Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 22, 1904, Image 5

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    iv - - cilc - ls - w ranges - dananas - ocoanuts
.'PUIS MIXBD CAHDY Preah and bright, Special Xma. prlc
special Mixd Lumps ami Droos. nica and .'
C Walnut.
Large Texas Pecans ; 20c .
Nigger Toes (African Cream Nuts) 20c
Filberts ; 20c
Chestnuts.. 20c
We also expect to have Hickory nuts and Black Walnuts.
Oranges for the Holidays will be better, sweeter ami cheaper than
ever before at this season of the year.
Brown Seedling Oranges, per doeeu 20c
Medium Sweeta, little larger In size 15c
Good Washington Navals . . . !sc
Washington Naals. Fancy . " " I30C
Washington Natal, extra fancy..., 40c
Cocoanuts 10 and 15c each
Lemons," best this skin, per dozea JOc
Bananas, per dozen 35c
Fancy Apples 73C to $1.00 par box
jjFancy French. Mixed V
Special Mixed Nuts Almonds
. 1 2 JSC
. 16c
V. Peanuts
Fresh Roasted Peannts
Coaversauon nearts aaa Bn Bon Mottaes
ickocolate Drops
Hard Shell Almonds (a good sweet nut) .
Small Soft Shell Almonds, new crop
Fancy Paper Shell Almonds
Best English Walnuts
fcaramels, Coco Balls, Cum, etc.
Saelled Pop Com, the kind that jpi
N'EW PERSIAN DATES, par pound...... ............
OHvrbXwZr 5BS. d ' feedcd?aisins. Currants, Seedless Sultana Raisins 10 Cents per pound, Fresh Shredded Cocoanut in bulk or packaRcs; Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Ripe
New " riM : ikoU STOCT toSt that Woodlaud Butter at 55c- (lemcmber is not th Extern Packed kind.) Full Cream Cheese 20c. Country Sorghum and
Leave Your Orders for FRESH OYSTERvS
WHITTE HOUSE GROCERY, (Headquarters for tlio Finest Teas and Coffees iirthe City)
i-ii-aWaVA 1.'
Our long delayed shipment of
i SterHng Silverware, Oneida Community and
1S17 Roger Bros. Platedware.
It consists of Spoons, Knives and Forks,
Fancy Spoons and Forks, 4 pieco Tea Sets,
Children's Sets, etc., etc. : : : :
Corae and examine the display in our Corner
' Window and wo believe you will find some
thing to please you. : : : ; ;
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellow. Block.
People sxs They Com .nd Go
From Day to Day.
I Send him off to htityprH-
with a good brekinst I fjSO
Ynu can prepare tf I'VrwY
Easily and Qatckjyi ' Tis
y""" Huh for the family
Tj chopped la two mln-
i-'ll Chopi everything
f j oIk with like rapidity
Jf" V 8m that "Ualoirtal" l
, y off tsi maehlnt so ous.
3- There srs
J inferior Imitations.
"l f 0M'e '
:S2J7(( Hardware Co.
Size No. 0 $1.25
No. 1 1.50
No. 2 1.75
No. 3 2.50
Ilair-Riddlo Hardware Co.
! Fred Jones of Scio, ia visiting Bt
' the liaber home in this city.
, Miss Marjory Kinney returned from
Portland Wuduefiday to spend the
holidays ut home.
Miss Olson arrived Friday from
Portland to speud the holidays with
her Bister, Mrs. O. 0. Laud.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Freitas, who
have a farm near Wildorville, wero
iu Grants Pass Monday doing Christ
mas sheping.
Harry Grant spent Thursday in
Gold Hill and he reports that town
as prosperous and full of life a are
the other ruining towus of Southern
Mrs. Robert Burns arrived from
Oakland, California on Wednesday
evening's train, and is visiting at the
Homo oi Her mother. Mrs. Wm.
Cheshire. Mr. liurua is expected
Mrs. P.. Menseh and Verno R trareo
left on Wednesday evening for Win
ters, On I., where they will spend the
holidays visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
K. L. Domnree and Otliaj relatives.
H. M. White returned to Ills home
in Portland Sunday after spending a
oouplo of weeks looking after his
business interests in tins city and
mining interests he has on Tlnrnpson
W. N. Parsons, of Woodvlllo,
in Grants Pass Monday on a line!
business trip. Mr. Parsons is one of
the veteran miners of Rot;un River
Valley and having made a good stake.
lie is now taking lilo easy.
