Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 22, 1904, Image 4

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What the Miners Are Doing.
Work iB steadily curried ou ttt tlie
Golden Spike, claim on Wanner creek
neat Talout and tlio main tumiol in
now ,ln (170 feet. A elinft la lieiug
nnk to connect with tills tunnel and
180 foet lias been put down. Thin
property i bolng developed liy Aeli
land and Eastern parties.
Capt J. T. Plerco of Gold Hill, in
at tlie head of a company that hare
bonded a largo area of land on Kane
creek on the Mc:Douk:i11, Miner, Hall
and Birdrcye ranches and urn having
it prospected with a vinw of potting
in a dredger. Two drills liavo been
pnt to work to prospect the ground,
wlilob runs in depth from 15 to 40
A. R. Brown, who ban been spend
ing a conplo of weeks in Grants Pass
taking a rest from the arduous labor
of a miner's life, left Sunday to re
turn to the HriKK Creek (UsU'lef, he
going in by way of the Swede Ilasiu
road. Mr. Drown will prospect for a
month on ISriygs creek, after wliiob
he will go to Evans cieek to prospect
the remainder of the winter. Mr.
Crown is a thinl owner in the I.oi
mine ou Drlggs creek now operated by
the Lois Mining Company, of Port
land, and of which N. M. Iliiin it
manager. Cousideral lo .development
work,. has been done on the Lois Icdn,
270 foet of tunneling having been
run. Over 75 to;' of high grade ore
Is now ou tlitt dump aud the woik of
milling it was begun hist wck. An
arrastra operated by a water turbine.
Wlieol is rued Jmd tlie ore goen
through at a lively rule as it is very
friable. Development work will he
'continued all winter aud next Hummer
if the ledge continues to show n
good, a largo mill will bn erected
aud the mine worked permanently.
Work Begins at Crescent Mine
The Crescent Mining & Milling
Company, owning 80 acres of land
enibraolug four mining claims, lo
cated on the Applcgato near Murphy,
is to begin this woek tlie development
Of their property. Charles Rlchtoii,
secretary and manager for tlio Com
pany, arrived in Grants l'ass Sunday
nd Monday lie left for the initio.
Mr. Illehtnn eijieets to get a foico of
men at work by tlio llri-.t of next
Woek and will carry on development
work all winter.
Already sulllelent work has been
done to plovn tliut the ledges are large
and carry freo milling oro of good
Talacl. If tlio showing continues a
favorable, it is tho company's plan
to put In a 10 chimp mill in the
spring. Tho I'lesecnt Company lias
ample capital nt its command and
Will bo ahlo to go ahead with de
veloping its properly and installing a
plant with no fear of financial dilll
onlty. Tho president of tliu Com
pany Is Dr. A. A. I'ompe, of Van
couver, Wash.
cisro ond one ut Tacoma, Have been
made of concentrates and one gav
t-II aud the other $254 tier ton in
Timber Men After Mine.
A contest of considerable interest
to mining men has been began as to
the ownomhip of the land on which
the Maid tif the Mist mine is located
on Thompson creek. This mine
owned by II. M. White of Portland
and I'en Thurston of Applcgato and
the mine has been nuder course of de
veliij'tiient for four years anil sonic
180 feet of tunnel has been run. Con
siderable rich ore has been taken out,
which was milled at a watnr-power
arrastre, located ou tho Applegate
river, two . miles above Applegate
postofllce and owned by Mr. Thuu
ton. The land was entered last year
as a timber claim by other parti
and Messrs. White & Thurston ou
recently learned of tho attempt of the
limber locator to steal the ownership
of their mine. They have filed a con
test in the Roscburg laud cfllce an
will quite likely win out as the tint
ber entrymen swore falsely when he
entered the land, for be must make
atlldavit that he lias pcisoually ex
amincd all purls of tho land that he
imposes to enter and that it contains
no mineral deiiosits nor Is it valuable
for agricultural purposes. As there
are buildings at the -mine and a good
wagon road leading to it, the timber
man eitner was tint ou the laud
knowingly swore to a lie to get the
land. As it is faring hard these day
with fiaudulent land grabbers, and
tho Federal grand jury indicts on
small evidence, the claimant to the
Maid of the Mist may tint answer t
tlio contest and White & Thurston will
hold their in loo without expensive
Draper Gives
Btflntf Report.
