ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 24. I94- ROGUE RIVER COURIER nnivT Pica m? v n v I COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Fubllshed Every Thursday. " Subscription Rates: One Year, in advance, Six Months, -Three Months, Single Copies, 1.50 .75 .40 .06 Advertising Races furnished on application at the office, or by mail. I Obituaries and resolutions ot con dolence will be charged for at 6c per line card oi thanks 50c A. E. VOOKHIES, FROPR. Entered at the post otlice at Grants Pss, Oregon, as second-cla-s mail matter. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1W4. This week's issue of the Courier rerrcseutfl effort under uutisoally try ing couditicus, which made It impos sible to do ourselves justice. For one thing, the source from which we were to receive town aud county write-up copy utterly failed us; we were short handed and no extra help could be procured, and to make the work more embarrassing, we are in convenienced by building operations which are being pushed cn both sides of us and over our hauls aud the Courier office itself is all torn up, preparatory to moving. To the above circumstances are duo the iucom pleteneEB of descriptive matter aud tho latuuosd of this issue. The gambling fraternity have re ceived a crushing blow in Portland throogli a decision by J edge M. A. Ueorge in. nil injunction suit btonght by tho gamblers to rrevmt Sheriff Word, of Multnomah county from closing pool rooms, in which the Sheriff w as sustained. The pool sell ers claimed Unit as they held n license from the city of Portland, the state authorities could not molest them and they further claimed that pool selling was not gambling. Judge Ueorge ruled that pool selling was a form of gambling aud Unit when any thing is wagered on an event in which there is an element of chance that it is gambling, and Unit no municipality hud the legal light to license gambling. Tliis decision by Judge Ueorge has caused consterna tion among tho gamblers, for with a sheriff who dares to do his duty aud to enforce the state laws, they realize that Purtluud cannot longer be a "wido open" town aud that the soft fingered gentry, who live off other people's earnings and give no equiva lent in return, other (bun wrecked lives to the victims, must now move to plaoes where tho town und county officials are remiss in doing their duty aud will for town revenue or fur personal gaiu, allow gambling to violate the stute laws. Oregou's delegation are to get to Washington in ample time for the convening of congress, which takes place on tho fir.-t Mcuuuy in Decem ber. Senator Mitchell left Portland last week and Senator Fultou de parts frcm Astoria this week as does Congressman Williums from his home at Priueville. Congressman Her mann, with Mrs. Hermann, will leave Rosebuig curly next week for Wash ington. Oregon has a delegation ol workers in congress aud in influence aud In importance of committee posi tions rank with many cf tho great states of the East. As to the relulive standing of the delegations of the Paciflo Coast stutes, it is conceded even by residents of California aud Washington, that tho Oregon delega tion has more inllueuco aud accom plishes more in matters of public policy and fcr tho good of their state than does either of the delegations from California or Washington, each of which in membership is larger thau that of Oregon. As a sequence Oregon fares extrimely well at the hands of tho General government and no state in tho union, in propor. tiou to the import aud internal revenue yielded, receives so large appropna tions for river and harbor improve incuts, public buildings and other public needs, as does this statu. Tho best advertising investment that has yet been niudo by Grants Pats is that of the mineral exhibit in this city under the auspices of the Grants Pass Miners Association. While it has been but a short time since it was opened, yet it is already attracting attention in all the mining districts of the couutry, aud its has been the means of causing many mining men to visit Grauts Pass uud to become in terested in Southern Oregon, who would otherwise have passed this dis trict by, for niauy persons passing on the railroad take a stop-over aud spend the time between trains in viewiug tho exhibit, and tho register shows visitors from almost every miu iug district in the United States, British America aud Mexico. An hour speut in the Association room aives a mining man a better and more full knowledge of tin' mineral re sources of Southern Oregon than could be gained by a mcutlis