Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
No. 2.
lie a
Tlie Real Estate Men
Houses to Rent.
Money to Loan.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general hanking business.
Receives deposits subject lo chirk or on demand certificates.
Our customer arc assured of cnurienus treatment and every consaderatioa cuii
gtslcnt with sound hanking prmcipli;.-.
Safety deposit boxes for rent. J. Fit AN K WATSON. I'res
It. A. liOOTII, Vice-Pres.
I. I, JKWEI.I., ladder
The First National Bank
e I'll
Selis sight drafts on New York, San Krain-is.-o and Portland
Telegraphic transfers sold on all pninls in ihe I'mled Stales
Special attention given to collci-nons and trcncral IniMtie-s of onr customers
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on a-eessil.lo points.
llOoTH, Prcs
I'A M IT.KU., Vice-1
. (ill.KKY. I ashier
Dill Development Work Begun A
Property of Much Promise.
There, ia a reasonable certaiuty that
Josephine county will Imvo bcfuic
the close of this year another big
producing mine and in its equipment
it may exceed in size, that of any
other mines in Oregon for if the pn -s-
eut showing is verified by the exit 11
sive development work thut is to be
done on the property for the next six
months a mill of 210 stamps will be
This proproty if known as the Gold
en Knglo group of claims made up ' f
tho Cleopatra, Webfoot, (ioldeii liable
Mossback, ('ou6donce, Surprise, San
Pedro, Dike East and Dikn North.
These claims wero owned by Carl
Wlntjcn E. M. Albright and LMwnrd
PnrUe of Seluia. Theso men bad de
veloped their claims to an extent that 1 and K. S,
fully demonstrated both the immense j have bee
fact that Slim's friends will Touch
for. Mr. Kennedy loft for the camp
w ith the first teams Monday to get
he pot boiling by the timo the boys
begin to arrive during the week A
crew of 21 nun will go to the mine
this wet k and so soon as work is
well under way, the force will he
doubled. In this crew are Birt
Savage, Joe Siligo, Bert Harrington,
Tim Murray, T. U. Mansfield, (1. H.
Haiuman, Frank Greenwood and A.
M. Farrin, all expert drill men, the
first five being members of the cham
pion drill teams of Southern Oregon,
and if there is not a lively movement
of steel at the Kagle, then the boys
will have tost their muscle by reason
of high living ou Slim's dinners. W.
T. Turulmui will be oustide foreman.
Mr. Hopkins will be the general man
ager and w ill spend a large part of his
time at the mine. On his recent
trip from Chicago, he was aceoiu
pauicd hy bis sons, John (i. Hopkins
Hopkins. The young men
students at the Michigan
size and richness of the ledg'-s and I Slate School of Mines from which the
on thus being nble to demons! rale older one, John 11. graduated receutly.
that there was no game
of chance in
the Investment they were able to. soli
for the handsome sun, of flo.OoOof
which f.")000 was paid dowu and the
balance to bo on short time payment-'.
The purchaser of the Golden Eni-le
group was the Calumet & Oregon
Mining Company, the stockholders of
which bio Chicago and Michigan cap
italists, and who are known to be
men of large means and able to pnt up
all Ihe eapital that may bo rectiired
to equip their mines with any size
plant that may be required.
They will ho a part of tho force at
the mine ami John (J. Hopkins will
have charge of the looks. Both are
bright, energetic appealing young
nun, and Willi tho opportunity to add
the piactieal to their theoretical
knowledge, tbey will likely become
competent mining engineers.
Tim nine chums of the Kagle gronp
cover four parallel ledges, having a
v, idlh, as aiiown by thu development
woik, done, of lit! feet,
:it''ftet, lo fi 1 1 nud seven feet. The
lowest as.-av vet made from these
Many Prospects Which Some Day
Will Be Producing Mines.
