Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 31, 1905, Image 3

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Good large juicy Lemons at 15c and 20c per dozen.
Specials This Week on Soap
7 Bars of Radis Laundry Soap for 25c.
2 " Yellowstone Soap, large size 15c.
5 " White Linen a clear, white laundry Soap for 25c.
One box (3 bars) Jockey Club toilet Soap, highly perfumed, and
a combination bread kuite and meat saw for 25s,
Buy your Fels Naptha Soap Where you can buy it cheapest
To introduce we will sell a patent roller wash board at the price
of a common wash board, 45c. Try one and save y3 your labor.
Allen's Portland Cement
Roche Harbor Lime
WsiJ Palp Plastr
Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints,
Stains and Varnishes
Pioneer Lead, Strictly Pure Linseed
Oil, Glass and Putty
All kinds of IJuilders Hardware
Locks, Hinges, Nails, etc.
Ready to Wear
and Tailored Hats
New Spring stock is now ready for inspection.
Call and see the newest things in Millinery.
Front Street near Sixth.
Eagles 2V-37
School 27ls8
A. A. C. M.'3s)l
Red Men 34
J ostphineClub 112
Tendo 68
Odd Fellows f
v. o. w 50
Elks 45
M. E. Church 42
Masons 3
G. A. R .., 24
Royal Neighbors 21
Eastern Star 5
Presbyterian Church 1 1
K. of P 1
Knights of Columbus 9
Rtbekahs 2
Antler Club 8
Ladies Library 2
Salvation Army 1
Coupons are given at tho following
places :
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
Paddock's Bicycle Den.
K. O. McCroskcy.
C Ij. I'levcllgiT.
It. Ij. Cur & 'o
Plunmicr Ai Martin.
White House Grocery.
KogiiH Kivcr Courier.
H. A. Hotermuud.
Miss Ida Weston.
Thomas & O'Neill.
D. M. DePny.
r.nvd is giving a handsome present
with' each dozen cabinet photos for a
short time.
If you like the double
breasted suit, you'll want this
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Double
Breasted Van-ity.
You'll enjoy wearing it for
what it is-, as well as for what it
looks.. The quality is there.
The label in it small thine; to
look for, big thing to find; is a
sig that you can have your
money back if you want it. We
positively guarantee every gar
ment Waring the Hart, Schaffner
& Marx label to be absolutely
all wool. You'll find pleuty of
clothes rhis year which are not
all wool; they're part cotton, and
they won't wear like all wool;
they're called "mercerized,"
thev're fraud.
If we have an opportunity
to clothe you. you'll be satisfied
with your looks and with our
The White House Grocery;
Graws a decisive line between j;ood
an indifferent quality. Our cou
traet with our patrons calls for the
best available quality at the lowest
consistent price -
We are entirely sold out of those
Naval Oranges at 10c per dozen,
but we are selling lots of ttia 25c
and 30c Xavals. They are at
their best in qnalitv at present.
Hardwire Co.
Miss Ida Weston
Services at St. Luke's.
At St. Luke's church
ing, them w ill hethe
Holy Communion and
the Temptations of
Sunday fiinrn
celchratiou of
a sermon on
Christ,. The
Sunday school aud Bible class will
meet at the nstial hour.
In thn evening, the program for tho
musical service will be as follows:
Processional: "Legion"; "EU
wanger's" "Gloria in Kxcelsis";
"Kettle's Magnificat"'; "Beethoven's
Dens Misereatur" ; "The Angelus
Evening Hymn"; Clarinet solo,
"Spring Awakening"; " Offertory by
Gilbert"; Recessional : "Harvard
Hymn"; A cordial welcome is ex
tended to all.
. ltev. F. C Williams, Hector.
Cheap Rates From The East.
