Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 24, 1905, Image 3

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- I , r- . i nnn iinnnrkiikino . I
,Vv --. :r. jp--- THE. BUSINESS P0INIytKU mt. wj.nMrruuo.
t. -: . i
A Chicago Alderman Owes His Eclction to
Chamberlain s Cough Remedy.
"I can heartily and conscientiously
f ..... mmiixi! I ' I i I - . I
vwuiiunuii uamucriain Lough
Remedy for affections of the throat
ana mugs," says Hon. John Sheuick,
320 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two
years ago daring a political cam
paign, I oaoght cold after being over
heated, which irritated my throat and
I win finally compelled to stop, as I
conld uot speak aloud. In my ex
tremity, a friend advised me to use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I
took two doses that afternoon aud
could not believe my senses when I
found the next morning the in
flamuiation had largely subsided."
This remedy is lor sale by all drug
gists. The Colonel's Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met his Water
loo, from Liver aud Kidney trouble.
Iu a recent letter, he says: "I was
nearly dead of these complaints aud,
although I tried my family doctor, he
did me no good. So I got a 60o bottle
or your great Llectno Bitters, which
cured me. I considor them the best
medicine on earth, and thank Uod
who gave you the knowledge to make
them." Sold aud guaranteed to cure
dyspepsia, biliousness aud kiduey
disease by all druggists at 60o a
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"Several years siuce my lungs were
so badly affected that I had many
hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of
Wood. Iud. "I took treatment with
soveral physicians without auy beue.
fit. I then Bturted to take Foley's
Houey and Tar, aud my luugs are
now as sound as a bullet. I recom
moiid it iu advanced stages uf luDg
trouble." Foley's Houey and Tar
stops the cough aud heals the luugs,
and prevents serious results from a
cold. Refuso substitutes. For Balo
by II. A. Rotermuud.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Transacts a general banking bu.-iness.
Receives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every ' consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles. .
Bafety boxes for rent. J . FRAN K WATSON, l'res.
It. A. UOOTH, Vlee-Pres.
L. I.. JKWKI.I,, Cashier.
The First National Bank
Receive deposits suhieet to cheek or on eertilii ale pavahle on demand,
m-lis xilit dmfts on Hew York. San r raneieo and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all point in the I nited Stales
Special attention (riven to collection and' general Imsitu-s of our cusainierr.
Collections made throughout southern Oregon, und on iu cessihle poeuts.
K. A. HOOTII, l'res
J C. CAMI'HKI.L. Vlee-Pres.
H. 1.. (ill.KKY, t asliier
Bert Barnes,
Reliable Watchmaker
Z At Clemens'
Good Leather
ood Work
In what everyone wants put into their
Shoe Repairing. For this class of work tr
and you will be getting what you want and saw muuey.
Hoots and Shoes Made to Order.
R. L. Bartlett's Shoo store.
Manufacturer of all kinds of foreign and domestic
Sausages. Pork Packer and dealer iu all kinds,
of First-class Fresh, Salt and Smoked
Meats, Wholesale and Retail
Main Street, West of Ptlsce Hotel TELEPHONE .Wi
J. U. I'ADfXX K, I'ruprlclor.
I am prepared to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind
of Marble or Uranite.
Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants- my I tying
that I ran fill your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Sede or America. 'itanite or anv kind of
Front street, npxt to Greene's liiinslin;-.
Give the new meat market ou 1 1 waut to look after your timber in
South Sixth street a trial ordur. i terests, W. B. Sherman, MaaQUic
Patillo'f is the place. Teniplo, Jrunls Pans, Oregon. .
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
The great success of this prepara
tion in the relief and corn nf hnul
complaints has brought it into almost
universal use. It never fails and
when reduced with water and sweet
ened is pleasant to take. It is
equally valuable for children aud
adults. For sale by all druggists.
Death Rite In New York and Chicago
During November and December,
1103, one fifth of the deaths iu New I
iork and Chicago wore from nneu
mouia. Foley's Honey and Tar not
ouiy stops the cough but heals aud
strengthens the lungs aud pravouts
pneuuiouia, so do not take chances on
a cold wearing awav when Folev's
Houey aud Tar will euro you quickly
ana prevent serious results. For
sale by H. A. Rotermuud.
Startling Mortality.
Statistics show startlimr mnrtalirv.
from appendicitis and peritonitis. To
prevent aud cure these awful diseases.
there is just one reliable remedy, Dr.
King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery,
of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago,
says: "They have no equal for cou
etipation aud biliousness. " 25c at all
Gives Health, Vigor and Tone.'
