...,esjs-.".Tx.vto- Dissolution Notice. - Notice U heroby given that Ooo. Harrey sod Elmer Hnyes of the Arm of Harvey & Hays, liverymen, have jiaaoWod partnership by mutual eon eat. "The business will be continued by tbe firm of Qalvin and Hayes, who will collect all debts aud settle all obligation! of t lie former firm of Harrey & Hayes. GEORGE HARVEY, ELMKK HAYES. Feb. 1, 1906. Dissolution Notice.. Notion is hereby given tliat tho partnership heretofore existing b tween J. K. Hyde and G. A. Hyde doing business in Grants Fuss, Ore. goo, andor the iirm name of I Ij ii. Bros, is this day terminated hy roatual consent. The mercantile hosiness heretofore carried on by Ihr firm lias been assnnu-d by J. It. liydc who will pay all hills due by the Iirm and collect all accounts dnu tlie Iirm. J. H. HYDE Oranls Pass, Oro., Feb. 1, 1905. To Car a Cold In Our Day Tako LAXATIVK BROMO Ot IN. INE Tablets. AH druggists refund the money of it fails to care. K. YV. Grore's signature is uoeach hi x. 2fic, Charles Costain Wood Working Sliop. West of flour mill, near R. R. track Turning, Scroll Work. Stair Work, Hand Sawing.! ahinet Work, Wood Pulley, t-iiw filing and gumming, licptoring all kinds Prices rinht 1N13W WOOD YAlll) Grants Pass Fuel Co. Third Street Between II and I lMiuiH 1:1 i We can supply you with some of the best wood to be bud. GIVE US A TRIAL OKIihK Cash Paid for Wood. Style and Taste In ftamltiK Is MOST 1MPORTAMT A picture, no mutter how flno, in Incomplete until properly framed. A PERSONALLY SELECTED STOCK of all that Is newest, neatest and host In FKAMKH and Mol'LD INGH. Including ovals, olreles, square and spo. olal designs, enables inn to offer EXCEPTIONAL VALUE for the morey C. L. CLEVENQER, Photographer Grsnti Pass. - .. Orri(un HlfiGINS & PHILIPS Assaycrs and Clicir.ists I'1 I'll A liti KS: Uold, Silver, Copper, I. end, $1 eneb. Gold and Mlvoi, . Each and every n-say t Idea that it may bo check liu.o v, 1 1 h i In -.1. ll- Ileitis Reynolds S Lawlon Civil and Mining Engineers- MKCHANICAI. DRAUGHTS MliN AND SURVIiVOKS Grants Pass Oregon J. E. PETERSON (rioKKmi FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDLNT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Agent Iiig Horn llusin l.iu.d Co., Wyoming. Anchor Ire relic The I'opular Barber Sh .p Oct your lousori.il muk tlum- it IK A TOM I 'KINS' On Sixth Sttcct Tlmv ( h.ui -Hath Koom in cnunc-thm FARMERS F E f 0 STARlt J K. KF.Iil.KY, Pencil l ast table south mi -Ixlli ln : KlMHU under oover for lf0 Iih'm, a'ul 411 wagons. pox sta.ls. xonad '. r Inoait stock Only the host b.v, clean i;i ii,, and Ifalfa fed. Hulled bal.ey and oil,, " y i-nln. No diseaiNHl hut-Hi alioxxid i running water, and ti.eii.-li - n. ,i every day. Waiting room and toil. I m Indies can leave wraps and aruing. their toilets. Priou reasonable and lu st cue gix. u stock. ! ( B. A. WILLIAMS Front and 4th Sti. P, 0. Box 23. Real Estate Kruploynicnt oHioe. liouses rentt.il No. Ta ISA acres, all fenced. n acres r x-M bottom, 7A ciillivatisl, pi to hops, 4 miles from railroad lonai, giHid roads, as ItiKil, etc. A hargnin at Ht an aero. Hop finp will pay purc'.sso price in two xra Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Unequalled for Constipation. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggiat of Batter Springs, Kansas, says : "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are, in my judgment, the most superior preparation of anything in use today for constipation." For sale by all druggists. ItctwRingworm. E. T. Lucas, Wlngo, Ky., writes April 2,")t!i, 1902: " For 10 to 12 yearn I I. ad been allliotcd v-yth a malady know n its the 'ileh. ' The itching wns iimwc unbearable. I had tried for yearn to find relief having tried all remedies 1 could hear of be sides a number of doctors. I wish to stale that one single application of Ballard's Snow Liniment cared mc coiiiplelely and permanently. Since then I have used the liniment on two separate occasions lor ring worm and it cored completely. " 2.'iC 60c and fl.00 bottle at Model Drug Store and Kotermund's. Health. Means the ability to do a good days work without ondue fatigue and to find life worth living. Yon cannot have indigestion or constipation without it" upsetting the liver and pointing the blood. .Such a condition may be licet and quickest obtained by Ikrbiie, the best liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. I). W. Smith writes Aprii 8, 11)02: "I use Uerbine, and lind it the best medicine for niii-l 1 pat ion and regain! ing the liver 1 