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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1905)
V V.MS NEWS JforcaFiTOM S "'' Leland Slf linos. A botel is to be built on tbe Flat iu Leland. There is considerable rivalry between the opper aud lower parts of j town in securing new bonding and bnsiness ventures. The nuosnal warm winter and early spring liaii to advanced vegetation that many of the farmers of thli lo cality will have to cat their alfalfa before they get all their corn, pota toes and spring planting done. The prospects for a big erop of grain, grass and fruit were never better. The plaoer miuurs were able to make a good run during the recent rainy weather. We are receiving some im migration, but it is mostly of the laboring class. Were the opportnnites for profitable Investment that South ern Oregon so abounds In, fully known In the Kant, this section would be sought by capitalist and Industries would te started that would make the country more prosperous aud there would then I employment for the great numbers of laboring men that are now pouring Into Hontbcrii Ore gon. Golifnn Gle&nlnH. MissMaymn Miller spent Saturday at Greenback. Olley Mcintosh is building a resi dence in Golden, Mrs. Jiertha Hoot has returned from Ashland to Her homo in Golden. Herbert Hoxle passed throngh Golden Sunday on his way to Wolf (-reek. Miss Mattie Mack In was In Green bnck last Saturday visiting her friends. The fish peddler from Grants Pass whs in Golden selling fish. He had some nice ones. The Unblo placer in I mi is rniinlng night and day now and a good clean op will lie expected. Mrs. Holland is quite ill. Two doctors atlended her all day Saturday. She is now soma better. Mr. Clark has hauled in his new three-stamp mill, and Is milling the work to get It In operation. The pincers miners btve plenty of water now to run w ith, ni'd they think they will have a month's run yet. The school is going on nicely. Mir Muck I i, the teacher. Is giving good sut lulact ion and the scholar all like her. Mm. K. Miilutosh returned from Grunts 1'iihh lust wek, where she hud burn visiting friends and rela tives. William Mcintosh returned Sunday night to his homo in Grants 1'iihh, after spending a week with his brother and grandmother. We nrn having some good wiutl. and grain and grass are farther ad vanced this sprlni. tlmu ever before at this limn of the year. The recent cold nlghla and (now did no dniiiiigc to the fruit. Mr. and Mrs. I). K. l'upu sulTereil the Ions of their two year old baby boy. It died March 2H, and was burh d in the Wolf creek cemetery. It was silk three weeks. Mr. mid Mrs. Pope desire to tlnuik the friends who so kindly unsized tlieui du 'lug the trying days of their Utile ouch (linens and of lis death. Roads are drying op some. They have been iu bail shape but Mr. Gross Is doing gnnd repair work and t'ley will sonii be passable. The Green back Co. in hauling such heavy loads over the road both ways that they knock the bottom out of It, but the roads will soon bo In good condition as spring has come nnd wn don't look for hut liltle more ram. Slim Jim. I'rovoll liema W. M. Sonmiii made Grants Pass a call Saturday. August Strauss of Grave was among our yniiiig folks Sunday. Willie Karris of Applegalc was al Provolt Friday anil Saturday visiting relatives. Thus. Lcwiiian was at Williams the llrst of the week, collecting money for Hie I'l iivolt ball ti am. The grand ball given at Ihu Will i.ima hall was a grand aud cheerful one, iiuiiihcts were fl..'i each. .lack Havmi has returned from MAUHLi: AND (JUANITK WOKKS J. II. I'AHIIIII k, I'liipilelur. I sin piepared tnlumish anything in incline of Cetnclcn u,.ik mai.i kP .1 of M it tile or ran lit. N. ar.'i thirl v j c.hh of experience in Hie liit Mi Inn, is vir.iui inv -v i f lli'l I cm till van indcis In the very h st manner. tun bullish wo k in S.ilcli, Side or Ameiiiiin 'mimic or ,iu kind ..I M ul.ii . loll' stii ft, liexl to l.teelle's Glil.shoi'. We Have Just Received Two Cars Loaded With MOLINE WAGONS .'rum tlu ( ViVliraUl John htvi.' nu-tury A nil I'l'iisi-tini: of a lull a.