Commencing March 1st, and con
tinuing daily to and including May
l.iih, lima, Colonist tickets will be
sold from the Fast to points oil Ore
roii Lines, via Portland. Following
are rates from some of tho principul
points :
From Chicago, 111 :iS
From Blooniington, lil HI Wi
From Peoria, 111 81 R)
Eroui St. Louis, Mo SO W
From Council BlulTs, Iowa .... 2.1
From Omaha, Neb 25 00
From Sioux City, l"a no
I ruin Kansas City, Mo 8.1 HO
Correspond ing rates will be made
Irom other points aud will apply to
all poinU on Oregon Lines.
PI. tso uote rates nnd dates of
snle as yon may desire to advise your
friend in the Fast.
General Pis-etig'T Agent-Portland Or.
".'' - '. .H'-' ' V-'
.V-"-'-.-r ' r-, V-i'
'-!'? '.-' -T -a.
T T, -"
Copyright 1005 by
Hsrt S.r.tfner if Mrl
:.! V'-V-f J "J Vv- I
':: Y
'1 :;.. . J.V'.'
m mxm
People tv Thev Com und Co
From Day to Day
Z Dr. Shearer and L. L. Hurii of
Gleudale visited Ursula Puss Tues
day ami took degrees in Reaiucs
'Chapter, R A M.
.Dr. Findloy will leave Monday
night for two months stay in New
York. .Ho can be f on nd in his office
however, until Monday noon.
Mrs. E. D. Jowett, will arrive
this week from Chicago, to joiu her
husband, Dr. E. D. Jewett, who late
ly canie from Chicago and opened an
office in this city.
H. D. Nortou was in Gleudale Mon
day, as attorney in a mining suit
between the Gold Flat Mining Com
pany and Wm. MeCurdy, Mr. Norton
appearing for the Company.-
Silas Grizzle of Snmptor, aud George
Grizzle of Klamath Falls, lire in
Grants Pass this week on a visit to
their sisters, Mrs. J. D. Fry, Mrs.
Eclus Pollock aud Mrs. M. Vt . Wheeler.
L. Ij. Herd, a prominent bnsiucss
man and postmaster at G'.endulo,
was in Grauts Pass over Tuesday
night. Wliile in the city Mr. Heid
attended the Masonic lodge and
finished his degree work in the. blue
lodge. '
Hairy Johnson an old friend of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Voorliies and
Mrs. A. Conklin, stopped oil at Grants
Pass Tuesday. Mr. Johnson's home
is hi Michigan, but ho has head
quarters in Boston with thn Stolon
Shoo Co.
Kred Pruitt left Monday ovening for
Grants Puss to be absent for about a
week. Ho was accompanied by
Chas. Simmons, of the same city,
who has spent a week hero visiting
With the Prnitts and other friends
Gleudule News.
Wi'liaro Bnll has moved with his
family from nor Wildi rvilie to
Grants Pass and ho wi.l engage in
carpenter work. Mr. Bull has a farm
near Wildervillo on which he put in
the crop for this year before ho, moved
ftom it to this city.
Mrs. W. J. Sheehan has so fur re
gained her health that she Motets
to return in a short time to her home
at Wildervillo from Medford, where
she has been for the past month under
tho professional care of Dr. W. S.
Jones of that city.
Miss Florence Barrett, of this cily,
will begin a term of school mxi
Monday iu the Karg district on lower
Wolf creek. Miss Barrett is an ex
perienced teacher and her school
work will doubtless give satisfaction
as It has in previous 'd'ools she ii:i
George H. Durham went to .Jackson
ville Monday to attend ci:cnit court,
which convened in that place last
Monday. Mr. Durham, with his part
ner, W. M. Colvig of Jacksonville,
htia a number of important cu-cs in
that court in which they ap'tir as
Mrs. Miirv Gibert, with her three
small children arrived in GrnnU Pass
Monday from Joplin, Missouri. Mr:'.
Giberf's husband recently died and
she w ill spend the spring at the home
of her brother, Geo. H. Nichols, and
may possibly make her home In reader
iu this city.
