Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 31, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI
No. 1.
' : .- . j n
No Great Shortage In Placer Gold.
The heavy rains of late with the
large snowfall in the mountains and
bills of Southern Oregoon bag given a
fine water Hupply to tho placer miners,
especially to those ou the larger
streams that heart in the higher lati
tudes. As has boen tbo oase in pre
vious years when the winter was
unusually dry, the succeeding spring
was wet and the plaoer miners got in
about their usual run for the year.
Tbore in every prospect that the
miners will be able to do considerable
work this spring and that there will
not be so great a shortago in the out
put of placer gold in Son thorn Oregon
as has been feared of late. In fact,
intsead of there being less than half
the yield of an average Year, there is
a likelihood that there will be folly
two-thirds or more of the amount of
gold usually produced. This is made
possible by the fact that so much
more can bo accomplished iu a day
now than in the winter months..
The days are now long, enabling
over-time to be pat iu and the
weather baing warm, ni.u can work
to better advantage, for placer mining
is a wot, cold job ut the best. Iu
warm weather, a larger per cent of
gold can be saved for the quicksilver
will not flow as ft docs in cold
weather and float away on the water,
carrying -off the fine gold. Iu warm
weather the quicksilver is more live,
as miners term it, and Will take up
35 acres of unimproved river bottom
loam soil or $j(K), if taken soon.
fv acre of river loam soil and a
good five room cottage and a good
barn, close iu for only &'M if taken at
7 room house well finished within
two minutes walk oi Pott Otlice for
only $1100. Onlv a small cash pay
ment required. Muht go quickly.
280 acres, 100 arces iu cultivation,
flue hay farm, fences good. Close to
excellent stock range. Good market
for everything raised ou place. Price
only 1 1000.
8' acres with a good d-rooin houso,
work Bhop, cellar, 3 chicken boons
and paik for each. 2 acres in line
orchard, good windmill and tank.
House is well painti d and in excel
lent condition. (No. 273. )
1 v .. :- " ' J
Sells Drugs k Books
Timber, Mining L Investment
Successors to
Josephiuo County Keal Estate Co.
Courier Building.
Improved Farms in
Jackson, Josephine, Dou&las
and Linn Counties.
T I itl'Z It
In Large and Small Tracts
iu Washington, Oregon aud California.
31 I IV 13 i
Placer and Quartz iu Southern Ore
gnu, developed aud undeveloped, rang
ing iu price from JotiO to fjO.lXH).
Vacant lots aud Residences; Busi
ness Houses; Grocery, Hardware,
Feed, Geueral Merchandise aud Meat
One, Two, Three, Five and Ten
Acre Tracts in any part of the City.
I I 1 1 !S
Flour and Lumber.
Below we give some of our bargains.
No. 211180 acres placer land, Jo.
I giant, 8x) feet pipe, ditrh and res
ervoir, good buildings, land well tiiu
bered, easy terms. Price i-'iOoO. Mme
now in operation.
No. ii'i Quarti miue, vein 11 feet
wide, said to assay ti to (io ir ton.
Prices: $22.(0, 23 00, 24.K', 25.00. 28.00, 30.00, 32.50, 33.00, 40 00, 45 Op, 50.00
We hsve no spent. W ell dint u ilie rrle and von the ii'ent rummi
ion. Call at the tor or writ tor taiogue. llead-juaners or tieelin arid .m lor
all machines. We pay the fmirhu
C. U. CAKDISELli, f. O. llux SOU, A. bland, Oregon.
the'gold more readily aud thus make
greater saving in the sluice boxes.
With everything in readiness aud
with 14 hours of daylight aud comfort
able weather to work in, a day with
a good piping head will bring as
muoh results to the placer miner now
as would two days iu December or
January. That crops uever fail in
Southern Oregon, even that of gold
nuggets, is to be as true for the year
1!05 as it has been in the previous 53
years in which its wealth has yielded
profitable returns to the White man's
Profitable Pleasant Creek Mine.
(J. Vi iokstroin was iu Grants
Pass over Tuesday night from his
placer mine on Ploasaut creek, a
tributary of Evans creek. Mr. Wick
strom had several hundred dollars
with him, nuggets, in some going as
high as 15, that he has secured from
his sluice boxes iu the last month.
