Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 24, 1904, Image 8

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    . . . - w . " .... . ... n
fefSferiBll She BIG STORE Ppk
Never. before in the history or Soutliern Ore.nwi Iia-l!iere hcen such an
elaborate display of seasonable nierciai!die as i, now on exhibition at li. L.
Coe & Co.'s Hift Store. livery departinent is crowil. d to its full capacity and
the IarKC crowds visiting the store daily is Milliuent evidence that the effort
of the management is bein- appreciated. All mail orders will receive prompt
and careful attention. Samples of ;;oods sent on approval and we guarantee
every article quoted to be exactly as represented. No family in Josephine
County can afford to buy their fall supplies of Dry Goods, Shoes, Cloaks,
Men's and Hoys' Clothing, hats and Underwear, Oil Clothing, Rubber Goods,
Wall Paper, Window shades, Umbrellas, Ladies' Suits, Waists, Skirts, Wrap
pers, Corsets, Muslin Underwear, Dolls and Holiday Goods, until after they
visit the BIG ST0K1-.
Wc;woai1l cms. s
js zxitjsf on yu-uv 0(
Y w .X ..-r S
beciutc the
jirments are ine only prrtect fx
pontnti of the tailor' art
They fit thty wear writ they
are all wool, and wwth twite the
price paid.
It. L CO I k CO.
ir a
.lr-.n. ! VvvJ
" J
Holiday Novelties
and Notions.
Boys' Suits
11 Dor. Black Mahogany, Sterling Sil
ver Mounted Brushes and Mirrors,
actually worth 50c, this lot only ;it
10 Doz. Fancy Japanese Baskets and
Brass Novelties for the Holidays,
Big1 bargains that make elegant
Presents for Ladies, Men or Child
ren. Ask to see them at 25c, 401-,
50c, 65c, 75c and $ 1 OO
Children's Angora Muff and Collar,
satin lined, with A great
bargain at
Children's Fancy Box, Colored Letter
Paper and Envelopes
jo Doz, Ladies' Fancy Tinted Silk Fi
ber Note Taper, white, l'ink and
blue, er box
10 Doz. Fancy Note I'aper Boxes, some
thing that makes an admit a! dc
Christmas l'rescnt that would lie
appreciated by young or old. rich
or poor 25c, sue, fsc, ;s
Dolls ! Dolls !
Never liefore have we been able to nit 1
such values in Dolls as aie shown in tun K
partmeut of Holiday Goods.
Dressed Dolls at 25c, ,ye, 751' and 1 00
13 inch Kid Body Doll, genuine Bisipir,
closing eyes, long cuily ban .1:1 I
Very sweet, pietty face, at
A lll'.Al TV.
F.xtra large 16 j inch Kid Body Dolls,
large, closing eyes, exceptionally
line face, and could easily be sold
tor double our pi ice, at -,. 1
our i.fadi.k.
A full 19 inch Kid Body Doll, sleeping
eyes, long cuilv li.tii if. black and
Blond, a line Bisque ta.-e with
large bright eyes. - hac bet .1
limited number of these Dolls .11. 1
have already sold mute a u w
Don't tail to see thiui, at ... . 1 .
Clothing Dept.
Our stixk of Men's. Ilm-' and Cii:!
dren's Suits for the llo!i,l.i u , :
is uow complete.
; Ho.s' a-, oiled Wool Mixed Suit i,
i si,S i In J , ,c
I '
'boys Bine and, lu.i and three
! 1 Mills, mixed Seige and Kei
,sc Ki y, size-, s lo i.i . 1 50
I B"s Scol, h Wool and Sei,;,-, Noilolk
! Sin!-, 1 lam and mixed colors,
I i" 1- 2 00
Bo-.' ;;tav Ad Wool and Mixed ldan-
i" 1 Snil-.. and Double
bleaslul 1 Ik i ts, v(cs 5 lo 1 at . 2 50
Youncr Men's Suits
lS(.!I.oii.; l'.iuts, .i 1 e Sails, plain blouse,
j k.i.iv and mixed, si, i s lo to .ni at
i'icss Suits, Sc. id h mixtiiKs
loc ' me, in ii i; .111,1 1 1 1 . . n, at
! "v,,; v., 5S5...
i Mn , Woik and Di.vs I'.uits. -,,mv
ti .1 aim s at J- : ,. so, 1 7 s, 00,
1 -' 5". ,i s", 1 00 and 5 00.
