Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 28, 1905, Image 5

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    Because it is always FRESH
Because it is always UNIFORM,
"" ii is do nigner iu price,
and the very best to be had for the
money, which makes 'Chase &
iautxurn's coffee a household
word in the best families all over
the United States. Only one place
to get it
The White House Grocery
superior m
Those RIPE OLIVES in cans have arrived and are
quality to any that we have had. 25c to 50c per can,
Best Creamery Butter now 50c.
Sweet and Mixed Pickles in bottle or in bulk, just in.
' Home growp Berries next week.
Allen's Portland Cement
Koche Harbor Lirne
Wood Pulp Plaster
Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints,
Stains and Varnishes
Pioneer Lead, Strictly Pure Linseed
Oil, Glass and Putty
All kinds of Builders Hardware
Locks, Hinges, Nails, etc.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
People & They Come nd Go
From D&y to Day
Mr. and Mm IWt
Easter Sunday in Ashlaud on a abort
visit with Mr. Barnes' parents.
Miss Lalita Stalcnn nf Rnrll.,onn
"joining, arrived Satnrdiv in m.bA
u eneuuea visit to lier s ster. Mn
M. Cooley.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris hv mnnii
to Leland. where Mr Harria h.. ,k
job ol uight-watch at the steam shovel
J. J. Moll, last Satnrriav ar,M hi.
ranch near Selma to Henry Schmidt.
Mr. Moll has bohght the Furiuan
hoase on M street and now resides in
J. S. Tucker, formerly nf tl.i.
but now of Trail oreek on the Upper
riyrr, was in u rants fax this
wees to loo after the nrntwrtv in
wo,n mo uao iu U11B City,
Miss Lata Dnnbar of Enmin I. .
noir L,ree-ou a visit to her brother.
liunuar. or that n ana uu.
Daubar lias also visited in
rass, a guest ol Mrs. J. o. Rnnth
Air. and Mrg. O. O. Penrann .r.
rived this week from nillr.l tr. r..i.
I "rums rasa tneir nome. Mr. Pearson
was at one time operator at the depot
ouu lemma iu lam me second trick.
air. t.ove wno has beeu on extra at
me oopor, takes Air. Pearson's place
.1 &yitittiu.
Mrs 'F. E. Willett. who'was striok-
"ree weexs ago with fanial paraly.
sis, and from which she almost fully
recovered the following week, Is now
sick with a complication of troubles
ana is confined to her bed. She is
now siowiy
News Note from the Business
Men to Readers.
See that 6-hole Eteel Rans-n with
high closet for 85 at Cramer Bros.
If yon have chickens for the mar
ket, call on H. Walter of the. llnunn
i ... i in . n
vwo, no wixi ouy mem.
Call and see Miss Weston's line of
Street hats Front Bt. between Sixth
and Seventh.
Brief Notes and Items of Interest
and Importance.
Give yonr friends ft Stage Hue the
gooo. soioie.
High grade oie in small lots bought
W. Q. Wright.
Second hand Columbia bicycle for
s iu aii vranier Bros.
Soreen doors already painted, fixtures
and all complete at Thomas &
Miss Weston has an elegant assort
ment of street and dress hats Front
St. near Seventh.
Planet Jr., Single Wheel Hoe, the
best tool for the market garden for
sale by Cramer Bros.
Curtis & Co. foi Watches, Clocks.
Uold Kings and Jewelry, fine watch
repairing, engraving. Goods sold at
reasonable prices. Come and see us.
1. O. U. Jr. Buildinff. Grants Phu.
i t "
Docs your bead nalii with a. fearful
depression, it there a swiminiag sea
sation and sharn dartinu- nafna?
Wright's Paragon Headache Core will
relieve It. Tablet or Wafer fnrn,
iry it
A sewiue mar h Inn on trial If If
lujuruviuK ana men are suits von it 1a nnm Ha nnnA
strong Dopes that she will again enjoy work as aJ5 mao'hlne. Have 13
standard make mxi niiM. M MbiOi
Dr. J. M. Kitchen nn.n.j tome and see them at Ike Davis
from Jacksonville where he was at. 'econa """a ,tore-
icuing io tne- practice of his son in. Mrs. M. Coolev unw 1... fl.o l,iu.
law, Dr. F. R. fiowerini. chilu th. uuini, in d.u..,.bi. j
urn iiit rasino- a can turn nnt nrariaaa nn.k .kv..
i?. K.n.iuuiti course in surgerv. bv notioe. Parlors iu the Tuffs hnilriino
mo seriOUS 11IIUIB8 Ot Mn H itnliAn I.aat u.nb .1,. ...; 1 .. .
