Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 12, 1905, Image 1

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Ho. 42.
it will bo
to move
havo dcccdoil that
easier aud quicker
if wo reduce our
stock, and in order to do bo
and do it quickly wo will
ri vo a good, liberal discount
on everything.
We will still continue to
Bell Ladies' and Misse Shoes
at Cost until they are all
closed oat.
7 v
Hew Goods, More Bargains
Auction House.
Best Bed Springs $1.50 ami lip
Mattresses, best make t 260
Couches, fine quality 8.00
Dining Chair, good -7
Prices that give .satisfaction.
Fii.e Sine of Dry Goods, Notions.
c. e. mclane.
Grants Po.s Begin New
With New Officers.
MONTH will purcha a lot in almost any portion of the city,
and oeu can have your choice of over 500 lots.
$5000 Takes a fine Stock
water riht. (No. 31 0 )
Ranch of jo'i acres, with good
01 000 T
and ha;
I a!-
able prices
Call i
; I fio acies,
(No. 274 )
from citv
50 acres 'ti cultivation;
Tmd house
o. 200 )
Rogue River, about
fine hunch of limber lands for sale at reason-
l H:
II, adoi.arti rs for
Odiec ."li K Street, between Fourth ami Fifth Str.-its,
Full line of rsfy w) '
foot- iif
GOODS if !
a3 I
The council mooting of last Thurs
day marked the chaugo of muuicipal
government for Grants Pass for it
closed tlio terms of ofiico for Mayor
II. L. Gilkey and of Couucilnien H.
0. Perkins, J. L. Calvert and It. J.
Bacher. There, was no outgoing
eouneilmaii for the Third ward, the
lato incumbent, J. A. Rohkopf, having
died last fall. And the tortus of ofllce
of Auditor C. E. Mubyee, City At
torney II. D. Norton, City Engiuoor
H. I. Reynolds, Marshal Geo. Finch,
Night Watehniaii L. MGruw and
Street Superintendent 14. II. Gilflllan
may also soon terminate for these
ollieers hold their positions bv ap-
l'o i 11 1 jiieo t by the mayor, and Mayor
Good has postponed the announce
ment of bis nominations nntil the
next regular moetiug of the council,
whieli will be ou Thursday of next
Mayor II. L. Gilkey called the
cuncil to order, nnd after the
minuted had been read by the record-
I10 rod bis annual report in which
he gave a summary of tlio work of tho
municipal government of Grants
IVs for the past year. At tho close
of his report, Mayor Gilkey thanked
the members of the city government
for tho co-operation in executing the
duties of their olliees and for the har
mony aud good will that existed. Below
is subjoined the Mayor's report in fall.
City Treasurer Col. W. Johnson then
submitted hie annual report, whirl)
also is given in full below. Mr.
Gilkey then vacated the presiding
ollieers chair and introduced Mayor
elect George Good, who took his seat
ind dispensing witli usual address of
in incoming mayor, took up the
regular order of business. At the
t-amo timo tho outgoing conuciimeii
relinquished their seats to tho in
coming members who were 1j. 11.
Hull, John Handle, E. L. Cass nnd
Frank Fetseb.
Tim resignation of James Ti imblo,
eouneilmaii for tho Fourth ward was
read and accepted. Mr. Trimble paid
lie could not spare tho time from his
blacksmith business to attend
properly to tlio duties of councilman,
especially as bo was chairman of the
street committee, which tool: up much
of bis timo. To fill ibo vacancy,
Councilman Fetseb nominated W. T.
Cobaru and Councilman Williams
nominated T. Y. Dean. On a ballot
Mr. Dean was olecterl, lie receiving
four votes and Mr. Coburn three
Petition of W. S. Mooro and others
for sidewaik on Boutli side of G
street from Soventh to Eighth was
referred to street committee.
Tho petition of J. E. Kerley and
others to curtail the limits allowed
bicycles on sidewalks, so as to ex
clude riding ou Sixth street down to
II etroet aud on J street between
Sixth and Seventh. Referred to
street committee.