ever used" l'rico 10 cents. Model lirug Store and Itotor in ii ii il 'n. fraud Expend A few counterfi iters have lately been making mid trying to si II imitu tiousof Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds, and oilier inciliitcs, thereby defraud ing the public. This is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek 10 profit, Ihtotigh stealing the n ptilnlion of remedies which have been success fully curing disease, for over!)') years. A sure protection, to you, Is our name on the wrapper. II. E. Ll'CKLEN CO., Chicago, 111., and Windsor, Cam flu. For sale by all iliuggisls. falltd. All e (tin Is have failed to find better remedy fur coughs, colds and lung troubles then Foley's I lout y and Tar. J. N. I'attersoii, Nashua, Jowa, writes: "Lust winter 1 had n had cold on my lungs and I rii-il at b ust half a dnMi ii il vi 1 1 1 s, il cough medi cines and had triulniont limn two physicians wilhout gulling any bene fit. A Irieiid lecoiiimi'iidcil Foley', Honey and Tur ninl t wo thh da of u bottle cured me 1 consider!! the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." For sale lv It. A. Itol i-i iiiuiiiI. (imxe ItouMe I eicirin Il Hi eib l.ul 1 1 1 1 !o foil sight lo tell, thai when your i-loi.,n. h mid livei are badh ultc: ted. crave trouble is ahead, unless 3 ou lake the proper in ed, cine for jour ill-rase, as Mrs. John A. Young, ot ( lav, N. V., did. She says: "1 bad neuralgia of the 1 1 vi r and Moniuch, nix- hunt was weakemil, a u 1 1 I could not eat. I was eiy bad for a long rime, but in Electric I'iu, is, 1 f,H ml ins! what I needed, fi r they quid. Iv n li.votl and 1 1, led inc." Sid, i under giiaiiui Inn by all druggists. A .Meriaie lo Health Knlin v Imuble is an insidious Han ger, and many people are victims or a -.cllous 1 1 . 1 1 1 i 1 v In fine I ho sy mptoms aie i.e.. gin, ,1. I 1,1, ,'s Kidney Cure cm reels ir icgu lar 'I p s and sin ngtl i ic Mini lm 1 1. Is u 1 1 il,,. kidneys, and it shoo Id he taken at the first in, lien- t ii n i I I. I'lliev ililile P'i.,1 , as ii health l-'nr sa Il ls no if il.i hv II. Mhle I, I,.,. Iley s ale lb I ; butt i muni. Aipnilitiq hurai i'c no unit iv ii in x , i, and pi 1 1, etly I" ah d, In 1. 1, i leu's Arnica S.ilxe. ' Ii i " "I 'll I , .1 i. , id Nol loll., Vil. , "I bin in niv i,u Ircaib I'Ulv ; ii lii" ii d all oxer. I'.in I, leu's A i mi a .--niv,. sto " d the ,.i i ii, and h. ah d it xx 1 1 hunt a si ar ' ' at all iittiggMt. Win! Are l Iain's Si' A lie x iii I'l linUMIi --, rticyf in. iih and I.ivei leilx lor stomach an. I cosi i pal ion. llltlllli l abl, M. troubles, and a g.a ii one. I'l lee J.'i ins. lor ah' bv all di ugglt E. A. WADE i i ; n I'MH ( it H l IS. i:.k. notions, -:t(. -I I'.l.oe h.d.'l ASS, in- .; t'.li A I S 1 Q i llc.ut;; 1 I'l.' I 11 I'''.' .' ' ! 1 - lltlllsC . Mx-ul ' 1' ' vt t. '' '. ! lniiNf. I !'-ps x 1 M l Machinist and Repairer ', M i.d i . I.sks, 'e. lias ae,f I r.niipilv iHheril.-tial RI ll al leas Mi . .,-W Hll.l allil KeXolxets i. tin.- don, h lives. ' I.. "ii. I 11 iin! .i, i, Stllll . if-, Gnus ehop on Ill .-"lll!l StHH'l GRANTS PASS-WALDO RO AH Miner. A.aoci.llon Propo.. to Pwt on an Oil flnlah. jix-ds of dust In "the roade make . vehicles drag as thoogh on a looae The Grants Pass Miners Asaocia- sand bar. The winter weather il an tfon has under consideration a plan mild that it is ideal for teaming for for the Improvement of the Grants the rains are not excessive and tnowl t'ass and Waldo road to make it ps s-( are rare occurrences and so light as able for loaded teams 12 months in Ml to impede travel. With a bard, the year instead of not over x ' macadamized road to draw over, a mouths, as is now the case when the team would haul 25 per cent more In annnal mud blockade precludes all lhe winter months than is now pos heavy traffic during the winter and sibln in the summer mouths on the spring months. The oiled roads hav-' present soft, dirt roads, ing proven such a success In Califor- That the building of this macadam nia, both as to cheapness of construe-1 Iwd wagon road would preclude or tion, durability and hard, smooth sur-' retard the bailding of the proposed fare, strength to withstand heavy Grunts Pass aud Crescent City rail- traffic, it is proposed to nso oil In- stead of crushed rock for surfacing this road. The plan of Improvement Is first to have the road on tho best grade pos sihle, relocating snob sections that could be put on a less grade, then blow out the stnmps and remove oil otlier obstructions and grade the roadbed to the proper