Judge J. O. Booth left Wednesdny
evening for Spokane to bo gone a
week to visit his daughter, Mrs h.
K. Dauhar, who is spending the win
ter in that city for her health, and
which is somewhat better than when
she left here in the fall. .
8. P. MrConnoll, who owns a
farm near Murphy was in Grants
Pass Monday. Mr. McConneil Is one
of the many farmers of Josephine
county who are anxious to have the
highways improved and wno would
favor the county tukiug up the work
of building permanent good roads.
Don't Miss a Train?
Because of a Poor Watch, when you can buy
a Good Watch for such a reasonable price at
Al M. Clemens'.
Utention! &
Makshfielu, Oregon, December 20th, 1004.
ear Fries is:
I'm stuck in tho mud up here and cannot pet to Grants
ass before New Years Day. Sorry to disappoint you, but
can't bo helped. I hope- you will bo well by that time,
nd if you will send your name, address, street number
d tho full name of your parents to mo, addressed to mo
ire of
If you live out of town, Til 1oto your package at R.
'Coe it Co.'s Big Store and you can got it thcro at any
me after New Years Day.
ut Remember
Send at once your name and addrepi plainly written
a postal card to "Santa Clals" caro of R, L- Coo Co.,
nd bo sure to be at home on December 31st, so I'll know
hero to find you.
If you know of any little girl or boy who hasn t got
shoes, or who is hungry, writo mo about them and I'll
Miss Graro Cheshire returned home
last Frid ay from Eugene, where she
made her home with her sister, Mrs.
T. Lucky while attending the city
school. She will probably remain at
home na her mother, Mrs, W. M.
Cheshire it seriously ill and may go
to Portland la the near future to have
a surgical operation performed for her
George Harvey, who recently pur
chased a half interest in the Itister
livery stable, is to bo joined next
week by his wi(o and daughter from
Tacoma.' Tho family will oeenpy
the Wado residence at 112 Front
street. Mr. Harvey's daughter has
been a student in the Tacoma High
School and will enter the Grants Pass
High School at tho opening after the
holiday vacation.
Owen A. Thomas, who was one of
tho popular clerks in tho K. L. Coo
& Co, department store, has tnlien a
position in the clothing store of tho
George Calhoun Clothing Company
and began his duties with that firm
last Saturday. Mr. Thomas is a very
capable salesman and is a young miiu
who is willing to work that lie may
succeed ill li ia chosen vocation and
get up iu tho business world.
nr. .T. S. Moore arrived in Grants
P'iss Saturday and remained until
Tuesday to attend to some busineas
matters when he returned to his borne
in Portlaud. Dr. Monro now has an
otllco at Sunnysidn and in the live
months since lie left Grunts Puss, he
has built up a very good practice in
Portland. Dr. Moore has a host of
friends in this city .who are glad to
know of his success iu his new tield
of work
Jacob Flisch was in Grants Pass
Monday making Christmas purchases.
Mr. Flish owns 1)0 acres of land near
Merlin, which ho bought last spring.
Only 13 acres are in cultivation, but
It will not he many years until Mr.
Flisch will have it all in cultivation
and in pasture. Ho has four acres in
orchard, but will plant no more fruit
trees, devoting his attention to alfalfa
ana cows as the surest of ways to
have a productive farm and a good
bank account.
Dr. J. L Moutcomerv of Condor has
located in Grants Pass and will prao-
tico medicine.
T. J. Bovd. manager of the Herald
left Wednesday for San Frnncisco.
H. S. Sweusou of Retzville, Wash.,
arrived last week to tuke charge of
the paper.
F. E. Houuemau 1ms been at Wolf
Creek with a view to securing mining
projierty. lio returned to Tacoma
Sunday to make hnal arrangements
toward locating lu Josephine county.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Coolev and
daughter arrived last week from Port
land to make their humo iu Grants
Pass. Mrs. Cooler has opened a
dressmaking parlor on 2d und E
Thoa. Rowley, for tho past six or
eight months working at the govern
ment jetly ut tho nioulh of the
Columbia, is visit. ug triiuds at Lu-
land. Ho will return to his work
the Will.
