ROGUE RIVER COURIER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: One Year, in advance, - fl.M tiix Moulin. - . . ,7ft Three Months, ... .40 Hlugle Copies, - . .05 Advertising Races furnished on application at the oflice, or by mail. Obituaries anil resolution of con dolence mil lie charged for aloe, per line CUUW UIBIIKKUOC. "r W tt Tr TF V Tf Tr 'J AAAAI I TM TI-fTT VffMTTT? AT TTITTT T I a mm,m- x asiv Javi mlms jja. m. M-t ms m-r u $ What the Miners Are Doing. SOLID, ALL LEATHER SHOES Honest made, sold at the A. E. VOOKHIES, Pltoi'K. Entered at the post ollice at Grants ft Oregon, as second-clusa mail matter. THUUSDAY. BECE.MBEU 1, l'JOL Littlo excitement or vjry Intense interest Is noticenblu its yt't on ao count of tho annual city election which will bo held in xt Monday, Though uo platforms are presented, it is generally understood uniting tho , peoplo that tliu mlocn question mid the Sunday lawa ure the issues of (lie election. Tim principal interest of course centers utuiu tin' contest for the position of mayor mid hy lliu tic clsiou which the peoplo make in this regard they are presumed to give 'x prossiou to their sentiment ou the issues involved. There news to lie a prospect of u close race between the two candidates for mayor. Both I)r, r'iridlcy and Mr. Good are known to bo cnpablu anil upright men and good citizens, ublu to 1111 tho position of mayor iu a minimi satisfactory to tlm general public. Mr. Good, it in nat orally presumed would bo mure favor ably disposed toward tho saloon Inter ests thuu la tho ether candidatH. Dr. Piudley, it Is conceded will receive tlie uuti-siilooii vole, yet in the event of liia election it in not cxprctid that any radical reform in this dir. clii n will bu lnatituti d. Tho proscht mil ion lawa of tho city, when proper ly en forced, restrict and rcgulnlu the sa loon business to probably as groat un extent us ia possible under tliu ixist ing phase of public opinion. Dr. Fiuuloy haa issued a statement ex plaining his ) Ohltioti ( n this subju-J and there ia no doubt that if ilectnl lio would bo moderate and lair iu this mutter an in nil ether. In the pust year we hare had a strong mi'l clean yet fair fiiliiiinintral inn, In the matter ol order and good government, tho city lias been better conducted than ever before and a continuance of tho polities under which Major Oil key baa worked will result in a con tinued advance in the moral standing of the town. V RED STAR STORE. O 0 W. E. DEAN & CO. Ashland Electric Light Prices. .Some of the citi?.ens of Grants Pass have been complaining at what they allege is the excessive rato that this oily is paying for its street lights. An compared with what Aahland ia paying under thnlr new contract, as the following from tho Tidings ahnwa, Grants Pass haa secured a very favor able rate under its now contract AhIiIuiii will liavo all night street lights now. At the meeting of tire oily cuncil Tuesday evening, the question of arranging for tho citv lighting came up. Tho recent prnpo ailion of Manager Steele of the light lug company offered to furniali are lights on a five or 10 year contract at i0 and ft each per mouth re lively for all night service, in lieu of tho old midnight contract rate f"i.2r. But on a service from month to mouth tho company promised to chargn hereafter $N for midnight or for each light each month for all n'ght sorvieo. In view of tho vote of the peoplo a year ngo iu favor of municipal ownership of nil electric light plant the council did not feel just I lied in entering into any long rm contract. Tho diirerencB be- ween the coat of the all night service and the midnight service being ao lit tlo it was decided to take the all iglit lervlce at H.B0 per light per month from month to month. There are 28 aro lights provided for, which makes tho city's monthly expenditure or lightning now run to filM. A Statement by Dr. Findley To the C'itizou of Grants Pass: Having boeu placed iu nomination for the office of Mayor of Grants Pass, to be voted upon at the coming elec tion, on Monday, December 6, I bave boeu requested to make a statement to yoo of my attitude on municipal affairs. I wish to slate most emphatically that if elected it will not lie as the representative of any one faction, but of the entire peoplo of Grants Pass, and I shall strive to give au impartial bearing to matters pertaining to the common welfare. I have uo desire to be radical or force iHsoes