ROGufc river courier, grants pass, Oregon, November u. 1904. IF YOU ARE FIXING UP YOUR HOME IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOll A PRESENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED IF YOU ARE GOING TO HOUSEKEEPING Thomas O'Neill THE HOUSE FURNISHERS Homes Furnished Complete IF YOU WANT the LATEST tho MARKET AFFORDS i IF YOU WANT Exclusivo and tho Choicest Selections . ' IF YOU WANT tho Most Your Money Will Buy IF YOU WANT Everything Guaranteed Satisfactory WE CAN FILL THESE WANTS AND MAKE EVERY DOLLAR DO THE DUTY OF TWO We have laid in an immense stock. Oar selections and poods are useful as will as ornamental, but in addition to our already low prices wo have reduced figures on nearly everything. Wo have done this in order to reduce this stock as rapidly as possible. The surprised and pleased expressions of many of our patrons at tho low prices lead us at times to think wo have cut prices lower than we ought to, but no matter, wo want to move tho goods, it is for you to judge and reap tho benefit. Furniture SIDEBOARDS, BUFFETTS, DRKSSERS Box Couch, regular ?u 5 Sale Price 9 00 LADIES DESKS BirdseyeMaple, usually 12 00 Sale Prices 9 75 Quarter Oak, usually 15 00 Sale Prices 11 50 and 8 25 COUCHES Full roll head, Tapestry upholstered, regular. . 12 00 Sale Price 9 75 Full line all kinds. HALL MIRRORS Quartered Oak, regular 20 00 Sale Price 7 Others as low as 10 00 MORRIS CHAIRS Spanish leath er upholstered, Mission Chairs. A big line 8 00 to 30 00 Rockers iti endless array I 50 to 25 00 Parlor Stand Tables 1 to 10 00 Library tables, Dining Tables, Kitchen Sideboards. Children's Chairi. Spe?iiil Sale lit Thomas & O'Neill's Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares RUGS Usually $2 5 Sale Price 1 5 Also up to 30 00 Smyrna, Navajo and Orientals. LACE CURTAINS A few patterns to close out at ) off. Sofa Pillows. Sofa Pillow Covers Tapestry, Navajo Robes. Couch Covers, 1.45 to 7 5 Table Covers, 50c to 6 00 CORK MATS Try one in your bath room. BROOMS Regular 30c value for. . . 15c Laundry irons in sets, 1 25 to 1 75 Banboo Music Stands. Special Snh; fit Thomas & O'Neill's PICTURES-Regular 25c and 50c goods at .... .- 15c FRAMED PICTURES-Pastels iu gilt frames, usually 1 50 50c Our Framing Department is full of the newest and choicest of beau tiful mouldings. CHAFING DISHES The best made, the bachelor's delight. SILVER WARE Berry Spoons, Ladles, Sugar Spoons, Knives and Forks, big line. FOCKET KNIVES Closing out regular 75c and 1.00 Knives for 50c and 75c PICKLE PUDDING DISHES 4-ps regular 1.85 values for. . . . 1 50 CARVING SETS A choice assortment. . '..l.tM 1 P. . ifVAiX. "'hi 4;U t , S mm msr Unmistakably Different! That is the deep and well-founded con viction in the public mind regarding the Correct Clothes Hand-tailored by Schloss Bros. & Co., 1 1 . 1. - ,v CCSlGMld r11 SCIILOSS j!K)S&C Fine ClotvMevlver BALTIMORE " NLWYCBK They are markedly superior in style and workmanship to other makes of ready-to-wear apparel. Don't be deceived by the clothing pictures you see in the magazine advertisements. Take these elaborate illustrations and com pare them with the clothes they claim to re present and watch the effect upon your opinion. "Fine pictures do not make fine clothes," is one of the Schloss sloganes. This make of clothing stands on the genuine quality act ually found in each garment. The suit shown in the illustration but faintly represents the latest shape of Double Breasted Sack. We have it in the popular browns and fancy mixtures. FROM $15 UP 'Drop in and let us talk it over." Exclusive Walk-over Agents GRANTS PASS. la 11 iiv r , t 1 . 1 1 111 1 THANr bGlVITJG SlCKI OK TODAY. Cut Glass LIBBY'S the standard of quality and finish the Vorld over; the largest assortment we have ever shown, at pleasing prices. Sal ad Bowls, Celesry Jugs, Tum blers; Olive, Pickle and Spoon Trays; Sugar nnd Cream Sets, Cologne Bottles, Oil and Vine gar Jugs, Water Bottles. Iu TRESSED GLASS we have a a choice assortment of Water Sets ..75c to 15.00 I.AM PS -All kiuls. We are sell ing a large Vase Lamp with big round globe and large burner usually sold for 2.50, sale price 1 7s DINNER WARE White and Gold") Get Blue and White our Plain While ) prices. SiMiul Snlo fit Thomas & O'Neill Fancy China Elegant Hand Painted Goods. A host of beautiful designs iu Salad Sets, Fruit Sets, Tea Sets, Chocolate Sets, Cracker Jars, Comports, Fruit Plates, Cups and Saucers, Nut Dishes, Olive and Pickle Dishes, Bon Bons, Celery Trays, Sugar and Cream Sets, Children's Toy Tea Sets complete, regular 1.75, sale price 12 piece Chamber Sets, regular 10.50, sate paice 8 00 1 00 Trunks 20 per cent off. Stoves and Rangeo A guaranteed line of both Heat ers and Cook Stoves at little prices. Let us show you where you can make many a saving in your holiday purchases. ''pooinl fSiilo nt Thomas & O'Neill ANNOUNCEMENT SHOES Kingsbury Piano To Bo Given Away Absolutely Free! On Monday, Nov. 2S, I will open an exclusive Shoe Store in lite Howard building. Sixth street, and will carry in stoek Men's Women's, 1 Joys' and Misses' Shoes at prices to suit every purse. QJkrvi ft TAnulo ','''e v,'ry 'alcst all,l smartest things in Footwear, and nothing short of the newest and swellest styles. ffViOyi TDonfll f Don't care so much for style, but are better pleased with good, comfortable, durable and VbUCl XUUJ1U easy going shoes. IEOSt PeOple .Ya'-11 S'yli: al"' C0'"'"It t'om'''1"-''' '" fMsonuMy priced, good looking, well wearing NOW Reader in! rs" 1 "lalkr llJ wl,i-u " "',ove yu g vour shoes are "PlAnn PrPP A $' KINOSBUKV PIANO,- Allen ,V CiII-rt.Ramaker Company of Portland iU,ilU X 1 t t Agents, J. M. Ward of ('.rants Pass, I,oc;il Agent, will be given away absolutely free on Scpteniber 2, 1005. One tic Let will be given tree with every Dollar purchase made at our store until Sept. 2, lyjj. Sic that you obtain tickets at the time you make purchase. Piano now on exhibition. P 11 i t h fl T Mr. W. Keene, who his tin: reputation of being the best shoemaker ami cobbler in South X U 1 v 11 U 1 er Oregon, will remove his shop to my stole wheie all repairing will be neatly done. Mr. Keene was formerly located in the Axtell building opposite the postollice. Do not forget his new location. Come in and examine tho Piano and our new block of Mioes, we will take pleasure in allowing them to you. Only exclusivo Slice Store in (irunlH J'ass. m. L. BARTLETT Proprietor