Men's Overcoats
Tim ' 'jii 11 !. 1 ii n,:!li 1 l t, double
'!. b.x .ic.d bk, side
)' 1 1: a v in r.. : nil and
'- ii 1.1 ..I.-, .1! .
i) 5.)
id M,. M
' i , in:: : 1
X C ..!. double
and b,.d well
k Is 1 ! 1 , m'l
li. 1 ii .; .iil'v tail-
1 . 1 -l i: 'i, at
A C. . , :.. !
The foremost zkuz for men!
1 Mad t-y i irsOK EE i;: if.ii ri:)
34, S4e
mj'j'iJ trc nr,w in !
WEAR : Abuluttiy without a 1 qual.
PRICE: . A dollar ur.dcr iti wjrth.
"Tnp-n t. Ii."
CculJ'i.t t-c 1-tlir.
R. L. Coe . Co.
'V.V.V.'.V .....'..,
SdJf Agenf.
Shoe Dept.
We shall continue to maintain our pn
sition, that of being the largest distributor of j
Shoes in Southern Oiegon. Fifteen years ex-!
perience in handling Shoes in Southern Ore
gon has given us not only valuable exper
ience in knowing what to buy, but I1.1-.
given us the choice of all the best nukes of
Shoes 011 the market. Others may have
good Shoes, but why .should you buv any
thing BUT Till' BH3T.
WKAR R. I.. COK ,v co.'S
tow n talk snn:s.
The Douglas for Men at ;
The Governor for Men, at
The Gloria for Ladies, at
The Haailtou for Ladies, at .
The l'icnic for Ladies, at
The Pacific Miner, at . .
The Pacific Logger, at .
The Douglas Miner, at
The Hamilton Biown Miiui at
The Miller Miner, at
The H. B. America, at
Warranted all Soli 1
Mi :
K on l'i
CI pl.'ol
1 11 ml 'ci
Ih;s 1 !i
Gents'" jj'urnisliing
( The (Jrcat Sale Kvcnt of the season) we have place on sile everv
garment in our HKi CLOAK DEPARTMENT at a
This inclikL's all of the latest Tourist Coats, Tailor Suits, Jackets, Capes,
Rainy-Day Coats, Children's Long Coals, Jackets and Infants' Wraps. Everv
mtment is marked in plain figures, and will be sold for CASH ONLY.
1 00
iVlen's Suits
1 ',
Black and Blue Melton at ;
Black Clay Worsted ; s
All Wool Mixtures
Alt Wool Clay Worsteds M.
Scotch Mixtures.
Blue and Black Seiges.
Plain Colored and Mixed CIkvo.'.s
We also carry an elegant line o! l'n:i 1 u
Worsteds, suits finely tai'.oied, 1,1 and w,a:
qualities guaranteed at
I13.R0, $1R, hi.SO, , is. $
H .-..! :;d 1'i.lx
:'. ' II id. is a'
i'd i. Is- A-ct.
- i l'.eW lis,
i I :Uc tlnnc
' pilS, U y
i i : .' u-idv-i.:
'-.- . ( '. !
. ! ;.:.:' i S;t,h,d
' s. ic. i:
M ' , '. ; aim s,
ly :. a
D; ;:.;.....! Sii:,h,d
' ' ' i -'. ..'.in. s w e
'' - - ' "V, - ;c I o
Children's 75c Coats at 60c
Childieu's Ji.oo Coats at Soc
Children's 1 . .s Coats at 1 00
Childieu's 1 50 Coats at 1 20
Childieu's J. 00 Coals at I 60
Childieu's 2 50 Coats at 2 00
Childieu's 00 Coats at I 40
Misses' J.' jo Coats at 2 00
Misses' 00 Coals at 2 40
Misses' 4.00 Coats at 3 JO
Misses' .s.oo Coats at 4 00
Misses' 0.00 Coats at 4 80
Misses' 7.00 Coats at 5 60
Misses' S.oo Coats at 6 40
All Ladies' f 5. 00 Coats at 4 00
All Ladies' 7.35 Coats at 580
All Ladies' s 50 Coats at 6 80
All Ladies' 8 00 Coats at 640
All Ladies' 10.00 Coats at Sco
All Ladies' 12.50 Coats at ioaco
All Ladies' 13 50 Coats at ro3o
All Ladies' 15.00 Coats at 200
All L.nlies' 16 50 Coats at 13 20
All Ladies' 17.50 Coats at 14 00
iS. 50 Coats at
All Ladies' 20.00 Coats at
All Ladies' 22 50 Coats at
Ladies' 22,50 Long Tourist Coat at
Ladies' 20.00 Box Coat Tailor Suit at
Ladies' Brown and BlackShort Jackets js 00 at
Ladies' $0.15 Light Tan Kersey Jacket with
Light Green, Tan and Brown Velvet Col
lar nicely lined, actually worth 53 50. . . .