contrary to the wishes of tho majority. Tho time baa arrived In our city's growth, when it might be well to remodel oor city charter, giving the peoplo moro direct control of municipal affair as to liirhr. water, and sewage problems. Any action I may take on muni pal matters will bo governed by the question: "What will bo to tho best interests of our people?" That and inn uuiigiuinns t.iuen on assuming olllce, wrll bo the factors goveruinn my policy, if elected. Respectfully, M. C. FINDLEY. QUESTION OF CITY LIGHT Mayor Relates History of Pro ceedings on Thia Subject. Some very flue specimens of as bestos from tbe Evans creek distrlot are ou display at tbe mining exhibit The samples show a five or six inch flbro which separates , cleanly and readily. The mineral is almost white in color. Asbestos is do rarity in Southern Oregon, but the surface finds are generally of so short a fibre as to he of little commercial value. It is possible that develop ment of. the deposits might uncover valuable bodies of the mineral in many cases. DrC. T. Jones is in Grants Pass, a guest at the homo of his mother and step-futher, Dr. and Mrs. J. Jennings. ur. j ones wtn remain Here for couple of months aud will be joined in about three weeks by tits wife, who ia iu Portland at the home of her pareuts, to be with a brother who ia aeriously ill. Dr. Jones is located at l'.oosevelt. in the Thunder Mount alii dratrict in Idaho, where he has mining property. He is well pleased with the feviduuoe of mineral wealth of Southern Oregon, as shown by the Grants Pass Miners Association's ex hi hit of ores, and he will probably join Dr. Jennings in tire development of scrno promising properties that the lattei haa in this county. Editor Courier: My reason for I. .t th. nrnt tim. a rr lucrative "g ' ljca in yonr columns is .iii. n it. Mr Rr. Uot W answer any ii.-. .... Iliihed. or otherwise circulated, but ucii umm uiivir uiiwun mi iiiMua I ,h. n.,.. u n.t. to give the public, briefly, a history ing it with extremely satisfactory re- K salts Tbe rein at the present work Ing t about a foot in gold is visible in nearly every pica of tbe rock taken out, Last summer Mr. Barnett found a piece of rich quarts in a Sucker creek placer and set to work to discover the source whtnoe it came. He was On the fust of April tue coutrsct width and free between the city and the Grants Pais New Water, Light at power uo., ex pired, and in taking the matter up we deoided to give all companies, who contemplated furnishing lights in the near future, a chance to bid that the city might have the benefit successful ia finding the place where ' competition. Tbe Condor Water & THE MINERS ASSOCIATION Gel i . Machine Shop For Grants 1' Photo goods at A. E. Voorhiea. Card of Thanks. n wish to express our slncoro thanks to the friends fur kiiidnesse shown during the illness and death of Mrs. Dnlsy Taylor Pool. Hoy Pool Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. A moetlug of the executive commit tee of tho Grants Puns Miners Axroci- atiou was held at tliu chairman's ollice last rrlilay uiteinoou, lhcrtt were present Chuirniiiu V. 1). tfherman, Sec retary J. M. Jlcolh aud C. L. Man- gum, It, I., Cue, V. G. Ainuit iirid.C. (J. Higgins, tlm only al t-uit miuihi r being Atthur Cuuklin, who wus out of the city. A iti tit wus niailu by the siiecial coinuiitlee,e(.UhiKtiiig nl Jurcph Moss, V. M. llulr, Jon 1 h Wolko and T. P. On imr, baving tliu matter In hand of muring fur Grunts Pars a first class machine t.hop ami foundry statoiiig ti at linauciiil arrangements weru about consuuiau d to io-mi-i 11 M. Hall, who now ban a mi all leuti dry and machine (.Imp, in enlarging his plan! to enable bun to handle all clussea of mining, mill and olio r inn (hiuo work und casting. Tho problem of tutting the Miners Afsccitivri (il a stronger llnaueial basis, und of broadening its sciiu ol endeavor to that it Would be prai tically a beard of trade and Iu in a position to take up any ropositii n that would be of lit in tit to Grunts Pass and Joeihine count., was ecu sldenil. I'M slcli nt I'. 