Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 22, 1904, Image 1

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Ve Wish
Oar Rezders'1
A Merr v
And a
New Year
ood Cloth
s for
There ia no elunce for misjuilginent, no
cause for regrets if you choose from our
stock of Up-to-Date, Roady-lo-Wear
Clothing :::::::::::
Feeling that we have mastered tlio
clothing situation we procured the best
of the best when we bought our Fall and
Winter stock and secured the bc.-t pro
duct of the best American manufacture.
We hive a complete lino of Ladies and
Mieseu Shoe that we aro Closing Out at
Cost. ::::::::::;:
We will still continue to carry our com
plete line of Gentlemen and Boys Shoes
at tho regular price. :::::::
Wo have a new and complete lino of
Hats in all the late blocks. Our Cap
line is anequaled, :::::::
A 7f V fc'ul-.le's uaxe was Mohain
I 'V if l''ei1, 'ie u a rnade.
j " Jj. He wore the funniest ot bag-
srr breeches, which wero al-
frays VvMihili, ? from side to side, a bob
taile.l Tiiriii-h Jacket, ol1p;wra with
their heejt chopped off ami a red lea
y-ri hed iiiiDii il,, ton of' bis head,
vrhhh wai as buhl as tliu end of nn
esg. llu hud a wicked smirk on bis
face nnJ a malicious twinkle In hi
eye, but for nil that o served me
faithfully ninl obi atrd me only to the
extent of 'J) per cent. That wan bin
Unit, :;c!f 9r on all the piirchnon he
inni'e fur n:e iviii the liilU . f whatever
I sort l.e contracted. If he ilhln't ct It
out ef n.c lie to-.K It out or Uio .Ictvisli
Iner. lull;, wb ) addiil It to the next
purchase, so I made nothing by try Ins
to buy at cut rules when MuhainxcJ
was not around.
I picked him up at the Tab el SV.(.
tho (treat market place of Tanker,
while haggling for a matchlock with
a barrel eight feet long and u snick
ersnee, or hand forced knife, with litade
two feet lu length adorned with inlay
of arnbes.ines. I wiintcd them both,
but the prices wero way out of reach,
ao I was about to leave them JJiere
when Mohammed appeared on the
scene, lie had been eying me from
a corner of the great wall the while,
biding his time.
"You want gun, want knife?" ho
asked roe. "llueno, I get uni half price.
That doT' I nodded "Tea," and get
them he did with a celerity that won
my regard at once, and from that mo
ment he wa my aelf constituted body
guard during my stay In Morocco.
Mo came to me one day lu a state of
excitement with tho Information that
a caravan from tho Interior had arrlv
ed nt the 3ok that morning, and an tho
leailor was a friend of his he could
easily secure me a passage. I had ex
pressed a great desire to go on a cara
riin ouniey, but had changed my
mind on account o hearing that the
Bedotilns of the Atlas mountains wero
prowling aronnil tho foothills and
gathering In every stranger In sight.
"Tea, tlwit right, admitted the truth
ful Motiamined, "but bandit don't
touch this nnmn beuauise It protect
ed." "VTby Mtr I asked. "It can't be
much ot a show If It haft worth while
fir tho robbers to touch' It, seems to
mo. Don't tbinfc I sure to go."
Mohammed ptaied B oloso to
iy oar after -kms-tag around to sea
tlmt ther was no Hstesors and sa4d,
Ttobber doa't want Ao something to
this aaravsi "aoe be leader a bandit
fredcrfch 71. Otcr
CipyrtsH, 1904, v fivJirlcs 71. Otwr
tuin camp, r.ut 1 had i".y Chrlstnias
dinner Just the same, us I will now
proceed to relate, iving lu doubt as
to the goo l Intentions of n.y lio-lotiln
friends, I carried a revolver of heavy
caliber snuuylcl el"-e tj one hip, but
had no occasion to u e It during the
Jnuniey, which coveicd two days out
and as many bach, v 1th three d:.ys lu
can. p.
''lu re were imii e s!'y ef tl.L
all and lov.-j, v.l.h not a
i i-lv
' ' I V
- V
New Gocds. More Bargains
Auction House.
Best Bed Spring f1.50an.lup
Mattresses, best make t 2.ho
Couches, Cue quality 8.00
Dining Chair, ood 7
l'lices "ive .satisfaction.
Fine line of Dry Goods, Notions.
C. 1-. McLANC.
Artistic, Dainty and Useful
Finest Asrsurtineiit ever brought to Crants 1'
now in stock at tin;
tai Racllet Store
tlesiirns in the latest
Delicate ware in Blue and 1'ink. Vases in jnany
itrrna Plains fnrm nnil S:ltl('Ors. lll Ct 1 1 f " T EillC Tal
Settings. Teapots, all sizes and
Earthenware Nowlties.
