Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 28, 1905, Image 1

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No. S
r. I
Real Estate
Tho Real Estate Men
Houses to Rent. Money to loan.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transact a general hanking business.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound hanking principles.
Safety depovit boxes for rent. J. FRANK WATSON. Tres.
R. A. KOOTH, Vice-Pres.
L. I,. JEWELL, Cashier.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits subject to check or on certificate pavable on demand .
Selis siht drafts on New York, Han Francisco nmi Portland
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the duted States
Special attention given to collections and general huines of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on accessible points.
R. A. HOOTH, Fres
J. C. CAMI'llKLL. Vlce-l'res.
H. L. UILKKY, t ashler.
Bert Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens'
Grants Pass, Ore.
Dixssc and Sicknen Bring Old Age.
Herb i no, taken every morning be
fore breakfast, will keep you iu ro
bust health, fit yon to ward off dis-
ease. It cared constipation, bilious
ness, dyspepsia, fever, skiu, liver j
and kidney complninta It purifies j
the blond aud clears up the coiiplex-!
ion. fiOc a bottle at KoterinuiK's and
Model Drug Btorn.
Ooto Coron lor Plumbing.
Pirating Foley's Honey and Tar
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Hnuey and lar as a throat and long
remedy, and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's
Honey and Tar many imitations uro
offered for tho genuine. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any
Hubstitutn tillered as no other prepara
tion will give the same sat isfacl ion.
It is mildly laxative. It rrntuins no
opiates and la safest for children and
delicate persons. For sale by H. A.
Synopsis of Laws Soon to B in
Effect Some of Local
Below is given synopsis cf some of
the laws that were enacted by the last
legislature aud which go into effect in
May. Some of them are of special im
portance to Grants Pass and the Rogue
River Valley:
8. B. T2. It ia unlawful for any
person to employ Bubjectlve mechani
cal means to test the eyes without
having obtained a certificate of regis
tratiou from the Oregou state board of
optometry. This board ia to be ap
pointed by the governor as soon as
practicable after the law goes into
effect All persons desiring to prac
tice optometry thereafter shall make
application for a certificate and be ex
amined at the tiir.e and place indicat
ed for aach work. All persona en
titled to a certificate must make ap
plication for the same withlu three
months after this act goes into effect.
The penalty for violation is a flue of
f30 to f 100, or imprisonment of one
to three months in the county jail.
Physicians and Bnrgeons authorized to
practice, and persons selling eye
glasses in the ordinary course of
business, without endeavoring to test
the eyes, are not required to secure a
certificate from the optometry board.
Iu force by emergency. The need of
this law is apparent to one who will
observe the vast number of school
children and even of children barely
out of the nursery and the hundreds
of yonng men, young women and of
men aud women of all ages, classes
aud stations who are burdened with
a pair of glasses. The woaring of
glasses is no doubt benvflical lo the
eyes of many young people, but there
is no doubting the fact that a great
majority of young persons wearing
glasses have no more need for them
than they have for wigs, or cratches.
Mituy of the So-called opticians know
no more about the eye than they do
about tho sun and they are ready to
ascribe, all the ills aud ails of hu
manity to defective vision. Many of
these, alleged eye doctors travel from
town to town and make a thorough
canvass of the residence districts and
being smooth talkers and of good
address, make a sale of glasses at
near'y every house, for they will con
vince the mother that her weariness
is from eye strain aud not from ex
cessive woik and that her daughter's
headache ia due to her eyes and not
to pickles and late hours, and that
the son mast have glasses to make
him well aud strong, though cigar
ettes and other bid habits and not Ins
eyes are the can bo of his troubles.
Tbeiu is little doubt that were all
opticians thoroughly competent and
perfectly honest that there would bo
fur less children aud fewer grown per
sons wearing glasses than are now
to be seen.
II. B. 118. The terms of the first
Bankrupt Sale
Having purchased in connection with the
Welch Clothing Stock, a large assortment of Ladies.
Shoes we will sell at greatly reduced prices the en
tire stock. We quote you prices as follows:
Ladies Russcs, tan Oxford ?2 iiO, now $: 00
' Black Kid Oxfords 2 f0, " 2 00
" 2 25, ' 1 70
" " 1 75, 1 25
" Tat Leather 4 Strap Sandal 2 00, " 150
' 1 Strap Sandal 1 75, " 1 20
3 1 25, " 00
" Patent Leather Shoes 3 5, " 2 85
Kid Dais 3 00, " 2 .00
" Kid Bluclior 3 50, " 2 85
" Kid Bals 2 50, ' 1 85
. .i 2 oO, " 1 50
Misses School Shoe, safety heel 3 00, " 2 00
We also carry a large assortment in Box Calf, Velour
Calf, Old Ladies' Comforts, Juliets and Children's Shoes.