Ul iB
en oarnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
At Clemens'
Grants Pass, Ore
Manufacturer of all kinds of foreign and domestic
Sausages. Pork 1'acker and dealrr in nil kinds
of First-class Fresh, Salt and Smoked
Meats, Wholesale and Kctail
Main Street, West of Palace Hotel TELEPHONE 223
N. E. McGRi:V,
Fui'iiituro and I'iano
Tho Popular Barber Shop
Get vmtr tunsorial work done r.t
On Sixth Sticd Three thai s
Pu'wb lioom in connection
The purchase was mado through T. i I-dges yielded 'l per ton while much
F. Hopkins, of Chicago, w ho for tin-! of the ore urns, as high us fc'.'O. Thus
past year has made Grants l'ass b is i h aviug sncli an Immense quantity
headquprters. Mr. Hopkins is one of j of ( re and of good values, the Lug lo
tho stockholders in the Calumet j in certain to bt come one of Ihe great
Oregon Company and Is tlie tompanv's ' est producing mines in Southern
manager for their mining property, j The development work for
The prtqierty is BituuM on the sooth : ihe mott three months will be by
side or the Illinois river, about five hand, but if by that time the showing
miles below the confluence of Peer lis still : n-fuolory, power drills
creek with that river, and near the j w ill be installed, the power to be
western border of Josephine eountv j derived fro! i iho Illinois river. The
The routo to the mine is bv wuv i f j ' iv. r at this point is very good for
tho stage road from Granls Pass to 1 power per; ' .-s and a plant callable of
Selma and thence by trail down ! developing horsepower cm be
Deer creek ami across Illinois river ! had at a vety reasonable cost. With
by a ford and down the stream to the
destination, a distance of It miles
froni Solum. It is Mr. Hop! iu' plan
to extend the wagon road from Seln a
to the mine this fall end tnlnidge
the Illinois river if the county can be
hail to assist in tho oxpeu- e.
Mr. Ho!, pins returned two
weeks ago from Chicago, where h,
had been to confer with his ass.-ciut .
and last week he closed tho deal i n
the purchase of the property, lie i t
oiicn bi gan t o engage a crew of no e
anil to secure the tools and the ciu.'p
outfit for whnt is to be one of tin
largest development camp ever organ
ized in Southern Oregon. The lir-t
of tlie out lit If it Grants l'ass Monday
morning by live, fonr-ltorso teams, oa
of Hi i -j... ! : f,'u tons . f
Otlur tteuts will luivc tl.i:, V i . I.
wiih tho remaiiidi r of the good ..
The no ss bouse will he under tl.i
supervision of Slim Kennedy, who i
kuowu as one of the hist .cool.-, mi
Southern On gun nud thut lb" bo, s
I will fare well at' Kagle camp is a
There is a likelihood that the Jewett
miue, located ou Mt. liahiy four
miles soothfast of Grants Pass, is to
be again put In operation. This mine
lias been shut dowu for several years,
but at one time it was a rich producer
and made mouey for the owners. The
surface ore was a high grade, free
milling ore, but ou lower depth.) be
ing reached, the ore became base and
could no longer be handled by the
quartz mill with which tho mine
was equipped. TWo cyanide "process
had net then come into general use,
so the mill, which has five stamps,
has stood idle. J. 8. Hoar, v ho re
sides at tho mine and has charge of
the property, has received word from
Benjamin Healey, the owner of the
mine, and who resides in Sau Fran
cisco, that lie will arrive in Grants
Pass iu a short time and will then
take up tho proposition of installing
a cyanide plant at his mine.
The extensive development work
heretofore doue on the Jewett has
proved that the mluo hns an extensive
lilge carrying good values and that
it could be made one of the big pro
ducers of Southern Oregon, were it
equipped with proper machinery for
handling tho ore. The successful
operation of tho Jewett mine would
give a big impetus tu mining iu the
Mt. Baldy district. This district
embraces Mt. Ilahly, Green and
Urouso mountains, and each of these
but top, for they lack considerable in
size to be mountains, is rich in
quartz ledges, there now being over
ill) bilges thut have been located and
as more thorough prospecting work
is done, tnoro ledges are found.
Nearly every ledge so far found pros
pects well and there is every reason
to bcliuvo that many of these claims
will yet prove to ho valuable. This
district is exceptionally well located
as to accessability by roads and to
water power from lingua river
Thorn is a good wagon road from the
district to Grants Pass on an easy
grade and tho In. ul is but from four
to eight miles from tho railroad to
thu various mines ltogiu river flows
by the foot of Mt. Baldy and at this
point in the liver is located the big
dam and power plant of the Golden
Prift Milling & Power Company. To
string wires from this great power
plant to the mines, would be an i asy
matter and electrio power could bo
delivered at a price much less llian
sleaiii bower would cost. The de
velopment of the .-t. ilaldy disti iet,
lying as it does so near Grants Pass,
would be a verv large factor In the
prosperity of this city, for the pay
roll and the trade would be practically
as though within the city itself.
