggista. Preparing for Increnac ol Itulnen II tin r Brothers, Austin and Graf Ion, who operate a transfer business ill Grants I'ass under the name of the National Dray ('i.inianv, have found the need ef linger acceiuuioihil ions fur their horses and vehicles and they now have the fouuil itiou laid for a kill! Unit will hold I'.il hay and have iiecoiun.i ilal ions tor eight horses and four vehicles. The lumber is now being deliveieil, from Savage Bros,' sawmill on Louse cieek, and the building, winch is to he l(l."ll feet Willi IH Walls, will lie competed by the nibble ol next uioiilii. Tin carpenter work will be dune by W. II. Kenny, Haher Hum are now o'iating two drava, but so much has their business increased that lln v expect in the near future to put on a thitd rif-. To enable tbelti to handle liouschohl Kocds mitl others articles it quiring special care, tin y will have for tins rig a furniiiii" v in. The Hah, r Pros, made th :ir beginning hv w ci I. lug for Wildes ami so iii.lusti b us andsiivitiK wele ll.c.v that I In v w. re able t" start ill 1 tisiuc s for tlx insetvis ami How they v u I lie i f tbe I . st t'lillsfcr oul lits in tiie i ll v. I xpoiurc i'o colli ilinii.'bls of :ur, in 1, i ci' and rullini; Wind., slid. h II ch:ll gi s ef lem pei.ituii', sc.uity cb tbin'. uinli.e ex pi -lire of III" Illicit and lie, I. all.r pubtic spent ing and siiik'nu', bring on coombs ami cobls. Hallaiil's 1 1 or, bouni1 Syrup Is the lrs cure. Mis. A. Peir, II. 'listen 'I ex as. Writ s, J. in HI, I'.i.".': "Hue I. Wile of Pillai.l s Hori Imiiiii I Sni. curi.i nn' of a very t'.i.l conli It is vt rv t'leas.inl tn lake " '.'..., .".'s', $ isi For s ile hv Hoteiiiiuuil ami 1 be Model lhug Mere. A Correction for Goat Aitli lo Editor t'ourier: I si e by jour p.ip r that you have nwiilc atuistate in your type setting s vou have made me to s.iy in my article on Angora iiioats, lhat kids at weaning time are wertb (Ull each. It slicubl liavc read from fi.oo to f I. .Hi , ml,, Hc 'cording to the quality ef the kids. Mr gents are lining nicely. 1 have luow over -im bead Including the kid. I have ctrefully i minted nil the does that liave ki.l.b .1 and 1 tied I have 10 kids more than doea thai have slil. l.d and I have only 'ost 11 kids hi all. Twenty-one of my dnea have had tw ins. My itivils ate uol nil done kid ding, so by tne time t In v are through kidding this record w ill probably be iuerensed. The goats are gett nig fat now, in fact, lu all my experience with goals I never bad them no better. U A. M A KSTF.KS, Merlin, Oregon. DENNY PHEASANTS AND NATIVE QUAILS Increasing In Rogue River Valley- Many Killed by Coyotes, Wild cat e.nd Skunks. The lackaon oounty newspapers re port that the Denny pheasants are becoming quite uumerons In that county. Owing to tbe very favorable weather conditions this spring there has been no loss among the young and the increase will be larger than usual. The Denny pheasant were intro duced several years ago in the vicin ity of Jacksonville by George Neubcr and others of that town, they import iug several pairs of the birds from the Willamette Yalley. Tbe pheasants have Increased aud spread until they are now found In all parts of Kogue Kiver Valley, though as yet they are not aa plentiful in this section of the Yalley aa up In Jackson county. There are two apparent causes for the scarcity of these best of all game blids in Jrsephino county. One is that there are no extnusivo farming districts wber-' the pheasants can find plenty of tit A and have protec tion from wild animals and the other is tho vast Dumber of eggs aud young birds, aa well as many of the bens while ou their nests, that are eaten by covotcs. The extensive unsettled hill districts of this county are infest ed with bundr.