Mr. Wickstrom was able to begin pip
ing the middle of December aud lie
has been able to work steadily since,
with tho exception of a few days
when his water supply ran low, but
having a large reservoir head, ho was
able to put iu almost full time. He
expects to have water foi at least two
mouths more of work aud at the rate
he is taking out the gold he will have
a cleuu-up that will enable him to
take life easy, which he proposes to
do for a couple of months in tho bum
S0 acres of farm and timber land UK) acres in cultivation and
uu ler irrigation. Excellent water-right and sattioiciit ti irrigate the
entire freer A bolt 15 acres uow ill alfalfa. The eutiro lot) acres is
a laplid to alfalfa. Vi ret clans nine room house, which is well painted.
Two gooil hariif, fro it dryer, bl icksiuith shop tool house and many
other buildings. An excellent orchard of all kinds of fruit, and a line
assortment of tarries. This is oue of the best bargains over offered
iu Southern Orei on. Will accept li. caih and give from 8 to 5 yi ars
for the balauco. (3:11 )
An exeelleurrH room house witlr pan fry, woodnhed, good brick
rclllar, chicken house, fine well of water, also city water on place
and large rot in best ri'Hiduuce portion ol Grants Pass. Property iu
excellent condition. Will accept cash. Easy terms. (IS'-S)
Good ti-rooui house with pantry and bath room aud large lot iu
choice location. Terms euy. (3211)
2X0 acres 100 under feuce, 00 acres
under initiation, most of which is in
alfalfa. Pino ftock range adjoining
place. First water right ou creek.
Price f000.
20 acre HOP FA KM close to town.
Good team, new harness and wagon
and numerous farming implements go
with tho place. Five room cottage
and a good barn. Ou bank of Kogue
liiver. A snap at ?!00.
40 acres of orchard and vineyard iu
fine location. Crop uever fails.
Trees in excellent condition. Small
cottage and a good barn. All well
fenced. An excellent bargaiu at $1000.
Terms easy.
A fine 12000 foot capacity haw mill.
Almost new. Everything ready to
run. This is a Hue bargain.
No. 117 One acre, fi-room house,
all kinds of fruit, good engine pump
and tank, all piped, chicken house,
barn, and cut-buildings.
Price, 11200.
No. 32 Two lots, 6-rooiu house,
pantry, woodshed, good well, nice
shade trees. Price $750.
No. 325 100 acres farming land,
1 iO acres but torn laud, balance bcnclt
laud, good irrigating ditch 100 inches
water will cover HO acres of the bot
tom land. Good house and barn,
i good well, creek running through the
i place, 20 acres iu cultivation. Price
i-ViOO. J1000 down, balance on long
j time. It) head of cattlo at market
; price ii desired.
No. 321 4 acres good garden or
i fro it laud, one house 14x18, one house
! 10x24 with L, H'.i24, story, three
liviug springs, barn, chicken house
! and woodshed. Good fireplace,
1 graiies, ai l lei1, proofs, peaches, (tears
and berries of all kiuds. Laud in
closed with picket fence. Price (1500.
I No. 32310 room house, 6 acre
good land, good out-buildings, gcd
well, Dig inns, gooo. icne, j,e
small sum of ftooo.
No. 324-K acres good bott'jm land,
all in choice bearing, fruit irees.
No. 827 Oue lot on 8'uth street,
new 3-loom nouse at VWj.
No. 337 10 acre igood ricn river
j bottom land, 3"0 bf arj,K fruit trees
all varieties. No-, fi.r0oni house,
i hard finish, 3 we tank aud wind
I mill, small baru, J chicken houses.
; Price 210U
mer when be will return to bis for
mer home at St. Helens, on the
lower Columbia river.
Mr. Wickstrom and bis associates,
among whom is E. E. Quick, a promi
nent business man of St. Helens, have
developed their property into one of
the best paying placers of Southern
Oregon. Mr. Wickstrom is oue niiu
ing man who is never behind baud and
lias his mine in perfect readiness with
the first water in tho fall and then
utilizes every drop until the season
closes. Thorough prospecting has
demonstrated that they have an ex
tensive body of gold bearing gravel
aud that it would be a good dredging
proposition and several parties have
olTured to purchase it at a good price
aud to then equip it with an electrio
power dredge.