hard travel over the hills of this section. W hile the exhibit does not embrace samples of all the minerals kuowu to exist in Southern Oregcn, nor specimens from all the ledges aud deposits now opened, yet It is so complete as to en list hearty words cf commeudatiou from such miniug men aud experts as Patrick Clark, J. C. Porter, Dr. J. F. Keddy, of Sjwsane. These gentlemen, while on a recent visit to Grants Pass, visited the exhibit and said it was the most complete they had ever seen in a email tewn, aud Mr. Clark was so interested iu the ores that he visited it the second time. As to the class of ores, Mr. Clark stated that showiug was good and that it indicated that Southern Oregon was a rich and important mineral district. Though all other forms of advertising miy have tf be dropped for the time being to meet the expeusesof the mineral exhibit, that should be kept cp as it will bring more returns thau any other meant of publicity tint Grants Par could adopt to osh the mining in dust;) that means so muob to Ui( city's prosjtrity. THE BEST o 0 O 0 O 0 SOLID, ALL LEATHER SHOES Honest made, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED STAR STORE. 0 0 Woodville Items. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sams spent Thurs day in Grants Pass. J. W. Laws was in Medford Wed nesday on business. Miss Rose White was a Grants Pass visitor last Thursday. W. T. Williams made a business trip to Ashland Wednesday. Miss Cord of Grants Pass was guest Sunday of Mrs. L. Morse. W. Williams, a' well known Grants Pass carpenter, spent Sunday with friends in this place. Ben Lowell, our ruitling real es tate man made a business trip to Jacksonville Wednesday. 0. Moore, who ha been working in a mine near Grants Pass, returned home Thursday to remain. Rev. R. Tweed was in Grants Pass Tuesday attending a special session of the Southern Oregon Presbytery. Mrs. R. Whipple and Mrs. Randle went to Central Point Saturday to visit for several days with friends. Roy Stevens was np from Grants Pass Sunday, spending the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens. There will be the usual morning and evening services this Sunday in tho Presbyterian church, Rev. R. Tweed delivering the sermons. Sab bath school at 10 a. m. P. Leverich lias bonght the build ing in which ho Is conducting a saloon and the dwelling house that he resides In Itogother with two lots of William By bee of Jacksonville. W. T. Sperry, mail carrier cn the Woodville-Wimer rente, has bought a small farm on Evans creek, a short dualize above Wimer aud next year at the expiration of his mail contract will move upon it. rOLEYSHONETIAR Curss Coldsi Prevent) Faeusraala Attend Our - ON - ...Ladies' Wo liavo placed on salo our entire lino of Ladies' Jackets Absolutely New All This Season's Goods Strictly in Style Made from Kersey, Melton and Zibcling Cloth Nicely trimmed, lined and made all sixes. If you wish to save some money on your Jacket, come nnd soo us and pet our prices. E. C. DIXON, DRY GOODS AND TO TEST PROHIBITION VOTE Action Before Judie Hsnna In Jackson County- The legality of the election in Jack son county upon the question of prohibition will be tested in the courts. Saturday, while the official canvass was being made, protests wero filed against nine precincts in the county by C. B. Watson and E. J. S. McCallister, attorneys for the anti-saloon people, alleging that the election in these precincts was illegal, iu that persons not living in these precincts had voted therein upon the prohibition question. The nine pre cincts involved were North and South Medford, Gold Hill, North and South JacLsonville, Eagle Point, Apple gate, Taleut aud Barrou. The saloon forces by their attorneys Wm. M. Colvig and W. L Vawter iil.d a protest covering every pre .inct iu tho county. The saloon peo ple base their contention upon the same grounds as do their opponents, aud in addition will bring up the poiut as to whether the local option law, being a general law has repealed or superceded the special law, enact ed by the legislature in giving cities jnil towns jurisdiction in theraatter of grunting liqnot license. The matter came up before Judge on Wednesday and as taken otidir advisement. Judge Hauua not heiug fully satisfied that his court had jurisdiction to grant the injunc - ion prayed for. Thursday Judge Uanna decided that tie had no jurisdiction in the matter, in spite of the argument that be had, idvanced by attornt js for both sides, tnd dismissed both suits for injunc tion. The contest cases will be tried jp,n their merits before county Judge Dunn on November SOtb. Medford MalL LIGHT-GIVES MOST V V V sold at the 0 W. E. DEAN & CO. 0 0 Wlldervllle Items. We hear that Goldie Lewis is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. Clark went to Merlin one day last week. Lulu Conger is now chief cook at Mrs. 0. F. Lovelace's. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sams visited at J. Snnis'last Sunday. The Ditch Company are doing sen e more work on their dam. W. H. Cart has moved onto the ranch he bought of Will Brown. Webster Roberts' folks have moved and are now living on Slate Creek. i. E. and J. B. Robinson worked on the now parsonage Friday of last week. Arthur Wells' father is visting bin. I presume he was anxious to see that new grandson. Mrs. Rhoten aud childrnu have moved to Emmott Conger's ranch across A pp legate. Mr. and Mrs. Jim London and Grandma. Loudon visited at Ueorge Creed s last Sunday. Etnmett Conger is building a house on his little ranch. Wonder what that mean? Don't yon hear those weddiug bells? A very small crowd was at Sunday school last Sunday, at the weather was rather unpleasant. We should not be so afraid of getting wet. Arthur Wells and Wesley McCollum made a trip to Medford several days ago, Arthur on business and Wesliy to see tho couutry and people. A wagon load of turkeys parsed throuith here Iridav of last week. Wonder if the turkeys had a suspicion that Tliaiiksigving day was so near at hand? Elmer Waldeu passed her.i Thursday of last week oil his way homo to Med ford from California. Zanoni. Special Sale Jackets... FURNISHINGS. Wonder Item. (Crowded out last week. ) We are still waiting and listening for the whistle of the Colonel's rail road engine. Price Sloan and family have moved down on Rogue River; wo regret to loose them as neighbors. There is much prosiecting doue in this vicinity aud claims being lo cated, and we predict a bright future fur this part of the world. The season for the Buttercup is past and gone and now Che Ouis doth ap pear. Wishing every one a joyful thanksgiving, 1 now bid yon goodbye. W. II. Devore aud family am com fortably domiciled iu their new house aud Her.ih McCluug is building a large two-story dwelling, while the Wonder store has been enlarged to twice its former capacity; all of which denotes prcspcrity in spite of a poor couutry and a republican ad ministration. Whereas, Zanoni keeps the readers informed of the doings of the Wilder- vilians, 1 think it meet and proper to relate the works of the Wonder worthies. Onr school is progressing nicely under the efficient manage ment of the amiable little teailirr, Miss Grnhb. There were two gradu ates last year, with Prof. J. II. Aus tin as teacher, vir. : Master Koy De vore aud Miss Hellen Ashmeord, and we see no reason why thero should not be half a dozen tills term, as the di rectors havo bought a 'J chart and put a new floor iu the house aud made other "much needed improvements." Daisy. Osc&r KenrWdy Hurt. D. B. Pope, cf Golden, was in Grauts Pass Wrduetday and report that Oscar Kmuedy, whose borne is at Wolf Creek, and vlio was working ou a road being coustructed between Wolf Creek and Greenback, was in jured Monday by a stomp tipping hack upon him, which he and other men were rolling from the roadway. He was carried to the home rf his uncle, Henry Gross and fir. Major ol Placer, summoned. The doctor found the young man's lung was badly ln jored and that three ribs wen broken. He rallied from the shock aud Wednesday there was a fair chance that be woo Id recover. SATISFACTORY ILLUMINATION AT LEAST COST-FOR SALE JUD TAYLOR'S BICYCLE SHOP, IN THE MINERAL FIELD What the Miners Are Doing. Douglas Houghton, a mining man from Redding, is in Grants Pass, looking over the mineral resources of this district, being attracted here by the favorable reports of Southern Oregon that aro now to be heard In all the miuiug districts of the West. C. E. Piatt, who with Albert b'oepp is developing a group of five claims whicli they have located on Bolan creek, near where that stream joins Sucker creek, was in Grants Pass Monday. Mr. Piatt stated that their ledge was showiug op well aud they had every prospect of hav ing a property that would yet be valuables While here, Mr. Plttt met W. E. Smith, a former neigh bor of his in Eugene, who had come in trv his luck this winter iu tiros- peeling aud he accompanied Mr. Piatt to Sucker creek district where he will locate a claim. W. P. Dobson, who with Nell Bar- nett owus the Tobacco group of claims in the Briggs district, is iu Grauts Pass to speud a week. Messrs. Dobson & Harnett have closed