G. P. Jeiler, Southern Pacillc agent
for Grants Pass, left this Wednesday
on a vacation trip during which lie
will visit his mother at Halsey and
relatives at Portland and on the
Sound. Mr. Jester expects to bo gone
about a uiomh or six weeks and to
tako a complete rest, for his work lias
been very exacting and eouliiitng.
During Mr. Jester's absence, A. ii.
Cornell will be acting agent witn tho
other boys of the ollico all to step up
a notch ob a temporary prou.otum.
Judge J. O. Booth returned Satur
day from Salem where he had been to
attend the annual meeting of the
Oregon Good Koads Asyoeiation. lu
the election of ollicers, Judge. Booth
was mado a vice-president of the As
sociation. On a motion of Judge
Booth's, the Association will hold
four meetings each year hen after
and in t'o selection of places, Grants
Pass was given one meeting, which is
to be held within the next month or
two. The dato will bu fixed so soon as
spcukcrs and a prorgum can be ariang-
ed for.
C. O. Higgins, wbo has been oc
cupying the Kpiscoial parsouagc, is
selling his household ellucts and ex
pects to leave next week with his
family for California. The removal
of Mr. aud Mrs. Higgins from Grants
Pass is occasioned by the long illness
of their littlo daughter, Virginia, aud
medical aid not availing, they have
decided to take her to a warm, dry
climate. Mr. Higgins has been iu
the mining business aud is largoly
interested in tho Baby mine, of
which oornpauy he Is manager. Mr.
Higgins has no definite plans as to
the future, but he hop s to again
take up his lesidence in Southern
Nw Note From th Buvine
Man to R..dr.
Perfume atomizers at Clcmeis.
Garland Stoves at Cramer Bros.
Favorito Ritles at Cramer
Pilca! at Schmidt's Cigar
Silverware Cramer
Hons for barguius in
to buy your
Pipes I
Here Our
See Joseph
M. E. Moore wants
second-hand furniture.
"A truly western novel Suzanne
of Kerbyvillo," Toledo Blade.
If you nro looking for piira of any
style, you will find them at Schmidts'
Cigar Store.
Watches from $3. 75 to $"0 at
Letcher's ; a largo assortment on baud
to select from.
Ledgers, Journals, Day books, and
all kinds of accent books at the
National Drug Store.
Those solid gold thimbles at
Letcher's are nice for a Christmas
present for your mother or any old
I have over 300 different styles and
shapes of Mccrchaum and Briar pipes
to o house from at Schmidt's Cigar
'Suzanno of Kerbvvlllo is dono
with a en re, firm linud, and is a
powerful story. "New York Bohe
mian. For sale at tho bookstores.
John Hackett has opened a boot
and shoo repair shop iu tho Axtoll
building where ho will be pleased to
meet all ins old customers aud many
new ones.
'Suzanne of Kerbvvlllo Is a lively
tale, with the- boom days of Oregon's
pioneer mining camp vividly repro
duced, and the book is meeting with
deserved success, " says The Oregon-
Ian. Buy a copy. Cau bo fouud at
the bookstores.
Choico Box Stationery ut Clemens.
John Minor Bootli writ s insurance.
Books, at Katioul Drng
Consul-General Miller Returns.
Hon. n. B. Miller will arrive In
Grants Pass this Thursday evening
from Niuchwang, China and stay
over until Friday evening with his
father, A. S. Miller, when ho will
go to his home in Lu no to join his
family. Mr. Miller was a former
resident and one of the most public
spirited citizens of Grants Pass, and
he lias many friends hero who will hi
glad to mitt him ami cougratulati
him on the success anil honors he has
wnii ill the United States diplomatic
Mr. Miller was appointed I'nibil
Stales consul at Niuchwiing, China,
by President McKinlcy, mid in nr-ig
uitinu of his distinguish) d service)
in attending to Ameiiran Interests
ill Mani huria sinre tle outbreak of
tho Russo-Japanese war lie was made
a consul-general this f.ill by Presi
dent Roosevelt. So well phased is
the Administration with Mr. Miller's
forceful yet tactful services in the
, Fast, that he will prcbably lie pro.
: mot"d and given tin more important
' position al Kol e, Japan. Mr. Miller
will remain at bis borne couple of
weeks when he will go to Washington
to rersnt personally to tho President
and the Slate Department after which
ho will return to Or-gnu ami thence
back to his stition in the Kast.
Here Our
Honsea fur
Get yonr little
at Cramer Bros.