., ii . . , - . ...... ' - , " nu anmiri'
"ui r 18 1,180 nen t0 08 meut 01 thB latea' models from
".in mir ui.illier. wno IB nnw m. HAW Ynrfc
uuo oi tue lamest and most nnm
plete line of glovus ever brought to
uranis rasa is is now ou sale at
McLean's, west G strent. There are
flue gloves for ladies and heavy gloves
iur geuuenieu. Uloves lor minors.
railroad men, farmers and cloves for
everyooay. rnoes are right
Commissioner Logan Favors Bet
ter System and Larger Ex
penditures for Roads.
County Commissioner J. T. Logan
was in Grants Pass last Friday and
Saturday to meet his partner, Hon,
Iheo. Cameron, of Jacksonville, who
was also here, on a business matter
connected with the plsrer mine they
are operating on the Illinois river
near Waldo, and which is one of the
largest in Southern Oregcu. Mr.
Logiiu stated that they hud a fino run
this winter, and as they have ample
water for the entire jear, they will
also run all summer
On eoutity matters Commissioner
Logan expressed himself as in favor
of undertaking road building on a
mure extensive bchIu than has hereto
fore been the inle. He wns iu fnvoi
ot putting on a higher road tax when
the levy whs miido for this vear. but
as there hud heretofore beeu much
opposition to the county incurring ad
ditional expense, he and the otlr
members of the county' thought it lest
to hold off another year until the
county debt was lessened eoniewiiat,
so only made a small road levy. As
this oppos tion has 'largely,' alated,
a is proven bv the very geucfil de
mand for betterment of the roads,
and the further fact that mm of the
big taxpayers of the count favor a
:ili(i0 appropriation for a (Juuty ex
hibit at the Lewis and 'lark fair,
Coniuiihs'oner Logan is b favor for
uext year of largely inireasiug the
road tax. Fur this jar ho is iu
favor of sending at leact f HKM) j
above tho amount of the road tax, I
anil that to be raised iy issuing war-1
rants, ou road work that is impera
tive that'the mud blockade of next
winter may . not be so trying ou the
mriuers as mose or lormer winters.
Commissioner Logan Is in favor of
a radical change iu the system of
roaa construction and snpervifiou
nun iiiiuss mere could be a decided
improvement in both. He is observ
ing as to what success Jackson count v
:n l. . ... ,
win uiaso una yeur witli its new
system of road wi.rk and of its new
departure in having but a few road
supervisors and all road work to bo
aeuo under the direction of a county
read master. If Jackson county is
able to get better aud cheaper road
work done by the new system, Com
missiuer Logan will favor the adop
tion next year of such a system for
Josephine county.
Haven of
our town
Merlin Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. James
Galice were visitors iu
several days tho past week.
J. P. McCouiiell. nriiK'inal nf the
Gleiidala school, did not return to his
duties this week on account of ill
nea I til.
Mrs. A. S. Rosenbaiim returned
Wednesday from the home of her
mother, Mrs. Hosuier, where she had
spent the past week.
Robert Ketehuui died at tho home
or his daughter, Mrs. Powers last
Sunday, lie had reached quite an ad
vanced age, aud was ill but a short
Mrs. Carrie Brockman and
daughter, Ada, are iu charge of the
Hotel lor the summer, Will Jordan
and family having gone to the miues
on lliompsnu creek.
Word has just been received that F.
P. Jones, one of our most respected
citizens, is dead iu California, where
he went two weeks ago with one ot
his sons for employment. The cause
of death is not yet known. The
family reside here. The body will he
shipped hero and the funeral. will
take place Friday.
proving yet still couflned to her room.
air. ana jurs. James Lawson and
iwo aaugntora are among the late ar iu uraoii , r-ass. iney are
formerly of Boiso. Idaho, where
they resided for many years, bnt
last ran moved to San Lois
Obispo county, California, where
they spent the winter. Nnt hoi,,
satisfied with that section, thev have L Iu8 .yo?r r,roPrV In Oregon's
concluded to trv Keen Kiver Vli uresi unimi. JNoarly seven million
and so far are well nleased .lih d0". onrlng 1U04. It has
the Valley. Mr. Lawsou is a mill. ?ow TW tK 1 Y MILLION DOLLARS
wright and carnentor and will wnrk r'e 1" force. It is safe and
at his trade in this vicinity. J?"8,8, 72? monT- Address Secretary
., , . r,. n. a., Mcoiiuuvillo, Ore.
n ,, "lr,,8troln was in Grants H. is. Heudriok. agent, Grants Pass.