-s.rt incut of Light Wauons, Busies and Carriages Anotlicr car of lli-aw Kami Wagons is oicc(o.l aluuit April ". Fanners who arc coiitcinlatini; IRRIGATION BY PUMPING PLANT Mill lind it to their interest t,, ,m'. an, I -ct our li-ures on tho I'airhanks .'..sulmo Fn-it I'limjiinK Plant ami tlvMiiizr.l pipe. W e can refer mhi to 1 -1 or nunc irri-atin.' plan now in successful opciat'iui in tin- county. Sawmill met, w ill lind it (,. their a,lvanta-e to call on us ami 1 pi ices on supplic Grants Pass Hardware Company JOS. WU1.KK, Mgr., J. L. CAI.YhUr. Trt.t OVER THE COUNTY Pierce county, Washington, and will probably remain during the summer. Joseph lioat of Williams passed through Provolt Saturday en route to Missouri Flat to visit relatives at that place. Mrs. K. Fields made a business trip to Sami Valley the latter part of the week to get her granddaughter, Miss Maude Flcldi, who will make her home In the future with her grandmother. Tho Provolt base ball grounds will be moved to the old location where they first played. The team will have everything in excellent condi tion 'or the summer's games, seats will bo fixed onder the shady grove for tho convenience of the onlookers. The team have their new out-fit rady which is composed of mits, hats, halls and masks, all of the best attainatiln. Tho team is In good shape and will play any team, town or ooontry, that may send a challenge, but tin gamo will be played at a distance 'greater than 2d miles from Provolt. G. W. Fields is captain of the team and he will arrange for all games. Applegnle Item Crops arn looking flue on Apple-gate. J. Knulzeu of Steamboat was at Applegatn Saturday. Harvey York of Missouri Flat pass ed through Applegatn Monday. Pear Davison of Missouri Flat was visiting friends on Apphgnte last week. Elmo Thockmartin "the gruhor" was at Kuch last week visiting rela tives. Herbert Klmore of Thompson Creek passed tli i on uli Applcagte Sunday on his way to Medford. John Herriott and Henry I'eruoll, tho ball twirlers attended the dance at. Murphy last Katurday. (Three is a crowd. ) School opened on Thompson Crcc1 Monday. !12 pupils are enrolled. A young lady from Trail, opper Rogue river, is teaching. Fred Benedict who won a reputa tion as a foot racer at Giants Pass last Fourth of July, Is turning soil for corn. Mr. Benedict raised corn last years measuring 1 1 feet in height. C. Ilalloek who spent the w inter on the Applcgate, left for Chicago, III., last week. Fred Benedict aocoui pauied him as far as Medford. Her ( n plain. Greenback Gleanings. W. II. Ilrcvoort is absent on busi ness. llov isishop made Woir Creek a business trip Sunday. Claude Wright of Hugo, was seen on our streets 'ast week. Chan. Shilliauty of Greenback Iihh 'one in Alaska. His wife will soon ollow. The cyanide plant is being equipped with new and the latest improved machinery. Unite a number of our Greenback people nrn going to the Lewis and ('link fair at Portland. Mrs. N. Gordan is expected this week from California. She will tike charge of the Greenback school. Mrs. Webb's pet deer jumped, Into her K indc I'gartc n the ether day and chased all the kids out at the hack door. ;,- Rev. W. C. Long of Hugo holds services at Geeuback every other Sun day. He also coiiducls our Sabbath Hchonl. The upper mill Is being torn ilow u peparalnry lo being added In the lower mill where the vast amount ol inn Is inoie iitrcssnhlo. Say, Joe, wern't yon iiiohI awfully Hied when you got Hie third loud of treavire aciiiHs the cicek, tl ther night? Which was the heaviest'' The Greenback Supply Company s new store building, MHn.Mi In t will noon be completed. Four cut pi liters are veiv busy wnrkying on it. Geoige lloxin ami family will leave us M IMIlllt v for their Williams he will dispose of Ihcil I hey go to creek Inline when his placer mine, California Incognito. A perfect skin food is HosK AND Cl'CCMIlKIt JKI.I.V (ClIioSA CKlCAMi. It lines pimples and chapped hands and face. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS District Convention Met at AsK l&nd L&at Week. The Christian Endeavor Convention for the district of Southern Oregon, which closed its two days' session last night in the Chaotanqna building in this oity, is pronounced to have been one of the best ever held in this sec. tlnn of the state. From the opening session Saturday afternoon until the closing one last night, the attendance was large and the programs uniform ly inspiring and profitable, says the Ashland Tidings. The Presbytreian church, In which most of the conventions were bold, had been prettily decorated for the occasion. The colors of the society or align and white were used for festoons, aud there were many flowers and potted plants to embsllish the lOHtrnm and puplit. The convention motto: "Study to show thyself ap proved unto Uod ; a workman who needtb not to be ashamed, " was in scribed in white letters on the wall behind the polplt. At the business meeting the follow ing officers were' elected : President, Fred 0. Homes, jr., Ashland; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Robert Kalinin, Grants Pass; 2d vice-president. George Grizzle, Klamath Falls. ; 3d vice-president, David Day, Medford; secretary, Miss Mabel Galey, Ash land; treasurer, Miss Edna Hoag, Ashland. A resoluton was adopted putting tbe three vice-presidents in charge of Endeavor Interests in their respective comities. Among the Grants Pass delegates ill attendance were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thomas, Mrs. Hubert Knuniii. Mrs. W. J. Stovall, Misses Mary Cob, Ethelyn Partlett, Margaret Scovlll, Ruth Scoville, Gus sie Parker, Laura Parker, Orlene Williams, Ethel Kiggs, Georgia Cnron, Dora La Mar, and Messrs. K.I holt Vented, Clauds Cheshire, Stewart Dlsbrow, Guy Williams, Ed ward O'Neill and Win. Cowdrey. At the regnlnr monthly meeting of the Ashland Hoard of Education, Friday nigh', the resignations of Miss Muymie McWHllnms and Miss Margaret Dyers, teachers in the (1th and 7th grades, respectively, of the city schools, wero presented and ac cepted Until had been elected for the cunning year, hut a change In plans had caused them to resign. Misses Frances McWilliams and Kdua Wells were eleeled to fill the vacanoies, and an additional teacher, Miss Eva E. Storey, was also elected. The pri mary departments of the schools have been crowded for two years past, a bund chart class and 1st grade depart ment will be established ill the new High school building the coming year, which makes the employment of another teacher necessary. Tidings. A Klamath Boom Town. Hcports from Klamath Falls say that (pi ite a number of iioople are arriving there checked through to "White Lake City," an embryo metropolis to be located on the shores of Lower Klaiuatli lake, and promoted by the Oklahoma & Oregnu Towusite Company. One party ol night Colo rado people arrived last week aud il I is expected to have five huudred ' people there by the time the new j town "opens" on June 1st. The site 1 has not yet been surveyed or platted ; but the non resilient olllcers of the : company am expected III two weeks I to boom tin Inlng along. The " Re- 'publican" says: "The residents of : this county express a lack of cnull ! deuce in tliu success of this project laud are unable to see what these people are to live nn. The promoter. who bave had experience ill this mode 1 of building towns, say that they are i not asking any assistance from the people here, and if they will ouly give them tune they will show them a citv w ith a population greater than all the othei towns in Klamath county coiiibincil. However, while the ma jonty of the residents denounce the scheme, the progress of the work will be watched w ith interest. " "1 have been alllieted with kidnc' and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain." says A. II Thames, a well Known coal operator of lliiffaln, O. " I got no relief from medicine until I began Inking Foley's Kidney Cure, Hull the result was surprising. A f-w docs started the brick dust lik. siih-tanoo aud now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a ii" vv man. Il has dune mn fiooo worth of