Cigars in 3.1 and SO boxes at
Schmidt's Cigar Store.
Wo want vour proiiorty to aalL
Silverware Cramer
rent by SHERMAN A
girl a toy Sad Iron
Try Mrs. OiUlllan'i Mince pies,
Phone 741. Orders delivered
Property for sale on the iiiutallniont
Now is tho time to list vonr prop
erty, if von wi-h to sell. SHERMAN
& IRELAND, Rooms 10 and 13, Ma
sonic Temple.
"Possesses mnih nf that peculiar
quality that made thn work of Bret
llnrto famous Sn.anne of Kerby
villo." Pacllln Miner. New edition
now on sale at the bookstores.
WINTEIH' WINDS on fiee and
hands priiiiuco the same results as nn
'ix on the b-rk of a tree.
fine CJoilicVMakherji
Outfitters to Tatticular People
The Business Frock
An Ideal Suit
For young business men who know the value of
"looking prosperous,"
The young lawyer or other progressive pro
fessional men who require a suit for seral-dress
wear this popular cut. It presents an appear
ance of unobtrusive elegance and is essentially
smart when made in rough materials, or of
other popular stuffs especially suited to such a
garment. This suit is hand tailored by
The Correct Clothes Makers.
- This fit is guaranteed because measured on
a model of your figure, following methods dis
tinctive of Schloss artisanship. Think of getting
a suit like this for so small a price as
when your amicable friend, the "merchant
tailor" would charge you more than twice aa
much for no better, and make you wait perhaps
a week or two.
Exclusive Walk-Over Agent.
J:Jll'lU -'-I'll
IS ilef.Notoy andluma of Inlnrvsl
vnd Importunes.
For Sale.
Household furniture, conssiiiiK of
steel ratine, Ko.d lnaler, solid o.ik
dinninx table, mahiiKony davenport,
ircn bids anil many otlur articles.
Apply at Episcopal rectory, D street.
What a Little Money Yiil Do
Sherman & Ireland, the Real Estate Men
o what I can do for ihoni.
No. 273 11000 will buy four acres
of excellent river bottom land. In
the. edge of town, two acres of which
are in choice fruit. Has a now house
nf six rooms, cellar, woodshed, etc.
I all well painted, three first -class
chicken houses and parks, Rood well
aud windmill with 15)0 gallon tank.
Lot piped. An Ideal chicken farm.
Mast be sold soon.
A Miniature Vesuvius in Your Head.
Indigestion, insomnia, overwork,
y be the possible cause oi Tour
dclie, but WRIGHT'S FAnA
a as the inn rise. No scientific
9th mora wnnrlerfnl than the
Muut of Dositive relief coutained J
' one small Wafer of Tablet. Down
the cere, away goes the bead
up go yonr sprit. That is the
ncess. The most desirab.e feetare
this medicine is in its immediate
t'oo, u it will generally relieve the
most severe pain In five mlnntes,
while at the same time it is harmless,
tasteless, will not purge or disturb
tne stomach,, and has no unpleasant
after effect. Wrights Paragon
Headache Cnre may be relied opon a
being entirely free from anything of
an injurious naiore, wu i .wiu--e;
without a rival
Peters'ammanition is absolntely de
pendable it shoots where you aim
if yoa don't get the game it isn't the
fault of Peters ammunition.
So. 8o 12500 will buy a Higli
Land Froit Farm of ,&0 acres adjoin
ing town. Six excellent springs of
water 1 hereon from which the most
of the place can bo Irrigated. About
3000 tiers of Oak, Fir and Laurel fire
wood on place.
Residence lots in any part of the city frem 3S to JW.
purchaser. Call opon or write us.
Sherman & Ireland, Rooms 10-12 Masonic Temple
No. 75 :i00 will buy a beootlfiol
resilience lot within two blocks of
Post ofllce.
21S t"o0 secures a lot and G-ri,om
cottage and barn lthin K blocks of
depot in good residence district. Sew
er and city water. House will rent
for (10 per mouth. Must be sold soon.
Tenns easy.
2T2 tlV0 no ores a 12 rooiti lodg
ing house well situated, terms easy.
271 112V) obtains a neat R-room
plastered cottage, only two blocks
from Post office. Will rent for 10
per month. Terms eay.
Na 2"il 11000 boys Vi acres of
good residence or fruit land closo In.
Good house, Urn, windmill, etc.