Mlchljttxn Company Buys a Mine
All Important mining deal that will
load to the largo expenditure of
Michigan capital in Josephine c lunly,
has lately been (lousumaled In tlie
purclmsu of tho Blrong b ilge on Ap
plegate, near Murphy, by the Miehl.
gau Mluiug & Milling Company,
whose headquarters uru at Charlotte,
Michigan. Tho olllcers of this com
pany aro O. D. l'cters, president and
K. L. Howors, secretary and treasur
er, both of (Ji nrlotto, Michigan, and
W. T. I'erry, of Portland, vice pr si
dent ami manager. The Kt h linlilci
are Michigan cuiiltallMs ami the
Company has a paid up capital, mihT
ciunt tu put their properly in line
working shai'o.
Manager W. T. I'erry aimed in
Grants l'ass Sunday and Monday In
left for their pripcrty and will at
once hire n crew of men aid si.ut
development work. A shaft of loo
foet lias been sunk on the h d,.o unit
Mr. I'erry will hum it jut down
another lno feet and he will ul-o
have a drift ruu at the .'m f. i i lev. I
and ouo ut tho loo font level, 'n.,,
object is to still fuither i pen up the
ledgo and to ascertain, the ii tilv ef
water that can he had fiom the mine
If sutUoietit water can ha h i I let I
mill purposes, the mill will he 1,, h, d '
at tint mine, otherwise it v 1 1 1 I.e.
placed on the hanks of the Applcg de !
river half a mile distant I'mm tin i
mine aud tho oro transported by a
catilo car by gravity.
Tlio order has been placi d Inr the ! i
mill ami It Is exiieeted that the inn
cbiuery will airived In tirants l'ass
early in February when it will at
ouoe lie uauieil to tlm mine ami sol 1,,s ,s
up. The mill is a l'tatt, a new make . I.ange
oi a quart mill, ii .Ih
Colonel T. Wain-Morgan Draper
arrived in Grants l'ass Friday even
ing from bis two week inspection
tour of the milling properties lie Is
interested in. Colonel Draper left
tho sumo evening for bis homo in
Sau Francisco. liarly iu Juunurv ho
will go to New York to confer with
capitalists who are Interested in tho
imposed Grunts l'ass ami Crescent
i;it) railroad anil tlio Colonel has
every expedition that bo will be
able to h'nancn the venture aud make
certain that work will bo begun on
the railroad next summer aud that a
section, possibly as far as the copper
sun Iter at l.tkilinii w 111 be eoni lotud
by the close of tlm year.
loloncl Draper stated that the
steam power drill, which lie bad
hipped up from San Francisco was
landed at Takilma by team iu good
nlmpii from (rants l'ass, was success
fully started ou Thursday of lust
week. It Is bolng operated ou a flat
on the Illinois river uhnut half a
mile below tho Takilma smeller
to piospect it for placer gold. This
prospect work, w ill he couiitlnued all
winter, and tho ground, which is
quite extensive in area and from 10 to
10 foot deep, will be thoroughly pros
pected and if as rich ns tlm limited
prospecting has shown u large dredge,
similar to Chaniplin dredge on Foots
crock will hu built In the spring and
placed in operation ou the property.
Colonel Draper was accompanied
by G. F. Morgan, who Is bookkeeper
: ml storekeeper for tlie Monumental
Milling Company, aud who also has
tlie lienor of being a notarv nuhlie
observer for the weather bureau
station at Monumental, postmaster
of the new postollico of Monumental
In he oh'iied January 1st, by the pus
tai department, and last, but
i asi, mayor or tlie new
Monu iiiul, which mH
nils ist summer about the Monti
oiuilal mine, and which embraces
4,11111 Houses. Mr. Morgan staled
that work Mas progressing satisfactory
at the Monumental, tliough no elTorl
, as being made t,i crowd operut ions.