crown and width. As graded each layer of earth to be thoroghly rolled with a power- ful steam road roller, th.:t would so pack the ground that It would not settlo and oauH) mud holes nor rut bv the weight of heavy vehicles. The right-of-way to he thoroghly drained and the roadbed, where necessary, to he tiled. ' The finished road to be heavily coaled wi!h oil and then when dry given another squeeze with the steam roller. It Is exs cted that such a road would stand winter tralllc as wjll as a macadamized road and be much less expensive lo build. To raise the funds for the Improve uient of this road it is proposed lo ask contributions from every land. mine, and timber owuernlong the line of the road, who would bo benefited by the building of this road. The business men of Grants Haas will be called on for contributions and the town and the county will each be a-ikcd to make a lils-ral appropriation for the road fund The Southern Pacific will 1m asked to help on tile road by delivering the Oil free of eliatgo in Grants Pass froiu tho oil wells in California, the purchase of the oil to ho made out of the road fund. lo put this 40 miles of road from Grants I'a s In the Takiluia copper smelter in condition that loaded loams " an use it at all seasons of lhe ar is an undertaking of considerable magnitude end will reijuiru a large sum of money, hut the benefits to be had from it will make it one of the most profitable public imprnvcini in that could be undertaken in .Southern Iregon. In fact there Is no district in Oregon where the building of a modern wagon road would develop tho li.illie tmiuagc eipial to that tc be had from this district. It Is a state incut that can nut be gainsaid tl"at with a good wagon road millet to the eiitial and southern sect ions of .lose 'hire county for the full 12 months of aeh year In Grants pass thai tin volume or business handled bv tli ily wnilW be doubled by tin- Hum. of the second ear, while tbe I, rants Pass freight tratlie of the S,Milliern 1 'mi tit- would in the same tine' I. mom limn trebled. Kverv resident of ai.ts Pass would he beni tiled In the building of this wagon load and tin- increase to business and the gain in property valuations witlii', H v years limn Its completion would pay hues to tne cil i-i ns every dollar they put In it and with big intercut. I'll' territory to which this turnpike r.nd wi n Il afford an out lei is l.iii'. r tluiii unt IjIi ni 1 1. inn ns, fi r with tlie in inch r, :nU 1 1 n i would be connected w ith b, it would cov, i a dislrn-l lolly ild mil. s long and :." miles wide. Within this di-,tt ni lies i ne ot the heft hay, grain, dairy, stock and friui seciiins of Senile rn t begun, now taaeticallv umleveli I and which wcuil suj'pmi u large popu I li en and beeoinc a Hade and tav paying disti.ct of laige imioit inn" to Giant Pass and Joi plum county. .Some o th, large.-t and Inn si In ill. s el pine ami lir I in I n i., Ic f hi nl in Siiiill iin iin gi n an in iiiisiiiMiiei anil naxe e.al'ii'v hei t, ii iii hnl ly the few mills i,.,.t l ave i I'eraled for lhe si iiioiiIIm ot the xi. ir when the mads permit luinl, r to be haul' d lo Gran's Puss. Vx ith road lai'llitles to ibxeliip 'hi end 'tin T linil'i'i ir lets, I i i a i is I'a v. le of lhe gle-list XX Oil Id I'l l 0!M' I lie Itinihi r ct ntel i iii if. lb! the illdllstlv gon. thai . tail I he the inns' of 'Ills I'll ill lll'll X . I!'... tool 10 1 o.l' m.ii.'ial Ii I.I .Igcs It. up III lllll 'lli'tilt.'d bv the building Ii way would be th" mining The di-tl Ii I i ,'V, r, 1 hy - . oni filed l y milling to. ii f tl." iaig- si ami ride s I'l mi I tit- Pin-iiio I'iu-i i hi gold have b. ell o em d 'I' - ii'.d did not the had d- n a'.. Il ia- !'"ital ion i I, a: g' 1 1. -.il I v prul, i hu ivn io their roiii - Hi -ta I !.u net -ind xx m k ing a seele mil" , f ijilalt,'. mil's xxould now l e that di-lliet adding to lhe plo ef III oiiniv. '!'"l -I" I tell ill i a 1 J ft this lllilii' the 1 iilid lie in dtl - t' , l a I ' e I -.1 I .. Win; -a, ! kit '"I I a ti,. X, h' , Id .1" " III 11! X' Ih, I the ! t , Hit , , ' III Ii a u- and t a 1 1,, 1 1 a lie. ii'Hv el I ;..,iii, ' at a ' n d 'Hint 1 1, i l "li. I 'l., in' hi Had ll ete I el XX, 'I.. I li I i i-l ' Id. I I tie in I lllll-g I eke l.iilrn.i.l a i.l It xx HI .hut ,h IX , .Mill ;'--.iK ,t- t! I'l I a-viKc in tl I i iii - in li. r I'.' ci., i it, 1 (, i I" I u i . .' ;.,oi tin ol l hi' vial. I h, husiii.xt, xxt'tild cr.'.iii xx. uhl he a vi iv gi.al ta tor tq the iro.pt my i t (.rants Pas.. t i ,e c ipp i ,1,-p . are tta le t 1 a! xvi 11 ui.'