gnnd." Foley's Kidney Cure will cure e'.ory form of Kidney or Id'iddi r disease. For sale by 11 A. ttoternmud ROGUB RIVER COURIER, GRANTS ENTERPRISING CITIZENS. How Realdcats of a Wnlrra Cm. It? Are Hixxulna Tkelr Tow. Almost any town can be boomed and built up If IU residents will put a lit tle brains and money In the effort," said the president of a western board of trade rei-ently. "Take some of the towns in this part of the country, for instance, which have been growing rapidly In the lust few years. Tbe residents of these communities are not asleep and letting things run them selves, but they are up and doing all tbe time and losing no opportunity to make the moat of every chance that preaeuts Itself. Not only that, they are reaching out after chances and bave landed more than one good tiling. "One progressive western town that I have in mind, aud that I will call Illnnkvllle, has attracted much busi ness and many desirable residents by means of writeups In the newspapers. This Is an excellent plan, as capitalists and others are continually on the look out fur di-slrable towns in which to locate. Here is tho way Uie progress ive people of Itlunkvllle call attention to the advantages of their town: " 'lllunkvllle la Inhabited by ener getic and enterprising citizens who are thoroughly ullve to the interests of the town aud community. They join heartily In any enterprise that tends to advance theso Interests. They want manufacturers to locate In their midst and am prepared to offer substantial and liberal Inducements to secure them. Any one seeking a location for any kind of a umiiufacturlng plant Id Blankvlllu can expect a generous co operation uud the proper encourage ment on the part of Its citizens. They are united aud public spirited In pub lic enterprises us well us in other mat ters. " 'Splendid railroad aud shipping facilities, cheap lands, plenty of wa ter, an abundance of cheap fuel and a mild, salubrious climate are some of the Inducements offered. The advantages afforded by the two lines of railroads In the competl tlve freight rati are Items In the transportation of products and sup piles that cannot be overlooked. The cheapness of lauds for factory sites and homes for employees should also demand attention. An ample supply of cheap fuel and an exceedingly healthy location are features that should not be passed over lightly.' "Tho clrculur clotted with a complete list of schools, churches, cost of living, police and lire protection, price of rents. funning facilities and products and all the Information that a prospective In vestor would wish to know." MONEY SPENT AT HOME. Dollars ClresliXrd In l our Own Towa llrlp II Urow. Keep as much of your earnings In circulation at home us you eau Is good advice to follow, says the Homo Trade Advocate. Don't send uway your dol lars to a dlstiint point from whence they will not return. Dollars circulat ing in any community help along every one in It. Kventually they will seek Investment 111, new enterprises which will help the place and give support to laborers mid their families. It every citlr.en consider It Ida particular duty to help ulong his town, his county and his state. He will be Vie winner In the end. If you wish tn buy a horse or any other kind uf stock perhaps your neigh bur has something Just us good us you can get elsewhere, l'ay him your mon ey for IL It will keep Just so much the more Wfiilth In your county. The sooner business men, profi'sslon- al men, farmers nud nil classes of workers In general come to a reallza tion that dollars kept at home will re main Iu circulation among them, will help along the town, help start new In dustrles and assist Iu keeping down taxation, the better It will lie for all con.crne!. Jvdacd br Coudlllon ol Streets, "The streets of a town, good or bad, give visitors a lusting Impression of a towu," said Mayor Klonhin In his lues suge to the council of Harrison, N Therefore the streets should be kept In gissl condition, and in doing future paving the strictest supervision should be employed. He suggested that copies of the