1.. Muiiguin el tho AsMieiatu n, stalid it would re tulle not Itss than (i'U arniulhte meet 1 1 io expem-cs if the minerals ox- li 1 Li 1 1 rioiu and a timber sum of f.'u or (u'.'i a un olh was ni eile.t lu carry mi special well that Would n ipuie at tent ion Iri in time to time. To ncuic this guarantied n vuiuc, which would to over and nl ove the un nil i isliip foes mid Uuei of the A-sociat on, two pinna were cvliMili led, one to have a Hat rale of I a mouth for all who Would contribute and the otlu r was to have a into it J, 1 anil 60 cents for si.brerib, t. A spieml mlii'iting eouunitlie was a oiutcil consist log ol l'. I.. Maugum, Judge .1. O. lliioth und II. I'. Iviuui v ami the matter nt adjuring the tale was bit to this eoumiitlee. In c al. ing ot tin wink ai d tin lii,l,i exhibit loom in iteuaniiig gu.iu activity iu the mining imiiiuy in this iliati let, and ot die , n-, ,ju, m bcllctlt to the huxllic!. iu'iicms it Omnta i'ns-t and Joi plnuc co.iuiv, President Mauguui Mat! d tin Assoc! ttlou's exhibit ui doing n t.u rem lung woik in making known to liivestma and mining m, u toe n I, and extensive lunu ial n,,ui, , k ol bout u rn i Hegon, and ah, a,l u I a, I bei u the means of ntliaetiug Tie ai tendon (if tlie mining worKi to l.i.uo l'uss. tif the v. u lous niiiui g comp.iu lea operating in thin oi.iii, i, u. , u safe in saying that G-anis l'a-.s goi the belli 111 ot a veil l;,rg,, jut et iiieir eisinillli:eh, i.m, ng M,i, !, yien tliu Greenback, evp.mling ituiing tin past your t ,oo,u i,, ,,,, n, ;, .0,11011, Gold, l In il,, .;iii,v 'lakilnia, Ji.i,ooo, ami a l.n.-,' in.,'nl I of smaller c,mi imies nieg-ug In in IKKi.isnj down to ,o,n. , r.,., estllliute from, lie Mated i,n I, JH'r cent ul the tlojo ,-M , U,, , ,, ,,!,. Jy b? tho dwl Gr,, k Mm, i,,: Go., would more than met the me,Uet exhibit room. Jt was decided to bold a g, r,,a,. convention in Giants !'.i- in tin in .11 future, tho dale lo be l:.v, d to m, , t llio convenii lien of tlie ( , aKeiH m Tiled, who e:o .'.inns Abboit uow ill Portland, of lie f. t,uieau Of good rilliilr, Julge ,1. l. Seolt, il huli-iii, jn set. ill i, I the ii,,g,,n t liuads Associatnn, W . l;, I oinaii, ol the Southeiu i'aellic l o . I ohl Kleh ards, of the Uugou IV n l,. m, in League. Invitatioio. will 1... i,, ol ti all lliu members uf the vaiious coiiul i courts uud the iicwspai. r un n ol Southern tlreg,,u to aiteinl and tin Grants Pass Woman's Gluli will b, asked to co oiH-rate w ith the Assncii, tiou in inukiiig the eoiivi ution a me Jen by furnishing m.ial , ,.,, ,,,, for the opera house aud the musical features of the program. Attend Our Special Sale ON- Ladies' Jackets Wo linvo plncpd on biiIo our ontiro lino of LmlioH' Jnckots Absolutely Now All This Sonnon's floods Strictly in Stylo Mmlo from KorHoy, Molton nnd Zilirlinir Cloth Nicely trimmed, linod and inndc all sizo. If you wish to siivo soino moiipy on your .lack ft, como und soo us and pet our iricci E. C. DIXON, DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS. A SPECIALTY OF GRAPES A II Civrson ll&s the l.arest Vineyard In Souilirrn Oregon. A. 11 Gursiui, who is the largest vinyardist in .Southern Oregon, will llnished the niarketiug of his grapes llrst of tlie week. His iron for this seasnii will aiuoiint to over limn)! ftrong. sleeping. rules ami tlie gra s aro of the usual line oualitv for which Uiiimiii Hiver Valley Is ei lehrated. Mr. Ciirsou has a, res to grapes, the varieties grown being Hon. of Peru. Molvoise. Tnknv ind Mission. To suit the market de mands of northern and eastern cities win re they know only the Concord. Mi l aison expects to plant ll.'i acres to 'bat variety, but ill the Orcein unl California markets these grapi s one little demand, for Western peo ple prefer the more tluely flavored ami less acid grapes, such as the Komi ol :ii, Tokay, Molvot-o.' and Mis-ion, but Kiisteru people must have Con ci ids The Purple P.uuascus, n variety new to this Valley, but t vci v line gran', w ill ln tried by Mr ,'arMin, he planting several hundred vin.-s this w inter. Me will plant this winter 10 acres mostly to Tokays. Ni xt yearliewlll plant til acres more to unions varieties and thereafter in hia vineyard until it embraces li" acies ami as be has a large tract of hue gruiv laud, ho may iuereasi Ins vineyard acreage still more, as i lie niaiket for grapes ia rapidly en bilging and lie cannot fill nil tin old. rs that ale offered In in an I al pri-tilttble pricea Mr tar .mi lias engaged In general liu in ing and in the nursery business, but has found that grape growing u more proliialile than either of tin illn r vocatliusand he will hereaftei .online Ins attention to grapo grow ing. Mr Carson's success is bin ad le I prmif that the Hogu.i Hivei Valley will iu the near future becoiui in. of the