.k,- It e .-, for ii lettf tlceii intire s.u. It, r- te put la o st ll in I l.i tint ' I i'u-i . Freight i a- u,,xv c. rn ,t on Ii I l ol I the Waldo district, as fix iu all oibei I v t0au "ec,i0D" of 8ou",erD Oreon' I Ir carried od in tho ommftr mouths whf ri Mm hfftt inrvtiiti tha timmi i from do,ng t)ejr and lhe deep ro'"' ' "ot so, but rather it would make certain and hasten the con struction of this railroad. The day of wild ventures in railroad bailding Is past and now capitalists before they will Invest their money in the con struction of a railroad, must know that the traffic is absolutely there to make its operation profitable from the beginning. Without meaning to discredit the present efforts that are being made to secure a railroad south from (irants Pass, yet with tbe almost undeveloped condition of the resources of the reniral and southern sections of Josephine county, It is certain that it will be several years before capital ists will take up the building of a railioad lo Waldo mid Crescent City. With a hard turnpike road that would enable freighting to be done readily and economically for the entire year the mineral, timber, farm and other industries of this section would soon he developed to such an extent that sufficient tralllc wiuH becreitedto warrant the building of a lailrcad. Capitalists could then be interested and the railroad secured. The wagon road would not rease to be of value for it would he largely used by farmers and olbeis and it would be a most wholesome check on the possi bility of excessivo freight ratea that are so often levied by railroads hav ing no cotnoetitioii. I'rovolt Item Will Messinger of New Hope was here Thurslny on business. T. K. Lewmaii was in Grants PaBS Friday for medical treatment lor an injury sustained' by himself while thawing giant powder two mouths ago at the Lewmaii placer mine in Trinity county, California. II. Day of Murphy was hero during the week for the purposu of crco lug a fence about the Day family burial lot ill the Sparlin cemetery. He lieautilied the Jut . anil the grave of his father by planting n number of flowers and shrubbery. Thus Carter spent several days of last week in Grams Pass. Mr. Carter operates a placer mine in the Whiskey gulch district ami secures bis water Pply from the ravines above his mine, w hich enables him to pi .e dur ing most of lhe winter months. I'xtensive inigiiting ditches are ing put in and no.ch liuiri hereto fore utipiiiiltifiiv,; is with water be coining line nHiilfa meadows. Two le w hop yards nie to Iv added to the aer. age in tins' valley this spring tltie will hi' of 20 acres and the ol her of III! acres. John Tut I; in tame from (irants Pats Ibis wi : k hi ok after his farm here. Mr. l.utkin states thai his grain looks unusually fine ami he exicls a big viebl. Mr I.ntki.' moved to Grains Pass last i'a 1 1 to enable his wife to so fine medical treatment, her health having bun poorly for the past I we yeais She is now so much Improved ilia' they expect to move buck lo 1 1" ir hum here In the spring. 'Iln - gate Valley is coming to 'In - lioni. lhe farmers are adopting ' mid t'lgn-ssivu methods of handling their farms and instead of sma'l ti. ins crowded each year by the ingi'.xving brush anil the fences in a liiml'lc down condition, broad arms wi II fenc d are lioxv lo be seen in iii tex la, i s. Much land ii being t I. .lied and -the acreage planted to gi 1-s. gtain, fruit and hops will be nearly iloiilih d in this valley within I i l,e next live v. ais. It was twenty. six years ago that a cattleman by the name of Good win, while un in the mountains hunting the bears and cougars that ncre killing his young stock, ills cox iii d the finmus Sotithern Oregon eivt Mr. i.'ooiixviii was chasing a hear xxlen It tool, r. fllge iu tills cave. ihi--c.ui is 2S mile from (fruits I 1 t - llt.,1 s ll' ltiv pi I (i!e In xx i' Ii iii a i i-"id esch setuoil by A w agon toad re u-hes ' mi it s of the in e ami a '' u i e f. r lhe remain- l t"('l aV.til.l-. I. d. I II e ii,-' on us fa at r x' . M I'icx.vt er a very inoun- I'. hnak iug a bout '.'0 s w hit h be bought tin in are veiy tine 'ill l.a e seuiit flue ale. Vr. Prevolt i ' car t busiiios :i luxx lor the he:, I t f x uliti I e la-: tall. v.,. Itllfc- I '' !: lie 1 1 e in it' h 1, aie l,e n as I. ir u i x' in !!' 1 ric. ! il. ' Ixxi. ..r- in,. I th, i i.l,ide range ""' -c : i"xx i i xx i , .:, k as to no '- a.r, i I e ,. i f, ,t. found ' '. : ii- iu- no io ,.