Kpoclllcutloiis under which any paving is being done should be dis tributed to the property owners along the streets to be paved and that every property holder be reijticsted to see that the work Is being done properly, reporting neglect. A great Improve ment could tie inaile In the street If the telephone and electric companies were required to replace their ugly poles nllh llMuivs having neatness und beauty. Municipal Jouruul and lCnglu.H'r. The Tuivn of Xo-4!ood. Did you ever hear of the town of No I.ihhI, on the hanks of the rlxer Slow, where the sonic lime or olher scents the ti Ir and the sol i g i easy grow? It lies In the i alley of What's the I'se, tn the province of Let ller Slide. It's the home ef reckless I Don't Cure, where the tihe It I'p abide. The towu Is n old us the human race, and It grows with the flight of .tours. It Is wrapped In the fog of the Idler's dreams. Its streets are paved with iltarH-red schemes and are sprinkled with unless tears. Vialufll Df Ciootl li'honU, Wtu'ii u .iinumiv'turr iMuti'tnliite loon tin In ii own olio n tti flint to quirk h inakt't in courtt'alti; th town's (K'hi 1 f:it'Utttt'ri. In nlnr oasi out of ton tio Iii.h ii ftimlly of chtKlrvii, And wliorv ho k tlic) must tfo, niul Whtre his fiiotory In lot ntcvt tlicy niunt t tHhiruttM. If tho town h:ii aohoola ttutt uiv tin ir(tlt nihl that tmvo tho unsilntisl .iMts f ovory rltlrn he uuvtt tho furt N ofloM lh ini'iint 01 ,nnr1v InlhtiMuMni; tilin to hvtittf. SEEDS Allall'a, Clover, Timothy ami other Giavi, and Wheat and Oats. Garden Seeds of All Kinds. All my mciIs ate jmrc ami ol" the host quality. W I LI, AM KTJ 11 VA LI.K Y POTATOES Soiitul, IVv ami Mealy nml the Hot t'ot.itves sold in Giants Pass Chiles' Grocery Front t., near Fourth. PASS, OREGON, APRIL 7. 190$. I A SWELL SHOE SHOE JM 1 H THIS If ONE jfa MAKERS - 1 1 siSr r For Snl Bv B 1 Mm? R.L.Coe&Co. I I gC, :iZ. pFvvAitnlwr'-, : . fritOFESSloyAL CA IM)S. tU. C. TL, 11. Column AM matter for this nluinn is Mipplied hjr tb Grants Vmn Wumau's Cbri.iUan Temperance Union. A pleasant littlu story of the W. C. T. V. in Japan comes by way of the Irish Temperance League Journal. Almost everyone has heard of the convt merit "comfort bags which have been supplied tho Japanese soldiers iu such large numbers. The reading matter and lead pencils are perhaps the most acceptable of any thing in the bags; sometimes one pencil is divided in several parts and distributed among tho men. The W. O. T. U. Is permitted to send these bags out in lots of 10.IKKI, aud to sup ply the demand all classes of society arn at work making and filling them. Some members of tho nobility, incited by Prince Takatsukasa, furnished a large number of costly and beautiful bags and among other luxuries (laced a case of cigarettes in each. The W. O. T. U. asked very politely that they be allowed to replace these, and though surprised at the request, the prince at once consented and allowed his own family to assist in making the change. The New Voice. Testimony From the Scaffold. SK)keu in the death hour, the words of Azel Oulbraith, Colorado wife and child murderer, const itue a most forcible argument for prohibi tion. Just befnro the execution, the prison warden drew a flask of whiskey from his pocket and otfered it to the doomed man, saying, " Hotter take a drop, Azel, it will cheer you op." "No, thank you," was the reply, "no more of that stuff fur me. If it had no been for that I would not be where I am. It was drink that first sent me to the bad. " Prohibition worth while? Ask the mothers ol the drink victim And if thu brains of tho majority i f our lawmakers and law enforcers were not so beclouded by the the Influence of the mocker aud deceiver, the state, the nation, would soe that prohibition is worth while eveu from an economic standpoint. Ballard's Horiehound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, croutiy cough, oppressed, rattling. ras ing and dillicult tin tithing. Hcnrv O. Stearns, Druggist. Schullcbnrg, Wis., writes, May '.Ml, l'.Kil : "I have been selling Pallard's llorchound Syrup for two years, aud have never had a preparation that has given better satisfaction. I notice that when I scll'ii bottle they come hack for more. I can honest Iv recommend it " 2'ic. ,'iHc. l.