Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 29, 1904, Image 3

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, jaf
t ...
' Ik
. qu can get along without Good Coffee. So can a wagon without
grease, but it goes hard. We have the FINEST. Used by the best
families ail over the United States and Canada.
: Our Teas are of the same class. A Good English Breakfast Tea
for 25c pound.
Some more of those good Potatoes not any higher in price than the
poor ones.
Best Butter has -again advanced in price, but quality is the same
we do not handle the cheap Eastern packed article.
Our long delayod shipment of
Sterling Silverware, Oneida Community and
1S17 Roger Bros. Platedwarc.
It consists of Spoons, Knives and Forks,
Fancy Spoons and Forks,' 4 piecn Tea Sets,
. Children's Sets, etc., etc. : : : :
Come and examine the display in our Comer
Window and we believe you will find some
thing to please you. : : : ; ;
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellowi Block.
B fsererf" him off to liii-tiirk ll
I muha good Amaiiffsi f f AN II
You camirepaivttM - -- -
I sy ;
Size No. 0 $1.25
r ? Hash for tlie family -j f f a
C'-y- chopped in two mia- lU, 1 l.OVJ
f- IV Chops everything IlO. Z l.O
' f X else with like rapidity
yy "Unimmi- it NO. 3 2.50 E
" v v an miwA'ff' SOS '"If- 8
t ' -A Thsrt 1
y ' iuferior imhsdoiis.
vjj J Hair-Riddle
; M s25"? Hardware Co.-
?S Vd&lJrt, . . .9
is k
t Miss
K w www
l h Don
Because of a Poor Watch, when you can buy
a Good Watch for such a reasonable price at
v t m .u. iiu rue tis .
1 F
Maksiifield, Oregon, December 20th, 1904.
Dear Fkiesks:
I'm stuck in the mud up here and cannot get to Grant
Pass beforo New Years Day. Sorry to disappoint you, but
it can't be helped. I hopo you will bo well by that time,
and if you will smd your name, ' address, street number
and the full name of your parents to me, addressed to me
care of
If you live out of town, I'll leT yonr package at. R.
L. Coo cfc Co.'s Big Store and yon an got it there at any
time after Xew Years Day.
Hut Remember
Send at once your name and addreei plainly written
on a postal card to "Santa Clatb'' care of R, L- Coe Co.,
and bo sure to be at home on December 31st, bo I'll know
where to find you.
If you know of any little girl or boy who hasn't got
any bhoes, or who is hungry, write me about them and I'll
see what I can do for them.
".Notice is herebv iiven that the an
nual meeting of the Stockholders of
the Grants Pass Banking aud Trust
Company is called to meet at the par
lors ol said bank on Tuesday, the ICth
day of January, lie A at 10 o'clock a.
m. , for (he purpowt of electiug a board
of directors lo serve one year, and to
transact such other bosines. asmay
properly come before tlie meeting.
L. L. JEWELL, Cashier.
Dated at Grant. Pass, Oregon, December
Hardware Co.
a Train
Notioe is hereby given that tho on
! dersigned bas ben appointed executor
of the last will and of the estaus of
Maria 8. Magoon,' deoawd, and all
persons having claims against said rs
late are required to present the aanie
to m. at Kerby, Oregon, or io VS. C.
Hale, attorney for said estate, at
Grants Pass, Oregon, vended as by law
required, within six months from date
Dated December W, 1904.
F. W. SA AVEK, Executor.
0 ii i ! y p o r
.They Com nd Go
From Day to Day
J.J. Burlier is home from California
to gpeud the Christmas ncasou.
. alliard .Troai is home from the
A.rA. C. at Corvallis to srond the
C. C. HiKfius and family will leave
this Thursday for Los Augeles to spend
the winter.
mis. a. 13, uornell returned on
Thursday afu a visit 'at Portland
and Kewberg.
a.,b. foster started cn Tharsday
for Baker City, to spend the holidays
with relatives.