....... ......i...raT iu ujnao me aeposit vre.
in inn ubiik or tne Dual clean-tin of
The residence which W. L. Ireland
is naviug erected on the northwest
oorner of B and Fourth streets, is
rapioiy nearing completion. The
contractors, Harrington & Mont
gomery are pnttios in over-tima in
order to crowd the work and tha I
building will be completed in record
ttuin ana DC DOt 1 in workman.
ship and appearance oue of the best
in Grants Pass. The foundation is of
one ana was pot in by K. J. Col-
vin in n tlrstolasa manner The
panning is w.i4 reet and two stories.
It will have six rooms, closets aud
all the other accessories of a modern
U. H. AIcLan has rented the up
stairs or the Kestersoo block which
now gives him the upper and lower
sjiaoe, s total area or 400 square feet
each room being 30x80 feot. This
will enable him to double the size of
his stock of goods, which with the
now order lately placed, will embrace
lurnunre, carpets, linoleum, wall
paper tinware, notions, elothinol
drygoods, shoes, in fact, practically a
uniuiuniii Bioru, air, oiciine came
from Independence. Oreaou. last
spring and opened a store with a
small stock aud liudiug' trade so
satisfactory ho has steadily added
lines nutil now he has oue of the
largest stores in Uiants Pass.
me annual county iustitute for
josopinue county, will begin its ses
sions iu this city uext Wednesday I
uu muuuuo ior inuisaay aud Fri
day. 1 1)0 program nroniiaca m ho i
pronuiDie oue ror teachers and all
others interested in the educati on nf I
cuiidreo aud this lusitntn will rti,..
less stimulate greater interest iu their
work witli the teachers and also in
arrousiug more concern on the nrt
of parents and boards in the suocess
or tne schools of Josephine cnuuty.
Supt. Savage anticipates a good at-
eudance of teachers and he extends
a cordial iuvitatiou to the Dublin to
ttend tho sessions of tho Institute
W I) If 11 will be held In t in Hiirh H,.,
building during the dav aud iu the
opera nouse in the evening.
A. Ingram and E. Dodaon A una ft
of Killing Wm. Dunlap.
Is it the Clothes
that makes the Man?
Try on a Schloss and See.
Look for This Lsbel.
Clothes of Quality
"Cothcs don't mnko tho man
to lo sure, lut its alcut Uie cnlj
tiling that nine-touths of the jko
i-Aq wo meet have to go by.
Tho man who (loos not make a
good appearance in this Twen
tieth Century is badly handi
Clothes are tho nil itnportan
part of a man's make-up mid its
right hero that wo come in.
the placer olaim on Pleasant creek
mill ne ana is. Ouieh of St
Helens, Ore., own. Mr. Wickstrom
siBtea mat lie Had had a very profit
able seatou aud that bis clean-up had
moie tuau met his expectations. As
ma water supply ,s short he will not
operate again niiti: uext wiuter. Mr,
nicusrroni will sjieud a couplo of
uioiiins prospecting some promising
'""" ami quartz locations that he
lias secu'ed after which he ill
to his former home at St. Helens to
speiio a nionin with his brother, Cius
nickstrom, who operates a large saw
mill on the Colombia river, and to
visu irieiios iu that section.
1. t. rrederink ia In Ori.i,tu P
rroiu bummor, Iowa, he coming here
fcu euier uie euiniOV OT Kllirelin I'ua
as foreman in tho tatter's big cold
m.iiHKe imuse. jir. rroderick will
nave charge or the operating depart
ment or tho cold storage plant and
Mr. Cass will attend to the business
and also tie ou the road a crn'ider
part of the time in placing ordois
and securing produce, for lie will
cover the territory of Southern Ore
gon ana Northern California. Mr,
Frederick is an old friend of Mr,
i ass and he is a bright, hustling
"i'""! young mau ana the two,
though handling a "cold" business.
will keep things so on the move that
there will be no freezing up of the
iunuies oi uie urauta Pass Cold
storage establishment.
t mmmm
Our $12, $13.50, $15, $18 and
$20 Spring Suits are splendid
specimens of modern tailoring.