Petition of O. O. Oium et al for
bridge across Gilbert Creek on Mau.a-
uita street. Keferred to street com
mittee. Health committee reported three
cases of diphtheria under quarantine,
being the only eas h in town and
tlies,: verv mild.
liond of Col. Johnson, treasurer,
was approved.
S..Irc,i) bonds of L"inpko and Co
hum it Hawkins, approved.
Ordinances granting franchise of
jy streets and alleys- to the Condor
I'Jj j Water & Power Co , of Tolo, and to
Ijltln: Advance Power, Electric, Inigat
ri j in jr ,: Mining Co. of Grains Pass, were
!1 '. raeli read a third time, placed oil filial
i J : 1 -us. ago anil j asi-l unanimously.
j Kae! franchise is perpetual in dura
jlilion and is for olielrio light and
ij ' t.ow,-r only and each company is to
'j- fix their rates no higher than Is paid
j1 in Grants Pas for a like service at
;V the time they accept their franchise.
. The city of Grants l'.ii-s retain the
"bright to regulate the manner in which
llio companies shall erect and inaiti-
im their wins atid poles. Each
oinpany is to give a oomi 01 juiow
that will fulfil the terms or tin l:
fianehiso and tie: Condor Company
has 15 days ia which to accept and
must have two mi!- of wire strung
by January 1, p.'-jd. The Advance
Company bus 30 days in vhbh to ac
cept their franchife aud must begin
work on their lines by January 1,
1 I
The follow ing bills were
Dave Morrow, street work
F t) Wilcox, street work .
M V W ,.er street wotk .
Geo. Cough:, street work
Geo Hantaan, street work
C Mcpherson, street work
il N Parker, feed
Pain r Pros. , lirayage . .
Hair-Riddle Co., hardwan
K M W 11 kman, teed
Water A: Eight Co
Kmii' y oi Tuax
I )r. Love, physician
publio Improvements. I refer to the
city treasurer's report for detailed
statement of financial matteia.
During the past year there lias
been bnilt new or rebuilt, 23 bridges,
tho foundations of Which have been
laid in ooncreto, and one concrete
arch across Skunk Creek, which lat
ter takes the place of a hundred foot
bridge at a cost of H'1. This, to
have been done by contract would
havf' cost the city about if 1000, figur
ing on a basis of estimates given by
Now street crossings built, HI, alley
ciossings, 8, now culverts. 25, side
walk culverts, H, sewer pipe laid for
street and alley crossing', Bin., 2112
feet, S-ilt., 5J4 feet, 10-in. , 2 IS feet,
12-iu., lflu feet, total, 1181 feet.
The street cleaning during the year
lias cost about f 100. There has been
about 1400 feet of uj w streets graded
and 1200 loads of grave l and rock
hauled by the city team for street im
provements. The main sewer lias been lengthened
520 feet. Laterals bate been laid tho
length of 845 feet. There 1ms beeu
211 barrels of cement used for the
coneroto work upon tho triages aud
building drain sewers. There has
been built 175 feet of 5 and fi-foot
drain sewer at tho head of Sixth street
and 223 feet of said sewer repaired. ,
Asido from tho nbovo thero has
been ordered by tho council and built
by the property holders 270 lineal foot
plished with an approximate increase
of tho city debt of less than 1000.
Ropsectflly submitted,
II. L. GILKEY, Mayor.
The following is Treasurer, Col. V.
Johnson's annual report:
Grants Pass, Oregon, Deo. 81, 1904.
To the Hon. Major and Common
Council of tho City of Grants Pass:
I hereby submit to yon my annnal
report as treasurer of said city for
the year ending December 31
General Fund.
Dal on hand Dec. 81, 1903..
Liquor license
Peddlers' liceuso
Dray license 93 00
Kent 4(1 M
Police court "'28 00
Taxes 22f.O 4S
Show license HIS 0
Auctioneer's license -. 15 00
Filling in lot : 4tf 50 i
Sale of old hose 12 i
Shooting gallery lioenso 20 00
Payment on lot 75 00
Paid on sliortago in auditor's
,f21IO 85
. 4100 00
. 20 00
City's Debt.