Call and examine the many beautiful articles in our
Flock. Tho prices are riht.
ifiuiaMiiim.iifi"'TV , mil SI -
MONTH will purchase a lot in almost any portion of the city,
and ocu can have your choice of over 500 lots.
$5000 Takes a fine Stock Ranch of aSJj acres, with good
water right. (No. 316 )
$1000 Takes 160 acres, 50 acres in cultivation; good house
and bins. (No. 274 )
$1600 Takes 57 acres unimproved, on Rogue River, about
three miles from city. (No. 266.)
I also hart a fine bunch of timber lands for sale at reason
able prices.
Call cm or aiddr
HcadijOarWra for Real E.-Ut.
Office 518 E Street, between Fourth and Fifth .Strw-t,
around, which fact wn9 In ltsolf son
plcluu8, ns tho Itcsloulna gcncnilly
travel with their families, Incltidlnn
bnlilcd In arras and pntrbirchal head
of the dan. lr their having cIlTeetPd
thcinsclTes of their women dill
drvn anil bettnt trlrrl to nothlii
"more than the law aBows" thej prn
clalincil that (her meant to do some
rapid riding anil perhaps smne Illegal
plundering. It was none of nif hnsl
11C8H. of Clause, as they treuted me
well enough, but I soon learned that
they were actually engaged In "ras
fits," or rnliher ruH, anionir the shep
herding Arabs of the foothills sDdthat
the pretense thr had msde of going
to Fes was to throw the sultan's eoi
slors off their guard.
All went wv, hiwerer, durlufl tho
the r.rc., but tt.iyunli It all they unlln
t'ili; .1 nn ulr of iligulty, awJ If any
cue hi. 1 iii.T!ilJiieJ their C;ipoitli'i
thij would huvo whipped out their
It ::i; halm and have carved up an ar
gui'.cnt with and dispatch.
'! hero v:.s no tiiblc, aiul we were
J ciM-.ind the lire lu a largo ctr
irst the chief nicu of the trlhe,
lie ; .1.11,: their guot, then the Inferior
irei'icra, and Inntly several coucen
trie circles of Ic.m ami inancy curs.
v!:.. ;i were siwirlinjc and llhtlnsf all
(:.. ih'io over the luiitM we threw to
the;.-,. The hivhmlu' linger mills were
ecu c,I ai.-l ri:.rp a eclmlteM, so they
i I h i tin. 'l ie lii rending the rtl of
,. .';:::i t a:;. I tearing olt htue mouth-i;;:-.
, hi, ii iU.;'pe:ired im If by mairle.
I',. . '. i tie meat we h,! big dishes
"i -;i i-i ! 1. 1," cr "kiuii:'!;-!," Into
111. '1 the Arab all dipped llvir bands,
s.i.hig out the rice tiicl t,mvy and
coine.vii.g the Mtud' to their mouths.
tih.crving that I wa aomcwhat hes
itant in followlui; their example, the
oh! ci.i. f pawed out some of the choice
b.i ; Mi l. before I I, new v!u,t ho was
i.l .a t, crammed them Into my mouth.
js tiha w:ia consl.icicil the hlgheat
Ii. v.r nil Arab eindd bestow upon n
p;r.a I made a pretense of liking It,
I id i eer espei lem ed a luipiilcr mo
u;e:il than wl en at hint a ahive cuius
around vltli a bnaln of wnter with
which to hive our hands and beards,
proclaiming that tho fei;st was erer.
"Now we go see powder playf ei
clahned Mohainined as every adult
Arab took up his ever present niUHliet,
with barrel of Iron or braaa several
feet longer than himself, and mounted
Ids ticry. untamed steed, which had
Ht.-od nil the while saddled and bri
dled cIomi by. The powder play, or
"Inb-el-baraila," la n superb exhibition
of horsemanship to tho aceonipunl
went of a rattling immketry flro and
demoniac yells from half crazed men
In reality It is n sham battle, and
when the lledoulna, having galloped
off to the edgo of the oasis, came
charging back In a whirlwind of dust
and with the ttmndor of W hoofs,
yelling like tlonds and firing off their
guns promiscuously st the sky, at the
ground and In every direction ground
thciu, I certainly thought tho men of
the foothills had descended in a body
for revenge.
I sought a tree at once. Mohamnted
declared t shinned up It, but he (rot Die
down before any of the IledouliM saw
me, fortnnsloly, they mi to drank
with excitement.
