Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 12, 1905, Image 1

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No. 7.
Store News
1 J
The Real
Houses to Rent.
ROOMS 10 and 12
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. Kit ASK WATSON. Pres.
K. A. BOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
Kerelve deposits subject to check or on certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight draft on New York, fan Francisco and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United Slates
Special attention given to collections and general business of our customers
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on accessible points.
K. A. BOOTH, Prea
J. C. CAM I'BELL, Vlce-l'res.
H. L. OILKKY. I a-hier
Bert Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens' Grants Pass, Ore.
G. A. Cobb Real Estate Company
SELLS: Farms and City Property, improved or un
improved. Horses bought or Bold on commission,
I also have in connection with my real estato oflice a
general New and Second-Hand Goods Store, and can fur
nish you most anything for the Home or Farm.
Come and see mo and get started right.
On West Front Street.
Subscribe for the Courier, Only $150 per year.
I The Hub Olothina
Estate Men
Money to Loan.
A full new line of Men's and Boys' Golf and Negligee
Shirts in tho latest creations in Pongee and Japanese
Crepes, also several new lines of Halgriggan Underwear. If
you wish to get lomcthing new and up-to-date, now is the
time to make your selection while our stock is complete.
Our prices are right and our goods are right. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
the place.
S. (iiiriinklc, Proprietor
Grand Army Men tknd Woman
Relief Corp Plan Exercises
(or Memorial Day.
Memorial Sunday and Decoration
Day will each be recognised as usual
in Grants Pass with exeroisea ap
propriate to the day. A joint com
mittee from den. Logan Post and Re
lief Corps is arranging the detail! of
the prorgaro for the two events. On
Memorial Sunday, May 28, a anion
service will be held at the Presby
terian church at 11 a. m. The ser
mon will be delivered by Rev. J. B.
Travis, of the Baptist chorcli, and a
flue musical program of both vocal
and instrumental selections will add
to the special features of the day.
Prior to Decoration Day, which
will be on Tuesday, May 80, a com
mittee of Grand Army men will
visit the four cemeteries in the
vicinity of Grants Pass and clean op
the graves of all old soldiers and
plaoe a flag over each. Decoration
Day morning, a joint committee from
the Post and Corps will go to the
cemeteries and decorate with flowers
the graves of soldiers and sailors. In
the afternoon, probably at 2 o'clock,
services will be held in the opera
house. The oration will be delivered
by Rev. F. C. Williams, of the
Episcopal chorcli. A speoial music
service will be prepared that will add
much to the interest of this meeting.
At the close of the exericses in the
opera lioase, a procession will be
formed, composed of the G. A. R.
and Relief Corps members, the sohool
rhlldien and the citizens of Grants
Pass, and all will march to the
steel bridge across Rogne river,
where will be hold the beantifnl and
impressive ceremonies of paying
tribute to the memory of the nation's
sailor dead, whose burial place was
the seas thoy sailed over.
It is expected that all citizens of
Grants Pass will assist In making of
tht) day a time of respect and honor
to the memory of the thousands of
brave men who made the sacrifice and
underwent the hardships known only
to soldiers, that we of today may en
joy the liberty, peace and prosperity
of a home in the greatest aud freest
country the world has yet known. It
Is probable that all business houses
will be asked to close during the
hours of the services at the opera
house aud at the river.
Tcrrilic Race With Death
"Death was fast approaohing"
writes Ralph F. Fernaude, of Tampa,
Fla , describing his fearful raoe with
death, "as a result of liver troublo
and heart disease, which had robbed
me of sleep aud of all interest In life.
I had tried many different doctors
and soveral medicines, but got no
benefit, until I began to use Electrio
Bitters. So wondetful was the effect,
that in throe days I felt like a new
man, Biid today I am cured of all my
troubles." Guaranteed at all drug
gists ; price (0o.
Growing Aches and Puni.