II. V. Meade left Tharaday evening
for Portland and McMinuville, to
spend a few days.
Miss Grace Good, who has been at
tending a business college in Portland,
is home for the holidays.
Mrs. Henry Peck wont to Ashland
Saturday to spend the holidays visit
ing with friends at that placo.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchen speut
Christmas in Jacksonville, the guests
of Dr and Mrs. F. R. Bowersox.
Miss Nettio Crooks, who has been
attending school at Jacksonville is
spending the holidays at hor' home
near Drydon.
Mrs. J. M. Haudsbrongh of Rose-
burg is visiting here this week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Miss Sunio Baiinard.who is teaching
iu the schools of Eugene, arrived on
Friday evening to spend the holiday
vacation at home.
C. V. Thompson, superintendent of
the Greenback mine was in Grants
Pars this Wednesday on basiness mat
ters for his company.
Claudius and Kirk man Robinsop,
students of tlio University of Oregon,
arrived here Thursday and will spend
the holidays at their homes uear
Supt. L. Savage went to Medford
Sunday to spend several days at the
home of his sister, Mrs. A. Magill,
and to visit friends in Medford and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gage arrived
from San Francisco last week and
will take up their residence at the
Forest Queen mine, of which Mr. Gage
is part owner.
Henry Booth returned on Thursday
from Alaska, where he has been with
a surveying expedition during the
summer. Hu will soon return to
Seattle to enter a business college.
Fred Jones returned to his home at
Scio Tuesday evening, after spending
the holidays in this city at the Babur
home, and taking a prominent part in
the Christmas rac s on Monday and
Landlord W. 8. Woods, of the Palace
Hotel and Mrs. Woods left Saturday
for a 10 days trip to California, dur
ing which they will visit San Fran
cisco, Los Augeles and other poiuts
of iuterett.
Miss Kella Hair camo home lust
week from Eugene wliero alio has been
attending the U. of O. , to spend tho
Christmas season at home. She was
accompanied by Miss Grace Parker
who will also spend the holidays
visiting here.
Miss Mildred Eitto, who is a
stodent in 'St. Mary's Academy in
Jacksonville, arrived in Grants Pass
Saturday aud remained nutil Wednes
day with her sister, Miss Gone'vieve,
who is attending the Grants Pass
llilili school.
G. F. Morgan, bookkeeper for the
Monumental Miniug Company, arrived
in Grants Pass, Tuesday from San
Francisco, whoro he had been to spend
the Christmas holidays at the homo of
his parent-i. Mr. Morgan left Wednes
day by the Crescent City stage foi the
Mouumental mino.
F. M. South, assistant superintend
ent at tho Lucky Queen mino was in
Grants Pass Tuesday and Weduesday.
Mr. South stated the hint load of ma
chinery for tho 10 stamp mill, this
cruipany Is erecting at tho Lucky
Queen, arrived at the mine Tuesday.
The building is completed and the
work of installing the machinery will
be pushed with a full force of men.
R. X. U i mIioji, mining enlgneer for
the Greenback Company, was in Grants
Pass the forepart of tho week and
while l re attended to some business'
for his company Mr. Bishop is Iuj
charge of exteutive development woik, I
at the Scenic ledge, a projicrty owind
by the Greenback Company, and lo
cated a mile west of the tho Green
back mine. Mr. Bishop stated that
work was progressing in good shajw,
but he was in need cf some first class
muchino men.
Look I Read II
2 No. 201 25O0 buys 16 acres of the
very ixil river Dottoin orchard. Jiear
ly all in Newtown Pimilua and Smtz
euberg apples. Trees 12 years old aud
n good, nealthy condition. Good
house aud barn aud out buildiuu.
'A'uhia l4 miles from center of town.
If not told before February 1st, will
te witiiarawn Irom market. Tuiuis
very easy.