Handsome, stylish and correct in
every detail.
The fabrics arc the latest and
we believe that wo can please
any man with a spring or sum
mer suit, regardless of how par
ticular or fussy he may be about
his clothes.
Absolutely all wool fabrics in
Hart, Si hafTner & Marx clothes.
Their label means a lot of good
things. We are as ready to show
as to sell.
t hi 'D
Copyrliit i 'yo ; by
Hir! Si'tuffntr Mirx
Outfitters to Men and Boys.
'I'll.- ".;l:u .
. Howard left Thursday for
r-an rraucisco, where he will Joiu ii.ivtnni ana ineir daughter,
anss torn, and take a rest aud enjoy
nu uuiyiK seeing tne sights of Cali
fornia. Mrs. Howard and Mi V.nU
have been in San Francisco for several
months, where the latter has been
fining advanced lessons on the nlan,
and report comes through friends that
sue is making marked progress in her
musical sinniee and is displaying fine
uiunii-m auijiiy.
Mr. Howard holds the honor of be
ing the pioneer merchant of Grants
rass ana he has been in the mercan
tile business continuously sinco, a
periou or -ii years, the last 7 of
which he has snout at Kerhv u-i,.,,.
nu nan a large general merehaniliue
store. This he lias sold and will HLIv
ir Hgaui resiae in Urauts Pass witli
his family.
Marshal Finch Hunts Cold.
City Marshall Ueorgo Kinch return
ed Tuesday from a week's outing in
the hills near this city. The genial
marshal intended to have atoirf In,..,.
er. hut being so near to Oranls Pass
i ii me evening ,0 coold see the
twinkle of the electric lights and
"on" or the Salvation
Army a drum, that he conld not resist
the call of the town," to paraphrase
.. . . " u u al"1 "o '"d him
sen oacx to the city to agaio issue
"".ij-u,j stm io nohos and to enlov
the martial musio of tho aforesaid
Marshal Kiuch was formerly a
miner, and like all knights of the pick
iiid shovel, "the ci of t)ie wij
to to quote Jack Loudon, as eu
joyed in the invigorating climate,
de ightful surrouiidiiigs and thrill of
gold huuting, is so strong rn the
average ex-miner that their outings
lire always sj-iit on prospecting
trips Jhis was the case with
rants Pass' sllicient marshal and
he put iu as hard a A'MitU U'ltli tii.l.
hovel and pan as ever a miner did!
lie was in company with an old-tim.
unuor fneud and thev haH .
promising trace of a rich 'prospect
but the hidden treason. el.irt.M ,1,..,.
search. for this tiino. hot they have
uot given op altogether and will later
ou try again for the gold that nr.
bring the fortone to them
mar are invited for the noustrnn
tlou ol the lateral sewer from the
sewer on mrth street, westerly on the
alley through Blocks AS and H4 iu the
original Townsite, 680 feet westerly
from said Fifth street sewer to a
point opposite the easterlv line of lota
a ana o iu said Block G4 iu the Origi
uai lowusne.
Said sfwer to be constructed of fl.
men vitrified tiling ant with all pro
visiuos as required ny ordinance No.
2Si and the plana aud specifications
inereror, the contractor to furnish all
materials and labor therefor, and to
construct said sewer to the approval
auu acceptance ol the sewer commit
liids will be received nn to and in
oluding May 17th, 1U0S. aud will be
opened on May 18th, 11)06 at the City
unii uy me council.
lhe bidder will be required to de
posit with the City Auditor at least
n per cent or the amount of such bid
conditioned that the bidder will enter
into bonds in the sum of double the
amount or contract price for tne faith
ful performance of such contract with
tu 10 days after such contract be
bald sewer to be onmiileted within
30 days from tho date of the approval
oi me douii tor tne construction there
or ny the Ulty Attorney.
a lie Oouuoil reserves the r e it to
reject auy or an nins
Auditor and Poll cm J ariirn.
i luted Urauts Puss. Ore.. April HH.
A. b. McOrew. havinir sold mm nf
his fine transfer teams to a California
norse buyer, has purchased of a ranch
er in Jackson couutv. a team to take
the place of the oue he sold as his
transfer business is so large that lie has
to Keep three teams at work. Hi
new pnrchaso are gray Percherons,
well matched aud of larirn size and
one of the best teams ever brouulit
vu uranis ,rass.