Mrs. Josie Sumner, Breuioud, Texas
writes, April 15, 11102: "I have
used Ballard's Snow Liniment in my
iamily tor three years. I would not
be without it in the house. I have
used it on niv little girl for growing
pains and aches in her knees. It
cured her right away. I have also
used it for frot bitten feet, with
good success. It is the best liniment
I ever used." 25c, 60c, l.00 For
sale by Hotennund and The Model
Drug Store.
A Foundry and Shop
Which la Complete In
Every Respect.
There was put in place this week
at the Swain brick block, tinder
course of construction on Sixth street,
a set of iron columns aud lintels that
were conoeded by builders to be the
best pieces of iron work of the kind
ever pat into building in Grants
Pass. Heretofore ail such stiuctural
iron work has come from abroad as
Grants Pass has had no foundry. All
such work came nioely ooated with
black paint, supposedly gratuitous
favor to the contractors, but really
this heavy ooat of black paint was to
hide blowholes that frequently conld
be found in the iron aud which had
been deftly filled with lead, and
then painted to conceal the defeot.
The castings for the Swain block were
cast by the Grants Pass Iron & Steel
works at their foundry which was re
cently put in operation. On this job
the Iron Works showed no generosity
by painting the columns and lintels,
but left that job to the contractor, as
also the freedom to inspect the cast
ings in the exaot condition in which
they came from the flasks. Though
critically examined by many contract
ors and others interested In buildings,
not a defect in the least has been
found in the quality of the lion nor
in the workmanship and 'the reputa
tion has been established for the
Grants Pass Iron & Steel Works of
making the smoothest and most per
fect casting ever put iuto a building
in Grants Pass.
The Grants Pass Iron So Steel Works
is, as can be proven, the largest and best
foundry and machine shop in Oregon
south of Portland, aud is fully equip,
ped for doicg all kinds of casting aud
machine work Their moulding room,
which is a large building to Itself, is
fitted with two cupolas, one of 5 tous
and the other of 2,'u' tons capacity.
This enables casting to be made up to
seven t ns weight and the handling of
small, rush order jobs, and which
can be turned out on an hour's notice.
The molding floor is ample in size to
meet the requirements of any job that
may be undertaken. A crane capable
of lifting a 10-ton piece of machin
ery is of the equipment, which is
complete in all respects. The pattern
room is being supplied as rapidly as
possible with standard patterns of
castings that are In common use. A
stock will be carried of standard
castings such as grate bars, pulleys,
goaring wheels, window weights, etc.
The machine shop department is a
building separate from the foundry
aud Is fitted with all machines for do
ing every kind of work that may be
required in a quartz mill, sawmill, or
other establishment Though in op
eration but two mouths, such has
been the amount of work reoleved
that the machine shop force has bad
to work over-timo for more than half
of the days, often working nntil 10 to
12 o'clock at night in order to get
out rush jobs within the time for
which thoy were promised.
The Grants Pass Iron & Steel
Works, while started through the
financial backing of the business men
of Grants Pass, is really owned aud
operated by B. M. Hall and Kd Bar
locker, two young men who are now
residents of this city, the former com
ing liete from Portland last summer
and the latter coming from San Fran
cisco. The financial aid they re
ceivod was in the nature of a loau,
made on favorable terms, and such
has been their industry, workman
ship and business ability that there is
every likelihood that they will be
able to take up all the stock of the
company, and of building up an in
dustrial establishment that will add
another large pay roll to Grants Pass
and be a leading factor in the mining
development of this district by enab
ling machinery and supplies to be ob
tained with more promptness and less
price than can be had from machine
shops at a distance.
Recuced Rates for Easterners.
A rate of one fare for round-trip
from Portland, to all points in Ore
gon, Ashland and North for visitors
form the East to the Exposition at
Portlaud, to enable them to look over
Western Oregou with a view of set
tling or investing. These tickets will
be good for 15 days limit, with stop
overs at all intermediate points, and
will be sold to holders of the Exposi
tion round trip tickets from poluts
East of the Rooky Mountains.
This will afford the various
counties and committees that will
maintain exhibits and advertise in
other ways at the Exposition, every
inducement to nave the Eastern people
visit their section.
G. r. Jester, Agent.
The Richest Mta in the World.
