Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 29, 1904, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates i
One Year, in advance, . . $1.60
Six Months, . - .76
Three Months, ... 40
Mingle Copies, - . . jot,
Advertising Races
furnished on application at the oflice, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at Oc per line;
card ot thanka 50o.
A. E. VOOHniES, I'liOl-u.
Entered at the post office at (Iran Is
uregon, as seconu-cuasa mail mailer.
THURSDAY. liECKMUKH 21), 11104.
Japan ia raising a new urniy of 600,
000 men tor Murnliul Oyaina besides
providing defense for Formosa and
other isluuds aguiuHt tliu accoud Pa-
cue aqnadrou 01 Itubsia. It upbears
as ..though the Itunsiuna would have
to operate tlmir single truck railwuy
to tlio limit to effort tliu power which
Jupuu will throw iulo tlio lie Id.
lluforo the next issue of tliu
Courier, tlie bulls will have fcouuded
to uiinounco tliu birth of tlio new
year. tako- this opportunity to
wish our friends unci j utruus, 0110 unci
nil, u liuppy mill propcruu New
Yeur, witli socccsa lor llioir under
takings und a generous uliuru of cou-
toutnicnt mm hupplmsg in thuir lives.
for tliu libcrul support givin by its
patrons in tlio ji.ibt und preceding
yeurs, tlio Courier extends aj prccia
tiou mid sincere thanks. Tliu past
yeur litis icm tliu most saustumiul
lncruuse, both In tliu subscription IinI
and in tlio vuluiuu of busiucBi in
other departments, of ajiy year of tliu
Couriur'i existence. Though wu are
beginning tliu present your under
eorious uicchauical dillicultios an a
result of tliu Courier plant being
cramped np lu constricted spuce in ouc
room ou tlio second floor, wlulu build
ing operations uro going 011 .below,
these dlflloultics aro only temporary
and it will not be long until tliu
Courier will bo permitted to occupy
its uuw quarturH at tliu old locution,
whure it will bo uioro oiuveuiuutly
and eouimodiously situated tliuu ever
bufore and lu a butter position tliuu
ever to give its puttoua tliu beat in all
departments of tliu printing line. ;
Tlie Courier's ipolicy lu tliu futuru an
iu tlie punt, will bu to givu its putroua
Jiupor that la clean, reliable and
fair, givlug tho uuwa wlulu it ia yet
uows and covering ita completely aa
poaaiblu tliu local Held of ita district.
Ju ita aubscriptiuu liut, itsj advoitis
lug ooluiuua uutl tlio job pciiiting de
partment, tliu Courier lcitila all iia
competitor! by a lousidurublu uiiirgin
aud auouuaa la tliu beat proof of excel
lunco. Iu tliu coming yeur ua iu pio.1
yeara our aim la towutd couaimit
progrcsa aud improvement and it ia
our intention to muku tliu I'.kj.'i volume
ot (lie Courier, tlio bent tliua ful ot
tlie aeriua.
Mr, Jewell Finds Many Changes
In South.
Btepheu Juwull ia home from an ex
tended trip Eunt, during which lie
visited tliu World's Pair and Varioin.
sectiuna of the tiuutli, but spent most
ot Ilia tune at tliu homo of hia boy
iiuou iu iuayuuiti, jveutucky. 11 lias
buuu 3S yearn since Mr, Jewell tunic
weat and iu tliu I time 11. any changes
took place at hia old home, especially
of tliu people, but tliu village school
atoud aa of yore 11 Ii no great chanen
uxuejit iu teacher and pupila. -Mr
Juvtell visilesi the scliuol und inudu a
short addreaa tu tliu n hulurs.
iiuj-llcld was Williin the linea ol
the Confederate army und .Mr. Jewell
had four brothers in tbul service.
Ho vtua rullier loo .Miuug fur u sohlicr
aud was left at homo by bis brother
to cuiu for their uiotlu r. Two ol his
brothers were killed in but t le, cue al
r-hlloull and tho oilier tu fore Atlanta.
Another brother, who was 111 lieneial
Porust's old regiment, (lie riiveulh
Tumiessee, was shot thieuh the body
at tliu Lai lie of I'm 1 1 K 1 1 11, the Lu I lot
ludglug Ulliler the skill of In hut k,
from wheru it Was 1 tit nut by th bur
geons, liu kui uvid anil du il only 11
few years ago, Tho bullet was givi 11
by tliu family to Jlr. Jewell, who
brought it back with him. He also
lias a number of other leilea which he
pickud up ou somu of the battle Ileliln
lie visited. Ho also bought buck
with him a Moodstuiucd letter fouml
ou tho body of his brother, killed at
tShlloah. Tlio broilur wua orderly
aurgeaut and having no other paper,
tliu letter waa writliu nu a leaf tiom
tho tonipaiiy'a ninttr book. It is a
tender, innnly, well wrilten letter
that was ddieseil to hia pun nl, ami
tho lew liuea of war newa that it
contains tella of tlio scau ity of provi
Bums, clothing und nieiuy ami of tin
buttle they had lo.t, had of the
likelihood that if the South lost that
the Couederatea w on!, I have to nuITi r I
sur wuai tney nail dene. Tut the tone
of the letter wns hojefnl, thejonni:
nuiu having the a.une Aiioiii.m
spirit of tli ti rtiiiin d ivniJ(, tl.,1
animated thu hoblii rs i f U l'i au.n t,
and which buoyed up 'the ten'
fodonitca through all their 1,-vu,,"
uutil they llnn'ly l.n, tl ,r ,m"
down at Appomattox. Mr Jew.ll,.,
lie found no animosity again! lie
North iu the Heuth nud the i:C i,
federates whom he ma Hre now ,1
loyal to the Union us me the old sol
diers of the North. The nli;tnal
1'iugn'ss and prosperity of the South
was a revelation to .Mr. Jew, U. lliK
cotton iind other factories w, ie num.
