lAotrt MVE toVtikk, CRAFTS PASS, OREGON, MAfeCH 3. wl CATARRH CHANGES IN LAND LAWS SOUND INSURANCE ORDERS' Good News to the Sick j v Provtoiona R commanded to Con gras by Commltilon. UnllMl Build on Solid Foundation. ' Th oommlMloa appointed to in tlgaU tba nooeialty or advisability I amending tba pnblio laud law ha ''ajusitted a npoit which bu beeo ' piMaoted to oocgre by the president. Tba raport advise a number of im portent change, the following belug . (ummary of tbe prupoaed reviaiona irhlob are of immediate internet ; 1. Thl report it baaed od a broad ganeral view of the pnblio laud situation, not on apeoiflo cane. ' 1 , The preaeut lawa are not lotted to meet tbe condition of tlie re alning pnblio domain. " S. Tbe agricultural poaaibllitie of the remaining pnblio domain are on i known. Froriiiona ahoold be made to aaoertaln tbem, and, pending each . ascertainment, to bold, under govoru ' mental control and iu trnat for tucb ' BM, tbe landi likely to be developed by actual aettlera. ' 4. The right to change laudi In for , Mt rerve for landaootaide ahoald be withdrawn. Proviniou bontd be made for the purchase of ueoded private land inaid foreit reserve, or for the eichange of mob land for apoctflo traoti of like area and value outside ' the roaervea. B. Tbe former rooommeudatlon for the repeal of ihe timber and atouo act li renewed .and emphasised. ft. Tbe aale of timber from ouru erved pnblio landi ihoold be author ised. 7. Tbe commutation clause of the homestead act ) found on exami nation to work badly. Three yuan' actual roaidenoe ehould be required before commutation. 8. Tbe doaert land law is found to lead to laud monopoly In ninny caaea. Tbe area of a deaort eutry ehould be reduced to not exceeding 160 aorea. Blrtkaa Hidden Rocki. When your ihlp of health atrike the bidden rocke of ooniiumption, pneumonia, etc., yon are lout, if you don't get belp from Dr. King'i New Discovery for Consumption. J. W, MoKinnon, of Talladega Bprlnga, Ala., write: "I had been very ill with pneunioula, nnder the care of two doctor, but wai netting no bet ter when I began to take Dr. Kiug'a Mew Diaoovery. The llrwt done gave relief, and oue bottle cured mo." Dure cure for tore throat, bronohitia, oongha and oold. Ooarautoed at all drugglita. Trial bottle free. Death Rata la N.w York and Chlujo. Daring November and DeoninlMir, IWtS. oue fifth of the deatha iu New York and Uhioago were from pneu- aaoula, JKoley'i liooey aud Tar uot ouly atopa the oougli but heala auil stiengtheui the luuga aud prevent pneumonia, ao do not take chuuoea tin oold wearing away when Koiey'a Uoney and lar will care you aulcklv and prevent aerioua result. Fur ale by II. A. Koturmuud. Style and Taste la framing la M OST 1M PORTA NT A picture, no mutter bow floe, la Incompluto nail properly framed. A PERSONALLY SELECTED STOCK of all that la nvweat, naateat and beet in IHlMtHaud MUUI.D IflUB, lnoludiug oval, eirolaa, equare and ape elal daalgna, enable me . to offer EXCEPTIONAL VALUE for the money C. L. QLCVCMQCR, Photographer Grant Pan, . Ortjon BIGGINS & PHILIPS t Asiayers and Chemists OIIAHGEH: Gold, Hllvur. Copper, Lend, 1 each. Gold and Ml Tor, II. Eeoh and every atiay dnae with the Idea that It may t ohckd. U. I. BrBU b. J. Reynolds & Lawton Civil and Mining Engineers. MECHANIC aITDRAUGHTS MEN AND SURVEYORS. Grants Pass Oregon J. E. PETERSON (riOKUM) riR, U7E AND ACCIDENT INSUKANCF RCAL ESTATE Afoot Big Horn IWn Land Co., Wyoming. Anabur Wlro Koniv FARMERS FEED STABLE J. X. K Kit LEY, Peora. Laat itabl aouth on Klilh slrawt. Itoom under oovor tor 1(H) bur. anl varon. lot atall. Corrall for Ink atook. Ouly the beat hay, !in g-ain ki.J altalia tad. KoUvd tarl-y aud other grain. Ma