No. 202 11450 buys a firitclas saw
mill of I4WU feet capacity per day,
complete and ready to run. Every
thing bought new aud run only about
eiglit mouths. 40 h p. boiler, 25 h. p.
engine. Within five miles of K. K. aud
all down hill hauL A great bargain.
No. 273 llfioo will buy four acres
of excellent river bottom land. In
the edge or town, two acres of
are iu choice fruit. Has a u"
of six rooms, oellar, woodshed, etc.,
all well painted, three first els.,
chicken houses and parka, good well
and windmill with 15A gallon tank.
Lot piped. An ideal chicken farm.
Must be sold soon.
27111250 obtain a neat (-room
plastered cottage, only two blocks
irom Post office. Will rent for $10
per month. Terms easy.
Residence lots in any part of tiia
purchaser. Call upon or writ as.
Sherman & Ireland, Rooms 10-12 Masonic Temple
! to Bo 10 Mill, or Next Year.
N.w Wood Contract Let.
The special school meeting for
Grants Pa for the purpose of making
the tax levy for HWo was held Wed
nesday afternoon at the High School
boildiug. R. Thomas, chairman of
the board, submitted an estimate of
the income aud expenses of the dis
trict for the next year.
Expeuse Account
Teachers' salary $ 9,500
janitors salary
Interest on bonds
Interest on warrants
Clerk ' salary
Repairs and insurance
Total f 14.550
Estimated Income.
Couuty apportionment $ 5.500
State apportionment 1,(100
County High School fund 1,100
District fund 6.8A0
Total :..
The taxable property iu the district
amounts t1 fj3, 165 and a 10 mill levy
was filed, which would brinr; iu the
fi!,360 to make up the required
income of the district The district
has (22,000 of a bonded Indebtedness,
but no outstanding warrants, other
than a small amount on last mouth's
teachers' saluries. there being no
funds on hand, all bills will have to
be paid by warrants until taxes are
paid in which is tho reason for the
f?50 for interest on warrants.
O. O. Luud having failed to quality
for the fulfillment of tho wood con
tract lately awarded to him. tho board
awarded the contruct to Oscar Guild
to furnish 75 cords of fir wood and 75
cords of oak or laurel at l a cord
for all.
Wonder Doing..
Mr. Ramsey is sick this week.
F. H. Luclair went to Grauts Pass
Our teacher is spending the holi
days with home folks in Ashland.
Mr. Ritter thinks he has discovered
a rich quartz ledge; hopo it proves to
We aro beginning to get lonesome
out here; havu't seen any hobos for a
There are several small parcels of
very fine black loam ou Slate creek
that awaits settlement. All of it
can be irrigatod.
The Wonder people had an cujoy-
ahlu tln.0 at the school house last
Friday uight . Quito an Interesting
program was rendered.
We are going to use tho proceeds of
tho entertainments for thopuiposoof
papering tho school room aud buy
ing school furniture aud more charts,
if we decide that they are needed.
"Agreo with thine adversary.
quickly while thou art iu the way
with lum." Wonder how mnuy
will let the old yeai pass out without
being reconciled to their enemies?
And now comes Mr. Ramsey with
tho startling announcement that he
has fonnd tin ore in the Buckeye
group. Tho Buckeye group is not
situated between Slato creek and
Cheney creek as has been suid, ueltuer
between S Into and Doer creeks, but on
the dividing .mountain between the
heads of Sluto, Limpy, Shan, Dutchy
aud Clear creeks. Get on tho bridge,
look west dowan the river, see a bald
looking mountain w ith a lone, tall fir
standing as a sentinel. That lone fee
is right in the midst of the Buckeye
mines. Whin you are on the Crescent
City road between Wonder and Loves
H tatiou, the copper, gold and nickel
miucs are to your right as you go
Our people, como tnd go too often
to mention. Daisy.
Lrlnnd Sifting.'
A slight snow fell here last Wednes
day, the first of the season, but molted
as it fell.
A Christmas tree was held at the
school and an eirjoyablo time was had
by the children.
Fred Milton of Plaeer.and Ed Light
of this place were visitors at Uranls
Pass for a day this week.