erous and the ln-opie were ro.,p, 10m,
and cvutcutoil.
Ree.1 F.atnto linvntfau.
Lot U, liloek (i.-., Kuilroud Ad.liiion
to Mrs. A. M. MeUiniiey.
Ohas.l'atrlek aud wife to Mrs. Jen
nie Kuis, lets 6 and ti, liloek IS, Ori
giual Towueitu.
The aUivu aal. a were mudu thiough
the Hual E stateAg, uey of Jo.eph Moan.
But com m4
Mast ke Itned tit try J. rtt.
RED iWAJL tlOll.
; DBAN k CO.
Miners txnd Farmers Can Have
Cheap First-Class Service.
It la more than likely that by a
year hence all the mining diatriota
and farming auctions of Josephine
county will be connected by telephone
lines with the long distance linea aud
the Grunts Paaa exebango. The
I'uoiflo States Telephone & Telegraph
Company, which now has all the
towua lu this county conueoted by
telephone and a local exchange in
eucli town, is now undertaking tn ox-
tend their tliohonn scrtico to cover
all the rural districts of this county.
As will bo aeon by the subjoined
statement by O. O. Oium, manager
tor this district, tliu company is
offering a low rate to the farmers and
miners who wish to put in tele
phonos. These roral telephone lines
are not expensive to bnild for the
polea would coat the farmers nothing
and the labor of outting and sotting
the poles could be il 011(1 during the
winter months when there is no rush
of farm work. Wire nnd Insulators
would oost about flff per milo. The
phones aro anppliied by the company,
but the expense of Installing them
anil of stringing the wiro has to be
homo by tho subscribers. This work
doea not require an electrician for it
ia so simple that any bright person
can learn tho busluesa with a 11 He
study, and 8upt. Olum will teach
persons how to do tliu work. Those
rural tolpelinue lines would be of
very great ndvantago to farmers and
minora for lu addition to being a
con veil ieneo iu having telephnnlo con-1
Attend Our
V hav fmM ax Wtw or
ontiro 1in rt tfi1e' .TtH
AliwoIiiUly Krw AH Tliia
Koitg.iB't 1oe) jivirrty in
Stylo Vji$ hrm Ttrmj
MoltoFt ! y?nTtf C1oh
Nicoly trimwd. Hurl and
runilo all Hit Ttyn wish
to .in nom
JfU'ki't, com
pot our priccii.
Merlin Notes.
.Mrs. Will Mason has been ipilte aick
for a week.
Tho Christinas tree at the llaptist
church was given up
Kuv. Clark of Wihlervillo oicupled
the pulpit of thu M. K, church Man-
l'he young child of Arthur llussey
wits reported njuliu sick llrst of the
Mia Jos iphlne (.'row, our primary
teacher will spend Christmas at home
at the ranch.
.Mr and Mrs. A S. liosciilianni, the
V. agent and wife, aro contemplat
ing an extendi d visit to Angeles,
titer ChriMnVm.
.1. K. Uiomia, storekeeper at llalice
h is sold out to tlie Kami Company,
wiio will lake clung. 1 and tut 111 a
iai e slock of goods.
I he Merlin liulice mail Is being n
prilled 111 betas that it w ill he above
hirh water murk by the tune the
lu ivy rums come on.
iiie time Tor new resolutions and
good cheer is marly here. In tlie
ah nee ot a public entertainment and
Chiistuiaa Iree, nearly every family
h.el a homo Christmas tree.
II. 11 ley Ke.vle, Carl V.inccy and l!ur
lev (liu 11 n turned lately from Cali
fornia, where they have been work
in, ihe past summer and fall.
The basket social giveu at MeCon-
1 m il hall by the l.aiiea Aid Soeietv of
the M. K. Church, en hit Friday
cvuiing, waa a line success. The neat
su:u of $30 was realired.
Tho new church hen-,, near l'rorolt
is m arly coinphted and there will b
ui.etiug there a week from next 8uu
d iy, Januray bth.