Grants Pass Man to Build a Quartz
F. E. Willett returned Satnrduy
from Eugeue, where he was summon
ed by O. H. Park, an English capital
ist of large means, who is investing
iu Oregon mines, to arrange for
superintending the construction of a
large quartz mill which tho latter
will erect on a property he has in the
Blue river district. The mill li to be
equipped with four' Merrill quad
ruple discharge batteries. No con
centrators will be required as the ore
is free milling and being friable it
is expected that the mill will bundle
Two flue residence lots for 225.
(25 down and $10 per month, without
iuterest, a fine speculation.
Two acres with a U room, hard finish
ed house, good barn, fii.e well,
chicken house and park. Niuo shade
trees. cash, (No. S'Jll).
0-acres of black loam soil. 5 acres
in Spitzenberg appies, trees in good
healthy condition and fine bearing.
Terms easy. (No. 283).
Houses for rent Collection
Your correspondence solicited.
Rooms 10 anil 12 Masonic 1 emple. Phone 731. Grants Pits, Oregon
Clothing Store
New location, next
100 tons of ore eveiy 84- hours.
Steam power will be used.
'The mine is located 60 miles from
Eugene and Is near the famous Lucky
Boy, where 40 stamps are now being
operated by electrio power. Develop
meut work has been carried on for
the past three years and a large
quantity of high grade ore has been
blocked out. A saw mill is now ou
the property aud is beiug operated in
outtiug the lumber for the mill aud
other buildiugs. The order has been
placed for the machinery aud it is
expected to arrive iu Eugene by the
time the roads dry and are passable
for loaded teams. Mr. Willett will
leave next week for Blue river to be
gin work upon the buildiugs ai get
the foundations in place for the bat
teries by the time they are hauled iu.
Mr. Willett has the reputation of be
iug a fast workniau aud he is a mill
wright of long experience aud has
had fine success with all the mills he
has ooujtructcd. He drew the plaus
aud supervised the erection of both
the Granite Hill and the Opp mill,
each of which uro among the best
coustructed mills in Southern Oregon
and have ruu without a delay since
first put in operation.
Colonel Draper on Inspecting
Colonel T. Wain-Morgan Draper
returned Saturday evening from Ta
kilma aud Muuumeutul, where he has
beeu for the past two weeks looking
after mining interests ho has at those
places. Co Ion ill Draper was aocoui
puuied by his daughter, Miss Draper,
who had been enjoying an outing at
Takilmu, aud they left Sunday even
iug for their homo iu San Fratioisco.
Colonel Draper stated the prosiieet-
5 acres of excellent river bottom
laud. All iu cultivation and well
fenced. Fine location for residence.
(No. 207).
Two choice residence corner lots,
GO xl(H) each, in duo location, sower
In. (No. 321.)
33 acres river bottom loam soil on
liauk of river. Neurit all in cultiva
tion. About 2 Ja acres in fruit. Trees
7 years old, is well fenced. Terms
easy. (No. 270).
made. MONEY to LOAN.
1L 1(1
to Be Sold
door to Lay ton Hotel.
iiiR by a steam power drill, which be
and other San Francisco capitalists
are having done ou the Illinois river
bottom near Takilnia, is progressing
satisfactorily aud the showing is quite
cucouraKlug. Development work is
being steadily oarried on In the Queen
of Bronze mine aud by the time the
Takilina smelter is roady to blow iu
this spring a large tonuage of ore
will be blocked out. Colonel Draper
spent several days at the Monumental
mine Just over the line in Del Norte
county. For more than a year devel
opment work has boen carried on
steadily at this mine aud it is esti
mated that fully 400,000 tousofhigh
grade ore, rich in both copper aud
gold, is now bloeked out.