Ilerbiue is a boon for sufferers from
aueamia. By its use the hlood .is
quickly regenerated aud the color be
comes normal. The droopiug strength
is revived. The languor is diminish
ed. Health, vigor and tone predomi
nate. New life aud harnv activitv
results. Mrs. Belle H. Shirel, Mid
dlesborough, Ills., writes: "I have
boon troubled with liver complaint
aud poor blood, aud have fonud
nothing to benefit me like Horbine. I
have wished that I had known of it
iu my husband's lifetime." Mo.
at Rotermuud's and Model Drua
Grants Pass, Ore. A
At Kcasonablc
(it'll II tH I'llMM, Ori'KOII,
Delivered Before the Good Roads
I cannot now recall a single thing
that is fully developed when it first
comes iutoexisteuoe Every thing re
quires some time and attention to
bring It Into a full and aud perfect de
velopment We are ever striving to
develop the individual physically,
mentally and morally beginning witli
the small babe aud continuing through
life. We must develop our resources
that are around aud about us before
they are fit for man's use, therefore
I wish to spend a little time iu talk
ing about good wagon roads as devel
opers. No oue will deny that railroads
in this day aud ago are Indispensable
in the best development of any coun
try. The question of transportation by
water and rail have, in the past, re
ceived a good deal of attention by our
whole people. It is not of snpereine
importance how much we can
produce, as it is how cheaply
we cau market our products.
However, better public roads are uot
only necessary from a commercial
polut of view, but they are a neces
sity from educational aud social
points of view as well. We shall not
be able to develop our country fnster
than wo develop the individual. The
ability to develop auy country might
largely be measured by that degree of
intelligence and moral standing that
is found among its poople who resido
There is a great effort being
made throughout this country to raise
the standard of citizenship of the in
dividual. The greatest good can not
come from our efforts towards individ
ual development unless we havo free
access to mingle one with tho other.
It is human nature to be sociable and
to desire the companionship of nun's
fellows. Deprived of thin pleasure,
as many are who livo in the rural dis
tricts, they become dissatisfied with
country life and move to tho towns and
cities. Is it to be wondered that so
many boys and girls leave their country
homes and go to the city as soon as
they become old enough to break away
from their family tiesV
There has been an unhealthy flow of
our boys and girls from the farm to
the cities with the desire to bettor
their condition in educational, social
and financial ways. Many of them do
not do as well financially as thry could
have done had they stayed upon tho
farm, and they have in many instances
fallen by tho wayside, not being able
to withstand the increased temptations
aud vico that are fonud iu our cities
over that to be found iu country dis
Our bad roads prevent the women
and our young people from driving out
and mingling together ns they should
iu order to develop the social side of
their natures, that is to essential iu
forming the most useful and well
rounded life: If the women who lives
in the country were to wait for their
husbands to take them calling, their
calls would be few and far between.
The long winter evenings should be
the most pleasant time of the year up
on the farm ; it should bo the time for
social and metal improvement. Liter
ary aud social gatherings should be
had, adding both pleasuro and im- j
provemeut, that would do much to j
make our young people content with'
couutry life. Our bad roads prevent, 1
to a largo degree, this being done. Jf
the people in tho rural districts wi-mi i
, . , . - ...
together frequently, contentment and
piosperity would come to many a farm
home that is now ruined by discord
aud poverty. Our young people who
live iu the couutry, must have better
social relations iu order to prevent
this unhealthy flow of our best boys
and girls from the farm to the city.
We should gut away from tho errone
ous idea that anybody can farm
II'" i
time is coming wheu our luiyo farms
will be cut up and a family sup ported
from the products . of a small farm.
This raunot ho done in the haphazard
way that is now in vogue among many
of our fanners of today; but will
have to be done upon scientific prin
ciples that are uow followed by some
of our fanners. For this reason, we
need to retain upon the faun uiauy of
our best hoys and girls that now go
to the cities, seeking other employ
ment. Our ugrieultuiiil colleges nr
doing much to develop our country
aud iti resources ;they teach the young
lnru and women how to work und how
to g't the best results from their
effort! aud capital eijs tided in a bo
lide way
The young man or young woman
who gels the impression f'at it is a
disgnioo to work, or that he or she is
too nice to do farm work, is in
danger of goiug wrong Such an im
pression should be met with discour
agement whenever possible.
