Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 01, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
No. 36.
. . 1
' A
Ten Day Sale of
For the next ten days we are go
ing to sell Overcoats at a great re
duction. We are compelled to do
so as our stock Is large and our
room limited, therefore we must
sell at a big sacrifice in order to -make for our large Holiday
Stock that has already been
shipped and will be here at our
doors before we have a space large
enough to put them in out of the
Now is the time to buy while you
can get the first choice and the
cream of the sale.
We have Overcoats and Rain
Proof Coats in all the latest and
authoritative styles and patterns.
Complete line of Furnishing Goods and Shoes
flew Goods, More Bargains
Auction House.
Best Bed Springs -. $1.50 and up
Mattresses, best make t.... 2 fo " "
Courhes, fine quality 8 00 " "
Dining Chair, good .' 70 " "
Fine line of Dry Goods, Notions, Prices that give satisfaction.
Something' Different
Come and See Bert Barnes' display of
At M. Clemens',
k. A. AAAA&i
No. Si'i. 20rt acres; 140 ai n s cK-ared; 15 acres in alfalfa; 100
seres iu grain ; 2") acri'S iu pasture. Good water ri(!lit, anil :ood house
of nine rooms. Barn 40 x SO font. Orchard with all varietie s of fruit.
Price, -"0 rT acre.
No. 244. M acres ; good water ris;lit ; no improvements. Must be
sold soon. Caxli fiOO.
No. 223.
about f liAJ.
lflO acres about 13 miles from the city.
Abont 000,000 feet of good saw timber.
Stop paying rent 110 down and
almost any portion of the city.
Call on or address
Head.iuarU-rs for
Office on E Street, between
Mca Put Sixty In Dinger.
More than half of mankind over
sixty years of age suffer from kidney
aud bladder disoiders, usually en
largement of prostata gland. This
is both painful and dangerous, and
Foley'i Kidney Core should be taken
at the first sign of danger, u it cor
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record
Inclcnee wtta every
Jfc, y VW
BARNES, Jeweler.
Good house cot
Will soil for
5 a mouth will purchase a lot in
Real Estate.
Fourth and Fifth Street,
rects irregularities and has cured
many old men of tin disease. Mr.
Kodney Burnett, Kock Port, Mo ,
writ's: "I suffered with enlarged
nrostata eland and kidney trouble for
irr and mfter taking two bottles of I
Foley's Kidney Cure, I feel better
man 1 nave ior zu years iun'i
I am now 81 yean old." H. A.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
of merit appeal to you 7
Dottle It a Tea Cent, nackege of wovt i
to Be
The Portland Telegram gives the
following synopsis of some bills that
are to be presented at the forthcom
ing session of the legislature that are
of importance to every respectable
person in Oregon for all realize that
there is grave need for such laws as
these bills propose to enact : ,
Before the next Legislature will
likely be presented a number of bills
in the corrective line, . heretofore
untried in this and many other states.
One will be to make wife desertion a
penal offense, extraditable aud pun
ishnble by penal servitude. Another
will be a meaanre providing for the
care, training and education of idiotio
and feeble-niiudod children, the same
as is done iu the State of Washington.
One of the important features of
new bills talked of is a measure hav
ing as its object the establishment of
a juveuile court iu oities of more than
100,000 population, before whom all
minors will be tried lor offenses.
This law will provide punishmeut,
parole of the offenders, and designate
olTlcials who shall exercise provisional
guardianship over those who uro haled
before this tribunal.
Another important measure under
course cf preparation is one authoriz
ing the iudetermiuate sentence for all
first offenses, with the exception of
the worst forms of crime, such as bur
glary, highway robbery, arsou, man
slaughter, assault witli iutunt to kill,
providing therefor a system of form
iu puual government.
A bill creating a Slate Board of
Charities and Corrections, which
shall exercise general supervisiou
over aud stand iu the relation of
councilor to the publio charities of
tno state is being prepared.
Perhaps the most signal of all the
bills proposed is that relative to wife
deserters and by many it is regarded
as one of the most important measures
contemplated. Its aim will be to
bring to seve-e jnstico tho wretch
who may now abandon the state,
leaving a wife and helpelss children
to the cold mercies of the world, and
against whose waywardness there is
now no statutory provision, if the
bill proposed becomes a law, an act
like this will be classed in tho cate
gory of crimes, and the offender haled
before a court and Rent to prison.