The Hub Clotluiiti Store I
S. (iarllnklc, Proprietor
Judicial oourt shall begin as follows :
Josephine county, second Monday Id
January, third Monday in April,
second Mouday in July, fourth Mon
day in September, Jury to be sum.
moned only in April and September
terms, and in the other two terms
on order of the court Iu Jackson
county : Fourth Monday in March,
first Tuesday after the first Monday
iu September, and second Monday in
December. In Klamath county:
Third Monday in Jane and first Mou
day iu December. In Lake county :
Second Monday In May and third Mon
day in October;. Approved February
21. There is uo change in dates and
terms of oircuit oonrt for Josephine
county, the only change made being
In the summoning of jurors. Here
tofore a jury bad to be impaneled for
each term of court, now at bnt two
of the terms. This will be quite
saying to taxpayers as well as an ap
preciated favor to persous who have
been compelled to serve on juries.
This innovation lias come about by the
growing sentimeut to trust important
oases involviug intricate points of
law to the judicial discernment of the
judge rather than to the haphazard
and too often prejudiced verdiot of a
jury. This seuiment has been
strengthened iu Josephine oouuty-by
the equitable rulings of Judge Hauna,
as was proven at tne term of oircuit
court last January, when a large
docket was disposed ol and all tried
without a jury, the cases being left to
Jndge Hauna by common couseut of
attorneys and litlgaiitB, As a full
panel of jurymen adds about $60 a
day to the expenses of the olrouit
court this saving is a matter of con
siderable importance to the tax pay
ers of the counties.
H. B. 341 It is illegal to flsli for
trout or cut-throat trout in Rogue
river at any time, except with hook
and line, the penalty being a fine of $50
to t00. Approved February 31.
H. B. 208. Any one holding a min
ing claim and finding that the origi
nal location notice was defective, may
relocate tho claim, dating the notice
back to the time of the origiual loca
tion; provided, that the relocation
shall not affect existing rights. Ap
proved February 21.
H. B. 250. A box of hops for pick
ing measurements shall woigli 60
pounds, and uo more. Approved
February 21.
IL B. 210. Any person who willful
ly or wantonly injures, destroys or
breaks down a ditch, flume or re
ceptacle for holding water, or draws
water therefrom without color of
title, is subject to a flue of (10 to
flOO. Approved February 21.
S. B. 214. All persons or state in
stitutions having coutiol of state
projiorty are required to make a
monthly report of reuU, receipts from
sales or other sources; provided, this
act shall not be construed to apply to
educational institutions iu regard to
funds received for tuition in regard
to funds received for tuition, matri
culation or other feus charged
students. The penalty for violating
the act is a flue of 25 to $."00. Ap
proved Febiuary 21,
II. B. 65. All trustees or Hectors
now holding real or personal property
in trust, or who may hereafter be so
appointed, shall hold as joiut tenants,
aud not tenants iu common. Ap
proved February 31.
If. B. 204. Anuually on the second
Mouday iu July, or thereafter, as
directed by the county court, laud bid
i'l by the county or other'pobllc cor
poration in payment for taxes shall be
sold to the highest bidder, the mini
mum price not being less than shall
be determined ,by the "county court
Notice of su3h sales shall be polished
four weeks preceding tin samo. Ap
proved Feroary 21,
II. B. ITS, New towu plats or ad
ditions cannot take any name before
used for a plat. Before recording,
plats must be approved by the city en
gineer or surveyor or county surveyor,
aud if withlu corporate limits by the
assessor aud county court, the latter
requiring streets to be laid out so as
to conform to existing streets.
II. B. S.'I8. If wire becomes loose
in any wire fence, aud the owner does
not repair it so as to make It safe, it
is the duty of the sheriff to notify
him thereof. If the repariug is not
done tbeu, the county court shall or
der the road supervisor to remove
said wire and make the fence safe,
aud tho wire will tm held as securitv
for the costs involved. Approved
February 21.
II. B. 215. Electors voting in pre
cincts where they are not registered
most be sworn aud be hacked by six
I freeholders of the couuty attesting
I his right to vote. The judges are re
quired to pass on his case and enter
their cooclusioui at ouoe. The affl
j daviu used must be made before the
judges, aud not other official Ap
proved February 31.
H. B. 290. Any person whose land
requires draining, or suffers from
overflow, and his only remedy is by
entering upon adjacent land not
owned by him, may apply to the
county oonrt for this privilege. A
commission most be appointed to in
dicate the cot or ditch required, es
timate the loss to the adjaceut land
and indicate what work shall be done.