Ms 1
Beetles with their aelghbora and with
rhe tevas, wosld save them much
time an! trouble la making tripa that
now hare to be mado on matters that
could bs transacted over the tele
phone. Following la the statement of Su
perintendent Oium regarding rum!
telephones :
"Ia order to extend the telephone si r
vics into the rural districts, ,1 will
pay special attention and devote
my spare time to the fanners inter
ested in the building of lines into
Grants Pass to connect with tlie ex
change here. This will give them
froe switching to 2-13 subscribers in
Oranta Pass, night, or day, direct
communication with doctors aud buni
Pasa men.
"Tlieoompany will furnish a special
make of telephone, which will ring
through resistance of 2000 ol and
will give first-class service with 20
telephones on on line. We will
rent these phnnea to farmer line sub
scribers at 80 cent pel month, payable
seml-annnally 1 in advance and the
oost of one position on the switch
board divided among the subscribers
of the line. Farmers can build their
own lisn to city limits to auit them
selves; oompany will bnild metallic
olrcolt to cenneot at oity limits.
Company will keep in repair all
telephones wliea brought to the Grants
Pass office free of charge. Farmers
at Kerhy say they muse be oonnncted
with the world, why not the farmers
here? No more driving In rainy
weathsr oa rongli roads when you can
get to ase a phous for leas than two
cents a day. For any information,
oall on or address,
County Manager, P. 8. T. & T. Co.
Special Sale
moist o
Mid ) rti nnd
Tho placer miners of Appiegate are
glad to see the rainfall; they are all
ready aud fully prepared to scud the
gravel away twice as fast as before.
The Christmas trecou Missouri Flat
was a grand success. Everybody was
delighted to see old Santa aud eajve
lally the rhlldreu, who received many
ulco toys,
Appiegate Is full of salmon and the
people are glad to ice them for it bus
been several years slneo wu have seen
a fish this far up thu river.
Tho Mountain Lion Mining Com
pany of Miasnnrl Flat are doing con
sidorahlo work. They havo several
men employed and are taking out
some very rich rook. They intend to
start tlie mill before long.
J. T. I.ayton, a placer miner of this
section, is running in full bU-t;ho
intends to make hia mine bring bun
tw ice the dividends of last w iuter and
he la folly ptepared to make it win.
(.leerfe Daulap ia clearing his place
and getting It in nice shaiie. Ho is
going to add several acrea to his alfal
fa Held in tho spring. We would be
glad to see some of the other farmers
follow hia example.
llennond Messenger, a young
baoheler of Provolt, who has rwoutly
become tired of bis own coooklng, re
turned home from Oruuts Pass la-t
Sunday with his touiib bride, funni
ly Miss Mattie Puulap, who is one ot i
Appiegate a popular Jonug ladies. W,
r glad to welcome her as Mrs. Me
singer aud I suppose the boya aro too, ' Ii'
from the thundering noise of giant'
powder and the rostllug ol old tin I
eatis thist mil I.....I tl.a
U U Hyde aud wife gave a Christ-
mas tree for tlie children Christinas!
Ke; everyoue preseul seeuied to have I
goo4tlm.. IW
Water Is the Greatest Enemy
Good Highways
Among ti e eknc and forces of
nature there are m vi ral enemies of
iroxl ro.Tlu, but the nM-atct of them Is
water. It wii-die mvay the material
of the roiid. It wiuUh into the road
onil aofteii:! it i-j that (lie wagon
wheels cut into th" s'.irfaiv, milking
mi, null I. .le-i.-., k i .-mi r. and
aofieii.H tin' l-jutiil;.i:-i;i 00 tluil the sur
face of the ro.-.d Kinks or break up.
In the winlcr t.'ie water that in lu the
road freezei, c.;'!ii)is fuel 1'wjscns aud
disinic'raleh the nail niati rial.
The most ii ;'.i unit tlilni; lu tlie
building of loaes Is tu lessen or pre
ve:it the ravages of water. Yet no fea
ture of tl.e we:k is to neglected us
this. Many local ro.el nil, ifrvlnors seem
to give 110 voiiKiUerutlou to the ques
tlon of dra;n.ii,c, and tiif result ia a
iii.s;;i.t ok'Horun dhainaoe.
regular mini hlocumlc during several
weeks or nioiilhs of the year. The
followin;; are n few simple rules the of which wouiil go far to
ward bettering the roads of this coun
try: i-'lrnt. The road should be so locuUsl
nnd constructed 11s to uvold steep
grndi-H down which the water rushes
during heavy iiiIiih. tearing up nnd
washing away the road material.
Beeoiid. '1 he foundation of the rond
should be thoroughly ilriuiuil by open
side ditches which will curry off the
watur, und where neee.'sary tile drains
should be laid In the funnihitioii Itself
1 bird. The surface of the road
should he hard and smooth nud have
sulllcicnt slope toward the sides to
shed the surface water.