"Allah 1 Allah; el humadn, rillab
Allah," they slumted In grsad sttaraa
"Uod, O God; ysslssJ be tbu Owl of
Road Making H&s Good
Progress in TKext County.
V..-.:;,;.ih:::': hV
-.. ' : v ' ' . . - -. .'
'- ' - ' ''. '-, - ' ' , - . ' , -
I , -V- J- -ill h - . 7; , ;-4.'iv;-'.- . , ; M
' " I' . . 'I'f . '". ' 'vV- ''""
ccoxiMCi T..r: t
tjiao I w;i 1 v !' h
tho in iruhv "T I1
tachn.eiit 1.; i. ir h
ail nl-!it r d !. ! r!
flock of HCierai h,
bothlng, but there
bow the ra; cuis f
1 on '
de- j
1 an,
. 1
th-M a
I -ail
I, ihiuiit as to
t tiloe i-lu-ip. We
"fiii. In! And jet you say he H s
gy! friend i f yours" j
"Very go-.d frlei; 1. Wiicn I get n.-a-
ey 'lough I Join he band."
Mohammed drew himself proudly I
erect and slapKl hU breast. Ho evl.
dently expected applause. Jim ho only
prluned and showed bid big white j
teeth when I remarked In a manner j
that was Intended to bo sarcnt!e that j
he seemed to be doing pretty well as a
bandit within the walls.
"Tos," hs sdintrred. "ptentee money,
p'rsrps. bnt no exeltement! Dt eonio
see carsvsn sianj no Umo tn Ke! start I
tills afternoon."
The carin men wns, If pMHfl)lo, .
more rsw aTy Itnktiil than Moham
med, hot the promise of a now wal of j
adventure appeslei to me, ami wo
soon cloeed s barijwln. Flo agreed to
furnish a mule for each of us sd L to ;
keep us as long as we cared to stay,!
ending m hack to Tangier try the first 1
escort of soldier that should appear, j
As a Bedouin born and bred he at flrs'.
Insisted upon my riding a camel, but
"once bitten twie shf" Is tme of Unit
evil lwst, and I refnerd point blank.
Then be offered a donkey, but i
Buiilly eompromlimd on tho hybrid, and
kite that afternoon, bertng arranged
wrth the t nltert Bursa eoosol to mA
ont a search party If I did Dot rerun
on time, I startod on my first onraraa thy were tnktn In bond by the enki
urnoy In Motocbo. irnii pltchforku! on long pole ss upll
it was then three, days to Cbr1tma. t,y patient Anil, who em bent over
and I hid promleed the consul that I slunt double for b nr st a tlnw.
would try to be bsok to take a bite of I Wrnpil In their "bslks" snd bar-
were then encnniped lr. a er.jvw of eo
cat palms thnt adorned an ousts wltldn
0 simill valley surrouuiled wHii higli
hlili, ujion the rrestu A whlrb our in
tlnelx were poti-d.
As my r -i j"t frl'ivli had taki iri
rnro to Sele't tn llelr "raK'a" a de-feniieir-Hs
c itii:r.miiiy that c"".il'l not
ninko ropri.iN in sh irt onlor. It was hi
piwe onl quietude that th"y pmnrrl
to c.ilebnte lh" oiitc-jino of their raid
and at the t une tlm", as It chnnel,
the ndrcnt of i hiTtmas diy. This
latter was not, of cnr, tho r"u!t of
Intention, but it happened that tho
nnta d.iy or the .vnareno fen oue
Colli of Jehmlel, the archai.g'-l, and
(he plons rlilaiiis "laid themselves out"
(r l.'ie biggest kind of festivity.
Within our 'V.ousr," or esmp, eom
pose l of blaci Bad shaggy camel's hair
tents tln-re was o tursey or g.ise
or f'r'l of any s.jrt.' bnt tliere wure
slieep galore. These tho lled'Piln
slanghtereil by dfeii sr.d brougl.t Uio
f tj csrcssw; to th cnniiflres, m'nut
la-..a1' b. t 1 e:i with thiMe pious
eh n, I: ' c'i their lip- the land lied
Ml!t. ! I'.'ie I les I'.i.e Saint tlllin
deip.i hi hio.e from 1 he nether ro
gioi n. 'Jh'-y were ,nr Willi powder
Slieike; their gallant steels, Mlmrtig
tliem some of Arahy's best barbs of
liirakutahlo vnlnrs vvre flocked wllh
fonm and blood, lait Hie "play" was
kept up for an hour, during all the
time of which n old Ethiopian from
Timbuktu wit rpiletly beneath a palin
and swed awtiy at an aboriginal vio
lin. At Ikst, a;ent and inlrer!ng, the
boms wero reined op 011 their
Launches In front of tho camp, but
f.arrely had their masters dismounted
tluiu them was a great wrb-ry: "They
come, they come to avenge the ranto!