-,-r r.ditable nml ' " 1 " a: n lit iO l t o horses, f,,r " - I: xx an Hell if dcninud ' i I 1 1' ii 1 1. .'a v lor ra..-ii'g " ' w It eu' , . in (he .jt, Hm '' ';,! ul litis vail, y l St. 1' " " III "' has I ft a MX OVer- 1 -! '!l 1 ' I'l xx. :i i a't ii eul and ' " - : u I.. ! ' cut. the ' ' i- Lie.t -i . in brush that ' i- in I'-.' fx . tl tlu le whs til t - ''' : ; rinx; there are i' I il I imtlied I ,s.l i t cut!,. ' - . i lien, this allt y to ih,. tirax-. 1 "''"""i'n lanx". a In re i here is t.V. IX , . , ,i tee.l La l.nppi and Pneumonia. I'lieuii.onia often follow Ij Grippe but never follows lhe use of Foley' Hotiev anil Tar It curt a la cu.hsand piexeiits piieniuonia aud i , iiunili " for Foley' llouev in I lai n ml rtlt.se anv fuhMiiule " ) Mr- li- Vachec, of IJJ O. 'iidS-.., riiMii:,. write! "Mrwifj ti ns' i f la gririve thne r ag . an I 11 ,.ft u.r with a ter- li'Tv I ia.'..., ei -gti. .-he iried a hoitle of lion, v and lar aud it gave : '!" r. I., (. A M cvtit bottle I" 1 congt. iniirely. For alr tl A Koicr,i.uud-. A SWELL SHOE SHOE J(1 I leathers and dl ii ll I I -jCyf MAKERS MVSV. 1 M0 iwjqia,ril)iihlli'WPII IIIIIWIllHMIMWnMlaMlli 1 J. u -J. enjoyi::; than over my wholo Hi Thnt h tL" Bt".tcT!i -!'l of n - onr.-: had never ine:i v,.'.: uulil well bv t!i.; use of jr. l icrt'.-'i. J .1 Prcrtpliji. T!:(.rt2 urs a p.?: 1:" other vv( -it.n in liLc case. Tl - ah my 3 Ia'l-ii suIT- rt ia from (liita- '. -y have nevi-r known the joy fj! j-....c; ht;i!th. l or all stioh women Dr. Tic-rcc's f : voril" rrcscriTitioti holds out the? wet of yx ivn n u permanent lu r.t'.. y cure o! tne woinatuy aiva u-, . x .1 Wcul'cu W'-u'eii. It citnbli i!;e i -., .t ity, drii-a v, t -aliening drains, lie:.. s i.,,... niutijfi and ulceration, and curi a fc:i: .li weakness. It iiiaWefl weak women strong and f.ick women well. " It iven tne fle,i!Mrr to let you know of tlie lfif.it l.'ima icrmvf I ftuiii Ir. Pit rccV nu .11 cincH il ( iit- jt" . ite wlii li vtu o kitinK it . v;it. i Vr. it rtu I'.irlti r, of Uonhcm. I -.i.mti Oi., TfJi.t.. "1 t'mk your ' Fnvurrt i'n"i-T;'-li'-H.' " iiI Mi-ilic.'i! Itisftivery'iuKl "-t? i;n.t Ivtl.-tt,' ;n 1 f .1: .wvtl your arivic rt'iftintii Ut 'litij'J T i ' l . : - ' aii-I an curcl. I )v VcU tr-.tU-1 tiv 'li .. rt-iit (1 or torn ni'fl np'-iit oih liun-di-.l .'.xli r i-r ti. :il m jit uiil n(lT(.iii'j, l.nt ft-t'itvul vt-!;- litHf t!.i-i' I hnvr otilv M'"iit acvt-ntivil ' il.i : -tnl t" .1 y ri-ut lor VtHir iiu til-Ci'i".- mi 1 i' 1 "vi trn-111 thrrror four nit m(!ih of llii-cintl l :in I (rtlliti,; rf Utt rui. I t:ilf' rt ti Wfw f m1'-; v 111 my b-irr. , nlt irr tfulttr yu-n-II. ui 'x.iiii.. I Avn'iii luwer jsortimi ;i -- grr-itl i-.iin .li iliroiiifli inv Uiy. I'ui in titcn.s rti r) w v. rt'. II. i l uTiK.ttuTim; sp- Ms, l.n:.ti wuh very ft!m, t ::M tlu- tltiii'. i;il p.iin iti 'i.i Li'f.. pun in tnv tli-.'h-i, jmiu In brmsl. nlwt )!.. 1 1 ri niy h ;i'f. r Ik tvi ls roiKttitatrd. I urn i'l! rtiw ti ti 1 roj' yinir tK-tier licrilth than -ver n I in inv wlii'l''" li'--. Am liapjiy to tell you that I wiih t'Mif.l ! ir n.ivifc ntid i;o-.l ti 1 !i Ciiict. lUv ' I'j v;i ;tc Pn-vriptniti, 'Gol.i. n M. .! Iih! l-:...vir. I'lfiisutt 1 IN t- mi. I i Tril.lftt' Th niMiK-Hic currd mc mut wil' cure others 10 0. The denier who offers a substitute for Favorite Prescription " 30 to gain thebttli:,i..repr"-,tpaidontbeiileof less tueritoi iim a nit-dii'tnts. Ills rtnuit is your loss therefore accept no sid t.i ;: ute. , Dr. I'iercu's I leasant Pellets regulate; the bowels. ' notice to school clerks. Grants Pass, Ore., Feb. H, lMii:,. To District Clerks: Yon Bre hereby notified to comply with the law which requires iviry district clerk to enroll annually dur ing the last week in February, for school purposes, all person- iu bis district over 4 and under 2(1 years of age. The census report Ihns taken shall he submitted to the direciors at lhe annual meeting. June IU, l'.K, anil all coirectioiH necessary shall then be inaile, aud the clerk shall then file his crluiiial report in hisollice, the same tube and remain a part of the permanent records thereof, ami the clerk shall Include a copy of the an nual census report in his annual re I on to the conntv superiiiieiident. Yours truly, LINCOLN SAVAGE, fo. Sup't. Polient In roed Pi rhnps yon don't realize thnt inanr pain tioisons originale iu your food, but some day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia Hint w ill convince you ' Dr. King's New Life Pills are guaran teed !o cure all siclanss due to poisons of niiiligest "il food or money