Nearly nil the claims in the Alt
liahly district are held by men of
limited minus and until capitalists
will lm oil er pn perli-s iu number , ,. M, in, luci d to invest in this dis
till exceed, d by that ot the l' Ht irirt, its development will be very
g Id mining di-tiu Is ot the world. , Blow. To show investors what they
i... I. ..1,1...... i1.iL ,tl.
place a sample of orn from every
such at
an oie hi
i abundance of cheap power
.1 .... I.,- ,1... ,,,,.,...r,r ,.,.,1 ,,f I
ly of good guide and that is
of snch ittitiit tiso sie as to supply a
J.'iO -t in. p mill for ihe next century,
Ih.iM is no reason that the Golden
Kagle in inn should not become a l i c
V, ill be
lie' great Treadwell and
ike n ines, vi itb its slock iu
eMina.l al 2oo and I'.oo per cent
I ir. Thai Ibis expectation
realized in Ihe Golden Kagle,
its to be quite ceilain, torthire
is ample capital back of tlie Company
to meet every expense of cqniiping
Ihe properly and with this done,
Southern Orcein will have one great
mine that will b the forerunner of
oilier mines of i qua! size, for when
this dt-triet is fully developed there
Lewis & Clark Co. Installing
Them on Canyon Creek.
W. I. Fleck, superintendent of the
mino being opened up on Canyon
creek by the Lewis & Clark Mining
Company, was in Grauts Pass for
several days this week. Mr. Fleck
slated that work was shut dowu at
the mine last Saturday autl will not
be resumed for six weeks. During
this interim power drills will be in
stalled and oilier improvements made
about tho mine. A ditch will bo put
in to bring water from Lightning
Fulch witli which to operate an over
shot wheel .that is to drive the air
compressor for the drills. Supt. Fleck
says that tho ore is making a Due
showing both as to values and quan
tity, and it has so encouraged Ins
company that they w ill continue de
velopment work until tho full extent
of their mine is known. This de
velopment work will bo carried on all
spring and until late in tho summer
by which time the decision will be
made as to putting ill a mil), which is
luite certain to bo.douo this fall.
Seasonable Articles
$.50 to $25
An Immense Line
An Immense Ship
ment of
Granite Ware
Just in Prices Right
Carepts 65c per yard
Notice the above signs on Front Street, Opposite the Flagl Pole; there's
our New Store, where we guarantee you satisfaction. Big stock, little
prices. '
Money Buelt 11 Yoh Want If. ,
Thomas . O'Neill,
Ue Housefurnishers
Hornet Furnished Complete on thelnttallment Plan.
f 5 H S I P O 3 &
UP Xif MM 911:
Results, iii'hicvt'd by years of effort ami policy, make
what we eall reputation, wliieh is simply what the major
ity think ami say about a delinite object or person.
Reputation is invaluable because it takes years to
secure it. it can, liowev- r, be spoiled in a d-iy, and only
incessant vigilance will retain it.
deputation is, therefore, a safe index which can be
relied upon with implicit coniideiiiv, both regarding any ar
ticle b be sold and the firm or person scllin;: it.
This is piirlicularl.v I rue of NANUS mul ol Tirnis
.eutiiinc'il i ret ail im: tlicin.
We have justly earned a reputation of having, for
thirty years, sold no piano to our customers without: Fn:r,
having fully satisfied ourselves of every piano's intrinsic
worth and reliability; Skconk, without having assured our
selves on the start that the standard of quality, existing at
the time of taking the agency, would be kept up; Tim:i.
in the few isolated cases where the quality has been al'tcr
wards lowered, we have always promptly dropped the sale
of that jiiauo.
We safeguard your interests iu every possible way by K
giving you the full benelit of our long experience in choos- ft
ing between different makes of pianos, the newer makes as
well as the old, and thus guaranteeing you
The Best Piano for the Least .Money :inJ the Piano
Mot Likely to Suit You.