great vineyard districts ol 'lie I'uited Slatea Wonder Items ivir. .Monro a folka have moved away; wo will certainly miss 1 1 1 fin 1 lie young people enjoyed a dance ami supper at II. MoClung'a Thursdav night. Miss Jessie Hush is spending vaca tion with home folks. Her school is lleir Waldo. i- . . . . i are sorry to hoar sad news of mo ileum or our old lie 1l-!i bor. W .1 1 he good old man is onlv liiilhio, the little rt year old girl of Mr. Hitter, while playing near the creek the other day, piclcd up a piece of quart rich iw the yellow metal. C. II. Hall is building' himself a dwelling, ami C. C. Tavlor has en larged llio hotel building at Love's still Inn, w hile J. K. Hitter is prewired to keep travelers at the 13 mile bouse. The entertainment at the school house on Veiinesdy evening was a glorious success. Our young folks know how to ss-ak ami act ou the stage. Poxea were sold and the highest brought fj Ja. Fr.-d Munsou was the winner. The Messrs. lUmscy . Williams con tinue to llnd valuable d.'isits ol gold, niekle and It is their aim lo us.- .,ui mi. nun iiniKii n road to tiieir mines, and incorKirate ilns winter and put ill smelter next spring of .M ton ca'sicity. Say, Mr. Man. you said hit article was crowded out last week. 1 V V K right, as it was crowded all out ol shai'. Gee I 1 hardly knew niv ser mon ! It made me toll the' dear reader goodbye right in the middle ot the text. lhe devil did it, 1 know. Trainiw have been quite frequent of late; all wearing themselves nut hunt ing work. Say, mister, when 1 go to Il e legislature. 1 will pass a law that will give everybody emplovuient, w nether tliey want it or not ; and III. n there w ill la uo hobos nor bad roads ..liber ! IWn't the Couiter look iiiee in her new dress, though? D.uiy. Card of Thanks. Vvillthe who so kiudly as. isted us during the aickuosa' and loath of our llltle Nell, accept cur uost sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. N. and family. The old Cohen ledgo, known and worked many years ago, has taken on new lease of life under the manage. mint of Alex Gainer, an efficient miner aud prospector, who recently relocated the property after it ha4 lain idle for many years. The ore in the first discovery was very rich and waa worked with lucrative retnrns, hut tho pay chute was lost and the property became iuvolved in litiga tion with the result that the work was abandoned. Iu a tunnel driven to tap the ledgo at a lower depth, the vein was missed by a few feet Mr. Gainer, assisted by the Grim mett brothers, who have an Interest iu tho group of claims, sot to wort to open tho mine in a systcmatio man ner nnd now haa a first class show ing. Ite has exposed an ore body about two feet in width, the ore across nearly its whole face showing free gold visible to the naked eye, some of the ro.'k carrying values at the rate of 500 or flOO to the ton. He ia now at work retimbering the old workings and will soon have the mine, iu shape for protflable operation. I bis mine is situated nearly on th divido between Johnson gulch, a tributarv ol Mucker creek and Mul- vaiioy gulch, an Althouse tributary. it ia on the same mountain as the Harnett mine, though ou the opposite slope und is supposed to be on the 1 same ledgo. Power Co. asked that the matter might be deferred for 60 days aud they would then submit a bid. This was done and arrangements made with the local company accordingly. Shortly afterwards the Condor people asked for a franchise to como into our city, which was granted by the council, with the condition that their rates to consnmers should never ex ceed those being charged by the local company. This franchise was never accepted. Tbe matter of letting tho contract was ot off from time to time so the council decided that, if anything waa Archie Tycer, a miner of many to be done for better lights this win- years experience, has a placer mine ter, action must be taken. Iu Hep- located almost ou the extreme summit tember the auditor was instructed to of tlie ridge between Snoker creek aud I call for bids to be opened October 20. the "float" entered tbe creek and traced it from there neaily to the top of tne mountain at the bead of John- son Oulch, a tributary of Sucker creek. Here after investigation, he found tbe source of the float In a number of small quart stringers, bearing ore so rich that he was able to make good wages by carrying it In sacks to tbe creek and there panning it. As