1 our correspondent took a trip to
Medford and found that town burled
in fog that rolled down from the the
Siskiyou mountain-!.
The railroad company is cutting
down on the price of wood nut! are
making no new contracts. It Is likely
that tho company will cease to use
wood on their lect u.ot ivi.s ns both
coal and oil are bt coming che aper than
wood fuel.
Wide Awake.
Has Hi oiid ilm Tei of ii.l Vnn.
The old, original GKOYK'M Tateh-s
Chill Tonic. You know what ymi are
taking. It is iron and qiiiuiiieiii a taste
less form. No cine, no pay.
Investigate! 1 1
H:H 1750 securos a lot and S-room
cottane and barn within n blocks of
depot in good residence district. Sew
er aud city water. House will rent
for 10 per month. Must be sold soon.
Terms easy.
No. 351-11000 buys 3 aoies of
good residence or fruit land close in.
Good house, barn, windmill, etc.
Terms easy.
No. 75-fKX) will buy a beaotlfiul
residence lot within two blocks of
Pott olliue.
272 $1800 lecuri s a 13 room lodg.
Ing house well situated, terms easy.
No. 175 acres of excellent river
bottom land about 6 miles from town,
! Good house of six rooms, well painted,
another house of 4 rooms ou the place,
good two story Urn 2ox40 with sheds,
good chicken house, granary, Imp house
au'i wixxisiiea. aiue acre, in ho,
ten acres in orchard, principally win
ter apples. Price (VXJ per aero. One
half cash, balance ou easy terms.
No. VOtUKa buys a good seven
room plastered house, well finished iud
painted, hot aud cold water. Within
two blocks of depot. Terms easy.
city from gtf to i100.
Terms to suit
N.w. Not. From th BtMlnaaa
Man to R.4ra.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Dentist
Go to Corun for Plumbing,
Perfume atomizers at Clemeas.
Garlaud Stoves at Cramer Bros.
Iusure with John Minor Booth.
Try Blue Ribbon 5 cent cigar.
- M. Clemens, Prescription Druvgist.
Stevoos Favorite Rifles at Cramer
Pipes'! Pipes I al Schmidt's Cigar
Here Our Silverware Cramer
Bros. " ,
See Joseph Moss for bargains in
M. E. Moore wants to buy your
second-hand furulture.
"A truly western novel Suxauue
of Kerbyville." Toledo Blade.
If you are looking for pipes of any
stylo, yoa will find them at Schmidts'
Cigar Store.
I have over 300 different stylos and
shapes of Meorchaum aud Briar pipes
to choose from at Schmidt's Cigar
Johu Hnekett lias opened a boot
and shoo repair shop in the Axtell
buildiug where he will be pleased to
meet nil his old customers aud mnny
now ones.
Choice Box Stntionory at Clemens.
John Minor Booth wrltts insurance.
Blank Books, at Natioul Dreg
Hero Our Silverware Cramer
Houses for rent by SHERMAN A
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron'i
Firo, Accident and Life Insurance
Johu Minor Booth.
We want your preperty tos.lL
Property for salo on the installment
Now is the time to list yonr prop
erty, if yon wlih to soil SHERMAN
& IRELAND, Rooms 10 aud 13, Ma-
sonlo Temple.
Possesses much of that peculiar
quality that made the work of Brot
Harte famous Suzanno of Korhy
vlllo." Pnolfio Miner. Now edition
now ou salo at tho bookstores.
John Minor Booth Insurance.
U try a Blue Ribbon, S-cent cigar.
Talking Muchiuus and Records at
Twenty-fivo young lieu", all good
breed, for sale at Moore's second hand
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A. E. Voorhles.
Community Silverware in latest
pattern at Cramer Bros.
Will buy anything you have to soil.
M. E. Moore, Sixth street.
We want 25 good farms for Eastern
A good store building for rent in
excellent location by Sherman &
Ireland. '
Prospector's outfits, clothing and
tools, at a baragiu at Monro's second
hand store.