diauaaad huria allowed, l'uro running wator, aud trout; h oK'itnmt vary day. WaltUig room an.l tollft nmiu wl,(ru ladla can laava rj and an ai tbU tollvU. rrio rvaaonabln aud lut euri' ki'U (took. B. A. WILLIAMS ' fort and 4th Stl. P. 0. Bun 273. Real Estate Umployraent office. Houses tented Ho. T 114 acr, all ft-nrwl, im arr mat bottom, 76 culUtaUd, 10 to hopa, Bulla trum railroad town, good road, about, ale. A bargain al H6 an ai r. Hop crop vuJ pay wren priu In two year. M. BOWIE The Eminent English Specialist IS NOW IN GRANTS PASS Dr Howie aud bin skilled associates have arrived in Grants Pass March and will remain for a treat all thos in need of his professional assistance. Only Curable Cases will be Accepted, aud a WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CURE will be given each patient. Dr. IJowic has a Permanent Branch Office in Roscburg where he has for some months been ef fecting cures so remarkable as to astound the en tire community. jriOlISltJSISOlSrS: The Douglas County Hank, any any Minister of the Gospel IN ItOHlCllUltO. Physicians nnd Ministers and of relieving human suffering are earnestly invited to call and have ex plained to tbem Dr. Bowie's method r 1 rr Every Known Means of Cure pian Sanitarium. X-Light, Violet ic and Faradic F.lectricity, Radium, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Oste opathic or .Vibratory Treatment, Vapor Inhalations, Aero Massage for deafness. This illustrates but a few Dr. UOWIKS Ktittlo MiK'lilna wita built (wici'iiil!y for lillil New York, and la not nuly tlin lui 'i'nt, but iilsn tlui only uppanitiiH of HiIh (,'i uilu iu tlui Niirlli- Dr. DOWIK'S Viipnur Inhalation our n Dvufnt'M., ( at.iri li, Anth- mi, llmiii'liitin. rii'iirUv, ( oioutnplliin In thnl ilml ht'eninl wt.ti.'tfrt. ami all iliKrairsof thr far, Non, '1 lii.nit ii I l.iuii.'n. I'hn iiiiiiliiiii-genera tin miry, uii'ilieati'il, h on t h I n g, hv.tluii; vapour which im iMi allifd put likiMiir, ili lei'Uy into tln hiii.'s, it hlruxliii; iliM'Hs yrinm ami i . l .ri iiv,' a Imilttiv I'oiiilitiou to the lUhiii. No pain, no iliseotufort, Trial tloaluii'iit free. 1'r. Howie ,V Co. 's head physician is a fully ijualilied Kraduate ... .lipomas. nuiiiiH-tiiig ol a doen, aie on exhi bition at tin- ullu-o and comprise licenses to pi act tee in all the leadine Ainciuan .Stat.s .,n.l lint i-h Colonics. His teeoid of tc,itrutiou will o on,,,, at t;,c - vunty clc.k s ...i.v-, .i. uic latest American cities, the West Indies and South Villi I IV A, Consultation .y ni.nt t':ce. If'ilc to call at the office (or a m--oiial e..nsutt.Mt,Mt wute lor .. .lucstion sheet and pamphlets deaeribttiK the vanotis ticultn. nts, which will U- .,,t luc l,y ,cUlII1 mail Consultation and Examination Fr6e. T'K 'Kh a" ' :hVr ahW mvivv the kind, coutteous The lull an and most i ftoiu thii Mind or Moithy KXr, welconie. To sufficient time to successfully merchant, any business house or all thoae who are sincerely desirous of treatment. i ii Equipment equal to that at Hand. ofa; Amt.rica or Euro. Rays, Finsett Light, Static, Galvan of the various treatments. The lllustratiotu for thii "ad," did not arrive in time for thii issue, but will appear in thii apace next week. Dr. 1$()V IE Cure IthcMiiiuilUm, Nmi iiilia, S. liiticn, .unihii t,'ii, nil (m niaol .MumMilar ami iNiTie falim, Klilnny unit llliulili'r I iIm'iihou, KIiiihI ami Skin ltiscumn, NiirvoUMiuMii(i4M. rilerp lH.nnaH, 1'aialyniM, all Nervo nieftrten, t-onmlii ili'rnni:iiiiii'iitH mul din rasoHuf ttiiuuieh, Kiilniy mul Livor. Trial lnit un lit In. Thia niuohlnn l iinla )inlti'i v mid ti vta III illlllrk, lliuill.lllllll.4- ennifurt. Dr. UOWIirS liiipi nvi il X Lillil Is rn tli.'ly iliir.'ii