J. M. W.VP.D IS Ol'i: At.'THOltizKD SALESMAN". " 'K
Southern Oregon Agency, Courier lilock, tirants I'aes, Oregon g
A Decision of Interest to Jose
phine County Miners.
M'i.t.. is if 111.' Sotithoru Ori jioii .
M..ill ' I oint uiv tuin in Ai-lihiiid
vo to ui .(: ia Ily infoi 1111 d liiht evi ii
in.r tii" 1 oht.-i-t for tlo 1 hind 1
v. h i li 1 lo y 0 old in .ToM'i.hliie county i
I.., 1-. :i 1 i o I . 1 in tho i'Oiu.iiny 's '
friv. r 1 . . tho li' Ml l ll l.llllll ('oiiiinis
i. m r 111 V '.i'i lo! t!ou. Tl.o iii:irry
an 1 1 !ii ' I inn. d l.y tin' i oniJiliy lire
i:i ,Fo i jl.iii.. i o'jiity, mid in oi.e of ,
I!.. .11 -r. lionn of l.uid fhiinndhv
rt.o ivihiu'l i.M.i..iiiy us n .nrt of its
.ro t. I,;it tho tiiiirUo roin
;. .ny d 10 prove iii on this
l.r.ri, v, !i. 11 li.-. Souihi rii I'lioillo
1 no 1, .1 11 r. st Tho contest Wl S
!i ,). m i!n ii..-. l'Uii hind otlire mid
r -i.l'.' 1 in ;i diiiw. I ho 1 i.linK tin fc
i.' i v 3 1 : 1 .t'-ii -n , 11 m y :iit of llio huid
Thi-i i uiiMtifu-tory lo the Murl l"
H'niiipiiiv hii'I an a i. 11I wns tnUi'ii to
( m.iio: Mom r 1 : 11 li.u.ln ifiid ifi ori!
inp 1 . tl.. iinoili. i:il advices jut ri'-
0 io .1, th" I it!' 1 made a decision ill f .v.r I i-t 1'"' hniiiry. 'J'he Ko.-o -I.iii
..i:i I., iiik- tt'iiijiomrily cIom i!
(! n.hii has I till iu n iii-ia hole
1 vt i mi. ... i in r.iiln ad comi-any has
no-v .1; . ul d to iho S-'cn tary of the
: i 1 r.
N;w Company Incorpornled.
lr.lK' now oponeil ill tho minimis
enhihit room of the (Jrants l'11-s
Minors A.sso intioii. They ulso will
prepare 11 umiiI lot of Haiiipcs to pi
with the .lo-ephltni county oxliilnl
to tho Lewis nod t'laik fair.
K. SpriuitsloMil,
Mt. Italdv district
I I'ahS Siitiirdny f.
' S.l llioi ad lias tin
miner from the
Mas ill (.rants
uppliis. Mr.
clainiK in that
district, t wn 011 (iri en moiiiila n and
one on (irouso uiouiilaiii. Jn Hie two
former, ho only has local ion wmlt
hut nn tlie latter ho has an open cut
of .'id f. ct in length that Inn P in Led a
depth ot fied at tlie hack end. lie
will now In tiii to drive 11 lume I
from this open cut nud will nine
Ills development WOIK Ulllil tin value
and 1 nt.'llt of this IiiIk-. is known.
So fal il is shown K up well pihl le
Ion found fioni tlie Kian r. Is down.
T. K
I'ow h r
Were in Grants
their mine on ( iri en
Mt. li.ildy diMriit.
linn ijuaiu. prop.-ily
develo iii ami now
feet h. sides tiolini
They hav
hV Wat. T
I s.
,1. liavilaml
1 Sal unlay fiom
uiouiilaiii iu the
They have 11
which tin y Hie
have a tunnel in
sul face work
ii small at r.irt ie, opeiati d
power from liiein cr.-ck,
11 !,l-d
Km. 1
1 1. : i v
1 1
,- :,ui ,
o! il
s. lit!.. 1
il.i. l t
,,1 it v in Imvo
the county eh rk hy
I M : miifc.' and M 1 limit
a capital slock of
jiaid and nou-aepf.
in c 1 1. orators are Willis
.In Ktanier, II. L. Mai-
l lint ami i II. I'a oth.