he proceeded with tlie excava tion, the small Tains approached one another until they bave nnited In one solid ore body of moderate dimensions bat of extreme richness. Althouse, whioli is reputed to be one of the richest of the smaller proposi tions in the coontry. Being so near the top of th mountain, th water apply is necessarily limited and it All parties interested were notified by lotter asking them to subm it bids. On the 18th or 19th, Dr. Kay iu cod versa tiou over the 'phono advised the writer that he would be on baud is only in tbe wetteit part of the I with a bid, but ou the morning of the rainy season that the ground can be 20th, F. H. Ray of New York, iu worked to advantage. Mr. Tycer company with Dr. Ray called on n works by tbe ground sluice method, I and said they would not put in a bid collecting the water from several at t lis time as they were not ready to short gulches and conserving its do business and it was uncertain as volume with a reservoir. The gold to when they would be ou the lies in the red dirt which is from ground with their plant. They were two or three to six "or eight feet deep assured that their bid would be con- above the bedrock. It is ouarti or idered, even though it would be pocket" gold, very rough, tome of ome mouths before lights could be it honey combed and porous and some furnished, provided they could guar of It mixed quite largely with quarts. I "o'ee us they were coming and fix Some of It is so black and discolored I lonie date iu the future for the cou as to be unrecognizable at first sight tract to become operative. When the and many of the nuggets would time for opening the bids came, tlie probably be thrown away as valueless Condor people, by their attorney, by the nnpracticed miner. Mr. Tycer asked for a further delay, which, nimseir, when he first worked the ground with a rocker, threw away many nuggets that were too large to go through tbe rocker screen. These pieces are yet lying In the old dump and will be rwnrsrsil in tm t, vr. Ttmr. .hs 1.1..4. . l. .i... Power lamps and 60 - ' vi una i . portion or the damp. I P""" lucauuusccui lamps. Mr. Tycer has made a clearing and We found the prices paid by Rose uuut oauin on ois elevated claim I hnro fnr nln. onnn n..ii , . bowerer, was not grauted, but the one bid of the Grants Pass New Water, Light & Power Co. was opened, read, rejected, as the council believed they could do bettor than $141.60 per month for nine 2000 caudle 32 caudle " "ioj. iii summer montns in iamtl. (7 ,n cutting timber, oleari no hia OTnnnA I " ' month and 11. 25 for the doable vamose of makina I 'or osndle power incandescent garden spot and preparing it for placer lamps. (This would be equal to $2.50 operations. He has also some flue rmr month fair R1 AanrlU -n ... - Tho quart, property of Jess Barnett , .ie w. call for). Albany cavinir seems to be steadily work hl T. nrT SET .r $7.50 for aro lamot Euffc. nn valuable mine and pose an sxtenaivelv rich nn.ri iiD. I AshUnrl ba honn iu.i., i ok t... -j - B ... . rj - o ru -vj . .v lamps which burned on Sucker crock developing iuto a Fa.ncy Price (or Timber. Prices for timber laud in this part of the Coast are going high aud are approaching the fancy prices paid on the Columbia Hiver aud Puget Sound for good timber land as the following from the Ashland Tidings indicates The prices recently paid by Re Id, Mason, Pultou & Ward for timbor claims iu the Janut Crock soction were: D. 'II. Yoager. $1250: Squire Parker, $2,100; Jacob lalur, $3000; Nelson, $11000; Andy Anderson, $3000: Dr. I. I.. Arnold, $11100. The claims bringing tho highest prices are rich in sugar pine trees. Mr. Yeager, who ia a pioneer of the Pokegama region, nnd had probably the flueft timber tract in the district, got a fancy price, which we understood is a little in excess of the sum named. He has bad no double with fires in the summer, and says tho only coarse to follow to secure protection of timber against forest fires is to burn off the ground each spring before there is too much dry stnlf ; thou no damage will result from fire which may start later in the season. Jackson County Juror. A GuM'ranieril Cure for Piles. Itching, liliiid, llleodiiig or Pro truding Pilss. Druggists refaud money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to i. re any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to M days. First ap- illcatiou gives ease and rest. 50c. If your drugigst hasn't