The richest man in the world can
not have his kidneys replaced nor
live without them, so it is important
not to neglect these organs. If
Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the
first sign ot danger, the symptoms
will disaptwar and your health will
be reitornd, as it strengthens and
builds up thse organs as nothing else
will. Usrar bowman. Lebanon. Kr..
writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney
Cure and take great pleasure In slat
log It cured me permanently of kid
ney disease, which certainly would
have ooxt me my life." For sale by
li. A. Kotermund.
To the Public.
N. B. Clias. Morrison never owned
any stock In our Company and Is bo
louger In our employ.
The House Furnishers.
The Proprietor Expects to Have
Plant Grinding WHe&t
by Sept. 1st.
It has been definitely settled that
another industry is to be added to the
already large list that gives the pay
roll that is one of the leadiug factors
in the prosperity of Grants Pass, for
the flour mill is to have its capacity
enlarged and it will be operated so soon
as the new wheat la in. This mill
was built two years ago by L G. Moon
and N. 0. Boyuton, but just whou
they had it completed, they became
financially involved and discontinued
work and locked np the building and
not a wheel has been turned since.
The fiuanoial obligations were assumed
by H. A. Corliss, the well-kuownjuiiu-ing
man of this olty and now to put
his investment on a paying basis, he
has decided to put in more money aud
put the mill in permanent operation.
He will employ a first-class miller
and will likely be grinding wheat by
the first of September or possibly
No flour mill in Oregon has a hotter
constructed building or better equip
ped with the latest machinery thau
the Grants Pass mill. Tho mill
buildiug is 36x40 feet, of three stories,
with an addition 30x30 for the eDglne
and boiler houso. Adjoining tho mill
is a warehouse 30x?0 feet that will
bold 20,000 bushels of wheat. Both
mill building aud warehouse are set
on heavy conorote foundations aud
each has a framework that Is extra
strong and which will prevent the
buildlugs ever getting rickety. The
equipment of the engine room is a 45
horsepower eoglue aud a 60 horse
power boiler, both now and of the
best make. The equipment of the
milling department is complete In
every respeot, embracing evury ma
chine in an up-to-date mill from a
grain cleaner to au automatlo backer
lor putting up the flour. It is equip
ped with rolls of 40 barrel oapaolty
per day of 10 Jiours, but additional
rollers will be put in to Increase the
capaoity to 100 barrels per day. To
do this will require no additional
equipment In the other departments as
they have the capacity to do the work
required to get a daily product of 100
barrels of flour. It may bo that
electrio power will be used instead of
steam, for Mr. Corliss will investi
gate the relative cost of the two sys
tems aud will use whichever is the
The operation of this mill will be a
gi eat benefit to Grants Pass-aud all
Josephine county, for it will make a
good home market for the wheat,
oats, barley aud corn for the farmers,
and will make the feed problem less
expensive to the teamsters, aud the
grocers will not then be compelled to
carry such big stocks of flour as now,
for the high freights make it necessary
to order by car lots. While the wheat
crop for this year is oertain to bo the
largest ever in Josephine county, yet
there will not ba enough to meet tho
requirements of a 100-barrnl mill aud
It will be necessary to ship lu a lurgn
quantity of wheat. As the freight
rate is lejs on wheat than ou flour aud
feed, an advantage for the local mill
will thus be had that will enable it
to successfully compote with outside
mills. Tho Ashland aud Medford
mills are run almost continuously
each year on Imported wheat, as little
grain raising Is carried ou in Jackson
county, the farmers devoting most of
their land to .fruit aud alfalfa. It is
the geueral opinion of furmers thut
grain raising will increase in this
county. There are a number of
oauses that make this fact a certainly.
The area of tilled land Is rapidly in
creasing each year, aud as the host
farm lauds iu Josephine county lie ut
a distauoe from the railroad the bet
terment of the roads, that is now be
ing carried on by the county court,
will enable grain to bo profitably
grown ou laud that is now culy de
voted to stock and hay. Tho rota
tion of crops that the farmers have
begun to practice, to their profit, is
also adding to the grain area of Jose
phine county. And another faetrr is
that the mining industry is giving em
ployment to such a large number of
teams that the demand for feed is
very large, aud Is steadily Increasing,
thus making grain raising the more
profitable. With all these favorable
conditions, there is no reason why a
grist mill in Grants Pass should not
be a profitable Investment to the
owners, as well as a big factor in the
city and county's prosperity.