(Ki at Model Drug Store and Itotermuiid's. Chamberlain's Cough Rrmtdy the Bttt and Mult Popular. "Mothers buy it for rrnury child ren. railroad men buy it for severe coughs and ehlerlr in ople boy it for la grippe," say Micro liros , Kldon, Iowa. "We sel1 more of Chamberlain's I'ough Hcmedv than any other kind." There is no iuesiion but this medicine is the best that can be procured lor roughs and ioIiR whether it be a child or an adult that is alllieted. It aw lays rules and cures ipnickly. Sold by all druguiMs. About Khtumatiim. There are lew diciBMS that inflict more torture than rhi umatisni and there is preli bly no for which Mich a varied ami useless lot of remedies have been suggested. Ti pay thai it can be cured is, therefore, a bold slateuii nt to make, but t'h.ini berlam's Pain Halm, which enjoys au extensive sale, has met lib great success in the treat incut of this dis case. Why surfer when Pain Palm ullorils Mich iuiok relief and costs but a trifle'1 per sale by all druggists. tiimi am.-, i Cure tor I'lle. Itching, lilind, Ph cdiiig or Pro truding Piles. Druggists refund money il PAZO OINT.MKN T fail lo cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in t to 14 days. Pirxt ap plication (iixes iain and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it, send ,'i0c ill stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co., St Louis. Mo HiggiiinSa Philips Assavers and Chemists I'HAKi.FS. Gold, Mlvrl', lopptr, I.,t,!. tuld and Ml r, Jl. 1 each. Kiioh ami eery a.-uy done id.-a that il nrny'lv i h.vkisl. :th the II. I. !: n..,i I. J. I aw Reynolds & Lawton Civil and Mining Engineers. M 1 :C 1 1 A X 10 A L IR AUG I ITS MK.N AX1 SURVEYORS. Clrants Pass Oregon WIIO CANNOT BH l't'RI.1! Backed up by over a third uv . cr of remarkable and uniform nun. " ' "' such as no oilier rtmedy fur tin lit-. and weaknesses peculiar to w..i:i-.-i. ' Stuiiu-d, lue propi letur.- and niitlu-i-. , -i Pierce's Favorite Prescriplion u.oi ! fully warranted in onViing lo p 4" " legal money of the t iiitrd Stale.. t'.,r '', case of beucorrhea, Female Weakie'. Pro lapsus, or Falling ol Womb which ! cannot cure. All they ask is a f.iir uuk reasonable trial of their means ol cu.e. There an thouiaodi of iirk woniro driKai out a wt-urv, inUerabU viitctK-e, ho wuulci lx well anJ KVVV 'lid llirv bul have inv njirrt me with Ir Hicrce'i f'unle lJrevfi'iiuti," write Mr. Amur Leuuiau.of 106 Jacknu St., Atlmitj ".a. "Four years atru I wti nesrl) dru-1 with iiiflainniiitiuii aud ulcerntioii 1 en dured datily unlultl a on and lile was a t.urden t me. I had used medicines internally aud externally until I bad made up my mi ml that thTf vfRt no relief in nijfht for me. fnrail nf Olliit' emiorfccd yotir ' Pturorile 1'rem'uptluli.' aud I tlcterinmed then to give it a trial. It took patitic nud prraeveraiu v for 1 was in a h! cuii dition. and lud to like your tuediciue for arntly Tour mouth before I wai cured, but irlul a change it tiroutiht; from ite-jwir to liaoprjfM. from misery to the deliKhtful. rxhilMraliu(i feel ing th;it oniv lunlth bnuL-v 1 would ui l.itu.jv back for a 'thousand do.lars. Your I'rtwnp tion' i a fTTrftid inrdicuie. I wnh ry ick woiuau would only try it and Ix- ctjuviued " Dr. Pierce' Comtnon Seine Mt-dicttl Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one ct-nt stamps. Aduii Dr. R- V. Pierce. But&io. N.Y Strikes Hiddtn Rocki. When your ship of health itrikes the bidden rocks of consumption, pneumonia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New l)icovery for Consumption. J. W. Mi'Kiiiiion, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, bat win getting nn bet ter when I began tn take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose guve relief, and one bottle cured lue." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at all druggists. Trial bottle free. Tn Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO yCIN ING Tablets. All druggists refund the money of it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is no each bn. 3,'c. I.. H. Hall. C. R. Colo. Hall & Cole, Undertakers, Embalmers, Funeral Directors. Full stock of Burial RoIh'S and Un takers Supplies. North Sixth Street Near Court Hinisu. PHONES: OhW, No. 751; Kesidem-es, No. 717 and No. 1XN. ccajlos to i Draujht Slotk and ouln " '" io wry inal Mvlr uxd anything lor atock that Java half at jood aatiilKtioa. I htiriily racam. mand It to all swntrt of itock J. B. BELSrlER, St U.U. U Sick atoik or poultry should sot eat cheap stock f.vl any mors thaa sick persona should nJ poultry are sick give "them med nAn v.. ii ...l. icine. I'vii t atuff th.-iii woh ..k. lesa at.vk fooila. I nloaJ th bowels nd stir un the tomid hv.-r . n,- anin,i i, U cure.!, if it I pj. bis to cure it. Hl.v k-Drauchttock and loultry M.; -ine unl.da ths iwwela and itirj up the torpid liver It cures ercry malady 0f ttock if taken in time. Scours a i'l-cent can of Ulaik-I'rs.ight Mock and I'sultry Medu iue and it will paT for itaslf ten timesorer. llor, work better Cowi give more milk. Hoga gliD Ami hens lay more egg.. It .d,,, ths pn.blem of making as much blood fleh and onergy as oat of tho smjiUnt amount of food con umi. Buy a cm from vour dealer 2lf B Svajsj MUBoaj aVoajaal toU In paot 12 i H I Kavs Kaal cuilo to um yu-f ? 8lck Draught Slotk and oultry Mad), il IRKD'KD.STRICKER, M. D. HOMEOrATHir PHYSICIAN and sCK(iK)N. Masonic Ti'mplf, Kuoms 2 und 4 liRAMH l'Ahh, 'i'houe 633. (liiwiiiH. (J H. DOUGLASS, M. D. PHYSICIAN ANIt Sl'R'iKON Offl: rijini'y'B resit Ion cor. ith and K Htm-ts. Day and nijrht phone No. fi-'tl. tiHAMTfl PAHH. - OkKOUN J) P- LOVK, m. n. ' PHYSICIAN' AND Sl KiiKON. Office in Williams liros.' Mock, over Grants I'uns i.riicci'.v. Kesideiico I'hono 414. Offlco I'hono 141. Gbants 1'AhS, - - Oiircio.s J!, D. NORTON, ATTORNKY-ATLaW, Practice in all Statu and Federal Courts. Olllce in Opera House liuililinir. Grants Pass, - OheghN C. HALE, ATTOKN KY-AT1.AW Office over First National Hank, Gbant8 Pass, - - - okkijon. C. HOUGH, ATTOKN KV AT-LAW, Practices in li 11 State and Federal Courts Office over Hair Hiildlo HanhvaieCo. Gkants Tabs, - - Ohkoosi J. H. AUSTIN, ATTORXKY-AT-LAW Union Building Kerby On EGON I)R. F. M. LOXGWELL OSTEOPATH Treats all Nervous and Spinnl Dis eases. Khcinmitism and Stoinaeh Tnm lilns. A sjiecialty maileot Female l)is OUses. Office: Colonial Lodging Houso. front room. Grants l', Ore. J)R. S. J. SEATOX MAGNETIC HEALER 8team Ilaths, Ah ohol Kub. AU dja. oases tivated. Ho-pitMl care givoii to all who wUh it. Klieuinatism cured in its worst form. Ail vice ftv. Colonial llousi.. Ultli e hours II to (I. Gkants Pass. . (Ikhiun AI1F.N GIVF.N UP BY OTIIKK.- VV It costs you nothing to consult UK. MoNT.iliMKHY. He cures Female complaint, nyn's private dis eases and all kinds of chronic troubles. Aln sells Chei-okee and other guaran teed family medicines. 1'. ( ). Hox lyj Call at Frit! Paioiiio e. Palace Barber Shop BATKS A WILLIAMS, Proprs. Shaving, Hair Cutting Ha ths, Etc. Kvcrything net t und el.un and a work 1 irt-t lass. Charles Costain Wood Working Shop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track ...rii.nk'. Work. Stair Work, l!nn.l """"'I orn, rtoo.l t'llllevs s ilincand duinuiiiiK, l!epainn all kinds rmi1. rihrtit J. E. PETERSON (I'lllNKEIti LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANT FIRE, REAL ESTATE A,rent HiK Horn Hasin Land Co yoiiunK. Anchor Wire Fence. B. A. WILLIAMS Front md 4th Sts. P, 0. Box 273. Real Estate Employment office. Houses rented So ltt ft.-rH. all '..n..l river tHiitoin, T.s cuitivati-.l. in 'u h, pv i ranroa.l town (tismI ron.l coy will pay tun-hay ,,tll, in s,'' rubber rubber .tan,,, of Order .! 1 A. E. Yoorluea To Cure a Cold in One Dav Quinine m:. CATARRH 5:?7o.riM mrm Ely's Creaiv. Balm This Remedy Is a Speclflo, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It eleu'n, S'Tothea, heals, snil protiys tli difeiind nieinbrune. It onres Cuturrli anil 1lriv.s awnv o Hold in tne rinu qmoKiv. Itostorcs tho Stnsoa of Tatte and r-raelL Fjk-v to ns. foiitiiinii no injurious dniKs. . .v. i.;l. ul..l.4 Lar "o Piz., BO cents at PruniriKts or by moil: Triul Ki.