Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 29, 1904, Image 1

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No. 40.
ood Clothes for len
There is no chance for misjuilgment, no
cause for regrets if you choose from our
stocky of . Up-to-Date, Ready-to-"Vear
Clothing :::::::::::
Feeling that we have mastered the
clothing situation we procured the best
of the best when we bought our Fall and
"Winter atock and secured the best pro
duct of the best American manufacture.
We have a complete lino of Ladies and
Misses Shoe that we are Closing Out at
Coat. :::':::::::;:
We will still coutinuo to carry our com
plete line of Gentlemen and Boys Shoes
at the regular price. :::::::
We have . lew.and complete line of
Hats in all th late blocks. Our Cap
line ia vnoqualed, :::::::
I lew Goods, More Bargains
Auction House.
Best Bed Springs $1.50 and up
Mattresses, best makt t a, 60 " "
Couches, fine quality 8.00 " "
Dining Chair, good 7
Fiue line of Dry Goods, Notions, Prices that give satisfaction.
Artistic, Dainty and Useful
Finest Assortment ever brought to Grants Puss
now in stock at tlio
Star Racket vStore
NEWELL BliOS. Proi-iiie-tohs.
Delicate ware in Blue and Pink. Vases in many de
signs, riates, Cups and Saucers, and other Fine Table
Settings. Teapots, all sizes and designs in the latest in
Earthenware Novelties.
Call and examine the many beautiful articles in our
stock. Tho prices arc rijiht,
MONTH will purchase a lot in almost any portion of the city,
and oou can have your choice of over 500 lots.
$5000 Takes a 6ne Stock Ranch of 2983 acres, with good
water right. (No. 316)
$1000 Takes 160 acres, 50 acres in cultivation; good house
and barn. (No. 274 )
$1600 Takes 57 acres unimproved, on Rogue River, about
three miles from city. (No. 266.)
I also havt a fine bunch of timber lands for sale at reason
able prices.
Call on or address
Headquarters for Real Eetate.
Office 616 E Street, betwm Fourth and Fifth Streets,
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turnin. Scroll Work. Stair Work. Band
tiawinpj.L'abinet Work, Wood Pull".. w
Kilinsand ruiuminft, Kevainng ;all kinds
i"rin nbt.
Pracri itlout accurately filled by
Dr. S nith, National Drug Stan.
front ind 4th Stl. P. 0. Box 273.
Real Estate
Employment office. Houses rented
fo. 79I2S trrrt. all fn.-rf, VI acres
river bottom, TS roJuvtd, 10 to bops. I
imie from railnn.1 Uwu, tA r
m ouul, tie. A btmui al ' an acre. Hup
csvp Will pr purcbiM pnr in two years,
What the Miners Are Doing.
Piping has been began at the Booth
& Dysert placer on Jauip-off-Joo aad
three giants are beiug operated,
two in the mine and oue to stack the
tailing. Tins mine is owned by
Judge J. 0. Booth and Joacpn Dj
sert, bat Jadge Booth has leased
his interest to 0. D. Crane, who
with Mr. Dysert is operating it this
winter with the latter as superinten
dent in charge of tho work. This is
one of the best placers in tho Jnmp-ofl-Joo
district and the annaal clean
ups are always profitable to the
The following news item concern
ing t lie Blue Ledge copper district
on tipper Applegate is from the Jack
sonville Sentinel : 0. D. Larson and
G. Wales of Spokane have boudtd a
coppor property near the Bine Ledge.
The interest of Spokane people in the
future of the Blue Ledge is being
shown in many ways, and when
this central property has thoroughly
opened its ore bodies a rush from
north country miners is expected.
Many Spokano men, who became in
terested when Patsy Clark bonded the
Blue Ledge, have held to their
James and John McNulty, two well
known Applegate miners, hare
opened, so the Jacksonville Sentinel
states, a very promising ledge on
Spencer gulch, near Ruch, that pros
pects well, souio samples going as
bigli as t-'iO. MoNulty Bros, have a
shaft 60 feet deep on the ledge, but
water interfering with them, thoy
are now rnnnlug a tunnel and they
expects to connect it witli the shaft
by next spring. On an adjoining
claim these men have another ledge
that shows up well, lint it has not
beeu developed' sufficiently to ascertain
its valuo.
E. H. Perkins of Wolf Creek was
in Grants 'Pass, Saturday ana stated
that his father. H. A. Perkins, Mb
brother-in-law, A. C. Speuce and
himself have leased for three years
the Marshall placer mine on Coyote
creek, of Wm. Paine of Waldo. This
mine has been operated for some yean
and is equippod with 800 feet of pipe
and a No. 1 giant and has a'good head
of water for the greater . part of the
winter months. Some 300 feet of
pipe has been added and giant moved
to a new location where it is thought
some rich ground is to be found. Mr.