Mount and meet them, men!" Ileforo
they bud monnted, however, It was
disfovetoil that those approactrtiig
The oaaso of good roads has made
most reninkable progins lu Jackson
oontily, and there is every certainty
that w itlnu the next five years our
neighboring county will have a sys
tem of modern roads not excelled by
any other connty in Oregon. U was
but two years ago this winter that
the first good roads convention was
held In that county and tho first
strong Impetus given to tho movement
for tho betlnrmeut of the tracks thai
for 40 years had indifferently done
duty as public, highways.
Uood roads was made an isano lu
the county campaign for tho olectiou
Inst June and tho Hupnblicnus placed
in their platform a strong plunk de
claring in favor of Jncasou county In
curing the necessary expense to build
macadamized roads. Tho candidates
for jndgo mid coniinlssluni'r were
chosen with special reference to the
fact that both wero practical and
enrucst advocates of Rood roads and
at tho ensuing olurtion, both were
elected. Tho hold over commissioner
buiiig a strong good roads supporter,
guvo a foil board of good roads nn n,
and Jackson county now has In Jui'g(
(leo. V. Dnnn au1 Cannulssiouors
Joshua Patterson and Oeorgo Ilrown,
a county court that can be depended
npon to undertake the problem suc
cessfully of constraining roads that
will be pcruiaucut .ami not a source
of constant cxpenso for repaiis as has
ueeu tho county's crroriuuoe uudur
the old system.
And the jrobhni will also be
undertaken by the new hoard, of get
ting a greater amount of road work
for a given expenditure Hum was pos
siblu nuder former methods, and to
that end now system of carrying on
the work has practically beeu agreed
upon by the members of tho board.
It is proposed to dis'iiso Willi tl.O
supervision and cousolidato tho dis
tricts from HI to about eight or 10,
with a foreman for each. The fore
man and tho men under them will be
hired for the season's work and paid
by tho day and if found not doing a
full day's work, thuy will be wid off
and others hired. 1 his is (he plan of
cuirymg on road work in Multnomah,
Mnriou and other Oregon counties
that are building uiuiliirii roads.
The county couit is considering the
advisability of placing nil the road
work under the supervision of an
engineer that it may be done under
a systematic plan.
The Jackson oounty now has a com
plete road equipment consisting of
a lll.'n' ten steam road roller, a
sprinkler wagon, a ruck crusher ami a
number of road graders. The steam
road roller is 0110 of tlm latest Im
proved and was purebused this full.
In addition to being a road roller so
heavy that it will roll a road so hard
that a wagnu will not rut it, it Is a
powerful traction engine and has a
side iliawbar tlmt enables it to pull a
plow or grader, ily throwing 11 clutch
it becomes a stationary eiigiuu with
ampin power for opciutiiig it luigu
rock crusher. When tho plant Is to
lie uiovo l to a new location, ihustcuiu
roller is ablo to haul thu crusher,
witter wagon and mess wagon with
easo over any ordinary road.
sprinkler wagon Is part of tho plant
tor a dry roadbed ran not be packed,
and must be thoroughly wet to enable
gooil work lo lie done.
O110 crew under a noiupeteut furo-
man will operate tho crusher, roller
mid rock wagons and a mess wugon
and rump mil lit will be J ro Ided for
their use, so that tho men aud teams
will bo at homo wlnrever their work
may tako them.
With such a complete road build
lug equipment, and to bo operated
under competent manngi incut, Jack
son county will uiaLii flue progress lu
building go al leads and thereby bring
greater primp, rhy to its cill. us and
attract funnels and investors of
means, who will Isi led to invest and
thus add to thu taxable wealth of tho
We have to move. We have crowded ourselv
out of our present location. WB Wiu. PAT Ycn
to Hklp Us Gkt Into thb Bio Buiuuho.
Everything at & Discount
Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Portieres, Trunks, lce
Curtains, Rugs, Mattings, Tents, Pictures, Cut Glass, Stores,
Ranges, Heaters, Kitchen Utensils, Diuuetware, Chluavrare,
Lamps, Baby Carriuges, Silverware, Clocks, Cutlery.
During Thii Sale Oar Ttrmi Will Be Cah
This is an opportunity that you cannot afford to
miss 10 to 50 per cent off means many bar
gains to you. Sale will continue until we move.
Thomas (Q. O'Neill,
Cc Housefurnishers
Grants Pa'ss, - Oregon.