Will overcome Indigestion aud dys
pepsia; regulate the bowels aud cure
liver and kidney comiilaint. It is
the best blood enrleher and Invigora-
tor in the world. It Is purely veget
able, perfectly harmless, "and should
you be a sufferer from disease, you
will use it tr you are wise.
It. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr.
Cocoa aud It oc kludge News, t locos,
rla. , writes: 1 have used your
Heroine in my family, and find it a
most eicellent medicine. Its effects
upon myself have been a marked ben
efit. I recommend It unhesitatingly."
aoo at Kotermund I aud J he Model
Drug Store.
A Coos' family Linimcat.
Every family should be supplied
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balto. For cuts, bruises, burns, scalds
and similar injuries which are of
frequent occurrence, there Is nothing
so good. It soothes the wound aud
not only gives instant relief from
pain, but causes the parts to heal lu
about one-third the time required by
tne usual treatment. As It Is an an
tiseptio all danger from blood poison
ing is avoided. Sold by all drugigsta.
Josephine County Man Says
Section Is e.n Ideal Place
for Raising Them.
Editor Courier The begiutiiug of
the Angora goat industry in America
was in 1841), whou Dr. Davis of South
Carolina imported a few choice
Angoras from Turkey in Asia. So
highly were they prized that other
importations followed soon after.
These wore pure bred Angoras of high
merit, aud were soon crossed with our
native hair goat. This has been the
practice for a good many years. We
have now high grado and puru bred
flocks iu nearly every state iu the
Union. So rapidly has the Angora
industry grown in the United States
that there are hone'reds of thousands
of them. Oregon aloue bus about
100,000, The demand for mohair is
very great Manufacturers are find
ing new uses fur mohair. L. Levus
sove of Now York is now advertising
for long mohair, offering from f 1.00
to $'i.OO per pound for it, Thcro is not
one-half enough mohair raised iu the
Uuitod States for home use. The
consumption of mohair iu tho United
States for lS'J'J was 1,077,000 pounds
aud the number of pounds iuiorted
was 1,1 lit, 45(1 pounds. Since 1MM I ho
Angoras iu tho United States have
been increasing with great rapidity,
so has the demand for mohair.
The pelts of the Augora is also very
valuable. Bulletin No. 2. U. S. De
partment of Argiculturo, bureau of
auiiual industry, has this to any of the
pelts: "Angora pelts are used quite
extensively as carringo robes and they
make up into very handsome ones.
There was a time when tho buffalo,
the wolf aud other wild minimis sup
plied the demand for rohes lu this
country, but tho extinction, practi
cally of the buffalo and the great Bear
oity'of tho other animals lias forced ns
to look olaowhora for substitutes. Au
effort is being made to substitute hides
of the Galloway end Polled Angus
breeds of cattle, but their high cost
will prevent thoir extensive use. These
conditions havo resulted in a greuter
demand for Angora skins for robes.
The skill is sufficiently tough for the
purpose aud tho fleeuu is easily dyed
any desiiable color, this chuructorit-tic
lias enabled unscrupulous dealers to
sometimes pass them off ou purchasers
as the skins of some rare auliimls. lu
their natural color, the whiteness aud
brilliancy of which cannot bo excelled,
the skins of the kids, and younger does
are made up iuto robes for baby bug
gies. There are probably a greater
uumber used for this purpose at the
present time than any oilier way. As
a general statement it may be said that
Augora pelts aro worth from 'J.OO to
1. 00. The real value depends on many
things, such as the sl.u of tho sliius,
tho length of tho fleece upon it, and
the time of year It was taken. As
rugs, those skins are found in luitny
households, and they ant both orna
mental and durable. They iniiy be
used in their original whiteness or be
dyed any color to suit. Their softness
makes them very desirable. They tiro
extensively used for trimmings for
children's cloaks and coals. Homo
first-class skins havo brought us high
as (IS 00 upiecn for this purpose. "
The flesh of the Angora is now
termed Angora venison, throughout
the United States. There has heeii a
prejudice against this meat ill the
time past, but it Is now about gone.
i'oop'o have hccii finding out that It is
very palatable mid nutritious. It is
one of 1 1 io choicest of meats to he used
as food.
