ROCUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON. APRIL 23. l'X)S. laMMMMM 1 ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PAHS, OBEOON. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. 11.50 .76 .40 .06 Published Every Thursday. BubBcrlDtlon Rated One Year, in adrance, riii Monllia, Three Monthi, Hingis Copies, Advertising Race Fumlnked on apilkation at the office, or by mau. Oliltnarim and ruaolutiona of con dolence will tie charged for at 6c- jwr line; oaru ot tnaniu ouc. A. E. VOORUIES, I'KOI'B. Kntered at the pout office at Oranta Pl-n Oregon, ae Hecond-clSMB mail matter. Fill DAY, APRIL 88, 1905. TI18 Ori'gou aapriiuie court lsst wuuk rcuilorrd a rlceinion that will have u fur rrnoli ing eftVot on couutlcH Hint Imve cii'dei'cd in tliolr rxpriiditarp, tho MXX) limit fixer! by the etnto con- Htitutinn. The chuo wh tlmt of ah injiiurtion to restrain Clntiiop count; from incurring lidded indeliteducm in liailiiiiix a court liourx, the conrt holding thut uh tho county wan in doht buyond the legal limit, a Kpecial tux for building a court Iiouho could to lu levied. Should thin ruling he irlied to othiir than the eiirrent ex- iiminea of the county, It will make a crimli with conn tied wlioao debt ia already leyond tho limit. UOMKXiOOD KOAD POINTKUH. Itoail oxpertH who huvo viaitnd thia acctiou, atiitu that owing to the dry iicmh of thu clliiutttt and the rolling cliiiYnctiir of tin) country that Johii jdi i no county tun nmlntain pandithhi wail cheaper tlian can any other county of Orvgnu woat of tiio Cascuiln inoiiutniuK. They claim tlmt with prnxtr drainage and a roadbed rolled with a very heavy roller, no bard that it will lie impervloua to rniuH, tli;it tho roads about Orititt 1'iim could be made Jumna I) lu to loaded teaniH at all Huiiaoua of the year, and that the annual luudhlockudo of thu winter and tho dunt banks of the Hum mer would be practically eliminated. While, they hold that a coating of crushed rock, gravel or decomposed grunlte would strengthen the roadbed, yet they think if the roads were graded while the ground Is yet moist and then rolled with a roller of IA ton or more weight, ao as to pack the roadbed an hard ax adobe brick, that a decided Improvement could be made over thu present method of work that ao far ban not given permanent roads to the county. Ah the road work is now carried ou, thu grading ia done in the apring mid thu road not being rolled, la left uneven and miff, to to become a mass of dust for the Hum mel and with the flrHt rains a canal of mud, iuturKperaed with chuck-holes aud rut. . The method of road construction by practical road builderi ia with a grader to throw to each Bide of the right-of-way all the surface soil. Then bring the anb-soil surface to the required crown and grade, then roll it with a heavy (team roller. Thia gives the hard fouudation to the road tied and all soft placea that are found are filled with earth and rolled, and filled again if need be, until the sur face has uu oven hardness and the grada and crown la free from high places aud saga. Then a layer of the surface soil ia put on and thoroughly rolled aud other layers put on and rolled until the road lied ia finished. A roadbed constructed In thia lLau ner and perfectly drained with aide ditchea, that are open to the free flow of water and not merely pools to hold water to aosk Into aud soften the roadbed, and with lateral tiling along the center of the road on ground that la springy aud wet, would give a good road to farm districts, where thu travel ia light for all seasona of the year, provided that after each wet spell the road is harrowed aud thoroughly rolled to fill all ruts and low places. This method of building and maintaining earth roads was first adopted in Missouri, and it proved such a success that that state now bus hundreds of miles of such roads, and the rest of tho country "having been shown" earth roads are now being successfully built in many of the Eastern status and the government bureau ot good roads lias endorsed thu plan in the road bulletins that are sent out from Washington. For