nt fiom th X Kay proihiivil by tha Kiimll, imtTi-tlvt ami tlaiuoroiis eltH'tro eoiU i;i'iuTally usxl In the Norihwiwl. In a matter of life and health ciit'wwork i dan f;i'iou. With I r. Howie' improxeil X Liht therti la no guework. a it !.howi, the insiilc if the bmly. No dauber, no pani, no sruework Kx ainihations fiH'. in Koscbu.,;. Dr. Howie also has teitii aiienliou. l)r Howi.. :i.s-.i s. - I ' ' V UV3 all such his set vices aie free aud Within tbe laat decade, there have been organized many Fraternal Bene ficiary Order, or ao called Insurance Order, each oue claiming that it ha a apeoial miaaion to perform and ha mad needed Improvement on the onea previooaly organized. Some of the older order refused to follow the line of advancement and made no change nntil time demonstrated that it wa an absolute nece unity. - The atubborn conaervatiam of theae ordera almoat worked their rain, while other have gone to the oppoaito ex treme and want to core all the ill to wblcb man 1 heir. What waa moat needed wa an order built on a aolid foundation of boainee principle. Fraternity will viait the lick room, it will uncournge the discouraged, it will give coueota tlon to tbe bereaved, bnt it cannot pay death certificate ; it take money to do that. Any order that doe not make needful financial preparation for the future, cannot withstand tbo effect of the grim destroyer Time. The founder of the United Arti san, had all of theae facts in view when they placed the " Artisan Plan of Benefit. " Thoy had two objective point in view; first, wa to make the order safe; second, to make it an cheap a possible to he safe. Safety wa tbe flit object of the order, as they folly believed many orders were working nnder an impossible proposi tion and Time ha demonstrated the faot, a you ae the older ordera are now ahifting to our basis, bnt some of them have waited too long aud the tide of Time will oarry them out. They are making a heroic struggle and we ahudder aa we sue them ap proach the breaker. The Artisan itartod right aud have atreugthened every point aa fast as an improvement wa discovered. Ihut ahow the proper progressive spirit. The following are aome of the strong point In our plan : Equality of payment, no beneficiary member la permitted to draw benefits by payiog one or two BHsesnments, wiine oinera, who live long, pay many time more for the aauie amount of benefit. Each member who joins pay the same a every other member who join at the same ago ; no more, aud no leu, and they receive the same benefit. Tills I the Kxpt'C aucy Plan, nothing can bo more cquit able and just. ' none or the assessment or reserve fund can be used for expenses. Old age pension. ine wealthiest fraternal order per capita In the United States. Admit men aud womon on equal term. You can provide for your Inst sick ness, funeral and monument out of a certificate iu the United Artisnus. It ha the strength of old line with the cheapness of Fraternal. We have an assembly of United Artisan here in Urauts Pars and if you need any more protection, it will pay you to investigate their plan Call ou the undersigned fur literature aud full explanation of the Order. JOHN B. PADDOCK, See y. The Colond'i Wstcrloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Orove, Texas, nearly met his Water loo, from Liver anil Kidney trouble. Iu a reotut letter, he says: "1 was nearly dead of these complaints and, although I tried my family dot tor, lie did me no good, tio I got a M)u bottle of your great tlectrio Hitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine ou earth, and thank. Uod who gave you the knowledge to make them." Hold and guaranteed to cure dyspepsia, biliousness ami kidney disease by all druggists at (0c a bottle. Incrediblt Brutality. It would have been incredible brutality tf Cliaa. Y. l.einberger, i f Hyranuso, N. Y , had not clone the hot be could fur his suffering son. " My boy," h nays, "cut a fearful ga.