-.e, 10 cents by mail. ElY BROTHERS, B6 Warren St.. Nsw York. A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Berlin, Puna, Ills., writes: " I lia?e nted Ballard's Suow Liui nieut; It is a dandy for barns. Those who live ou farms nrn especi ally liiibln to many accidental cuts, barns, braises, which heal rapidly when Ballards'i Suow Liniment is ap plied. It should always he kept in the house for cases of emergency. " 1 25c WW, fl.lio not tie ai lwieruiunn s and Model Drug storo. Will Intarest Many. Every person should know that good health is Impossible if tho kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder diceuse in every form, and will build up and strengths!! these organs so tliey will perform their functions propo'ly. No danger of Kright's disease or diabetes if Folev's Kidney Cure is taken in time. For sale by H. A. Pioterinund. SAY! Have you tried the Headlight Chop - House Fur a Cooil Square Meal ? I-'kksii Oysters and Tamales. Fiont Street, opp. Round House. V. F. LEMPKE, Trops. 1XJGS Thoroughbred, Hock eggs, 15 second hand Flore, white Plymouth for i. 00 .Moore's EGGS nnd lnoi'o of tiiem when you want them. S i n ir I n Coiufi White Le.'liiii'iis, tho business fowl of America Yards headed hv cockerels from a pen with a record of "'-'i cfs per year per lien. Kitsrs ifl oll for If.; i- f.l) for ail. GKANITK KG & l'lil'LlliY YAHDS, W. J. Moaaon ger, Prop , Ashland, Oregon. THE COLONIAL E St. bet. 5th and 6th ISOAltl) Hint I.OIXJIlNtJ The lioui VII ted. has been tliDrniighlv reiio Miss. T. M. KKNS1IAW. J. A. SI1J1JIZTS, Teacher of Mush Practical instruction in Violin, Pin:.' Guitar, Clarinet and Cornet. Most ca" fill attention j.'iven to beciniiiTH. l-cr oi'dei's at Mu-ie Store. ADMINIfTRATOKS' SALE tF HKAL PHOPEKTY. Notice is hereby (jiveu that the ailminisinitor nf tlm estate of Agnes K. Sawyer, deci used, will, from and afler Monday, May 1st. 1!"., sell at private sale, the following described real property helointini; to said estate, 'o-wit: Lot numbered two (2i in P.loek lettered "1 " in Peurnn'e First Addition to the City of Grants Pass, in Josephine Omnty, Oregon : said property will be sold' to 'tlm hin'nst and best bidder for cash In hand, subject to cnnlirniation of the County ourt for Josephine County, Oregon. This notice is publifil ed in'tlie Pognn Kiv. r Ccuriel by order of Hon. J. ( . Hnoth, County Judge, mado iu tho matter ol the estate of Agnes K. Sawyer, ill ceased ou the isth day of March, mo,-,. F. W. SAWYER. Administrator of the estate of Agms K. Sawyer, deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SAI.K OF REAL PROPERTY. In the County Court for Jnsephiim County, Oregon. In flip matter of the 1 Estate of John '. Everv, llecfased. i NOTICE IS HERI'IIY Ktveo that pursuant to au order dnly entered in the I ounty Court for Josephine Countv, Oregon, in the nbove entitled raue, of date, Feb. 21), A. I) ,, where III It is ordered ami directed that the real prnptrty of the above named John Every, hereinafter described, b sold at private rilo for the pur ls se of paying charges and claims against said estate, expenses of ad ministration, and for the purpose of distribution. NOW THEREFORE, I hercbv give notice that I w ill after April ?', A. 1 ' , l'Jii... sell at private sale to be higl,s, l.itl.i.T, fr terms cash iu Hand, or for approved secunlv upon said rial estate by first mortgage, with half cash down, tho following ilescrit'id rrcmisi s. to-wif The SKi, of the SWi, and the PW, of the SE' Sec. S, Township 3.". S, " !', of Alllnet'o'M..ri.liaii. Also the XK', f ,,o XW. and the NWi, f , XK, rf S), 27 lowm-hip s. i w f Willani. tie Meridian all i Josephine Countv, Oregon. l.I,:i,',1 ' 10 day of March. A. D.. JOHN PEVEXY. 'Admiiitrntor of the Estate. lias Sioert I he Tent . r a." Year.. r-' 'i'-r1' or'kr'na' ORi.i'E'S Ta6leless ( Co. I Tome. Von kro h.l ,ou are " ti ij. iron RniJ qumirifln Uxte- "l Ul. . I' I j m it