their development work for this season, bat early next spring will again goto their claims and put iu several mouths in opening up their ledges, which show good vulnes and have every iu dioaiion of proving profitable proper ties. Mr. Dobson states there are now more thau HO claims taken in the Briggs distiict and that next summer that district will be the scene of great activity in nnniug operations. W. I. Dowell, owner of the Sugar Pine ledge on the right fork of Galioe creek, is iu Grants Pass to remain a couple of weeks aud his business ar rangements may be such that he wilt spend the winter here. Mr. Dowell has becu doing considerable develop ti'cut work tins summer and fall upon his ledge, which makes a good show ing and promises to be a property of considerable value. Having other business to attend to, ho does not ex pect to bo able to resume work ou his claim before next spring, when he hopes to do extuusive development and p it his mine in shape to be placed on the market. Mr. S. Case, owner and manager of the Oro Kino mine ou Jump-off-Joe, was iu Grunts Pass Satmday and Sunday, returning Monday to Oro Fmo. Mr. Case, who is a woll known Portland mining capitalist of Port land, acquired the Oro Fino gronp of claims and last Bummer began their systematic development aud helms put ou an extensive system of tunnel aud shafts and proved the great ex tent and richness of the ledges on the three claims and finding that the ex penditure for a nulling plant would he fully warranted, he began this fall to install a cyanide sysetm and expeuts to -have it completed ai.d iu operation within the next two months, when he will bo able to handle M) tons of ore pel day. The tanks aro of red cedar and of the most substantial build. The ore will be crushed by a Stur.lovaut roller ma chine. This is a new ore crusher to Southern Oregon mines aud is said to be a decided improvement over bat tery crushers now iu use, as It allows no rock to pass through larger than nun-fourth inch in diameter thus giving a uniform size to the rock for iho stamps. These crushers are dust less, another good feature. A 40 horsepower boiler and engine fur nishes power for the mill while a small separator engine supplies power for tho hoist and pumps. It is probable that later water power will bo utilized as ample water can be had from Junip-o-ff-Joo. Mr. Case owus considerable land adjoining his m'no that is covered with very lino timber affording him fu,il and mine timbers convenient aud at low cost. Work has been suspended for tho winter, by reason of the snow in that high altitude ou the Ivanpaw group of copper claims iu the Waldo dis trict, aud the crew of men has beeu taken to a lower there will bo little altitude, where snow, and plaoed the Mother Lode at work developing claims, that lie live miles cast of the Takilina smelter. These claims are owned by C. L. Manguiu and J. R. Reeves, of Grauts Pass. The development work on the Ivanpaw gronp has made a most satisfactory showing and gives war rant fora complete development, which will be (ldiiej next summer. Mother Lode group extends for JMiOO feet along tho strike of the vein. The vein is a perfect contact of an average width or 20 feet, lying tmtween por phyry-shtto and granite walls. Ouly a small amount of work has been done ou these claims, but Mr. Roeves, who is in charge of a crow of men, will pnsh tho duvelopmeuing with the intention of having ' the ledge fully opened up by spring. These two gioups ol claims are, so far as surface showing indicates, among the best copper properties iu Josephine county as to extent of ore body and ii iuli values aud will more than likely become high copper producers in the near future, Provoll Items II. IVrnoll of Applegate was at Provolt Tuesday on business. Miss Alice Grimes of California returned home this week for a visit with relatives. John Littkeu of Grants Pass was at Provolt Saturday visiting relatives and to look after his farm iu the Pro volt district. K. 0. Smith of Grants Pass sent Thursday and Friday at Provolt look ing after miuingproperty iu tho Karrli Gulch district. L. C. Hyde and II. VIesi-iuger of Provolt are building new flues in their residences; they have become tired of heating stoves; this surely me ins a hard winter. Iiew h, tho Provolt hop raiser made a business trip to Grants Pas Saturday aud exsets to return tht nine day. Mr. Ixiesch is having me 'itssi hop poles cut at li cents licr pole which will be used for his young yard In the spring which will make m veil acres additional to the ild yard set out iu li'Jl. K. N. Provolt