-ds of coyotes and these predatory anirnnals are adepts at find ing pheasunts' nests and then eating the eggs or the young birds. The nests of the native qnail are also rob bed by the coyotes to such an extent that they do not Increase In numbers except In large farming districts, where the farmers, recognizing their value ns insect destroyers, protect them from both human and wild animal hunters. Sknnks and wild oats, of which there are great num bers in this county, also do much to keep down the increase of pheasants and quails. It ia quite probable that In the years to come that Rogue Kiver Valley will have vast numbers of Denny pheasants and native quails for the mild climate of this section Is favor able to their breeding, for thorn are no heavy storms in the sprins to destroy the epgs and tho young. With tho settling op of the Valley, the wild animals will ho killed or driven out and the great slaughter of game birds that they make will cease. Both tho Denny pheasants and the quails are seiui-dnmestio birds and take up their abode readily iu the farming sections, being diawn there by tho protection they secure from wild animals and tho greater supply of food that tho iusecta aud the fruit and grain on the fauna atfurd them. So while the settling up of the couuty drives out the wild animals, it but makes tbe conditions the 'lucre favor aide to the increase of ginie birds and snug birds, both of which by feeding largely on insects and weed seeds aid the firuiers iu their contest witli those pests. A Good Suggcition. Mr. C. I). Wainwrigbt of Lemon City, Fla., baa written tho manu facturers that much better results are obtained from the nse of Chainlier lain 'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy in cases of pains in tho stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it iu water as hot as can be drank. That when taken iu tills wny the effect is double in rapidity. "It seems to get at tbe right SHit iu Ntanllv," he says. For sale by all druxKista. Faim for Sale. H'.O acres, HO acres of fine sub irri gatcd bottom laud under fence and cultivation, 2,000, (H,0 fui t of tine Pine limber, hundreds of cords of bard wood, near town and all down grade on line road. Good two-story dwelling with I.. Well of splendid water at tbe door. Fine big haru aud oul buildings. Lots of fruit and bellies of all kinds. County road and dally mail at the door. A splen did placu lor health aud a pleasant home. Address Box 117, Wood vi lie, Oregon. Warning. You cannot have good ll tilth nulc-s your kidneys are sound, for tho kid neys filter the blood of impurities win. li otherwise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate orgiu of the ts'dy and cause serious trouble. If you have kidney or h'ad-(h-r tiouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cu'e.yon will Have only your self to blame for results, as it posi tively cuies nil forms of kidney ai d hluihlcr diseases. For sale by Ruler uiunil and The Model Drug Store, 'I'o Cure a Cold In One Ikay Take LAXATIVE HKOMO Ut'IN INK Tabids. All druggists refund the money ot ft fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is no each b, x. ?.". We Have Just Received TWO CAKS l.'.iiilid With r'roin Ami Lislit Wagons. Busies and Carriages A ear of Heavy Farm Wagons has also arrived. ( oinplote lino of Alioka llofriirorators from $10 to $27. Farmers who are couteinlatiii IRRIGATION BY PUMPING PLANT will litul it to their interest to call ami trot our figures on the Fairbanks Gasoline Emjir Pumping riant ami galvanized pipe. W'e can refer you to 12 or more irrigating plan1 now in successful opeiation in the couuty. Sawmill men will ii nd it to their advantage to call on us and get prices on supplier. r.uilders and carpenters line of the celebrated Corbin lWr Locks. Grants Pass Hardware Company JOS. WOLKE, Mgr., J. L. CALVERT, Treas. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED BOARD and lodging wanted with a private family by a gentleman, who can give good references. A quiet, borne place wanted. Address "Boarder", Courier office. FOR. SALE. FOR SALE lftO bead of Angora goats, L. A. Marsters, Merlin, Orevoo. HOKSEH FOR SAIf-Fnn, h.A good heavy horses for logging or ireigiiiing. Address u 14. Wiok Strom, W'lrner, Or. L.AKM KOK BALK two miles from Mer lin, lljO acres about 50 acres of good bottom land. 'Ii, acres in cultivation, small bouse and barn and alsjut H) acres under fence, balance of land suitable for orchard or pasture, hor further particulars ad dreaa W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon. 200 ACKK ranch, good prune and apple orettard. small fruits in abundance; waier for jrJifHtion, besidea apnnga on every 40 acres; center ol a good range country; two dwaljing houses, big barn, every thiriK complete: well sheltered from frosts, gi,cd miiiinir markets, one- half mile north of Tunnel , price 2,!M). Inquire at this orhce. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD. use Leoua Lumber, It ia as cheep as the cheapest and as good as tho best. Call at W. L. Ireland's lots on the corner of Foortii and B streets (near Central School Build ing) and examine tbe quality and get prices from J. I. Montgomery, the agent. P. O. Box 10, Grants Pass. FOR. REN T KENT Room in private FOR family J. D. Drake, at 7th Street. FOR KENT Desirable front room smce on lower floor Courier build ing. Iuqnire of A. E. Voorhies. THREE NICELY FURNISHED hoaso keeping rooms for rent to man and wife. Iuqnire XO'i 2d and E street. MISCELLANEOUS FRANK EURNETT-Upholstoriug, mission furniture made to order. PROF.J. A. SIBBETS, practical in structions iu instrumental niusio. Terrific Race With Death "Death was faat approaching" writes Ralph F. Fernando, of Tampa, Fla , describing bis fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest iu life. I had tried many different doctors and several medicines, bnt got no beuelit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So woudeiful was the effect, that in three nays I felt like a now man, and today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at all drug gists; price (iUc. Thoroughbred, Rock eggs, 15 second band store. white Plymouth for fl. 00 Moore's EGGS and more of tnem when you want them. Single Comb White Leghorns, tho business fowl of America. Yards beaded bv cockereln from a pen with a record of 2i7 eggs er year per hen. Eggs l.f0 for l.'i; ?2 Ml for 30. GRANITE V.ii & I'OULI RY YARDS, W. J. Mcsseu ger, Prop , Ashland, Oregon. E. A. WADE DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, Etc. Front Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. I HANDLE Lumber and Hops I own and will sell two cot tages, new, close in; one 4 rooms, box; one t room frame, besides buttery, bath and large closets; Porch Sx2S; up-to-date house. Terms to suit. Will take some good property as patt pay. Wngc.n and team for sale. J. D. DRAKE. Phone 4s.i. Giants Pass, Ore. FARMERS FEED J. E. K Fit LEY, ST A BLl I'lioca. Last stable south on Sixth stiwt. Room under cover for l.Ul horses a: 40 w agons. Pox stalls. I on ull I it i iov slock. I Only tho best hav, clean grain a c i iiibilf.i fed. Rolled bailey and otl i ! grain. No diseased horses allowed. Pi t i running water, and trough clean -. every day. Wuitiug room am) toilet room w hi " ladies ceil leave wraps and ai'iuL'.'i their toilets. ! Prhvs reasonable and best caco gi stock. MOLINE WAGONS tho Ci'lohratod John IVere factory I'oiisi-titio; of n full assortment of cozad s dog and pony show niK AAninii aa Grants Pass, SATURDAY, May 20th SEE THE STREET PARADE AT 11:30 O'CLOCK. PERI OHM ANCES AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Prices: Adults, Leland Sittings. Henry Ball has moved into Henry WalterV bouse. Tbe steam shovel camp is quiet as the shovel is in Portland being re paired and the tuou are idle. The shovel will be returned and work will probably be resumed next week.' The freqneut showers of late have kupt vegetation growing and crops prospects could not be better. So far iirigation has not been necensury und all early crops will mature without bolng irrigated. A number of our poople wout to Grants Pass on circus day, some to attend tbe circus, some to trade aud one couple wout to get married and another planned to, but for bouio reason changed their plans. Many laboring men are hero seeking work, in fact many more than can una joijs. iiosc 01 these men are from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illi nois. Of laboring men we already have all that can be employed and now need wealthy men to take op tbe many mining, farming aud lumber iug investments that are to be had iu this vicinity and develop them. The raiua aud the heavy teaming have about ruined the roads of this locality, especially the one leading to Placer aud Greenback. As onr roads are now constructed they will not stand heavy teaming and they will have to be macadamized before they will be passable at all seasons of the year. As tho road up Grave croek from Leland is one of the most im portant iu Josephine couuty. its per. maneut improvement is a matter of mush importance and an effort is to be made to get the county court to supply a grader aud a gravel screen for this district or a rock ci usher so that our roads may be more iu keep ing with a progressive, modern com munity, such as this is. Althouae Notes. Mrs. Babcock ia expecting her sister Mrs. Russ lo visit her soou. An old timer, Peter Summers, died at Kerbyville a few days ago. We have beeu blessed