Rev. and Mrs. II. II. Brown left
Monday morning lor Astoria to rk
np their household effects and ship
them to Grants Pass. Mr. Brown
holies to return 111 time to conduct
services Sunday. In case ho does not
arrivo in time, other arrangement
will be mad" for services.
Kd. H. Fell and family tiro amnii;:
the new residents of Grant Pa,-",
coming from Taenina. They are
greatly "pleased with Kogne P.iver
Valley mid especially w ith the elimaio
tho absence hero of tho almost it 11
tinnous rains and fogs of the winter
season on the Sound being a mo. t
agreeable feature to tin 111.
Mrs. L. B. Hall returned home last
Saturday from Hot Lake, t'nioti
county, w here she had been for some
time taking treatment at the ne dii ol
springs at that place for rheumatism.
Her health is gitutly improvul nd
she is greatly euenurnged wilh the
prospect of soon being free from her
painful atlliutioii.
Hon. Geo. W. Colvig i qu i to
sick ut bis home in this city
with pneumonia, but thn last two
days he has imptoved sonn w end
his family have ovc ly hope tl.ct lie
will soon recover. Mr. Colvig hud a
sevcro uttatt of grippe, btitfiiln.g
be'ter, r uin! to his law clli-'e 01. e t..y
la.-t week on a cold day i.ud t:iKie:'
cold ho was taken w itti : ueumouia.
Dr. F. W. Van Dyke arrived home
Wednesday from a Hv 1 innuiiAtrip,
the greater port inn of which he spent
ill Korope in special work in nit;.";y
under 'lie great surgeons of I a: i:-,
Berlin and Vienna. Tim Dm tor i.l'o
sM-nt tonsiderabk' time in post-r -filiate
work in .New York Cur. He
states that ho find a vry roiiii.ble ns
well as enjoyable trip and kid tin-1
best of health during his tiavein j
Hl.ll. J. H. Booth, tlllt:l I. iii ly
receiver of the Liiit' d St:io i l i'.d j
ollice at Itosi l.urg, has been , ',. , i, -l ,
cashier of the Douglas County 1:.mi j
by the directors ot thai hank. Mr. j
Booth was a f'.ra.rr resid'tit of
Grants Pass and while her.' was!
secretary of the r-ugar JJin.i Door iV
Lumber Comrauy and In is a man ol j
large business ex;a rienee and
thoroughly Cims'tent for the po.i- i
t ion. Mr. Booth is nut of the well:
known Booth family of On gou all of:
w ure ptoaiioeot in IjUrlllrn nml !
political affairs of thu stale, of thin
family, J. O. Booth is county judge of
Ju-ephiiiu C( uiity an . a proioin .nt lu.s- !
iueiui man of Grnnti l'as. K. A.
Booth, of Kugene, is state senator lor.
1. 11 ne county aud ho is at the hi ad of
the Booth-Kelly Lumber Comuiy.
one of the l.irgest luiul-er iou.pauie
ou the Pci tic Coast. W. A. Bouth it 1
a promiueiit business man f l'.'in - j
ville, ni wi until recently c euty
judge of Crook county, resigning li.ej
office ou account of ill I.ealtU aud ex
Uitisive basiuess carts.
Qig Stock of Dry Wood. -An
enterprise that fills a long-felt
want is the big wood yard of the
Grants Pass Fuel Compauy, located
near Frout and Fourth streets, This
is purely a homo enterprise and is
deserving of extensive home patronage.
O. O. Load, the enterprising mana
ger of the gasoline woodsaw, aud the
owner of a splendid fruit farm oat
on Iowa street, is manager of this
wood yard in partnership with V.
J. Gordon, recently from Oregou
City. Mr. Loud is an experienced
man at the wood and timber business,
and has supplied the yard with wood
to meet every demand. Wood of
every kind, and of auy length can be
had iu small or largo quantities at
the yard, and will be delivered
jirouiplly on order. Being under
sheds, it is -well seasoned and dry,
and kept in that condition through all
season. Much trouble has becu ex
perienced in past years in getting dry
wood in Grants Pass during the win
ter, or iu getting wood of a sine aud
length to fit a particular range or
stove. This trouble is uow emiroly
obviated, and if you want 10-iiioh or
four-foot wood, hard or soft, split or
iu chunks, you can Hud just what yon
want at thn yards of tho Grants Pass
Fuel Company.