These various measures are under
course of preparation by Circuit
Judge Alfred F. Sears, Municipal
Judgo Harry W. Hogue, J. D. Lee,
ex-soieriiitendent of the renlteMtiary ;
Senator J. C. Smith, of Umatilla
couuty: Dr. Stephen S. Wise and
Mrs. B. n. Trumbull, Commissioners
of Child Labor.
Dcsfncst Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to oure deaf
ness, and that is by ooustitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an
iunameu coumtion of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is in flamed, you have
a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, aud when it is entirely closed,
Deafness is the result, aud uuless the
inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever ; niuo cases out of 10 are caused
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an
inflamed condition ot the mucous
Wo will give Olio Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co.,
Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, ?uo.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. To Care a Cold in Ono Day
INE Tablets. All druggists refund
the money if it fails to cure. E. W
Glove's signature is'ou each box. 2,'k
There is an entiles assort
ment ior the Holidays.
What makes a nicer gift
than a nice book ?
All the newest and best thing at
, Headquarters for Holiday poods.
over One and a Half Million
no core, no fay. jw.
ptaot rcm. lvw
- -
In Books
Event of Interest Taken From
i Our Exchangee. '. ;
A dancing school has been opened
in Jacksonville by Mrs. Rose Hamlin,
Chan. E. Toll of Medford lias been
appointed stock inspector for Jackson
The A. O. U. V. , lodgo at Ceutral
Piout has bad an addition built to I
their hall. , . ; '
James Buoklny of Upper Applegate
lost a largo barn and . 145 toua of hay
by fire ou Tuesday lat, entailing a
loss of over tlSlKX . . . .
6. Casaltn and Mrs. Bertha Faucctt
of Siskiyou oonuty, Cal, were mar
ried in Jacksonville, by Judge Dnnn,
November 23. The bride formerly
lived on Applegate.
The oontract for the completion of
the sower system for Ashland has
beeu awarded to J. E. Friek of that
oily, at fi!S,7r0. There wero four
other bidders and the highest bid
was for fll.OOO.
Walter Otteubachor, of Applegate
has been takeu to Tho Dalles by Dr.
J, E. R.uter, who hud beeu to Jack
sonville ou a visit to his ptreuts,
where he will undergo a surgical
operation at Dr. Hunter's hospital.
G. O. Van Natta, a well known re
sident of this nitv, - and Mrs. Ida
M. Griffith, of Ashland, and daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson,
were married at Jacksonville last
Wednesday by County Judgo Geo.
V. Dunn. They will reside in Ash
land. ...... r . .
Mrs. D. Linn, who, with Morbus
baud, wore Rogue River Valley pioneers
of 1H52, has returned to her home
In Jacksonville from Portland, where
she has been for tho past two months
nt a hospital, having had an operation
performed, which has fully restored
her to health. '
Tho press reports iu tho Jackson
couuty pap-ns statu that the annual
touchers' lustitnte, held at Ashland
lust week, was one of tho moat suc
cessful ever held Iu that oonuty both,
iu atteudauoo ol teachers and iu the
strong array ot talent, 1 which' Super
intendent P. B". Daily had secured.
' The clerk of Jackson county link
rcceutly issued the following mar
riao licenses: Karl DoWitt Marvin
aud Lena L, Layton, Ed McUracken
and Nellie Hariotr, Chas. A. Board
man and Lydia E. Lovejoy, Charles
Co wen and Mrs." Minnie Mael. John
F. Butler and Clara J, Slioenmko.
Chas. L. Murphy, of Monmouth,
has beeu engaged as a coach for both
the boys' and girls' basketball teams
at tho Ashland Normal. The basket
ball soasou will soou be on, and it is
expected that tho teams at the Nor
mal this year, will more than euHtaiu
tho ropatatiou made by the teams of
last year.
A gather'iig ot Kedmen took place
at Ashland last Saturday at which
time tho local tribe took iu 13 "pale
faces" and mado them full fledged
braves. Fifteen braves from Jackson
ville' 1 trnrl i - from " Medford
assisted in running the candidates
through the gauntlet. A big feust
olosed the evening's pleasure.
J. D'Olwoll, C. II. Lewis uud Win.
Ilulmes of this couuty, and C. A.
Mulhoef, of Portland have formed the
Koguo Kiver Land Company, with uu
ollUe in Medford The members of
the company will make it their busi
ness to divert hoiueseekers hither and
locate them on our inaguilleeiit (ruit,
grain and alfalfa lauds.