-ii over hi eye, so I applied lluckhn's Arnica Salve, which ouicklv healed It and saved his eye. " Only S.; at all druggist. SEEDS Alfalfa, Clover, Timothy und other Grasses, mul Wheat and Oats. Garden Seeds of All Kindu. All my seeds are pure ami of the best tjuality. WILL.lMETl 11 VALLEY POTATOES Sound, Dry and Mealy nnd the Hest Totatoes sold in Giants Tass. Chiles' Grocery Front st., near Fourth. OREGON'S EXPOSITION is dcsariboii iu Sunset Maoazine .March Number Hat a finely illustrated article ou the Rtcit Cen tennial jut tbo tiling to scud Kaat. nciv articles, some rihh! short stories, clever vene- am! intere.stitiR niiscoKnuy. 'iKorous work by enter tuiutng writers. SOLI) BY ALL NLWSDLALLKS j l8l SWELL BOOT rgrrfk MAKERS ! evl that individualises B WITH TVte CtlARACm i, A r a 1 woman 'i r.z I 1 A being exclusive. I R. L. Coe (& Co. pRKb I toaMvysfmfermmm j a.MsJ!iiTw PJIOFESSKWAL CAHDS.1 1, C. riNDLHY, M. D. rnii tice limit' d to i:YK, KAR, NdSK and THKOAT, iinil I 's t L l : i y i( fni.-- hiiiirH li tn 12; 2 to ti: 7 to 8:.'i(l. '1. h illumes und 77. Uimmb I'a.s, - - Onr.oaN lRKD'K D. STRICKER, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ami SLK'iKON. Maoonic Ti ninl", Ituum 2 and 4 Iihantb Pahs, 'Phunu ti33. Okkuon. Q A. DOUGLASS, M. D. I'HYKICIAN AM) SURGEON OIHw: Pii;ncy'B riMonce, oor. 6th and K Htreet. I 'ay and nijrht phciiiu No. ti.'U. GKASm P.IKS, . Oukoon JR. J. M. KITCHliN, I.att- nirmliLi- of Now York PoatUrad- untu .Medical School. PHYSICIAN AND SUHUKON Ollire in I'ixiin Kloi k, wet Front St Phone: Oillee 8M, ltcsldenee 481. )t P- I.OVK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND KL'HliKoN. Otlleo in illiiims llroH.' liloek, over uiMins i-iina i irocery. lifHiileiu-e Phone 414. Ollii u Plume 141. I'KIMI 1'A.h, - - OKBOON HOUGH, ATii'HNhYAT-LAW, Pnietiees ill nil NUteiiml pedenil Courts Otlleo over Hair ltiddlo HardwaroCo. t.ll.M'S 1 AM., - . OllKUOII J. II. AUSTIN, ATTOKNKY-ATLAW Union r.uililiiiK KKItllV .... OUKOON J)K. I'. M. I.O.T,VKLL OSTICOPATH '('rent.-, nil Nervom and Spinal Dia .'ii. s. lOieiiiuatism and Minnach Trou I'll . A Kiiccutity inailii ol Female Dia eaes. Mice: Colonial I,odiriiif House, trout room. tli iiiiU ras, Ore. J)R. vS. J. SKATOX magni:tic Svani !t.,tl. Ale(ihol Kuli. AM dia-en- x tis-ated. llo.-it:il ean uiven to uil ho uli it. liiieiimntism cured in it orf.1 Jim In. An iee fi-ee. UHiiul Ho.iM.. 4 iffiee hour 1 to . Ol. VM-H I 'w, . OllKOoN WHKN t.VI-: I P 11Y OT1IKHS li co-t ymi m.thiui; to connult OK. A I'MlinMKBV. I!n ....... IVli :ile ei'llilihltil. niell ?l nrivate ili. i'a.-. a and uf chronic trouhlen. Al- ' .rll ( 'In rulii e and i it llor iriliu'nii. ti . I fallll'. IKisl'.eilii'i,. P.O. Hi.tIiki Call al I lie Mett.mii.t l:lisu.ll.n Palace Barber Shop J. H Ml'lLfA, Prop. Shavin.o, Hair Cuttina llatlis, Etc. iyth:i:L' in i. ol U at lillil l-ieun I' il'Sl-Clas. mul a Charles Costain WtHid Wtirkins Shop. V ot C.-.n ni". ih.u R. R. track I i.. !..: r." -s M.ur Work. tt.i HI. .11 11 W. Wo. d I'ulin, ! pairing ail kind- I I I'n. E. A. WADE DUV GOODS, k'NDKKWLAK, NOTIONS, Etc. Trotit Street, west Talaee hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. FRANK DORMAN Machinist and Repairer Machine. Lock, .i..'. Ciubri'.a auj .rir.- cone nromntlv li'.n l Li.. .,:in I i'lk' i-lier,e.; Ko na al rr. Miali., eh-v-,. New and J-.