It lias been wisely said "that the
schoolmaster and tjod roads uio the
two most essential features of civiliza
tion." Wh should instil iu the minds
of our young people, that each of us
has a duty to perform ; that we owe a
duty to ourselves aud to each other, in
that we should always endeavor to de
velop the individual anil mold charac
ter that will make the best citizen and
help to develop the district where we ,. ,n 0f ,,jH BU1 might 1 saved if
reside, and uot live for self alone. Wl, w,.r ,,, ,aV(, ,j0(j ra,i, ovr
Unless our young people have an op- 1 1 t country. . Hueh a sum thus isved
portuuity of mingling together in a!WOUld defray the expenses of con
social way, they will b-conii; elhsh htru, tmg Lhout 2i0,us) miles of good
and narrow, and will uot develop intoirim,, e: , T,.d.. , wua,i defray the
i that broad minded citizen that is di -
j sired for a full aud speedy develop
; meut of this country,
j We should, as far as possible, get!
. away from that tctt) selfishness that,
'often prevents o from making the;
! must out of our lives, aud is so often
uoticeal,le ' Improvement
AH of the roads cannot be made good
at once. Why not help build a good
piece or road in one section of your
county and not refuse to work If that
improvement does not happen to be
right along by your farm? We must.
necessarily, begin somewhere with
permanent road Improvement If wa
ever expect to have any. Oue reason
for the- prevalaiice of bad roads
throughout this country is lack of
agreement aud united action among
the advocates of highway improve
ment. Everybody prefers good roads to bad.
Everybody knows that the roads can
be improved only by the expenditure
of money aud labor ; but here the
agreement cuds. There is a great va
riety of ideas aud schemes for seouriug
the desired object; some people would
rather travel through mud than to
havo the road improved by any othor
plan than their own pet schome.
Holding couveutions of this kind
will uot iu themselves build good
roads. Wo must unite in support of
a few geueral principles aud go to
woik upon soiiio geueral plan. With
a united effort we shall be able to ac
complish much good iu highway im
provement. But iu order to unite,
some of us will have to give up some
of our pet projects as to how the work
should bo done.
Better roads will enable us to have
better schools; if we wore to have bet
ter ronds wo could have larger school
districts, better school houses and
Imve our schools better graded and run
for less expense per capita, than we
now do. One or moru school districts
might be consolidated aud have two
or more teachers iu the same building.
Such a plan would lessen the number
of classes for ench teacher and would
give them more time to devote each
class, than they now have. Better
schools will cause cause our state to
fill up with a belter class of ieople
aud at a much more rapid rato than it
will without them.
Many good peoplo conio hore from
the East with a view of locating and
investing capital, but on aooonnt of
our bnd roads some of them becomo
dissatisfied and return to the East.
They will uot stop to consider the fact
that the peoplo of the East hare had
a great many years to bring the condi
tion of their roads to what they are
now, while iu this section, the settle
ment of which dates back but (10
years, road building has but just be
gun. They have been accustomed
to seeiug certain conditions in the
state from which they came, aud they
materially measure conditions iu this
state by what they have been familiar
with there. Of course, this is not
fair, but it is simply a condition that
wo have to contend with ; aud while
we shall not be able to make good
public highways at once, if we begin
right away and make a good start lu
that direction, many of them will
conclude that the time is uot far dis
tant when our main thorough-fures will
be well improved.
An improved condition iu our roads
will cause an increase in population,
and with it will come electric rail
ways aud the development of onr num
erous water powers and various re
sources that will not he developed
until wo got more peoplo. As to
whether or uot many of our industries
will live or die, will deiend largely
upon the cent uf transportation from
our fauns to our shipping points by
water and rail. The tax of bad roads
becomes constantly harder to bear as
the people of this state and nation are
brought into closer competition with
..i .....1 ......I....... ...I....
. iii-ai iuiiui unit iiiuituoiH ui utiin
states and nations on account of tho
continuous improvement ill transporta
; tion facilities, by water and mil The
I people living iu our sinter states upon
: the north anil south are making greater
advancement In the Improvement of
! their public highways than we are
; making iu this state- Whatcom coun
ty, Washington, hits already construo-
! r I I, ,,,!, .,,1 .,,ll., I
....... ...... . ... ; . ' ;
ami fuaottniiMj roann; uioy navn vuieu
a ti n mill special road tax each year
for the past ten years, aud are forging
ahead of us iu highway improvement.
What will he tho result of aU this?