This enterprise was started at the
earnest request of citizens, and to
meet tho demand of a growing city.
It is not only a great convenience,
hut will be a means of saving money
to all wood consumers. The company
also oirorates a woodsaw, aud will
saw cord wood or poles into stove
lengths. A grent saving can be
realized over tho old methods of buy
ing wood by the tier, by purchasing
it in cord wood lengths, at cord rates,
and having it sawd into stove
lengths. Putroui.a a home enterprise
by patronizing tho Grants Pass Fuel
Undertaking Parlors Completed.
Hall Cc Colo will next week have
their undertaking establishment com
plete in every respect. The addition
to their building was completed last:
week and this week tho floors were
put iu aud the rooms fitted up. A
cement floor was laid for thn ground
floor nml a partition was put in,
dividing tho space into two rooms.
One will be for a morgue and will he
lifted with all thn requirements for
caring properly for tho dead. The
other room will be for their hearse,
and is n model for tho purpose. Hose
attachments are arranged that the
heart o call readily bo washed and
cleaned after a trip ovur a muddy or
dusty road. Thn hearse, which arrived
last week from the Fast, Is 0110 of the
finest ever brought to Oregon. It, cost
..I'P'Oaiid weighs 1SWI pounds While
the liuisti ii phfiii, yet it is of the very
best the glass being the heaviest and
purest plate and thn enamel on the
wood and steel having tho most per
fect luster.
A lowering device has been put iu
that is of Mm latest and most M'rfeet
make, and w ith it casket can ho lowered
11.10 a grave without noise or like
li hood of in cident, and with the cas
ing sthat go With it tho casket can be
laid away without being soiled by
loose earl h.
Me-Frs. Hall & Colu have the dis
tinction of having the only exclusive
undertaking establishment in South
ern Oregon nnd iu point of complete
ness anil high class of ponds carried,
it will compare well with similar
ostahlisht'ients ill the large cities.
l'ev. J. B. Travis went to Portland
Moiiiluy to attend tho Baptist slat e
conference which was in session in
that citv this week. Key. Travis
returned Friday to Grants Pass.
The I.adii.3 Benefit Society of the
rresb.vti riim chimb will give a dime
social at the church parlors on Frl
day cvitiiog, April 7th, at which
then will be ail auction sale, for
No 1 -heel; nor money nred yon bring
A ilntaght might give you cold
We'te on !y d g this for fun,
The buyer ben is sold.
All friends of the church are iu
vitid to attend.
0 3fZ
i n tlic ln'.t. place to M't,
sumo soa.soiial'le articlos.
Wo liavo jiiHt roeeivpil
' and have a ball ltcarin;
mower which will ho a
jdYaniuo to 11 so.
, which Hiivo
in 0110 Reason.
i isiiim; tackle
our .Spring stock is now
on the shelves ami roiln
on display .
Cramer Bros.
oil!) I KI.LOWS P.LtX K
Paint & Gil
0 WE
News Notes From the Business
Men to Renders.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
A Gentleniau'i smoke the Stage
line. -
My location fee is f!25. W. B.
A second hand Cornish organ at a
snap. J. M. Ward.
A few diamonds loft at Letcher's
Jewolry store.
A good Bicycle, HHU model, for t!5
at Cramer Bros.
High grade ore iu small lots bought.
W. G. Wright
Wanted, poles and logs for wood.
Address box 28&
Pure Plymouth Rock Cockerols,
$1.1)0. See Bobbins.
When you don't know where to go,
go to People's market. .
Buy your Incubator of F. H.
Schmidt Iu sells the best.
Take vour blovclo to Cramer Bros'
Bicycle Hospital for cleaning or re
pairing. And still I am Insuring aud selling
real estate at the old stand. J. K.