heavy freight teams Garth roads have been found to be useless and crushed rock of road material baa been found to give the best wearing surface. On roads having only a reasonably heavy t radio, gravel and grunlte sand has proven very suc cessful. Thus tho trafllo is to be con sidered in making a selection of the method to be used in building a road. If county courts would bear thia in mind, thousands of dollars could be saved to taxpayers and the public would have roads thut would meet their requirements. Cards of Thanks. I wish to extend my ainoereat thaukk to the friends who extended help and ympatliy during the illness aud at the death of my daughter, Oenevieve, Mrs. May Booth. We wish to express our sincere than lis to the kind friends who as sisted us during tho illness of our daughter Mrs. Kttit Long, and extend ed sympathy iu our sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Murk Atnistroug. The best washing machine oa the market at McLunu'a auction store, west (i street. vSAVES PLATINUM VALUES w. J. Wlmer Has Devised Method for Saving Valuable Metal. W. J Wimer, manager of the Deep Gravel Mining Company of Waldo waa in Grants Pass last Friday and Saturday. At this mine, whioh is one of the big placer mines of South ern Oregon, ia accomplished a feat in lifting gravel not equaled in any other mine on the Pacific Coast for the gravel is shot op a height of 41 feet to the sluice that carries away the debris from the mine and thia is done with a head of water of only 1U3 feet. Mr Wimer stated that they had a fine run this season, but would shut down during tbe summer mouths to make some Improvements and to do some prospecting. So far as known, the Deep Gravel mine ia one of the richest in the (Jailed States iu platiunm, which la found in minute particles along with the placer gold, and Mr. Wimer has been making thorough investiga tion of methods for aaving the plati num aud he has succeeded so well that he now has ounces of this rare metal, which ia wortli more than gold, lor it sells for 21 an ounce. Mr. Winter thinks that there is an extensive deposit of platinum in Southern Oregon and that the placer miners, for years past have been losing 'thousands of dollars worth of this valuable mineral each season by not knowing how to save it. Mr. Wimer lias invented a method whereby he IS able to save every particle from bis aluice boxes and ha has generously consented to prepare an article for the Courier giving the details of his procedure thai the miners of South ern Oregon may save what would likely be a good profit to their mining ojicratlons did they know how to rec ognize platinum aud how to save it. t Coming Events. May I, Monday Adjourned turm of county court May 1, Monday May Day ball by A. A. C. at Opera house May 3, Wednesday Josephine County Teachers institute in Grants Pass for three days session. May 4, Thursday Norris & Kowe's Big Show iu Grants Pass. May Suturdny Farmers institute and fruitgrowers meeting in Grants Pass. May Friday Close of Grants Pas public schools. June 1, Thursday Opening day of Lewia and Clark Fair. Closes Oc tober 16. June 16, Thursday Grants Pass day at the Lewis aud Clark fair. July 4, Tuesday Celebration in Grants Pass with diill contest by teams from all parts ot the Coast. Extras for all sewing muchlues, oils aud needles at bo a paper at Singer Hewiug machine agency opposite Court House. TELLS OF OLD KERBY TOWN Prominent Kerbylte Saxys the Fu- ture Looks Bright. J. H. Austin, who had been in Grants Pasa for the entire week Jo attendance at circuit court in which he appeared aa attorney for some im portant cases, returned Sunday to his home at Kerby. Mr. Austin is lead ing a life quite strenuous enough to suit President Roosevelt at the old town, that was the county seat of Josephine coonty during pioneer days, for he is principal of the Tillage school, attorney-at-law, notary publio and general utility mau for the entire community, and that he ia making a success in these various duties is attested by the good reports that come of his school and of the fine law practice that be is building