Ladies' $13.50 i'-I.ength Tourist Coat, Grey
and Brown Cheviot, Strap Back, Klegantly
Tailored, at '
Ladies' 512 50 Satin Finish Broadcloth Coats,
Satin Lined, Klegantly Trimmed; a good
Coat for elderly or stout people, all sues,
32 to 42, at. . .
Twenty-Five Ladies' 510.00 Black. Tan, Blue,
Green, Gray and Browu Box Coats, Tour
ist Backs. The very latest effects for Miss
es, and Young Ladies' Garments that you
will pay 512.00 lor in the city, at
Big stork of Infants and Children's F.iderdown
Cashmere anj Domiuit Coats, all colors, 011
sale at a discount of 20 Kr ce
All Ladies' S. so Coats at 1480
R L. COE & CO.
S on
Notion Dept.
: s ' 1 lain White Hemmed Stitched
Han. Iker. hill's, 1 ;jL for
' ' I. idies' l ine Hemmed Stitched
Lm!.:. i.'.'.u.l and Lace Ilandker
1 nil Is. extra values at
1 : ' bi .ies l :ne Lace and Fmbroid
ti'.d liandlvcicliics at
-s '! Ladies' r,IK. F.mbroidcred India
Lilieii H.iliiilvciehiel.s at
' L.'lvs Co'.otid Bordered,
ibuiiiiid Stitched and F.iubroid
m 1 Handkerchiefs extra values..
' : , b i dies l-'itie Real Lace and Ilin
!': ,'5,'"-'J Handkerchiefs, all of the
v"' 1 r.est designs, suitable for
Holiday i,s,.IltSi ,0Ci 5,)C. .Ci
1 "" I 5", 1 73, 2 00 , 2 50
Ae ..:c .i-.;v:tig the most extensive as
"' ;i: ,,: 11 lidav Handkerchiefs ever
"! :,; 1 ' s l'':;'s:u Ou g m and it will surely
l'v ..,. :)t to invj,, tlc jille I,;,,,, buying.
'A .:k B;-kvts W'a-tc baskets for Store.
'' '!u ' ": ' ' x' '50. 2sc 50c. 75c, fi 00
; a-ci:.r.,.,s in.ule of Iced Wool,
.V' 1 l'bs and S..xonv, in
'' '-k. White, l'ink and Blue, at
js-, 50c, 75c, 1 00
!'' .;' highlv colored Fancy Billow-
U'"' regular price 50c, now ... 2$c
La l;. s and Children's Leather Hand
l'i.; 1 Furses, all of the latest :5c5ic. 75c 51. jj, j-. 54i j5
5; I :i-;is Silk Talata Ribbon,
.. a., co' 'is, at
"J I -": all the r.ew shades of
; I-.mcy Neik Kibbous, X0. 2
' o, a; i .e; tioual prices.
The H. li. Watchus for Children, war
ranted all solid leather, 5 to 8, Kid
and Calf, at 1 00
o'. to u',. Kid and Calf, at 1 25
I.t to 2, isli.l ami Call', at I 50
- '- to S. Ladies, at 1 50
e have sold thousands of pahs of these
Shoes and will effer a pair free of charge to
any one who will show us how the Slices can
be us.: !. l.eU-.-r jor the same price.
Pmgree's Gloria Shoe for
Ladies, $3.50.
1 I.-- l'm.'.iee Slioj Company has been
; si m .kn.g sum.- w.mdeiful iiiiprovem.'iils in their
j oo In:,, dming id,- p,n few iiuiitlis and the
' ; " "r'"!' 1 ' 1 " 'veiii'ir" Shoo will take an
"iher giand stiide forward into the trout rank
, ;, I shoe in iking. Buy the best.
" s ' :;i;,:..e s Clot: a, for Lidies, at 3 50
5 ' " ''in ,iee s C, ucinor. for Men, at 4 00