A second hand
Kimball organ llfl
J. M. Ward at
on f.i payments.
piauo store.
It is your ov,u fault. If money is
worth saving, its worth walking to
People's unlike t.
Bicycles sold on Installments and
old wheels takeu as part 1 nymcnt at
Cramer Bros.
If your watch does not keep correct
time, take it to Letcher's. Ho will
make it go just right.
Suwing machines ft, tti. 110 np to
fJ5 at the Singer agency opixwitn the
Court House. All tho standard makes
aud styles.
Two second hand upright pianos
for sale on easy payments. One is a
Fischer and one is a Sherwood. Good
bargains both of them. J. M.Ward.
Dr. Gobln will make regular visits
to Grants Pass ivory two weeks. Y ou
ean see In 111 again, nemomner ne
guarantees his glasses to lit. At
Hotel Josephine, tnursday aim rri-
day, April (ith and 7th.
Houses for rent .by SHERMAN &
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'
When looking for a wedding ring,
let Letcher make you one.
If yon want to raise ' ducks, buy an
Incubator of F. Schmidt.
Our telephone number is ol.'
lar delivery. Peoplu's market
W. L. IRKLAND writes
Patton's Sun Proof Paint iu all the
shades you want at Cramer Bros.
Wo want veal, mutton, chickens,
eggs, and pay casti. rcnpiu a market.
South Sixth ttrcet.
See the new Banner brand Waists
and Skirts at Wude's on Front street
aud G. D. Justrite corsets.
Extras for all sowing machines, oils
and needles ut fto a paper at hiuger
Sewing machine agency opiaisite
Court House.
Souvunir Postal Cards Courier
Give your frleuds a Stage lino the
good smoke.
We want your property to sell.
High grade 010 iu small lots bought
W. G. Wright.
It is time to put in your garden
and lawn now. Get your tools at
Cramer Bros.
Moore, tho second hand, dealer will
liii v at the highest orico any house
hold or other articl that may be
offered for sale. jnd ho has every
kind of an article for sale cheap.
Dr. Goble, the optician will ho
here again next Thursday and Friday,
April tit h and 7th. He examines eves
free ol charge. If you need glasses
he will lit you with the right kind
and guarantee them. Olllce at Hotel
High grade ore iu small lots bought.
W. G. Wright.
Split Bumhoo Fishing Rods from
l.5 up ut ('lamer Bros.
Curtis At Co. foi Watches, Clocks,
Gold Rings and Jewelry, lino willed
repairing, engraving. Goods sold ut
reunoiiahlo rices. Come and see us.
I. O. O. F. Building, Grains Pass,
Get out vour Oliver Plow. If it is
wi ru out, get another at Ciamer
As!; your denier for Rogue River
Creamery Butter made at Medi'onl is
now 70 cents per two-pound, square
lull weight.
I am i 1 a position to furnish vnu ns
hoiiviiv tiiiih. red claitiiH as von would
have gut two or tin in yi , us ago. W
ii. Mo renin.
A sewing inaeliiiin 011 dial, if it
suns vnu it is yours. I )o. s as good
Moil: hs a ?'J.i loneliine. Have 12
standatd malie machines, f '2. ho tu
Come and see them at lite Il.tvis'
si cond band store.
School chlldrin should have their
eves exuuiiued at least out n a vear
If vour children complain of head
aches and ev strain take tic 111 to Dr.
Gohle und have their eyes thoroughly
tested. It Hints you nothing to know
w hi tin r their cyis need attention or
not. jt Hotel Josephine, April nth
and .th, J hursd.iy ami I rnlay.
Mr. and Mrs. -ri d ( olvlg were 111
Grants Pass the forepart of the
being summoned hue 10 bo with
Mr. Colvig's father, Hon. (i. W
Colvig, who is seriously s:ek. 'I io
latter having unproved, Mr. and Mrs.
Colvig returned to tie Ir home Wedn
lar in Gold Hill win re .Mr. Colvig
conducts a drug store.