i'f Provolt has beeu loing some goodj trading this week. Mr. Provolt traded 31 head of cattle for seven head of horses; the horses lie valued at $700; they are young Hid unhroke and when they get their growth, will weigh from lijuo to 1300 pounds each. The catthi were cows md calves, mostly. Mr. Provolt is i catthi raiser of this section and a jrxt, trader. He is also a berry raiser, lie has raspberries, blackberries, jjooscts-rri" iu great quantities to put into market iu August and Septoru-is-r; he also raises apples and his crop his season wss good. Thos. Curler, who has been at work for J. T. Ijitiiiii. got through the first f the week, and at the last o' the week he was put to pros, eciing on the divining ridg ix-twecn Whinksy gulch ud Bruphy gulch. Mr. Carter came to Provolt Friday and reports that he lid well as he took a $15 nugget from one pan of dirt This piece of gold cm u i oed no qaartz; it was as smooth as a river pebble. There ought to be rich channels to that sec tion of the mountains for Whiskey gulch was very rich in both qoarti tud smooth gold in the sarly days of When this gulch wis dis covered, the gold was near the grass Contract will soon be let for tunnel work on the Levens ledge, near Rid dle, in tliis county, and steps will be Vtken to in (tall a cyanide plant to properly work the ores. E. A. Ses sions, who is one of the managers of tne properties, will send some tarn plea of the ores to be tested in a re duction plant there, and if the result is satisfactory, step will be taken to secure a similar plant to work the re fractory ores In the Levens ledge. The values are high in the Levens ledge, but the ores have become base at the lower levels, and it will re quire a cyanide process to save the gold. Gleodale News. D. T. Irwin camj down from Ash land Saturday to spend a couple of days in Grauts Pass. Mr. Irwin is an old-time Josephine county miner and mined on Grave creek and Jump off -Joe before Grants Pass was found ed. He is now developing a quarts claim on Hungry creek, Siskiyou county, that gives most encouraging prospects, tie is also interested iu Idaho minins nrouertT having a mine in that state in partnership with his brother. George irwin, ana oousin, Chester Irwin. They have the property bonded to Idaho parties for J5,000 and there is every certainty that the bond Will be closed as tne mine is proving to be quite rich. A. E. Dodsou was Iu Grauts Pass Sat urday from Oscar creek wheie he and J as. iiumgarduer nave recently locai ed two very promising claims, one a nlaoer, the other a quarts, tne nlacer claim embraces the creek clian uel aud the earth to be handled is from one to 11 feet deep, though the greater part averages about two reel, with a strata of gravel ou the bedrock that prospects well. Messrs. Dodsou & Bumrarduer will pat iu a ditch about 600 feet In length, which will give them a presure of 60 foot to operate a hose in piping the earth throouh the sluices. Their quarts claims are located on the hillside near their placer claims. Onlv the necrssarr location work has been done upon it so Its extent and richness is not known, but it has every indication of being a good property. It is their inteutiou next summer to fully develop It aud ascer tain its value. Mr. aud Mrs. D. Briggs and son Roy and daughter, Mrs. A J. Foulk returned Saturday to their home uear Waldo, aftur sneudinn several days in Grauts Pass, making purchases of their winter supplies aud in visiting ith li lends. Mr Uriggs and sons discovered the famous Uilggs gold mine last spring that made suoh a stir iu mi ii in a circles, and which tney yet own, though having it bonded tor f 100.000 to a company at the head of which is K. T. Staples of Ash land. While that giest ore shoot yielded them sold enough to satisfy most persons, yet the prospector's spirit Is uppermost with them and they have lately located a claim on tne neao. oi the Chetco In Cutry county that con tains a ledge that while not showing the richness of the Briggs lode.carries Bood values and is of great extent. While In urants mss. Air. uriggs nan an assay niado ot samples rroui tins ledge and the showing mane warrants thein to still further develop their claim with tho prospect good of it proving a paying property. The Briggs family are now living com fnrtablr on a farm ou the Illluoi river. 