The county oonrt will file the report
of this commission aud authorize the
work accordingly. Approved Febru
ary 31.
Commissioner Carson Reports
Increased Acreage and a
Large Yield.
Hon. A. H Carson, one of the com
missioners of the State Board of Hor
ticulture aud whose district embraces
Southern Oregou, has lately beeu
making an inspection of the principal
orchards of his district and he finds
the fruit prospeots of Southern Ore
gon to be good and that tho yield
will be np to the usual high rata
Owing to the steady aud rapid in
crease in the acreage to orchard that
has been niado in Rogue River Valley
Id the last few years, Mr. Carson ex
pects the orop of apples, pears,
grapes and peaches to far exoeed that
of auy previous year.
Iu the Ashland distnot, where a
fruit growers nuion -has made pencil
growing profitable, he expects the
yield of peaches to exceed SO, 000 boxes
this season, and this yield will be
greatly iuoreased iu the next few
years by reason of the large number
of poach trees that have beeu planted
the past year or two. In apple and
pear production, Mr. Carson notes the
greater Increase, as the acreage plant
ed to thete fruits, has been rapidly
increasing for several years past.
For tho past year he estimates that
fully 8000 aoroi in Rogue River Val
ley have been set to apples aud icar
trees. The area to grapes is not In
creasing so rapidly but witu bettor
market oonditious Mr. Carsou expect
that grape growing will become oue
of the loading Industries of Southern
Oregon, for the chemical formation of
the suit and the oil mote combine tc
produce a graie that for delicacy of
flavor, as well as proliflcuess is
excelled ia no other district of the
world. On the whole, Commissioner
Carson considers the outlook for tho
fruit industry In Southern Oregon
very encouraging for the present aud
eveu more encouraging for tho future.
For the market aooessablu to South
ern Oregon fruit is steadily growing
au I as the extra flnn quality of Rogue
River fruit is becoming known, the
demand Is rapidly Increasing These
factors with the fact that growers are
handling thoir orchards on more
thorough and business like methods
aud are through their nuious able to
sell to better advantage aud to pur
chase their supplies at a lower rate
is making fruit growing one of the
largest and most profitable industries
iu Southern Oregon.
To Survey Government Land.
Fred Mensch left on Monday for
Klamath couuty to begin work on a
contract for survey of government
laud, oue tract of which lies in the
Lest river country, a few miles sonth
of Bouauza. After completing this
part of the work he will return aud
go to Douglas couuty where the re
mainder of the laud to be surveyed
is located.
He was accompanied ou the trip by
Melviu Andrews, Fred IiOiigtcllow
and Burt York, who will act as assist
ants in the survey. After the com
pletion of his contract and ou the con
clusion of his vacation and aoasnu of
mountain life, Mr. Mhiihc.Ii will re
sume his positiou with the Courier.
Cheap Rates From The Knsl.
Commencing March 1st, and con
tinuing daily to aud including Miiy
Ifitli, lUdC, Colonist tickets will be
sold from the East lo Kilnls on Ore
gon Lilies, via Portland. Following
are rates from some of the principal
poiuts :
From Chicago, III flu on
From Kloomiiigtou, III .., HI o
From Peoria, HI Ill (HI
From Ht. Louis, Mo , !i(i (si
From Council IHulfs, Iowa 2'i 00
From Omaha, Neb ii.'i on
From Sioux City, Iowa 21 n;
From Kaunas City, Mo 23 00
Corresponding rates will be made
from other Kiiuts aud will apply to
all poiuU ou Oregou Lines.
Please uoU) rates and dates of
sale as yon may desire to advise your
friends in the East.
Geueral Passenger Agent-Portland Or
KlKumttiim Pains Quickly Relieved.
The excruciating ius character
istio of rheumatism and sciatica are
quickly relieved by applying Cham
bet Iain's Paiu Balm. The great
paiu relieving power of the liniment
has been ti e surprise and delight of
thousands of sufferers. The quick
relief from pain which it affords Is
alone worth many times its cost. For
sale by all druggists.
On Thursday morning the 4th day of May, (Cireua
Day) there will bo placed in our show window a
largo Lamp. This Lamp will ho lighted at 7 o'clock
a. m. on tho abovo morning. Tho. man or woman
who guesses nearest to tho length of time it will
burn will be Presented with the Lamp abso
lutely free of charge or any stipulation whatsoever.
You don't have to buy r do anything but call at
our-Btoro in person and make your guess.
We Want You All Take a Guess at It
It is our impression that a woman will take the
lamp for they aro better at such things than a man.