Mt Pitt Mine a Kith Producer.
A. F. Hooter, manager of the Mt.
Pitt mine, arrived back from a trip
north last Friday 011 business iu Port
land and ('hehalis for his compauy.
Hu was ttieonipuiii. il by ('. W. Geig. r,
of Ch halis and who Is county sur
veyor of Lew is county, Wash. Satur
day they wcut to Juiup-otf Joe to tho
mine which Mr. Gelg.-r wished to
inspect with a view of investing,
lis only remained over two days but
was so ph ased that he will return to
Josephine county at an early date and
Aill then be quite certain to take np
a uiuiiug proposil ion. Mauagi r
Hoofer states that the Mt. Pitt I
yielding the gold at a most satisfact
ory rate aud that his company will
soon replace tho big arraalre with a
flue five stump mill.
Brief Notes s.nd Items of Interest
and Import&nce.
Jehu Ileckes nearly lost a thumb
Thursday, while chopping wood. The
physician hopes however, to be able
to save the member.
The youngest child, a girl of three
years, of Mr. and Mrs. William Bull
la seriously ill of spinal trouble aud
its case is so serious that it is feared
the little one w ill not lecover.
The Gleudale News states that
Willis Kramer, of Mrytlo Croek has
placed a foroe of men at work on his
mine in the Mt. Reubeu district pre
paratory to ptittiug in a stamp mill.
The spring term of school at Wood
ville began last Monday with Miss
Maude Prim, ill charge. .Miss Prim Is
a daughter of Judge Prim of Jacksou
ville and she is one of the brightest
and most successful teachers of Jack
son county.
Kev. F. Sack, of Medford, all
unounces that be will be iu Grants
Pass this Sabbath and will hold Ger
man Lutherau services at 10 a. in. at
tho Adveut church. A cordinl Iu
vitatiou is extended io all to attend
these services.
This issue of the Courier has boeu
interfered with greatly on account of
the frequent lack of power for the
typesetting machine aud press. The
shutting oil the electric current was
niailo i.occssary in order that the
electric light employes might erect
new polei with safety. '
Mrs. Sarah A. Grilllth has recently
completed a finely finished five-room
cottge ou Eighth and K streets,
which she expects to rent. Mrs.
Grltllth has two lots adjoining this
properly aud she will build a house
on each this summer, oud to rent and
oue for her ow ti use.
To meet tho expected rush of travel
to and from Portland during the
Lewis Biul Clark fujir it is reported
that the Southern l'a. ilio will put on
a "flyer" between Ban Francisco and
Portland that will make the run iu
2S hours, now made iu ll'l bonis,
This "tlyer" will only stop at the
largest towns, on the route, Grauts
Pass being nun of thn number.
Jackson county Pas added two
graders to Its road equipment, which
now consists of a rock crusher, a
steam roller and four graders and a
number of wheel and slip scraper.
With a road master in charge of the
work and a crew of men hired by the
month and a camp out lit for boarding
the men and teams, Jackson oouuty
has made preparations for building
roads, under modem methods aud the
days of muil and dust on the high
ways of that cointy are ended in the
not fur distant future.
W. M. Brothers who is farming near
Merlin was ill Grants Pass Monday,
Mr. Brothers Is a strong believer III
the betterment of the roads of Jose
pbine county and while favoring ma
oadam roadsjthinks that the present
roads could be greatly benefitted by
dimming the drniiiago from the cuts
and center of the roads as is uow
largely the rule loditches by the road
side. With thu present roads
properly drained Mr. Brothers thinks
that they would be in good condition
for team trnllie fully two months morn
of each winter.
Quarterly conference was held lust
Saturday and Sunday at the M. E.
South chinch. The services were
ondnoted by Ilev. C. L. MeCuusland,
of Corvallis, presiding elder for this
listrlot, assisted by the pastor, Rev.