Terms easy.
Terms to suit
CKKAMi gently softens and sect h
the chapped skin, removes redness
iitnl riniehncss, eradicates wrinkles,
ihstrovs blackhead. It is not sticky.
Trv it. Kohl by all clrnKistM, 25
John Minor Hontli Insurain .
I' try a liluo Hibbon, R-cent rie,ar.
Stirling silver flat warn at
I, etcher s.
1'ooket knives In delight any boy's
heart at ('lamer I'ros.
Coiiininnirv Silverware in latest
pattern at Cramer liros.
Will Ikiv anything von have to sell.
M. E. Mood-, Sixth street.
We want '!. rood farms for Einr.-rn
people. SHr.KMAN .V I M'.I.A -M I.
A good store building for rent in
cxorlliiit location by Slnriimii it
If yon want yonr Eire Insurance
looked after in a business way, place
it with W. L. Inland, Room 10,
Masonic Temple.
Ask your dealer for Kogun River
Creamery liutter mado at Mcdford is
now 7l( cents per two-pound, square
loll weight.
"Holds the reader's attention more
ami more II nn I y ti II the closing paiic
"Suzanno of Kerbyville, " Paoihc
N.irhtwest. New edition now out.
For sale at the bookstores.
(Jet it at the bookstores. Git
Muzauno of Kerbvville for a Christinas
present, "a story full of dash and
vigor, with excellent character
sketching," says Pacjllo Monthly
At the bookstores.
We han a splendid stock of
watches, clocks and jewely, gold
rings for ladies and gents; looknts
anil charms, bracelets, stickpins,
billies arid gents toilet sets the fiui st
line nf silver and silver pinto ware
ever brought to this city. Hiiectarles
ami eve glasses. Solid gold chains
for Indies and gentlemen. Gold filled
chain, pearl bend necklaces, bat
marks, ihaving mugs, silver match
boxes, a fine lino of goods Just re
ceived. I'l'-asn call iu and insct
our line of wedding and birthday
presents for old or young, for tho
of Cortland,
ol Iir. Chap
nn ' t v. ill ilo
In ..' '! alluring
RdSK AM) hi an tip-to-ilate t. In r a
(( I. It l.i A (.hl .(,ri pi n ion )our ovleis.
Mrs. Minnie I'onl. f
lo .;l oil al tliu r nub m i
mail, corner x'U aic! I''
l)li -ssmakiiig Mini La
li. W. Ityiiii in liavini:
lli: feet built to hi
shop which he v. ill -ii- i h
working ilepsitiiii m. i
has ill increareil llin rv
ru' ill) shop room )
pi'ijurly haini!" hiii l ie
w.V'ni work.
Aniliah An! 1 v. a
nn a lilillnll
I'lat -k kiii I f ll
a' his wood
1 i linsllli ss
y or lliat
l 'I'.lli d to
, ..niih and
no moans so valueless as Is oommonly
supiKiscd. The furs bring from At) to
o'i cents each and the oil Is of con
siderable value. Aa It Is nothing
extraordinary Is catch five or six of
the animals In one night's hunt, the
profit of the enterprise is apparent.
A good dog that undorsriiuds his busi
ness, Is a urocsary adjunct to Insure
success lu caplaring the game anil as
t hey are fortunate enough to ho provid
ed with the highest quality of oauinu
aid, the hots will coutlnuo to make
money s long aa the gam is
I lliitvll
, l.ov,. r
.III vl
, I. Mr. I
i at of i
i.h i ho e i ,
J. e
next SO da-s we will sell all goods at
very low prices. All are Invited to
call in and eimaiuH thern for yoor
selves. Cl'Klld Se CU, I. O. O.
F. liuildiug.
' il, e :
1 1 1
11-ln riniiti am! I" n ;.n . ii.i . !
Rogue KlVer, I...-) !' -I'
I'a-s and v, ill I ri n 1
the Si asoll l ;.t r . .i
Anliery H ii'i w' ha i hi
the Sltllie SI ) a ei il o
US' li oil tlie i i irl . ' 1 .1
!.nl Ashl.ilel : l. 1 ! .1.
w. i" joint d ar. a : . , i '
prohibition at t' ! ;
In. n nos In iint ol vi. i
w m Ini'i. At a o in
J in kslill (a lllit i i j : , I
en. i il to ii-i-iiu no .i . r i ;
the law ma' . , ii I
. of a tin vol' .