Unless we keep pac) with these statos
ill the improveim lit of our public
highways, tin v will soon be shipping
product aud supplies to our citizens
who live upon our railways and water
ways and sell tin in cheupi r than our
fanners can market a similar product
and haul it over our had roads; and
the money that shall he paid for such
products w ill go out of our slate and
our farmers aud our merchants will
alike 1 1 come poor. (live our la
boring clasrv'inplnyiuciit. As soon as
tin V shall Met money they will spend
it w ith tlio merchants and everybody
in pleated and we say "times are
good." If this class of people fail to
have emplouient with us, they must gn
elesi-where in search of it, and our
merchants lose the opM,rtunity of sup
plying tie in with good and clothing.
iifl' il a stringency iu money markets
is due to our bud roads. If the traffic
upon our public highways were to be
Htnpicd for thiity days throughout
tins country there wculd be tho great
est pinic known in history. The gnu-
ral g ivcn incut has estimated that it
costs shunt '.iiK),oi,oisi annual
ly, to transport our products and sup
plies over our common hiuhways. It
has, also, le en estimated that at least
0f eoristrncting good roads
throughout nix -tat 'H like that of Or
(quoting from
P. A. of tho O.
Mr. A. I. Craig. O.
It. & N. Co., as fob
lows :
"lam informed that about Hie great-
We Have Just Received
Two Cars Loaded With
From tho Colebratod John Dooro factory
, " And consisting of a full assortment of .
Light Wagons, Busies and Carriages
Another car of Heavy Farm Wagons is expectod about April 5.
Farmors who arc contemplating
will find it to their interest to call aud get our liguros on the
Pumping riant and galvanized pipe. Wo can refer you to
now iu successful operation in
Sawmill mon will find
- Grants
est distance the farmers cau afford to
haul w heat over existing wagou roads
to the railroad is about 20 miles. If
the wagon road can be so Improved
that with tho same number of horses
aud with the same wagon two tous can
be hauled where one is the present
limit, it will also be found that the
extreme boundary of the profitable
wheat area would' be 40 miles, or
double what it is now. That is, a far
mer under the improved conditions of
wagon roads 40 miles distant from tho
markot could produce wheat with as
much profit for hi one If as tho farmer,
who today is but one-half that dis
tance from the buyers at the railroad
'If an additional strip of only five
miles could be brought within reach
of the market by good roads, contigu
ous to the entire line of tho Oregon
Railroad aud Navigatiou Comiauy,
aud ouly every other section oould be
made productive, ovor three aud one
half millions of acres would he added
to the productive area of the Pacific
Northwest, which on the generous
basis of H10 aores to each family would
support nearly 320,00 families.
Yet live miles is not a great dis
tance to extend the profitable produc
tive belt if you go at the good road
proposition in the right way."
"Have you, who live from 10 to 20
miles from the railroad, ever consid
ered that iu addition to a great re
duction in the wear aud tear of horses
and wagons, as well as yourselves,
good roads would iucreaso tho valuo
of land itself by, as it were picking
it up bodily and plaoing It nearer the
town?" The iucreaso ill the price of
haullpg actually done Is by no menus
the oost ouly on account of bad roads.
Tho loss of Jiorishnhlo products from
want of access to market, the failure
to reach markets when prices are good
and the failure to raise products that
would bo marketed if markets were
always accessible adds many
millions of dollars to the tax of bud
Wo havo in the past laid great stress
upon the importance of building moru
railroads mid improving our water
ways, but we ha vo done very little to
improve our common highways. Tho
general government, feeling the need
of having cheaper modes of trans
portation gave to the railroad oom-
iianies of tli its country U70,(HXl,()oO of
acres of public laud as an inducement
for them to build railroads through
some of the sparcely settled parts of
this country so that It might ho more
rapidly developed. It has al.o ex
ponded about ff." i0O,oO0,KH in the im
provement of our common waterways.
Iu one session of Congress iu recent
years, it appropriated i0(), 000,000 of
dollars for river aud harl or improve
ments; and not very long ago it appro
priated :ii,(SKl,(Ki() for that
purpose. When we consider that the
cost of transportation by water and
rail is now about to the minimum
mid that it costs morn to transjiort
our farm products from the farm to
our shipping points by - water or rail
than it costs to curry thein from said
points to the markets of the win Id,
Grants Pass IVIusic House
Has rciDovcil to tlio
Courier Building, Ground Floor
Wltcro you can liml u full aHuortnicnt of
Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos
vSHeet Music 0 1,avo u lai0 stot'k of ,atlH to dpct from uoarly 16. 0
I'icecH of vocal and iiiutruitierital music. If wo do not ha to
in stock just what you want wo will order for yu. Slmot Music Bold at half prico and ud
low as 10 cents. Mail orders given jironijit utteufriuu.
tho county.
it to thoir advantago to call on
Pass Hardware
WOLKE, Mgr., J. L. CALVERT, Treat.
it is time lor ns to turn our atteutlon
to acquiring a cheaper transportation
over our common highways. We are
in a great commercial coatest. Not
with one nation alone, but with all of
the progressive nations of the world.