The Monumental is owned by
Co). Draper and associates of 8ui
Franoisco aud New York, aud thoy
are planning to put in a large suiolting
plant and expect to begin work upon
installing it so soon as the wagon road
from Cresceut City is in shape for
teaming. This road is in a bad shapo
aud Col. Draper weut to Crescent City
aud seourod a promise from the county
board of supervisors to have BOiue of
the worst plaoes repaired. Colonel
Draper also applied to have a votiug
product established at Monumental
and also a school district and the
Colonel offers to donate a school
building free of charge to the dis
trict. Murphy Gulch Placer Mine Doing
Good Work.
Eugeue Pearson, of the Oregon Tim
ber, Mining & Investment Company,
returned Tuesday from a trip to Evans
creek, where ho had speut several
days at the placer mine that he, in
oompauy with W. K. Nipper aud E.
V. Smith own on Murphy gulch. The
late ruins aud snows in the hills have
giveu them a fine bead of water aud
with their two giants they have beeu
keepiug tho dirt ou tho move ut a
lively rote. To increase their water
they have two largo reservoirs aud
with these they w 11 bo able to con
tinuu piping lute iu the season. Hav
ing rich grouud aud easy to work,
Messrs. Pearnou, Nipper & Smith ex
pect to make a good cleuu-up even
though tho season has boon short.
Company Incorporated and Milt
to Be Installed.
A, J. Bennett a well known miner
of Placer creek was in Grants Pass last
Friday and Saturday. Mr. Ueuuett iu
company wi'h T. J. Mackin owns the
Gulden King quartz mine. This prop,
erty is located on llurgess gulch, a
tributary from the south of Urave
creek and it is but 2,'s miles from the
Greenback mine, una of the largest
gold producers iu Oregon. Metsrs.
liennett & Mackin liavo been at work
for some mouths pant developing theii
mino aud uow iu consider
able surfuco work, have a crons-cut
run in 11? feet and which intercepts
the ledge at about 100 feet from the
surface of the ground. They have the
cross-cut In 14 feet beyond tho foot-
wall and no indications of tho hanging
wall. Ou the surface the ledge shows
for a width of about 27 feet and it
has the appearance of being fully
that wido at the level uow being
worked, Tho ore in the first seven
feet of the crons-cut gave au average
axsay of $10 40 per ton and the remain
der ol the ledge is showing to be all
but as rich. The ore ou the sur
face is even more rich and having
oxidized, the gold is rondllv extract
ed by means of an arrastre, which
Messrs Bennett & Mackin operate by
mi ans of water power. The arrant re
cuii only be run for limited periods,
owing to tbo small water supply, yet
rich Is tho uro milled that the
gold secured pays a very lurge portion
of tho expenses of developing the
The development work now (lone
has convinced Messrs. Bennett &
Mackiu that they have a mine that
will Justify tin) expellee of putting on
a mill. To secure the money with
which to complete the development
work ami to install tho mill they
havu incorporated as tho Lnlaud Min
ing Company with a capital stock
of fiO.OOO, of which l."i,(KW is to be
treasury stock and uon-ussnssalilH.
The Incorporators are A. J. Bennett,
T. J. Mackin and W, A. liemieit.
Fur the present Mr. Murkiu is
president of tho company and A. J.
Bennett, vice-president and manager,
and W. A. Bennett, secretary and
treasurer. Whcii iu Grants Pass Sat
urday Mr. lienuett placed au order
with the Courier for stock certificates
and other stationery for his company.
For the present only a small aniouut
of the company's stock will be placed
ou the market, fur no great expendi
ture w ill be made until next fall when
the mill will be iustalled. Fur the
next six mouths tho time, will bo put
in blocking out ore aud putting the
mine iu shapo for permanent work.
Messrs. Bennett & Mackiu have two
other claims adjoining the Gulden
King that are very promising. But
for the present they will not be devel
oped, but by another year they expect
to be in a position to fully ascertain
their valuu aud equip them if the
showing warrants.
It is reported that Fred Clemens, who
has a bond ou the Yellow Horn mine
near Placer, aud who has been having
extensive development work done ou
the property will start up in a short
time the mill with which the mine
is -ulpi-d. The mill is a Merrill
three stamp and operated by stuiui
power. The Yellow Hum is making
a iiood showing aud the ore now on
the dump aud that blocked oat carries
good values.