',11 oil aiMi: ,' l:
fanrnl'hi not " '
Saturday in lie ) . P
l!ouipaiiy's show v, ii: : cv
lug as exi cut I n
Andrews anil was in cij lr
sketch of the wati-rf.ill at
ki yuo I'.ivi-r ot ti M t.
Mining Company. 1) t-
p! te 111 )1) tall and giV"H no
lution of the hill- aim Hi. i
the (ai;i tliat gives li t' :
a hue background. '1 !"
well l.tiisheil and it ii'i
Andrews lias consul i .u.
I'oter Ens' le, a : .M.n
m ar Jin ) son v iii", was i
Pass Saturday uinl wisl -. ,
of corn to ius Kane r.
street butcher, who will !
to hog lo lutt' ii Hi hi I'
market. Mr. i.u In hn i
sultry raisiuv In In I
tries anil now has t hi
iu sti-ady oja ratlon . !
on ilo stilted (hat sin
iioinand for voung cm ti
was otTered three titni s llm or b is le
could till aud al prices that gave him
a good profit. Another year lei ex
pects to largi ly incn aso Hi" niiinl r
of incubators and go nioiu txUuaivuly
Into the poultry butineis.
Some of the young men of tho Ap-
legate valley are in, i nn ing the
moonlight winter evening' lu skuuk
burning aud find it juit" a piollsahle
vo atloo as thu di spmed uuiujjl Is by
S. M. Weston and bis son, (1. E.
Vicsinn, finished last week planting
evi ii acres of hops on their ranch on
I : i t-ii n rirer. three and a half in l lei
I clow Grants Pass. This makes them
:'. I iu res to hops, they having planted il
iirni two years ago. A fine crop was
gathered Iliis year, a part of which
III, Kllll! IllP n. a fUlliml Willi
liianlsl. .- .... ,,, ... ,
, i iiniaiiiu a in I -t la-uin i'i ihmiiiii,
thus giving a handsome profit.
Their laud is of the best sandy
i oi i ti river bottom sun the hop
grow very largo and of first quality,
Mr. Weston and his son will add ber
ry growing to their work and will
plant two sens to Logan and Dew
berries. This trai't is near the bank
of Kogun river and is suh-lrrlgated
mid the soil Is largely sand, thus
linking it warm to mature the berries
r uir, The laud Is now coven d with
I rush which will be ) ut off tills win
ti l and the berry vines will lie planted
j early In the spring.
Tho Crescent City News gives the
account of a distressing accident in
that town on Sunday evening, Decem
ber 4, In which William C. Vlnoent
lost his Ufa. An eleotrio light wire
hecaiiin loosened front till) bracket
that was nailed to a tree In front
of the Vincent homo and grounded
anil was burning thn tree. Fearing
that '.t might set tiro to his house,
M. Vincent went out aud attempted
w ith hia barn bands to pull the wire
f itiiii thu tree. He failed as is usually
thn case, when iuelarieuced persons
bund In live wires, and was Instantly
killed, and one baud burned off ami
thn other hand burned to a crisp be
fore lio could bu removed. Hu left
a wife, and one eh I id.
Morris Savage, of Savage Bros . who
operate a steam sawmill on Louse
creek, four miles from Grants Pass,
was iu thu city Saturday with a load
of lumber, most of which was oleur
stuff for bout building. Savagu
llros., am now running their mill
anil expect to operate it the greater
part of the time this wlutor, though
with a small crew. In thu spring,
they will put on a full force of men
and run their mill on full time.
They now have over 110,000 feet of
line lumber in the dry for early de
livery next spring. They are now
delivering 20,0iX) feet of lumber to
the Lucky tjueen uilim which Is bo
ing used In thu rotisfrnction of a
quartz mill at that initio. (
A. V. Bann&rd Undertaker.
!:i llany
na a pencil
t'," il nil Ill
ll. ii Drift
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Well Dressed
Men and Women have the satisfaction of
knowinj; tbnt their Footwear is Oomforta
Lle, Durable ami Stylish when purchased
Only exclusive Shoe Store in Town,
Kcjuiring attended to by Mr. W.
R. L. Bartlett
hiioeh .vrsi jsr.nxi:is for jviii:k a.i ojiii.iih--n
XrV It. O. 3reOIO.SI:iY,sS,