Ask your dealer for Rogue River
Creamery Butter made at Medford is
now 70 cents per two-pound, sqnnro
full weight.
Get it at the bookstores. Get
Suzanne of Kerbyville for a Christmas
pseseut, "a story full of dash aud
vigor, with excellent character
sketching," snjs Pacilki Monthly.
At thn bookstores.
When you want a pleasant purgative,
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are easy to take and
produce, no nausea, griping or other
dlsagrccahl utTect. For salo by all
"Holds the reader's attention more
and morn firmly till the closing pngc
"Sii.anne of Kerbyville, "Pacific
Norbtwest. New edition now out.
For sale at tho bookstores.
We have a splendid stock of
watches, clocks and jewely, gold
rlny for ladies and gruts; lockets
and charms, bracelets, stickpins,
ladies and gents toilet sets the finest
line of sliver and silver plato ware
ever brought to this city. Spectacles
and eye glasses. Solid gold chains
for ladles mid gentlemen. Gold filled
chalur, pearl besd necklaces, hut
marks, shaving mugs, silver match
boxes, a ; fine liuo'of goods just ro
eelved. Please call iu and Inspect
our lino of wedding and birthday
presents for old or young, for ths
uext ao da-'s e will "sell all woods at
ry low prices. All are Invited to
call in and exmaiiie them for your
silves. .CURTIS & CO., I. O. O.
V. Building.
'Boys' Express Wagons and Toy
Batiks at Cramer Bros.
Couklin's Self Filling Fountain
Pens at National Drug Storo.
uooa ouo norso spring wagon aud a
good farm wagon, both bargains at
Moore's second band store.
"An Evunlug In Old Virginia,"
will be a dullghtful evening's enter
talnmcnt. Southern songs, poetry
and prose will bo tho features and
their beauty and patho. will be well
"I wu much afllicted with
sciatica," writes Ed ' O. Nud, Iowa
vllle, Hedgewiek Co., Kan., "going
about ou crutches and suffering a deal
of pain. I was induced lo try Bal
lard's Know Liniment, which relieved
mo. I used three 60c bottles. It Is
the greatest liniment I ever used;
have recommended it to a number
of persons; all express themselves as
being benefited by It I now walk
without Crutches, able to perform a
great deal of light labor on the
farm ' 2. 60c, 1. 00 at Model
Drug BuWabd Rotermuud's.-
-j , , V
'; V,l
Fine ClehcMKerj
Exclusive Walk-Over Agents.
Oct Chiuss Shears aud always have
a sharp pair. Sold by I'rumer Bros.
If you liavo any sucoud-lmud furui-
toro to sell, notify M. E. Moore,
Sixth struct.
Triiublo & Cook now cany a stock
of buggy and hack wheels In all
grades. The prices aro right.
"Suianno of Kerbyville is done
with a suru, firm baud, mid is a
powerful story. "New York Boho-j
mlau. For salo at the bookstores.
Writing in Bight menus ONDER-
Agency at 05 Front St., Porthind.
Don't forget "An Evening in Old
Virginia," ut the Odd Follows' hull,
Jun. 20, to be given by High School
studets for the benefit of thu school
library fuud.
There Is more Catarrh In this sen.
tiou of the country timu nil other di
seases pot together, and until thu last
few years was supposed to ho Incur
able. For a great many venrs doctors
pronoueed it a local dlneaso mid pre.
scribed looal remedies, mid by con
t.inlly failing to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It incurable.
Seieieo has provn cHturrh to be a con
stitutional dln.iMi and theiefoie re
quires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure miiniilnei iml by
T. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Chin, IS
the o by constitutional cure ou the
market. It Is taken intern. illy in
doses from 10 drops to a ti iispoontul.
It acts directly ou thu blood and
mucous surfaces of the m-Im ni. They
OlTiir one hundred ilnlhirn for any case,
it falls to in t ii. Smd tor circulars
and testimonials.