it scud 50o in tamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis,. Mo. F.lglit Cxe.mine.tlon. SuHrintendent Ackermau has r ranged the dates and sojects for the final examinations as follow s : Dates January IS, III, JO; April 13 I, 14; May IT, IS, 111 and Jane 7, l, I'.Htf. Program Wednesdays, arithmetic. polling, physiology; Thursdays, nio-'.liil arithmetic, reading, writing. i v il government ; Fridays, language. history, geography. Sources of questions Questions iu the following subjects will be taken from the follow iug sources: Ueogra it, state course of study; the coarse nut iu Pry's Klements of Geography ; map questions in both coarse aud fine r i nt of Krye'a Eleuieuts of Geogra phy ; spelling, SO pur cent from the miscellaneous test words iu Reed's AeTil Lessons, aud 20 per cent for manuscripts; writing, vertical, speci mens of iH'iimiunhln as indicated in opied matter and from manuscripts ; ading, from Indicated selections; uigiiage, lieed s Graded Leaaous iu uglish, uo diagraming; civil govern ment, chapter 1 to 35, tucloaive, aud to 4,1, inclusive, of the American itueu. A Csrd. This ia to certify that all druggiats re authorued to refund yon t money r holey a Honey aud Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the rough and heals the lung. Preveuta pneumonia and will core in cipient cou'uuiptiou. Contains no opiates aud Is safeat for children. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upou having It. Stop Ui cough aud heal the longs. H. A. liotermuud. nutil midnight. The Condor people, by thoir attorney, NSNUnl.l . I. . ,!...! The fnllo.ln. 1. . li.. i - ."on iiowpauy was -- - V. hlu JUIWI Affu, nM l.k ..J OWI I a .. . , . . . , IV..V..I.H AB..UHIU mjAi cauu io " wrm or circuit court are lamns for art AO which convenes at Jacksonville on the secoud Monday in December : Medford J. E. Dodge, J. W. Bates and N. LangelL Jacksonville Chat. Dnnford. uold il ill-John A. Harrey, J. E. Coffee, Jas. MoDougall and J. A Cook. Ashland C. II. Pierce, Emil Peil. F. M. Grainger, John R. Gibson. Jesse Houck. Harry Hosier. L (1 Dodge aud L. W. Rodger. bagle Poiat S. B. Holmes and A, L. Haselton, Union John N. Matney and Fred Htnrgls. Harron-J. IL Cook, D. Eiucald aud Geo. W. Dunn. Central Point Geo. Little and H. C Herrlott Mound Henry VTerth. Talsnt-Ed. Robinson aud E. Boeson. Phoenix Fred Fnrry. Roxy-F. A. Peil. Big Butte-William Perry. CatsrfHui th Csauia. Foley 4 Co., Chicago, originated Houey and Tar a throat and long remedy, and on aononnt nf th orui nn ,j i..i. r""'' "f committee, so we - vvuwusiist u4 f uivt nrnnnn-s inh.i,.n.. . ,. - - I ' ' - - - mo in , e , , noney aaa lar many Imitations are auce oi a new proiioaitiun made bv offered for th genniue. Ask for r- orri to furnish the uiue arc usuiim auu uie ou sj-caudie power in power Der Diolllh nn n nve year contract, providing thev ... 1 . I nr r.-, - . , ."' - tvuuiu mm u. xuia waa nein ont ti the council as sufficient reason for do ferriug the matter until this company aiiouiu reaun vjtrants rasa. Shortly after the meeting, Mr. Mor ris wrote to os aud asked to have an intormai talk with the council, which was agreed to. but some mnm bets declined to meet him or listen to any conversation outside of i. oounou room aud aa that was beine w iw. mecuuu uurooaea. iipriinuiti.r ed tils remaining over another day uu nunu ine uieeiiug was called, t a vote of throe to three, they decline to listen to any proposition lie might make. Mr. Morris uatnrally felt that no couiu not expect ran treatment irom tue urants rase council and coos steps to not onlv rais tim i,r..... of lights to the city, bat to individual oonaumers as well, but the time for patting this iuto effect was delayed oy request that we mic it act ,n. auiuuon ana avoid having disagree aDle and, to the cousumers of water aud light, expensive experience At the following regular meeting of the couuoil a resolution W11R inrrn. duced by Mr. Bather, chairman of the iigni committee, authorizing and in sirucung me light committee negotiate and make a contract bind ing the olty for lights for a period n uie jears at rares uot eieee.lii.u al ror incandescent and $ti. 00 for arc lamps. This, of course, rnnhl nni i, aone legally by to Foley' Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will giv th same satis faction. It is safest for children and delicate persons. H. A. Rotermnnd. Ashland' Commsrcla.1 Club. Ashland, on of th wideawake caunescenu lor fK'5 hi month Extra aro lamos for t, .rn a ....... h. Extra incaudeseut at $!.