I'ourtu. Kills and holes on the stir
fnce of the lini-heil ion, I should ho
Oiled hs fust us mailt', Bo that no water
can He ou the hiiii.iio to be worked up
uito mud.
These rules r,re simple und easy to
follow, nnd any one who gives any Be
rloiis thouj-ht to the matter call see the
wlsilom of folloH-IiiH them. Still, they
aru nlniost universally iKiiored, ns the
ci'inli; luu of on- roads abundantly
proves. The bad roads of the 1,'nlted
Blates are a hlUlit, a curse, a dSgruco,
and nil palilollc. pi-on-sslve citizens
should make 11 grnml milled effort to
wipe them out en. I put our nation on
a level with the lulvauceil nations of
Europe lu the mutter i f romls.
Whnt VnrlnUM Stales Are Ilotna to
linen. it- Tln-lr 1 1 It) !i lira.
IS'ow York will establish a slate plant
to be operated by convict labor at Hlng
Sliu: to eni.-h ntone for in.e in con
structing good 1-0.. ils.
The nilc'ipi Automobile club him or
ganized 11 camera .lull to travel
throughout the country around the
city nud take pici rr es of tlie bud rouds.
At nil the Mail ronvenllons held dur
ing Ihe laat j ear lire i,ue.itlun of co
operation In road building between the
federal government aud Ihe Males has
been a leading of discussion, and
every convention hold up to this time
has Indorsed the plan with practical
The fanners of u'mont nre usklui;
half a milium dollars for good roads
next j.-ar.
I'tirim: ihe past t.-u yeai-H Massaehii
sells his ..hov n i.n Increase of
i.HU.oi'O iu f.irr.i Milota. ami It la at
tributed i.odrilv .i , 1 roads.
It la iralil th.-.t a !..r.-e can pull 0.70
l'oimds 011 a lrei mei ulanilzisl road.
Illld It takes live 1 erics to pun the
l''ad en an ordinary dirt road
11 11 1 ten hoi -.
sand or mud.
s to pud the load In loose
R-tira! Silvery Notes
It Is
,l!h i..ti
d by
the postmaster
cipls this llscal
e $1 1 l.i h 10,1 n 11 1,
.' the figure of
:o. This reat
c and the post-
general that
-till re.
year will a; -p.
W Ideh Is liearry
less thai! tin e,i!s a
epuusioii of the re 1 1111
ill expense as w
greater Is largely ,
extension 1 ( thc
The iippropi-i.'i!;oi
delivery service
Is JJi'.TTil.T'H. but
enable the depar:
many new routes a
year. The re. s,
per cent of Ihe a;
w hlcli is even
of course, to the
1! fn e delivery
for the rural five
r t'.e eoiiihig year
this sum will not
.sot to create us
' ve-e possible last
f r this
is that PT
lien v. id be
1 tiers under
I usisl tn pay
the Increased
It Is expo.-,
order of time
cstabllsii ri.m
l a iiiomh.
time conu'ress
Miss Kmh 1
of New- licit
pointed a I'll;'!'
that has I , , n
lss-:ul-e ef ihe
.1 1
- II
new ,
e to
heat i
At t:
wdl t.
entire I
led 1 y the 1
rr.ber. . I
) old. j
i he. a ap- ,
en a rente '
t '.v.i men I
pesltion. r
In 1 1
New Voais
: lh 'ie was no f-uuday school last
.1 . ;: ,. r Sal bath, as people were up so late
Caiii!ie ,h
Can. 1
s'1' 1
t'N'S ;
I'kksii ma:
it) n:J 1 till-
: S
at ar
KOSebvitl C O n fee ti On
11 1
tJ, 1 . I
n, .,, , ,v
KKlIMtK.N l,k.,s , rru;Ms. I
Ranchers end Miner on Upper
Jump-off-Joe Benefitted.
Josephine county is in the march of
progress and ia soon to have Its first
rural mail route. Aa application
was made some time since for a rural
mail routn out of Grants Pass to em
brace the Jump-off-Joe section, and
Friday, E. C. Clement, rural route
inspector for the Pacific Ccast
Status, was over the route, and while
not definitely committing himself,
yet he gave out that the 'proposed
route met the Dunrtnient's require
ments as to passable condition of
road, distatice and number of patrons.
It is quite cerlaiu that tlie mute will
be established aud the service begun
early In tlie spring. The route will
be by the nprnr road to Jump-off-Joe
and thence down that stream to the
lower road to Grants Pass, which
will be used for the return trip. This
rural mail service will eliminate
Winona post office and cut off con
siderahlo mail from the Merlin and
the Hugo ollices. Tho route will
not 1 each all the miners aud ranchers
on upper Jump-off-Joe, hut will bo so
near that they can g' t nriil from it.
Golden Gleanings.
Huppy New year to all.
Stock l ioks fat and (Inn.
W. N. Kublu has plautel an aero of
straw bi.rries.
Mr. Coffiuan wont to Grants Pass
lust week ou business.
We all had a happy Christmas und
a good time in Golden.