lil he tlie piiiicipal place
and of the
Mis 1. will he placed oil
iii a f'-w days and ow inn
eta i-hid fact thai this
.- 1.. r miniiiK I'ro oniiimis
:i 1 10 .-i :i, toe ftoi k will
I... t il.eii rapidly. The
'Inn " th" original Kramer
with which they liijll tlie heht
of their om. They !)n;:led a inn iat
I'rnlav licit Yielded tin m li vi IV i-.t I--
fa.-tory chiiti up. Iheir 1" f- i
showinil uood values ia fo-e miliiuiy
ore and It and lias tin 1 a'uuul.s of 11
mini' and may hecoine one of ihe 11. . d
propi-rucs of the Mt. Ilaldy nisirici.
Does your In ad sunn to he oppr"i
oil w ith k dull weiiiht as if it w re
the Iiiimi of a moiiunieinV WKI(H'IS'
l'AHAIKiN 1 1 LADS' 'I i K CI UK wiil
relieve it All drnenii-ts.
Tcaohcrs Will Meet Here In May
for Three Days Session.
County Superintendent Lincoln
Suvnun has the iirranp'iuf uts about
oinpleted for the annual county
teachers institute which he will hold
in the lliith S hool Imiidiui! iu Clriinls
l'ass Wndnesilay, Thursiliiy and Fri-
iluv. May .'I, 4 and 5. Ainniiu those
who lire to ussist. in conducting the
institute will ho State Superintendent
.1. II. Aokorninii, 'resident H .
Mulkey of the Southern Ore noil State
Normal at Ashland, l'lof. (!. 11. Joues
of Salem. Some of the nhlcst of the
Southern OrcL-on teachers will nlso
tuko part in the proh1nm.
Supt. Krivnpi expi els that there will
he iihout 70 teachers present. All
touchers are required hy law to attend
the annual comity iiistilute. FailiiiK
to do so will i'musii the district which
Ihey lire to teach for that year to
forfeit. i'i of apportionment money.
To offset this favor to Ihe districts,
the teacher, if In school, draws waiies
for Ihe three days vacation. While it
has heen the custom iu the smaller
towns and country districts of Jose
phine county, to entertain the
teachers free of chaise while Hlti'inl
Iuk institutes the custom has not
I.e. 'tl ohservfd in Guilds l'ass, hut
this city is to do h. Iter in the future
in puidie hosnltality, to teachers, us
welt us to other visitors to the city,
if Ihe Grunts l'ass Woinaus (.'lull lire
nhlo to entry out their plan. The
C'luli has decided to supply free no ions lo the teachers and Ht
the last mi'i'tini; of tho t'luli, a com
mittee was appointed to canvass the
homes and nsci rtaiu who will cuter,
lam a teacher. Thu couiuillleo au
ticipatia 110 dillleulty in oiuiinn
places for all the teachers, as there
will he only about ID to he provided
for, the remainder of those atlenililiK
the iiiKliluie cltln r residue iu the
city, or have relatives or intimate
friends with whom tiny will stay.
The outlook is most 111 on riK in n
for this in 1-1 1 1 11 1 11 to ho one of the
most successful ever held III Jose
phine. 'Iho meetings 1110 open to Ihe
public r, ml Sept. Savuie would he
pleased to have members of the school
I If and olheis iiilensted III the
In t leriii.-nl of lie public schools
lb. -re will be 110 slat" institute Ihls
year that Is inn no ri;ed 111I0 Ihe con
hum. of education that w ill he held.
Ihe lai-t week in August at Ihe Lewis
and Ciaik fair. Tl is eonk-rcrs will he
lit 1 1 tiih il by inniiy of the ureat ed edi
tors ol Iho Coiled Slates us well as
of Liiioro and Jai an and lis ses. 'loos
Willie belli 1 roll I ul 1 1 and iuieii st
HIK III all Who ale illtere-teil in tin
caii'.e of ediicat ion.
I'asio I Ms in Your Hat
Thu follow ioi! i.'ird, sent ou! by i
In 1 1 oi I cnii.nn 1 . - in 1 1 lub, 1 1 worth
icadniK and pa.-ti k "i jour hat:
" u ilu r.. is iinv el.aoce lo boom
!)u..on:-, bi.01. 1 it. Don't pull a Lain
la. e and I'.l. as Iim.i.,Ii ton had II
sour h liol.l up your I., .ol,
smile ami lock d r b. tier Onus's.