back. J.'ic at all drug stores. A (iuaratitTii C ure (nr 1Mb Itching, Rlind, Pleciling or Pro truding Piles Druggists refund money if PAZlt OINTMENT 'nils to cure any ruse, no matter of hoxv long standing, in to It days First ap plication gives rase ami rest. ,'(V If your druggist hasn't it, send .Vic in stumps and it will be fotwiirded postpaid by Palls Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo hn You Hive a Cold The (list action when yon hnve a cold shuultl be lo relieve the lungs This is best accomplished by tbe fret use of ('bimlH.rliiin'a Cough remelv. A complete cure ,' ll fo lows. This remedy will cure a severe ccld iu less tiino than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy erudition. It counteracts anv tendency inward pneumonia. For sale ''y all druggists. Plratinii hdfv'i Honev aad Tar. .. . i ro.iy i I ii., Chicago, orik-ui.iteil Honey and Tar as a thrnal ami lung remedy aud on account of the great ! ItlKtil 111:1 l Iril. r L'..t. . . II... - ' ' ' '.''"". s .i'l... : .,, m.-itiy numinous ore cu-'rcti i tor tlie gtiiuine. Ask for Foley's Honey snd lar and refuse any sub itltute otter, tl as no other n paratiou 111 give ibe s.tiiie s.itisfactiou It Is mildly laxative. It contains ,; opiates nnd is safest f. r children and delicate person. For sale I v H. A. Holt i n, mid Perfect Confidence. Wle re there used to be .1 feeling uueasiiies ami worrv in tl.e hou iioitiwuena ctilltl show, it si in ; loin. or croup, (here i now perfect con lideticc Tli ia ia ow ing lo H uui- lonu sucx-css or I tiamberlaiii's C K, Remedy iu the treatun nl ef tl.t dis cane Mrs. M. L lmsford, of Pod., rille, Md., iu speaking cf In r t xperi encc iu tli.x n. 0f tit r..ie(ly saya : "I have a world of cooltdince in ChamNrhiin Cough remedy M child I aubject to veie attack cf roup and il alwaya git, a ,lm prciuit relief " For sale by all ilrQgina. r ta. C. Z. "Cl. ColumrTj in n nn 1-r i - 1 T --w.Hniii n -m - fin n rt AH matter for this nolnmn Is supplied by the Grant. Pan Womaa'i Cbrutian Tenipwmnca Cnton. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. O. V. Heukle, 211 Second street on Friday, February 10, at 2 p. m. Mrs. J. V. Halo, super intendent of the department of Anti Na'coties will have charge of the program. A cordial welcome to all who wish to come. Work ol the "YV The (irants Pass Y'e, whose object is "To plan and carry forward meas ures which, with the blessing of God, will result in tho promotion of total abstinence and the extinction of the licjuor traffic, " held a profitable meet ing at Mr. C. V. Henklo's Friday night, planning the work of the or ganization. It was decided to take up up only four departments at present Parliamentary, Press, Anti Narcotics and Public Meetings. The follow ing vice-presidents from different churches were nppointed Edward O'Neill, Presbyterian; Mr. Moore, ISaptist; Mr. Walter Harmon, Methodist and Amy Isaacs, Christian. The business meeting was followed hy a short piogruin and social hour 'during which light iofrehmeiit8 were served by the women of the V. C. T. ,j T y,, w, ,,,,,( flriit Fr,day 1 i'nv" "'" At the next meeting lhe firograiu will he ill charge of the Anri-Narcotic department. All young people are invited. Zona Chapman, Press Supt. Th Frances Millard Statue. Washington, D. C, Jan 17. Today the exftiiitc named February 17 as the dale fur dedicating the statue of Frances E. Willard ill Statuary Hall, l'liu matter was brought up by Sena tor Cullom, who sent to tho clerk 's desk the follow iug letter to be read : "State of Illinois, Executive Depart ment. "Springfield, Jan. 10, I'.iO.i. "Dear Sir: Governor Dcenen is in receipt of a letter from the chair man of the Illinois hoard of commis sioners fur tho Frances E. Willard statue, informing him that the sculp tor, Helen Farnsworth Mears, n-pcrts that the model will reach Wii-hing-toi., D. C, on February 11. The commissioners express the desire that Governor Deneen udvi-e the Senate of the United States and ltous.' ,.f Representatives of the completion t f the stat jc, iu order ihiil a date max- he ii ediately fixed for its uc-e; - unco hy Congress. I am din clt tl In Governor Deneen to coiuniunicaie this fact to you for your intcrmaticu and such action us Congress max- st e lit to take. Yours truly, i "J Whiitnkcr, ' "Secretary "lieu. William P. Frye, President ' I' H ited States Satiate, Wii.