It is estimated by dealers that about
:i(HK) turkeys havo been shipped from
Jackson couuty within the pust few
days to graco 'l iiauksglvng fuitals at
San Francisco aud vicinity. Of this
number, l.'ido or more hare gone from
Medford, wliilo shipments Jiavu been
maiie from Anhland, Ce ntral Point,
Jacksonville and Guld HilL
Medford and Ashland tried conclu
sions at football in Medford Thanks
giving. It win rpletidld game, both
lant and abounding iu fcood 1 lay.
Medford alone word in the first half;
111 the second le mil r mile made a
point, and the Medford team wn fl
dared the winnei by (I to 0. The
grand-tand of flic athletic grounds Was
well filled with all c ntliu:aftic
andieiice, all of Whom wtro well
pleaded with the context.
Dr. J. K. Header und Mrc. Beud.
of Aiihlaiid have Piurueil from nil
extended trip K.nt, during which they
wero .at the World's Fuir. They
re also at LI rami, lexas, where
Dr. Reader attended the ui"i t Ing of
the National Irrigation Coiigrens as
as oik; or tlm deli gates Tor uri g.
aud be di I excellent work iu con
junction with the other members of
the Oregon delegation in securing the
next meet lug of tho congress' to be
held iu Portland next fall.'
Judge Benson, in the circuit court
at Klamath Falls, baa teuetuued J.. H
Hteveua and Walter Lerwell, cou
vieU'd of stealing rattlo from Mclhase
Bros, at Fort Klaumth but August
to 10 aud eight years in the penitent!
ary. Walter bimptoD.a young man who
had been invited by Hteveus to join
him aud Lerwell iu their ahohsale
cattle rustling m heme, , aud who ao
courpauied them ia lb elf attempt to
drive Is head ot. cattle . belonging to
Mulhase out of the country and across
the tucaotaius, turned slate's evl
denoe and gave the scheme away.
A splendid contribution of applet
for the horticultural exhibit at the
I Exposition has been snt to -the Lewis
and Clark CoirmissioncT by the Rogue
River Fruitgrowers As-iatlon.
There were it boxea of the very finest
apples grown In Jackson county,
which were delivered without any ex
pense to the' Exposition. The apples
wero at once transferred to cold
storage rooms, to be preserved until
the openiug of the fair. This was
the first free consignment of apples
received, although numerous requests
were sent out in which the fruit
growers were luvited to participate
iu the, state apple exhibit While a
large quantity are now in storage,
they wero purchased by Secretary
Giltaer at the regular market price
iu different parts of tho state. Hood
River Is preparing an apple display,
to be presented with the couuty dis
play, and fruitgrowers from that
district give the assuranco that the
very Guest apples they cau grow are
being kept for exhibit and premium
Chas. Boardmau, Sr., aud Mrs.
Lovejoy, who have boeu resideuts of
Medford during the past several years,
wero married iu that city, Thursday.
Sonio of S. Bennett's fine apples were
ou exhibition at the St, Louis fair
and attracted no small amount of at
tention. His Bennett's Seedlings
were especially attractive aud to
these the attention of reproseutatlvos
the horticulture department of
tho government was oalled, and so in
terested were they that they have
I nee written Mr. Bennett for a his
tory of the apple and for samples.
These have been seut and we may ex
pect an official opinion from that
sonrco withiu a few weeks. Med
ford Mall.
The case of Champluiu vs. Chain-
lain, camo up tor hearing beforo
udga Hauua at Jacksonville on
Tuesday. This suit is bronght to
gaiu possession of a minor child.
Tho parties to the suit werejdivorced
iu Illinois some time ago, and the
mot lit r was given custody of the
child. Since then the father klduup-
ped tho child, bringing it to Oregou.
Tho mother now brings suit to gain
IKissession of tho child. Her attor
neys are R. G. Smith aud ex-Judge
Halo of Grants Pass. Tho father Is
represented bv W. L Vawter of Med
ford and A, S. Hammond of Grants
'us. .
Fsvortd by Both Parties. .
Republicans and Democrats alike
prui so Foley'i Honey aud Tar for
coughs, colds ntid all throat aud lung
diseases, as no other remedy cau com-
paro with it. It is safe and sure, F.