IK-iA, to Mr. and Mrs.
a daughter.
At Wolf Creek, April 12.
C F. Stewart
Ilero'H a chaneo to save
money without any
chance of loss in quality.
Wo aro making sonio
special prices on
that will interest
speaks for iUelf and
will tho stoves when
fioo them.
KETCHl'M At the lio:uenf "hi.
daughter, Mrs. Powtrs on Sunday
April 23, Hubert Kttchum.
Cramer Bros.
There is a 'likelihood that the niys
tery, that for two years has remained
unsolved, despite the best efforts of
the authorities, is to be solved as to
who murdered William Dunlap, an
old miner who was shot and killed
noar his cabin ou Louse oreek. i
n.ues from Urauts Pass in March.
11KI8. By the confession of I.lovrt In.
gram, the 17 year old sou of Andy In
gram, Esley Dodson and Iusram am
accused of killing the old man fur his
money. Ingram and his sou have
made their home iu Urauts Pass for
years residing with relatives, In
gram's wile having loft him, being
unable to live with him. Some time
siuce they weut to Crescent Citv and
while there the bov became onaseaaml
of the idea tlut his father intended
to kill him to prove nt his divulging
their terrible secret, the iw
left his father and went to the Monu
mental mine. There he told
his fears aud was induced by them to
loiopiione to rjiieritr Ueorgo Lewis,
the hoy giving no facts, hot
oonld tell ot a murder. Sheriff Lewis
had the boy take the stage at once for
Urauts Pasi aud he arrved here Wed-
lesday eveuiug. He told his fnll
story, which Whs that he overheard
liis lather and Dodson nlan ih n,nr.
der.aud robbery, and that Dodron was
to commit tho deed aud divide the
money and gold unggots, Mr. Dunlap
was supposed to have, with I litrum
The day the deed was committed
Ingram said he was soiiiu in tu,
and Dodson said he was aolns hunt.
lug. The boy followed Dodsnn t
distance and when thev reached the
Dunlap place, saw DoiUon hide h.
hind a slump until Mr Dnnlan nn.
IM'arud, walkinu toward hla ,ml,i
carrying an armfull of wood, when
Doilnou oalled to him and u Im i,,r.j
Dodson shot him with a rifle iu the
breast, the old man falling fn,.0 flrHt.
The boy then ran to Dodson wlm
made him assist in the filial work of
the orime. Dodsoo rilled the ,M
man's pockets gating about 112 Iu
money. iney then ransacked tin
nuuno, iiu imy L-IUIIIIIlia Illnv mil in.
goid. iJodsou aud Ingram told the
boy that if ho ever told ot il. r,i.,r
they would kill him. J. he boy tells
mat iu searciiiug the house they
found a check for 1(I0 whirli li,i.,,.,
crumpicu up aim threw ou the floor,
aucn a cheek was found ou the Moor
wncu iieigiiuora a few davs afier ih.
covered the body of M. Dunlap aud
tumuiiieu mn nnuse. oilier stateuieiit
mat inn ooy makes iroves that he
was there at the time the murder
was committed, 'but whether he was
i. rcea to take a iiart, or was a wil
ling participant, or did Ii all I ..,
iuiuis developments will tell.
uigram was arrested 'riinr.,l.t, ui
i resceui i.ity py the s hnrilf of II..I
Norte count ou a teh nl
frcin HherlfT-Lewls and placid iu
jail. Sheriff Lewis accompanied bv
..! ii-ii rrioav iiinrinnu r.,
v resceut i;ity anil will Hrriv I,,..,.
.uouoay evening with their i,.u, ,
ir not delayed. Ingram lias eninlnMieil
a repuianou in uiants Pans as a tough
man and being ouii e Mtrilliii anil fti.u.
peraie n will reim re clnai. viuil
ou the part of the, olllcers to get him
lier... out mar, thev will land their
prison, saieiy in jail Is not doubted,
tor both olllcers are nu n nf known
bravery and exisrienoed in l,,.i,,m,,,,
tough criminals. After the examina
tion Ingram will be taken to Jackson.
Villi) aild held in lhe Jm-kaiili em......
jail, so that he and DoiImiu may hare
uo chalice to talk together.
Hudson was arrested ',i. I...