, The force has been reduced to but
, ! men, but early in the spring it
! Hill be largely increased, when the
woik of !ii-tnling the ote mill is be
r ut. Coniraiy to current report,
""' 1,1 " bio, r f,.r the mill bus not
' n received, but will 1m brought in
by way of Crescent City so soon ns
lo a v.v tenuis can use the road 111 the
spring. A small cyanide plant is
op. in ltd to test the ore ai tlie mine
is open ,'d up by the development work
now cairleil on and whisli will be
continued all wlutor. Horace llan-
forcmnu iu the mine. A
f superintendents lately took
News Notes From the Business
Men to Readers.
Dr. Flauagan, .
Physician and Dentist.
Goto Coron for Plumbing.
Leather goods at Clemens.
Toy banks at Cramer Bros.
Choice Pictures at Clemens.
Insure with John Minor Iiooth.
M. Clement, Prescription Druggist.
Christmas Presents at Cramer Bros.
Our Silverware Cramer
Talking Machines and Records at
Order seals and rubber stamps of
A. E. Yoorbies.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron 's
Firo, Accident and Life Inauranco
John Minor Booth.
Big reduction ou Sterling Silver
ware at Letcher's.
Mrs. Gilflllan makes uuy kind of
Cuke to order. Phone 714.
Largest stock of Solid gold engage
ment rings; wedding aud children's
rings at Letcher's.
Huve our "Sports" observed to
whut an extent Peters Cartridges are
taking the place of other makes''
Nothing but quality could bring
about sncli a change.
Xmas Post Cards ut Clemens.
Sterling Silvewaro for Xmas jircs
ents ut Cramer Bros.
Proscriptions accurately filled by
Dr. Smith, National Drug Store.
Get Clanss Shears ami always have
a sharp pair. Sold by Cramer Bros.
20 per cent discount ou all solid
Sterling Silver flat ware at bora's
until January 1, l'.io:,.
Writing iu Sight means UNDKR-
Agency at 05 Frout St, Portland.
"An Evening In Old Virginia,"
will be a delightful evening's enter
taiumont. Southern ' songs, poetry
and prose will bo tho features and
their beauty aud pathos will bo well
A full lino of all kinds of jewelry.
Yon will find them as cheap as you
nan get tho same quality of goods
anywhero iu the largest cities. Call
and see them before purchasing your
Christmas presents at Letcher's
Jewelry Store.
Arboroa Perfume ni Clemens.
Boys' Express Wagons and Toy
Ranks at Cramer Bros.
Conkliu's Self Filling Fountain
Pens ut National Drug Store.
Get W. L. IKELAND to write your
Masonic Temple.
I want to clean out nil my Sterling
Silverware to make room for other
guoils. ( mini now If you want big
bargains. A. Letcher.
The Jury of Award at the St. I.ouis
xposition has spent a good deal of
time examining Into the merits of the
several typewriters on exhibition.
The Visible Writing 1'nilerwoiid was
iwaided the Grand Pri.o on every
point. The Oregon
Agency is ut KA Front St., I'oitliiul,
mil will furnish n catalogue on itpi it-
Christmas Doings
At U)e New Men's Furnishings Store
1 lie Sort
ll 1 IS mm 111
Fancy Shirts, tho latest ideas, $1.00 and $1,50.
.Smoking Jackets, tho very handsomest and latest ih
signs, special prices, $G.0O to 0.50.
Fancy Vests, somo very pretty ones, $1.50 to $3.00.
Dress Suit Cases and Hand Hags, just the kind men
would like, from $1.25 to $10.00.
Umbrellas, 50c up to a fino one for $1.50 to $3.00.
Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Fancy Suspenders, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, etc.
Its all New and the Prices are Right.