-oud Hand Hlecl Oun ihop on txiuth Mjnh tirut. m. C. Z.Xl. Column All inalhir tor Una olnmn ia supplied tir the Ornuu I'm Wiiuu I Llin;linu TiiifarftiiM I'aioa. The W. C. T. V. will hold a mothers' mettiiiR ou Friday, Man h llllh, couiuR'Uclutf at 2 p. in. at the home of Mrs. C. V. Heuklu, No. 211, Second street. Tliu priiani will be iu chargi! of Mrs. D. T. Summerville, snperinteudent of that deuiirtmout. All are cordially invited. Coine aud enjoy a well apent afternoon. The subject for consideration is "How can we order our lives so that oar iu Uueuce over oar children will always be for good." Addrena by lira J. I). Travi with after discussion by those interested. Meeting most close at four, so please be there ou time. Oar Local Union is preparing to properly observe the birthday of lira. Lillian M. W. Steveua, National Presi dent of the W. C. T. V., together with the birthday of Meal Dow, the father of prohibition iu 11 a l ne, some time, near the 20th of March. The National couveutiou for HHJj, will be liuld id Los Augelcs, Califor nia. Thero will bo a meeting of the executive board cousistiui; of officers and superintendent of departments, every altomato Friday at the home of Mrs. H. T. Calvert, at 3 p. m. to ar range for the programs and shorten the boidness of the regular meetings. Effects ol Alcohol. The Brooklyn Physical Culture society publishes the following iu its declaration of principles: "Article U We believe that alcohol is detrimental to the highest poshible health of the body; that it lowers the vitality aud debilitate the reserve force ou which the body is dependent in warding otf or lighting disease; that it affects aud destroys the tissues of the body, injuring the uorve cells aud destroying the essential nerve elements aud nuclei; that it impairs the function aud uuditiou of the en tire uervous apjiaratus; that it attacks the higher cerebral cwuicrs, cauMiig the weakness of will jniwer aud bluuted moral seme that dorgado man hood ;lhat to totally abolaiu from it is to briug it into dUuse and thus to make it unprocurable to those, who, uuder its influence, ditJiuunrs the lioiuo, mother aud father, bring thame upon their names, commit crime and suicide, practice profanity, unkind lie and brutality, caui-ing uuhuppi- iiess anil run-cry, and liaUMuiiimgi irig cllspring. " ii. tlui nit f tu "Our Leader-Cod Blea Her." Wo thank Uod tl,.u the V. C. T. L'. has as its stiiuihinl-bearer te.i.iy woman splendidly aid,, and fuiil'. fully willing to lead it on and up; ,, wouian straight and siroiia in run., 1 and Heart as iu body ; a wciui.n eall, ii of Owl, not to take Mirs V,l!,u,i',. place for every hailer, every , rl.n, has her own appoint, d hu e V t. : l". no other can till l,n i ,, airy fur w.i the work she g!' eiHUsSy ilnr.i and continued to so 1-ueci ssfullr . lurge until stimuli in ,1 to luglu r m ncc. l'runtingly, iu.UcMi..iungIv we followed .Miss Willard: diej ly, y.'t not as those without hi!j., r uh-ui,,. ed Iht departure. Then 1,h.,Hv. with faces aet victory-w artl, gave our faith, our fealty, to the new leader, a leader of Miss Willard 'a own choc, ing. The passing years have proved the wisdom of her characteristic fore thought; time aud circumstau.-e have rat. lied her far-M-e,,,,, ju,Kmut. ror six auccosnvc years, the white nhbou army bat chos, u l.illinu M. N Steven a its commander lu-cbref and to hr it gladly, grat, fullv, ae' cords tbe love ,,.! eoutlilemv a,,,! supiKirt it gave to her ,.red-,.wr. None knows better than the W. (' T- C woman that ti wp,!,! ad vauces. that "new weasion." con frout aud will continue to confront u. and that He who would vriu the name of troly Musi uuderstaud bl uexr, own age aud the And make the preaeut ready to fulfill ' i propnecy, nd merge with the future! Oeutly aud peacefully, wave. " wave witli A Safe C.uh Madlcn, f0, UlWr. ' In buying a cough medicine fr' chi dren uever be afraid to biv O,., ., , Yu(. Ki.u "I?; uo dang, r from u , r,,r,, . , ' " are to follow. j, ' ', '! valuable, or cold., ,U . ug cougn. r or wlp (,T li druggist. To Cure . . . Hi r, I - " 1 is the orl generally :i-'v ci it.d !! the jiok tar. lie i u c pieturc of lie.ilth, and the health ,v.ib tics over in mirth and merriment. V. her people are tier. r-- cspcciallv wher N-' : i ,1,. r . 