Outstanding warrants Deo.
81, 1U04 f2l,R50 79
Estimated inteieBt on same. . 1,51 10
Sower bonds ,000 00
Interest ou same to Jan. 1,
KI05 200 00
Total Debt :t2,f.:m 95
City Treasurer.
AppleSfvto Orchard!! Ste.tea
Frvcts of Interest to Farmers
73 30
Total t JiH! 7 8S
Warrants cancelled f 70511 4'J
Interest on same 1101 23
Halance on hand 1717 17
of cement sidewalks and 51) W feet of
granite sidewalks.
Tho cost of tho city tcnpi and driver
for tho past year has been i'.iJS. 50.
All of the work has been of a sub
stantial character. The bridges being
shortened very materially and con
crete foundations put iu surli a way
that it can be used for a foundation
for concrete arches, if same is desired
iu tho futiiro The banks of the creeks
wdierever there was danger of wash
ing, havo been thoroughly protected
with rock work or riprap.
The abovo enumerated pieces of
work are iu addition to the usual re
pairs to strrot crossings, culverts,
bridges and sidewalks. It has seemed
to tho street conimittco that all of the
work in connection with the building
an repairing of bridges was impera
tive to protect the public from possi
ble iajury aud tlio city from expen
sive litigation arising irom damage
suitB. ThiB work will last a long
time and will not be a burden in the
way of extra expense for many years.
All the abovo work has been acconi-
Total s9t'
Sewer Fund.
Hal on hand Deo. 81, 1903 .. 20:10
Sewer assessment: "K :"'
i Transferred from Btiecial fund Pis .',!
Total 149 10
Warrant cancelled 1149 40
Total tlio 40
Road Fund.
Ralanco on hand Deo. 1, l'JO.'! $ 99 51!
Sidewalk repairs 13 SO
Road tax H9I 25
P.ridgo work for conuty 3 10
Sale of old lumber 4 50
Building grauite walk 10 00
N Total 1021 18
Warrants cancelled 59 05
Balanco on baud 471 53
Total IHI21 18
Special Incidental Fund.
Bal on hand Dec. 81, 1903. . . Hi! 41
Pound fees... 90 10
Dog tax 80 00
Salo of impounded stock 23 00
Tctal 1234 51
Warrants cancelled I 9 50
Transfer to sower fund 138 09
Bal on hand 93 32
231 51
.John II. Robinson, au Applegato
orchardist nnd farmer, whoso farm is
near Murphy, was in Grants Pass
Saturday. Mr. Robinson has 20 acros
to fruit trees, tho larger number bo
ing winter apples with tho remainder
rears, peaches aud prunes. Ho Is
preparing to noaudon pruuo raising
owing to the continued low prico of
that fruit, and ho has plauted his
prune orchard to apple trees, digging
up such pruuo trees as aro in tho way,
anl will remove tho romainder so
soon as tho npplo troos get to boarlng.
Mr. Robinson has a fine yonng
nursery of 20,000, trees. Ho expools
to plant 10,000 grafts this spring nnd
to gradually enlarge bis stock until
it will bo n ilrstelass commercial
nursery. Mr. Robinson holds thnt
...... i A-..,. .O... .!.... I,., a ), K.,,.,,,1 t,l
I null nee indiii left u, .
t . , - 1 J .t. ...... ...Ill
joscpillliu couuiy mm uuib mt-iu niti
bo a lingo and constantly increasing
demand for i-lioieo, home-grown fruit
trees. So profitable are tho fanners
(lulling fruit raising (bat they arc
now beginning to take up that in
dustry, ami it bids fair to soon be
come one of the main farm products,
as it is In Jackson county, where a
similar soil and climate is producing
the famous Rogue River npploB and
pears that have a ready sale at top
prices in the markets of the Eastern
states, of Europo and of tho Orient.