II. Gross is keeping tho Golden
hotel. Good ni'als 25 cents.
This mow and rain looks nicu to the
miners, as it looks wintry now.
William Kuhle went to Ashland to
spend Chrisimas with hia family.
About six inches of snow on the
hills. It looks nicu to see the trees
covered Willi snow.
The woiiileiing Daisy of Wonder,
says tho second crop of hollyhocks are
111 bloom. How uiauuy times a year
do liny bloom?
C. Pound t, our grocery man was in
Grants Pass hist week. Ho has just
moved into his uew slore. Ho has a
large stock of goods.
Times aro lively around Golden
now. V. H. Ilublo has his grizzly
moved und ready to begin piping. He
will run ni-ht and day as soou as
water comes.
Hliui Jim
It. M. Hohinson is marketing his
apple crop at Grants Puss.
Ada liohinsoii is homo after attend
ing school ut Grants Pass the past two
or three months.
Uev. Montgomery of Granls Pass
preached at .1. Jv. Hocking's house
Sunday the lHth at 3 o'clock.
Mary Wadley of Medford, who has
been staying at Arthur Wells tho past
threu months, has returned home.
The Poverty social at the pursnnagc
was pretty well al tended. liaised
something like Jill to he used in buy
ing an organ for tho church.
J. W. MeColium made an extended
business 'trip tn Grants Pas tho latter
part of last week. Listen, don't you
begin to hear those wedding bells?
Jim McCanan, who has been having
a severe siege of typhoid fever, has so
improved ns to bo able to he brought
out to his cousin's, Charles McCauu's.
Ihu entertainment at the school
houso was a complete suocess, was
well snpplied with cake and coffee.
We givu special credit to the lecture
delivered by liiudib r X. Y. 7... sub
et, "Ihe Apple 111 thu Garden of
Ion." liaised tla ti ward enlarging
the school library. On the vote for
the best looking young lady in the
crowd, .Miss Pearl Lew is won the
prize. .Mr. Wagner was successful
in winning a prize. Kveryone present
njoyed themselves aud went homo iu
the best of spirits.
The old year will soon he gone. How
many will be turning over a new leaf,
whether for a long time or n short
time, who knows? Hut let ns each
strive to keep out of the ruts, and be
gaining iu the knowledge of a higher
There wilrho preaching at J. Hock
ing s on 1 no nrsi nay ot new year, at
S :!!' in the utternoon. .rineiii.
(Crowded out last Wiek. )
A. T. Cart killed a wildcat several
day airo.
J. II. Kohiu-oii has iheiiinan!u in
one foot o badly that hu has tn go on
Arthur Kricksnn is home again after
being in
mom !i.i.
Finland the last
Seven,! b is!;
;' was mad
ts were old and about
to ii-' pent on completing
the 1 nrgsonage.
Mrs. Clink Ind
cut three of her
(lie butcher kiiu'e.
misfortune to
r"s badly with
There 'is t.) b- Free Methodist
pr. aching at J. Hocking's next t?ab
ball: at i .".0 p. in.
There was a Christmas tr-e at the
. hurch Christinas l-.'ve, ami quite a
crowd out. as bad a the weather was.
Claude t nd Iviik Kobiuson are spuid
iug 1 at home. They will re
turu to their .!i. .ol at Lugeno men.
Nice weather for holidays. Xext
Sabbath is quarterly meeting at Wil
derville. Mr. Clark is to preach at
11 a. in. and the presiding elder is to
viKirday li ght at the Cbn. tmns tree.
j tiny were (00 lite for Sabbath school.
I Mr. Clark pi. ached at 1 1 o'clock, also
'at i ait) o'clock iu ibe evening.
Tlie 14 ai.-nihs t.i.l Ki. t Mr .nil! Charies l.ipp f. il on a hot tove I
ill all. I IlU.-lie.l Us li t) ,r..t-( l.,.l'v!
e l" '
Kurd. iv evi ui.ig i
W1IF.X (5 IV F.N UP by othkhs'
it ooaw you nothing to consult 1 eomelaiuts. me,T nl,n JT. ,
oases and ail kinds of chrome tr.mhu. !
Also s, Cherokee and other guaraa-
" 'ou... uiiMii-nsT i-.vj. 11,'IZ
Call at Free Methodist Pank-nafcl.
.i ramiiy me.lioin.s,. r.O. Ilox K3
Many Progressive Unions Organ
Ized in
Thut New Orleans Is so prosperous
and Is making such satisfactory f
growth ia due In uo small measure to
the w-ofk of the Progressiva juiuu of :
that city, nud every town should have
au association of this kind. Such au
organization is a ncvessury adjunct to
the welfare of every cuinmuulty. Iu
objects should bo primarily to foster;
present Industries, develop local re- j
sources, publish practical Information,
solicit aud encourage immigration. In
vestment und the establishment of
new manufactories mid to secure to the
tovvu anil lnciueiiiiui.v iu us iueim.-i3
the benefit of co-operation in the fur-1 ;Jj
theraiico of legitimate projects. Its j Sj
work Is coextensive with the partial- 'J
lur Interests of the tovvu iu which it is j
located. (.J
In speaking of the work of the Pro-1
gresslve union recently one of lts'(
board of directors said to 11 repre.seiitu-; ij
tlve of the New Orleans Times-Demo- j '
"it Is undoubtedly a sign of prosper
ity ns well as au indication of prugressj
when we note the general determina
tion on the part of the cmtitry towns
t; organize In defense of their own In
terests nnd for the pin-pose of attract
ing attention generally to their oppor
tunities and ml viiMlu '-I-1.