Perkins stated that they had every
thing in readiness and expeoted to be
gin piping last Saturday.
W. O. Kitto, foreman at the Oregon
Uelle mine on Forest creek near Jack
sonville, and his sons, waiter and
Joseph, who aro also employed at that
mine, spent Christmas in Grants
Pass, returning Tuesday to Jackson
ville. James Farley, who has be'-n at
the Granite Hill mine, accompanied
Mr. Kitto to the Oregon Bello and will
take charge of onoof the two Enrloigh
drills operated at that mine. Mr.
Kitto stated that the development
work enrried on at this mine was
progressing satisfactory and a crew
of 13 men is now employed by
Superintendent H. E. FoBtcr, in two
shifts, working day aud night. A
Huntington mill is operated to work
the ore that is taken ont in tne de
velopment work that mill tests may
bo had of sections of the ledgo as it
is opened up.
Henry Wittrock was in Grants Pass
over the Christmas holidays from
Fiddlers Gulch, wlicro he has been
working for his on, John H. Witt
rock on the Pinal mine, owned by
tho latter. Mr. Witrtock has his mine
opened op and has it equipped with a
small nrrastre, that is operated by a
17 foot' overshot wheel, tho water
coming by flume from Fiddlers gulch,
which ail ample supply during
the winter months. This is the
second season that Mr. Wittrock has
! operated his mill aud it is yielding
him good retorns. After a recent
'clean-up of a run of seven days, he
'secured 11 ounces of gold.- Ho gets
out ore during tho dry months and
then mills it during tho wet seasou
when there is water to operate his
mill. His ledge is a small one, but is
proving to be quite rich.
J. E. Verdin and A. E. Kaiser
spent last week in Portland and Sa
lem on business in connection with
the saIe.of a big mining property they
rn handlins. Mr. Verdin returned
I Saturday and Mr. Kaiser Sunday.
I They state that there is much interest
in Portland, Salem and other cities
'of Northern Oregon In the mines of
' Southern Oregon and that investments
can be readily secured on property
i that is able to make a good tho wing.
: A large number of capitalist stated
I to Messrs. Verdio & Kaiser that witb
the opening of spring, when the
; weather permitted better traveling
I to the raluing districts that they
should visit Grants Pass and examine
! the mines of this section, the fin
! showing mado by such mines as the
1 Greenback, the Granite Hill, IheOpp,
the Gal ice, the Sterling ind other
big gold producers bavins' given them
confidence In Southern Oregon mine
Jamea Davies, who for the last five
years his worked under a lease the
Howlaod & Oook placer mine on the
right fork of forest creek, has leased
the Spanlding placer mine, on Forest
creek and will operate it this winter
so the bontinel state. This mine
was formerly owned and operated by
J. D. Oook of Medford and George E.
now land or Grants Pass, aud was
operated last w inter by E. A. Spauld
lug, of the Tacoma Company, who are
tho present owners ot the property.
The mine ia equipped with two No.
S gianta and has two ditches that
carry ample water both for piping
and by wash. The water, with tho
aid of a large reservoir holds out for
about eight months of the year. A
bauk of 30 feet overlies the gravel
deposit on the bedrock, but it is sift
and readily cut by the water. This
mine ii about a mile abovo the Stur
gls, now known ns tho Vance mine,
and the tonography of tho grouud
leads to the belief that tho same an
cient chanuel, that has made the
Sturgis such a big gold producer,
will be found back of the modern
channel now being worked. This
mine has boen a moderate producer
for years aud the ground now being
worked is good for sevoral years to
oome, even if no new grouud is
opeood up.
Ilonry W. Miller, formerly fore
man at the Cook & Howlund placer
mine on Jomp-ofr-J.e, an I Carey T.
Davidson, former1 ot Applogato,
now both with their families residents
of Jacksonville, havo leased for
011a year the Howlaud & Cook placer
mi no on the right fork of Forest
creek. This claim embraces some
200 acres of land, a good part being
auriferous ground aud it has b en a
good producer for yoars. It was
operated for several years by Goo. K.
Howlaud and J. D. Cook, the present
owuors, before they changed the base
of thoir operations to Jomp-nfT-Joe
aud it is noted . as a producer of
heavy gold, Messrs. Howlaud & Cook
having taken ont nnggets of f 10 to t0
each. In early times when the mine was
worked by hand, a uugget that weighed
over 1500 was fopnd byamlncr. It is
equipped with a pipe aud has a good
head aud ample water for tho greater
part of the year. This laud is known
to contain a number of quartz ledges
that show np well and Messrs. Miller
& Davidson will put in considerable
time in thoroughly prospecting them.