However, gentlemen, don't Btand back on that ac
count. Don't forget tho special ad of last woek tho Big Sale
closing out somo patterns of CAU PETS also tho 10, 25
and 50 cent liar-gain Tables, you will find a host of at
tractive dime chasers on thoso tables.
Screen Doors are now in season, look over our Tainted line, 2nd floor.
Hammocks " " " " " " " .
Tents We rent tents.
Art Squares to finish up house cleaning with.
Wall Papers " " '
We carry the stock and make the price.
Coupon Good from April 29 until
May 15. This coupon will entitle
tho purchases of One Dollar's
worth of goods in our store to the
Kino Choice of any Klo article on
tho Big lUo liargain Counter.
CAe Housefurnishers
This Method of Fishing to Be Tried
In Rogue River.
Seining for salmon will be under
taken for the first time this season iu
Regno river. Heretofore sulniou have
only been caught with gillnols iu
Rogue river, but seins having proved
o successful ou tho Coluhniln river
and other streams ill cutchlng salmon.
II. A. Corliss of this cilv, decided
to try thu seining method and has or
lien d a i00 foot scino from Portland.
Owiug to the narrowness of Rogue
river only a short sieno can tie used.
Mr. Corliss wHl fish below Grunts
Pass whero thero aru long stretches
of comparatively still water The
problem will lie to find a section that
has smooth saudy bottom with no
obstruction to tear tho seine or to
make it ueonssary to raise it high and
lot the fish escape.
Seining ou thu Columbia lias come
to tie one of tile principal methods of
catching salmon in that river, and n
good seining ground is as valuable as
a gold mine here ill Southern Oregon,
These seining grounds are on siiml
bars where there is au extensive area
of shoal water, the depth ranging
from Ave to 12 feet. Where there
are sunken logs or houhlers to inter
fere with the seine n diver goes down,
blows them loose with giant powder
after which they nro removed. Home
of these seines nru h half ii
length aud urn luid out from a boat,
which leaves the upper part of the
grounds, as the nulling wnturs are
called, where one end of Hie seine is
attached lo the bank of the river.
The boat then travels in a semi-circle
reaching the bank down slrenm where
the end of the seine is taken ashoic.
The seine is then limited In, small
ones by hnisepowor, but for the large
ones donkey engines me used, in the
height of the kiIiiioii run it Is not
uncommon for a seine in luml on ihe
beach II vu to 111 ton of linli it! a haul.
Mr. Corliss will use horsepower to
haul his seine.
Tho open season for catohlng sal
mon in Rogue river began on the loth
of this mouth and the morning of that
date the usual phenomenal catch was
shipped from Qrauti Pass, the ship
ment for that day eioeedlng by three
oi four times that of auy subsequent
day. Much of the salmou caognt in
Roguo river goes to the. towus along
tho Southern Pacific, but n large part
goes to Astoria to the oold storage
firms who send the flsli East and to
Knrope as Columbia river salmon, for
the salmou of Rogue river equal In
size mid flavor those of the Colum
bia river. Tho run of salmon in
Rogue river has been fairly good this
reason and the 11 boats that aro
fishing here aro making wages for the
men operating thom. Crater Lake Poatofflce.
It Is not improbable that visitors
to Outer Lake this season uiay bo
able to receive thoir mail at a regu
larly estublished postolliue at that
famous resort. Application has been
made to the postotllce department lor
the establishment of an oflloe at
"Crater Lake, 17 miles northwest of
Fort Klamath" and has beeu strongly
recommended and the department is
now engaged ill making the usual
investigations preliminary to granting
tho application. Mrs. Kmina Arant,
whose hushiitid is suporiutoudout of
the Critter Lake park, Is named in the
application as a suitable porsoo for
appointment as tho first custodian of
the mails at the new tiostoflloe which
if it is established as asked for will
be served with mall from Kort Klamath.
The Grants Puss Moslo House bai
just received another inpply of the
popular Mareli-Two-Step "Huston's
Last Victory" dedicated to Martin
llestou. the Grants Pass boy who lias
marie himself famous ou tho football
Held. Kor a time it was impossible
to secure the music, but now thero is
a limited slock on band. Call forlt
early. 2"o.
The three juries at the St. Louis hur, con
siKlinjof the aMcst mechanical engineers of
Europe ami America, were unanimous in
deciding Ufie RACYCLE to bo tho
most ikiiii cn.Y ciiNsriiii tki) and kakikmt
itiNM.Mi l'icycle made, and awarded t ho
Kacyclo tlio only Grand l'ri.e fjiven in tho
bieyclo class.
Grants Pass, Oregon
8 y