Come and see ns at Mrs. Ruhkopf'i
Millinery store ou Sixth street, We
do not Intend to carry a largo stock,
hut can furnish you what you waut
at prloes that will moot all oompo.
titlou. We open up with a uico sale
to Mr, Kuguuo Cass, as a starter and
for past business done In this city
would refer ynu to such people as Mr.
P. II. Hnrlh, Mr. Henry Harth, Mr.
II. L. Uilkey, Mrs. C. 8. Kubbs and
others. Seo us beforn buying aud be
convinced that the one priced system
of buying pianos is tho only safe
system tn get actual values. Mrs.
ltebkopf has full authority to make
Order vonr tuning through us aud
have your work guaranteed.
J lift UOMrt llAPill nui'pir.
..Headlight Restaurant.
Kvcrytliing New anil Clean.
A woman cook will superintend
the kitchen and the food will I
prepared like the home and not on
the stereotyped restaurant style.
Table supplied with the best on
the muikct.
W. F. I.KMPKIv, ) ., tj
II. W1IJ.ISON. 1 row-
Christmas Dinner
ideiitly with the ?Pihan,rn1aa fes-I were the soldiers from Fes, by whom
A ;uariiHi-l Cure tor I'llrs.
Itching, lililn), lileeillug or Pro
truding Piles. Druggists refund
money if PAO OIN'J MKNT falls to
cure any ease, no matter of bow long
landing, lu (I to II days. First ap
plication gives easo aud rest. MX,.
If your drugigst husu't it send d"u In
stainis and it will be forwarded post
Mld by Paris Midiclno Co., Ht.
Louis,, ilo.
Is made moie appetizing if
Host Quality of Groceries
is used in its preparation.
Chiles' Grocery
Carries only Fresh Stock
und of First (.'lass finality.
A trial order will convince you
that his goods and his prices are
In Leather
Ther is an f-idleM Ttriety
of Collar aid Cuff Boies,
Card Cossst, lilt Book,
Traveline Sto, Military
Brushea, Lad is Maid Bags,
Burnt' Leather ffoveltlts
I'ront St., near Fourth.
tnrkey with tlm, but as It turned out
I was several days late and pss-ied
Hsrfuro abat da of (Us lo U Bed
nies, with the pomten n-Kris nang
Uig d'jsn their bn.-k-i. the?' sppearel
Dke a lot of old wsun poewvm ow
1 wiis to be escorted. They were about
1"0 In nmnl-er and had been out col
k'Ctlng the sultan's tales.
"llow much AM they getf I askl
Mohnuiuied sfUT we had srrsngol fur
rvtunilng with tlietn to Tangier.
"How morbl Ob, you mean how
many? Well, nut many; 'bout fifteen,"
Bnswerd Mohu aimed carekWy.
"What dollarsr
'Mo, heads. TlWre they aro tn that
heap. They bad nwn tar d'ldgwrs.
There tiiej wera, sure snotigh, Uiree
lacka, eoutfiliiltig five beads each,
whlctl wit to be taken to the try
lil Bailed up above the gatea M a
warning to VaJt doOers Uireuiout
A frijhtcnid Hurts,
Kuouing like mad down the street
dumping the tHcoimnts, or a huudred
other accidents, aro every day occur
rences. It behooves everybody to
have a reliable salve bandy and there s
none as good as isuckleu s Arnica
Hulve. Hums, Cuts, sores, ecxeiua
and Idles, disappear quickly under
Its soothing effect. Ibo at Clemens
and National Drug Hlore.
Y;til Anything you have for
' suli lion I (ail to notify
me, it rim y uieiin a IstlU'r prieo to you
for your artn lea aud il will cost you
nothing for mo to cull, so-et my prices.
Will Tr'iili Now goods for old
or pay ea-h, or part
Will Wli.l I Anything for the house
' fiiriii, mine, saw mill
A Large Stock of
Talking Machines
and Records
and mote on the way.
All makes, all price.
Paddock's Bicycle Den
East of Depot
Grants Pass, Orego.
or camp. Lau 1111 any order.
I.m; Stock I;",l"t1 .'"
l'11-ui, that 1
all Mititheru Oregon,
0111I hand goods.
means 111
Now ami sec
asv Terms '""l"11"""". or
- rent. No chargo
To Care a Cold In One Day
INK Tablets. All druggists refund
the money if it fails In cure. K. YY.
Uiove'a signature is ou each Los. 20c.
for delivery.
Ike M. Davis,
The Supplier of Wants
Houth bulb til., wust side.
Candies that are Pure
Candies that are Fresh
Caudicit that are the Best
to be had in town.
Big stock, good quality and price
that are right,
Rosebud Confection