Geo. S. Calhoun Company
at ion.
town ot
grown up
development work hei. tefY
thia prep.rty has pi, .yen
ledge in both extemdvo
leriel; i IV f1 T...i,vilt ,..1
oicniur aim grind the ore iH.,,l ol r. turning to San Frauemco and U
pounding It. ,'i'hu care and j ,el.e, Muveodod by J. O Smith, aUo of
aro of hardened steel and rettve .Sin Francisco.
iuopponite directions and ,;i iud the Mr. Morgan weut to San Franeineo
oro rapidly aud to uu i ven tlm uc jwuhtVl. Draper nod w ill upend the
Their mill will have capacity id holiday, ut bin homo. Ill that eitv.
about -10 I mix everv '.'i In Ti. 1 it., m t.. ii n i"
I middle of next week and go at oiks
i to the mine in order to complete hit
iiiooiil n poll for the company to be
made l II 1 1 1 of the year
Two imioltcr tests
HI I B. ill
re done ol
tint tl.
and rich
in San I'm
fy:yVk -''7
i At .
V0U ltVK j on vjll mnke a
fortu:i tor your family c
You oi i iilve away the'IF"
ly in oia ot" at Endowtnent
Voy in tlie u c7 oo cja
fVXUNlfl JJ 50CIITV', H .
SAMUtL, Mjiutfr, x cj,,,, , buikui iwuani .or.
Chi. J Rebtrti. KoiJiiil Atnt. I'm. Orton.
For Se.Io.
Household furniture, eotiKHtinir of
steel riinne, j;ood heater, solid oak
dinning table, nuihoony davenport,
and many oilier article. Apply at
Episcopal rectory, 1) Htroot.
0. U. I'ole
I,. It. Hall.
Hall k Colo,
1'iincral Directors
Fnll stock of llurial Kobca and I'u
dertakera Sujiplien
North Sixth Street
Near Court House.
Office, No. T.'il ; Kcnidi net
TIT aud No. IMS.
Front Street, west Palace hotel
front .vi3 4th Sts. P. 0. Box T73.
Real Estate
Kmploynient 'itlice. Houses ictiteil
No. T.- I'.'.'' . res. all f,-m.. m Here
nvrl I'olloiu. ;., t ultiwite.l. pi i ,o.-, )
iinlei trm rM'.r'i.t lovxn. rood'.
. li.Mil, etc.. A baritaiu at i. ,-rv. II.
crop Kill pay pur. Iinsc pri, t in t,i mmts
Charles Costain
WtMul Work in Shop.
West ol llour mill, tu ir K. R.
Turninir. Nloll Work. Siair Work, baud
Shoih.i 'al.inci Work, Woo.l PulirXK.
Kiliiic au.l MiuniiinK, lirpairiiif; all kinds
I'nces rula
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonir
has stood the tost 25 years. Avcrago Annual Sales ovor One and a Half Million
vpes this record cf merit np?Al to you ? Na Cure, No Pay. 30c.
IixclotH vith every kolil biTen Lint. Mckaxs of Cmv.'. tllk .,. I W Pin:
-i ra rcn rr?n cn ri
ll-ll. Tr.lC'l It Hl"l..l"l
20 per cent Discount
1st; i
J'U'"--. H. K. ilnntin I. P'.
Cireuit court for jo-eiihinjT""' V,
vent on leeond Monda ,, i,"1,1",11' -Monday
in A put, sP ! ",' " V''. UuiJ
ana i.niriii .MiiUuv in .'-en'ei : "J;v
imu t in (inints i asi. ' ' "oimt
Coiuinishionerii j J.T.
tniest Un,
'T.I.yta din sar,,.
. County einiri meets cm fir, o-,, m
ill January, April July ttiide!,''.''?
Mavor ,. .
Auditor and Poliee JuSkb " ' r c ,P akT
Treasurer 0 ,, '1J'lw
City Attorney .. . II i) v""
r.i h'llictr ir. I n:," ?
Uo: Fiocfc
Deputy Clerk
Deputy Mieritr
Sehool iMlpt,...
Assessor ,
Coroner '..
pireeipupi ,,,,;.'"''
iouneninen V. M. Hair II 1 11", 11,11
J, I.. Calvert,
r w 11 :."."