-0 per month! w.iu iun vouumou mat the rate In oouaumers mould not be raised abov present prices dnriug the life of tin cumrai. una suoraltute was nas.M.i iinoui a aiaacutiua- vote ami ti.u aiayor ana Auditor iustruted to sign towns of Southern Oregon, is soon to " fn,r!J' oovering the necessary de have, commercial cl.b and th. fol- ..i.Tiie. u'l'favb'i: time contract, as we are gettiug lights at better rates than any town in Oregon mat s nave neara or, eveu bettc man was ottered Ashland as thev were required to contract for 2.1 m tamps. After all this is done, the -n.,,ii Tuesday ! p. Dy ,h? c"Uut, the evening, was atftideH .s I. :v" At"1? '""mate - - . 7 - uiej woum lurniali lights at "'l "I iimw tnuiusiasm in tlie aoout oue-ltalf this price aud ask the scheme or the new organisation, oonuou to resciud iu action and ue which, as has been sUted. includes ",7 "a, 9 ww the ..Ubli.hment of headquarter. In Itl" lh' ,.5 aomesaitable location, with well equip-1 we would be juatified io breaking a peilreadlug,bfllairds and sociaCrooma. oooiract entered iuto after careful lowiug mention of iu organization. given in the Tidings, gives the scope of work that it ia to meet In tlie up building of that place: Tbe meeting of the members of the propoaed Aahland Commercial As sociation at Pioneer hall. aud mature thought. The membersblD so far nl..u.H In. r.0.n?,a",,,0 oludes mauT of th. lilin. hn.i I'..""?" "'smnion might stem . w, leave the public to jTuieaaioosi men oi Aslilaod. juoge aa to the uuo.tiou wheiher ... aiinougn ui mem oe rMi in Is not re-1 iih corporations is strioted and is calculated to Inelnd. "T .crea M'u between iudi- all worthy cilisens who feel ao in-1 In oooclDaim.. nhi a . m niv cut ana in in obvaoii eui imiiis are inr ton m,.ii oi tne new organisation, which Is-1"" io caudio power aud intended to serve as a "push" club to T, , 1""T nd-qoaie lor street advance th. inter.,, of th. city and so,,g" Ton". , o lm r'o coDuiy ai .very opnortanlty. as well system aud we would not h. ..t .n. m as to provide for th social intercourse . ' l"" oTe we have taken of It members. me rigin action and that tlie town is R,n.. -,w .ia-. a v.v. 1""' l'""ea sua wtll lis ve satis ' - - huji uj inf i laciory aervice. oemmittee lisvtng ia band th matter of th organisation was listened to and it was ti Mntiuaent of all that th usmbersliip should b Increased to not 1 than 80. Tb matter of securing lb additional members was dlscasstsd acd U. L, GII.KEY. A Ruaaway BxycU, Teruiuated with ao uslv cot nn tb leg of J. a Oruer, Frauklut Grore. Ill It developed a stubborn Individual member. ?.lcr "yielding to doctors aud renie present volunteered to take u i a l0" Then Bock leu's hand, and nport at an adjoarnd . nK 8Ir C,rd- If Jus t as good meeting to b held at the oily hall 1.71 n w'a. ' eruptions and en Tueed.v aveuia. K ito' nd hatioual Looking for Basisiess We want first to thank our patrons fur their very lit, eral patronage, and offer new inducements fur Fall and Holiday Trade, Everyone loves Fine; Pictures and bave bought a large line to give to our customers, fjj is no lottery or drawing scheme. Everyone who bu s goods; will be eutitled (to one according) to the amount they buy FOR CASH. For every $50 worth a fine are Picture in heavy Gilt Frame, down to a small one mount ed on cardboard for sales of $5. Come and see thtra and let us give you a card. You need not purchase all at one time you will have the Lai ance of the year to do this if Pictures bold out, Come and make your Holiday Selections early. ye will keep the goods for you and deliver as desired. Furniture, CurpclSj IIousc,l7urni.shin''s1 BORN. CHASE At Castle Rock. Wash., Wedmsduv, November 2!, l'.ii'l, 10 Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Chase, a sen. Mrs. Chase is a daughter of Airs. C. E. Cuullic Id of Grants Pass. MARRIED. BRIGGS BENSON At Klamath I Kalis, Oregon, Sunday, November 20, 1U04, N. (J. Brings,' of llollistcr, Cal., and Miss Onii Benton, daugh ter of Juilgo and Mrs. !!, L. Ben son, formerly (if this city. LEMMER ALDERSON - At the 1 Western Hotel, Grants Pays, Ore,, j Tuesday, November 2!l, l'.i;.4. P. W. 1 Leunuer, of WolfCr. il; and Mi.-s ! Susan Alderson nf Belaml, Judge J. 1 O. Booth official ing. CLASSIFIED ADs i l r t' A H U N A i n, ' V SITUATION wanted ! camj) cook and biik.