The prize is the world's market, and
the couutry, state or nation that shall
win will be tho one that cau reach the
market the cheapest. Many of the
states iu this couutry aud mauy of
the foreigu countries that aro our
warmest competitors are much more
active iu highway Improvement than
we aro in this state. Franco, Iudia
aud Russia, three of our close compe
titors in the production of fruit aud
wheat have and aro building some of
the best roads iu tho world.
Oregon Is a great stuto for the pro-
ductiou of potatoes. If we wnro to
have roads so that our crops could be
moved during the rainy season of tho
year, the time that they are usually
tho best price, our farmers could
become wealthy, From the In
crease in tho price that they would
often receive by being able to market
them when tho price was best, they
could soon build good roads.
Our rainy season frequently sets iu
so early that the roads are muddy be.
fore we cau get our prunes to market
iu the fall, causing us to haul very small
loads while our French competitors
haul over their good roads several times
as much per load as we can with the
same horse power.
If we ire going to develop the state
of Oregon, why uot begin to do the
most essential th'ng first that will
cause such develoment ; that is build
good public highways.
Huppose every farmer throughout the
country would put in ou an average
one month's time every year in road
imrovemeut, would he not be amply
repaid for his services? I dare say the
majority of you fanners would reap a
benefit from a high road tax if yon
were to receive but a small beue lit from
the bettered condition of your roads,
for the reason you would get to work
out the tuxes that would be assessed up
on the property in your tow ns und upon
the pinperty of non resident property
owners. I don't believi, however,
that the funnels should defray all
the expense of Iroad construction ; it
is just us important for the business
men who live iu town to have good
roads leading to it as it is for the
farmer to have them. If it were not
for the farmer coming to towu occa
sionally most of our towns would
soon ceasn to oxUt. Ho I contend
that there should be a mutual interest
betcweeu tlio farmers and the men
who live in town, In making better
public roads; wo should, therefore,
eo-operale iu support of some general
piuu or roan iiiniiagement and con
struetlou and go to work construct
lug them us rapidly as we can. If
the people of the city and the
country would unite in an elfort to
this end, it would n t he long until
wo would have a strong home force
In support 01 the cause, aided to
some degree, at least, by the general
I urgu you to not become dis
IS he
Fairbanks Gasoline Engim
12 or moro irrigating plant i
us and get prices on supplier
couraged because roads are not b
throughout your county at one ,
This cauuot be; it will take m-.oi
time and effort to bring this abou',
but it will oome soouor or later,
and tho sooner we begin the Jwori
the soouer we will have good public
roads, a thing that is absolutely nec
essary iu order that our state be ful'v
aud rapidly developed. L tharo-
fore, especially urge you to take op
the work with a greater seal and
energy than ever before. Orgaiiitw
your home foroei aud niakeaitadr
of the highway problem as it preseuts
itself today, and stand ihoaldnr t)
shoulder with othor good roads . il
vooates throughout this state a - I
nation aud make an earnest dem it
for national aid. Wbeo this iu,
have beeu done, there will be a great
impetus iu highway improvement to
the end, that our eutlre state will be
oome rapidly developed along various
lines of enterprises tint oaunot be pat
Into opuratiou at the present time on
accouut of our bad roads.
Postal Cards Courier.
Front Street, west Palace hotel
J. E. KERI.EY, I'aora.
Last stable south on Sixth street.
Room under oovur for IM hnrum aeil
40 wagons, box stalls, t'orrali I n
luoso stock.
(Inly tho bust hav, elsan grain a d
alfalfa fed. Rolled barln and nth.
g la i u.
No diseased horses allowed. Pi- -c
running water, and trough cluaueU
every day.
vt aiiiug room and lollot room when
ladies can leave wraps aud amuse
their Intuits.
I'ricca reasonable and beak narM ult.m
Teacher of Music
Practical Instruction In Violin, Via:
Cuitar, Clarinet and Cornet. Must cai
ful attention given to beginners. Lea a
orders at Music More.
N. Ii. McGKLW,
Furniture and l'iano
The I'opular Birber Shop
Oct your tonsorial work done t
On Sixth Street Three chai.a
liatb liooin In oouneutlou