up Though located at Kerby less than a year he has been so successful with his law aud notary business that at the close of his term ef school he will give np teaching aud give his entire time to his new vocation. He has tbe distinction of being the only attorney in all' the center aud south ern part of Josephine county. Of tho town of Kerby, which in its halcyon days, when gold uuggeti were as plentiful there as potatoes iu Tippurary, had a population of 10(10 persons, bat which now has only about ISO inhabitants, Mr. Austin stated that it is taking ou new life aud new hojie aud bids fuir to again be oue of tho leading towns of South ern Oregon, aud so encouraged are some of its bustlers that they expect that the town will again beoome the county seat of Josephine county, or i ,j not that, then of a new county that they hope to have created out of section of JoseDbine and of Curry countioa. This 'latter day prosperity comes from the development inai is now being made of the agricnltnral timber and mineral resources of the section of country about Kerby, and which bids fair to make that district one of theiiohest sections of Josephine county. The lack of tranportaion fa cilities alone is keeping that part of the county back in its progress, and Mr. Austin says tbat the farmers, miners aud town people are alike awakening to the need of having their road to Grants Pass macadamized and made passable for freight teams at all sea sons of the year. It is their hope that in nuother year the county will make such a road tax levy as will enable a substantial beginning to be made on the improvement of this, the most traveled and most needed road iu Josephine couuty. Has Confidence In Grants Pass. The Grants Pans bar is to have another member which will increase the number to 12 disciples of E lack stone doing buHiness in this city. The new addition to the local legal frater nity, will be Judge W. L. Sowers of Charlotte, Miohigao, who will arrive in Grants Pass iu about two weeks with his family to take np his resi dence aud practice in this city. Judge Sowers becoming interested in South ern Oregcu mines was one of a com pany of Michigan capitalists to It is a positive fact that we arc selling real pretty Tailor-Made Suits for Ladies. We are suro that an examination will prove that they are well made in every particular. They are stylish and up-to-date best quality and will bo a source of pleasure to anyone who buys them. !J They are not expensive. They are made by a manufacturer who never sends out a poor garment. Come and see them. W. K. DEAN & CO. RED STAR STORE. A. U. BANNARD At the Big Furniture and IIouso Furnishing Store, North Side, is now receiving his . New Spring Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares and Linoleums all bought before advance of price. You can't afford to pass them by. Large and complete stock of Furniture and Furnishing Goods. A. U. BANNARD Big Store North Side, Gth Street, Grants Pass organize the Michigan Mining & Milling Company, which acquired aj mining property ou the Applegate nine milea from Grants Pass, and where the Company is now erecting a large quartz mill. Judge Sowars has visited Southern Oregon twice within the past year, the last tiino making a stay of a cou ple nf mouths returning to Michigan in March. The climate here suited him so well and he was so favorably impressed with the cortaiu prospects of Grants Pass having a rapid and permanent growth that he concluded to take up his abode here Judge Sowers wiitea that there are mauy Michigan people, some of whom liavi large means, who are contemplating moving to Southern Oregon, where they hope to find a climato more satis factory than that of Michigan and to have the advantages of tho many openings for investment aud business that are to be had here. Guitars, mandolins, banjos, organs, all good instruments at your own price at Ike Davis', dealer iu every thing, South Sixth street. BEST QUALITY Cold Storage Meats -AT- City Meat Market. Oi r Motto: "Good Meats, Just Weights aud Right Prices." B. I. PLUMMER, Proprietor. CLEMENS Sells Drugs 4 