While commercial orchards are few
in number and small in size In Jose
pliiuo county, yet tho time is not dis
tant when this county will equal
Jacksou county iu tho acreage to
fruit trees.
Mr. linhinsou has demonstrated that
the red hill land, of which thero are
thousands of aires in Josephine
county, is the best of fruit laud. He
finds that every variety of fruit trees
can he grown successfully on this red
pind, but not overy kind of tho
different varieties of trees will do
well on this dry land. Those kinds
Wc are making very special
prices on everything from 1
10 to 50 per cent Discount
now a Dollar Saved
Is a Dollar Earned.
Thomas . O'Neill.
Vho Housefurnishers '
Grants Paaa, - Oregon
having spreading roots that koep
closs to the surface do not stand the
dry weather liko those having deep
growing roots. A part of Mr. Robin
son's orchard is so stoop that ho has
didleulty iu cultivating the land, yet
tlio trees grow so vigorously that he
has each year to prnne them. Iu ad
dition to thorough cultivation to con
serve the molstnro of tho soil, Mr.
Robinson finds that 'tho' method of
p'anting trees in a hill orchard has
much to do witli giving them a vigor
ous growth. The shallow planting In
small holes, is as done on bottom
land, will not do ou hill land where
the trees must bo set deep. The
larger the liolo is made tho better
and Mr. Robinson thinks that If the
Contest I
Wili be
presented by local merchants to tho most popular School, Church, Lodjjc
or organization in Grants Pass.
isited with the l' National Bank of Southern
by the merchants represented in this space, one
Plan of Contest: JiSSSr.
coupon with eveiy ten cent cash purchase of goods at their stoics.
'. u h hi..: t loint begins with 2,joo coupons, and when the balance of 100,000 coupons are i istied the contest will
cl jc. il.ulut boxes arc located in each store giving coup ,11s. Watch this space for weekly results of the voting.
Other very attractive features
Are . lio'.vn on the voting coupons and large window cards.
allowi d :
. . 12 no
4 00
2 40
a ii
3 00
13 O"
Still and Soft Hat
H i v,
e a
u waul a new
k at ours.
3 fin
i no
12 '.in
2 .Vi
The following is Mayer II.
iiltey's retort ID foil
ri quiring an
Charles Costain
Woodworking Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turnine. Scr.,11 Work. Riair Work, Bnd
, "( '"'l Work. Wood I'bIIcts
u DR m,l gumming, litpunng ii kinds
Twtm lltftil
Wo have au ordinance
annual statement from
the Mayor showing tho financial con
dition of the town and making recoiu
meudation as to tho future con luct
of its affairs; bat inasmuch as the
mayor is elected but for one year and
' at the beginning of his term of office
" I ho is unt sufficiently conversant w ith
r I D-Urs. Qt-inrv lllt' conditions to either make sach
rU3C6 DalDer OllVjjJjfUt,.m,uUor re-commendations aud at
I tho close of the year it certainly
would be out of order to map cot a
or his soecessor, wi, there
fore, will confine our report to a b'ler
r-view of what has b-en dou daring
Everything c. x 1 , especially in the way of
j. H. MULLEN, Prop.
Shaving, Hair Cutting lpolify ,,,
Daths, Etc.
n, t u:. I el. -.a ana
Paddock's li;ee!e Den.
Diy Good-,
Our I, are Complete.
l'or Views of
and Crater
Call on
The Votes
Votes are In ginning to come iu at
a lively rate mid t'c wotk 1 f t mint
ing them will l 0. miiieiii e.l so. n,
they will then lei eoui P .1 daily and
the results aniioiini d weekly in the
Coul ier.
Tho menih. 1.1 of t!.. J.. A. '. are
working hard for the flag an I on tlio
first count tln-y w ill have a big vote
which they will 1 day t 1
day. The Eagles are nlsn w.i Mil
liard while the pulili M-h.iol i" h dars
at'ii f"f It'
thill the schn.
for hai.'l.-
liru placing
They believe
proper placi
" boo 1.
is III"
ic 'ill;
Get Your Votes in Early
Di posit your vol's a" niily as
possible. Do not wait until they am
void and are thrown out.