V. T. CouliW. Elder Met utisla id de
livered sermon that wi re nbln and
forceful at the services Sal unlay even
ing and Sunday moining and evening,
I he sol vices wore well utlendeil and
live interest was 111 inifesled in the
work of thn church. Elder Mo-
ausland left Monday by the north.
lion 11 il train for his home at Corrallis,
stopping though at points on thu way
to hold quarterly conferences for
ohurchei ui ih r his jurisdiction.
Real I. ..Into Transfers.
Ix'ts I ami J, block fi'i, Boundary-
lino Addition In 11. L Robellsoll,
The above sain wns made through
Iho Real Estate jVg' iicy ol Joseph
i'ii)l takes a good six roriui hnusr
with three lots, coiil I arn mid all
first-class mieiov
'in. ills (ill
S. e Josej h
side of tr.i'-l..
I'ilK Heal l.slule
Commd Kvent.
Anril .'i, S edm dav -Meet ing nf
county oonri lor Jos. bine county.
April i', Tlmr-iuy - It' gulnr Heeling
of cily I Olllie.l
Anril !', M.innav - I'm nit (..nil lor
.loc.liinc county eonv. ms at
dralits ra--s
July 4. '1'ucsdiiv- t'i b hialion to hi
the blg,.c-t ever held ill (Jlill.t
i'a-s. Ii.ilunir conte-tt t'anistioiu
all mining' di-triels. Other lug
feat ii res
M Ii.
LONG -HANDLES At thu liome of
the bible's an i.!.-, Mr and Mrs.
A. II. Armstrong, in (irsnls Pins,
on Sunday,
J.tllllS i.OII
M.neli V., I'Jl i, Mr.
nml M.-1 Henrietta
v. (). Ii. Pnstow,
Uiiidhs, itev.
Oltie'llt iug.
Kollowiug the w
pl.iec at II n u
witnessed by only
ddnig, wlit, h lock
nnd which was
tho family and a
few luti Hale Ii h ml-,
it line dinn.r
was served. Early in
the afternoon
the young (ouph
Hill, where they
Long h.'ing ein ley
1. ft for Gianitn
will reside. Mr
d at that mine.
I ass on
I hiir.'lny, M
1.1 Ii Gladys
Ii ;:n, iWi.'i. Miss
i net man. aged e.t
yea i a.
The fum ral serviei
this Satiud.iy at 'J p
tut church, Ri v. J.
liveriug the rnioii
l will be held
i.i. Ill the La.
II. Travis ds
Miss llarrlck
man was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert llarrli kiuaii and moved to this
cily with her parents IS jearsugn
from Iowa, which was In r native
male. She was a blight, kind hearted
woiu.tii and le r ib ith is a severe loss
to her family and is deeply felt by
h. r many friends. Her death was
occasioned by pneumonia and she was
sick less than a week.
That Helps You
On in the world
That's the
It is made by
ScMoss Bros. & Co.
Correct Clothes Makers
throughout. '
It is cut
on the newest
It iscorrect in every style
Every garment is shaped
to fit perfectly, and so
made as lo hold its
We have our large Spring
stock of this clothing ready
for your inspection.
Special sale on
for a short time, regular
$1.25 values at $1.00
Your chance to save money on your Summer Shirts.
Drop in and talk it over.
Outfitters to Men and
from head to feet.
Grants Pass, Oregon
mine fully eouipperl. (Jive full
particulars and lowest rash price by
mail. Addross X, Courier olllce.
I WANT a ranch of 1(10 acres to raiso
alfalfa ami fruit. Stato price and
particulars Addross K, Courier
I'AUTY WANTS to buy a good quart
urosiiect that will stand investiga
tion, send all particulars aud cash
price, by leticr to M, Courier ollica.
WANTKD Tho address of 23 people
who are going to relinquish their
homestead tilings to the U. S. and
wish to sell their improvements.
W. H. Hhernian,
to cook oi run
at mine or logging
T. Hiuilh, Merlin.
hcardiug house
cum p. Mrs. ().