-r. uemw : Julius Kirsteu.cnre of Ketfch tt"I' : Tvcst, corner Sixth and J Mtt;t '' , W A N TED-Job li7peod nm,Z ' blaokMintli. All kinds of mi work thoroughly nnderstned R, . rreuces given. Address, llacl,iuiit Courier ollicu. ' i VVASTKD. " i Homes wanted for threTThHdm, 7 nnd 10 year old girls ,, 12 ' old boy. Address .7 T , DIED. STRONG Near Tnkilmu, Orn. Thursday, Novenilu r' 21, 1 !)!)!, Jas per Strong, aged M yi !irs. Mr. Strong was a pioneer resident of Southern Oregon and resided at Phoenix, Jackson county, for manv years. In nceut years iie has lived iu Josephine county, tlie greater per-' tion of the lime near Waldo. ,llu haves a wife and six grown children. Courier. TO EXCHANGE high grailTTTfo, lui.iuei. 1 can iiamiie a few slir.rt I time chattel loans. jj. D. Drake I Sixth nnd L streets. ' , WANTED A middle need Amorl.n I woman, who is u good housekeeper Wages if lo per month. Address V O. Box 60, Guttville, Siskiyou Co" Cal. ' FOR SALE. Style and Taste in framing is MOST IMPORTANT A picture, no matter how tine, is incomplete until properly framed. A PERSONALLY SELECTED STOCK of all that is newest, neatest and host in FRAMES and Mon.D INGS. including ovals, circles, squares and spe cial designs, enables me to offer EXCEPTIONAL VALUE for the mor.ey C L. QLEVENQER, Photographer Urantt Han, - . Oregon. ;JEHSEYCOW or sale, 4 vears old now giving 8 to 10 quarts' milk ptr I day. Enquire nt Marble shop. ' .AI(.M KOli SAI.K-two miles Trunia hn. ltm ai res -about .00 acres uf irwxl liottom land, 2.1 acres in cultivation, small house and ham and about "sj acres under lenee, balance of land .suitable for orchard or pasture. Kor further particulars ad dress W...M. Crow, .Merlin, Oregon. 200 ranch, good prune and apple orchard, small traits in ahuniliinee; water lor irjicatioii, besides springs on every 40 acres; center uf a pind range country; two dwelling houses, Ijii barn, every thing complete; well sheltered from trusts, good mining markets, nne hnlf mile north ol Tunnel!), price Imjuire at this ollice. misceLLaneois" l'ASHIONABI.E tlrosmnaliiiik'. Mrs. T. C. Ilorr, Cor. Second and C streets. LOST C. li. Colo. I. B. Hall. Hall & Cole, Undertakers 111 lwlmcrs, Funeral Directors Eull stock of Burial It.. his und I n- del-takers Supplies. North Sixth .Street Near Court House. PHoNES: Office, No. ; Kesid noes, No j 717 and No. i:;,s. I LOST Lost week on the sreets, a silver, open faced combination stop nnd tttno watch. Kinder please re turn to Orallie Bnber, nnd receive reward. E ST R AY. TWO OLD black sows, left ear split, camn to my plnco four years uso. Owner can have hogs by paving costs, h. B. Akers. E. A. WAOE DRV GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, Etc. Trout Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. Mops ttivcougb fend haalalungs : $150.00 Worth of Christinas Presents Xo cotiUst, , lutte.y. You get what you pay for anil some LcmiIo. We li.tve dcciii-,1 t,-, oi,-.. . --- fcouus wiiii cverv ca-.h purchase Ouieli as follows: Brist I'.c l)oom,-riing. net for eateliing Boomerang, or a ?.")C Boom- l cash '.' purchase, a .', t-l purchase, a 7 erauiz. 'pnm;!:s::.vl,.:",ari,''g,rl,, yM" I0 purchase, one ;i Burg :r Alarm. 1J purchuse, one llrist Sit. 4-0 pnr base, a f."i lirtst Set VatrVrl r of Vnlvcrai. This olT.-r I.., I I ,. 1 ... 1 lasts. You will l-Tiv,. r.. . . ' .". ,:''.!"l,t v,-.-k r .teminniH . . ,,, . 1 1 ':oo oi 1 uicioise cr not mid if jdu can't find ocnie- , I.11111 s., j;,ns '1, r I iimids. ' S. anils, P. ,!;:!.., '1', Dress (iti.rd's Horns, Oi li rs, Biihv Carrii rs, 'I'ii- fit s. Sad CI a:u Ouaids, at ail. Look ov. r th tiling you want : Bicveles, Tires, !,, nt. 1 Locks, Grips, I.ugg:,ge l airi, 1 1 oolongs. Pump., Dn.k.s. Bn v dim, 1 hams, Mud t u rd-, Si ! 1 Uuard Lac imr. ch,0ycL..NOK,,i., ;irJ Kuotd Ca, Ma- ones for his big t ,o, he" ge s on,"n.T ' "5 "!"'" 1 !"" fork combined tor the a rm ,1 . Z ,h l" '"i"" T' K,,if" " Pocket Scissors, Button n ! " - . , r ' ' j, 'v"",nrs- '" -mail. Larger cues for r, ' ,!i i- , " !-'rs. small onca for 2 uffi,Udt.ui;aHf;,;"Ll.fVLnd,,r,rio f'u f, 2; r1'11'40- kind, but the best ti e marl,', ff '71''"'. "'"""-'"'t the cheap boxe Bast balls, Bats' Mitts (.'loves' V- Booka. root Balls from 7.V to f Ponl tli im T.1 "'t " Pant, and Jackets. Shin ouards, Nose Vn f L & 00b a w t,,c Come and let us (bow vru sonu t'iiiiB osefnl it . 1 u W. A. PADDOCK, East of Depot. Grants Pass. Oregon A - ua aiora. 1 Mn am vim