Another lot
New Iron lkds, full size
Well worth $3.50 for $2.25
Grandmother's Rockers
Rregular $4.00 for $3.00
Trunks $2.50 to $9.00
Kitchen Treasures
$3.00 to $5.50
Kitchen China Closets
Glass Doors, $3.00
Waitor Tray s all sizes
25o to 75o
Watch for these
We extend
You will find it
near the depot.
I. ace Curtains
pttr nomas (Si O Neill,
V Pi. .tur. Uya Housefurnlshera
Homes Furnished Complete on the
City Council Has an Ordinance
to Close Them From I to 3.
At tlio meeting of the city council
uext Thursday evcuiiiK an ordinance
providing for the closing of saloons
luring the morning liours from 1
o'clock to 5 o'clock will 1'0 put on
its third reading and dual passage.
The adoption of this ordiuaiico will
meet tho approval of all who have
the best interests of Grants Pass at
This ordinance Is supported quito
as strongly by the better class of sa
loonuien, as It is by the temperance
people, for It Is only tho saloous
that cater to the tough element that
desire to keep open all night. Men
who tespect themselves are lint roam
ing the streets and freiueiitiig saloons
during lute hours at night, and hus
bands who have any regaid at all for
their wives and their families will be
at home at a seasonable hour. labor
ing men who desire to be at their
work at a proper hour nod to liavn a
clear brain and a steudy hand do not
frequent saloons at the midnight hour,
and busiuebS and professional men,
who expect to bo alert aud to meet the
sharp competition of the times, have
no (lcslro for tho all-night saloon.
Many u clerk and many a laboring
man has lout his position by reason
of patronizing the all night snloou
ami tlieu coming to his work with
dulled brulu and a cross, irritable
temper. The eay victim for the
gambler Is the man who is found iu
the suloou uf'i r midnight. The gam
bler, like the other predatory animals,
sb eps during the day that lie may
bo fully awake and vigilant at night
iu the pursuit of his prey, while the
mau whu has his day hours occupied
in earning money, if up lute at night
and plied well with liquor, becomes
loft too reason and prudence and
readily rinks his money at the curd
table and the slot machine that have
lnni made a sure thing lo the dealer.
The majority of the disturbances ii'
K.ilnons occur late ut night when the
all-night muuder, crazed with liquor,
is ready for a quurrel and a light on
the least provocation.
Tiiu provision of the ordinance
requiring that the ruinous lake down
all screens and curtains during the
cloned hours Is iicccmiry to tun en
forcement of the ordinaiH e. If the sa
loons uro allowed to be shut olf from
strict view, tin re will to a tempta
tion ou the part of dishonorable nu n
to continue business during the closed
hours and to hold such In chick,
it is ni ci Mniry that the policemen have
a ch ar view of the room that they
may seu that the luw is being ob
served. New Homestead Ruling.
The method of proving up on home,
steads has been changed by rules re
cently adopted by the department at
Washington. A special government
ugiut will v 1 rti t ull the
towns of the land district each month
ou spiicillu date for the purpose of
taking homestead proofs. Hie land
office will idvortise for proof In the
local paper nearest the land and thofe
having prcx.fs to make will in'ot
the agent ou the date fixed. The new
rule Is di signed to preveut frailuh nt
proof of residence upon claims. I'tnli r
the old rule prmf could lie made to
the fulled States Cnmmilnncr and a
opeeial agent visited a locality only
where there was fraud ueetd.
Three million feet of timber, !(." r
cent sugar pine, ou t suction of U. 8.
(. land within throe miles of town,
all down grade; I will show It to yon
for I2.'. W. H. Bhermaii, Masonic
Temple, (j ran Is Pans, Ore.
signs on Front street opposite the flag pole.
you a most cordial invitation to visit our new store.
the largest store south of Portland. We are located
Our stock is the best for the money that can be had.
Monky Back Ik Yew Want It.
IlijX DlNcouut Nulo of Framed Plcturosi,
la Willing That Non-Reeldenta
Help Build Highways.