These ledges are without a doubt
in'the same mineral zone as the Opp
ledges, as tl ey are on the same butte
as that femoas group of ledges, being
on the Forest crsek side of tho butte,
while the Opp mine is ou the Jackson
creek side. The Oregon Bello,
another good property, lies- but two
miles west of the Oook & Howlaud
ledges. .
Southern Oregon sjl Network of
Lodges. '
Miners familiar with prospecting
in this section claim that if the hills
of Souther Oregon were hydraulioed
off and cleared to the bedrock of soil
that they would show a perfect succes
sion of quartz ledges. Hundreds of
these ledges will remain hidden for
years and years owing to the great
depths of earth over them, for the
hills of Southern Oregon are not the
barren, rocky wastes that are found
in many other mluing districts.
Even whore the ledges do come to
the surface, very frequently no trace
of them can bo.sccu for t ie dense
growth of brush, grass aud weeds,
with the matting of trash that they
produce, effectively hide them from
the eye of the prospector.
In the early days when the Indians
aud the miners vied with each other
in settlug out fires, tho oue to ninko
better range for gnmo aud tho other
to mako gold hunting more easy,
prospecting could be prosecuted more
successfully than at the present time.
This difficulty in prospecting has been
oue of the big factors in retarding the
development of the mining industry
of this district and wilt contiuuo to
hold it back fpr years to como. Yet
to tho now comer it has proven an ad
vantage for the chance of finding a
rich ledgo is as good now as it was
years ago aud big finds will be made
in tho futnro ns they havo been in the
past, and men, whoso sole possessions
aro a pick, pan mid shovel and a
grubstake, will, in a day, step from
poverty to wealth, and exchange the
humble, but nourishing beans and
flatjacks for tho more toothsoino por
ter house steak and mince pie.
New Mill (or Lucky Queen.
Work of installing tho 10 stamp
mill at tho Lucky Queen is progress
ing very satisfactorily aud Manager
0. D. Crane, who is also a part owner
in this mine, expects to have the
mill in operation early in February.
Tho mill building is up aud the
foundation set and the machinery has
been shlpiied from Portland aud it
will bo all delivered at the mlno the
Several of the prominent merchants of Grants
Pass are arranging a plan for giving a SPECIAL
TbU will be something new and novel, and
the plan suggested is very unique with a number
ot attractive features.
Watch this space next issue for the plan
aud full particulars.
last ot this week or tho first of next
Both steam and water power will
be nsed, the former iu the dry season
and the latter during the. wet season.
A turbine wheel will be used with
f-water from Jump-off Joo creek and
having a Sfi foot head it will afford
atnplo power to run the entire mill
during the winter mouths. The mill
will be equipped with Hammond
stamps, Whifiey concentrators. An
electric light plant will be installed
and the mill, other buildings and the
mine will be lighted by electricity.
The ledge, which is situated a mile
distant from the mill, has had exten
sive development work done upon
it and it lias been demonstrated to
carry an Immense body of high grade
ore. A force of men aro at work
blocking ont ore and tho niiuo will be
iu snch shape that no difficulty will
be had in keeping the mill supplied
to its full capacity when in operation.
For the first month or two the ore
will bo hanled hy team, there being a
good road with a heavy down grade
that will enable largo loads to be
hauled. But early iu the spring, a
trnm road will be put in, the cars to
bo operated by gravity.
Gold Flat Placer.
Of tho opening of a big placer mine
near Glendalo tho News tells the fol
lowing: Development work is pro
gressing rapidly at tho Gold Flat,
they having a large force of men em
ployed. Tlireo miles of ditch is
completed and two miles yet to
finish. O. I). Austin Isdruwlug three
cars ot lnmber to the mine. Tho
ditch material is shipped from Glen
dalo Lmubor Company's mill to
Raubou siding by rail thence to the
mine by Kmuii,
The comjiony expects to begin
operations by January 20th. They
have their pipe linn laid and are
constructing a largo reservoir which
will add much to the cquipmeut of
the property. Under the present
system of ditches, Gold Flat will
have a good wator supply for six or
soven mouths a year. Mr. Coldfeldt
is at present superintendent, suc
ceeding J, T. Hnnwnod, holding
the position only until January 1st,
when Mr. Henley of Virginia City,
Nevada, will assume the position.
A. W. Shearer, a miner well known
in Southern Oregon, Is foreman.
Tho Gold Flat placers consist of
more than 200 acres of grnvol, it
being tho deposit of an ancient river
bed. This rivet had a width at this
We have to move. We have crowded ourselves
out of our present location. Wk Witt. Tat Too
to Help Us Ght Into tbk Bio Buiuhro.