"During the pro.t year the Progress
ive union has hi-en called on time and
again for hifaruritioii and ass'stance
111 organizing similar uui.ina ami asso
ciations In various parts of the stale,
and us our or'janiznti.m lirinly believe. i
In this sort of thin:: v.'o h ive ne.'lecte.l
no opportunity of j.'ivlnu the necessary
Information and assistance.
"As an Indication that the idea of or
ganization has struck 11 remnant key
note In the mlinls of our friends In fie
country towns may be taken the fact
that leeenlly progressive, unions: have
been organized lit Lake l'r.ividorc e,
Covington. Itayville and at I'.itiers .u,
the thriving Iiriyou Teche eommnuily.
"This will give Louisiana nearly f ir
ty local business associations, each o;:e
working earnestly for the devel ipmcnt
of Ms Immediate section, und combine!
providing 1111 object for other
states In the matter of civ ic pride und
determination to better existing condi
tions. "1 am naturally a firm believer," con
tinued the speaker lu discussing the
subject, "In the policy of local effort
and ils effect upon community growth.
The present day is 1111 era of competi
tion, anil In proportion to the enter
prise of a community In advertising
Its resources and opportunities broad
cast throughout the entire country will
said community receive Its returns lit
the hands of the people and capital
now seeking location ami Investment.
"Louisiana today is not the unknown
quantity the state represented ten
years ago. The New Orleans Progress
ive union, oue of the finest advertising
Institutions In the entire country, has
placed the state generally lu the public
eye and has attracted u vust deal of at
tention In this direction.
"The orguulziitlon of tho smaller
towns will necessarily support the ac
tion of the New (Irler.n.s organization,
and us a re lilt of the Joint elTort 1 look
to sc.; a wonderful Improvement and
advancement lu production und In reul
ty values lu the next few years. Tho
opportunities for safe Investment lu
Louisiana are very numerous, aud the
very cheap agricultural areas open for
settlement and thu general productive
ness of the soil, taken In connection
Willi their nearness to the great mar
kets of the country, create 11 situation
from which great aud lusting prosper
ity will result."
The Wnlr or Ercrr lllsen.
Homo nnd Its protection is the basis
of all government. That citizen who
h.;s tlie love of home and fealty to
home Interests is u worthy representa
tive of any commonwealth. It la the
mass of such men that are the back
bone of iiuy coininuiiity and llr.uraLlve
ly the mainstay and the rock upon
which nations are founded, says the
Home Trade Advocate. Whoever lives
hi u community and falls to support
the public Insulations and does not as
slst in the building up of Imlu-li !.-;
that add to the greatness of that com
munity Is like all alien. While be live,,
hi one place Ids heart Is hi another.
Ke Is not the Ideal citizen, for he Is not
lu harmony vvilh those who are his
neighbors. It Is the duty of every resi
dent of a town or coiiiinuuli y t da
utmost to advance Its Interests. :,
thu.i doing he not ukme assists hiui
self, but his neighbors, bis town, his
county, ills state and his nation.
Improve the Hontls.
Many towns have one drawback, to
their prosperity, and this Is the lack of
g.wd roads, whereby they may bo
reached by the business and profes
sional men from the cities who every
year during the si uer season a;"
prone tu eek the umiiiitiiiiis f .r health
and pleasure. As u mutter of h;i.-.:ii, -s
such towns should take ste) s to iri;.,;e
their roads so that they may be eislly
traveled by automobiles, ami
every other means of transportation.
Kwn the llnrk tsrili Tl.lj-.
The Woinan's Ci'lc Imnrovement
league of Kalamazoo. Mich., enforces
cleanliness In the back yards of untidy
Cltlzer.s by sending a photogrnnher to
make a picture of III kempt quarters.
If a Copy of the picture does not set
tie owner of the premises to cleaning
up the pletm-e Is put on public eshlbl
tl m. but this proceeding is seldom neo
esi'ary. Woodvilla Notes.
W. Hall of Ashland is here calling
011 old friends.
The Christmas tree at the Pn sbytir-
an church was a good aueccrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joint liaghy spiut
hristmas with fri.uds iu Ashland.
W. O. Jonrs, our g. 11. ral raetcli int.
retorned from his mine to sinnl
hristmas w ith his family.