1 lunK the d ..-let '& y often advises a scp ) 3 voyage. Hut in the V '-h. J huge majority of cases the sea voyage is iintiossible. H is to the men and women of the workailay world to whom sea voyages or change of climate are impossible, that Dr. Tierce s t, olden Medical Discovery comes us the great est earthly boon The effect of this medicine upon those whose lungs are " weak " is re markable. Hvcn where there is bron chitis, spitting of bluod, emaciation, weakness, condi tions which if un checked or unskillfully treated lead tr consumption, "OoMm Medical Discov erv " in ninety-eight cases out of a hun dred works a perfect and permanent cure. It strengthens the stomach ami other organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the IkaIv in all its parts is rrot merely fed lint nourished. And it is by nourishment that Nature builds up the body to resist or throw oil disease. "I hatl n terriMt' cnn.-li soimtlihiir ovrr n y ao uu.1 cuull tifl ii..!liii'j; to .p it, ir i-ve'Mi) Cn mr a jrlni: ol wrats J Al ri.rr l-:u. uf Cui'ier..;i Serevin C,, C.i. "1 oh. in ill W sit nn Hiivt-rtlrnnrtll lit' V'.uls. ;m l l.ii with lv.ii-,.t u liltlc uf v ,T lm :ihi.i' '.f ' t',..l. Mcillcil lu.iviiv ' ll.:d.K I had. taken halts Lr. I'lLicc's Pellets curt coiistiiAitiou. Lstray Notice. Hed cow, about 8 years old; crop iu one ear and half crop iu the other. Came to my place, H miles south of Grants Pirns, last October. Owner can have cow by roving property and paying charges. W. I. HOWELL. To Cure a fold In Our Day Take LAXATIVE UKOMO QCIN INK Tablets. All druggists refund the money ol it fail to cure. K. V. Grove's signature is no eat h bcx. 2,"io. Order seals and rubber a tamps of n. i. ooriues. L. 13. Hall. C. It. Cole. Hall k Colo, rinlcrtakcrLmbalmcrs. j lUliTal DiriVforv -1 1 nil 'k ,.f IJurial liolu-s anil fn t; k, -r-. Supii;,.s. North Sixth Street Viir tin: i u H-uise. I 'Hi ..KS: Ml; '. : l;.-,:d.-nei-. No. 717 THE fiRFfiT V... :-lir,nght , ;" " in- rs ti:;i.-, I- ' 'r.' tr.m.-a fa:-. .'"' a pi'ion, ' -;. beT..i,-om-V ! f-'cr. l-.iUcm,. -;" -i c:l,,r L,k !-r T.-.!:,in, It HI V- .... ;,.. , 1 1 i f. f t-- rug. ... - ',''! Van;:gtf., i'.,e".'.'!'.,;.y'' -t'!ana '7' B'-k't i.n. , 7.' i'yr- Kvt a:-.. ,., -,.;. " " 'o.x 1 One I i i mm MM I, t X Wfi via fDm a D . . tabl o vrtkitm BALM 5 This Remedy la a Speoin Sure to Olve Satlafaotlon'. i oivia aikiip at org. It oleMwes, oothe, heal, and rrotii dimaw4 membrane. It enrna Catarrh u drive wT a Cold In the Headqnioki, Botoroa the Sense of Taate and Hunt Eaaj to nae. Contain no injuriona droa Applied into tha noatrila and ebaorM lira Biie, SO cent at Pnignut or V mail Trial Sire, 10 cents by mail. t ELY MOTHERS, 66 Warru St.. Ht, NOl'IOB TO CBEDIT0R8. In the County Court for Joseotlo. UOUUiy, ureguu. - In the matter or trie instate) of Ellrabetti l. neely, Ue- Y oeasud. I - 1 Notice ii hereby given that the in. f duraiaued. Jama ISoely, ha. i ftppoiuted eiooutor of the last wilt ay i ol trie ABtate or uiitaDetfi F. Aelj i deceased, by the Gonnty Conrt for hf aoplilne tjounty, uregon, and all pa. ; aous having claim against am utati; are hereby notified to present tt. same, duly verified aa by lawn.; quired, to the undersigned eiecnta v at the law omce 01 n. u. nor too u . Uranta Pass in Josephine OooutyOrt gon, on or before aix months from it date of the first publication of ifc, notice, whicli date of first publlcatia i and the date of thl notice ia Ttinn- r a T 1 1 u . T" 1 1 U , I r oay, ueceuiuwr o, a. u. , JAMES NSELY. Kiwua. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United State Land Office. Moeeburg, Oregon, Not. 9, 1801 A sufflcieut ooutest affidavit bavioi been filed in thl office by H.J.Bccnnu contestant, against houieatuad entry No. 11,014, mad July 14, IU02, fat WIS UU.-I' UWly NWly U. ,a "7 w4 ""4 '"41 "'' UWI 10, 3 Towuship 87 8., Range 7 West, bj f James A. Bush, oonteatoe. in wbichii t ia alleged that the aaid entrytuao died in February, lvua; mat anriug tiiillf. time be failed and negleoted loeitblli a raaidenoe or reside upon said land, but resided upon adjacent land; that siuoo his death the heira-at-law hart wholly fallod and neglected toraudi upon or Improve the land, aa required by law. Baid parties are hereby noti fied to appear, roajxind and offer evl denoe louobing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. ru., on April 8, lUufi, befcrt John M. Booth, U. 8. ComnilsaloDer, at his office In Orantl Pass, OteRoi, and that final hearing will be hell at 10 o'clock a. m., on April 18, 1WJ, before the Register and Rocelvsr it the United States Land Office In Ron burg, Oregon. The said contestant having, in proper affidavit, filed November 1, 1U01, sot fortli faot which show that after due diligence personal servioeol Ibis notice can not be made, it ii here by ordurod and directed that auoh no tice be given by doe and proper pub lication. J. II. BOOTH, Receiver. . CITATION. Iu Tbo County Conit of the State of Oregon, For the County of Jon phiue. In the matter of the .Estate of Agues I K. ssawyer, Do- i ceanod. J To John Kicker, Mary Kcuimick, Lydia Jane Hammond, Ruth Kim ball, Ague Hilton, Alonzo Kicker, Sumner Kicker, Lemuel Bootiiby, Uiana It. Libby, John Boothhy, KellH McKenuey, Mary Bootliby, John Hicker, David Kicker, aud F. W. sawyer, lieirs-at-law of deceased; aud f. V. bawver. Amies Smith, Clarence G. Hawyor, Frceling V. U Sawyer, Alfledu Smith, Cliaoucej .Uesseuger, Fannie Baker Wooldridite, devisees of deceased, and all beiri and devisee unknown, if any ther be. GREETING : In the Kamu of the Stato of Ori'soo, you are hereby cited aud required to appear iu the County Court of tin State ol Oregon, for the County of Jiwepliino, at tho Court Rooui there of, at Grant Pass in the County l .loM.phino on Tuesday, the SSili of March, lHOfi, at 10 o'clock a. ni-i then and thure to how cause, if any tliere be, why au order ghnuld not to made for the sale of Lot 2 in Block F, Bourne' First Addition to tin City of Grant Pas in JnsvpliiM County, Oregon, and particularly de scribed and bounded a contained in the petition for the sale thereof, al prayed for iu the Administrator' p tition therefor. Witness tlie Hon. J. O. Booth, .lodge of the County Court of tli State of Orogou, for the County of Josephine, with the seal of said Coon alliied, this and day of February, A. D. l'JOi. Attest: 8. F. CHESHIRE. SEAL. Clerk. J. A. SIBBETS, Tenrhpr rtf Mucir Practical Instruction in Violin, Piano, Cintar, Clarinet and Cornet. Most cart 'ni attention given to beginner. Lca?o order at ,M usic Store. X. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Tho Popular Btrbar Shop Oet your tonsorial work doue t IKA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chain Bath Room In connection SAY! Have you tried the Headlight Chop - House For a Good Square Meal ? Fiiksh Oysters and Tamales. Front Street, opp. Round House. W.F.LEMPKE. Props. Day Can CHb k Two Day. oft every Ttis