Hide jour Intl.- hammer, audlivto
s-iiii well of otlni i, no inal 1. r how
mii.iII i 11 t'-,i!!y know youiself to lie.
V. In u i Strang' r dr.-ps in, jolly linn,
t. II h 1 111 tin, is llio Kf alesi town on
0:11th, mill it l la n't ili.-.-ouiao
1. 1 i by s.-akinK ill i f your iieiuh, 1.- :oi him lo ! In-ie that he
liar at last strin i. a lio .' win re white
p. . pi,. Lve. Don't I. in 1 k . lh lp
j-ouiM 11 al ,t,jt by l.i eoniini; popular,
I a.ol 1 ii-h yioir Iro mis wiiiiyou. lis
I d ad ' asy II" a ersvl f. II cw, and
I s.,011 jou will I. ive a pll'l l ssloil of
ilollowi l.-. .No mull ee hi pb d hull-
m it l.iio. kii.rf o.le r p. o I down In
1 -i 1 : 1 1 t . -1' or bi..-.:i. c No ll.llll i ViT II -1 1 hy 1 1 ion to mal.e others In -lo
ve lie was llio oi, v man III I ll W II
who I. new al Ml ill)!. You can't
A U. S. Marshal Likely to Arrest
Offenders on tho Jimp-Off- .
Joe Route.
Pauline Schmltt, &. Former
Grants Po-s Girl. Fulls
Into Ditch.
Currier W. L. Jewell on R. F. D.
No. 1, took a lay off for three days
the first of the week, being laid up
with the grippo. Hit brother soted
as substitute carrier and made the
trips ou schudulo timo over tlie ronte.
Mr. Jewell states that the patronaife
of his routo is steadily increasing.
There are uow 116 boxes aud three
mora are soon to be put in. Some of
these boxes are used jointly by
several families while others are Died
for an entire mining camp. The roads
have been hard to get over, especially
the road np Juuip-off-Joe which lias
been very muddy, but the various
supervisor! aided very largely by the
Iry weather, are netting them so they
are uow fairly passable Mr. Jewell
loaves Grants l'ass each morning at 8
o'clock nud gets hack at 4 p m.
Mr. Jewell lias reported to tho De
partment that tho boxes on lila route
are being tampered with by hoodlums
and if tho holes are not lut aloue,
some oiio is likely to take a trip to
I'lirtland In charge of a United States
marshal and then the fluo aud the Jail
sentence that lie would get would
make him 'wish thut ho had never
seen a United States mail box. There
is both a heavy Hue and a long Im
prisonment for Interference iu any
way with tho United Htatoi mall
servlee and I'nclo Hum ia very relent-
less in enforcing It, even though it ia
for the apparently trivial offeuco of
moving tho signal Hags ou tho mail
boxes. On thu rural mall boxea there
are small metal flags that Indicate,
when up, thut there are let 'era in box
for the carrier to take out, or that the
carrier has deposited mail. in the box,
On one trip last week, Mr. Jewell
found the flags oil 10 of thu boxea dis
placed. The result (if this tampeiiug
with the Hags is that it nuikea trouble
both for the carrier and the patrons.
It ia a small mutter but Uncle Sam
makes the punishment heavy for it
mid hoodlum hoys and men will save
tin mselves from thu clutches of a
( ii ill il Stales marshal hy leuviug the
1 mall boxes and their contents abso
lutely alone.
Men Past Sixty In Dangtr.
More than half of mankind over AO
yearn of fte suffer from kidney and
bladder disorders, usually enlarge
ment of prostate gland. This ia both
painful ami dangerous, and Foley's
Kidney Cure should be taken at the
tli ist sign of iiangei, as it corrects
irregularities and hns cured many old
men of this disease, Mr. Koiluey
r.iinieit, Kock I'ort, Mo., writes:
"I suffered with enlarged proatnte
gland anil kidney trouble for yeais
and alter taking two bottlis of
I'oley's Kidney Cure, I feci belter
than I have lor 'JO rears, although 1
am now '.II years old." For aalu by
II A. Kotermiind.