Blater, merchant, 171 Main St.,
Glouuhutttir, Mass., writes: "Foley's
Honey aud Tar cured me of a very
bad cough whloh had for three
mouths though other remedies failed
to beuolit uie. I cau highly recom
mend it for coughs and colds." 11. A.
Oregon. Presidential Vote.
Roosevelt 1'urkor
Hakur l,W
Kenton 1.107
4 ID
Clackamas 2,tU0
hitsop 1,4(17
Columbia I.U01
Coos 1.71S
Crook 7tll)
5urry 822
lunulas 3,44it
Gilliam 6IIH
Uraut 1,0111
larney S'.K)
Jackson 1,IW3
1 1H
Klamath MO
ako 8S7
-uini B.&2S
Lincoln fiHtl
inn 2,!i:i4
Malheur THO
Marion 4, ltd
Morrow hifi
Multnomah 13, Joj
oik 1,1)72
tiliermau 701
I'lllniunok 7"J
uitttilla 2,r,2
n ion ,
Wallow a, . . .
Washington .
Totals (10, 1112 17,411
Tho total prohibition party vote in
the stale was aWO, tho socialist vote
''..'!, and. the. populist national ticket
eceived 7H4 voU'S.
Charles Costain
Wood Working Shop.
West of flour mill, near R. R. track
Turning, Scroll Work. Stair Work. IIiiihI
Hnwiog (.Hl.iiift Work, Wood Pulleys, tw
- il irifcf hiis gumming, KepMirmg all knels
're w right
front and 4th' Sti.' P.O. Box 273,
Real Estate
Km;loymi:nt 'jflke. Ilousts rented
No. 7 12A H7M, all iVore'l. b re
nvei IxilUitii, r' cullivU-l, 1 to Ut.
from rA)lroa town, good ron-i
r hfial.-ftU'. A hftfyftin at l.rari a-r. J I
.Tp wiil jr ur bit ri4 In two jrer
Pressing -Cleaning
C!iitbs Pressed, Cleaned an
. Four suits fur (j.oo,
prices iu accordance.
Experienced tailor and work first Orders taken for tailor made
. Smith & Grove
Front St., bet. 3rd and 4th
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
Possibilities of In Immediate De
Rogno river ia kuowu to be one ot
the greatest power streams ou the
Paoillo Coast and it lias advantages
that make ita power especially avail
able and valuable. Tho stream lias
large flow of water continuous, (or
the entire year, and ico Is not known
a It, that iu so many streams is so
destructive to power plants. For
more than 150 miles it is a series of
rapids and falls, with solid rock walls
aud bed in most places, yet iu an open
valley, that makes these pewer slties
easily accessible. Aud it flows
through a country that is soou to be
great consumer of electrical energy,
i meet tho requirements of the
many great mining plants that are
and will bo installed, mid for tho
factories and other industrial estab
lishments that are sure to como with
cheap power, as well as to supply
power for the net work of electrio
roads that will cover Southern Ore
gon. That Rogue liver is attracting at
tention ot capitalists in distant parts
of the country, is proven by the fol
lowing interview published in the
'or (land Journal of last Sunday :
"Koue river, as a power stream,
as greater possibilities than tho
work of both the Condor aud Golden
Drift companies indicate," said H.
Thomas, a hydraulic engineer of
Huston, who has just oomph ted a
our of tho lioiiue basin. "My peo-
le heard of the work being done by
he Condor company, and asked nie to
uvestigalu tho stienni, which I did
u a hasty manner. Details of this
woik, of course, cananot bn made
public, savo by my clients, uor do I
enrn to forecast their motives.
'A fall of about 20 feet is secured
t both tho Condor and the (jolilcn
Drift plants iu approximately a mile.
Tho companies havo utilized the
iver's energy by making dams rather
than diverting the streams, and have
excelleutp hints in fact, much bet.
ter than I over expected to ilud where
tho market for electrical energy is so
limited. Hut I cannot say that
llsnpprovo of the confidence In the
future, for power propositions are bo
lug taken everywhere with reference
to tho future. Niagara has coiujianles
possessing water rights and installing
plants capublu of pioduclng three or
four times the energy that is do.
nianded by the district within a radius
of 200 miles, which la regained the
maximum distance for transmission
now. Capital is willing to invest in
a power proposition aud develop a do
niund for energy if there is any fair
or rcasonahlo prospect or its being
"Koguo river's best Kwer site is at
the oonlluenco with Mill creek. The
latter has a drop of ulmut 1H0 feet III
a very short distance, while the Uogue
almost at too same place falls more
than 200 feet iu what might be. said
ess than KKX) feet distance. The
stream is strong at this point, and
you can appreciate the power avail
able. The Mto la not very near where
it would ho in demand, but otherwise
his locution Is ideal, mid uo doubt
will bo utilized some day."