As to the profit in Angora goals, if
will figiiro out about us follows on a
band of loll yearling docs: They will
cost at .'j.WI each, -ii)U The llrsl
year's income w ill be for mohair al
75 cents per head f:io", and 100 kids,
for Angoras will increase 100 per rent,
which at weunluglimu are worth f I.OO
each. The kids at (100 ted tho mohair
at 175, gives n totul Income for tho
hand for the year of f 175, It must ho
understood Unit weathers will shear
bout twice as much us dors. Angora
does are good brooders nntil 12 years
of age, aud have been known to breed
when 20 years obi The cost of keep
ing the hand for the year w on Id he a
small sum hero, in Southern Orcgni
and would not exooid i '. for shear
ing, feed aud care. So mild are the
winters that very little fee. I is re
quired, and ns for pai-tuiatro, that will
not cost anything, as thvro are thous
ands of acres of hill aud mountain
laud that is free to the Imbue, Ijoats
can be kept on most any kind of land,
the rougher the land, the hotter if
seems to suit them. They will live
on weeds aud brush almost the entire
year. The gout business is one that
figures out right for it (lehaiigis
weeds and brush Tor money. l-'or
clearing brush laud tin y cannot he
excelled. They can bo confined to a
brush thicket and iu about two sea
sons laud is eb-a'ed. 'liny will do a
better job of ch aring thnu men gen
erally do, as they will go iuto every
fence cornel for all the sprouts.
The Angora industry in Oregou is
developing with great rapidity. Al
though Southern Oregon has not many
goats, lu the mar future this will he
the leading Augora district of Oregon.
Josephine county enn maintain as
many gnats as there are now iu Oregou
and not be overstocked. The climate
sud pasturagu conditions are Ideal.
The goat Industry iu America is now
in its infancy. It 1-uow an American
industry aud has oorue to stay
L. A. MARSTEKS, Merltu, Ore.
Note terms at
Now Round Extension Tables
Very reasonable prices.
New Tiricoa on Iron Boda
New Kitchen Cabinets
1 lanimocks reduced
Tents rcducod
nants left; bring
and buy a Carpet
Go-Carts reduced
"M" "D Bring this ad with you; on any of
""the Above named reduced goods its
worth from 10 to 20 per cent to you.
Thomas (Q. O'Neill
Uo HousefurnisHers
Thereby Become a Stronger Ad
vocate Than Ever of
Good Roads.
l)r Henry Kloppor arrived in
(iriints Pass Monday evening aud re
mained over night when he continued
his journey to his home at Korby.
Tho Doctor had been on a bnslnoss
trip to Klamath Falls aud made the
trip in his buggy. Ily a liberal
patronage of the blacksmiths by the
way ho was ahlo to get his buggy
home ill a serviceable coudltlon, but
the trip has mado him a stronger ad
vocate than over of good roads, for ho
hud experience with the best and the
poorcut roads. Tho road from Ash
land to Klamath Vails he found
almost iinpassnhlo to light vehicles
by reason of rocks, ohuckholes, stumps
and mots. The Jackson county road
from (iold Hill to Ashland he found
to bo iu good shuie aud a otedit to
the county. Of tho toad ulong Kogun
river in Josephine county ho could
unt say so much for it was not
in a condition that would ouuourage
the settlors up the Valley to como to
Grants 1'ass to do their trading. Tho
good roads that the Doctor saw lu
Jaeksou county, and the apparent
prosperity of tho farm communities
of that county, couviuces him more
strongly than over that good roads
would do more than any oui thing to
givo a larger development and greater
prosperity to Josephine county.