Address: 1'. J. Clll.LNWlV & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Hold by Druggists, 7.V.
Take Hall's l'iiinily 1'ills f.r consli
pntiua. 0. B. Hiuinnu, now suj erliiteiiihiut
of the Opp mill, but late of the lin en-
bin k, came donu from .Jacksonville
Tuesday and ruimiiied ov r in Cinut
I'.lnS, a guest Ut the Joselhine, unlll
Wednesday when hu I lo .lie
Ojip mine. Mr. Hausou staled that
the new 10 stamp mill ut I lie O. ; mine,
which was llrst put In np iat ion mie
Week UgO, is working 111 line shape
uiitl ore is In-ing bundled at n (.'ojd
date). The Hiuui,'aiiialiin at" 1 l ink
Hale, of Grunts 1'iiks, ami J, II. I .is-
kino recently of thu Or eiibueL mill.
1 ho general supervision of tho mine
is by J. w. Opp, who Willi Li J. I'.
Reddy and F. T. 1'eriy, aro omiii is
of the mine.
P. E. Willott, who hail chargn of
the construction work if thu. new 10
stamp mill at thu Opp mim returned
Friday to Grunts Puss from Jackson
ville. Mr. Willett states that thu mill,
though in operation but onu week, is
working perfectly in every part. The
three eleetrio motors, with current
from Gold Ray station, ouo each for
the crusher, the stamps anil the amal
gamators, aro giving satisfactory ser
vice. Or. is going through thu stamps
at over four ton each ami thu amalga
mators are plating iu a uiaiim r highly
satisfactory to the ow ners of thu mine.
The concentrators are of llm Ponds
make and being tho to be put In
Use in Southed Orecgn, mining ineu
are much interested Iu Iheir working,
no Well pleased urn Messrs. Oj p, Red-
ny &, Perry with thu values that the
ore of their uitun is producing that
they are coiislderiug thu advisability,
so Ml. Willett states, of ut oueu ill
Wiling th. other 10 stumps, fo
which the buildiug hss pauo lor.
The muss house is in charge of Mr. and
Mrs. AL Allen.
A. V. Ban ne-rd-Undorla Ur.
Grants pass,
The Business Frock
An Ideal Suit
For young business men who know the value of
"looking prosperous."
The young lawyer or other progressive pro
fessional men who require a suit for seml-dres
wear this popular cut. It presents an appear
ance of unobtrusive elegance and is essentially
smart when made in rough materials, or of
other popular stuffs especially suited to such
garment. This suit is hand tailored by
The Correct Clothes Makers.
This fit is guaranteed because measured fl
a model of your figure, following methods dis
tinctive of Schloss artisanship. Think of gettiag
a suit like this for so small a price at
when your amicable friend, the "merchant
tailor" would charge you more than twice as
much for no better, and make you wait perhaps
a week or two.
Brief Notea Bind Ham. of Interval
&nd Importance.
Seo the " large quarter page ipaoe
on front page of next week's Issue for
plau of sH'clal prize contest to be
given by some of the prominent busi
ness Anns of Urania Pass.
Tho holiday vacation of the Grauts
Puss schools will terminate uext Tues
day when school will agttiu resnmo.
The diphtheria npidemio lias ceased
and no further danger from that dis
ease is apprehended,
W. W. Wilson, who resides near
Hugo, hud his house broken into one
day hist week by two liobos, who car
ried off a flno rlflo aud all of Mr.
Wilson's clothing aud a number of
other articles. Neighbors saw the
Initios but did uot know that they
Imd been stealing aud a fairly gool
description of the men was glvou.