with a raiu which was much needed. And we go ou rejoiciug thanking the giver of all good for bis mercies. Ice croaiu and strawberries are talked of at the church next Wednes day, but don't allow yourself to be disappointed if tho strawberries are scarce. Wo will enjoy the ice cream anyway. Tho up-to-date tanners have thair phones in. They wonder how they ever got along witiiout them, even iugs are spent in singing and instru mental niusio aud many kind greet ings pass over tbe wires which goes a long way toward lightening oar buideus. We wonder why young men will take intoxicating liquor with them to social gatherings, where they meet to have pleasant times. They surely do not stop to think of the sorrow and heartache it causes. Hitter tears have bin'ii w ept by mot hers to see their sons iu a state of drunkenness. It can mean nothing to a sister but deepest despair, and young ladies I who have a high ideal of what true manhood should b, only shun aud de spise audi liquor soaked young nieu. I plead Willi you do uot cover yonr brilliancy with liqueur. There ia nothing to lie gamed by it. liappi -Go-Lucky. Has Hi. hi. t l he Teal nf ti.l Yeara. The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless t Chill Tunic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and qinuiiiein a taste i less form. No cure, no pay. 25c; Children 15c. Government Land to Ba Surveyed The Surveyor General for Oregou ia advertising for bids for f urveylng fractional townships 86 south of range S west, in the Mt. Baldy district, em. bracing sections 38, 27, 84 and 85. The larger part cf this township, which now embraces tbe city of Grants Pass, was surveyed more than SO years ago, and the above enumerat ed sections were then omitted from the survey because of their rough aud mountainous condition. Several agricultural claimants have been squatting on portions of this unaor- yeyed land for many years and have not been able to acquire title to their holdings because of the uejlect of tbe Government to extend the publio sur veys. Some of the most valuable and important mines in Southern Oregon are located on unsnrveyed lands aud yet, while it is true that tbe owuers of these mines may obtain patents by having surveys made at their own expense, it would greatly facilitate matters in the modus operandi of acquiring titles to have the surveys made by government. It would seem to be the manifest duty of the govrynment to adopt a more liberal policy towardi the mining in dustry by extending its surveys by petitions over the mineral aa well as the agricultural lands. Under the rules and regulations of tho land department, no public sur veys will be made except upon the petition of three or more bona fide agricultural claimants. Jutt why there should be any discrimination upon the part of government be tween two classes of equally deserv ing citizens is uot clear. As the law now stands a miner must stand the ex penso himself of haviug his land surveyed so he can acquire title to his claim, while for tbe farmer and the timber man the government will do the surveying at its own expense. H. 0. PERKINS. Saved by Dynamits. Sometimes, a naming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the lire can t crust. Sometimes, a coush bangs on so long, you feel as if noth ing but dynamite would cure it Z. 1. Gray, ot Calhoun, Ga., writes "My wife bad a very agaravated cough, which kept her awake nights. 1 wo physicians could not help her; so she tooK VT. King s ew Discov ery for Consumption, Congha and Colds, which eased her cough, gave tier sleep, and finally cured her. Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. At all druggists, prica Aoo and fl.OO; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Cheap Rates From The Eaal. Commencing March 1st, aud con filming daily to and including May loth, 11)05, Colonist tickets will be sold from the East to points ou Ore gun Lines, via Portland. Following are rates from some of the principal point : l'rom Chicago, 111 fl8 00 From Hloouiiiigtou, Ll 81 K0 From Peoria, 111 ,11 00 From St. Louis, Mo 30 tx) From Council HlutTs, Iowa 2.") 