(if Klamath Falls Dr. Kloppor stilt
ed that tt had an air of progressive
noss and hustle about it that produce
a good impression ou strangers. Tho
cliiuttto aud the tnpngraphio features
of I ho country did not please him so
well, but uevertholcs a little, sago
hrtish town, that can raise all but a
J 1 00, ooil bonus to soouro a railroad,
will yet heroine a place of Import
ami' and stands a good chance of be
coming the commercial metropolis
and tint big city of Houthetu Oregon's
toluol empire. Hut he thinks his
own town of Korby has mors natural
advantages than has Kliiinalli Falls
and had it thn satuu energy, it too
would soon hocmuu one ot the big
tow us ot noutherti Oregon.
A Poiltlvc Niccnlty.
Having to lay upon my bed for 14
davs from a severely bruised leg, oulv
fooed relief when used a hot I hi of
lial lard's Hnow Liniment. I call cheer
fully recommend it as the le st medi
cine for bruises ever sent to tho
alllicted. It has now hecoinii a posi
tive necessity upon inul'. I), H.
Ityrnes, Merchant, Dnvorsvllle, Texas.
hoc, ft. 00 at Koterinund'a aud
The Model Drug More.
Insure your property in Oregon's
Gnat Mutual. Nearly seven million
dollars written during 1 IK l i. It has
Insurance in force. It is safe ami
saves vou money. Address .Secretary
(I. I''.' II. A., Mr M ville, (Ire.
II. II. lieiiilrick, agent, drains I'asa,
( )r.
IJy HuyiiiK Goods at a deduction.
; is closing out his entire stock of
; Bicycles, Talking Machines,
Cutlery, Fishing Tackle
Baseball and Football Goods.
. i','. vel tl-'i 3 t t '4.ii-in..t
the bottom of this ad,
tho measure of your room
for it at one-third off.
Will Contribute $100 Toward
Grants Pass - Monumental
Road Improvement.
Colonel T. Wain-Morgan Draper ar
rived In Grants Pass Tuesday evening
from Ban Frauolsoo and Wednesday
morning he left for Takilma and the
Monumental to be gone 10 days while
looking after his extensive mining In
terests iu that section.
Colonel Draper is greatly interested
in the good roads movement in this
county for he considors that the de
velopment of mineral aud agricultural
resources of Josephine county would
progress at most rapid rate Wore
there good roads to afford ready trans
portation at all seasons of the year to
all parts of the county. To back op
his belief he authorized his attorney,
A. C. Hough, to sign np for him KO
toward the improvement of the stage
road from Grants Pass sooth through
the center of the county to the Cali
fornia line, should its improvement
be undoitaken. Colonel Draper, holds
that the betterment of this road Is a
matter of great importance to the
citizens of Grants Pass aud that it
is a publio improvement that would
bring greater returns to the town than
any other Investment in that line that
could bo taken up. He Is sure that if
the business men and property owners
of Grauts Pass would raise fund to
apply on this road work that the,,
minors and farmers along the road
would contribute an equal amouut
The co-operation of the county court
could no doubt be had aud an appro
priation from the county of an amount
equal to tho total sum subscribed by
the town and the miners and farmora
bo bad for this road improvement.
Many Oregon aud California towns
havo greatly increased their trade aud
prosperity by taking tho lead in the
Improvement of the roads that Would
develop tho sections of country from
which their trade was had. It is a
conceded fact that the richest mineral
district aud the largest aud best farm
ing sestiou of Josephine county Ilea
along this road aud were this seutiuu
of the country giveu good macadam
ized road to Grunts Pass that it
would afford such a volume of busi
ness as would within a short time
doublo the trade of this town.
Do Not Bt tmpoicd Upon.
Foley t Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat aud lung
remedy, and ou account of tho great
merit aud popularity of Foley's
Honey anil Tar many Imitations are
olTered for the genuine. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any
substitute offered as uo other prepara
tion will give the same satisfaction.
Ills mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates and is safest for children and
delicate jsirsous. For sale by Hoter
tuuud aud Thn, Model Drug iUore.
High grado lire lu small lots bought.
W. O. Wright.
l'til MMtltt k