And along the siinio linn is tho fop
lowing from the Medford Southern
Uregouiaii: It is said that an eastern
Hiuiiiunv is ueuotiatinir for the nur
chase ol the great water ami power
rights embodied in Mill aud Koguc
Itlvnr rails, near l'rosisict, owned bv
U. .NilHtroin, a Hermit, tins is
considered the gruutest unharnessed
power iu the West, ami it is the pur
Hisn of the company to utlli.e It fur
general power purposes, with a possi
uility of operating mi electric railway
across the Cascades. Mills fulh
alone is J his feet in height, aud repre
sen Is many thousand horsepower.
while Hogue river, along the wet inn
owned by Hulstroui bus a full ot 2.V0
feet in ilK). 'lhu ecci ntrio owner of
the falls has been working alone for
several years at thu herculean task of
rigging K I hi go race and turning the
water or the Unguis from Its natural
nin e, leading it into a canal and
trooping It over the canyon opposite
Mills Falls, making a combined
lower greater than tho l ulls of the
oi-i:m:i ii.( i miidii 1
..Headlight Restaurant..
IAV iiikI M(ill P
Kverylliiiig New and Clean.
A woman cook will Mtpiritikml
the kitchen and the food will be
prepared like the home and not 011
the stereotyped restaurant style.
Table supplied with the be-.t tu
the niaikct.
W. F. LKMPKK, ) p ,c
II. WJU.ISON. ( 1 K'l,s-
Christmas Dinner
In made mote appeli.iug; if
Itcst Quality of Groceries
is used in iu preparation.
Chillis' Grocery
Carries only Fresh Stock
and of First ('las Quality.
A trial order will convince you
that bii gooJs and his price.1 are
I'ront St.. near l ourth.
50c Pictures for 15c each, mats aud all 17x25
Turkey and Thanksgiving Platters i price
Turkey Roasters solid Copper Boilers for $2 .35
Camp Stoves i price
Waiter Trays
Cut Glassware less than elsewhere
Rugs usually sold for $2.50, out they go $1.25
Carpets of I or 2 room patterns 20 per cent off
Wall Papers regular 30, 35, 40, 50c goods for 24, 28,
32, 40c; some patterns prices will be cut in two.
Full Line Wagon Covers, Tents, elc.
Immense line new Cut Glass, exquisite goods
lieautiful New China, let us show you some fine goods
Handsome Lamps in great variety
Hall Coat and Hat Hooks, new ideas
Medicine Cabinets, Couches, Lounges, Center Tables
Iron Beds, Kugs of exclusive patterns and colorings,
$1.25 to (30 each, Navajo Orientals, Iudian Robes
Portieres best values ever offered in Southern Oregon
Lace Curtains of entirely new design; see the new di
vided cuttaiu.
Thomas . O'Neill,
X5he Ilousefurnishers
Grants Pass. - Oregon.
Farm For Sale.
1(10 acres, AO acres of fine sub-in !
gated bottom laud under fence and
cultivation, a million feet of fine tim
ber, hundreds ot cords of hard wood,
near towu aud all down grade ou fine
road. Good two-story dwelling with
U Well of splendid water at the
door. Flno big barn and out build
ings. Lots of fruit and berries of all
kinds. Comity road and daily mail at
thu door. A splendid place for health
ami a pleasant homo. Address Box 117,
Woodvllle, Ore.
Not SUk Dy Sines.
"I was taken severely sick with
kidney trouhlo. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved mo.
One day I saw an ad of your EIco
trio Hitters and determined to try
that. After taking a few doses I felt
relieved, and soon thereafter was
entirely cured, and havo not seen a
sick day since, Noighbnrs ot mine
have been cured of Itheuinatlsni,
Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles
and Ueneral Debility." This is
what 0. K. Pass, of Fremont, N. 0.
writes. Only liOo at Clemens and
National Drug Btoro.
Doesn't kpct Old Aj.
It's shameful when youth fulls to
show projs r respect for o'd age, but
just thu contrary In tho case of Dr.