Everything at a Discount
Furniture, Carpets, Wall Taper, Portieres, Trunks, Lace
Curtains, Rugs, Mattings, Tents, Pictures, Cut Glass, Stoves,
Ranges, Heaters, Kitchen Utensils, Dintierware, Chlnaware,
Lamps, Baby Carriages, Silverware, Clocks, Cutlery.
During This Sale Our Ttrmi Will Be Gun
This Is an opportunity that you cannot afford to
miss 10 to 50 pet ecu! off means many bar
gains to you. Sale will continue until we move.
Thomas (Q. O'Neill,
TSftQ Housefurnlshers
Grants Pass,. - Oregon.
point of 820 feet and ran from north
to sooth. This channel shews op at
several points south of this place in
Southern Oregou. Tho Chaniplin
dredger ou Foots creek Is operating
on a part of this channel. It ooours
west of Jacksonville, high on the
mountain aud through the process of
erosion has worn away nntil only a
short portion of It remains, and 00
donbt much of tho value! contained
In the rioh plaoeri at Jacksonville
came from this channel.
The famous Sterling mine Is located
on this siinia old ohannoL Thoy have
a splendid water supply and it is
stnted by good authority that thoir
annual output la from $110,000 to
1100,000. This channel extends into
California and many ot the famous
hydraulic mines of that atata wore
looated on It. It ia easily identified
by the largo amount of quarts
boulders aud gravol it contains.
Uood Mining Properties.
J. 1L Clark, 11 veteran miner of 30
yeara expereuco, was In Grants Pass
ovor the Christmas holidays, returning
to his home at Murphy Thursday.
Mr. Clark In company with Frank B.
Smith, owns sevoial olaims tnat give
promise of being rich ore producers
and which will provido them with
the wealth, that Is the miners' evor
alluring hope, that will enable
thorn to lay uowu the pick and ham
mor aud take a life of ease. One of
thoir properties la on Chapman crock,
ou Applegate just ovor the line In
Jackson county, aud this mine Mr.
Clark counts as their bauk that never
fulls to hcuor thoir drafts, when they
get short of funds, for it is gold
mlno that produces gold. This ledga .
contains eight thin seams that all pitch
toward each other aud Mr. Clark
says that lowor down they probably
Join to form one good vein. So rich
aro tho seams that they have mortared
and panned ont ovor $3000 and have
over 300 tons of oro on the dump that
Is very rlcli. This they will work in
the spring wlieu they will put In an
arrastre. They have a shaft M feet
deep on the ledge, but wator prevent
ed further work. Thoir first work
iu the spriug will be to drive a tun
nel and drain the mlno. Work will
then be continued until the mine Is
thoroughly dovoloped, the ore thus
takou out to bo worked by an ariasre.
If the mlno is found to warrrul the
Investment, a stamp mill will be
erected noxt fall.
Another of thoir properties Is a
ledge ou Oscar crook that runs front
three to four foot iu width aud assays
as high as $3i 60 a tou. Only limited
development work has been done con
sisting ot an open out, but Messrs.
Clark & Smith will begin work noxt
week upon this claim and will carry
on development until spring. Thoy
in company with August Fetsch,
own the Iron Crown mine on Grays
crek, 11 miles west of Grants Pass.
This is a copper, gold and silver
proposition, assays giving 13.60 in
gold, t'.eO iu silver aud 17 per ecus
copper. Muiisrs Clark & Smith 00m
pktcd last week, some additional de
velopment and now hate two tnuuels,
one of 3r feet and one of VA feet and
a drift of 12 t nt.
Athbumhim, Ontario, Testifies to th Good
Qualities of Cksmbcrlsin'i Coujh
Ashburuham, Out., April 13,(1908.
I think It is ouly right that I should
tell you what a wonderful effect
Chamberlala'a Cough Remedy has
prodused. The day before Easter I
was se distressed with a cold and
cough that I did aot thiuk to be able
to tako aay duties the next day, 'as
aiy voice was choked by the cough.
The same day I received an order
from yea for a bottle of your cough
remedy, 1 at occn procured a sample
bottle, and took about three doses of
the medicine. To my great relief,
the coign aud cold bad completely
disappeared and I was able to preach
three times en Easter Day. I kuow
that this rapid and effective cure was
dae te your cough remedy. I make
this testiuivnial without solicitation,
buiug tbaakfnl to havo found snob a
Godseot remedy. Respectally yours.
B. A. Langfeldt, M. A.,
Rector of St. Luke's Church.
To Chamberlain Mediolne Co.
This remedy is for sale by all
Heart HutUflnj.
Undigested food and gas In the
stomach, located just below the heart,
presses against it and causes bearl
palpitation. When yoor heart
troubles yon In that way, take Her
bine for a few days. Von will soon
be all right. 50c, . at Kotermund's
aud Model Drug atore. ;