Books GRANTS PASS, ORE. m mmmmmmmmmi rriu: ;oimio:n im i.i: sroinc voir AIWWN ihjv rr c:i i ISA iirr. i o mi Biiid m m G m HA .'II iql 101 fcri O m m oj Gp 03 o oJafden GRANTS PASS, OREL. OPPOSITE CITY HALL HAS DOWN THE STORE THAT PUT THE PRICES IN GRANTS PASS. SINK! WAISTS IINDKUI'KICHI). Just lecrivcd hum our New Yoik office at (01 Hioadway, beautiful line tif white shier lawn waists; some bargains. Nut a waist iu the lot hut what is unde'priccd. When we say they aie uudcrpticed we mean lluy ate woi ih 5tl pet tent more than what you e.iuluiy them for. They are f .U, fl ..Sjand up to :7 i m j ; i m L . i COIiSCTS American Lady (lor sets Stjlish, eomfotlali'.e cor sets, unexcelled for htine, nig out the lu st points o( a woman's figiito. They eiu hodv the best in eorset fashion I'tiees range from -t"v to f, 2 Our espeeial siioiij; line of corsets at 1 00 are i xti i values. You find the Ameri can Lady Outset in Grants T.iss only at the Golden Rule Stole. $1.00 ami Kid (S'ovcs (ic We have ju-t uci ivi d 1 lot of 7- paiis ladies kid j;lovis III f I 00 and f 1 25 U.ility these gloves aie a J'.llt i'l a 'In. lets samples almost anv shade can Ve tuatcbid in this lot, sic iioui 5 to S All at otic pticc. 69 Gents Out motto: Cash 1U s Cm ai'i k Than Ckkmt. Just to start tho month of May's soiling at a rapid pace wo pve you a few specials for your careful consideration. Read every item carefully, don't let auy escape your notico. Join the procession that visits the Golden Uule Store. WASH DKLSS GOODS 10 pieces Scotch Lawns, 27 inches wide, fast colors worth up to 10c per yarn, just to start the hot weather lawns, choice patterns per yard 5c 15 pieces Hatiste Sheer Lawns and or gandies 32 inches wide, all fast colors. Just the thine for house dresses, kimonas. etc , worth up to 20c per yatd. While we have this lot you can buy them for lie A complete line of Ladies Taylor Made Skirts and Suits. We give you a Hlack Hi illi.intine Shirt Waist Suits for f.s.'M). Nicely made wide Skirt, would be considered cheap at $S; while we have them Jcv'io. Just about the price of the material. 1 Case Men's Hats, all samples, new shapes; come in Hrowns & lilacks worth (2 50. onr choice pes; come in $1.50 Ml Rest HrandsCali- f)Kn co, per yard VUU a shoe ca ! Amoskeag staple checkK-, Gingham per yard yUU Q2 110 170 Men's Recent Shoes never sold OU J till O for less than 5.V50. A shoe that is widelv advertised: every pair stamped Ji.v50 on the sole. There is no letter shoe tuado for wear than the Recent; every pair guaranteed made from vici kid and vallour calf. For 10 davs vou ca buv these shoes for $2.98 W'e especially call your attention 'o our line of PURITAN HOSIERY there are no bettet hose to be had then PURITAN. Ik-low is a few of our special numbers for your careful consideration. Mill No 7--Ladies Maco Thread Hose 10c. A hose knit with double heel and toe, guaranteed fast and stainless, worth fully 15c pet pair 10c. IikIU-h Hv ulaf Homo i:ic. No dlS Fine guage fast black, stainless hose, worth fully 20c per pair, 13c. I.mll-M Kfjfular .-!-. . v. No (.71 Kxtra fine guage hose made from best Sea Island cotton, a regular 25c value, per pair 20c. I.IKlW-M Hlllhll- :i.T- 1 UN !L.C'. Our Special No. 2 We especially call your attention to to this hose. This is our'speciall hose for the price, per pair 25c. ChlldiM-iiM Homo. IVr l'ulr !. No. 525 Childreus' Ribbed Hose in every size, 5 to a good tsrong wearing hose; any size 10c. No. 542 OUR LEADER IX CHILDREN'S" HOSE Made with double knee; has extra wearing qualities. They would be cheap at 20c. Our special price 15c; 2 pairs for 25c. No. 550-EXTRA HEAVY 25c HOSE ISc Boys extra weight ribbed school hose, guaranteed as to wearing qualities, strictly fast black; any size, ( to 10. You never bought a better hose for 25c, per pair ISc Beautiful, high grade, Lace Hosiery worth 35c, per pair 25c. A large assortment of most beautiful designs. Some are full lengths lace effects and some ankle styles. You will find our stock of hosiery to be the most com plete in Southern Oregou. GOLDEN RULE STORE, Opposite City Hall. :: :o: P is