King's Now Life Pills. They cut off
maladies no matter how severe ami ir
respective f old ago, dyspepsia, jauu
dico, fever, constipation all yield to
this perfect pill. 2,'ifl at Clemens' and
National Drug Store.
Artlsttctic, Dainty and Useful
Finest Assortment ever brought to Grants Puss
now in Block at tlio
Star Racket Store
NEWELL IJUOS. l'lioi'iiitroits.
Dclicuto ware in Iiluo ami rink. Vases in many do-
j .11... 1 mii
sijns. I'lulcH, Lups ami naucerfl, ami oincr rino iuuio
Settings. Teapots, all hizch
.arthenwaro Novelties.
Call and cxamino tho many beautiful articles in our
i-toek. Tho prices aro Hunt,
The New and Enlarfed
edition Contains
25.000 New Words
Nw Gaxattofr of th World
with DKtj 1 linn Xft.iu) till, Usw4 ou tb
Nw Biographical Dictionary
ctntfciinif 1 tij tm uu tit ovr Io.uju duUmJ
sunou, uutt) of on 1 U. 1UU, Ui.
MltM. LrW.T. MAltlilrrh T1..TL n
I ullod MutiCjuiiiiLhijiir of fcVlucstl imv
2380 Quarto Pagoa
Kw rUtask MM) LiwrtniisjsM. lus bUsibifc
Needed InEveryHome
A 10 WsrblsM,' CuiUglal Irtcf tonary with
iiior(t. iuo luuMrsUswut. cut! 71091 tA.
A ipsKlsil Thin Paper Edition D Luxe
taawtritasl frutsi lh aun M ssj i W t' t
Pit kit, ATmi In Pronunciation," Uwtruo
Uv axiu ftitrtinliiH.
lu UluainiUKl pamphlet.
PublUhcr. SarlaifUld. Mm.
Announcement to the Public. .
We era pleased to announce that
our newer plant U now completed and
we are now letting contracts for a
transmission line to extend from
Ashluud to Grants Pass.
We are now ready for business, to
furnish power, light aud water to
towns and farms, placer mines and
quarts mines along our transmission
Wo will devote special attention to
tho irrigation of farmi by a system of
electric pumps, which are being used
with groat success in Southern Cal
ifornia aud other arid regions.
Our rates will be fair and reasonable
comineiisuralo with good services;
correspondence, solicited. All in
duiries will rrceiro prompt attention.
Dr. 0. R. Kay,
Manager Condor Water & FowerCo.
Tolo, Orogoa
Ssvcd HIi Ills.
J. W. Davonport, Wingo, Ky.,
writes, June It, 1002; "I want to
tell you I beliovo Ballard's Snow
Liniment saved my life. I was nnder
the treatment of two doctors and they
told me oue of my lungs was enltroly
gone, aud the other badly affected. I
also had a lump In my side. I don't
think that I could have lived over
two mouths longer. I was Induoed by
a friend to try Ballard's Snow Lini
ment. The first application gave me
great relief; two ISO cent bottles oured
me sound and well. It Is a wonderful
medicine and I recommend it to
suffering humanity." 250, 60c, fl.OO
at Model Drug Store.
and designs in tho latost in
mowi;ll 111 ion.
Wanted A"ylh.lnr J T8
BB 10 UUI1 Hill w oumjr
me, it niuy tnt'au tMjtUr prioe to yuu
tur yur irtii lf and it will oo you
tiolhlug fur mo to call, togci my priw.
Will Trade-
.Nuw booiI tor old
or jmy cuab.or Jiart
Will Sell AnytliineforthehoUHfl
fiiriii, iiiimk, saw Dillt
or in (. ( uu fill any onivr.
HiU Stock-
r,nri;cst la Grants
1'uKit, thnt iiiuuns in
luiimi'ii l)ii'i;iiii, u( NiW aud sue-
0111I tutml goods.
lasv Terms ,u"V,1!n!rn .or
fur ilelivury.
Ike M. Davis,
The Supplier of Wants
South Sixth 81., wext side.
Curts Chills snd Fcvsr.
O. W. Writ, NacoKodohos, Texas,
says liis daDKhtvr bad chills and ferer
for t!inn years; lie could not flud any
thiiix that wonld help tier till lis dmhI
lii-rbiiiti. His wife will nut imp
hooio without it, and cannot say too
mnrli for It. 60o at Model Drug
8 tore.