FRANK HURNKTT-Upholstcring,
mission furniture made to order.
1'I.HAMANT ROOM lo rent in private
lamllr to ru lit party. J. I). Drake,
A V Sevm th St.
Full KENT A 2'l.acre farm on
(iilhrt creek III North Grants rasa
House, burn and other buildings,
orchard and line soil for grain, pota
toes, etc. Terms reasoable. Ad
dress 0. II., cure Courier.
FGK RENT A 20 acre hop yurd and
iH acres of plow land, rich river
bottom, suitable for farm or garden
purposes. Half mile from Grants
Pass. Address U. A. Cobb, Grants
LUST A dark grey overcoat, with
black silk inn lll.r In jsicket, some
where between Grants Pass and
Gold Hill. Reward for return by
iiddM'ssiiig "Coat" rare Courier.
HTIIAYEIJ From hit place near
Wildervilie, last January, a cow,
about tight years old, heavy set,
shows Jersey breed, color, body red,'
dull head and whit ' under body and
insldii Hanks .Small, disligured
horns, no brand but mark ou ear,
disruption of which I have for
gotten. Had on bell. Liberal re
ward paid for he! recovery. O. I).
Sargent, Wildervilb-, Ore.
;: tjj&mvxri
in fact tho best placed shoo monay is that invested in
AMfiierica $3.59 Shoes.
Such money buys more style,
Eu3 more comfort.
Buys more wear than in any other shoe.
You may rnako your selection from several leathers
made on the nobbiest lasts.
Which ever yoj choose is bound to be satisfactory, be
cause All-Anierica3 are of uniform excellence.
Better than any other equal-priced snoe you've evo
worn. Step in and try on a pair.
Kach dollar purchase entitles you to one ticket on the piano.
llmwunl 1lllr., tl Mt., - nriiuta run Oriroii
kind we sell."
Fine Clothe Mfrker ,
high scoring birds, 76o per setting.
O.V. Henkle, 211 2d St., Grunts Pass.
HAY-FOB-BALE in carload lots.
Write J. A. Perry, Medford, Ore
gon, for prices
IlfAVE! FOR SALE oua 8-inch
wagon aud span of young horses
with harness, would trade for
property iu Grants Pass, would pay
difference if property was worth
more thau the outfit, call on or ad
dies, K. N. Provolt, Murphy, Jose
ph i ue Co., Ore.
J. M. Ward, piauo tuner aud organ
repairer, phone 62l, Courior block.
Tinwaro, grauitoware of all kinds
at bedrock prices at McLaue's Auc
tion Store.
Combination dresser, and washstaud.
A great convenience iu a small room,
at MoLaue'a Auction store.
A flue camera for I'd, cost $30. A
big camera for t:lO, cost fMO. At Ike
Davis' emporium for the wants ot
uiau. x
ltlO0 tikes 179 acres of river bottom
adjoining the city. This is a snap.
See Joseph Moss, THE Real Estate
Guitais. mandolins, baujos, organs,
all good instruments at your own
price at Ike Davis', dealer in every
thing, South Sixth street.
Dairymen can git cow bells 6 cents
and up, wooden bow ls 5 oentsaud op.
butter molds, milk palls, at Davis'
farmer supply bouse. An Acme bar
roll i hnrn almost new fur t'J.
The newest is a kltoheu cabinet
with a sot of small drawura above and
back of the table for holding spices,
etc. Handiest arrangement ever put
iu a kitchen. Call at McLaue's Auc
tion store and see them.
Wind and weather ibstroy soft sklu
on race and bands ROME AND 0U
CREAM) preserves It.
A barometer, U. S. naval standard,
tells tho wealher accutalely 24 boors
ahead. Would save price to a farmer
iu one scusou on his bay crop. Will
sell at one-firth of its oost. lain
perfect order. Ike Davis. Soutb
Sixth street.
3f I2'.Hi JVlMi:?' Vj.I OIIII1Jt.ltN"H SII()i:s Jt. O. MltOSIvlSY