(Mintu, H.C. Perkins. j" i:i ;r
, ' 'unj(.,
JL'STICK DlfiTltlcrT
Justiee of tlie Peace. .. .GeorLV I' v..
" - uiniun
Jljia Uanaie
Oltiee in City Hall
111:111 ; K.
Clark, J.
I am going to close out mv entire stock of Solid
Silver and do not intend to carry it after the pres
ent stock is sold, and in order to dispose of every
piece I will sell at '20 per cent discount. : :
ti HANTS PAS'S school
liourd of Direetors: T. p (,,,.,' ., .
Tliomai. II. I.. liukiV.K w"
bee. Ciiy funt.. It. It I ""J-
Hoard meets lirst Tuesday ini. ,.,,.
atoliiee ol clerk. J nwBl
Mineral exlolilt Hn.i rr.. K ... i
in mmluyst) m n a ,.; a ,5'
,.'e ' '' i'''f .y""-' l,ri'en, Maa
John M nor Booth, ,-eeretury.
Chief . i. .. ..
. ' inuiean
"""""J'; -Miliar AlturJ
Hair Monday at City
riitTOKHi i:.
H" :,il , l.ov I. - w. ...I. I . .
.,.' " " "" "'ii-ei'llllll (lay ,,,mil
I . m., uu. i ior xxortli-u.uiiii tmiii at
'. i . ' '"-es iiir iiiKlll luirlli urn: ,,Uit
" ""'."' V m- lues lor la,.,
lines tu Willmnis, V, un, oiilr oliut,
in .-oulliern and western Jon-pln... eeunir
anil n.r Cre-eent Ciiy m 7 u. m. (;t.,lwa',
delivery open Irom s . ,. lo 7 p. ,,, Lul
closul lor half hour w hen train niui'l re-
. ununy uuiy iroiu ll a. in. t0
noon, iiiom y order and ri-i.-try ilmuri-
Mii-iil nii..n t...... w 1
C. K. I1aiiu., I'osi master.
North lloiind. South Hound.
, u. III. rsn. 1.1. H n m
10, tilOj p. III.
No. 11, 1U:1U p.
(tap's leave daily, iiu-luUiiiK undav nK
a. in. lor Williams, Waldo and other poitiu
in southern and western Josephine eoiintv
ana Lreseeut City and other Del None
county iMimts. t.tiij;e lor Cranite Hill
leaves daily, eneefit Sunday, at 11 :M a. ui.
A.F. A A. 1., Grants Pass l.od(-e No 81
nvular eoniniiiiiicatiou lir.-l and thiol
haturdaya. Visiling brulhers euniiullv
invited. . H. v. l;lbu8 y. .i
A. J. 1'iXK, ISec'y.
lioyal Areh Masona--Iteami's Chapter No
JH, nietsseeond and fourth Widnesiiat
Masonic Temple. II. C. itor.zit.1,
J. hPiTtnsos, Seey. p.
Kiii,:hta Templar-Mel, ta Couiuiaii.lery
Io. S, meels steoml 1-rulav oi
iiionlli in Masopif Temple '
V. II. iUsiiTon, tin. Com.
(.to. It. Calhoun, liec.
Ea.lern tstiir-Josephine Clmnier. v.,
evenings uf each mouth in't
. leiup.e. Maiiv I.. I'm. vv. M
Mim a, Stc'y.
!. ). O. F.,--tloklen HuleTodce No.7ii".
iiiccis every Saturdav ii el,i hi I n n
. hall.
i . i . ens, tcy.
isiunK hroihers invited.
I'uran Encampment, I. O. O. K., No.
n. eels second and fourth fhursday al
i.'i. ('. K. hall, tutu bi 11x111,1',
T. Y. DtAN. Sec'V. I' !
Uela.-l.ulis Etna Heliekah, No. 4:1, mei'ti
second and iiiurth .Muiulnv I 11 11 V
finll. Kijoi liitkix- u
.M. Jesnik Davis, becy.