Sheriff Lewis, while nt .,ru I., n,iu
city in Hayes & lialvin's livery slahl ,
and offered no resistance, claiuiliiu In,
was innocent. He was i,liu-..H In n.
couuty jail. He stoutly holds that he
nail uolhing to do with tl, .,,,, i.
and is the victim of the liov a i
l utll two weeks ago he was workii.u
lu a placer mine ou I'h.a.i.m ..
where be bore a unrul reonii.ti.,,. u,i.i.
his employers, Pearson A (;oiiipany,
and with the men l( I,. ....l.h
various jobs about Omnia l... i..r ai,u
iat three years, previous to which he
w as a co a boy lu Texas.
me u.y has tho repnlatlo i of the
average street hnr II.. i. ... .....
sheriff s keeping is-uding the exsiiii.
uatiou. The trial nf il... .,ri..
will iirobablv not la. I...I i
July titrm as the docket for lhe pres
ent term of circuit ninrl u.111 lu..
coiiiileted this week wheu Judne
Haniia will adlnurn rniirl ll uill
likely take some time for the authori
ties to get the tmiil ..r .1.. ......
lifted unless oue or both of the ori.
oners should xsdiate matters by
I making a confession.
Grants Pass, Oregon
Piids are iuvited for Ihn cniiKtrnn.
tiou of the sewer from the Fifth
street sewer on Fifih street, westerly
ou Uridgu street a dlstnucn of IWO
feet westerly fiom said Fifth street
sewer and to a point on lirlilge street
opposite the easterly line of lllock
A in II. IS. Miller's Addition.
Said sewer io ho constructed of six
inch vitrified tiling and with all uro.
vlsioua as required bv Ordinance No.
3ii& and the clans and snccillcnlimia
therefor. The contractor to furnish
all material aud labor therefor and
to construct said sewer to the approv
al mid acceptance of the sewer com
mittee. liids will bo received up to and In
cluding May 17th, llutt, and will he
opened nn May 18th at lhe City H ill
bt the Council.
The bidder will be required to de
posit with the City Auditor at least
6 lier emit nf the amount of such hid
cndltioned that the bidder will enter
iutibonda in the sum of double the
amount of the contract price for the
lailhful iHTforinaiice of such contract
within 10 days lifter such contract In
awarded. Said sewer to he completed within
10 days after the date of the approval
of the bond for the construction there
for, by the City Attorney.
The Council reserves the right lo
reject any or all bids.
Aimitor unii I'oliee Judge.
Dated Oranls Pass, Ore., April
28, 111(16.
Bids aro Invited for the construc
tion of the extension of Fifth Street
sewer, a distance of 106 feet from the
northerly termination of said sewer
on Fifth street, said sewer to be con
structed of aitriHa .U.
laud Willi all provisions as rennlruH
by Ordinance No. 2M ,! ,10 ph,ni
and specifications therefor. The con
tractor to furuish all materials aud
labor therefor and to coustruct said
sewer to tho approval aud aooeptauce
of the sewer committee.
liids will be received op to aud In
cluding May 17th, JU05. at the City
Hall by the Council. The bidder will
be required to deposit with the City
Auditor at least 6 per cent of the
amount of such bids conditioned that
lhe bidder will enter iuto bonds io
tho sum of double the amount of con
tract price for the faithful perfor
mance of such ooiitraot within 10 days
after such contract be awarded.
Said sewer to be completed within
SO days from tho date of approval of
tho bond by the City Attorney.
The Council reserves the right to
reject any or all lildf.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Dated Urauts Pass, Oregon, April
2H, 1IKIS.
Everybody in town Is wild over
them. What? Oh, those lovely new
slylu Elk Oxfords, Chocolat Oxfords,
Russian Calf Ituttou Oxfords and
Champagne ties at llartlett's.
Stylish People
Devotees to fashion
select with discrimin
ating taste the latest
and best that can be
found to wear.
lead the pro
cession in the
shoe line.
They get the
best that the
art affords.
Made on the
most a p -proved
Look better.
fit better,
wear better, than any
equal-priced shoe.
Drop in and see them.
Ivich dollar piikIu
cotilicf j on to one ticket nu the p
Howard Hlil., tll Kl,
- Too H,.t ;cc.- AVI,,.,., o,i M
k.'i . in .In, 1. 1
.i'iiu 1'ihh. Uri'iruii
l tit Jm MO w mm.
The House Furui.hers. ing'is avoided, 'tioli by all druYigsla. A. U. B ANN ARD UNDERTAKER.
"! . -1 it 1 i L -i 1 "i ii aiU'tl "Zrvwivm w 's