J. W. Giluiore. who conducts a store
at Murphy and Is postmaster for that
place was In Grants Pass for a load of
freight, he operating a freight team
between this olty and the middle Ap
plegato settlements hauling for set
tlors and minors In addition to taking
out goods for his store. Mr. Gllnioro
is thus Iu a position to know the con
dition of the roads of his section of
the county aud he Is decidedly In fa
vor of their being improved, so much
so, that he recently made the propo
sition to his neighbors that thoy
would each donate the work to grade
and driiiu the road In good fhapo in
front of their laud, leaving the road
fund to bo expended by the so pel visor
In Improving those sections of the road
through tho railroad aud speculator
lands. This plan did not appeal very
strongly to tho settlers, as they could
not see the fairness In bnildiug their
own roads aud then paying taxes to
help build roads through uou reildent
owned lauds. Mr. Giluiore did uot
himself think the plau Just, but it was
tho only way whereby he could see It
possible to get good roads under the
present system. Mr. Giluiore is iu
fuvor of change in the manner of car
rying ou the road work iu Joseph I ue
county aud ho would favor a plan
whereby the railroad company aud
speculators could bo made to pay their
share of the road Improvement aud
that would bring a system of high
ways that would not be canals of mud
in the winter and deep iu dust iu the
Embroider Pillow.
You will enjoy the occupation and
nothing elo will so improve the ap
pcarauco of a bro corner. We have
pillow tops in many desigus put up by
Hichardsou Silk Co , iu special out
fits to sell at HO ceuts. Ksch eutelow
contains stamped pillow top and
back, four skeins (ireciau floss, em
brolder hoops and lesson sheet, (let
them at li. A. Wade's.
W. II. Hherman is the mau to look
afu-r your timber iutcrchta.
Tho tlireo jurioH at the SL Louis Fair, con
nintin,' tf tho aMoHt mechanical engineers of
Europo and America, wcro uninimous in
(IccidinK Uo RACYCLE to bo tho
itrNMNo Hicyclo made, and awarded tho
ltacytio tho only Grand Prize given in tho
bicyclo class.
i y7 a PAnnnru acfnt
Grants Pass, Oregon
Couch Uovera
$1.60 to $8.00
Indian Coaoh Robes
$4.75 to $6.00
65 patterns to select from.
Art Squares
$3.50 to $32.65
An extra choice line 20 to 35c
Hotel China'
Genuine, guaranteed to outwear any
othor; full line.
It will pay you to borrow the money to
get some of the extraordinary bargains we
are now offering they caa't last.
Wall Taper
Wooden ware
Installment Plan X
Grant Pass Preparing for a Great
Day-Drilling Contest for Big
Puree a Leading Feature.
Grants Pass is to celebrate the
Fourtli of July and Is beginning early
in the preparations that every detail
may be completed to make the oelebra-'
tlou tho largost aud most successful
ever held in Kogue River Valley. The
GrauU Pas Coruet Baud Is at the
head of the undertaking and the Land
boys have the promise of the hearty
oo-oporatiou of all business men of the
olty in their effort to provide a pro
gram for the day that shsll ba the best
as to orator, muslual features and
sports. The mining men will assise
in the sports for the day aud expect to'
have the blggost drilling coutest ever
hold ou the PaoiOo Coast. The con
test will be open to teams from all
the mining districts of the United
States aud prizes large enough will be
offered to Induce all the craoK drillers
of the country to eutor the contest.
Grauti Pass will prove IU right to
the honor of being the Spokane of
Southern Oregou by taking hold of
this event with the true Spokane spirit
aud with no shirking ou the part of
a single cltlr.en make the celobrallon
a success lu every particular and a
credit to the city's publio spirit aud
au advertisement that it Is on the map
of the county as a town that is able to
do things.
Barley Headed Out in March.
W. J. Boo ley, who resides a few
miles north of town was transact
ing busluess here Monday aud In con
versation with the writer he men
tioned the fact that he has a patoh of
barley that stands from two to three
feet high aud is headed out most
beautifully despite the fact that it is
louy March uow and spring may be a
long way off. Those that have seen
this wiuter field of gralu declare that
It Is certaiuly a wonder even for
sonny Southern Oregon where the
recent winter suasou has been oneoou
tiuual round of balmy, summer days,
with little raiu, fog, cold or cloudy
weather. Mr. Hoo.ey has promised
us a sample of this barley for exhibi
tion pnrposes a a curiosity. Jackson
ville Uenliuel.