00 From Omaha, Neb 2.1 00 l rmu Sioux City, Iowa 2." t; rroiu Kansas City, Mo jo 00 CorresKiuding rates will be made from other iiuts aud will apply to an ixiinis on ciregotl l.lues. Please note rates and dates of sale as you may desire to advise your iricuoa iu tne r.nst. W. E. COM AN General Passenger Ageut-Portland Or Chamrsrrlala't Cough Remedy the Very Beit. "I have beou using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to aay it is the best cough medieiue I have ever tnkeu," says Geo. L I'liubh. a mer. chant of Harlan, Midi. There is uo questiou about its being the best as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than auy other treatmeut. It should always bekiptinthe house ready for iuataut nse, for a oold can be cured In much less time when promptly treated. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE TO Sl IIOOL CLERKS. To District School Clerks of Jose pliine Couuty : Dear Friends ; Under aeparate cover I I ave seut yoo your district's supply of School Laws, Clerk's Aunual report blanks. Clerk's Hiank Bond and Notices of Auooal School meeting. The school laws are to be given to school officers to be kept in the dia trict and hauded to successors wheu an election is held. Notice 'of Auuual school must be posted in three public or con spicuous places iu the district al least 10 days before the meeting is held, mid meeting must be held on the third Monday in Jnue, 19, 1SXVS. The Animal report ii 10 be made out in duplicate, read, corrected, and p. proved at the Anuoal school meetiug after which the duplicate most be sent ! to the County Superintendent with-! out delay. Your truly, LINCOLN SAVAGE. 1 County SupL of Schoola. Tcte Laxative Bromo Quinine t.m s-v-Mrm-1 ,., Ujiine Tablets. C? r Grants Pass - Fuel Company Phone 434 Oak and Laurel, $2.25 a tier; Fir, $2.00; Pine, $1.75. Mill blocks, all good, solid wood, per load $1.73. Kindling wood, per load $1.00. Half load kindling, 50c. All kinds of wood, sound and dry. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVER V Furniture and I'iuno Moving UHnlHI) rJS, unr.uic Sunrise Condensed Milk That is out to msko a reputa tion. Is made at a new conden sery on Cooa Bay, the big dairy district of Oregon. J Proved to Re the Rest by the agent who bought a can of another brand and opened it and one of his and proved his was tbe best. Is Not Two-ihirds Sugar, Water and Corn Starch But is pure cows milk and is just as good as cow's milk for your coffi. Try it and bo con vinced. Introductory Price of 10c per Can on sin(jje cans. Ssjcial rates ou lurt'e orders. INLAND CRACKERS Made in Spokane from hard wheat, which makes the best cracker of any wheat. Try a package at -5 cents. Chiles' Grocery Front St., near Fourth. TIIE COLONIAL E St. bet 5th and 6th HOAHI) iiikI LODGING The house has been thoroughly reno vated. MKH.T. M. RENSI1AW. J. A. SIIiHETS, Teacher of Musi, Practical instruction in Violin, l'ia: 1 Guitar, Clarinet and Cornet. Must ca ful attention given to beginners. Lei orders at Muic Store. The Popular Barber Shop Get vour tonsorial work done .t IK A TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three char, Bath Room iu connection Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near K. R. track Turning, Scroll Work. Stair Work, Hand SawuiK.t'ahinet Work, Wood Pullevs, Saw Filmland gumming, liepairmg ail kinds Prices right. Lonttiration i imtbi than a cl-winu of the ..,eU1 and nothing I. . vital !ar. nation or death if nut relieved. i e.rrv coll v! paled .ciin. rcr could realli' that l.c is all. .win.? poisonous tilth to remain in his svcm, lie wuul.l sin get relief, toitst.patirm invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, hilioua ness. cold and riianv ether ail ments disappear when const i- pllted bowels are relieved. Tlled- ford'a Him k-liranirlit thoroughly cleans out the bowel., in nn easy and natural manner without ti e tnirgiiij of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. He mire that on tret il, nal Theilferd'a i: i.u. k-1 iinu t;. t made by The Chattanooga V, J:' cine Co. S..M bv ail drii.-cisu in cent am I.t) packages. .rn. Ark., X,, n0 1 raassi .u,mrB. ,r, l:.s. Wr.u.l,i(,, ,,i.,,,. 1 lrr all Uis lira anil h, ,,, , fr ,'hr ,,, aaf alhsr l.i.ll.,. u,,,,. . . , W(ir. .iianni it a amtmt of Is-lsr iruul.!..! , roasltpail,,.. I all Ual iMpi Kur audi, lu. u : C B. avmuxD. MAlilJLi: AND GRANITE It. t'AOIIOCK I am prepared to furnish of Marble or Uranite. at.yihin,, i Nnatrlr tliis-i ....... t that I can till yur . . ' 'T.': ,'" Can Marble. furnish or i eve,.,,, SwMljl Front street, next to Greene's .!,.,. lr. Scluielo," AUcralivc WSuis Cures To Cure a Cold in nna noma. a trt ' CATARRH T?1 Ely's Cream Balf.i Thl Remedy la a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. OIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, aoothea, heals, and protects tho diieas" d membrane. It cures Catarrh and .'rives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Itestorw tiio Reuses of Tas'o ud Smell. Easy to ue. Contains no injurious drop. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Lnrce Fiz, P cents at Pmggista or by mail-, Trial Pize, 11) cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., New York, Lewis and Clark Exposition Rates Commencing May 2th aud ontil October loth, there will be ou sale from all stations ou Oregou Lines, special tickets to Portland, and return account Lewis aud Clark Exposition under the following conditions: INDIVIDUAL TICKETS. Rate Ouo and ouo-third fare for round trip. Sale Dates Daily from May 19th to October loth, 1U05. Limit Thirty days, but not later than October 81, l'.Wo. PARTIES OF TEN OR MORE. For parties of 10 or more from one point (ronst trnvei togeriier on one ticket both ways) party tickets will be bow as luiiows : Kate One fare for the round trip. Sale Dales Daily from May 2ith to October Kith, liluo. Limit Ten days For organizod parties of 100 or more moving from one place ou same date, rate aud limit as for parties of 10 or more. STOP-OVERS. No stop-overs will bo allowed 011 any of the above tickets. They must be used for continuous passage in each direction. COACH EXCURSIONS. Coach excursions will be run from time to time for which individual tickets good only in coaches will be sold at very low rates. Particulars as to rates, dates, etc., will be announc ed later. W. E. CO.MAN, G. P. A. A. U. BANNARD UNDERTAKER. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In Tho County Court For Josephine Couuty, Oregou. In tho Matter of tho Estate of John ( Every, Deceased. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John Devcny, the administrator of the above entitled estate has filed iu said court and canse his final account, and by order of the Hon. J. O. Booth, Judge of said court, Monday, June IV, A. I). 1U05, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the court honso at Grama Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, baa bein fixed as the time and place for the hearing and settling of said filial account and all persons interest ed in said estate are hereby notified to appear nt that time aud place, then and there to present any objections which they may have to said final account. Dated this I'Jth day of May, A. P. l!Ki.-,. JOHN DEVENY. H. D. Norton, Administrator. Attorney for Estate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court for Josephine Comity, Oregon. Iu the Matter of the 1 Estate of Eliza- beth F. Neuly, I Deceased. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by order of the Hon J. u. Booth, Judge of the County Court for Josephine County, Oregoia, that Saturday. June 10, A. D. , hkio, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court House at Grunts Pass, Jose phine County, Oregon, is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing on the final account of James Neely us executor of the last will and of the estate of Elizabeth FVNeel., deceased, which has Ii, 1 11 tiled ill said cause, and all persons interested ill said estate are hereby untitled to appear nt 1 1) tat time and presuit to the court auy objections tin y may have 10 said final account. Dated this p.'th dav of Mav, A. I)., MKT.. JAMES NEELY, Executor. DISSOLUTION CF PALTNKFif-lIIP The partnership of Dr. I 15. Parker ami Dr. S I.oughridge, having been terminated March 10, Mite, notice is hereby given that all parties indebted to the late firm are kindly requested to settle thair acconnfs. Dr. I. B.PARKER, Dr. S LOUGH RIDGE. Grants Pass, Ore., May 15, HKia. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. By inotnul consent. S. E. Chiitunau and C. L. Harlow, doing business under tho name i f t'liaein & Harlow t o , at Gal ice, Ore., dissolves partner "hip. C. L. and F. G. Barlow as sume all liabilities and collect all bills due the old firm and continue the business nuder the name of Har low Bros. Dated Galico Ore., April 18, IWCi. S. E. CHAPIN, C. L. HARLOW. WORKS ritprleior. the line ol Cemetery work in any kind l''" MrW bi'' warrjnts my sating ()r AmrrkM lirauite or auv kind of "OTKHMl'XD, UruirtrlMf. n Cures Crip to Two Days. ru fM or. every s- sr fwtaK txw. 25c