22 miles from the Briggs mine, where a ohanoe discovery made them wealthy In but a day. O. Ii. Mangum returned Sunday in company with J. M. rorter Irom the Silver Ureok district where tney had beeu to examine the Old Glory gronp of quarts claims, that belong to Mr. Mangum. Mr. Porter is noted niluernlogist of Spokane and I in the employ of Patsy Clark, the millionaire mine operator of that city, as mining engineer and mluera expert, and the object of the trip was to look over the local condition aud to seoare samples ot ore from Mr. Maugnm'a ledge. Over 60 pounds of rook, selected from various sectiou of the ledges, were brought in and shipped to Spokaue, where they will be tested by oyanlde, amalgamation and assay processes that their true values mar be ascertained. While Mr. Clarks' plans are not kuown ye as Is his method of business It i certain that should he close his option on this property, that he will, at an early date, ereot a mill and proceed to develop the mine. These claims cover one of the largest aud riches ledges in Josephine couuty aud are certain to become one of tho great minus of Southern Oregon. Should Mr. Clark not take them a Los Aug lees company will place an op tiou on them aud have them tested with a view of purohase. Mr. Porter left Monday morn in for Jacksoville where he will amine the big Opp mine near that place, owned by J. W. Opp. Dr. V. Keddy aud r. N. Perry, for Patsy Clark, after which lie will return to Spokaue. roots and a hole was sunk the depth of four feet; the first pan full of dir panned out I'.sX) In coarse gold ; till gulch has given out more gold tha any other gulch iu Southern Oregon It is lVmlles In length, at the Ilea divides into several different clmn nets. Mr. Carter has probably dis covered one nf these lost channels tha has lain hidden for a number of years. R.a.iiroexd Lavnda May be Opened The railroad holdings have been one of the biggest handicaps to the do felopment of Josephine couuty, th .Southern Paciflo holding evory alter- uate sectiou under their grant. For ho last two years these lands have been withdrawn from sale, but now o the Portland Journal reports, they aro to be put back on the market, but 110 announcement as to date or prit and conditions has been given out. the company's laud department not having the laud appraised and clai (led. It is expected that within 8 lays the date of sale will be an nounced. Thus. Taylor aud his brother weie iu town from Camas Valley Wednes day receiving some long coal drills i r augers fur use iu developing a very promising vein of coal on the for cner's property back of the liev. J. L. Coon farm. It Is very asy of access sod they now have a tunnel of about lot) feet. The vein, while not fully developed, arleady shows a thickness of nearly five feet. Samples which have beu tested, show the coal lo be of excellent quality aud will make good coke. They expect, in about Of) days, to be able to supply the local market aod by next summer will hiave list mine developed sufficiently for large operations. These gentli men, who are handling the mine, 11 alone, are from the coat mining dis tricts of England and know a good article iu this line. - They are con fident that there la plenty of go d coal in Camas valley. Koseburg Ke-view. City Council Proceedings. At the council meeting Thursday evening, a resolution was passed authorising the mayor to close a con tract with the urants rass new Water Light & Power Compauy for a five year period tor supplying the ity with street lights on the terms offered by the Company, condition-, ed that the contract binds the com-1 pany to not raiso their maximum rates for light aod water to private con-1 suniers daring this period. The com pany to furnish the city uine aro and 60 incandescent," 82 candle power lights, for f li5 per month and ad ditional aro lights at fd.60 aud incan descent lights at $1.40 pel mouth, service to be all night aud no outs for moonlight. Resignation of John Patrick, as street! commissioner, accepted and Mayor Gilkoy nominated K. II. Oil flllan aud the nomination was con firmed by the couuell. A resolution was passed authorizing the mayor to appoint a day policeman and U Mo Grew was given tiie position. The following bills i were allowed : Geo. Snow, 111); R. H. Burnett, 'J4.f.O; J. A. Maddux,' ft; J. B. Mulleis 7; all for street work. J. O. Handle, 13. aud A. York, $4, for siiooial police duty; N. E. McGrew, drayage, 3.60; Cramer Bros., nidse., $17.01. E. A. WADE DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, Etc. Front Street, west Palace hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATION WANTEO. SITUATION wanted by experienced camp cook and baker, Uerinaii, Julius Kirsten, care of Petsch, south west corner Sixth and J street. WANTED. W AN TKD Stoves and all other goods at Moore's second hand store. His prices aro right. Homes wanted for three children 7 aud 10 year old girls and V) year old boy. Address J. T., Cure Courier, TO EXCHANGE high grade lots for lumber. I can handle a few short time chattel loans. IJ. I). Drake, Sixth and L streits. WANTED A middle-aged American woman, who is a good housekeeper. Wages f In per month. Address P. O. Flox 60, Gottvilht, Siskiyou Co , Cal. FOR. SALE. A KM KIHt BAI.K-Iko miles from Mer lin, ion srresalsitit 'Si seres of good bottom land, 2a seres In cultivation, small house and ham and sIhiiiI !) acres under fence, balance nf land suitable for orchard or pasture. K or further particulars ad dress V. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon. '2(10 aCHK ranch, good iirtins and apple orchsrd. small fruits In abundance; water fur Initiation, besides springs on every 40 seresi center ot a good range country: two dwslling hnUHes, big ham, every thing complete; well sheltered from frosts, good mining murkets, one hslf mils north of Tunnel I), price .,.VS). imiuire si mis oince. MISCELLANEOUS. FASHIONAIU.K dressmaking. Mrs. T. 0. Horr, Cor. Second anil C streets. LOST LOST Last week on the sreets, a silver, oix-u faced combination stop and time watch. Finder please re turn to Orallle llalier, nnd receive reward. ESI KAY. TWO OLD black sows, left ear split, came to my place four years ago. Owner can have hogs by paying costs. L. I). Akers. In Books There is an endless assort ment lor the Holidays, What makes n nicer gift than a nice Ixiok ? All Ihe newest and licst thiiifr at Clemens' Headquarters for Holiday Goods Iiigersoll Watches for a'e at Paddock's Bicycle Den Cast of Depot. Looking for Business We want first to thank our patrons for their very lib eral patronage, and offer new inducements for Fall and Holiday Tiade, Everyone loves Fine Pictures aud we have bought a large line to give to our customers. This is no lottery or drawing scheme. Everyone who boys goods will lie entitled to one according to the amount they buy FOR CASH. For every $50 worth a fine large Picture in heavy Gill Frame, down to a small one mount ed on cardboard for sales of $5. Come and see them nud let us give you a card. You need not purchase all at one time you will have the bal ance of the year to do this if Pictures hold out, Come and make your Holiday Selections early. We will keep the good-, for you nnd deliver as desired. li. BANNARD Furniture, Carpets, Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the people of Greenback and neighbor ami friends of Barney Pollock of Golden fur their kindest sympathy and tinincial as sistance iu our deep sorrow of lust mouth during tho sickness and death of our beloved Sister Maceaber, Alma B. Bollock of Golden. Ladies of Placer Hive, No. M of the L. O. T. M. of the World. A V. Barvnrvrd UndortnUcr. For Al TlmWr Claims and Iloimv-teads close In Haih'oail ti-aiisoi latlon and Ucivlngblieanis. I'lno, Fir und Cedar. Fred H. Kefeivncn: first National Hank ot Southern Oivgon JAPANtSE WARE Artistictic, Dainty and Useful Finest Assortment ever brought to firanta Pass now in stock at tlio Star Racket Store NKWKLL BROS. Puoiiuktoiih. lk-licnto ware in Ml uo and Pink. Vases in many do signs. Plates, Cups nnd .Saucers, and other Fino Tablo Settings. Teapots, all sizes and designs in tho latest in Karthenware Novelties. Call and examine, the many beautiful articles in our stock. Tho Di ices are rkdit, ...SPECIAL... Ten Day vSale of uvercoais Gravenetts For the next ten days vo are ro ins to m:11 Overcoats at a great re duction. We arc compelled to do so as our stock Is large and our room limited, therefore we must sell at a big sacrifice in order to make n.oin for our large Holiday Stock that has already been shipped and will be here al our doors before we have a space large enough to i-ut theii' in out of the ram. Now i - th, lime to buy while you can get the first choice and the cream of the sale. We have Overcoats aivl liain Proof Coats in all the latest and authoritative styles and patterns. Complete line of Furnishing Goods and Shoes WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK GRANTS PASS, 0 v VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVArVVVVV1! OPPO. P. O., GRANTS House, Furnishings. I) R. J. M. KITCHEN I.nte member of New York Poet lln.d- uate Moilic.l School. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Dixon Ttlock, west Front St. Phones: OllieoKS'. Residence 4HI. stops tm oovtgH ol Is ols lungs Lock Box 610 Brig'g's Timber and Mines Grants Pass, Ore. ts riswisi-isLi intos. OREGON, f PASS, ORE.