Paulina Schmltt, the little daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Paul Schmltt for
merly of Oraula Paaa, waa drowned
at Albany last Friday, the Albany
Democrat givlug the following ac
count of the accidout:
Pauline Schmitt and Iua Tucker,
both six year old girls, were on their
way from the Maple atreet school to
their homes at the corner of Third
aud Calapooia afreets, when they
came to the bridge croaalug the eanal
at tho west oud of Third atreet Two
feet above it ia a boxed water pipe.
The girls walked along the box aud
jumped to the bridge and then back
again, according to the story of the
Tucter girl, when Pauline slipped
aud fell Into the ditoh, aud was not
aven again. The alarm waa given bat
her body could uot be fonud In any of
the different parts of the canal The
waste gate tumiug to the I ft Into
Ihe Calapooia was np propbably six
Inches and the couolusiou was in
evitable that the body waa lucked
uudor and down the falli 50 feet into
the river, where the body waa after
ward found.
Pauline waa a briglit, lovable little
girl and universal aorrow has been
felt and sympathy extended to the be
renvoi! parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Schmitt, over their great loaa.
Session Laws Ne.rly Ready.
Tho aenalou laws of the last legis
lature will bb ready for distribution
in a few days. The now laws will
not go Into effect, except In rare in
atunooa, until May lHth, ao there will
be ample time for Iswyera. judges
nud publio oflloers generally to find
out wliat Iho new laws are oeioro
they muat ohaorvo them. They will
dud the index, of the published copy
of the aoasiou lawa of 1006 of in
valuable aerrico to them in making
ieu nnnotatious In their oodon, for
Attorney A. 0. Coudit, who prepared
the index lnu mado a complete Hat
of all aectioua ameuded or repealed,
together with the chapter and page of
thu bossIoii Uwa opon whloli the new
law will bo found.
Heretofore each attorney has had to
search the aesaiou lawa pago by page
to Hud the chaugi a and note them on
thu margin of his copy of the code.
Tho pnollahod copy of the seaaion
lawa has never contaiued a list of
sections amended. The work of sn
ooting a code haa beeu audi big
task that many attorueya left It un
done. With the aid of the list pre
pared by Mr. Condit, an atttoruey or
publio olhYer can ill a few moments
note ou the margin of his code every
change made at the aesslou of I'JOo.
Kodaks Courier Huiloing.
a tiiLutaiv of
J. si pliiiiM county,
pl.i.iueed quite an
mi slid is a "rv
- Hoi" burg Plain-
mine on .:-:-. ' i"'k
H'-g..e i in
w I.u '. I;a- ail . a'i.V
an. "f 1 ulli.
ralujl-l- ir-.jir v.
d si r.
Gud. mi.,.' is ma. If easy with a
i'l.uet Jr. Single Wheel Hue, ou
sale, at 'raiii.-r liros.
A TNicr Piano
Sionli'l-li.itl'l I'll! in
filaviiiK ( oii'lili'iti. NVili sell
for f 12S on of f2r !ivii
atbl S monthly.
Courier Wo 1c.
ava4 !.'.,
climb Ihe ladder of "Ul
in,: on oil. i r p- opb 's c
tt.e . orns and don't km .
(.s by tit-ad-us
K. f p off
Pmim lu ty i, ted lr
1 i.l.y ,"v Co, '.oe,4.o. original, d .
Homy and Tar as a ibi. ..t and lung .
I in- dy, and in a-ciunt if Ihe great
no r.t siel p. pnuii ilv of I'oley's ;
Homy ami Tar many mutations are j
olf. red for the g.-nuiiie. Ask for
Kobv's Homy and Tarui.-I urns., any
substuuie of. nd us no oilier pr.-,ai.i-lion
w ill groi t'i- ".ine i-atisf.i. lioii.
It i mildly laxative. It contains no
opiates and la safest for children ami
il. lieatn l-roiia Kor sule by II. A.
The three juries at tho St. Louis Fair, con
hint in' of tho ablest mechanical engineers of
Kurope ami America, wero unanimous in
.lcei.lintf X3hQ RACYCLE to bo tho
iii s s i no Hicycle made, ami awarded tho
U.icycle tho only Grand 1'iizo fiiven in tho
biejflo elans.
Grants Pass, Oregon J