The marriigo of K. It. Ster. us ami
Miss I.o In MeCcid, of (irrmls P.i-s-took
pl.ii e Saturday t veiling at tlie
Presbyterian parsi nnge, K. y. K.Tweed
Pr s.riptiorn accurntelv f. IK .1 by
u-.iii, atiou.11 I'rug Store.
IVXS Stood the test 25 venr
tattles. Does this record of
"Ciotw wna tvg-y bott U T. r, CVrr,. .
ifv iTTfTiTf w Tmi-iragg . I
- -
have be
is t. !
rc 1.
t.l or, t a .
lire 1 -at
.1 1 k.c '1 :
0"; e
wtl! !:;.'..
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200 A
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i ltlTl, i.
'Vit'ii fr
uit iru.f
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t (a--t'.,i
I'.YF, 1
Ollico h.,
7 :.'lo lo H-.
1'II.VN-i; 1
!'. V - .
Ma-r m
'i hone e. '1.
Pil Y:
ml 10 Hi
lar: tile'
I. at... n.
u.ite ,Vci'
1 !1V
Olllce in
I hut:-:
; v.
.'1 v
Tho I'opi '.ir
Get y.-ttr t 1
On Six;:-,
! . Ii l:
f A n M 1 ; s
ialv th
lifulfa (e
No ui.
r .liming
every .1
v a.l.- -!..,ii.'s
I'ri c 1
v. vk.
At,-,- ,
ccrft r.;.
V. 0.?
J !- r.'
.-"n'N: -ply
j i
size i:.
Morn -I
otht r 1
'' !'-. -rii f"r ti-r-r xiry j;;,.
- iuceotn', fr tr.lU s'nd
i-H-es Fiae rict;:re -;-A We
e lo cur cu.-.tometi. Tais
trrc. T'Yvrvorle w'r, vs
'" :,c""Ki:,,e l" "Suunt
- ' ' 'v''Kh a Ike 1.,,-ge
" ''''u fraail cue nount-
t t. ;n you a caul. Yon
i:.v.--ynt will have ;;w ,al.
:'e. : ! ','i-s 1 1 v i 1 1 1 nril,
'! i;-' i -'-.'-Irons early
Hid deliver m riesireil.
t c iicrj.Fii rnish i
.. "' "ON' Mi
' 1 l.S J5.lllk mg .V. 1
; "i rjany, u eor-
! vs.
i fr. n! a May But rati,
Y1.1.1 O. ri.'iHie Pi rail,
" y Pearl Iiorrall,
I ,h Iriuo Iiorrall, ,.,
1 iiit.ui;liiiii! Marion A.
! 11.1 rail,
! Dl feuil .lit.. ) I
! To liiilia Mary-Porta-1, V.i, G.r-' (
'.V'".1 ', ''::,U' '"' "'l-'"'f. aid
j .! M. 11 A. Jioi iai!, 1), f, io!ai,,s f
j L' "' ff "... Nate of uregci, t
; c: nri le icby r-quired to appear a.,j
! ,! v ' r . I,,u cr 'ompliii,, i
" " ' -v"1: ,ll(' al'ov.i 1 niitlnl m,i '
j s-.a w 1 i. tioni tie- lir(t .
' ''!' " H'ts ii'inn oii-, 1 o-wit -
.. :,i. fix we-ks f 1 01.1 the it, 1, ,iaycf 'j
, ' v, ml-, r, I'.'"!, I's pieM i ibcl in tlr '
i r'" '': '"' I .i'.'tli'U, t,ui j
1 h'.il to iu . mmvi , fr ,,, llleR.
'' ! '''-I VI II ll ply (0 ,tl,
; ' " r ,1-r . j rrix , u or j
- ' t ir t...t ; s.l ckii, .tu-VTit:
'' '' ' ' ' '' " l!''" 'I'"' I Mill. 'Iff Im.
I " ' v'iii' t the ih tt-iiiiaiits hi
. - .f j wo ilii.,1!:. d 'ivvnitv-liva
1 ' oliars uhfl itit-r, t thereon
I ' 1 ' '!"" treX'ih day i f June,
i f. lie! 'are t,i ten per cut rir
; . "0(1 loi the fin : I i r nun of
'.. I -olh. r allorri'-v' ft.,s
"-i'i - .- M.m of- 1. 11 i.'oliarsaial
: ' r cen'.s and u,(-ier tlarnn
I roc -r.i- of :-)x j'er edit per iniucm
i. .. r ; .;;nce il, : h day of Ocliitier,
j ' f' r tl'-i it.1i and tliahnm.