Uoue Kiver
K. L. COE & CO.
ood meat cuts if you order
Plum me r Martin,
; . CUy Meat Market.
Supplies only the best of everything
Send orders to
White House Grocery.
Pay your subscription to
I he Noun River Courier
Ai.d get some Coupons
nf voi: i'i.i;l bad
Go to
sri:ci.L half prick
ate making a
Removal Sale.
1). M. DePUY
Home-made Candies
holes were made 10 foet deep and a
dozen feet wide and then Ulled with
loose soil, It would be all the better
for tho trees. These deep holes weald
hold the wator from the - ratas and
give a oouBtant supply of moisture te
the roots of the trees that would oar
ry the trees through the dry seatoo.
These larger liolos oould be oheaply
made by boring down aud fatting
i n a chirgo of giant powder to shake
up tho soil. The shallow planting on
a hard subsoil near the surface, U
why so many hill laud orchards do
uot mature good fruit, and often the
trees dio entirely so soon as they at
tain a large size aud require much
Mr. Robiuson is a strong advocate
of a fruit growors union tot 'ie or
ohardists of Joseph leuo ooanty. ' He
holds that It would enable them to
soo u re a hlghor prloe for their trait
and lowor rates on their boxes, frail
paper aud spraying material, for the
union could both sell and buy in
quantities aud got the best martet
prices. Another great advantage that
a union would bring would be a bet
tor and more uniform system of grad
ing and packing fruit. Many grow
ers hero do not know how to properly
grudo aud pack thoir fruit to have 11
bring tlio best .the market will afford:
The union would have an expert
packer who would visit the various
orchards aud lustruot the packers as
to tho standard of grading aud packing
that is required of fruit that U-olas
sed as llrst-oluss iu the markets. Mr.
Robinson favors the holding of a fruit
growers convention in Grants Pass
this winter, when the question of or
ganizing a union could be disoussod
along with other topics of Interest to
the orcharding cf Josephine ooanty.
Court House Square svnsl School
Grounds Need Renovating.
Tho Soothorn Pad 11 0 has begin
early on the spring olean-up abost
the Grants Pass depot grounds .and is
snttiug a good example te the town.
A largo additional seotlen of the
switchyard has boon covered with'
granite sand, giving a olean, dry sur
faco about tho tracks. A wide, heavy
plank walk has been placed across
Sixth struct at tlio point - where
passengers going to or coming from
tlio north bound cars cross the street
The park sou III of tho depot has boon
put iu attractive shape by having the
trees and shrubbroy pruned and the
old papers, tauiala husks and other
rubbish cleuuod out. And the on-
sightly litter making tauiala stand
was uiade to move away from the
railroad property. The fonoe aboat
both parks have been repaired and the
uew sections painted.
The depot grounds now are in rather
marked contrast with the court house
aud school grouuds and most of the
streets of Grants Pass, which are
made unsightly by a goueral aggrega
tion of rubbish, rouging from empty
o jetcr caus to brokon old Steves. As
towus are julged by thoir appearance
quite as much as are individuals, it
would be good policy aud a good in
vestment to havo all the publio
grouuds aud streets and alleys of the
city thoroughly cleaued. And while
this was going on, it would not be
amiss for property owners to see that
their premises were in order, for there
aro Borne yards that have a very un
sightly appearance from the street.
A goodly number of the shade trees
along the sidewalks badly need prun
ing that pedostriaus can get by with
out having their faces scratched or
hats knocked oil by low-baugliig
limbs. It pays for a city to be neat
and olean, quite as much as it does
a.i individual, both irom a sanitary as
well as a financial consideration, and
not considering the fact that publio
elesnllnoHS teudi to stimulate private
cleanliness aud that cheerful, attrac
tive surroundings make people more
con touted, hopeful aud energotio. .
worn rni-.- 1
r irst-CTasn.