The olllcers have been unable to flud
Herman Lunthye, a miner of tho
A Ithouso district, was iu Uruuts Pass
Tuesday. Mr. Lnethye Is owner of
tho Gipsy Queen mine in that dis
trict, and which has produced some
very rich ore. It contains some free
milling ore, but It Is a baso ore prop
osition, the base showing eveu at the
suriaee. Mr. Luelhyo has dune con
siderable surface work and he has now
la gun a tunnel to reach tho ore on a
lower level. Ho tins thu tunnel in
12.1 feet. Kor tho present he is doing
no work ou his mine, but will take
it op again early uext spring. Mr.
Luethyo is at work ou the claim of
John Sohullhoru of Grunts Pass, and
which adjoins tho Gipsy Queou. Mr.
Sidiallhoru has three tunnels ou Ins
ledge, nno of 75 feet one of (10 feet and
one or f)0 feet. The latter is to be ex
tended 00 feet by Mr. Luethye this
Coming Event.
Jan. I, Last day on which school dis
tricts .an file their tat levy certifi
cates with the county ohirks.
Jan. I), Tuesday Orants Tass Schools
re-opiu after holidays.
Jan. 4, Wednesday County court for
Josephine conniy meets.
.Tan. Irl, Mondav Circuit court for
Josepnne couuty convenes.
Jan. 20, Fihlsy High School
scholars gives "An Evening In Old
Virginia " at Odd K.Ilows hall for
he.eflt of school library.
Well Dressed
Men and Women have the satisfaction of
knowing that their Footwear is Comforta
ble, Durable and Stylish wbcu purchased
Only exclusive Shoe Store in Town,
Repairing attended to by Mr. Vf.
P. H. HARTH & SOX, f
Outfitters to Particular PU
. .
. kiln
Pr.a.hlng in All the Church.
N.xt Sunday,
The preaohlug sorvloos will be re
sumed Suuday at all the ohnrohe.
Iu the olty. Only the regular morning
and evening preaohlug servloes will
be hold for.this Sabbath, the Sunday
Schools aud young people's meetings
being omitted as a precaution against
tlip further spread of diphtheria. As
tho epldtmiio has boon completely
chucked and uo further dangor is ap
prehended it Is qui to oortaln that Sun
day weok all the Bunday, schools and
other mooting! will be resumed.
DATLY At Jones Creek, Thursday,
December ii, l'Jul to Mr. and Mrs.
H. Btitly.'a daughtnr.
Western Hotel, Grants Pass, Satur-
day, Duoeuibor 114, 1U04, Herman
, Messenger Rnd Mittlo Duulap, Rev.
, U. 11. Bristovr, ollioiittlug.
STEVENS MuCORD At thePresby.
tnrluu parsonage, Woodville, Satur
day, Decern hor 31, l'.mi. R. R gtev.
ens aud Miss Lulu MoCord, Her. R.
Tweed ollluiating.
DAVIS RYAN At the M. E. par.
stinugn iu Grants Pass, on Satur
day, IJeouiuher ii, 1WM, Edward H.
1avls anil Miss Charlotte Ryan,
)iur. D, T. Suiiimnrville olllolatlug.
Mr. aud Mrs. Davit are residont of
Oroouback, she being tlio daughter of
Mr. aud Mrs. E. B. Davis and he Is
au employe of thu Groeubaok Com
pany Iu their blacksmith shop.
MORRIS At tho family residence
across Rogue river, south of Grant
Puss, ou Friday, December S3, UMi,
of punuiiitiulik, Gladys, the nine
months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Morris.
Puueral Saturday with interment iu
Masonic cemetery.
Boyd's Big Photograph tent i bow
oi n wust of the First National Bank.
Will give special Induoumeuta for a
short time ; Call and see us. Stamp
photos 21 for 33 ceuts.
"Suzanne of Knrbyvlllu Is a lively
tale, with the boom days of Oregon's
pioneer mining camp vividly repro
duced, and the book is meeting with
deserved success, " say The Oregon
iau. Buy a copy. Cau be fonnd at
the bookstore.
R. L. Bartlett
niioisn .v:vr slippj:i.s ron 3imx, ivimkn .vri cniriiti:?s' ic. o.
3 foOlrlONKEYH