; Ors ,.f I ,,,;!(
! "' '!' "" "' ,,..! r! , d in tl;s
"" ' ' ho p inlitl iiiav be fen-j"---s
! ami til-, toihivnng ikr-cribrit
: i .. r-i s u.citioiitri ami der-cnln d ui
: r... r ; ;.;go , ohl by tn,, ln rirl tl
10 Couoiy, tingou, itr-c ording
1 -.'.v. ti'-iMt : lii ginning at tlui
ihe t coin-.r i.f tin mirthi ust qiuir--r
! f-vui 10 n-t nuarter (.1 S. vticu
i.-wumi)i I'.'i fcouih, It.tnge (', Wmt,
:"t liiiining tin-nee Matli iO
;; Ih n- '. vve- t rod ;i heme uorili
r - r ll.. ceo i ast IW rods to llis
.1 hegiiimiig, cuiilaiiiing ten
r r : r- - i d:r of s,:!d laltmav
1 Ir' ! to t'i! puyim.'ut o! the cuIs
i . ie und ttiecosis and iiihure
. uil, (lie atlorie-y's fees
'r ' .!'.! tie.. aillOllilt lice ttiu
'i tlm icMilue, if any tlurs
ll'ii Clerk of tile court. ub-
r '.lo r crie-r i f the eoun.
; .d ih t"!"!:inls anil each if
. ' o i' il peions claiming ly,
1 ''' l.i' '"' iheni 1: ay be n iivr
' ' '' v.-r i,loi' rl of any una
,-. 1 c ;.i or ( quite ei n ili.ii.;j
i i 1 v to lid pn misc.s ami (. ."
' rh ranri t .liber ori.'er 1111 nlaf
1 i 1. 11".-. ' a-- tu tlie cou.-t 11.
o .ii ". iquitahle.
' - ; . 1 - -ii.. 1 -. to be puhlirh. j
. .. v i : 1 1 c of an i run 1 f
r. ' .. i o'tia, iioiile on the
i-.-.' ' ' :; eii-bi", i;i"l, anil tin
1 .. . : :.: hv of is 011 tin- 1 ilti
e, , -.; , ) and me in.-t
I 1 .
1 u 1 r 1 he on toe il'rll
A. C. lioL'UH,
-V 1 1 r r : . -y -for Plainiill.
( O'x j.''1 x l l IO.
' ;o. 111 of Ibe Juti rier, 1 lined
buig, Uiegou, Ix'ov. i, UH -4.
i.e .cot eriin t ulllll.lVIt hliViilg
e - , 1 a 1 h is u ice by tl., I. Sen 111 III,
: , r.g ;in-1 hoan stuel eiiuy
. 1 i. loroo Ju.y 14, Illt.J, tor
- w , .i ., x Vv l4, bl c 1 1C11 ISt,
' I "i ts., u.iiig'i 7 Ue.-I, try
; A - :u - ii, 1 0.110 11 111 vv Inch it
ni'.i r io -a , i i ntiy uiau 01 'I
re., i.' ; i uui lug Iris 1.1
"t l.i i. rl .' 1.. jji. i t. d le. -i.'ihli-ii
' r I c or U" !:i.: U,'( il iil'l i.'.tal.
M.r. rl up-.'il ;i,ij .0 lit luarl ; teal
"i- .1. ilo ih- hi lls-l.t-ia.V havo
! ...' 0! in h'. ele-i lo I. hub
! '. i "V. lire ircrll, US I. qillf-'
.r'i j i: :;ea ate li. iet y nun
. ; ; v. , o'r.l aim 1 ;i,'r . v 1
' ' . . :i e, -.t id air. e'st it'll a: 1
a. 1 ,1 .: r I rl, I'J'.r.i, ii. I. .iJ
!' ;, I 1.0 .mi ir H le ".
. . e ?a I,:,.,,., 1 a,,, a.
' .. .. !. ii '.'. .11 he Ii 'J
- -. ;.. ... , Ii Apul l:'. it ".
I ' le I,:, til .ni'l l.icvlV. r i.t
'- la. 1 . ,...u i ' l.i .' 11. l.c.-e-
hut ing,
1: . .1 .Vuvi'riii :' 1 -.
r v. h ih shew I
eee . i .-.-a 11 e. I v n .1
: I I- 1 e-'le, tt Is h-1"
. : . 1 . -.-.! thut si.iir no
ne! arid pnq, r 1 i.t-
. 1.1,".; i iiM'i iv. r
.ut; ;.Piruiu.
' -u ; ' lor Jr.- i iii-i
1 -.. , V. i: til... tl.e !!
r lii'.S la '- '
..: ii.e la.-1 w il ari l
j li'.- il- rli ! . oclv .
1 ''ri v Court for J -
.'iiy. t '! eii, and ail I er
cr.irros ii,,il:i- said estate
noli ml to resent H'
v .. r : . ;1 i, s i.y law te
i;.. uiull it 1 xei ut-.
iiu-i i.-l 11, U. .Nc-riou al
'a ,i '. .- . I . uuty.Ori -.
!' r s i; m. ;.ti.s from the
f . -t pi 111! JlllOll f this
1 1 1 1 p r-, pu aln-utiea
. t t.'is l.oli e is 'lhurs
r . A. ia -i
' I e..i Miiui, Kj.r-uli.'.
L. -t r tory" tho lati
i" At the Molc Hou-
, Tv5 Pay. 50c
''vr i'lli.