-hington, 1 1). C." ! Senator Cullom ihen presented the following resolution, which was igreeu io oy unanimous consent, : "lit solved: That the exercises' approp. iato to the reception and ac ceptance from tln Slate of I'liueis of the sialntt of Frances E Willard, erected in Statury Hall, iu the Capi tol, he mail' the siecial crib r fori Friday, Felnuaiy 17, st 3 o'clock. " ! The statue is noxv receiving its' lini-hing tt nclies in the studio of the sculptor In New York city In iv.n.i, ! the Illinois legislature passed a bill providing for the sta ne of Mi-, ' Willard uinhr tne provisu ns allow ing i eacliNftale In provide two statu, si euh for Statuary Hall in the cortidot of ti e Capitol bciliiing. I, j, ,,. llrsl siatne i f womau to la. erected tl,.,r..;,. The kl.i,,i, i. w. ,, . M,,.,r., ,, prilUct of ( M,i., 'l! ' 1 F (iu- sin, wi., has achieved enviable lhe figure Is repiitati 11 111 her art. of Cairar.i marble, lh finest white Iil, .,, I- :. , . I I'ssn 11, 10 g, (.uri, t.- a lntle more than life sin-. aud I .-VI.gUs.lls .-.nut Gaudell. the I ; t r, r c. i.tly in.js.. (, , ,, ItUCUS work lantt lis. written an . nil, 11, i x.t 1, j m ttaise of the cone. p:.c and , ex. cut ion 1 '!", prt gr.iui has 11, .1 y. t N hi ar- j ring., 1. it ls i ,, i,,,,,,, (), y 1SS -Mil, a liordon. 1 t Fvan s:on. Older seals A E. Ycrhio. and rubber siani i u Jra tmnm k u 1 ... I 13 tnoertts. Another Caie of RStumatiim Curtd Chambcrlain'i Pain Balm. The ellicacy of Chamberlain's Pain Halm in the relief of rheumatism is being domonstr ited daily. Parker Triplett. of Grigsby, Va., says that Chamberlain's Paiu Balm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in the black when everything else failed aud he would not be without it. For sale by all druggists. Are You RcitlcK at Night Aud harassed by a bad cough? Use Hullard's Horehound Syrup, It will secure you sound sleep and effeot a prompt and radical cure. 25c, fiOc and $1.(10. For sale by Model Drug Store and Rotermnnd. I havt had orcasion to uie your lack-'. t.t Stork and poultry Mtdi. ciaf aid mn p'c eld fo lay taat I n;vir h ut.d auy'.rtia : .ir stock C.atjjve hiif as 'A fjoio Mtiir,;:ioa. I h..it:!y recom. ittend It to a. I o r-ierj of jtotk. J. B. tcl-SHcR, St. LouU, Mo Pick stock or poultry shr.ulj not eat t heap stock f- I any more than hi, k p.-i -i.,ns si -ii it! expect to be e.ir"ti Iv f.sKl. When your sttsk r.ud p initry are -iek give'them med ieine. lx,n't s ull teem wiili worth. ! leu -'"' ii f It. I til, .ail the l- .wels aim Mir up in-' turpi,! liver and t he S ueoe-.l . ,;t I.. I :c i y - .' '..i ,i, u il is' possi ble to cure i'. )-. ax-Iiramlit ,st,Hi an 1 I'.ml-n ,i,o unloads tne hoxi-t ls and si.r.; n;. ;e torpi.l liver. it currj every maiaitx- ef stn. lf if taken in tune cure a L'. -cent can oi DincK-i 'rniicht sin Ic and Poultry A Medicine and it will p. y for itseii tei. S Is itcast.xer. iiorMHweikbetter. Cows ,,,. not-s gam nesn. And nens lav t.iont-via. It c,.K... n... S1 prt.blein of a aliing :il ,,,,. i, i,1K,; uie siua aiaeer.i ,..f f.Kvd con ey aeaji trt.iu votir dealer. (tit. - THE NEW AND EHLA3S!J Webster's mmm mwmi Bxrau in Vwui-nlarr 1 fin iu site aej f, ,.ienl', i '. !,o a. ist ue hi OeiOUsj M lorrsxi I,, oreliiil.. 'IISJS. liiil I., ur,v rupti e.f f.,.. Ull.h'le.r'.lilc, Us-!, lllritSlipti. Simla In Arrvigenieat. I'l. l -,.m,pi ,i, ip,,.,.,,, Blnhf,',,, a',p... ssejl.i.ssllu-s,,,,',, brtUty, :;';Vef;;;r'-- Stfell ia Prnn-irl.. , .. ., n-.m'.-l .m,., tl!...i -:llelilv lie u:--!i (1 .- . '. I'lil'li,- . -li.,.- ,. Exe:s in Do"ii'-.;.-' lei,', Tel ,- ,. 'Oler in txlue , ,'.,, -(. i , f III, .., ..... ' 1 1. "1- s n i' i ' - , ,. I Klt-elti.-il'a Aprttr.diz li. .1 tlie a la 1., nr. I ! Ktrf l p. a '.-rSiri Ptctionarv. ' " '' ' 1 1 ' 1 i ul ' 1 l-'.terr.a "lies vx: :.i 2Jf!Jcu;-.: t.i , 2.1. U' 'I nexx- . . 1. .-.r.i'. r .-. been a.M.il ... i ti, '. the World, a:al l,.lV--tionary have Ivcn 1 vised under t':.o v; ,. T. Harris. Ih.:;.. ; Commission ,- . :' ' ' PREF "AT...- :" .triuliio ft:- 1 , T I tie x ta ,f f , llualrnl,'.! j , QiC.MERR'A-, uBLias,,-:. PRlNOFtELD. .'. "art. mm- '?r, T 1 -r V.- , Q a wia m One sv".iW 1 ailf! I havi had occasion to uic your n 'A 8 sisnature, CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Thla Remedy la a Specific, 8ura to Give Satlafaction. GIVIS RILIir AT OKOC. It clonuses, soothe., heals, and protect. diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drive away a Cold In the Head quickly Restore tie Sense, of Taste nnd BrueU. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drags. Applied iuto the nostrils and absorbed, iirgo 8izn, ?0 cents at Druggists or by mail: Trial Eizo, Id cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 68 V.'arran St., Nw York. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the CoutitT Court for Josephine County, Oregon. Iu the Matter of the bstatel of Elizabeth F. Neely, Do- V ocaBed. J Notice Is hereby given that the uu. dersigned, James Neely, has been appointed executor of the last wit, and i .. - KM, T- V'l oi ine .srBie oi iiiy.aueiii r. xnoij, ' deceased by the County Coort for Jo sephiue Conuty, Oregon, and all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified ns by law re quired, to" tbe undersigned exeoutor at the law office of H. D. Nortou at Grants Pass in Josephine Ccunty.Ore gon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date of first publication aud the date oi this notice is Thurs day. Deoemher 8. A. D.. 1904 I .TAMES NEELY. Er eon tor CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United Stares Land Office. ftoseburg, Oregon, Nov. 3, 1904. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed iu Ihis office by H.J. Srnniitt contestant, against homestead entry No. 11,014, made July 14. 1902, for WK 8W,l4, S NU4", Section 18, Towuship 87 S., Range 7 West, ' by James A. Bosh, contestoe, In which it is alleged that the said eutryniau died iu February, 1903; that during his life time he failed aud neglected toeslahlieh a residence or reside upou said laud, but resided u 11011 adjacent land; that since his death the helrs-at-law have wholly fallen and neglected to reside upon or luiptove the laud, as required by law. Said parties are hereby noti fied to appear, re;nd and offer evi dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on April 8, ltfOfi, before John M. Booth, U. S. Commissioner, at bis office In Grants Pass, Oregon, and thnt final hearing will ho held at 10 o'clock a. rn., on April 18. 1905. before the Register and Receiver at tint United States Laud Office In Rose burg, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed November 2, 1904, set forth facts which show that after due diligence persoual service of this notice can not bo made, il is here by ordeiod and directed that such no tice he given by tine and proper pub lication. J. H. BOOTH, Receiver. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is heroby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed executor of the last will and of the estate of Maria S. Mugoou, deceased, nnd all persons Imving claims against said es tate are required to present the same to nie at Kerby, Oregou. or o W. V. Hale, nttoruey for said estate, at Grants Pass, Oregon, verified ns by law required, w ithin six months from date hereof. Dated December 2S, 1904 F W.JiAVtYER, Executor. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby niven. that the nu. dersigned, administrator of the estnta of Agnes K. Sawyer, deceased, with a copy of the will annexed, will, on and after Friday, the 17th dat of r. hruarv, ly...,. sell at nn'.ntn .),. lhe following described real property eeioiigiug 10 sain esinfe, to. wit: Lot '("' in IllutK " F" Bourne's First Addition to the city of Grants Pass. in Josephine County, Oregon. Said property will ho m il tn fi,- ki.i,aor and best b, drier for cash In hand, subject to confirmation by the County ( onrt for Josepihne County. This notice is published by order of J. O. Booth, County Jurig", made in the maiter of the .stale of Agnes K. Saw .'it on January lid, PJofl, and is pub lished In the Rogue River Courier in pnrsnanee of said order. tinted January 17th, 1905. . , , F. W. SAWYER Adtninlsirator of the Estate of Agnes K, Sawyer deceased. ,Besl Sheet Music 10c New Popular Standard and Classical Sheet Musk ' Full si.'.., K,.st Paper, Hand onio fnntintr. Any of the 50c nnd 7.10 music named below ""t post paid for 10c. Our large catalogue euntains over a inoiissnd other equally good for 10c per copy. r not buy your music at lOc a copy? Cut out this ad, mark with an X pieces you wisH, enclose 10c ...1,. xe win w.n(1 ret.-n. ""HI- tou will also recoiro free catalogue. Awakening of the Lion,. nlse Styrienne, np. 37, Schnh. it's Serenade --d Hungarian Rhapsody Goudolier Walt., 75c .DOc I i ft 8f.o l-tiupelmthcForcstoploa 60c "'in do la Patrie, i.oo Free-To anyone buying one more of the above pieces, "ho will send In addition the "anus and addrcss of ten persons xv ho play or sing snd ould be interests in our cat alt'gue we will send an ad Hionai pave w thout charge. Wriu. names plainly. Please ,.,) , your frw cftt '"'J-'ie. also pi,. n,rlici1 X State IW Care Crip fa Two Days. or. every s. . jf 7TT - box. 25c