United Arlisans-tirants Pass A-"smlily
No. 4', meets alternate Tuesday in
A.o. I-. W. nail. A. E. Vooanirs,
J. II. I'.MIIIOI K. Mpev. AliiNli.r
Woodmin of the World lloue Kiver
l ump No. K. meets second and fourili
l-riiiuys at Woodman Hall.
,, lien. II. rloMT. C. C.
t. E. M.iYUKr, Cleric.
Woni.-n oi Wo-iilcrali Aziilen CiiiIm .,
ls', niceis li rst and third Monday at
Woodmen hall. Mrs. .M. E. Diluiv.
Mrs. lone Frier. Clerk. ,.'
Modern Woodmen of America liratits I'a-s
Cumii No. .siiT u,-...i .....1 1.1. vi-... 1
day Evfinnijs at Wieidineu hull at 1 :..
V. . I.1..!.!,.!.!. V I
W. T. Coulder, Clerk. '
Uoial Neichtiors of A'mri,-u I'. i n, r
Mlpe I until No. ski, mens Isl unit .id
i: inlays at A. O. C. W. hail
Kose tiravlin. Oracle.
Henrietta Zollcr, Heeorder.
t'oreters of Anierieii-Coori .l.w..,,hin
No. is, meets each Wednesday except
the lirst, at A. O. C. W. hall.
K UMrickiT. F. t. r. Feisch, C. 11.
losephine l.odye, No. 1 pj A. O. V. V,' -
nieets m A. 0. V. W'.liall, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
, F. W . Hi .einuiii, M. W.
It A. trxKAiiii, Heeorder.
D. ot H., Hawthorne l.ede. No. 'iiio.,l
every alternate l'ue.-iiuv pveniiiK in A
I . W . hull, Dixon buildinc.
Mas. A. .Mel'AKTIty.C of II.
iisn. l.yi.tA Iieas. Keconlir.
Order of Pernio White Hock Council No.
I"', meets in Woodmen Hull f-aiurduy
nights. Mas. ilinfin!.s, hai.i.hok.i, C.
Mauiis. W. Kohhinh, Secretary.
Itcd Mvii Tahkllma Wiiranin V oil
1. ). It. .VI. li M. Eiikki.k, Sac'him!
O. A. TiiosAa, Chief ol ilecords.
Kni.hts of.Mie Macculicia-Criinis
lent, No. 1.1 niiets tirst and
loiirsoiivs ai Huudme.i fall.
W in, Allred. v in...u.
Ivcord Keeper. C-inii.iand.'r.
l-adies of nie Macianees-liranta Pass,
Hive No retular -l.eview- '
I1rsi ihird Thursdav.s at A. O. I .
w. hall. ViMt.t.,5 sisters cordialiv
invited. Mrs. Delia Hale, 1.. C. "
Jtary Simmons, i;tcord Kieper.
United Hrotherhood of CarpenuTrs and
Joiners of America Union, No. Ills,
meets econd and fuurih Fridays ot
ta. Ii month at A. O. V. W. Hall.
ii -.l,1i..1-8-cc-, ,iei'rRp I'er, I'res.
A- riuvrerald, F. tic y.
Knijihtsof l' thia The
lierintinvlttM V.x m
WW? V?7, Tueay wt,t 7:.
W.O W.Hall. J. ).. it vers, f. c.
Wili.ia8, K.of it. ands.
Front Street
Grants Pass, Oregon
i.rand Arniy ( the Uepuhlie-Oen. Eocan
A.O- . . hall. JoiisPatkuk
-J-J"ielu', Adjt. loIU
Woman's Uehef Cor, -tieneral leaiT No.
ri' XLV':'"ilt!, .riufjy t 2 p.
ai A. 0. C, VV. hail.
Mrs. Marv llil.lreth
L'd, eey.
Lincoln Annuiiv I ni..n Nox incit.-se. ond
wldZ?,!.rJa' i""'h-1"
Mrs. I.. Perkin.. rre.
vayle, tvreirv.
Mrs. T. li.i ornJa.
C. F..
,ut..,dn ,' I . . - 'tUOK V
Warcus W.
... . ,. j . ,.. HUUlll
KoW.ins, r-c
1 res.